- Move registry freezing to right before start of initial resource reload
- Also warn if Fabric config JSON is not an object
- Move Flywheel.java to API
- Remove Flywheel.LOGGER and others; add impl-specific and backend-specific loggers
- Remove unused mixins
- Organize imports
- Use immutable lists for backend extensions
- Copy the contents of indirect base extensions into compute extensions
- Move uniform block binding to Uniforms class and make magic strings
static final
- Compile with progressively lower glsl versions to test which are
- Properly returns 460 on my machine even with a gl version of 320
- Remove glsl enums below 150
- Refine capabilities checks
- To compile with glsl 150:
- Instancing needs ARB_shader_bit_encoding
- Indirect needs gpu_shader5 and shading_language_420pack
- Require extensions instead of just enable, probably doesn't make a
difference since we check for their presence first but require aligns
with our intent better
- Separate common project into 4 source sets
- Declare outgoing configurations for forge/fabric to depend on
- Re-compile source from each source set in each platform's compileJava