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synced 2025-02-26 03:34:49 +01:00
908 lines
32 KiB
908 lines
32 KiB
![]() |
function Panel_Animation(_panel) : PanelContent(_panel) constructor {
context_str = "Animation";
timeline_h = 28;
min_w = 348;
min_h = 48;
tool_width = 280;
timeline_surface = surface_create(w - tool_width, timeline_h);
timeline_mask = surface_create(w - tool_width, timeline_h);
dope_sheet_w = w - tool_width - 8;
dope_sheet_h = h - timeline_h - 20;
dope_sheet_surface = surface_create(dope_sheet_w, 1);
dope_sheet_mask = surface_create(dope_sheet_w, 1);
dope_sheet_y = 0;
dope_sheet_y_to = 0;
dope_sheet_y_max = 0;
is_scrolling = false;
ds_name_surface = surface_create(tool_width - 16, 1);
timeline_scubbing = false;
timeline_scub_st = 0;
timeline_scale = 20;
timeline_shift = 0;
timeline_dragging = false;
timeline_drag_sx = 0;
timeline_drag_sy = 0;
timeline_drag_mx = 0;
timeline_drag_my = 0;
timeline_show_time = -1;
timeline_preview = noone;
keyframe_dragging = noone;
keyframe_drag_type = -1;
prop_selecting = noone;
anim_properties = ds_list_create();
prev_cache = array_create(ANIMATOR.frames_total + 1);
addHotkey("", "Play/Pause", vk_space, MOD_KEY.none, function() {
ANIMATOR.is_playing = !ANIMATOR.is_playing;
if(ANIMATOR.is_playing && ANIMATOR.frames_total) {
ANIMATOR.real_frame = 0;
addHotkey("", "First frame", vk_home, MOD_KEY.none, function() { ANIMATOR.real_frame = 0; });
addHotkey("", "Last frame", vk_end, MOD_KEY.none, function() { ANIMATOR.real_frame = ANIMATOR.frames_total; });
addHotkey("", "Next frame", vk_right, MOD_KEY.none, function() {
ANIMATOR.real_frame = min(ANIMATOR.real_frame + 1, ANIMATOR.frames_total);
ANIMATOR.frame_progress = true; });
addHotkey("", "Previous frame", vk_left, MOD_KEY.none, function() {
ANIMATOR.real_frame = max(ANIMATOR.real_frame - 1, 0);
ANIMATOR.frame_progress = true; });
function onResize(dw, dh) {
if(w - tool_width > 1) {
if(is_surface(timeline_mask) && surface_exists(timeline_mask))
surface_size_to(timeline_mask, w - tool_width, timeline_h);
timeline_mask = surface_create(w - tool_width, timeline_h);
if(is_surface(timeline_surface) && surface_exists(timeline_surface))
surface_size_to(timeline_surface, w - tool_width, timeline_h);
timeline_surface = surface_create(w - tool_width, timeline_h);
dope_sheet_w = w - tool_width - 8;
dope_sheet_h = h - timeline_h - 24;
if(dope_sheet_h > 8) {
if(is_surface(dope_sheet_mask) && surface_exists(dope_sheet_mask))
surface_size_to(dope_sheet_mask, dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h);
dope_sheet_mask = surface_create(dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h);
if(is_surface(dope_sheet_surface) && surface_exists(dope_sheet_surface))
surface_size_to(dope_sheet_surface, dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h);
dope_sheet_surface = surface_create(dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h);
if(is_surface(ds_name_surface) && surface_exists(ds_name_surface))
surface_size_to(ds_name_surface, tool_width - 16, dope_sheet_h);
ds_name_surface = surface_create(tool_width - 16, dope_sheet_h);
function resetTimelineMask() {
timeline_mask = surface_create(w - tool_width, timeline_h);
draw_sprite_stretched(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, 0, w - tool_width, timeline_h);
if(dope_sheet_h > 8) {
dope_sheet_mask = surface_create(dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h);
draw_sprite_stretched(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, 0, dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h);
function updatePropertyList() {
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_list); i++ ) {
var _node = PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_list[| i];
if(!_node.active) continue;
for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_node.inputs); j++) {
var jun = _node.inputs[| j];
ds_list_add(anim_properties, jun);
function drawAnimationControl() {
var bar_x = tool_width - 48;
var bar_y = h - timeline_h - 10;
var bar_w = w - tool_width;
var bar_h = timeline_h;
var bar_total_w = ANIMATOR.frames_total * timeline_scale;
var key_holding = noone;
if(!is_surface(timeline_surface) || !surface_exists(timeline_surface))
timeline_surface = surface_create(w - tool_width, timeline_h);
if(dope_sheet_h > 8) {
if(!is_surface(dope_sheet_surface) || !surface_exists(dope_sheet_surface))
dope_sheet_surface = surface_create(dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h);
if(!is_surface(ds_name_surface) || !surface_exists(ds_name_surface))
ds_name_surface = surface_create(dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h);
#region scroll
dope_sheet_y = lerp_float(dope_sheet_y, dope_sheet_y_to, 5);
