- Move registry freezing to right before start of initial resource reload
- Also warn if Fabric config JSON is not an object
- Move Flywheel.java to API
- Remove Flywheel.LOGGER and others; add impl-specific and backend-specific loggers
- Remove unused mixins
- Organize imports
- Create separate remap tasks for the common mojmap api to get loom to
populate its manifest file
- Add helper method to fork a JarTaskSet and generate new remap tasks
- Remove non-remap publish method
- Set assemble to depend on published jar tasks again
- Add companion methods to create individual jar tasks
- Merge package-infos, jar-sets, and transitive-source-sets plugins
- Move publishing logic into JarTaskSet
- Do not eagerly add all jarsets to assemble
- Significantly reduces build times
- Add separate helper method for creating outgoing jarsets
- Upgrade buildSrc to kotlin buildscript
- Add TransitiveSourceSet extension to abstract creating the different
source sets and creating the configurations to apply dependencies