addNodeObject(vfx, "Accelerate", s_node_vfx_accel, "Node_VFX_Accelerate", [1, Node_VFX_Accelerate],, "Change the speed of particle in range.").hideRecent();
addNodeObject(vfx, "Destroy", s_node_vfx_destroy, "Node_VFX_Destroy", [1, Node_VFX_Destroy],, "Destroy particle in range.").hideRecent();
addNodeObject(vfx, "Attract", s_node_vfx_attract, "Node_VFX_Attract", [1, Node_VFX_Attract],, "Attract particle in range to one point.").hideRecent();
addNodeObject(vfx, "Wind", s_node_vfx_wind, "Node_VFX_Wind", [1, Node_VFX_Wind],, "Move particle in range.").hideRecent();
addNodeObject(vfx, "Vortex", s_node_vfx_vortex, "Node_VFX_Vortex", [1, Node_VFX_Vortex],, "Rotate particle around a point.").hideRecent();
addNodeObject(vfx, "Turbulence", s_node_vfx_turb, "Node_VFX_Turbulence", [1, Node_VFX_Turbulence],, "Move particle in range randomly.").hideRecent();
addNodeObject(vfx, "Oscillate", s_node_vfx_osc, "Node_VFX_Oscillate", [1, Node_VFX_Oscillate],, "Swing particle around its original trajectory.").hideRecent().setVersion(11560);
addNodeObject(vfx, "VFX Override", s_node_vfx_override, "Node_VFX_Override", [1, Node_VFX_Override],, "Replace particle variable with a new one.").hideRecent().setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(rigidSim, "Rigidbody Override", s_node_rigid_override, "Node_Rigid_Override", [1, Node_Rigid_Override],, "Replace rigidbody object variable with a new one.").hideRecent().setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(smokeSim, "Update Domain", s_node_smokeSim_update, "Node_Smoke_Update", [1, Node_Smoke_Update],, "Run smoke by one step.").hideRecent().setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(smokeSim, "Render Domain", s_node_smokeSim_render, "Node_Smoke_Render", [1, Node_Smoke_Render],, "Render smoke to surface. This node also have update function build in.").hideRecent().setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(smokeSim, "Queue Domain", s_node_smokeSim_domain_queue, "Node_Smoke_Domain_Queue", [1, Node_Smoke_Domain_Queue],, "Sync multiple domains to be render at the same time.").hideRecent().setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(smokeSim, "Add Collider", s_node_smokeSim_add_collider, "Node_Smoke_Add_Collider", [1, Node_Smoke_Add_Collider],, "Add solid object that smoke can collides to.").hideRecent().setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(smokeSim, "Vortex", s_node_smokeSim_vortex, "Node_Smoke_Vortex", [1, Node_Smoke_Vortex],, "Apply rotational force around a point.").hideRecent().setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(smokeSim, "Repulse", s_node_smokeSim_repulse, "Node_Smoke_Repulse", [1, Node_Smoke_Repulse],, "Spread smoke away from a point.").hideRecent().setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(smokeSim, "Turbulence", s_node_smokeSim_turbulence, "Node_Smoke_Turbulence", [1, Node_Smoke_Turbulence],, "Apply random velocity map to the smoke.").hideRecent().setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(strandSim, "Strand Create", s_node_strandSim_create, "Node_Strand_Create", [1, Node_Strand_Create],, "Create strands from point, path, or mesh.").hideRecent().setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(strandSim, "Strand Update", s_node_strandSim_update, "Node_Strand_Update", [1, Node_Strand_Update],, "Update strands by one step.").hideRecent().setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(strandSim, "Strand Render", s_node_strandSim_render, "Node_Strand_Render", [1, Node_Strand_Render],, "Render strands to surface as a single path.").hideRecent().setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(strandSim, "Strand Render Texture", s_node_strandSim_render_texture, "Node_Strand_Render_Texture", [1, Node_Strand_Render_Texture],, "Render strands to surface as a textured path.").hideRecent().setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(strandSim, "Strand Force Apply", s_node_strandSim_force, "Node_Strand_Force_Apply", [1, Node_Strand_Force_Apply],, "Apply general force to strands.").hideRecent().setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(strandSim, "Strand