- Added a config option to disable the stress/torque mechanic entirely
- Water wheel speed is halved and now configurable
- Water wheels now validate their current speed from time to time
- Fixed windmill bearings counting their sail blocks incorrectly
- Fixed windmill bearings not assembling when placed in a powered block position
- Fixed Contraption controllers not removing their entity reference on the client when disassembled
- Bearings no longer start rotating when no block was found
- Contraptions no longer move unbreakable blocks
- Pistons no longer assemble the whole line of blocks when retracting
- Non-sticky pistons no longer pull blocks back when assembled
- Pulley no longer assembles when the structure by itself is immovable
- Fixed pistons applying reversed motion in some orientations
- Fixed piston contraptions not including the poles into its render bounds
- Fixed Contraptions not culling backfaces when rendered
- Translucent blocks now get moved to the back of the render order in contraptions, fixes hidden block faces between translucent and non-translucent blocks
- Fixed Contraptions being movable through water, fans and other means of applying motion to entities.
- Belt segments can no longer be rotated by a wrench
- Hand cranks are now gated behind brass and sheet production
- Removed old Advancement managers
- Removed all unfinished logistical features from the registry
- Added new Crafting ingredients
- Added Sand Paper, for a polishing recipe type and repairing tools
- Changed Blockzapper materials
- Added the ability to include catalyst-ingredients in processing recipes
- Added some ingredient/output count validation for processing recipes
- Deployers now spawn particles when using certain items
- Players can now interact with the deployer to swap held items
- Belts now accept brass casing instead of logistical casing
- Introduced a new material chain
- Added a whole bunch of recipes
- Added option to add recipes for mechanical crafter exclusively, with a maximum grid of 9x9
- Cleaned up recipe registry foundation
- Fixed recipe type namespace issue