- New 3D Path node - New 3D Path Extrude node.

This commit is contained in:
Tanasart 2024-06-24 13:02:03 +07:00
parent c3f1ffa58e
commit c0c640f602
24 changed files with 1446 additions and 27 deletions

View file

@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
@ -446,6 +447,7 @@
@ -641,6 +643,7 @@
@ -759,6 +762,7 @@
@ -912,6 +916,7 @@

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@ -388,6 +388,7 @@
@ -496,6 +497,7 @@
@ -795,6 +797,7 @@
@ -1021,6 +1024,7 @@
@ -1159,6 +1163,7 @@
@ -1331,6 +1336,7 @@

datafiles/dlltest1.dll Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -30,6 +30,42 @@ function BoundingBox(minx = noone, miny = noone, maxx = noone, maxy = noone) con
static clone = function() { return new BoundingBox(minx, miny, maxx, maxy); }
function BoundingBox3D(minx = noone, miny = noone, minz = noone, maxx = noone, maxy = noone, maxz = noone) : BoundingBox(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) constructor {
self.minz = minz;
self.maxz = maxz;
depth = maxz - minz;
static addPoint = function(px, py, pz) {
minx = minx == noone? px : min(minx, px);
miny = miny == noone? py : min(miny, py);
minz = minz == noone? pz : min(minz, pz);
maxx = maxx == noone? px : max(maxx, px);
maxy = maxy == noone? py : max(maxy, py);
maxz = maxz == noone? pz : max(maxz, pz);
width = maxx - minx;
height = maxy - miny;
depth = maxz - minz;
static lerpTo = function(bbox, rat) {
var b = new BoundingBox3D(
lerp( minx, bbox.minx, rat ),
lerp( miny, bbox.miny, rat ),
lerp( minz, bbox.minz, rat ),
lerp( maxx, bbox.maxx, rat ),
lerp( maxy, bbox.maxy, rat ),
lerp( maxz, bbox.maxz, rat ),
return b;
static clone = function() { return new BoundingBox3D(minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz); }
function BBOX() { return new __BBOX(); }
function __BBOX() constructor {
x0 = 0; x1 = 0;

View file

@ -244,8 +244,7 @@ function Node_3D_Object(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constr
case 5 : nor = new __vec3(0, 1, 0); break;
if(_axis == 0)
nor = _qrot.Rotate(nor);
if(_axis == 0) nor = _qrot.Rotate(nor);
var pln = new __plane(drag_original, nor);
mAdj = d3d_intersect_ray_plane(ray, pln);

View file

@ -23,6 +23,21 @@ function buffer_get_string(buffer, text = true, limit = 400) { #region
return ss;
} #endregion
function buffer_to_string(buffer) { #region
if(!buffer_exists(buffer)) return "";
buffer_seek(buffer, buffer_seek_start, 0);
var len = buffer_get_size(buffer);
var ss = "";
repeat(len) {
var _r = buffer_read(buffer, buffer_u8);
ss += chr(_r);
return ss;
} #endregion
function buffer_from_string(str) { #region
var _b = buffer_create(string_length(str) * 1, buffer_fast, 1);
for( var i = 1; i <= string_length(str); i++ )

