/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2015-2021 JOML * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.jozufozu.flywheel.repack.joml; /** * Contains fast approximations of some {@link java.lang.Math} operations. *

* By default, {@link java.lang.Math} methods will be used by all other JOML classes. In order to use the approximations in this class, start the JVM with the parameter -Djoml.fastmath. *

* There are two algorithms for approximating sin/cos: *

  1. arithmetic polynomial approximation contributed by roquendm *
  2. theagentd's linear interpolation variant of Riven's algorithm from * http://www.java-gaming.org/ *
* By default, the first algorithm is being used. In order to use the second one, start the JVM with -Djoml.sinLookup. The lookup table bit length of the second algorithm can also be adjusted * for improved accuracy via -Djoml.sinLookup.bits=<n>, where <n> is the number of bits of the lookup table. * * @author Kai Burjack */ public class Math { /* * The following implementation of an approximation of sine and cosine was * thankfully donated by Riven from http://java-gaming.org/. * * The code for linear interpolation was gratefully donated by theagentd * from the same site. */ public static final double PI = java.lang.Math.PI; static final double PI2 = PI * 2.0; static final float PI_f = (float) java.lang.Math.PI; static final float PI2_f = PI_f * 2.0f; static final double PIHalf = PI * 0.5; static final float PIHalf_f = (float) (PI * 0.5); static final double PI_4 = PI * 0.25; static final double PI_INV = 1.0 / PI; private static final int lookupBits = Options.SIN_LOOKUP_BITS; private static final int lookupTableSize = 1 << lookupBits; private static final int lookupTableSizeMinus1 = lookupTableSize - 1; private static final int lookupTableSizeWithMargin = lookupTableSize + 1; private static final float pi2OverLookupSize = PI2_f / lookupTableSize; private static final float lookupSizeOverPi2 = lookupTableSize / PI2_f; private static final float sinTable[]; static { if (Options.FASTMATH && Options.SIN_LOOKUP) { sinTable = new float[lookupTableSizeWithMargin]; for (int i = 0; i < lookupTableSizeWithMargin; i++) { double d = i * pi2OverLookupSize; sinTable[i] = (float) java.lang.Math.sin(d); } } else { sinTable = null; } } private static final double c1 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4628199217061079772L); private static final double c2 = Double.longBitsToDouble(4575957461383582011L); private static final double c3 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4671919876300759001L); private static final double c4 = Double.longBitsToDouble(4523617214285661942L); private static final double c5 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4730215272828025532L); private static final double c6 = Double.longBitsToDouble(4460272573143870633L); private static final double c7 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4797767418267846529L); /** * @author theagentd */ static double sin_theagentd_arith(double x){ double xi = floor((x + PI_4) * PI_INV); double x_ = x - xi * PI; double sign = ((int)xi & 1) * -2 + 1; double x2 = x_ * x_; double sin = x_; double tx = x_ * x2; sin += tx * c1; tx *= x2; sin += tx * c2; tx *= x2; sin += tx * c3; tx *= x2; sin += tx * c4; tx *= x2; sin += tx * c5; tx *= x2; sin += tx * c6; tx *= x2; sin += tx * c7; return sign * sin; } /** * Reference: http://www.java-gaming.org/ */ static double sin_roquen_arith(double x) { double xi = Math.floor((x + PI_4) * PI_INV); double x_ = x - xi * PI; double sign = ((int)xi & 1) * -2 + 1; double x2 = x_ * x_; // code from sin_theagentd_arith: // double sin = x_; // double tx = x_ * x2; // sin += tx * c1; tx *= x2; // sin += tx * c2; tx *= x2; // sin += tx * c3; tx *= x2; // sin += tx * c4; tx *= x2; // sin += tx * c5; tx *= x2; // sin += tx * c6; tx *= x2; // sin += tx * c7; // return sign * sin; double sin; x_ = sign*x_; sin = c7; sin = sin*x2 + c6; sin = sin*x2 + c5; sin = sin*x2 + c4; sin = sin*x2 + c3; sin = sin*x2 + c2; sin = sin*x2 + c1; return x_ + x_*x2*sin; } private static final double s5 = Double.longBitsToDouble(4523227044276562163L); private static final double s4 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4671934770969572232L); private static final double s3 = Double.longBitsToDouble(4575957211482072852L); private static final double s2 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4628199223918090387L); private static final double s1 = Double.longBitsToDouble(4607182418589157889L); /** * Reference: http://www.java-gaming.org/ */ static double sin_roquen_9(double v) { double i = java.lang.Math.rint(v*PI_INV); double x = v - i * Math.PI; double qs = 1-2*((int)i & 1); double x2 = x*x; double r; x = qs*x; r = s5; r = r*x2 + s4; r = r*x2 + s3; r = r*x2 + s2; r = r*x2 + s1; return x*r; } private static final double k1 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4628199217061079959L); private static final double k2 = Double.longBitsToDouble(4575957461383549981L); private static final double k3 