mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 18:35:42 +01:00
- [Inspector Panel] Output display now use custom order (if existed).
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 149 additions and 154 deletions
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
function panel_inspector_color_pick() { CALL("inspector_color_pick"); if(!PREFERENCES.alt_picker&& !MOUSE_BLOCK) return; PANEL_INSPECTOR.color_picking = true; }
function Inspector_Custom_Renderer(drawFn, registerFn = noone) : widget() constructor { #region
function Inspector_Custom_Renderer(drawFn, registerFn = noone) : widget() constructor {
h = 64;
node = noone;
self.draw = drawFn;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ function Inspector_Custom_Renderer(drawFn, registerFn = noone) : widget() constr
static setNode = function(node) { self.node = node; return self; }
static toString = function() { return $"Custon renderer"; }
} #endregion
function Inspector_Sprite(spr) constructor { self.spr = spr; }
function Inspector_Spacer(height, line = false) constructor { self.h = height; self.line = line; }
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
menu_junc_color.spacing = ui(24);
function setInspecting(inspecting, _lock = false, _focus = true) { #region
function setInspecting(inspecting, _lock = false, _focus = true) {
if(locked) return;
self.inspecting = inspecting;
@ -229,21 +229,21 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
contentPane.scroll_y_to = 0;
picker_index = 0;
} #endregion
function getInspecting() { #region
function getInspecting() {
if(inspecting == noone) return noone;
return inspecting.active? inspecting : noone;
} #endregion
function onFocusBegin() { if(!focusable) return; PANEL_INSPECTOR = self; }
function onResize() { #region
function onResize() {
contentPane.resize(content_w, content_h);
} #endregion
static drawMeta = function(_y, _m) { #region
static drawMeta = function(_y, _m) {
var con_w = contentPane.surface_w - ui(4);
var _hover = pHOVER && contentPane.hover;
@ -513,22 +513,22 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
return hh;
} #endregion
static highlightProp = function(prop) { #region
static highlightProp = function(prop) {
prop_highlight = prop;
prop_highlight_time = 60;
} #endregion
static drawNodeProperties = function(_y, _m, _inspecting = inspecting) { #region
static drawNodeProperties = function(_y, _m, _inspecting = inspecting) {
var con_w = contentPane.surface_w - ui(4);
var _hover = pHOVER && contentPane.hover;
_inspecting.inspecting = true;
prop_hover = noone;
var jun = noone;
var amoIn = _inspecting.input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(_inspecting.inputs) : array_length(_inspecting.input_display_list);
var amoOut = ds_list_size(_inspecting.outputs);
var amoIn = _inspecting.input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(_inspecting.inputs) : array_length(_inspecting.input_display_list);
var amoOut = _inspecting.output_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(_inspecting.outputs) : array_length(_inspecting.output_display_list);
var amo = inspectGroup == 0? amoIn + 1 + amoOut : amoIn;
var hh = 0;
@ -636,143 +636,138 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) {
var yy = hh + _y;
if(i < amoIn) { #region inputs
if(_inspecting.input_display_list == -1) {
jun = _inspecting.inputs[| i];
} else {
if(i >= array_length(_inspecting.input_display_list)) break;
var jun_disp = _inspecting.input_display_list[i];
if(is_instanceof(jun_disp, Inspector_Spacer)) { // SPACER
var _hh = ui(jun_disp.h);
var _yy = yy + _hh / 2 - ui(2);
if(jun_disp.line) {
draw_line(ui(8), _yy, con_w - ui(8), _yy);
hh += _hh;
} else if(is_instanceof(jun_disp, Inspector_Sprite)) { // SPRITE
var _spr = jun_disp.spr;
var _sh = sprite_get_height(_spr);
draw_sprite(_spr, 0, xc, yy);
hh += _sh + ui(8);
} else if(is_instanceof(jun_disp, Inspector_Label)) { // TEXT
var _txt = jun_disp.text;
draw_set_text(jun_disp.font, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_sub);
var _sh = string_height_ext(_txt, -1, con_w - ui(16)) + ui(16);
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, 0, yy, con_w, _sh, COLORS._main_icon_light);
draw_text_ext_add(ui(8), yy + ui(8), _txt, -1, con_w - ui(16));
