- Fixed some inconsistencies with a tanks' fluidhandler invalidation when resized
- Patched crashes in present fluid handling of the basin
- Tanks now slightly shade horizontal faces of the contained liquid
- Tanks no longer resend data every tick when filled gradually
- Introduced a new lerped value type with better design decisions
- Refactored Smart tileentity serialization to better support custom overrides in contained behaviours
- Pumps propagate flows in the pipe networks in front and behind itself.
- Pumps collect all possible in and outputs across the reachable pipe graph as endpoints
- Flows move across multiple branches of a pipe network when both are equally viable
- Open-ended pipes are treated as endpoints and leak fluid into and out of a block space
- Open endpoints serialize stateful information about fluid units gathered and held at the interface
- Open endpoints turn a fluid block into 1000 fluid units and back
- Open endpoints undo their transaction when their flow changes from pull to push
- Open endpoints cannot pull fluids back when a full liquid block was not placed yet
- Open endpoints waterlog blocks when the provided fluid is water
- A collision response is triggered when different types of fluids meet at open endpoints
- Fluids are transferred instantly by the throughput of a completed flow per tick
- Pumps cut flows when vital pipes are removed
- Pumps do not lose progress of finished flows when an unrelated part of the pipe network changes
- Pumps do not lose progress of finished flows when reversed
- Pumps distribute their throughput across available input flows evenly
- Pumps distribute gathered input fluid across outputs evenly
- Pumps expose furthest reachable pipefaces to other pumps for chained transfer
- Chained pumps with fully overlapping flow sections provide their endpoints at the entrance of the other pump
- Chained pumps with overlapping flow sections participate in two shared endpoints, one for each pump dominating the contested region
- Chained pumps with overlapping flow only transfer via the optimal of the two possible endpoints based on their speeds
- Chained pumps of equal speed pick one of the two available endpoints deterministically
- Pumps transfer without flows when no pipe is between the pump and the endpoint
- Pumps serialize and recover stateful information about held fluid units at open endpoints
- Chained pumps do not actively transfer when both are partaking with push flows (or both pulling)
- A pull flow originating from an inter-pump endpoint only commences when the corresponding push flow is completed
- Chained pumps re-determine the optimal flow when the speed of one is changed at runtime
- Throughput of chained pumps is determined by their weakest link in terms of speed
- Endpoints created for chained pumps is treated equally to other available endpoints when fluid is distributed
- Pipes do not contain a physical amount of fluid.
- Pipes never hold serialized vital stateful information about fluid transfer.
- Pipes synchronize local flow progress and fluid type to clients
- Flows in a pipe progress with the speed of the network flow
- A networks flow speed depends on the speed of the aggregated pump
- Pipe flows of different flow graphs of different pumps interact with each other
- A collision response is triggered when two different types of fluid meet within a pipe
- Pipes spawn particles to illustrate contained flows/liquids of flows
- The fluid transfer role is exposed through a TE behaviour with some callbacks and properties
- Open endpoints show particles when interacting with in-world fluids
- added empty blaze heater
- catching blazes (rclick blazes or a blaze spawner)
- only blaze heaters with blaze can heat basins or power fans
- updated item tooltip to fit the discussed fueling system
- Arms can no longer insert into powered brass funnels
- Slight ArmInteractionPoint refactor
- Arms can now interact with Millstones, Basins, Jukeboxes, Crushing Wheels and the Mechanical Saw
- Fixed crash when logging into a world with a running mixer
- Arms now start to dance when one of their in or outputs is a running jukebox
- Arms can now be mounted on the ceiling
- Arms now always prefer the interaction points that were selected first
- Fixed belt funnels not updating their blockstate properly when transitioning from other funnel types
- Vertical funnels next to the end of a belt will now stall the belt when unable to collect incoming items
- Minor model & texture touch ups
- Arm no longer cancels player interaction when its empty handed
- Fixed chutes not vertically interacting with andesite funnels
-added two config entries to offset the goggle overlay on x/y axis
-added a command (/create overlay [reset]) to allow editing the overlay position ingame
- Patched some localization gaps from the registry wipe
- TE's with an ItemStackHandler capability are now viable for mounted storage
- Fixed pulley placing down ropes when destroyed while moving
- Fixed inconsistency with glue removal and placement
- Fixed encoding of generated degree symbols in lang
- Fixed pistons along x moving at inconsistent speeds, overshooting their bounds
- Fixed belts along x not moving entities
- Fixed diagonal belts along z teleporting entities miles away
- Fixed tree fertilizer not working
- Removed temporary lang partial with entity names
- Fixed and Refactored the item renderers of the Wrench, Blockzappers, Worldshapers, Symmetry Wand and Deforester
- Tweaked blockzapper beam rendering to look less clunky
- Fixed selection of zapper tools not showing after they had been dual-wielded
- Added back the silk touch requirement to suitable loot tables
- Added generated recipes and tags for glass and window blocks
- Fixed blockzappers selecting new blocks upon firing
- Removed duplicate recipes and lang entries
- Fixed some outdated translation keys in ui screens
- Setup automated recipes for stone palette blocks and their stairs/slabs/etc
- Fixed datagen putting air blocks as drops for attached logistical blocks
- Fixed recipes and lang entries using outdated registry names
- Fixed kinetic blocks appearing twice in the main creative tab