Break", s_node_strandSim_break, "Node_Strand_Break", [1, Node_Strand_Break],, "Detach strands from its origin.").hideRecent().setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(strandSim, "Strand Length Adjust", s_node_strandSim_length, "Node_Strand_Length_Adjust", [1, Node_Strand_Length_Adjust],, "Adjust length of strands in area.").hideRecent().setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(strandSim, "Strand Collision", s_node_strandSim_collide, "Node_Strand_Collision", [1, Node_Strand_Collision],, "Create solid object for strands to collides to.").hideRecent().setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(input, "Image", s_node_image, "Node_Image", [0, Node_create_Image],, "Load a single image from your computer.");
addNodeObject(input, "Image GIF", s_node_image_gif, "Node_Image_gif", [0, Node_create_Image_gif],, "Load animated .gif from your computer.");
addNodeObject(input, "Splice Spritesheet", s_node_image_sheet, "Node_Image_Sheet", [1, Node_Image_Sheet],, "Cut up spritesheet into animation or image array.");
addNodeObject(input, "Image Array", s_node_image_sequence, "Node_Image_Sequence", [0, Node_create_Image_Sequence],, "Load multiple images from your computer as array.");
addNodeObject(input, "Animation", s_node_image_animation, "Node_Image_Animated", [0, Node_create_Image_Animated],, "Load multiple images from your computer as animation.");
addNodeObject(input, "Array to Anim", s_node_image_sequence_to_anim, "Node_Sequence_Anim", [1, Node_Sequence_Anim],, "Convert array of images into animation.");
addNodeObject(input, "Canvas", s_node_canvas, "Node_Canvas", [1, Node_Canvas], ["draw"], "Draw on surface using brush, eraser, etc.");
addNodeObject(input, "Canvas Group", s_node_canvas_group, "Node_Canvas_Group", [1, Node_Canvas_Group],, "Create a group that combines multiple canvas nodes a layers.").setVersion(11740);
addNodeObject(input, "Text File In", s_node_text_file_read, "Node_Text_File_Read", [1, Node_Text_File_Read], ["txt"], "Load .txt in as text.").setVersion(1080);
addNodeObject(input, "Text File Out", s_node_text_file_write, "Node_Text_File_Write", [1, Node_Text_File_Write], ["txt"], "Save text as a .txt file.").setVersion(1090);
addNodeObject(input, "CSV File In", s_node_csv_file_read, "Node_CSV_File_Read", [1, Node_CSV_File_Read], ["comma separated value"], "Load .csv as text, number array.").setVersion(1090);
addNodeObject(input, "Websocket Receiver", s_node_websocket_receive, "Node_Websocket_Receiver", [1, Node_Websocket_Receiver],, "Create websocket server to receive data from the network.").setVersion(1145);
addNodeObject(input, "Websocket Sender", s_node_websocket_send, "Node_Websocket_Sender", [1, Node_Websocket_Sender],, "Create websocket server to send data to the network.").setVersion(1145);
addNodeObject(transform, "Mesh Warp", s_node_warp_mesh, "Node_Mesh_Warp", [1, Node_Mesh_Warp], ["mesh wrap"], "Wrap image by converting it to mesh, and using control points.");
addNodeObject(filter, "RGBA Combine", s_node_RGB_combine, "Node_Combine_RGB", [1, Node_Combine_RGB],, "Combine 4 image in to one. Each image use to control RGBA channel.").setVersion(1070);
addNodeObject(filter, "HSV Combine", s_node_HSV_combine, "Node_Combine_HSV", [1, Node_Combine_HSV],, "Combine 4 image in to one. Each image use to control HSVA channel.").setVersion(1070);
addNodeObject(filter, "Override Channel", s_node_ovreride_channel, "Node_Override_Channel", [1, Node_Override_Channel],, "Replace RGBA value of one surface with another.").setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(filter, "Slope Blur", s_node_blur_slope, "Node_Blur_Slope", [1, Node_Blur_Slope], ["motion blur"], "Blur along a gradient of a slope map.").setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(filter, "Radial Blur", s_node_radial, "Node_Blur_Radial", [1, Node_Blur_Radial],, "Blur image by rotating around a mid point.").setVersion(1110);
addNodeObject(filter, "Shape Blur", s_node_shape_blur, "Node_Blur_Shape", [1, Node_Blur_Shape],, "Blur image using another image as blur map.").setVersion(11650);