View file

@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
return CTRL == KEYBOARD_STATUS.pressing || ALT == KEYBOARD_STATUS.pressing || SHIFT == KEYBOARD_STATUS.pressing;
function key_mod_down(key) { INLINE return key == KEYBOARD_STATUS.down; }
function key_mod_press(key) { INLINE return key == KEYBOARD_STATUS.pressing; }
function key_mod_presses(keys) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
function __3dPathExtrude(radius = 0.5, sides = 8, smooth = false) : __3dObject() constructor {
render_type = pr_trianglelist;
object_counts = 3;
self.radius = radius;
self.sides = sides;
self.smooth = smooth;
endCap = true;
points = [];
uvProg = [];
radiusOverPath = [];
uvScale = [ 1, 1 ];
static initModel = function() {
var vs = [];
var v0 = [];
var v1 = [];
var o = new __vec3();
var n = new __vec3();
var v = new __vec3();
var u = new __vec3();
var w = new __vec3();
var len;
var prevp = array_create((sides + 1) * 3);
var prevn = array_create((sides + 1) * 3);
var _subd = array_length(points) / 3;
var _ind = 0;
var _in0 = 0;
var _in1 = 0;
var _u0 = new __vec3(0, 1, 0);
var _u1 = new __vec3(0, 0, 1);
if(_subd < 2) return;
o.x = points[0];
o.y = points[1];
o.z = points[2];
var _us = uvScale[0];
var _vs = uvScale[1];
for(var i = 1; i < _subd; i++) {
n.x = points[i * 3 + 0];
n.y = points[i * 3 + 1];
n.z = points[i * 3 + 2];
if(i == 1) {
v.x = n.x - o.x;
v.y = n.y - o.y;
v.z = n.z - o.z;
if(v.z == v.z) u = v.cross(_u0);
else u = v.cross(_u1);
w = v.cross(u);
var _rr = radius * radiusOverPath[0];
for(var j = 0; j <= sides; j++) {
var a0 = j / sides * 360;
var _u = u.multiply(dcos(a0));
var _w = w.multiply(dsin(a0));
var _pp = _u.add(_w);
prevp[j * 3 + 0] = o.x + _pp.x * _rr;
prevp[j * 3 + 1] = o.y + _pp.y * _rr;
prevp[j * 3 + 2] = o.z + _pp.z * _rr;
for(var j = 0; j < sides; j++) {
var cx0 = prevp[j * 3 + 0];
var cy0 = prevp[j * 3 + 1];
var cz0 = prevp[j * 3 + 2];
var cx1 = prevp[j * 3 + 0 + 3];
var cy1 = prevp[j * 3 + 1 + 3];
var cz1 = prevp[j * 3 + 2 + 3];
var a0 = (j + 0) / sides * 360;
var a1 = (j + 1) / sides * 360;
var __u0 = 0.5 + lengthdir_x(0.5, a0);
var __v0 = 0.5 + lengthdir_y(0.5, a0);
var __u1 = 0.5 + lengthdir_x(0.5, a1);
var __v1 = 0.5 + lengthdir_y(0.5, a1);
v0[_in0++] = new __vertex(o.x, o.y, o.z).setNormal(-v.x, -v.y, -v.z).setUV(0.5, 0.5);
v0[_in0++] = new __vertex(cx0, cy0, cz0).setNormal(-v.x, -v.y, -v.z).setUV(__u0, __v0);
v0[_in0++] = new __vertex(cx1, cy1, cz1).setNormal(-v.x, -v.y, -v.z).setUV(__u1, __v1);
if(i) {
if(i < _subd - 1) {
v.x = points[(i + 1) * 3 + 0] - o.x;
v.y = points[(i + 1) * 3 + 1] - o.y;
v.z = points[(i + 1) * 3 + 2] - o.z;
} else {
v.x = n.x - o.x;
v.y = n.y - o.y;
v.z = n.z - o.z;
if(v.z == v.z) u = v.cross(_u0);
else u = v.cross(_u1);
w = v.cross(u);
