- Initial work on uniform buffer registry
- Setup skeleton for ComponentRegistry
- InstancingEngine is no longer generic about the program
- ProgramCompiler considers ContextShaders as input
- Support weak file resolutions
- Temporary GLSL version bump to ease UniformProvider growing pains
- Centralize component shaders to Components
- InstancingEngine takes over tracking individual draw calls
- Many draw calls are associated with a single ShaderState
- Each ShaderState will bind one shader program
- Make Material a record
- Inline Renderable and move InstancedModel.Layer to DrawCall
- Rename MaterialManager -> InstancerManager and Material ->
- Create Material class consisting of RenderType and shader files
- Make ModelSuppliers use Materials as keys instead of RenderTypes
- Move diffuse calculation from context shaders to material/shaded.vert
- Merge used templates directly into compilers and remove template