
969 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-04-30 10:49:12 +02:00
// 2024-04-30 12:45:18
enum ANCHOR {
none = 0,
top = 1,
bottom = 2,
left = 4,
right = 8
function Panel(_parent, _x, _y, _w, _h) constructor { #region
parent = _parent;
if(parent) ds_list_add(parent.childs, self);
padding = THEME_VALUE.panel_margin;
content = [];
content_index = 0;
childs = ds_list_create();
anchor = ANCHOR.none;
x = _x;
y = _y;
w = _w;
h = _h;
tx = x;
ty = y;
tw = w;
th = h;
split = "";
tab_width = 0;
tab_height = ui(24);
tab_x = 0;
tab_x_to = 0;
tab_surface = noone;
min_w = ui(40);
min_h = ui(40);
dragging = -1;
drag_sval = 0;
drag_sm = 0;
mouse_active = true;
content_surface = surface_create_valid(w, h);
mask_surface = surface_create_valid(w, h);
tab_holding = noone;
tab_hold_state = 0;
tab_holding_mx = 0;
tab_holding_my = 0;
tab_holding_sx = 0;
tab_holding_sy = 0;
tab_cover = noone;
border_rb_close = menuItem(__txt("Close"), function() { #region
var con = getContent();
if(con == noone) return;
}, THEME.cross); #endregion
border_rb_menu = [ #region
menuItem(__txt("Move"), function() {
panel_mouse = 1;
menuItem(__txtx("panel_pop_out", "Pop out"), function() { popWindow(); }, THEME.node_goto),
]; #endregion
static getContent = function() { return array_safe_get_fast(content, content_index, noone); }
static hasContent = function() { return bool(array_length(content)); }
function resetMask() { #region
var tab = array_length(content) > 1;
tx = x; ty = y + tab * ui(tab_height);
tw = w; th = h - tab * ui(tab_height);
content_surface = surface_verify(content_surface, tw, th);
mask_surface = surface_verify(mask_surface, tw, th);
draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 0, padding, padding, tw - padding * 2, th - padding * 2);
} resetMask(); #endregion
function setPadding(padding) { #region
self.padding = padding;
} #endregion
function refresh() { #region
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(content); i < n; i++ )
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++ )
childs[| i].refresh();
} #endregion
function move(dx, dy) { #region
x += dx;
y += dy;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++) {
var _panel = childs[| i];
_panel.move(dx, dy);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(content); i < n; i++ ) {
content[i].x = x;
content[i].y = y;
} #endregion
function resizable(dw, dh, oppose = ANCHOR.left) { #region
var tab = array_length(content) > 1;
tx = x; ty = y + tab * ui(tab_height);
tw = w; th = h - tab * ui(tab_height);
var hori = oppose == ANCHOR.left || oppose == ANCHOR.right;
if(hasContent()) {
var res = true;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(content); i < n; i++ )
res &= hori? tw + dw > content[i].min_w : th + dh > content[i].min_h;
return res;
var _c0 = ds_list_get(childs, 0, noone);
var _c1 = ds_list_get(childs, 1, noone);
if(_c0 == noone || _c1 == noone) return false;
var ind = hori? _c1.w > _c0.w : _c1.h > _c0.h;
return childs[| ind].resizable(dw, dh, oppose);
} #endregion
function refreshSize(recur = true) { #region //refresh content surface after resize
//__debug_counter("refresh size");
var tab = array_length(content) > 1;
tx = x; ty = y + tab * ui(tab_height);
tw = w; th = h - tab * ui(tab_height);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(content); i < n; i++ ) {
content[i].w = max(tw, content[i].min_w);
content[i].h = max(th, content[i].min_h);
if(ds_list_size(childs) == 2) {
//print("=== Refreshing (" + string(w) + ", " + string(h) + ") " + string(split) + " ===");
var _tw = childs[| 0].w + childs[| 1].w;
var _th = childs[| 0].h + childs[| 1].h;
var fixChild = split == "h"? childs[| 1].x < childs[| 0].x : childs[| 1].y < childs[| 0].y;