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, 8, 8, tool_width, 8 + dope_sheet_h)) {
if(mouse_wheel_down()) dope_sheet_y_to = clamp(dope_sheet_y_to - 32, -dope_sheet_y_max, 0);
if(mouse_wheel_up()) dope_sheet_y_to = clamp(dope_sheet_y_to + 32, -dope_sheet_y_max, 0);
var scr_x = bar_x + dope_sheet_w + 4;
var scr_y = 8;
var scr_s = dope_sheet_h;
var scr_prog = -dope_sheet_y / dope_sheet_y_max;
var scr_size = dope_sheet_h / (dope_sheet_h + dope_sheet_y_max);
var scr_scale_s = scr_s * scr_size;
var scr_prog_s = scr_prog * (scr_s - scr_scale_s);
var scr_w = 4;
var scr_h = scr_s;
var s_bar_w = 4;
var s_bar_h = scr_scale_s;
var s_bar_x = scr_x;
var s_bar_y = scr_y + scr_prog_s;
if(is_scrolling) {
dope_sheet_y_to = clamp((my - scr_y - scr_scale_s / 2) / (scr_s - scr_scale_s), 0, 1) * -dope_sheet_y_max;
if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left)) is_scrolling = false;
if(point_in_rectangle(mx, my, scr_x - 2, scr_y - 2, scr_x + scr_w + 2, scr_y + scr_h + 2)) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_scrollbar, 0, s_bar_x, s_bar_y, s_bar_w, s_bar_h, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
if(mouse_check_button(mb_left)) {
is_scrolling = true;
} else {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_scrollbar, 0, s_bar_x, s_bar_y, s_bar_w, s_bar_h, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0);
var msx = mx - bar_x;
var msy = my - 8;
var graph_h = 48;
#region bg
draw_sprite_stretched(s_ui_panel_bg, 1, 0, 0, bar_w, dope_sheet_h);
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 1, 0, 0, bar_total_w, dope_sheet_h, c_ltgray, 1);
dope_sheet_y_max = 0;
var key_y = 24 + dope_sheet_y, key_y_node, _node = noone;
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) {
var prop = anim_properties[| i];
if(_node != prop.node) {
_node = prop.node;
key_y += 6;
key_y_node = key_y;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, key_y - 10, bar_total_w, 20, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
key_y += 22;
dope_sheet_y_max += 28;
if(prop.node.anim_show) {
key_y += 18;
dope_sheet_y_max += 18;
if(prop.value.show_graph) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, key_y - 4, bar_total_w, graph_h, c_ui_blue_ltgrey, 1);
key_y += graph_h + 8;
dope_sheet_y_max += graph_h + 8;
dope_sheet_y_max = max(0, dope_sheet_y_max - dope_sheet_h + 48);
for(var i = 0; i < ANIMATOR.frames_total; i += 10) {
var bar_line_x = i * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
draw_line(bar_line_x, 12, bar_line_x, dope_sheet_h);
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_bottom, c_ui_blue_grey);
draw_text(bar_line_x, 16, string(i));
var bar_line_x = ANIMATOR.current_frame * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
var cc = ANIMATOR.is_playing? c_ui_lime : c_ui_orange;
draw_line(bar_line_x, 12, bar_line_x, dope_sheet_h);
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_bottom, cc);
draw_text(bar_line_x, 16, string(ANIMATOR.current_frame));
#region dope sheet
var key_sy = 24 + dope_sheet_y;
var key_y, key_y_node, _node = noone;
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_top, c_ui_blue_white);
key_y = key_sy;
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) {
var prop = anim_properties[| i];
if(_node != prop.node) {
_node = prop.node;
key_y += 28
if(prop.node.anim_show && prop.on_end != KEYFRAME_END.hold) {
var key_list = prop.value.values;
if(ds_list_size(key_list) > 1) {
var keyframe_s = key_list[| 0].time;
var keyframe_e = key_list[| ds_list_size(key_list) - 1].time;
var ks_x = keyframe_s * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
var ke_x = keyframe_e * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
draw_set_color(merge_color(c_ui_blue_black, c_ui_lime, 0.2));
draw_line_width(ks_x, key_y - 1, ke_x, key_y - 1, 4);
if(!prop.node.anim_show) {
key_y += 18;
if(isGraphable(prop.type)) {
var _gy_val_min = 999999;
var _gy_val_max = -999999;
var _gy_top = key_y + 16;
var _gy_bottom = _gy_top + graph_h - 8;
var amo = ds_list_size(prop.value.values);
for(var k = 0; k < amo; k++) {
var key_val = prop.value.values[| k].value;
if(is_array(key_val)) {
for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key_val); ki++ ) {
_gy_val_min = min(_gy_val_min, key_val[ki]);
_gy_val_max = max(_gy_val_max, key_val[ki]);
} else {
_gy_val_min = min(_gy_val_min, key_val);
_gy_val_max = max(_gy_val_max, key_val);
for(var k = 0; k < amo; k++) {
var key = prop.value.values[| k];
var t = key.time * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
#region easing line
if(key.ease_in > 0) {
var _tx = t - key.ease_in * timeline_scale * 2;
draw_line_width(_tx, key_y - 1, t, key_y - 1, 2);
