- BatchingEngine no longer resets the light matrices
- Fix flw_constantAmbientLight always being 0
- Move code from FlwMemoryTracker#*Block methods into MemoryBlockImpl
and TrackedMemoryBlockImpl
- Convert LightVolume to use MemoryBlock
- Add FlwMemoryTracker#callocBuffer
- Add javadoc to deprecated FlwMemoryTracker#*Buffer methods
- Update Mesh javadoc
- Organize imports
- Replace ModelTransformer with modular pipeline that closely resembles
the instancing pipeline
- StructTypes and Materials now provide a VertexTransformer that
mutates a MutableVertexList
- Rewrite all model building to make it cleaner, more flexible, and
easier to use
- Add SimpleMaterial.GlStateShard for easier control over GL state
- Rename and move some classes
- Materials are given the opportunity to setup/clear render state
- Materials bind textures
- Compile all combinations of shader components at load
- Drastically simplify compilation context objects
- Material shaders control cutout and fog
- Remove all GameState related classes
- Remove CoreShaderInfoMap
- Sneaky optimization to instance storage
- Simplify RenderLists
- Give material fragment shaders a use
- Add new variables to api/fragment.glsl
- Add flw_initFragment to context shaders
- Add flw_vertexOverlay
- Normalize flw_vertexLight
- Values are now [0, 1] where 0 is no light and 1 is max light
- All light values sent to layout shaders and instance shaders are now
[0, 15] and not normalized
- Remove util/light.glsl
- Rename program samplers
- Add FileResolution.isWeak()
- Add BackendType.getShortName()
- Tweak default material
- Move ShaderField to parse package
- Organize imports
- Initial work on uniform buffer registry
- Setup skeleton for ComponentRegistry
- InstancingEngine is no longer generic about the program
- ProgramCompiler considers ContextShaders as input
- Support weak file resolutions
- Temporary GLSL version bump to ease UniformProvider growing pains
- Centralize component shaders to Components
- Add RenderStage enum for better control over when a Material should be
- Add getRenderStage method to Material
- Replace RenderLayerEvent with RenderStageEvent
- Pass more information to RenderContext including camera and projection
- Pass RenderContext instead of Camera to all beginFrame-related methods
- Remove RenderContext.CURRENT
- Remove FrustumMixin and CameraMixin
- Remove default BasicModelSupplier constructor
- Convert Material to interface and create SimpleMaterial implementation
- Move API instancer classes to instancer package
- Organize imports
- InstancingEngine takes over tracking individual draw calls
- Many draw calls are associated with a single ShaderState
- Each ShaderState will bind one shader program
- Make Material a record
- Inline Renderable and move InstancedModel.Layer to DrawCall
- Rename MaterialManager -> InstancerManager and Material ->
- Create Material class consisting of RenderType and shader files
- Make ModelSuppliers use Materials as keys instead of RenderTypes
- Move diffuse calculation from context shaders to material/shaded.vert
- Merge used templates directly into compilers and remove template