var _rr = radius * radiusOverPath[i];
var __v0 = 1. - uvProg[i-1];
var __v1 = 1. - uvProg[i ];
// print($"{i}: {__v0} - {__v1}")
for(var j = 0; j <= sides; j++) {
var a0 = j / sides * 360;
var _u = u.multiply(dcos(a0));
var _w = w.multiply(dsin(a0));
var _pp = _u.add(_w);
prevn[j * 3 + 0] = n.x + _pp.x * _rr;
prevn[j * 3 + 1] = n.y + _pp.y * _rr;
prevn[j * 3 + 2] = n.z + _pp.z * _rr;
if(j) {
var x0 = prevp[(j - 1) * 3 + 0];
var y0 = prevp[(j - 1) * 3 + 1];
var z0 = prevp[(j - 1) * 3 + 2];
var x1 = prevp[j * 3 + 0];
var y1 = prevp[j * 3 + 1];
var z1 = prevp[j * 3 + 2];
var x2 = prevn[(j - 1) * 3 + 0];
var y2 = prevn[(j - 1) * 3 + 1];
var z2 = prevn[(j - 1) * 3 + 2];
var x3 = prevn[j * 3 + 0];
var y3 = prevn[j * 3 + 1];
var z3 = prevn[j * 3 + 2];
var _n0, _n1, _n2, _n3;
if(smooth) {
_n0 = new __vec3(x0 - o.x, y0 - o.y, z0 - o.z).normalize();
_n1 = new __vec3(x1 - o.x, y1 - o.y, z1 - o.z).normalize();
_n2 = new __vec3(x2 - n.x, y2 - n.y, z2 - n.z).normalize();
_n3 = new __vec3(x3 - n.x, y3 - n.y, z3 - n.z).normalize();
} else {
_n0 = _pp.normalize();
_n1 = _n0;
_n2 = _n0;
_n3 = _n0;
var __u0 = (j-1) / sides;
var __u1 = (j ) / sides;
vs[_ind++] = new __vertex(x0, y0, z0).setNormal(_n0.x, _n0.y, _n0.z).setUV(__u0 * _us, __v0 * _vs);
vs[_ind++] = new __vertex(x2, y2, z2).setNormal(_n2.x, _n2.y, _n2.z).setUV(__u0 * _us, __v1 * _vs);
vs[_ind++] = new __vertex(x1, y1, z1).setNormal(_n1.x, _n1.y, _n1.z).setUV(__u1 * _us, __v0 * _vs);
vs[_ind++] = new __vertex(x1, y1, z1).setNormal(_n1.x, _n1.y, _n1.z).setUV(__u1 * _us, __v0 * _vs);
vs[_ind++] = new __vertex(x2, y2, z2).setNormal(_n2.x, _n2.y, _n2.z).setUV(__u0 * _us, __v1 * _vs);
vs[_ind++] = new __vertex(x3, y3, z3).setNormal(_n3.x, _n3.y, _n3.z).setUV(__u1 * _us, __v1 * _vs);
for (var j = 0, m = array_length(prevn); j < m; j++)
prevp[j] = prevn[j];
if(i == _subd - 1) {
for(var j = 0; j < sides; j++) {
var cx0 = prevp[j * 3 + 0];
var cy0 = prevp[j * 3 + 1];
var cz0 = prevp[j * 3 + 2];
var cx1 = prevp[j * 3 + 0 + 3];
var cy1 = prevp[j * 3 + 1 + 3];
var cz1 = prevp[j * 3 + 2 + 3];
var a0 = (j + 0) / sides * 360;
var a1 = (j + 1) / sides * 360;
var __u0 = 0.5 + lengthdir_x(0.5, a0);
var __v0 = 0.5 + lengthdir_y(0.5, a0);
var __u1 = 0.5 + lengthdir_x(0.5, a1);
var __v1 = 0.5 + lengthdir_y(0.5, a1);
v1[_in1++] = new __vertex(n.x, n.y, n.z).setNormal(-v.x, -v.y, -v.z).setUV(0.5, 0.5);
v1[_in1++] = new __vertex(cx0, cy0, cz0).setNormal(-v.x, -v.y, -v.z).setUV(__u0, __v0);
v1[_in1++] = new __vertex(cx1, cy1, cz1).setNormal(-v.x, -v.y, -v.z).setUV(__u1, __v1);
o.x = n.x;
o.y = n.y;
o.z = n.z;
vertex = endCap? [ vs, v0, v1 ] : [ vs ];
object_counts = array_length(vertex);
VB = build();
} initModel();
static onParameterUpdate = initModel;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