if(FOCUS == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, _tx, key_y, 6)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_keyframe, 2, _tx, key_y, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_white, 2);
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
keyframe_dragging = prop.value.values[| k];
prop_selecting = prop;
keyframe_drag_type = KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_in;
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_keyframe, 2, _tx, key_y, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_ltgrey, 2);
} if(key.ease_out > 0) {
var _tx = t + key.ease_out * timeline_scale * 2;
draw_line_width(t, key_y - 1, _tx, key_y - 1, 2);
if(FOCUS == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, _tx, key_y, 6)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_keyframe, 3, _tx, key_y, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_white, 2);
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
keyframe_dragging = prop.value.values[| k];
prop_selecting = prop;
keyframe_drag_type = KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_out;
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_keyframe, 3, _tx, key_y, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_ltgrey, 2);
if(prop.value.show_graph && k < amo - 1) {
#region graph
var key_next = prop.value.values[| k + 1];
var a = key.ease_out;
var b = key_next.ease_in;
var dx = key_next.time - key.time;
var tott = a + b;
var ox, oy, nx, ny, oly, nly;
if(tott == 0) {
nx = key_next.time * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
if(is_array(key.value)) {
for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key.value); ki++ ) {
oy = value_map(key.value[ki], _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
ny = value_map(key_next.value[ki], _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
draw_line(t, oy, nx, ny);
} else {
var oy = value_map(key.value, _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
var ny = value_map(key_next.value, _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
draw_line(t, oy, nx, ny);
} else {
a = a;
b = 1 - b;
var _step = 1 / 20;
for( var _r = 0; _r <= 1; _r += _step ) {
nx = t + _r * dx * timeline_scale;
nly = bezier_interpol_x(a, b, _r);
if(is_array(key.value)) {
for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key.value); ki++ ) {
ny = value_map(lerp(key.value[ki], key_next.value[ki], nly), _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
if(_r > 0) {
oy = value_map(lerp(key.value[ki], key_next.value[ki], oly), _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
draw_line(ox, oy, nx, ny);
} else {
ny = value_map(lerp(key.value, key_next.value, nly), _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
if(_r > 0) {
oy = value_map(lerp(key.value, key_next.value, oly), _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
draw_line(ox, oy, nx, ny);
ox = nx;
oly = nly;
if(prop.value.show_graph) {
if(ds_list_size(prop.value.values) > 0) {
var key_first = prop.value.values[| 0];
var t_first = key_first.time * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
var key_last = prop.value.values[| ds_list_size(prop.value.values) - 1];
var t_last = key_last.time * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
if(is_array(key_last.value)) {
for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key_last.value); ki++ ) {
oy = value_map(key_last.value[ki], _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
draw_line(t_last, oy, bar_total_w, oy);
oy = value_map(key_first.value[ki], _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
draw_line(0, oy, t_first, oy);
} else {
var oy = value_map(key_last.value, _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
draw_line(t_last, oy, bar_total_w, oy);
var oy = value_map(key_first.value, _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top);
draw_line(0, oy, t_first, oy);
key_y += graph_h + 8;
key_y += 18;
key_y = key_sy;
_node = noone;
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) {
var prop = anim_properties[| i];
if(_node != prop.node) {
_node = prop.node;
key_y += 6;
key_y_node = key_y;
key_y += 22;
var key_remove = -1;
for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(prop.value.values); k++) {
var t = prop.value.values[| k].time * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
if(prop.node.anim_show) {
if(FOCUS == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, t, key_y, 6)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_keyframe, 1, t, key_y, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
key_holding = prop.value.values[| k];
keyframe_dragging = prop.value.values[| k];
prop_selecting = prop;
keyframe_drag_type = KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_both;
} else if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