hh += _sh + ui(8);
} else if(is_array(jun_disp)) { // LABEL
var pad = i && _colsp == false? ui(4) : 0
_colsp = false;
yy += pad;
var txt = __txt(jun_disp[0]);
var coll = jun_disp[1] && filter_text == "";
var lbh = viewMode? ui(32) : ui(26);
var togl = array_safe_get_fast(jun_disp, 2, noone);
if(togl != noone) var toging = _inspecting.getInputData(togl);
var lbx = (togl != noone) * ui(40);
var lbw = con_w - lbx;
var ltx = lbx + ui(32);
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], lbx, yy, con_w, yy + lbh)) {
contentPane.hover_content = true;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, lbx, yy, lbw, lbh, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_hover, 1);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))
jun_disp[@ 1] = !coll;
if(mouse_press(mb_right, pFOCUS))
menuCall("inspector_group_menu",,, group_menu,, _inspecting);
} else
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, lbx, yy, lbw, lbh, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
if(filter_text == "")
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.arrow, 0, lbx + ui(16), yy + lbh / 2, 1, 1, -90 + coll * 90, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
var cc, aa = 1;
if(togl != noone) {
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, ui(32), yy + lbh)) {
contentPane.hover_content = true;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, yy, ui(32), lbh, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_hover, 1);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))
_inspecting.inputs[| togl].setValue(!toging);
} else
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, yy, ui(32), lbh, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
cc = toging? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg;
aa = 0.5 + toging * 0.5;
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.inspector_checkbox, 0, ui(16), yy + lbh / 2, 1, 1, 0, cc, 1);
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.inspector_checkbox, 1, ui(16), yy + lbh / 2, 1, 1, 0, cc, 1);
draw_set_text(viewMode? f_p0 : f_p1, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
draw_text_add(ltx, yy + lbh / 2, txt);
hh += lbh + ui(viewMode? 8 : 6) + pad;
if(coll) { // skip
_colsp = true;
var j = i + 1;
var _len = array_length(_inspecting.input_display_list);
while(j < _len) {
var j_jun = _inspecting.input_display_list[j];
i = j - 1;
} else if(is_struct(jun_disp) && is_instanceof(jun_disp, Inspector_Custom_Renderer)) {
jun_disp.rx = ui(16) + x;
jun_disp.ry = top_bar_h + y;
var _wdh = jun_disp.draw(ui(6), yy, con_w - ui(12), _m, _hover, pFOCUS) + ui(8);
if(!is_undefined(_wdh)) hh += _wdh;
jun = _inspecting.inputs[| _inspecting.input_display_list[i]];
} else if(i == amoIn) { #region output label
if(i < amoIn) { // inputs
jun = _inspecting.input_display_list == -1? jun = _inspecting.inputs[| i] : _inspecting.inputs[| _inspecting.input_display_list[i]];
} else if(i == amoIn) { // output label
hh += ui(8 + 32 + 8);
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, yy + ui(8), con_w, ui(32), COLORS.panel_inspector_output_label, 0.8);
draw_set_text(f_p0b, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub);
draw_text_add(xc, yy + ui(8 + 16), __txt("Outputs"));
} else { #region outputs
} else { // outputs
var outInd = i - amoIn - 1;
jun = _inspecting.outputs[| outInd];
jun = _inspecting.output_display_list == -1? _inspecting.outputs[| outInd] : _inspecting.outputs[| _inspecting.output_display_list[outInd]];
#region draw custom displayer
if(is_instanceof(jun, Inspector_Spacer)) { // SPACER
var _hh = ui(jun.h);
var _yy = yy + _hh / 2 - ui(2);
if(jun.line) {
draw_line(ui(8), _yy, con_w - ui(8), _yy);
hh += _hh;
} else if(is_instanceof(jun, Inspector_Sprite)) { // SPRITE
var _spr = jun.spr;
var _sh = sprite_get_height(_spr);
draw_sprite(_spr, 0, xc, yy);
hh += _sh + ui(8);
} else if(is_instanceof(jun, Inspector_Label)) { // TEXT
var _txt = jun.text;
draw_set_text(jun.font, fa_left, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_sub);
var _sh = string_height_ext(_txt, -1, con_w - ui(16)) + ui(16);
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, 0, yy, con_w, _sh, COLORS._main_icon_light);
draw_text_ext_add(ui(8), yy + ui(8), _txt, -1, con_w - ui(16));