addNodeObject(filter, "Displace", s_node_displace, "Node_Displace", [1, Node_Displace], ["distort"], "Distort image using another image as a map.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Texture Remap", s_node_texture_map, "Node_Texture_Remap", [1, Node_Texture_Remap],, "Remap image using texture map. Where red channel control x position and green channel control y position.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Time Remap", s_node_time_map, "Node_Time_Remap", [1, Node_Time_Remap],, "Remap image using texture as time map. Where brighter pixel means using pixel from an older frame.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Bloom", s_node_bloom, "Node_Bloom", [1, Node_Bloom],, "Apply bloom effect, blurring and brighten the bright part of the image.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Trail", s_node_trail, "Node_Trail", [1, Node_Trail],, "Blend animation by filling in the pixel 'in-between' two or more frames.").setVersion(1130);
addNodeObject(filter, "Erode", s_node_erode, "Node_Erode", [1, Node_Erode],, "Remove pixel that are close to the border of the image.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Blobify", s_node_blobify, "Node_Blobify", [1, Node_Blobify],, "Round off sharp corner in BW image by bluring and thresholding.").setVersion(11650);
addNodeObject(filter, "Pixel Cloud", s_node_pixel_cloud, "Node_Pixel_Cloud", [1, Node_Pixel_Cloud],, "Displace each pixel of the image randomly.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Pixel Sort", s_node_pixel_sort, "Node_Pixel_Sort", [1, Node_Pixel_Sort],, "Sort pixel by brightness in horizontal, or vertial axis.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Edge Detect", s_node_edge_detect, "Node_Edge_Detect", [1, Node_Edge_Detect],, "Edge detect by applying Sobel, Prewitt, or Laplacian kernel.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Convolution", s_node_convolution, "Node_Convolution", [1, Node_Convolution], ["kernel"], "Apply convolution operation on each pixel using a custom 3x3 kernel.").setVersion(1090);
addNodeObject(filter, "Local Analyze", s_node_local_analyze, "Node_Local_Analyze", [1, Node_Local_Analyze],, "Apply non-linear operation (minimum, maximum) on each pixel locally.").setVersion(1110);
addNodeObject(filter, "SDF", s_node_sdf, "Node_SDF", [1, Node_SDF],, "Create signed distance field using jump flooding algorithm.").setVersion(1130);
addNodeObject(filter, "Replace Image", s_node_image_replace, "Node_Surface_Replace", [1, Node_Surface_Replace], ["image replace"], "Replace instances of an image with a new one.").setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(filter, "Blend Edge", s_node_blend_edge, "Node_Blend_Edge", [1, Node_Blend_Edge],, "Blend the edges of an image to create tilable patterns.").setVersion(11740);
addNodeObject(filter, "Replace Palette", s_node_replace_palette, "Node_Color_replace", [1, Node_Color_replace], ["isolate color", "select color", "palette swap", "color replace"], "Match image to a palette then remap it to another palette.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Remove Color", s_node_color_remove, "Node_Color_Remove", [1, Node_Color_Remove], ["delete color"], "Remove color that match a palette.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Colorize", s_node_colorize, "Node_Colorize", [1, Node_Colorize], ["recolor"], "Map brightness of a pixel to a color from a gradient.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Posterize", s_node_posterize, "Node_Posterize", [1, Node_Posterize],, "Reduce and remap color to match a palette.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Dither", s_node_dithering, "Node_Dither", [1, Node_Dither],, "Reduce color and use dithering to preserve original color.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Palette Shift", s_node_palette_shift, "Node_Palette_Shift", [1, Node_Palette_Shift],, "Shift the order of color in palette.").setVersion(1147);