childs[| fixChild].x = x;
childs[| fixChild].y = y;
if(split == "h") {
childs[| fixChild].w = round(childs[| fixChild].w / _tw * w);
childs[| fixChild].h = round(h);
childs[| !fixChild].x = x + childs[| fixChild].w;
childs[| !fixChild].y = y;
childs[| !fixChild].w = round(w - childs[| fixChild].w);
childs[| !fixChild].h = round(h);
childs[| fixChild].anchor = ANCHOR.left;
childs[| !fixChild].anchor = ANCHOR.right;
} else if(split == "v") {
childs[| fixChild].w = round(w);
childs[| fixChild].h = round(childs[| fixChild].h / _th * h);
childs[| !fixChild].x = x;
childs[| !fixChild].y = y + childs[| fixChild].h;
childs[| !fixChild].w = round(w);
childs[| !fixChild].h = round(h - childs[| fixChild].h);
childs[| fixChild].anchor = ANCHOR.top;
childs[| !fixChild].anchor = ANCHOR.bottom;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++)
childs[| i].refreshSize();
} #endregion
function resize(dw, dh, oppose = ANCHOR.left) { #region
if(dw == 0 && dh == 0) return;
if(ds_list_size(childs) == 2) {
var hori = oppose == ANCHOR.left || oppose == ANCHOR.right;
var ind = hori? childs[| 1].w > childs[| 0].w : childs[| 1].h > childs[| 0].h;
childs[| ind].resize(dw, dh, oppose);
w = max(round(w + dw), min_w);
h = max(round(h + dh), min_h);
} #endregion
function setContent(_content = noone, _switch = false) { #region
content = array_append(content, _content);
array_push(content, _content);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(content); i < n; i++ )
if(_switch) setTab(array_find(content, _content));
} #endregion
function switchContent(_content) { #region
var _ind = array_find(content, _content);
if(_ind == -1) return;
} #endregion
function split_h(_w) { #region
if(abs(_w) > w) {
print("Error: Split panel larger than size w (" + string(_w) + " > " + string(w) + ")");
return noone;
if(_w < 0) _w = w + _w;
var _panelParent = new Panel(parent, x, y, w, h);
_panelParent.anchor = anchor;
_panelParent.split = "h";
var _panelL = self;
ds_list_add(_panelParent.childs, _panelL);
var _panelR = new Panel(_panelParent, x + _w, y, w - _w, h);
_panelR.anchor = ANCHOR.right;
var prev_w = w;
w = _w;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(content); i < n; i++ ) {
content[i].w = w;
if(parent == noone)
PANEL_MAIN = _panelParent;
ds_list_delete(parent.childs, ds_list_find_index(parent.childs, self));
parent = _panelParent;
anchor = ANCHOR.left;
content = [];
return [ _panelL, _panelR ];
} #endregion
function split_v(_h) { #region
if(abs(_h) > h) {
print("Error: Split panel larger than size h (" + string(_h) + " > " + string(h) + ")");
return noone;
if(_h < 0) _h = h + _h;
var _panelParent = new Panel(parent, x, y, w, h);
_panelParent.anchor = anchor;
_panelParent.split = "v";
var _panelT = self;
ds_list_add(_panelParent.childs, _panelT);
var _panelB = new Panel(_panelParent, x, y + _h, w, h - _h);
_panelB.anchor = ANCHOR.bottom;
var prev_h = h;
h = _h;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(content); i < n; i++ ) {
content[i].h = h;
if(parent == noone)
PANEL_MAIN = _panelParent;
ds_list_delete(parent.childs, ds_list_find_index(parent.childs, self));
parent = _panelParent;
anchor = ANCHOR.top;
content = [];
return [_panelT, _panelB];
} #endregion
function stepBegin() { #region
var con = getContent();
if(FULL_SCREEN_CONTENT != noone && con == FULL_SCREEN_CONTENT && self != FULL_SCREEN_PARENT) return;
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(content); i < n; i++ )
if(o_main.panel_dragging != noone) dragging = -1;
if(dragging == 1) {
var _mx = clamp(mouse_mx, ui(16), WIN_W - ui(16));
var dw = round(_mx - drag_sm);
var res = true;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++) {
