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2022-11-18 03:20:31 +01:00
function _sprite_path(rel, theme) {
return "data/themes/" + theme + "/graphics/" + string_replace_all(rel, "./", "");
function _sprite_load_from_struct(str, theme, key) {
var path = _sprite_path(str.path, theme);
var s = sprite_add(path, str.subimages, false, false, str.xorigin, str.yorigin);
if(str.slice) {
var slice = sprite_nineslice_create();
slice.enabled = str.slice.enabled;
slice.left = str.slice.left;
slice.right = str.slice.right;
slice.top = str.slice.top;
slice.bottom = str.slice.bottom;
sprite_set_nineslice(s, slice);
return s;
function __getGraphicList() {
var path = _sprite_path("./graphics.json", "default");
var f = file_text_open_read(path);
var s = file_text_read_all(f);
return json_parse(s);
function loadGraphic(theme = "default") {
var sprDef = __getGraphicList();
var path = _sprite_path("./graphics.json", theme);
if(!file_exists(path)) {
noti_status("Theme not defined at " + path + ", rollback to default theme.");
var f = file_text_open_read(path);
var s = file_text_read_all(f);
var graphics = variable_struct_get_names(sprDef);
var sprStr = json_parse(s);
for( var i = 0; i < array_length(graphics); i++ ) {
var key = graphics[i];
if(variable_struct_exists(sprStr, key)) {
var str = variable_struct_get(sprStr, key);
variable_struct_set(THEME, key, _sprite_load_from_struct(str, theme, key));
} else {
noti_status("Graphic resource for " + string(key) + " not found. Rollback to default directory.");
var str = variable_struct_get(sprDef, key);
variable_struct_set(THEME, key, _sprite_load_from_struct(str, "default", key));