addNodeObject(filter, "BW", s_node_BW, "Node_BW", [1, Node_BW], ["black and white"], "Convert color image to black and white.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Level", s_node_level, "Node_Level", [1, Node_Level],, "Adjust brightness of an image by changing its brightness range.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Level Selector", s_node_level_selector, "Node_Level_Selector", [1, Node_Level_Selector],, "Isolate part of the image that falls in the selected brightness range.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Curve", s_node_curve_edit, "Node_Curve", [1, Node_Curve],, "Adjust brightness of an image using curves.").setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(filter, "HSV Curve", s_node_curve_hsv, "Node_Curve_HSV", [1, Node_Curve_HSV],, "Adjust hsv values of an image using curves.").setVersion(11720);
addNodeObject(filter, "Threshold", s_node_threshold, "Node_Threshold", [1, Node_Threshold],, "Set a threshold where pixel darker will becomes black, and brighter to white. Also works with alpha.").setVersion(1080);
addNodeObject(filter, "RGBA Extract", s_node_RGB, "Node_RGB_Channel", [1, Node_RGB_Channel], ["channel extract"], "Extract RGBA channel on an image, each channel becomes its own image.");
addNodeObject(filter, "HSV Extract", s_node_HSV, "Node_HSV_Channel", [1, Node_HSV_Channel],, "Extract HSVA channel on an image, each channel becomes its own image.").setVersion(1070);
addNodeObject(filter, "Alpha to Grey", s_node_alpha_grey, "Node_Alpha_Grey", [1, Node_Alpha_Grey], ["alpha to gray"], "Convert alpha value into solid greyscale.");
addNodeObject(filter, "Grey to Alpha", s_node_grey_alpha, "Node_Grey_Alpha", [1, Node_Grey_Alpha], ["gray to alpha"], "Convert greyscale to alpha value.");
addNodeObject(filter, "De-Corner", s_node_decorner, "Node_De_Corner", [1, Node_De_Corner], ["decorner"], "Attempt to remove single pixel corner from the image.");
addNodeObject(d3d, "Normal", s_node_normal, "Node_Normal", [1, Node_Normal],, "Create normal map using greyscale value as height.");
addNodeObject(d3d, "Normal Light", s_node_normal_light, "Node_Normal_Light", [1, Node_Normal_Light],, "Light up the image using normal mapping.");
addNodeObject(d3d, "Bevel", s_node_bevel, "Node_Bevel", [1, Node_Bevel],, "Apply 2D bevel on the image.");
addNodeObject(d3d, "Sprite Stack", s_node_stack, "Node_Sprite_Stack", [1, Node_Sprite_Stack],, "Create sprite stack either from repeating a single image or stacking different images using array.");
addNodeObject(d3d, "Ambient Occlusion", s_node_AO, "Node_Ambient_Occlusion", [1, Node_Ambient_Occlusion], ["ao"], "Apply simple 2D AO effect using height map.").patreonExtra();
addNodeObject(d3d, "3D Camera", s_node_3d_camera, "Node_3D_Camera", [1, Node_3D_Camera],, "Create 3D camera that render scene to surface.").setVersion(11510);
addNodeObject(d3d, "3D Camera Set", s_node_3d_camera_set, "Node_3D_Camera_Set", [1, Node_3D_Camera_Set],, "3D camera with built-in key and fill directional lights.").setVersion(11571);
addNodeObject(d3d, "3D Material", s_node_3d_meterial, "Node_3D_Material", [1, Node_3D_Material],, "Create 3D material with adjustable parameters.").setVersion(11510);
addNodeObject(d3d, "3D Scene", s_node_3d_scene, "Node_3D_Scene", [1, Node_3D_Scene],, "Combine multiple 3D objects into a single junction.").setVersion(11510);
addNodeObject(d3d, "3D Repeat", s_node_3d_array, "Node_3D_Repeat", [1, Node_3D_Repeat],, "Repeat the same 3D mesh multiple times.").setVersion(11510);
addNodeObject(d3d, "Transform 3D", s_node_image_transform_3d, "Node_3D_Transform_Image", [1, Node_3D_Transform_Image],, "Transform image in 3D space").setVersion(11600);
addNodeObject(d3d, "3D Object", s_node_3d_obj, "Node_3D_Mesh_Obj", [0, Node_create_3D_Obj],, "Load .obj file from your computer as a 3D object.").setVersion(11510);
addNodeObject(d3d, "3D Plane", s_node_3d_plane, "Node_3D_Mesh_Plane", [1, Node_3D_Mesh_Plane],, "Put 2D image on a plane in 3D space.").setVersion(11510);
addNodeObject(d3d, "Directional Light", s_node_3d_light_directi, "Node_3D_Light_Directional", [1, Node_3D_Light_Directional],, "Create directional light directed at the origin point.").setVersion(11510);
addNodeObject(d3d, "Point Light", s_node_3d_light_point, "Node_3D_Light_Point", [1, Node_3D_Light_Point],, "Create point light to illuminate surrounding area.").setVersion(11510);