var _panel = childs[| i];
switch(_panel.anchor) {
case ANCHOR.left:
res &= _panel.resizable(dw, 0, ANCHOR.left);
case ANCHOR.right:
res &= _panel.resizable(-dw, 0, ANCHOR.right);
if(res) {
drag_sm = _mx;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++) {
var _panel = childs[| i];
switch(_panel.anchor) {
case ANCHOR.left:
_panel.resize(dw, 0, ANCHOR.left);
case ANCHOR.right:
_panel.resize(-dw, 0, ANCHOR.right);
_panel.move(dw, 0);
if(mouse_release(mb_left)) {
dragging = -1;
} else if(dragging == 2) {
var _my = clamp(mouse_my, ui(16), WIN_H - ui(16));
var dh = round(_my - drag_sm);
var res = true;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++) {
var _panel = childs[| i];
switch(_panel.anchor) {
case ANCHOR.top:
res &= _panel.resizable(0, dh, ANCHOR.top);
case ANCHOR.bottom:
res &= _panel.resizable(0, -dh, ANCHOR.bottom);
if(res) {
drag_sm = _my;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++) {
var _panel = childs[| i];
switch(_panel.anchor) {
case ANCHOR.top:
_panel.resize(0, dh, ANCHOR.top);
case ANCHOR.bottom:
_panel.resize(0, -dh, ANCHOR.bottom);
_panel.move(0, dh);
if(mouse_release(mb_left)) {
dragging = -1;
} else {
if(con && point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, x + ui(2), y + ui(2), x + w - ui(4), y + h - ui(4))) {
HOVER = self;
if(FOCUS == self && con)
FOCUS_STR = con.context_str;
} else {
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++)
childs[| i].stepBegin();
} #endregion
static step = function() { #region
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++)
childs[| i].step();
} #endregion
static draw = function() { #region
if(hasContent()) {
var min_w = ui(32);
var min_h = ui(32);
if(split == "h") {
min_w = childs[| 0].min_w + childs[| 1].min_w;
min_h = max(childs[| 0].min_h + childs[| 1].min_h);
} else {
min_w = max(childs[| 0].min_w, childs[| 1].min_w);
min_h = childs[| 0].min_h + childs[| 1].min_h;
for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++) {
var _panel = childs[| i];
if!(HOVER == noone || is_struct(HOVER))
var p = ui(6 - 1);
switch(_panel.anchor) {
case ANCHOR.left :
if(!point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, _panel.x + _panel.w - p, _panel.y, _panel.x + _panel.w + p, _panel.y + _panel.h))
CURSOR = cr_size_we;
if(mouse_press(mb_left)) {
dragging = 1;
drag_sval = _panel.w;
drag_sm = mouse_mx;
case ANCHOR.top :
if(!point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, _panel.x, _panel.y + _panel.h - p, _panel.x + _panel.w, _panel.y + _panel.h + p))
CURSOR = cr_size_ns;
if(mouse_press(mb_left)) {
dragging = 2;
drag_sval = _panel.h;
drag_sm = mouse_my;
if(self == PANEL_MAIN && o_main.panel_dragging != noone && key_mod_press(CTRL))
} #endregion
function drawTab() { #region
tab_surface = surface_verify(tab_surface, w - padding * 2 + 1, tab_height + ui(4));
var tsx = x + padding - 1;
var tsy = y + ui(2);
var msx = mouse_x - tsx;
var msy = mouse_y - tsy;
tab_cover = noone;
var tbx = tab_x + ui(1);
var tby = 0;
var tbh = tab_height + ui(2);
var tabHov = msx < 0 ? 0 : array_length(content) - 1;
tab_x = lerp_float(tab_x, tab_x_to, 5);
tab_width = 0;
var rem = -1;
draw_set_text(f_p3, fa_left, fa_bottom, COLORS._main_text_sub);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(content); i < n; i++ ) {
var txt = content[i].title;
var icn = content[i].icon;
var tbw = string_width(txt) + ui(16 + 16);
if(icn != noone) tbw += ui(16 + 4);
var foc = false;
tab_width += tbw + ui(2);
if(msx >= tbx && msy <= tbx + tbw)
tabHov = i;
if(tab_holding == content[i]) {
tbx += tbw + ui(2);
content[i].tab_x = content[i].tab_x == 0? tbx : lerp_float(content[i].tab_x, tbx, 5);
