
333 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2025-02-01 12:08:54 +01:00
function Panel_HLSL_Libraries() : PanelContent() constructor {
title = __txt("HLSL Libraries");
padding = ui(8);
w = ui(640);
h = ui(480);
auto_pin = true;
lib_w = ui(200);
curr_type = 0;
curr_lib = "";
curr_content = "";
curr_file = "";
blank_text = @"Type `using <lib>` to apply library code.
Libraries in the global scope will be add to project automatically.";
libData = PROJECT.data[$ "hlsl"] ?? {};
PROJECT.data.hlsl = libData;
editor = new textArea(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(s) /*=>*/ {
if(curr_lib == "") { blank_text = s; return; }
curr_content = s;
if(curr_type == 0)
file_text_write_all(curr_file, s);
else if(curr_type == 1)
libData[$ curr_lib] = curr_content;
editor.font = f_code;
editor.format = TEXT_AREA_FORMAT.codeHLSL;
editor.autocomplete_server = hlsl_autocomplete_server;
editor.function_guide_server = hlsl_function_guide_server;
editor.parser_server = hlsl_document_parser;
editor.select_on_click = false;
editor.shift_new_line = false;
editor.border_heightlight_color = COLORS._main_icon;
new_file_type = noone;
new_file_name = "";
tb_new_file = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(s) /*=>*/ {
if(s == "") { new_file_type = noone; return; }
if(new_file_type == 0) {
var _pth = $"{DIRECTORY}Nodes/HLSL/{s}.hlsl";
if(!file_exists(_pth)) {
file_text_write_all(_pth, "");
} else if(new_file_type == 1) {
if(!struct_has(libData, s))
libData[$ s] = "";
open(s, new_file_type);
new_file_type = noone;
tb_new_file.font = f_p2;
tb_new_file.onDeactivate = function() /*=>*/ { new_file_type = noone; };
lib_selecting = noone;
lib_selecting_type = noone;
right_menu = [
new MenuItem("Delete", function() /*=>*/ {
if(lib_selecting == noone) return;
if(curr_type == lib_selecting_type && curr_lib == lib_selecting)
if(lib_selecting_type == 0) {
var _fil = HLSL_LIBRARIES[$ lib_selecting];
} else if(lib_selecting_type == 1) {
struct_remove(libData, lib_selecting);
static refreshKey = function() {
libDataKey = struct_get_names(libData);
array_sort(libDataKey, true);
} refreshKey();
static open = function(_l = noone, _type = 0) {
if(_l == noone) {
curr_type = 0;
curr_file = "";
curr_lib = "";
curr_content = "";
curr_type = _type;
if(_type == 0) {
var _f = HLSL_LIBRARIES[$ _l];
curr_file = _f;
curr_lib = _l;
curr_content = file_read_all(_f);
} else if(_type == 1) {
curr_file = "";
curr_lib = _l;
curr_content = libData[$ _l];
sp_content_all = new scrollPane(lib_w, h - padding * 2, function(_y, _m) /*=>*/ {
draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear_inner, 1);
var ww = sp_content_all.surface_w;
var hg = ui(20);
var hh = ui(8);
var yy = _y + ui(8);
var _hover = sp_content_all.hover;
var _focus = sp_content_all.active;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(HLSL_LIBRARIES_ARR); i < n; i++ ) {
var _lib = HLSL_LIBRARIES_ARR[i];
var _fil = HLSL_LIBRARIES[$ _lib];
var _hig = curr_type == 0 && _lib == curr_lib;
var _hov = _hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, ww, yy + hg);
var _cc = _hov? COLORS._main_text : COLORS._main_text_sub;
if(_hig) _cc = COLORS._main_accent;
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, _cc);
draw_text_add(ui(8), yy + hg / 2, _lib);
if(new_file_type == noone && _hov) {
if(mouse_press(mb_left, _focus))
open(_hig? noone : _lib, 0);
if(mouse_press(mb_right, _focus)) {
lib_selecting = _lib;
lib_selecting_type = 0;
menuCall("", right_menu);
yy += hg + ui(1);
hh += hg + ui(1);
return hh + ui(16);
sp_content = new scrollPane(lib_w, h - padding * 2, function(_y, _m) /*=>*/ {
draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear_inner, 1);
var ww = sp_content.surface_w;
var hg = ui(20);
var hh = ui(8);
var yy = _y + ui(8);
var _hover = sp_content.hover;
var _focus = sp_content.active;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(libDataKey); i < n; i++ ) {
var _lib = libDataKey[i];
var _fil = libData[$ _lib];
var _hig = curr_type == 1 && _lib == curr_lib;
var _hov = _hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, ww, yy + hg);
var _cc = _hov? COLORS._main_text : COLORS._main_text_sub;
if(_hig) _cc = COLORS._main_accent;
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, _cc);
draw_text_add(ui(8), yy + hg / 2, _lib);
if(new_file_type == noone && _hov) {
if(mouse_press(mb_left, _focus))