ds_list_add(d3d, "Modify");
addNodeObject(d3d, "Discretize vertex", s_node_3d_discretize, "Node_3D_Round_Vertex", [1, Node_3D_Round_Vertex],, "Round out vertex position to a specified step.").setVersion(11560);
addNodeObject(d3d, "Set Material", s_node_3d_set_material, "Node_3D_Set_Material", [1, Node_3D_Set_Material],, "Replace mesh material with a new one.").setVersion(11560);
addNodeObject(d3d, "Transform", s_node_3d_transform, "Node_3D_Transform", [1, Node_3D_Transform],, "Transform 3D object.").setVersion(11570);
addNodeObject(d3d, "Transform Scene", s_node_3d_transform_scene, "Node_3D_Transform_Scene", [1, Node_3D_Transform_Scene],, "Transform 3D scene, accepts array of transformations for each objects.").setVersion(11570);
addNodeObject(d3d, "Point Affector", s_node_3d_point_affector, "Node_3D_Point_Affector", [1, Node_3D_Point_Affector],, "Generate array of 3D points interpolating between two values based on the distance.").setVersion(11570);
addNodeObject(generator, "Draw Line", s_node_line, "Node_Line", [1, Node_Line],, "Draw line on an image. Connect path data to it to draw line from path.");
addNodeObject(generator, "Draw Random Shape", s_node_random_shape, "Node_Random_Shape", [1, Node_Random_Shape],, "Generate random shape, use for testing purposes.").setVersion(1147);
addNodeObject(generator, "Draw Bar / Graph", s_node_bar_graph, "Node_Plot_Linear", [0, Node_create_Plot_Linear], global.node_plot_linear_keys, "Plot graph or bar chart from array of number.").setVersion(1144);
addNodeObject(generator, "Draw Path Profile", s_node_profile, "Node_Path_Profile", [1, Node_Path_Profile],, "Fill-in an area on one side of a path.").setVersion(11660);
addNodeObject(generator, "Draw Cross Section", s_node_cross_section, "Node_Cross_Section", [1, Node_Cross_Section],, "Map the brightness of pixels on a linear axis into a surface.").setVersion(11710);
addNodeObject(generator, "Interpret Number", s_node_interpret_number, "Node_Interpret_Number", [1, Node_Interpret_Number],, "Convert array of number into surface.").setVersion(11530);
addNodeObject(generator, "Pixel Builder", s_node_pixel_builder, "Node_Pixel_Builder", [1, Node_Pixel_Builder],, "Will break, do not create. please. Why is it here??").setVersion(11540);
addNodeObject(generator, "Extra Perlins", s_node_perlin_extra, "Node_Perlin_Extra", [1, Node_Perlin_Extra], ["noise"], "Random perlin noise made with different algorithms.").patreonExtra();
addNodeObject(generator, "Extra Voronoi", s_node_voronoi_extra, "Node_Voronoi_Extra", [1, Node_Voronoi_Extra], ["noise"], "Random voronoi noise made with different algorithms.").patreonExtra();
addNodeObject(generator, "Pixel Sampler", s_node_pixel_sampler, "Node_Pixel_Sampler", [1, Node_Pixel_Sampler],, "Map image on to each individual pixels of another image.").setVersion(11730);
addNodeObject(generator, "VFX", s_node_vfx, "Node_VFX_Group_Inline", [1, Node_VFX_Group_Inline],, "Create VFX group, which generate particles that can be manipulated using different force nodes.");
addNodeObject(generator, "RigidSim", s_node_rigidSim, "Node_Rigid_Group_Inline", [1, Node_Rigid_Group_Inline],, "Create group for rigidbody simulation.").setVersion(1110);
addNodeObject(generator, "FLIP Fluid", s_node_fluidSim_group, "Node_FLIP_Group_Inline", [1, Node_FLIP_Group_Inline],, "Create group for fluid simulation.").setVersion(11620);
addNodeObject(generator, "Separate Shape", s_node_sepearte_shape, "Node_Seperate_Shape", [1, Node_Seperate_Shape],, "Separate disconnected pixel each into an image in an image array.");
addNodeObject(generator, "Flood Fill", s_node_flood_fill, "Node_Flood_Fill", [1, Node_Flood_Fill],, "Filled connected pixel given position and color.").setVersion(1133);
addNodeObject(generator, "MK Blinker", s_node_mk_blinker, "Node_MK_Blinker", [1, Node_MK_Blinker],, "Flicker regions of the selected colors randomly.").setVersion(11630);
addNodeObject(generator, "MK Subpixel", s_node_mk_subpixel, "Node_MK_Subpixel", [1, Node_MK_Subpixel],, "Apply subpixel filter on top of a surface.").setVersion(1_17_11_0);
