- Fixed gearbox pretending to be a deployer
- Fixed reversed rendering in the furnace engine TER
- Motors, fans, flywheels and handcranks now reverse their rotation when facing in negative axisdirections. Addresses #236
- Cart assemblers no longer auto-attach to blocks on their sides (top only)
- All Items are now using registrate
- Blockzapper now renders an outline around its affected area
- Ported rainbow debug ™️
- Reworked the custom item model/renderer system
- Schematics now preview their structure again
- SuperByteBuffers now support being rendered into non-BufferBuilders
- Clutch, Gearshift and Gearbox joined the registrate
- Fixed belt and gearbox items not being assigned creative tabs properly
- Cleaned up and extended the blockstate generator helpers
- Removed advancements from static assets
- Added datagen .cache to gitignore
- Split the palettes section into its own Creative tab
- Fixed Clutch and Gearshift rendering their casing in the TER