View file

@ -65,9 +65,15 @@ function ds_list_remove(list, item) {
function ds_list_append(list, _append) {
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_append); i++ ) {
for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_append); i++ )
ds_list_add(list, _append[| i]);
function ds_list_append_array(list, _append) {
for( var i = 0; i < array_length(_append); i++ )
ds_list_add(list, _append[i]);
function ds_list_exist(list, item) {

View file

@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
VERSION = 11742;
VERSION = 11750;
HOTKEYS = ds_map_create();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
function Node_3D_Mesh_Path_Extrude(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D_Mesh(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
name = "Path Extrude";
object_class = __3dPathExtrude;
inputs[| in_mesh + 0] = nodeValue("Path", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.pathnode, noone )
.setVisible(true, true);
inputs[| in_mesh + 1] = nodeValue("Side", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 8 )
inputs[| in_mesh + 2] = nodeValue("Material Side", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.d3Material, new __d3dMaterial() )
.setVisible(true, true);
inputs[| in_mesh + 3] = nodeValue("Material Cap", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.d3Material, new __d3dMaterial() )
.setVisible(true, true);
inputs[| in_mesh + 4] = nodeValue("Smooth", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, false );
inputs[| in_mesh + 5] = nodeValue("End caps", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, true );
inputs[| in_mesh + 6] = nodeValue("Subdivision", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 8 )
inputs[| in_mesh + 7] = nodeValue("Radius", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, 0.25 )
inputs[| in_mesh + 8] = nodeValue("Radius Over Path", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.curve, CURVE_DEF_11 );
inputs[| in_mesh + 9] = nodeValue("Texture Scale", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, [ 1, 1 ] )
input_display_list = [
__d3d_input_list_mesh, in_mesh + 0, in_mesh + 6, in_mesh + 1, in_mesh + 7, in_mesh + 8, in_mesh + 5,
["Material", false], in_mesh + 4, in_mesh + 2, in_mesh + 3, in_mesh + 9,
static step = function() { #region
var _caps = getInputData(in_mesh + 5);
inputs[| in_mesh + 3].setVisible(_caps, _caps);
} #endregion
static processData = function(_output, _data, _output_index, _array_index = 0) { #region
var _path = _data[in_mesh + 0];
var _sides = _data[in_mesh + 1];
var _mat_sid = _data[in_mesh + 2];
var _mat_cap = _data[in_mesh + 3];
var _smt = _data[in_mesh + 4];
var _caps = _data[in_mesh + 5];
var _samp = _data[in_mesh + 6];
var _rad = _data[in_mesh + 7];
var _radOv = _data[in_mesh + 8];
var _uvScale = _data[in_mesh + 9];
if(_path == noone) return noone;
var _points = array_create(_samp * 3);
var _radPath = array_create(_samp);
var _uvProg = array_create(_samp);
var _stp = 1 / (_samp - 1);
var _p = new __vec3();
var _distTotal = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < _samp; i++) {
var _prg = _stp * i;
_p = _path.getPointRatio(_prg, 0, _p);
_points[i * 3 + 0] = _p.x;
_points[i * 3 + 1] = _p.y;
_points[i * 3 + 2] = _p.z;
_radPath[i] = eval_curve_x(_radOv, _prg);
if(i) {
var _d = point_distance_3d(_points[i * 3 - 3 + 0], _points[i * 3 - 3 + 1], _points[i * 3 - 3 + 2],
_points[i * 3 + 0], _points[i * 3 + 1], _points[i * 3 + 2]);
_distTotal += _d;
_uvProg[i] = _distTotal;
for (var i = 0; i < _samp; i++)
_uvProg[i] /= _distTotal;
_uvProg[_samp] = 1;
var object = getObject(_array_index);
sides : _sides,
endCap : _caps,
smooth : _smt,
points : _points,
radius : _rad,
radiusOverPath: _radPath,
uvProg : _uvProg,
uvScale : _uvScale,
object.materials = _caps? [ _mat_sid, _mat_cap, _mat_cap ] : [ _mat_sid ];
setTransform(object, _data);
return object;
} #endregion
static getPreviewValues = function() { return array_safe_get_fast(all_inputs, in_mesh + 2, noone); }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"isDnD": false,
