Meshes are now always sorted by chunk layer first, then in order of how the BakedModel returned quads. This should exactly match vanilla's chunk buffering and avoid any rendering issues.
- Move registry freezing to right before start of initial resource reload
- Also warn if Fabric config JSON is not an object
- Move to API
- Remove Flywheel.LOGGER and others; add impl-specific and backend-specific loggers
- Remove unused mixins
- Organize imports
- Use immutable lists for backend extensions
- Copy the contents of indirect base extensions into compute extensions
- Move uniform block binding to Uniforms class and make magic strings
static final
- Create separate remap tasks for the common mojmap api to get loom to
populate its manifest file
- Add helper method to fork a JarTaskSet and generate new remap tasks
- Remove non-remap publish method
- Set assemble to depend on published jar tasks again
- Add companion methods to create individual jar tasks
- Merge package-infos, jar-sets, and transitive-source-sets plugins
- Move publishing logic into JarTaskSet
- Do not eagerly add all jarsets to assemble
- Significantly reduces build times
- Add separate helper method for creating outgoing jarsets
- Compile with progressively lower glsl versions to test which are
- Properly returns 460 on my machine even with a gl version of 320
- Remove glsl enums below 150
- Refine capabilities checks
- To compile with glsl 150:
- Instancing needs ARB_shader_bit_encoding
- Indirect needs gpu_shader5 and shading_language_420pack
- Require extensions instead of just enable, probably doesn't make a
difference since we check for their presence first but require aligns
with our intent better
- Upgrade buildSrc to kotlin buildscript
- Add TransitiveSourceSet extension to abstract creating the different
source sets and creating the configurations to apply dependencies
- Convert package infos stuff to a proper plugin
- Add extension for specifying which source sets get generated package
- Move extension classes into their own files
- Move GeneratePackageInfosTask into com.jozufozu.gradle
- Only publish api/lib and full jars for platforms
- Do not eagerly create outgoing configurations for JarTaskSet
- Add method to create outgoing configuration
- Clean up JarTaskSet creation and move some string constants to statics
- Set @CompileStatic
- Remove ${name} classifier prefix from JarTaskSet jars
- Put JarTaskSet jars into subdirectories in the output folders
- Add configure and configureEach methods to JarTaskSet
- Rename OutgoingConfigurationPlugin -> JarSetPlugin and move extension
to root module so idea offers completions in gradle files
- Standardize artifact naming flywheel-$platform(-api)?-$mcversion
- Also fix crash buffering fluids in BakedModelBufferer#bufferMultiBlock (Forge)
- The mesh order in models created by model builders is currently incorrect and will be fixed later
- Upgrade platform script plugin to pre-compiled groovy plugin
- It was getting really difficult to manage all the logic/plugins/types
from the basic script, and implementing a real plugin gives us much
better type safety and IDE access to upstream plugins
- Separate api/lib/backend/impl in platform projects
- Add platform module output to main runtime classpath so the fabric
loader recognizes our additional modules
- Use convention plugins for common build logic
- Convention plugins get to be applied in the plugins block and can load
other plugins
- Move GeneratePackageInfosTask to its own file in buildSrc
- Apply GeneratePackageInfosTask to every sourceSet
- Separate common project into 4 source sets
- Declare outgoing configurations for forge/fabric to depend on
- Re-compile source from each source set in each platform's compileJava
- Organize almost all remaining code into one of four modules
- Fix some incorrect inter-module dependencies
- Get Fabric into a working state
- The config, client commands, and model builders are still missing and registry freezing happens too late
- Move common build script stuff to buildSrc
- Set ideaSyncTask finalizedBy generatePackageInfos directly in
- Enable loom multiproject optimization, though not sure if it makes a
difference for us yet
- Apply java, maven-publish to all projects
- Prefer the tasks.named() syntax for configuring tasks
- Separate shared configuration for platform projects into a separate
configure block
- Add more fields to processResources
- Make helper methods static
- Exclude duplicated package infos
- Make model builders abstract
- Move BakedModelBufferer as is into forge project
- Create Forge*ModelBuilders with modeldata parameters
- Wrap ModelBuilder ctors in factory methods
- Add FlywheelLibPlatform api, similar to api.internal package but for
lib-only/platform specific stuff
- Move TransformStack wrapping into FlywheelLibPlatform
- Create vanilla renderer through FlywheelLibPlatform
- Handle partial model initialization in separate event handler class
- Fix test configuration in common project