keyframe_dragging = prop.value.values[| k];
prop_selecting = prop;
keyframe_drag_type = KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.move;
} else if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_right)) {
key_remove = k;
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_keyframe, 1, t, key_y, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_keyframe, 0, t, key_y_node, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
if(key_remove != -1)
if(prop.node.anim_show) {
key_y += graph_h + 8;
key_y += 18;
#region keyframes
if(keyframe_dragging && prop_selecting) {
key_holding = keyframe_dragging;
if(keyframe_drag_type == KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.move) {
var tt = clamp(round((mx - bar_x) / timeline_scale) + timeline_shift, 0, ANIMATOR.frames_total);
keyframe_dragging.time = floor(tt);
timeline_show_time = floor(tt);
var _e_in = keyframe_dragging.ease_in;
var _e_ou = keyframe_dragging.ease_out;
if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left)) {
var _index = ds_list_find_index(prop_selecting.value.values, keyframe_dragging);
ds_list_delete(prop_selecting.value.values, _index);
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.list_delete, prop_selecting.value.values, [keyframe_dragging, _index]);
prop_selecting.value.setValue(keyframe_dragging.value, false, keyframe_dragging.time, _e_in, _e_ou);
keyframe_dragging = noone;
prop_selecting = noone;
} else {
var dx = (keyframe_dragging.time - (mx - bar_x) / timeline_scale) * timeline_scale / 64;
dx = clamp(abs(dx), 0, 0.9);
if(dx < 0.1) dx = 0;
var _in = keyframe_dragging.ease_in;
var _ot = keyframe_dragging.ease_out;
switch(keyframe_drag_type) {
case KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_in :
keyframe_dragging.ease_in = dx;
case KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_out :
keyframe_dragging.ease_out = dx;
case KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_both :
keyframe_dragging.ease_in = dx;
keyframe_dragging.ease_out = dx;
if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left)) {
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, keyframe_dragging, [_in, "ease_in"]);
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, keyframe_dragging, [_ot, "ease_out"]);
keyframe_dragging = noone;
prop_selecting = noone;
draw_surface_safe(dope_sheet_mask, 0, 0);
draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0);
var msx = mx - 8;
var msy = my - 8;
#region dope sheet name
var key_y = key_sy, _node = noone;
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, c_ui_blue_white);
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) {
var prop = anim_properties[| i];
if(_node != prop.node) {
_node = prop.node;
key_y += 6;
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, 0, key_y - 10, tool_width - 64, key_y + 10)) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, key_y - 10, tool_width - 64, 20, c_ui_blue_ltgrey, 1);
if(FOCUS == panel && msx < tool_width - 88 && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left))
prop.node.anim_show = !prop.node.anim_show;
} else
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, key_y - 10, tool_width - 64, 20, merge_color(c_ui_blue_white, c_ui_blue_ltgrey, 0.5), 1);
if(prop.node == PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting)
draw_sprite_stretched(s_node_active, 0, 0, key_y - 10, tool_width - 64, 20);
var tx = tool_width - 76 - 16 * 0;
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, tx, key_y - 1, 10)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_animate_node_go, 0, tx, key_y - 1, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
TOOLTIP = "Go to node";
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting = _node;
PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus = _node;
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_animate_node_go, 0, tx, key_y - 1, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
draw_sprite_ext(s_arrow_16, prop.node.anim_show? 3 : 0, 10, key_y, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
draw_text(20, key_y, prop.node.name);
key_y += 22;
if(!prop.node.anim_show) continue;
var tx = tool_width - 72 - 16 * 3;
var ty = key_y - 1;
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, tx, ty, 6)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_prop_keyframe, 0, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
var _t = -1;
for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(prop.value.values); j++) {
var _key = prop.value.values[| j];
if(_key.time < ANIMATOR.current_frame) {
_t = _key.time;
if(_t > -1) ANIMATOR.real_frame = _t;
ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = true;
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_prop_keyframe, 0, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