hh += _sh + ui(8);
} else if(is_array(jun)) { // LABEL
var pad = i && _colsp == false? ui(4) : 0
_colsp = false;
yy += pad;
var txt = __txt(jun[0]);
var coll = jun[1] && filter_text == "";
var lbh = viewMode? ui(32) : ui(26);
var togl = array_safe_get_fast(jun, 2, noone);
if(togl != noone) var toging = _inspecting.getInputData(togl);
var lbx = (togl != noone) * ui(40);
var lbw = con_w - lbx;
var ltx = lbx + ui(32);
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], lbx, yy, con_w, yy + lbh)) {
contentPane.hover_content = true;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, lbx, yy, lbw, lbh, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_hover, 1);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))
jun[@ 1] = !coll;
if(mouse_press(mb_right, pFOCUS))
menuCall("inspector_group_menu",,, group_menu,, _inspecting);
} else
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, lbx, yy, lbw, lbh, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
if(filter_text == "")
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.arrow, 0, lbx + ui(16), yy + lbh / 2, 1, 1, -90 + coll * 90, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
var cc, aa = 1;
if(togl != noone) {
if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, ui(32), yy + lbh)) {
contentPane.hover_content = true;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, yy, ui(32), lbh, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_hover, 1);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS))
_inspecting.inputs[| togl].setValue(!toging);
} else
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, yy, ui(32), lbh, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
cc = toging? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg;
aa = 0.5 + toging * 0.5;
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.inspector_checkbox, 0, ui(16), yy + lbh / 2, 1, 1, 0, cc, 1);
draw_sprite_ui(THEME.inspector_checkbox, 1, ui(16), yy + lbh / 2, 1, 1, 0, cc, 1);
draw_set_text(viewMode? f_p0 : f_p1, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text, aa);
draw_text_add(ltx, yy + lbh / 2, txt);
hh += lbh + ui(viewMode? 8 : 6) + pad;
if(coll) { // skip
_colsp = true;
var j = i + 1;
var _len = array_length(_inspecting.input_display_list);
while(j < _len) {
var j_jun = _inspecting.input_display_list[j];
i = j - 1;
} else if(is_struct(jun) && is_instanceof(jun, Inspector_Custom_Renderer)) {
jun.rx = ui(16) + x;
jun.ry = top_bar_h + y;
var _wdh = jun.draw(ui(6), yy, con_w - ui(12), _m, _hover, pFOCUS) + ui(8);
if(!is_undefined(_wdh)) hh += _wdh;
if(!is_struct(jun)) continue;
if(instanceof(jun) != "NodeValue") continue;
@ -923,9 +918,9 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
return hh;
} #endregion
contentPane = new scrollPane(content_w, content_h, function(_y, _m) { #region
contentPane = new scrollPane(content_w, content_h, function(_y, _m) {
var con_w = contentPane.surface_w - ui(4);
draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 0);
@ -971,19 +966,19 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
return _hh + ui(64);
}); #endregion
function propSelectCopy() { #region
function propSelectCopy() {
if(!prop_selecting) return;
} #endregion
function propSelectPaste() { #region
function propSelectPaste() {
if(!prop_selecting) return;
} #endregion
function drawInspectingNode() { #region
function drawInspectingNode() {
tb_node_name.font = f_h5;
tb_node_name.hide = true;
tb_node_name.align = fa_center;
@ -1058,9 +1053,9 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
} #endregion
function drawContent(panel) { #region >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MAIN DRAW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
function drawContent(panel) { // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MAIN DRAW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 0);
draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, ui(8), top_bar_h - ui(8), w - ui(16), h - top_bar_h);
@ -1157,7 +1152,7 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
if(!locked && PANEL_GRAPH.getFocusingNode() && inspecting != PANEL_GRAPH.getFocusingNode())
} #endregion
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