var _tbx = content[i].tab_x;
var _hov = point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, _tbx, tby, _tbx + tbw, tab_height);
var _tdh = tbh + THEME_VALUE.panel_tab_extend;
if(i == content_index) {
foc = FOCUS == self;
var cc = FOCUS == self? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS.panel_tab;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_tab, 1 + (FOCUS == self), _tbx, tby, tbw, _tdh, cc, 1);
tab_cover = BBOX().fromWH(tsx + _tbx, tsy + tby + tbh - ui(3), tbw, THEME_VALUE.panel_tab_extend);
} else {
var cc = COLORS.panel_tab_inactive;
if(HOVER == self && _hov)
var cc = COLORS.panel_tab_hover;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_tab, 0, _tbx, tby, tbw, _tdh, cc, 1);
var aa = 0.5;
if(point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, _tbx + tbw - ui(16), tby, _tbx + tbw, tab_height)) {
aa = 1;
if(mouse_press(mb_left, FOCUS == self))
rem = i;
} else if(HOVER == self && _hov) {
if(mouse_press(mb_left, FOCUS == self)) {
tab_holding = content[i];
tab_hold_state = 0;
tab_holding_mx = msx;
tab_holding_my = msy;
tab_holding_sx = tab_holding.tab_x;
if(mouse_press(mb_right, FOCUS == self)) {
var menu = array_clone(border_rb_menu);
if(instanceof(content[i]) == "Panel_Menu")
array_remove(menu, 2);
menuCall("panel_border_menu",,, menu);
if(mouse_press(mb_middle, FOCUS == self))
rem = i;
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.tab_exit, 0, _tbx + tbw - ui(12), tab_height / 2 + 1,,,, foc? COLORS.panel_tab_icon : COLORS._main_text_sub, aa);
if(icn != noone) {
draw_sprite_ui(icn, 0, _tbx + ui(8 + 8), tab_height / 2 + 1,,,, foc? COLORS.panel_tab_icon : COLORS._main_text_sub);
_tbx += ui(20);
draw_set_text(f_p3, fa_left, fa_bottom, foc? COLORS.panel_tab_text : COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text_add(_tbx + ui(8), tab_height - ui(4), txt);
tbx += tbw + ui(2);
if(rem > -1) content[rem].close();
tab_width = max(0, tab_width - w + ui(32));
if(point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, 0, 0, w, tab_height)) {
if(mouse_wheel_up()) tab_x_to = clamp(tab_x_to + ui(64) * SCROLL_SPEED, -tab_width, 0);
if(mouse_wheel_down()) tab_x_to = clamp(tab_x_to - ui(64) * SCROLL_SPEED, -tab_width, 0);
if(tab_holding) {
var _tbx = tab_holding.tab_x;
var txt = tab_holding.title;
var icn = tab_holding.icon;
var tbw = string_width(txt) + ui(16 + 16);
if(icn != noone) tbw += ui(16 + 4);
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_tab, 2, _tbx, tby, tbw, tbh, COLORS._main_accent, 1);
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.tab_exit, 0, _tbx + tbw - ui(12), tab_height / 2 + 1,,,, COLORS.panel_tab_icon);
if(icn != noone) {
draw_sprite_ui(icn, 0, _tbx + ui(8 + 8), tab_height / 2 + 1,,,, COLORS.panel_tab_icon);
_tbx += ui(20);
draw_set_text(f_p3, fa_left, fa_bottom, COLORS.panel_tab_text);
draw_text_add(_tbx + ui(8), tab_height - ui(4), txt);
if(tab_hold_state == 0) {
if(point_distance(tab_holding_mx, tab_holding_my, msx, msy) > 8)
tab_hold_state = 1;
} else if(tab_hold_state == 1) {
if(point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, 0, 0, w, tab_height)) {
if(msx < ui(32)) tab_x_to = clamp(tab_x_to + ui(2), -tab_width, 0);
if(msx > w - ui(32)) tab_x_to = clamp(tab_x_to - ui(2), -tab_width, 0);
tab_holding.tab_x = clamp(tab_holding_sx + (msx - tab_holding_mx), 1, w - tbw - ui(4));
array_remove(content, tab_holding);
array_insert(content, tabHov, tab_holding);
setTab(array_find(content, tab_holding));
if(abs(msy - tab_holding_my) > ui(32)) {
tab_holding = noone;
tab_holding = noone;
draw_surface(tab_surface, tsx, tsy);
} #endregion
function setTab(tabIndex, forceFocus = false) { #region
if(tabIndex < 0) return;