var tx = tool_width - 72 - 16 * 1;
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, tx, ty, 6)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_prop_keyframe, 2, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(prop.value.values); j++) {
var _key = prop.value.values[| j];
if(_key.time > ANIMATOR.current_frame) {
ANIMATOR.real_frame = _key.time;
ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = true;
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_prop_keyframe, 2, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
var tx = tool_width - 72 - 16 * 2;
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, tx, ty, 6)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_prop_keyframe, 1, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_orange_light, 1);
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
var _add = false;
for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(prop.value.values); j++) {
var _key = prop.value.values[| j];
if(_key.time == ANIMATOR.current_frame) {
if(ds_list_size(prop.value.values) > 1)
ds_list_delete(prop.value.values, j);
_add = true;
} else if(_key.time > ANIMATOR.current_frame) {
ds_list_insert(prop.value.values, j, new valueKey(ANIMATOR.current_frame, prop.getValue()));
_add = true;
if(!_add) ds_list_add(prop.value.values, new valueKey(ANIMATOR.current_frame, prop.getValue()));
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_prop_keyframe, 1, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_orange, 1);
if(isGraphable(prop.type)) {
var tx = tool_width - 68 - 16 * 0;
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, tx, ty, 8)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_graph, 1, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, prop.value.show_graph? c_ui_orange_light : c_ui_blue_white, 1);
TOOLTIP = "Show graph";
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
prop.value.show_graph = !prop.value.show_graph;
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_graph, 1, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, prop.value.show_graph? c_ui_orange : c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
var tx = tool_width - 72 - 16 * 4.5;
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, tx, ty, 6)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_prop_on_end, prop.on_end, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
TOOLTIP = "Looping mode " + ON_END_NAME[prop.on_end];
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
prop.on_end = safe_mod(prop.on_end + 1, sprite_get_number(s_prop_on_end));
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_prop_on_end, prop.on_end, tx, ty, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_circle(msx, msy, 22, key_y - 1, 10)) {
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_clock, 1, 22, key_y - 1, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
prop.value.is_anim = !prop.value.is_anim;
} else
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_clock, 1, 22, key_y - 1, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
draw_text(32, key_y, prop.name);
key_y += graph_h + 8;
key_y += 18;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 0, 8, 8, tool_width, dope_sheet_h, c_ui_blue_white, 1);
draw_surface_safe(ds_name_surface, 8, 8);
draw_surface_safe(dope_sheet_surface, bar_x, 8);
draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0);
#region bg
draw_sprite_stretched(s_ui_panel_bg, 1, 0, 0, bar_w, bar_h);
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 1, 0, 0, bar_total_w, bar_h, c_ltgray, 1);
if(timeline_scale > 16 && timeline_preview != noone) {
var prev_s = timeline_scale - 4;
for(var i = 0; i < ANIMATOR.frames_total; i++) {
var fr_x = i * timeline_scale + timeline_shift + 2;
var fr_y = timeline_h - 2 - prev_s;
var surf = timeline_preview.cached_output[i];
if(!surf || !surface_exists(surf)) continue;
var ss = prev_s / max(surface_get_width(surf), surface_get_height(surf));
draw_rectangle(fr_x, fr_y, fr_x + prev_s, fr_y + prev_s, 1);
draw_surface_ext(surf, fr_x, fr_y, ss, ss, 0, c_white, 1);
for(var i = 0; i < ANIMATOR.frames_total; i += 10) {
var bar_line_x = i * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
draw_line(bar_line_x, 12, bar_line_x, bar_h);
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_bottom, c_ui_blue_grey);
draw_text(bar_line_x, 16, string(i));
var bar_line_x = ANIMATOR.current_frame * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
var cc = ANIMATOR.is_playing? c_ui_lime : c_ui_orange;
draw_line(bar_line_x, 12, bar_line_x, bar_h);
draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_bottom, cc);
draw_text(bar_line_x, 16, string(ANIMATOR.current_frame));
