plugins { id 'fabric-loom' version "${loom_version}" id 'maven-publish' id 'com.matthewprenger.cursegradle' version "${cursegradle_version}" } boolean dev = System.getenv('RELEASE') == null || System.getenv('RELEASE').equalsIgnoreCase('false'); ext.buildNumber = System.getenv('BUILD_NUMBER') group = 'com.jozufozu.flywheel' archivesBaseName = "flywheel-fabric-${artifact_minecraft_version}" version = mod_version + (dev && buildNumber != null ? "-${buildNumber}" : '') sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17 java.toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17) println('Java: ' + System.getProperty('java.version') + ' JVM: ' + System.getProperty('java.vm.version') + ' (' + System.getProperty('java.vendor') + ') Arch: ' + System.getProperty('os.arch')) repositories { maven { url '' content { includeGroup "curse.maven" } } maven { name 'tterrag maven' url '' } maven { url '' } maven { name 'Modrinth' url '' } maven { url '' } maven { name = "Modrinth" url = "" content { includeGroup "maven.modrinth" } } } dependencies { // To change the versions see the file minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${minecraft_version}" if (Boolean.parseBoolean(project.use_parchment)) { mappings loom.layered() { officialMojangMappings() parchment("${minecraft_version}:${parchment_version}@zip") } } else { mappings loom.officialMojangMappings() } modImplementation "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${loader_version}" // Fabric API modImplementation "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:${fabric_version}" // switch to implementation for debugging modCompileOnly 'maven.modrinth:starlight:1.0.2+1.18.2' modCompileOnly 'maven.modrinth:sodium:mc1.18.2-0.4.1' modCompileOnly 'maven.modrinth:iris:1.6.6+1.18.2' implementation '' modCompileOnly 'maven.modrinth:indium:1.0.6+mc1.18.2' modCompileOnly 'io.vram:frex-fabric-mc118:6.0.263' } loom { runs { client { property('flw.loadRenderDoc', 'true') } } } processResources { 'version', project.version filesMatching('fabric.mod.json') { expand 'version': project.version } } tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach { // Minecraft 1.18 (1.18-pre2) upwards uses Java 17. it.options.release = 17 options.encoding = 'UTF-8' // Use the UTF-8 charset for Java compilation } javadoc { source = [sourceSets.main.allJava] // prevent java 8's strict doclint for javadocs from failing builds options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:none', '-quiet') } jar { manifest { attributes([ 'Specification-Title' : 'flywheel', //'Specification-Vendor': 'flywheel authors', 'Specification-Version' : '1', // We are version 1 of ourselves 'Implementation-Title' : project.jar.baseName, 'Implementation-Version' : project.jar.archiveVersion, //'Implementation-Vendor': 'flywheel authors', 'Implementation-Timestamp': new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"), 'MixinConfigs' : 'flywheel.mixins.json,flywheel.sodium.mixins.json' ]) } } java { withSourcesJar() withJavadocJar() } void addLicense(jarTask) { jarTask.from('') { rename '(.*)\\.(.*)', '$1_' + archivesBaseName + '.$2' } } addLicense(jar) publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { artifactId = archivesBaseName from } } repositories { if (project.hasProperty('mavendir')) { maven { url mavendir } } } } tasks.curseforge.enabled = !dev && project.hasProperty('jozu_curseforge_key') curseforge { if (project.hasProperty('jozu_curseforge_key')) { apiKey = project.jozu_curseforge_key } project { id = project.projectId changelog = file('changelog.txt') releaseType = project.curse_type mainArtifact jar addGameVersion '1.18.2' } }