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/// @func BBMOD_Camera()
/// @extends BBMOD_BaseCamera
/// @desc A camera driven by angles and an object to follor, rather than raw
/// vectors. Supports both first-person and third-person view and comes with
/// a mouselook implementation that also works in HTML5.
/// @example
/// ```gml
/// // Create event
/// camera = new BBMOD_Camera();
/// camera.FollowObject = OPlayer;
/// camera.Zoom = 0.0; // Use 0.0 for FPS, > 0.0 for TPS
/// // End-Step event
/// camera.set_mouselook(true);
/// camera.update(delta_time);
/// // Draw event
/// camera.apply();
/// // Render scene here...
/// ```
function BBMOD_Camera()
: BBMOD_BaseCamera() constructor
/// @var {Bool} If `true` then mouselook is enabled. Defaults to `false`.
/// @readonly
/// @see BBMOD_Camera.set_mouselook
MouseLook = false;
/// @var {Real} Controls the mouselook sensitivity. Defaults to `1`.
MouseSensitivity = 1.0;
/// @var {Struct.BBMOD_Vec2} The position on the screen where the cursor
/// is locked when {@link BBMOD_Camera.MouseLook} is `true`. Can be
/// `undefined`.
/// @private
__mouseLockAt = undefined;
/// @var {Id.Instance} An id of an instance to follow or `undefined`. The
/// object must have a `z` variable (position on the z axis) defined!
/// Defaults to `undefined`.
FollowObject = undefined;
/// @var {Bool} Used to determine change of the object to follow.
/// @private
__followObjectLast = undefined;
/// @var {Function} A function which remaps value in range `0..1` to a
/// different `0..1` value. This is used to control the follow curve.
/// If `undefined` then `lerp` is used. Defaults to `undefined`.
FollowCurve = undefined;
/// @var {Real} Controls lerp factor between the previous camera position
/// and the object it follows. Defaults to `1`, which means the camera is
/// immediately moved to its target position.
/// {@link BBMOD_Camera.FollowObject} must not be `undefined` for this to
/// have any effect.
FollowFactor = 1.0;
/// @var {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} The camera's offset from its target. Defaults to
/// `(0, 0, 0)`.
Offset = new BBMOD_Vec3(0.0);
/// @var {Real} The camera's horizontal direction. Defaults to `0`.
Direction = 0.0;
/// @var {Real} The camera's vertical direction. Automatically clamped
/// between {@link BBMOD_Camera.DirectionUpMin} and
/// {@link BBMOD_Camera.DirectionUpMax}. Defaults to `0`.
DirectionUp = 0.0;
/// @var {Real} Minimum angle that {@link BBMOD_Camrea.DirectionUp}
/// can be. Use `undefined` to remove the limit. Default value is `-89`.
DirectionUpMin = -89.0;
/// @var {Real} Maximum angle that {@link BBMOD_Camrea.DirectionUp}
/// can be. Use `undefined` to remove the limit. Default value is `89`.
DirectionUpMax = 89.0;
/// @var {Real} The angle of camera's rotation from side to side. Default
/// value is `0`.
Roll = 0.0;
/// @var {Real} The camera's distance from its target. Use `0` for a
/// first-person camera. Defaults to `0`.
Zoom = 0.0;
static update_matrices = function () {
var _forward = BBMOD_VEC3_FORWARD;
var _right = BBMOD_VEC3_RIGHT;
var _up = BBMOD_VEC3_UP;
var _quatZ = new BBMOD_Quaternion().FromAxisAngle(_up, Direction);
_forward = _quatZ.Rotate(_forward);
_right = _quatZ.Rotate(_right);
_up = _quatZ.Rotate(_up);
var _quatY = new BBMOD_Quaternion().FromAxisAngle(_right, DirectionUp);
_forward = _quatY.Rotate(_forward);
_right = _quatY.Rotate(_right);
_up = _quatY.Rotate(_up);
var _quatX = new BBMOD_Quaternion().FromAxisAngle(_forward, Roll);
_forward = _quatX.Rotate(_forward);
_right = _quatX.Rotate(_right);
_up = _quatX.Rotate(_up);
var _target = Position.Add(_forward);
var _view = matrix_build_lookat(
Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z,
_target.X, _target.Y, _target.Z,
_up.X, _up.Y, _up.Z);
camera_set_view_mat(Raw, _view);
var _proj = __build_proj_mat();
camera_set_proj_mat(Raw, _proj);
// Note: Using _view and _proj mat straight away leads into a weird result...