if(tabIndex >= array_length(content)) return;
if(content_index == tabIndex) {
if(forceFocus) content[tabIndex].onFocusBegin();
var prec = array_safe_get_fast(content, content_index);
if(prec) prec.onFocusEnd();
content_index = tabIndex;
var prec = array_safe_get_fast(content, content_index);
if(prec) prec.onFocusBegin();
} #endregion
function drawPanel() { #region
if(w <= ui(16)) return;
var tab = array_length(content) > 1;
tx = x; ty = y + tab * ui(tab_height);
tw = w; th = h - tab * ui(tab_height);
if(th < ui(16)) return;
var con = getContent();
if(FULL_SCREEN_CONTENT != noone && con == FULL_SCREEN_CONTENT && self != FULL_SCREEN_PARENT) return;
if(tab) drawTab();
var p = ui(6);
var m_in = point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, tx + p, ty + p, tx + tw - p, ty + th - p);
var m_ot = point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, tx, ty, tx + tw, ty + th);
mouse_active = m_in;
var _tw = tw - padding * 2;
var _th = th - padding * 2;
draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 0, tx + padding, ty + padding, _tw, _th);
if(!is_surface(mask_surface)) {
mask_surface = surface_create_valid(tw, th);
content_surface = surface_verify(content_surface, tw, th);
if(con) {
min_w = con.min_w;
min_h = con.min_h;
if(tw >= min_w && th >= min_h)
else {
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text(tw / 2, th / 2, "Panel too small for content");
} else {
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text(tw / 2, th / 2, "No content");
draw_surface_safe(mask_surface, 0, 0);
draw_surface_safe(content_surface, tx, ty);
draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_fg, 0, tx + padding, ty + padding, _tw, _th);
if(tab) draw_sprite_bbox(THEME.ui_panel_tab, 3, tab_cover);
if(FOCUS == self && parent != noone) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_active, 0, tx + padding, ty + padding, tw - padding * 2, th - padding * 2, COLORS._main_accent, 1);
if(hasContent() && !m_in && m_ot) {
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_active, 0, tx + padding, ty + padding, tw - padding * 2, th - padding * 2, c_white, 0.4);
panel_mouse = 0;
} else if(mouse_press(mb_right)) {
var menu = array_clone(border_rb_menu);
if(instanceof(getContent()) == "Panel_Menu")
array_remove(menu, 2, border_rb_close);
menuCall("panel_border_menu",,, menu);
if(o_main.panel_dragging != noone && m_ot && !key_mod_press(CTRL))
} #endregion
function drawGUI() { #region
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(childs); i++ )
childs[| i].drawGUI();
var con = getContent();
if(con == noone) return;
} #endregion
function extract() { #region
var con = getContent();
con.dragSurface = surface_clone(content_surface);
o_main.panel_dragging = con;
array_remove(content, con);
HOVER = noone;
FOCUS = noone;
if(hasContent()) return;
var ind = !ds_list_find_index(parent.childs, self); //index of the other child
var sib = parent.childs[| ind];
if(!sib.hasContent() && ds_list_size(sib.childs) == 2) { //other child is compound panel
var gparent = parent.parent;
if(gparent == noone) {
sib.x = PANEL_MAIN.x; sib.y = PANEL_MAIN.y;
sib.w = PANEL_MAIN.w; sib.h = PANEL_MAIN.h;
sib.parent = noone;
} else {
var pind = ds_list_find_index(gparent.childs, parent); //index of parent in grandparent object
gparent.childs[| pind] = sib; //replace parent with sibling
sib.parent = gparent;
} else if(sib.hasContent()) { //other child is content panel, set parent to content panel
} #endregion
function popWindow() { #region
var con = getContent();
if(con == noone) return;
o_main.panel_dragging = noone;
} #endregion
function checkHover() { #region
var dx = (mouse_mx - x) / w;
var dy = (mouse_my - y) / h;