open(_hig? noone : _lib, 1);
if(mouse_press(mb_right, _focus)) {
lib_selecting = _lib;
lib_selecting_type = 1;
menuCall("", right_menu);
yy += hg + ui(1);
hh += hg + ui(1);
return hh + ui(16);
function drawContent(panel) {
draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 1);
padding = in_dialog? ui(4) : ui(8);
var px = padding;
var py = padding + ui(24 + 4);
var pw = lib_w;
var ph = (h / 2 - ui(16)) - py;
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text_add(px + ui(8), py - ui(16), "Project");
draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, px, py, lib_w, ph);
sp_content.verify(lib_w - ui(16), ph - ui(4));
sp_content.setFocusHover(pFOCUS, pHOVER);
sp_content.drawOffset(px + ui(8), py + ui(2), mx, my);
var _bs = ui(24);
var _bx = px + pw - _bs;
var _by = py - _bs - ui(4);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide_fill, _bx, _by, _bs, _bs, [ mx, my ], pHOVER, pFOCUS, "", THEME.add_16, 0, COLORS._main_value_positive) == 2) {
new_file_type = 1;
new_file_name = "";
} _bx -= _bs + ui(4);
if(new_file_type == 1) {
tb_new_file.setFocusHover(pFOCUS, pHOVER);
tb_new_file.drawParam(new widgetParam(px + ui(8), py + ui(8), pw - ui(16), ui(26), new_file_name, {}, [ mx, my ], x, y));
var py = h / 2 + ui(16);
var pw = lib_w;
var ph = (h - padding) - py;
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text_add(px + ui(8), py - ui(16), "Global");
draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, px, py, lib_w, ph);
sp_content_all.verify(lib_w - ui(16), ph - ui(4));
sp_content_all.setFocusHover(pFOCUS, pHOVER);
sp_content_all.drawOffset(px + ui(8), py + ui(2), mx, my);
var _bs = ui(24);
var _bx = px + pw - _bs;
var _by = py - _bs - ui(4);
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide_fill, _bx, _by, _bs, _bs, [ mx, my ], pHOVER, pFOCUS, "", THEME.add_16, 0, COLORS._main_value_positive) == 2) {
new_file_type = 0;
new_file_name = "";
} _bx -= _bs + ui(4);
if(curr_lib != "") {
var _ind = curr_type == 0? 1 : 3;
var _txt = curr_type == 0? "Copy to project" : "Copy to global";
if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide_fill, _bx, _by, _bs, _bs, [ mx, my ], pHOVER, pFOCUS, _txt, THEME.arrow, _ind, COLORS._main_icon) == 2) {
if(curr_type == 0) {
var _f = HLSL_LIBRARIES[$ curr_lib];
PROJECT.data.hlsl[$ curr_lib] = file_read_all(_f);
} else {
var _pth = $"{DIRECTORY}Nodes/HLSL/{curr_lib}.hlsl";
if(file_exists(_pth)) file_delete(_pth);
file_text_write_all(_pth, PROJECT.data.hlsl[$ curr_lib]);
} else draw_sprite_ext(THEME.arrow, 1, _bx + _bs / 2, _by + _bs / 2, 1, 1, 0, COLORS._main_icon_dark);
_bx -= _bs + ui(4);
if(new_file_type == 0) {
tb_new_file.setFocusHover(pFOCUS, pHOVER);
tb_new_file.drawParam(new widgetParam(px + ui(8), py + ui(8), pw - ui(16), ui(26), new_file_name, {}, [ mx, my ], x, y));
var x1 = w - padding;
px = px + pw + ui(8);
py = padding + ui(24 + 4);
pw = x1 - px;
ph = h - (py + padding);
editor.setFocusHover(pFOCUS, pHOVER);
editor.boxColor = merge_color(CDEF.main_white, CDEF.main_ltgrey, .5);
editor.format = curr_lib == ""? TEXT_AREA_FORMAT._default : TEXT_AREA_FORMAT.codeHLSL;
editor.color = curr_lib == ""? COLORS._main_text_sub : c_white;
var _cc = curr_lib == ""? blank_text : curr_content;
editor.drawParam(new widgetParam(px, py, pw, ph, _cc, {}, [ mx, my ], x, y).setFont(f_code));
py = padding;
if(curr_lib == "") {
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text_add(px, py + ui(12), "no file");
} else {
var _icon = curr_type == 0;
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
var _tw = ui(4 + 4 + 18 * _icon) + string_width(curr_lib) + ui(2 + 16 + 4);
var _th = ui(24);
var _hov = pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, px, py, px + _tw, py + _th);
var _aa = .5 + .5 * _hov;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.box_r5_clr, 0, px, py, _tw, _th, c_white, _aa);
if(curr_type == 0) {
draw_sprite_ext(THEME.globe, 0, px + ui(4 + 10), py + _th / 2, .75, .75);
draw_text_add(px + ui(4 + 4 + 18 * _icon), py + _th / 2, curr_lib);
var _hov = pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, px + _tw - ui(22), py, px + _tw, py + _th);
draw_sprite_ext(THEME.cross, 0, px + _tw - 8 - 4, py + _th / 2, .5, .5, 0, _hov? COLORS._main_value_negative : COLORS._main_icon, .5 + .5 * _hov);
if(_hov && mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))