plugins { idea java `maven-publish` id("dev.architectury.loom") id("flywheel.subproject") } val api = sourceSets.create("api") val lib = sourceSets.create("lib") val backend = sourceSets.create("backend") val main = sourceSets.getByName("main") transitiveSourceSets { compileClasspath = main.compileClasspath sourceSet(api) { rootCompile() } sourceSet(lib) { rootCompile() compile(api) } sourceSet(backend) { rootCompile() compile(api, lib) } sourceSet(main) { compile(api, lib, backend) } sourceSet(sourceSets.getByName("test")) { implementation(api, lib, backend) } } defaultPackageInfos { sources(api, lib, backend, main) } jarSets { // For sharing with other subprojects. outgoing("commonApiOnly", api) outgoing("commonLib", lib) outgoing("commonBackend", backend) outgoing("commonImpl", main) // For publishing. create("api", api, lib).apply { addToAssemble() publish("flywheel-common-intermediary-api-${property("artifact_minecraft_version")}") // Don't publish the un-remapped jars because they don't have the correct manifest populated by Loom. forkRemap("apiMojmap").apply { addToAssemble() configureRemap { // "named" == mojmap // We're probably remapping from named to named so Loom should noop this. targetNamespace = "named" } publish("flywheel-common-mojmap-api-${property("artifact_minecraft_version")}") } } } dependencies { modCompileOnly("net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${property("fabric_loader_version")}") testImplementation("org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.8.1") } tasks.test { useJUnitPlatform() }