addNodeObject(compose, "Stack", s_node_image_stack, "Node_Stack", [1, Node_Stack],, "Place image next to each other linearly, or on top of each other.").setVersion(1070);
addNodeObject(compose, "Image Grid", s_node_image_grid, "Node_Image_Grid", [1, Node_Image_Grid],, "Place image next to each other in grid pattern.").setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(compose, "Camera", s_node_camera, "Node_Camera", [1, Node_Camera],, "Create camera that crop image to fix dimension with control of position, zoom. Also can be use to create parallax effect.");
addNodeObject(compose, "Pack Sprites", s_node_pack_sprite, "Node_Pack_Sprites", [1, Node_Pack_Sprites],, "Combine array of images with different dimension using different algorithms.").setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(values, "Equation", s_node_equation, "Node_Equation", [0, Node_create_Equation],, "Evaluate string of equation. With an option for setting variables.");
addNodeObject(values, "Point in Area", s_node_point_in_area, "Node_Point_In_Area", [1, Node_Point_In_Area],, "Check whether a point lies in an area.").setVersion(1_17_10_0);
addNodeObject(values, "Unicode", s_node_unicode, "Node_Unicode", [1, Node_Unicode],, "Convert unicode id into string.");
addNodeObject(values, "Text Length", s_node_text_length, "Node_String_Length", [1, Node_String_Length],, "Return number of character in a string.").setVersion(1138);
addNodeObject(values, "Combine Texts", s_node_text_combine, "Node_String_Merge", [1, Node_String_Merge], ["join text", "concatenate text"], "Combine multiple strings into one long string.");
addNodeObject(values, "Join Text Array", s_node_text_join, "Node_String_Join", [1, Node_String_Join],, "Combine string array with an option to add extra string in-between.").setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(values, "Split Text", s_node_text_splice, "Node_String_Split", [1, Node_String_Split],, "Split string into arrays of substring based on delimiter.");
addNodeObject(values, "Trim Text", s_node_text_trim, "Node_String_Trim", [1, Node_String_Trim],, "Remove first and last n character(s) from a string.").setVersion(1080);
addNodeObject(values, "Get Character", s_node_text_char_get, "Node_String_Get_Char", [1, Node_String_Get_Char],, "Get a nth character in a string.").setVersion(1100);
addNodeObject(values, "RegEx Match", s_node_regex_match, "Node_String_Regex_Match", [1, Node_String_Regex_Match],, "Check whether regular expression pattern exist in a string.").setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(values, "RegEx Search", s_node_regex_search, "Node_String_Regex_Search", [1, Node_String_Regex_Search],, "Search for instances in a string using regular expression.").setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(values, "RegEx Replace", s_node_regex_replace, "Node_String_Regex_Replace", [1, Node_String_Regex_Replace],, "Replace instances of a string with another using regular expression.").setVersion(1140);
addNodeObject(values, "Separate File Path", s_node_separate_file_path, "Node_Path_Separate_Folder", [1, Node_Path_Separate_Folder],, "Separate path string into a pair of directory and filename.").setVersion(1145);
addNodeObject(values, "Array Range", s_node_array_range, "Node_Array_Range", [1, Node_Array_Range],, "Create array of numbers by setting start, end and step length.");
addNodeObject(values, "Array Add", s_node_array_add, "Node_Array_Add", [1, Node_Array_Add], ["add array"], "Add elements into an array.");
addNodeObject(values, "Array Length", s_node_array_length, "Node_Array_Length", [1, Node_Array_Length],, "Returns number of members in an array.");
addNodeObject(values, "Array Get", s_node_array_get, "Node_Array_Get", [1, Node_Array_Get], ["get array"], "Returns nth member in an array.");