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4671919876307284301L); private static final double k4 = Double.longBitsToDouble(4523617213632129738L); private static final double k5 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4730215344060517252L); private static final double k6 = Double.longBitsToDouble(4460268259291226124L); private static final double k7 = Double.longBitsToDouble(-4798040743777455072L); /** * Reference: http://www.java-gaming.org/ */ static double sin_roquen_newk(double v) { double i = java.lang.Math.rint(v*PI_INV); double x = v - i * Math.PI; double qs = 1-2*((int)i & 1); double x2 = x*x; double r; x = qs*x; r = k7; r = r*x2 + k6; r = r*x2 + k5; r = r*x2 + k4; r = r*x2 + k3; r = r*x2 + k2; r = r*x2 + k1; return x + x*x2*r; } /** * Reference: http://www.java-gaming.org/ */ static float sin_theagentd_lookup(float rad) { float index = rad * lookupSizeOverPi2; int ii = (int)java.lang.Math.floor(index); float alpha = index - ii; int i = ii & lookupTableSizeMinus1; float sin1 = sinTable[i]; float sin2 = sinTable[i + 1]; return sin1 + (sin2 - sin1) * alpha; } public static float sin(float rad) { return (float) java.lang.Math.sin(rad); } public static double sin(double rad) { if (Options.FASTMATH) { if (Options.SIN_LOOKUP) return sin_theagentd_lookup((float) rad); return sin_roquen_newk(rad); } return java.lang.Math.sin(rad); } public static float cos(float rad) { if (Options.FASTMATH) return sin(rad + PIHalf_f); return (float) java.lang.Math.cos(rad); } public static double cos(double rad) { if (Options.FASTMATH) return sin(rad + PIHalf); return java.lang.Math.cos(rad); } public static float cosFromSin(float sin, float angle) { if (Options.FASTMATH) return sin(angle + PIHalf_f); return cosFromSinInternal(sin, angle); } private static float cosFromSinInternal(float sin, float angle) { // sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 = 1 float cos = sqrt(1.0f - sin * sin); float a = angle + PIHalf_f; float b = a - (int)(a / PI2_f) * PI2_f; if (b < 0.0) b = PI2_f + b; if (b >= PI_f) return -cos; return cos; } public static double cosFromSin(double sin, double angle) { if (Options.FASTMATH) return sin(angle + PIHalf); // sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 = 1 double cos = sqrt(1.0 - sin * sin); double a = angle + PIHalf; double b = a - (int)(a / PI2) * PI2; if (b < 0.0) b = PI2 + b; if (b >= PI) return -cos; return cos; } /* Other math functions not yet approximated */ public static float sqrt(float r) { return (float) java.lang.Math.sqrt(r); } public static double sqrt(double r) { return java.lang.Math.sqrt(r); } public static float invsqrt(float r) { return 1.0f / (float) java.lang.Math.sqrt(r); } public static double invsqrt(double r) { return 1.0 / java.lang.Math.sqrt(r); } public static float tan(float r) { return (float) java.lang.Math.tan(r); } public static double tan(double r) { return java.lang.Math.tan(r); } public static float acos(float r) { return (float) java.lang.Math.acos(r); } public static double acos(double r) { return java.lang.Math.acos(r); } public static float safeAcos(float v) { if (v < -1.0f) return Math.PI_f; else if (v > +1.0f) return 0.0f; else return acos(v); } public static double safeAcos(double v) { if (v < -1.0) return Math.PI; else if (v > +1.0) return 0.0; else return acos(v); } /** * https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1098487/atan2-faster-approximation/1105038#answer-1105038 */ private static double fastAtan2(double y, double x) { double ax = x >= 0.0 ? x : -x, ay = y >= 0.0 ? y : -y; double a = min(ax, ay) / max(ax, ay); double s = a * a; double r = ((-0.0464964749 * s + 0.15931422) * s - 0.327622764) * s * a + a; if (ay > ax) r = 1.57079637 - r; if (x < 0.0) r = 3.14159274 - r; return y >= 0 ? r : -r; } public static float atan2(float y, float x) { return (float) java.lang.Math.atan2(y, x); } public static double atan2(double y, double x) { if (Options.FASTMATH) return fastAtan2(y, x); return java.lang.Math.atan2(y, x); } public static float asin(float r) { return (float) java.lang.Math.asin(r); } public static double asin(double r) { return java.lang.Math.asin(r); } public static float safeAsin(float r) { return r <= -1.0f ? -PIHalf_f : r >= 1.0f ? PIHalf_f : asin(r); } public static double safeAsin(double r) { return r <= -1.0 ? -PIHalf : r >= 1.0 ? PIHalf : asin(r); } public static float abs(float r) { return java.lang.Math.abs(r); } public static double abs(double r) { return java.lang.Math.abs(r); } static boolean absEqualsOne(float r) { return (Float.floatToRawIntBits(r) & 0x7FFFFFFF) == 0x3F800000; } static boolean absEqualsOne(double r) { return (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(r) & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) == 0x3FF0000000000000L; } public static int abs(int r) { return java.lang.Math.abs(r); } public static int max(int x, int y) { return java.lang.Math.max(x, y); } public static int min(int x, int y) { return java.lang.Math.min(x, y); } public static double min(double a, double b) { return a < b ? a : b; } public static float min(float a, float b) { return a < b ? a : b; } public static float max(float a, float b) { return a > b ? a : b; } public static double max(double a, double b) { return a > b ? a : b; } public static float clamp(float a, float b, float val){ return max(a,min(b,val)); } public static double clamp(double a, double b, double val) { return max(a,min(b,val)); } public static int clamp(int a, int b, int val) { return max(a, min(b, val)); } public static float toRadians(float angles) { return (float) java.lang.Math.toRadians(angles); } public static double toRadians(double angles) { return java.lang.Math.toRadians(angles); } public static double toDegrees(double angles) { return java.lang.Math.toDegrees(angles); } public static double floor(double v) { return java.lang.Math.floor(v); } public static float floor(float v) { return (float) java.lang.Math.floor(v); } public static double ceil(double v) { return java.lang.Math.ceil(v); } public static float ceil(float v) { return (float) java.lang.Math.ceil(v); } public static long round(double v) { return java.lang.Math.round(v); } public static int round(float v) { return java.lang.Math.round(v); } public static double exp(double a) { return java.lang.Math.exp(a); } public static boolean isFinite(double d) { return abs(d) <= Double.MAX_VALUE; } public static boolean isFinite(float f) { return abs(f) <= Float.MAX_VALUE; } public static float fma(float a, float b, float c) { if (Runtime.HAS_Math_fma) return java.lang.Math.fma(a, b, c); return a * b + c; } public static double fma(double a, double b, double c) { if (Runtime.HAS_Math_fma) return java.lang.Math.fma(a, b, c); return a * b + c; } public static int roundUsing(float v, int mode) { switch (mode) { case RoundingMode.TRUNCATE: return (int) v; case RoundingMode.CEILING: return (int) java.lang.Math.ceil(v); case RoundingMode.FLOOR: return (int) java.lang.Math.floor(v); case RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN: return roundHalfDown(v); case RoundingMode.HALF_UP: return roundHalfUp(v); case RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN: return roundHalfEven(v); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } public static int roundUsing(double v, int mode) { switch (mode) { case RoundingMode.TRUNCATE: return (int) v; case RoundingMode.CEILING: return (int) java.lang.Math.ceil(v); case RoundingMode.FLOOR: return (int) java.lang.Math.floor(v); case RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN: return roundHalfDown(v); case RoundingMode.HALF_UP: return roundHalfUp(v); case RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN: return roundHalfEven(v); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } public static float lerp(float a, float b, float t){ return Math.fma(b - a, t, a); } public static double lerp(double a, double b, double t) { return Math.fma(b - a, t, a); } public static float biLerp(float q00, float q10, float q01, float q11, float tx, float ty) { float lerpX1 = lerp(q00, q10, tx); float lerpX2 = lerp(q01, q11, tx); return lerp(lerpX1, lerpX2, ty); } public static double biLerp(double q00, double q10, double q01, double q11, double tx, double ty) { double lerpX1 = lerp(q00, q10, tx); double lerpX2 = lerp(q01, q11, tx); return lerp(lerpX1, lerpX2, ty); } public static float triLerp(float q000, float q100, float q010, float q110, float q001, float q101, float q011, float q111, float tx, float ty, float tz) { float x00 = lerp(q000, q100, tx); float x10 = lerp(q010, q110, tx); float x01 = lerp(q001, q101, tx); float x11 = lerp(q011, q111, tx); float y0 = lerp(x00, x10, ty); float y1 = lerp(x01, x11, ty); return lerp(y0, y1, tz); } public static double triLerp(double q000, double q100, double q010, double q110, double q001, double q101, double q011, double q111, double tx, double ty, double tz) { double x00 = lerp(q000, q100, tx); double x10 = lerp(q010, q110, tx); double x01 = lerp(q001, q101, tx); double x11 = lerp(q011, q111, tx); double y0 = lerp(x00, x10, ty); double y1 = lerp(x01, x11, ty); return lerp(y0, y1, tz); } public static int roundHalfEven(float v) { return (int) java.lang.Math.rint(v); } public static int roundHalfDown(float v) { return (v > 0) ? (int) java.lang.Math.ceil(v - 0.5d) : (int) java.lang.Math.floor(v + 0.5d); } public static int roundHalfUp(float v) { return (v > 0) ? (int) java.lang.Math.floor(v + 0.5d) : (int) java.lang.Math.ceil(v - 0.5d); } public static int roundHalfEven(double v) { return (int) java.lang.Math.rint(v); } public static int roundHalfDown(double v) { return (v > 0) ? (int) java.lang.Math.ceil(v - 0.5d) : (int) java.lang.Math.floor(v + 0.5d); } public static int roundHalfUp(double v) { return (v > 0) ? (int) java.lang.Math.floor(v + 0.5d) : (int) java.lang.Math.ceil(v - 0.5d); } public static double random() { return java.lang.Math.random(); } public static double signum(double v) { return java.lang.Math.signum(v); } public static float signum(float v) { return java.lang.Math.signum(v); } public static int signum(int v) { int r; r = Integer.signum(v); return r; } public static int signum(long v) { int r; r = Long.signum(v); return r; } }