#region cache
var inspecting = PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting;
if(inspecting && inspecting.use_cache) {
#region cache
for(var i = 0; i < ANIMATOR.frames_total; i++) {
if(i >= array_length(inspecting.cached_output)) {
} else {
var x0 = i * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
var x1 = (i + 1) * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
var sh = inspecting.cached_output[i];
draw_rectangle(x0, bar_h - 4, x1, bar_h, false);
#region summary
var index = 0, key_y = timeline_h / 2;
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) {
var prop = anim_properties[| i];
for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(prop.value.values); k++) {
var t = prop.value.values[| k].time * timeline_scale + timeline_shift;
draw_sprite_ext(s_timeline_keyframe, 1, t, key_y, 1, 1, 0, c_ui_blue_grey, 1);
#region pan zoom
if(timeline_scubbing) {
ANIMATOR.real_frame = clamp((mx - bar_x) / timeline_scale + timeline_shift, 0, ANIMATOR.frames_total);
timeline_show_time = ANIMATOR.current_frame;
if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left)) {
timeline_scubbing = false;
ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = false;
if(timeline_dragging) {
timeline_shift = clamp(timeline_drag_sx + mx - timeline_drag_mx, -max(bar_total_w - bar_w, 0), 0);
dope_sheet_y_to = clamp(timeline_drag_sy + my - timeline_drag_my, -dope_sheet_y_max, 0);
timeline_dragging = false;
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, bar_x, 8, bar_x + bar_w, h - 8)) {
if(mouse_wheel_down()) {
timeline_scale = max(timeline_scale - 1, 1);
timeline_shift = 0;
if(mouse_wheel_up()) {
timeline_scale = min(timeline_scale + 1, 24);
timeline_shift = 0;
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_middle)) {
timeline_dragging = true;
timeline_drag_sx = timeline_shift;
timeline_drag_sy = dope_sheet_y_to;
timeline_drag_mx = mx;
timeline_drag_my = my;
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
if(key_holding == noone) {
timeline_scubbing = true;
timeline_scub_st = ANIMATOR.current_frame;
ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = true;
draw_surface_safe(timeline_mask, 0, 0);
draw_surface_safe(timeline_surface, bar_x, bar_y);
#region control
var bx = 8;
var by = h - 40;
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, 32, 32, [mx, my], FOCUS == panel, HOVER == panel, "Stop", s_sequence_control, 4, ANIMATOR.is_playing? c_ui_orange : c_ui_blue_grey) == 2) {
ANIMATOR.is_playing = false;
ANIMATOR.real_frame = 0;
bx += 36;
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, 32, 32, [mx, my], FOCUS == panel, HOVER == panel, ANIMATOR.is_playing? "Pause" : "Play",
s_sequence_control, !ANIMATOR.is_playing, ANIMATOR.is_playing? c_ui_orange : c_ui_blue_grey) == 2)
ANIMATOR.is_playing = !ANIMATOR.is_playing;
bx += 36;
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, 32, 32, [mx, my], FOCUS == panel, HOVER == panel, "Go to first frame", s_sequence_control, 3) == 2) {
ANIMATOR.real_frame = 0;
ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = true;
bx += 36;
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, 32, 32, [mx, my], FOCUS == panel, HOVER == panel, "Go to last frame", s_sequence_control, 2) == 2) {
ANIMATOR.real_frame = ANIMATOR.frames_total;
ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = true;
bx += 36;
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, 32, 32, [mx, my], FOCUS == panel, HOVER == panel, "Previous frame", s_sequence_control, 5) == 2) {
ANIMATOR.real_frame = clamp(ANIMATOR.real_frame - 1, 0, ANIMATOR.frames_total);
ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = true;
bx += 36;
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, 32, 32, [mx, my], FOCUS == panel, HOVER == panel, "Next frame", s_sequence_control, 6) == 2) {
ANIMATOR.real_frame = clamp(ANIMATOR.real_frame + 1, 0, ANIMATOR.frames_total);
ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = true;
bx = w - 40;
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, 32, 32, [mx, my], FOCUS == panel, HOVER == panel, "Animation settings", s_hamburger, 2) == 2)
dialogCall(o_dialog_animation, x + bx + 32, y + by - 8);
if(dope_sheet_h > 8) {
by -= 40;
bx = w - 40;
if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, 32, 32, [mx, my], FOCUS == panel, HOVER == panel, "Scale animation", s_animation_timing, 2) == 2) {
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_anim_time_scaler, x + bx + 32, y + by - 8);
dia.anchor = ANCHOR.right | ANCHOR.bottom;
function drawContent() {
draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0);
if(timeline_show_time > -1) {
TOOLTIP = "Frame " + string(timeline_show_time) + "/" + string(ANIMATOR.frames_total);
timeline_show_time = -1;