var p = ui(8);
o_main.panel_hovering = self;
var x0 = x + p;
var y0 = y + p;
var x1 = x + w - p;
var y1 = y + h - p;
var xc = x + w / 2;
var yc = y + h / 2;
if(point_in_rectangle(mouse_mx, mouse_my, x + w * 1 / 3, y + h * 1 / 3, x + w * 2 / 3, y + h * 2 / 3)) {
o_main.panel_split = 4;
o_main.panel_draw_x0_to = x + w * 1 / 3;
o_main.panel_draw_y0_to = y + h * 1 / 3;
o_main.panel_draw_x1_to = x + w * 2 / 3;
o_main.panel_draw_y1_to = y + h * 2 / 3;
} else {
if(dx + dy > 1) {
if((1 - dx) + dy > 1) {
o_main.panel_draw_x0_to = x0;
o_main.panel_draw_y0_to = yc;
o_main.panel_draw_x1_to = x1;
o_main.panel_draw_y1_to = y1;
o_main.panel_split = 3;
} else {
o_main.panel_draw_x0_to = xc;
o_main.panel_draw_y0_to = y0;
o_main.panel_draw_x1_to = x1;
o_main.panel_draw_y1_to = y1;
o_main.panel_split = 1;
} else {
if((1 - dx) + dy > 1) {
o_main.panel_draw_x0_to = x0;
o_main.panel_draw_y0_to = y0;
o_main.panel_draw_x1_to = xc;
o_main.panel_draw_y1_to = y1;
o_main.panel_split = 2;
} else {
o_main.panel_draw_x0_to = x0;
o_main.panel_draw_y0_to = y0;
o_main.panel_draw_x1_to = x1;
o_main.panel_draw_y1_to = yc;
o_main.panel_split = 0;
} #endregion
function onFocusBegin() { INLINE if(FOCUS.getContent()) FOCUS.getContent().onFocusBegin(); }
function onFocusEnd() { INLINE if(FOCUS.getContent()) FOCUS.getContent().onFocusEnd(); }
function remove(con = getContent()) { #region
var curr = getContent();
array_remove(content, con);
if(con) con.onClose();
if(con == curr) setTab(0, true);
else setTab(array_find(content, curr), true);
if(hasContent()) return;
if(parent == noone) {
show_message("Can't close main panel.");
ds_list_delete(parent.childs, ds_list_find_index(parent.childs, self));
var otherPanel = parent.childs[| 0];
} #endregion
} #endregion
function PanelContent() constructor { #region
title = "";
icon = noone;
context_str = "";
draggable = true;
expandable = true;
resizable = true;
auto_pin = false;
panel = noone;
mx = 0;
my = 0;
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = 640;
h = 480;
padding = ui(16);
title_height = ui(28);
tab_x = 0;
min_w = ui(40);
min_h = ui(40);
pFOCUS = false;
pHOVER = false;
in_dialog = false;
dragSurface = surface_create(1, 1);
showHeader = true;
function refresh() { #region
} #endregion
function onResize() {}
function onFocusBegin() {}
function onFocusEnd() {}
static initSize = function() {}
function setPanelSize(panel) { #region
x = panel.tx;
y = panel.ty;
w = panel.tw;
h = panel.th;
} #endregion
function onSetPanel(panel) { #region
self.panel = panel;
} #endregion
function panelStepBegin(panel) { #region
} #endregion
function onStepBegin() { #region
mx = mouse_mx - x;
my = mouse_my - y;
} #endregion
function stepBegin() {}
static draw = function(panel) { #region
self.panel = panel;
if(o_main.panel_dragging == noone) {
pFOCUS = FOCUS == panel/* && panel.mouse_active*/;
pHOVER = !CURSOR_IS_LOCK && HOVER == panel && panel.mouse_active;
} #endregion
function drawContent(panel) {}
function drawGUI() {}
static onFullScreen = function() {}
function close() { panel.remove(self); }
static checkClosable = function() { return true; }
static onClose = function() {}
static serialize = function() { return { name: instanceof(self) }; }
static deserialize = function(data) { return self; }
} #endregion
function setFocus(target, fstring = noone) { #region
if((instance_exists(FOCUS) && variable_instance_exists(FOCUS, "onFocusEnd")) ||
(is_struct(FOCUS) && struct_has(FOCUS, "onFocusEnd")))
FOCUS = target;
if(fstring != noone)
FOCUS_STR = fstring;
if((instance_exists(FOCUS) && variable_instance_exists(FOCUS, "onFocusBegin")) ||
(is_struct(FOCUS) && struct_has(FOCUS, "onFocusBegin")))
} #endregion