"isCompatibility": false,
"parent": {
"name": "variable",
"path": "folders/nodes/data/variable.yy",
"resourceVersion": "1.0",
"name": "node_counter",
"tags": [],
"resourceType": "GMScript",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
function Node_DLL(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
name = "DLL";
setDimension(96, 32 + 24 * 1);
inputs[| 0] = nodeValue("DLL File", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.path, "")
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.path_load, { filter: "Dynamic-link library (.dll)|*.dll" })
.setVisible(true, false);
inputs[| 1] = nodeValue("Function name", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.text, "");
inputs[| 2] = nodeValue("Return type", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 0)
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_button, [ "Number", "Buffer" ]);
outputs[| 0] = nodeValue("Return Value", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.output, VALUE_TYPE.float, 0);
ext_cache = "";
ext_function = -1;
attributes.size = 0;
array_adjust_tool = new Inspector_Custom_Renderer(function(_x, _y, _w, _m, _hover, _focus) { #region
var _h = ui(48);
var bw = _w / 2 - ui(4);
var bh = ui(36);
if(buttonTextIconInstant(true, THEME.button_hide, _x, _y + ui(8), bw, bh, _m, _focus, _hover, "", THEME.add, __txt("Add"), COLORS._main_value_positive) == 2) {
var amo = attributes.size;
if(buttonTextIconInstant(attributes.size > 0, THEME.button_hide, _x + _w - bw, _y + ui(8), bw, bh, _m, _focus, _hover, "", THEME.minus, __txt("Remove"), COLORS._main_value_negative) == 2) {
return _h;
}); #endregion
input_display_list = [
["Function", false], 0, 1, 2,
["Parameters", false], array_adjust_tool,
static createNewInput = function() {
var index = ds_list_size(inputs);
inputs[| index + 0] = nodeValue("Parameter type", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 0)
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_button, [ "Number", "Buffer" ]);
inputs[| index + 1] = nodeValue("Parameter value", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, 0 )
.setVisible(true, true);
array_push(input_display_list, index + 0, index + 1);
return [ inputs[| index + 0], inputs[| index + 1] ];
setDynamicInput(2, false);
static refreshDynamicInput = function() {
var _l = ds_list_create();
var amo = attributes.size;
var _ind = input_fix_len + amo * data_length;
for( var i = 0; i < min(_ind, ds_list_size(inputs)); i++ )
ds_list_add(_l, inputs[| i]);
var _add = amo - getInputAmount();
repeat(_add) ds_list_append_array(_l, createNewInput());
input_display_list = array_clone(input_display_list_raw);
for( var i = input_fix_len; i < ds_list_size(_l); i++ ) {
_l[| i].index = i;
array_push(input_display_list, i);
inputs = _l;
val_types = [ VALUE_TYPE.float, VALUE_TYPE.buffer ];
val_typeo = [ VALUE_TYPE.float, VALUE_TYPE.text ];
static update = function() {
var amo = getInputAmount();
amo = clamp(round(amo), 0, 16);
var ts = array_create(amo);
var tv = array_create(amo);
var _rdy = true;
for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) {
var _ind = input_fix_len + i * data_length;
var _typ = getInputData(_ind + 0);
inputs[| _ind + 1].setType(val_types[_typ]);
ts[i] = _typ? ty_string : ty_real;
var _val = getInputData(_ind + 1);
if(_typ == 1) _val = buffer_to_string(_val);
tv[i] = _val;
var _fnS = {
path : getInputData(0),
func : getInputData(1),
type : getInputData(2)? ty_string : ty_real,
params : ts
var _str = json_stringify(_fnS);
if(ext_cache != _str) {
switch(amo) {
case 0 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 0); break;
case 1 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 1, ts[0]); break;
case 2 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 2, ts[0],ts[1]); break;
case 3 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 3, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2]); break;
case 4 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 4, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3]); break;