addNodeObject(values, "Array Set", s_node_array_set, "Node_Array_Set", [1, Node_Array_Set], ["set array"], "Set array member based on index.").setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(values, "Array Find", s_node_array_find, "Node_Array_Find", [1, Node_Array_Find], ["find array"], "Returns index of an array member that match a condition.").setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(values, "Array Insert", s_node_array_insert, "Node_Array_Insert", [1, Node_Array_Insert], ["insert array"], "Insert member into an array at any position.").setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(values, "Array Remove", s_node_array_remove, "Node_Array_Remove", [1, Node_Array_Remove], ["remove array", "delete array", "array delete"], "Remove member in an array.").setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(values, "Array Shift", s_node_array_shift, "Node_Array_Shift", [1, Node_Array_Shift],, "Shift all member in an array.").setVersion(1137);
addNodeObject(values, "Array Zip", s_node_array_zip, "Node_Array_Zip", [1, Node_Array_Zip],, "Combine multiple arrays into higher dimension array by grouping member of the same indicies.").setVersion(1138);
addNodeObject(values, "Array Convolute", s_node_array_convolute, "Node_Array_Convolute", [1, Node_Array_Convolute],, "Apply convolution between 2 number arrays.").setVersion(11540);
addNodeObject(values, "Array Composite", s_node_array_composite, "Node_Array_Composite", [1, Node_Array_Composite],, "Create 2D array by multiplying each member in the first 1D array with the second 1D array.").setVersion(11540);
addNodeObject(values, "Array Sample", s_node_array_sample, "Node_Array_Sample", [1, Node_Array_Sample],, "Sample member from an array to create smaller one.").setVersion(11540);
addNodeObject(values, "Loop Array", s_node_loop_array, "Node_Iterate_Each_Inline", [1, Node_Iterate_Each_Inline], ["iterate each", "for each", "array loop"], "Create group that iterate to each member in an array.");
addNodeObject(values, "Sample Path", s_node_path_sample, "Node_Path_Sample", [1, Node_Path_Sample], ["path sample"], "Sample a 2D position from a path");
addNodeObject(values, "Remap Path", s_node_path_map, "Node_Path_Map_Area", [1, Node_Path_Map_Area],, "Scale path to fit a given area.").setVersion(1130);
addNodeObject(values, "Path from Mask", s_node_path_from_mask, "Node_Path_From_Mask", [1, Node_Path_From_Mask],, "Create path that wrap around a mask.").setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(values, "Bridge Path", s_node_path_bridge, "Node_Path_Bridge", [1, Node_Path_Bridge],, "Create new paths that connect multiple paths at the same sample positions.").setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(values, "Bake Path", s_node_path_bake, "Node_Path_Bake", [1, Node_Path_Bake],, "Bake path data into array of vec2 points.").setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(values, "Map Path", s_node_path_mapp, "Node_Path_Map", [1, Node_Path_Map],, "Map a texture between multiple paths.").setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(values, "Scatter Path", s_node_path_scatter, "Node_Path_Scatter", [1, Node_Path_Scatter],, "Scatter paths along another path.").setVersion(11740);
addNodeObject(values, "3D Path", s_node_path_3d, "Node_Path_3D", [1, Node_Path_3D], [ "path 3d" ], "Create path in 3D space.").setVersion(11750);
addNodeObject(values, "Filter Segments",s_node_segment_filter, "Node_Segment_Filter", [1, Node_Segment_Filter],, "Filter segment (vec2 array) based on a conditions.").setVersion(11780);
addNodeObject(values, "IsoSurf", s_node_isosurf, "Node_IsoSurf", [1, Node_IsoSurf],, "Create a dynamic surface that changes its texture based on rotation.").setVersion(11520);
addNodeObject(values, "Surface from Buffer", s_node_surface_from_buffer, "Node_Surface_From_Buffer", [1, Node_Surface_From_Buffer], ["buffer to surface"], "Create surface from a valid buffer.").setVersion(1146);
addNodeObject(values, "Buffer from Surface", s_node_surface_to_buffer, "Node_Surface_To_Buffer", [1, Node_Surface_To_Buffer], ["surface to buffer"], "Create buffer from a surface.").setVersion(1146);
addNodeObject(color, "RGB Color", s_node_color_from_rgb, "Node_Color_RGB", [1, Node_Color_RGB],, "Create (rgb) color from value in RGB color space.");
addNodeObject(color, "HSV Color", s_node_color_from_hsv, "Node_Color_HSV", [1, Node_Color_HSV],, "Create (rgb) color from value in HSV color space.");
