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synced 2025-02-26 03:34:49 +01:00
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174 lines
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function Panel_Menu(_panel) : PanelContent(_panel) constructor {
draggable = false;
notification = "";
noti_icon = 0;
noti_timeout = 0;
noti_extra = [];
noti_extra_current = [];
static menus = [
["File", [
[ "New", function() {
}, ["", "New file"] ],
[ "Open...", function() { LOAD(); }, ["", "Open"] ],
[ "Save", function() { SAVE(); }, ["", "Save"] ],
[ "Save as...", function() { SAVE_AS(); }, ["", "Save as"] ],
[ "Preferences...", function() { dialogCall(o_dialog_preference, WIN_W / 2, WIN_H / 2); } ],
["Edit", [
[ "Undo", function() { UNDO(); }, ["", "Undo"] ],
[ "Redo", function() { REDO(); }, ["", "Redo"] ],
["Preview", [
[ "Center preview", function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.do_fullView = true; }, ["Preview", "Focus content"] ],
[ "Save current preview as...", function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.saveCurrentFrame(); }, ["Preview", "Save current frame"] ],
[ "Preview background", [
[ s_menu_transparent, function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.canvas_bg = -1; } ],
[ s_menu_white, function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.canvas_bg = c_white; } ],
[ s_menu_black, function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.canvas_bg = c_black; } ],
[ "Show Grid", function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.grid_show = !PANEL_PREVIEW.grid_show; }, ["Preview", "Toggle grid"] ],
[ "Grid setting...", function() {
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_grid, WIN_W / 2, WIN_H / 2);
dia.anchor = ANCHOR.none;
} ],
["Animation", [
[ "Animation setting...", function() {
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_animation, WIN_W / 2, WIN_H / 2);
dia.anchor = ANCHOR.none;
} ],
[ "Animation scaler...", function() {
dialogCall(o_dialog_anim_time_scaler, WIN_W / 2, WIN_H / 2);
} ],
["Rendering", [
[ "Render all nodes", function() {
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(NODES); i++)
NODES[| i].rendered = false;
UPDATE = true;
}, ["", "Render all"] ]
["Panels", [
[ "Workspace", [
[ s_workspace_0, function() { clearPanel(); PREF_MAP[? "panel_layout"] = 0; setPanel(); PREF_SAVE(); } ],
[ s_workspace_1, function() { clearPanel(); PREF_MAP[? "panel_layout"] = 1; setPanel(); PREF_SAVE(); } ]
[ "Collections", function() {
PREF_MAP[? "panel_collection"] = !PREF_MAP[? "panel_collection"];
} ]
function showNoti(str, icon = -1) {
notification = str;
noti_extra_current = noti_extra;
noti_extra = [];
noti_timeout = 60 + string_length(str) * 15;
noti_icon = icon;
function addNotiExtra(str) {
array_push(noti_extra, str);
function drawContent() {
draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0);
draw_sprite_ext(icon_24, 0, 20, 20, 1, 1, 0, c_white, 1);
var xx = 40;
if(FOCUS == panel && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, 0, 0, 40, 32)) {
if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
dialogCall(o_dialog_about, WIN_W / 2, WIN_H / 2);
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(menus); i++) {
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_center, fa_center, c_white);
var ww = string_width(menus[i][0]) + 16;
var xc = xx + ww / 2;
if(HOVER == panel) {
if(point_in_rectangle(mx, my, xc - ww / 2, 0, xc + ww / 2, h)) {
draw_sprite_stretched(s_menu_button, 0, xc - ww / 2, 6, ww, h - 12);
if((FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) || instance_exists(o_dialog_menubox)) {
var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_menubox, x + xx, y + h);
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_center, fa_center, c_white);
draw_text(xx + ww / 2, y + h / 2, menus[i][0]);
xx += ww + 8;
if(notification != "") {
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, c_ui_orange);
var n_str = notification;
var ex = array_length(noti_extra_current);
if(ex) n_str += " with " + string(ex) + " warning" + ((ex > 1)? "s." : ".");
var nx0 = xx + 24;
var nw = string_width(n_str) + 32 + (noti_icon != -1) * 24;
var ny0 = y + h / 2;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_ui_panel_bg, 1, nx0, ny0 - 16, nw, 32, c_white, 1);
if(noti_icon != -1)
draw_sprite(noti_icon, 0, nx0 + 24, ny0);
draw_text(nx0 + 16 + (noti_icon != -1) * 24, ny0, n_str);
if(point_in_rectangle(mx, my, nx0, ny0 - 16, nx0 + nw, ny0 + 16)) {
var tip = "";
for( var i = 0; i < ex; i++ ) {
tip += noti_extra_current[i] + "\n";
TOOLTIP = tip;
} else if(noti_timeout-- < 0) {
notification = "";
noti_extra = [];
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_right, fa_center, c_ui_blue_grey);
var txt = "v. " + string(VERSION_STRING);
var ww = string_width(txt);
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, w - 16 - ww, 0, w - 16, h)) {
draw_sprite_stretched(s_menu_button, 0, w - 16 - ww - 6, 6, ww + 12, h - 12);
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
dialogCall(o_dialog_release_note, WIN_W / 2, WIN_H / 2);
draw_text(w - 16, h / 2, txt);
if(o_main.version_latest > VERSION) {
var xx = w - 88;
draw_set_text(f_p0b, fa_right, fa_center, c_ui_lime);
var txt = " Newer version available ";
var ww = string_width(txt);
if(HOVER == panel && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, xx - ww, 0, xx, h)) {
draw_sprite_stretched(s_menu_button, 0, xx - ww - 6, 6, ww + 12, h - 12);
if(FOCUS == panel && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
draw_text(xx, h / 2, txt);