- Separate common project into 4 source sets
- Declare outgoing configurations for forge/fabric to depend on
- Re-compile source from each source set in each platform's compileJava
- Move common build script stuff to buildSrc
- Set ideaSyncTask finalizedBy generatePackageInfos directly in
- Enable loom multiproject optimization, though not sure if it makes a
difference for us yet
- Apply java, maven-publish to all projects
- Prefer the tasks.named() syntax for configuring tasks
- Separate shared configuration for platform projects into a separate
configure block
- Add more fields to processResources
- Make helper methods static
- Exclude duplicated package infos
- Move loom.runs into subprojects closure
- Move common code sharing into subprojects closure
- Apply java plugin
- Fix runs not being generated by moving generatePackageInfos to the
- Move common gradle business from each subproject into the
rootProject.subprojects closure
- Add fabric.mod.json
- Register forge mixin configs
- Make blaze3d mixins remap = false
- Separate common, forge, and fabric mod entrypoints