case 5 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 5, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4]); break;
case 6 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 6, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5]); break;
case 7 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 7, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6]); break;
case 8 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 8, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6],ts[7]); break;
case 9 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 9, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6],ts[7],ts[8]); break;
case 10 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 10, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6],ts[7],ts[8],ts[9]); break;
case 11 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 11, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6],ts[7],ts[8],ts[9],ts[10]); break;
case 12 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 12, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6],ts[7],ts[8],ts[9],ts[10],ts[11]); break;
case 13 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 13, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6],ts[7],ts[8],ts[9],ts[10],ts[11],ts[12]); break;
case 14 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 14, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6],ts[7],ts[8],ts[9],ts[10],ts[11],ts[12],ts[13]); break;
case 15 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 15, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6],ts[7],ts[8],ts[9],ts[10],ts[11],ts[12],ts[13],ts[14]); break;
case 16 : ext_function = external_define(_fnS.path, _fnS.func, dll_cdecl, _fnS.type, 16, ts[0],ts[1],ts[2],ts[3],ts[4],ts[5],ts[6],ts[7],ts[8],ts[9],ts[10],ts[11],ts[12],ts[13],ts[14],ts[15]); break;
ext_cache = _str;
var _res = 0;
if(_rdy) {
switch(amo) {
case 0 : _res = external_call(ext_function); break;
case 1 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0]); break;
case 2 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1]); break;
case 3 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2]); break;
case 4 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3]); break;
case 5 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4]); break;
case 6 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5]); break;
case 7 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6]); break;
case 8 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6],tv[7]); break;
case 9 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6],tv[7],tv[8]); break;
case 10 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6],tv[7],tv[8],tv[9]); break;
case 11 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6],tv[7],tv[8],tv[9],tv[10]); break;
case 12 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6],tv[7],tv[8],tv[9],tv[10],tv[11]); break;
case 13 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6],tv[7],tv[8],tv[9],tv[10],tv[11],tv[12]); break;
case 14 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6],tv[7],tv[8],tv[9],tv[10],tv[11],tv[12],tv[13]); break;
case 15 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6],tv[7],tv[8],tv[9],tv[10],tv[11],tv[12],tv[13],tv[14]); break;
case 16 : _res = external_call(ext_function, tv[0],tv[1],tv[2],tv[3],tv[4],tv[5],tv[6],tv[7],tv[8],tv[9],tv[10],tv[11],tv[12],tv[13],tv[14],tv[15]); break;
outputs[| 0].setType(val_types[_fnS.type]);
if(_fnS.type) _res = buffer_from_string(_res);
outputs[| 0].setValue(_res);
static onDrawNode = function(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s, _hover, _focus) {
var bbox = drawGetBbox(xx, yy, _s);
var _fn = getInputData(1);
draw_set_text(f_sdf, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
draw_text_bbox(bbox, _fn);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"isDnD": false,
"isCompatibility": false,
"parent": {
"name": "process",
"path": "folders/nodes/data/process.yy",
"resourceVersion": "1.0",
"name": "node_outline",
"tags": [],
"resourceType": "GMScript",