ViewProjectionMatrix = matrix_multiply(
if (AudioListener)
audio_listener_position(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z);
Target.X, Target.Y, Target.Z,
_up.X, _up.Y, _up.Z);
Up = _up;
return self;
/// @func set_mouselook(_enable)
/// @desc Enable/disable mouselook. This locks the mouse cursor at its
/// current position when enabled.
/// @param {Bool} _enable USe `true` to enable mouselook.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Camera} Returns `self`.
static set_mouselook = function (_enable) {
if (_enable)
if (os_browser != browser_not_a_browser)
if (__mouseLockAt == undefined)
__mouseLockAt = new BBMOD_Vec2(
__mouseLockAt = undefined;
MouseLook = _enable;
return self;
/// @func update(_deltaTime[, _positionHandler])
/// @desc Handles mouselook, updates camera's position, matrices etc.
/// @param {Real} _deltaTime How much time has passed since the last frame
/// (in microseconds).
/// @param {Function} [_positionHandler] A function which takes the camera's
/// position (@{link BBMOD_Vec3}) and returns a new position. This could be
/// used for example for camera collisions in a third-person game. Defaults
/// to `undefined`.
/// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Camera} Returns `self`.
static update = function (_deltaTime, _positionHandler=undefined) {
if (os_browser != browser_not_a_browser)
if (MouseLook)
if (os_browser != browser_not_a_browser)
Direction -= bbmod_html5_pointer_get_movement_x() * MouseSensitivity;
DirectionUp -= bbmod_html5_pointer_get_movement_y() * MouseSensitivity;
var _mouseX = window_mouse_get_x();
var _mouseY = window_mouse_get_y();
Direction += (__mouseLockAt.X - _mouseX) * MouseSensitivity;
DirectionUp += (__mouseLockAt.Y - _mouseY) * MouseSensitivity;
window_mouse_set(__mouseLockAt.X, __mouseLockAt.Y);
if (DirectionUpMin != undefined)
DirectionUp = max(DirectionUp, DirectionUpMin);
if (DirectionUpMax != undefined)
DirectionUp = min(DirectionUp, DirectionUpMax);
var _offsetX = lengthdir_x(Offset.X, Direction - 90.0)
+ lengthdir_x(Offset.Y, Direction);
var _offsetY = lengthdir_y(Offset.X, Direction - 90.0)
+ lengthdir_y(Offset.Y, Direction);
var _offsetZ = Offset.Z;
if (Zoom <= 0)
// First person camera
if (FollowObject != undefined
&& instance_exists(FollowObject))
Position.X = FollowObject.x + _offsetX;
Position.Y = FollowObject.y + _offsetY;
Position.Z = FollowObject.z + _offsetZ;
Target = Position.Add(new BBMOD_Vec3(
// Third person camera
if (FollowObject != undefined
&& instance_exists(FollowObject))
var _targetNew = new BBMOD_Vec3(
FollowObject.x + _offsetX,
FollowObject.y + _offsetY,
FollowObject.z + _offsetZ
if (__followObjectLast == FollowObject
&& FollowFactor < 1.0)
var _factor = 1.0
- bbmod_lerp_delta_time(0.0, 1.0, FollowFactor, _deltaTime);
if (FollowCurve != undefined)
_factor = FollowCurve(0.0, 1.0, _factor);
Target = _targetNew.Lerp(Target, _factor);
Target = _targetNew;
var _l = dcos(DirectionUp) * Zoom;
Position = Target.Add(new BBMOD_Vec3(
-dcos(Direction) * _l,
+dsin(Direction) * _l,
-dsin(DirectionUp) * Zoom
if (_positionHandler != undefined)
Position = _positionHandler(Position);
__followObjectLast = FollowObject;
return self;