addNodeObject(color, "OKLCH Color", s_node_color_from_oklch,"Node_Color_OKLCH", [1, Node_Color_OKLCH],, ["oklab"], "Create (rgb) color from value in OKLCH color space.");
addNodeObject(color, "Find pixel", s_node_pixel_find, "Node_Find_Pixel", [1, Node_Find_Pixel],, "Get the position of the first pixel with a given color.").setVersion(1130);
addNodeObject(color, "Palette", s_node_palette, "Node_Palette", [1, Node_Palette],, "Create palette value. Note that palette is simple an array of colors.");
addNodeObject(color, "Palette Extract", s_node_palette_extract, "Node_Palette_Extract", [1, Node_Palette_Extract],, "Extract palette from an image.").setVersion(1100);
addNodeObject(color, "Palette Replace", s_node_palette_replace, "Node_Palette_Replace", [1, Node_Palette_Replace],, "Replace colors in a palette with new one.").setVersion(1120);
addNodeObject(animation, "Frame Index", s_node_counter, "Node_Counter", [1, Node_Counter], ["current frame", "counter"], "Output current frame as frame index, or animation progress (0 - 1).");
addNodeObject(animation, "Evaluate Curve", s_node_curve_eval, "Node_Anim_Curve", [1, Node_Anim_Curve],, "Evaluate value from an animation curve.");
addNodeObject(animation, "Rate Remap", s_node_rate_remap, "Node_Rate_Remap", [1, Node_Rate_Remap],, "Remap animation to a new framerate.").setVersion(1147);
addNodeObject(animation, "Delay", s_node_delay, "Node_Delay", [1, Node_Delay],, "Delay the animation by fix amount of frames.").setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(animation, "Stagger", s_node_stagger, "Node_Stagger", [1, Node_Stagger],, "Delay the animation based on array index.").setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(animation, "SmoothStep", s_node_fx_smoothstep, "Node_Fn_SmoothStep", [1, Node_Fn_SmoothStep],, "Apply smoothstop function to a value.").setVersion(11720);
addNodeObject(animation, "Bar / Graph", s_node_bar_graph, "Node_Plot_Linear", [0, Node_create_Plot_Linear], global.node_plot_linear_keys, "Plot graph or bar chart from array of number.").setVersion(1144);
addNodeObject(animation, "Audio Window", s_node_audio_trim, "Node_Audio_Window", [1, Node_Audio_Window],, "Take a slice of an audio array based on the current frame.").setVersion(1144);
addNodeObject(animation, "Audio Volume", s_node_audio_volume, "Node_Audio_Loudness", [1, Node_Audio_Loudness],, "Calculate volume of an audio bit array.").setVersion(11540);
addNodeObject(node, "Condition", s_node_condition, "Node_Condition", [1, Node_Condition],, "Given a condition, output one value if true, another value is false.");
addNodeObject(node, "Switch", s_node_switch, "Node_Switch", [1, Node_Switch],, "Given an index, output a value labeled by the same index.").setVersion(1090);
addNodeObject(node, "Feedback", s_node_feedback, "Node_Feedback", [1, Node_Feedback],, "Create a group that reuse output from last frame to the current one.").isDeprecated();
addNodeObject(node, "Loop", s_node_loop, "Node_Iterate", [1, Node_Iterate], ["iterate", "for"], "Create group that reuse output as input repeatedly in one frame.").isDeprecated();
addNodeObject(node, "Loop Array", s_node_loop_array, "Node_Iterate_Each_Inline", [1, Node_Iterate_Each_Inline], ["iterate each", "for each", "array loop"], "Create group that iterate to each member in an array.");
addNodeObject(node, "Lua Global", s_node_lua_global, "Node_Lua_Global", [1, Node_Lua_Global],, "Execute lua script in global scope without returning any data.").setVersion(1090);
addNodeObject(node, "Lua Surface", s_node_lua_surface, "Node_Lua_Surface", [1, Node_Lua_Surface],, "Execute lua script on a surface.").setVersion(1090);
addNodeObject(node, "Lua Compute", s_node_lua_compute, "Node_Lua_Compute", [1, Node_Lua_Compute],, "Execute lua function and returns a data.").setVersion(1090);
addNodeObject(node, "Pin", s_node_pin, "Node_Pin", [1, Node_Pin],, "Create a pin to organize your connection. Can be create by double clicking on a connection line.");
addNodeObject(node, "Array Pin", s_node_pin_array, "Node_Array_Pin", [1, Node_Array_Pin],, "Create a pin that can receive multiple values and return an array.").setVersion(11770);