View file

@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
input_display_list = [
["Path", false], 0, 2, 1, 3,
["Path", false], 1, 3,
["Sampling", false], 0, 2,
["Anchors", false],
@ -130,16 +131,16 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
} #endregion
static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { #region
var sample = PREFERENCES.path_resolution;
var loop = getInputData(1);
var ansize = ds_list_size(inputs) - input_fix_len;
var _edited = false;
var edited = false;
var pos = outputs[| 0].getValue();
draw_circle(_x + pos[0] * _s, _y + pos[1] * _s, 4, false);
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EDIT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(transform_type > 0) {
var _transform_minx = transform_minx;
var _transform_miny = transform_miny;
@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
p[1] += dy / _s;
if(inputs[| i].setValue(p))
_edited = true;
edited = true;
transform_mx = mx;
@ -278,12 +279,12 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
p[_ANCHOR.c2y] = _p5 - p[_ANCHOR.y];
if(inputs[| i].setValue(p))
_edited = true;
edited = true;
if(mouse_release(mb_left)) {
@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
var inp = inputs[| input_fix_len + drag_point];
var anc = array_clone(inp.getValue());
if(drag_type != 0 && SHIFT == KEYBOARD_STATUS.down)
if(drag_type != 0 && key_mod_press(SHIFT))
anc[_ANCHOR.ind] = !anc[_ANCHOR.ind];
if(drag_type == 0) { //drag anchor point
@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
_edited = true;
edited = true;
} else if(drag_type == 2) { #region pen tools
var ox, oy, nx, ny;
@ -485,7 +486,7 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
for( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
if(inputs[| input_fix_len + i].setValue(a[i]))
_edited = true;
edited = true;
} else if(drag_type == 4) { #region draw circle
@ -539,12 +540,12 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
for( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
if(inputs[| input_fix_len + i].setValue(a[i]))
_edited = true;
edited = true;
if(_edited) UNDO_HOLDING = true;
if(edited) UNDO_HOLDING = true;
if(mouse_release(mb_left)) {
drag_point = -1;
@ -553,6 +554,8 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DRAW PATH ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var _line_hover = -1;
var anchor_hover = -1;
var hover_type = 0;
@ -564,7 +567,7 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
var maxx = -99999, maxy = -99999;
if(!array_empty(anchors)) {
draw_set_color(isUsingTool(0)? c_white : COLORS._main_accent);
draw_set_color(isUsingTool(0)? COLORS._main_icon : COLORS._main_accent);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(segments); i < n; i++ ) { #region draw path
var _seg = segments[i];
@ -640,6 +643,8 @@ function Node_Path(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
line_hover = _line_hover;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TOOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(isUsingTool(0)) { #region transform tools
var hov = 0;
if(point_in_circle(_mx, _my, minx, miny, 8)) hov = 1;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
enum _ANCHOR3 {
function Node_Path_3D(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
name = "3D Path";
is_3D = NODE_3D.polygon;
setDimension(96, 48);
inputs[| 0] = nodeValue("Path progress", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, 0, "Sample position from path.")
inputs[| 1] = nodeValue("Loop", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, false)
inputs[| 2] = nodeValue("Progress mode", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 0)
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_scroll, ["Entire line", "Segment"])
inputs[| 3] = nodeValue("Round anchor", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, false)
outputs[| 0] = nodeValue("Position out", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.output, VALUE_TYPE.float, [ 0, 0 ])
outputs[| 1] = nodeValue("Path data", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.output, VALUE_TYPE.pathnode, self);
outputs[| 2] = nodeValue("Anchors", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.output, VALUE_TYPE.float, [])
input_display_list = [
["Path", false], 1, 3,
["Sampling", false], 0, 2,
["Anchors", false],
output_display_list = [ 1, 0, 2 ];
path_preview_surface = noone;
setDynamicInput(1, false);
tools = [
new NodeTool( "Transform", THEME.path_tools_transform ),
new NodeTool( "Anchor add / remove", THEME.path_tools_add ),
new NodeTool( "Edit Control point", THEME.path_tools_anchor ),
#region ---- path ----
path_loop = false;
anchors = [];
segments = [];
lengths = [];
lengthAccs = [];
lengthTotal = 0;
boundary = new BoundingBox3D();
cached_pos = ds_map_create();
#region ---- editor ----
line_hover = -1;
drag_point = -1;
drag_points = [];
drag_type = 0;
drag_point_mx = 0;
drag_point_my = 0;
drag_point_mz = 0;
drag_point_sx = 0;
drag_point_sy = 0;
drag_point_sz = 0;
drag_plane = noone;
drag_plane_origin = __vec3();
drag_plane_normal = __vec3();
transform_type = 0;
transform_minx = 0; transform_miny = 0; transform_minz = 0;
transform_maxx = 0; transform_maxy = 0; transform_maxz = 0;
transform_cx = 0; transform_cy = 0; transform_cz = 0;
transform_sx = 0; transform_sy = 0; transform_sz = 0;
transform_mx = 0; transform_my = 0; transform_mz = 0;
static resetDisplayList = function() { #region
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, self, [ array_clone(input_display_list), "input_display_list" ]);
input_display_list = array_clone(input_display_list_raw);
for( var i = input_fix_len, n = ds_list_size(inputs); i < n; i++ ) {
array_push(input_display_list, i);
inputs[| i].name = $"Anchor {i - input_fix_len}";
} #endregion
static createNewInput = function( _x = 0, _y = 0, _z = 0,
_dxx = 0, _dxy = 0, _dxz = 0,
_dyx = 0, _dyy = 0, _dyz = 0, rec = true) {
var index = ds_list_size(inputs);
inputs[| index] = nodeValue("Anchor", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, [ _x, _y, _z, _dxx, _dxy, _dxz, _dyx, _dyy, _dyz, false ])
if(!rec) return inputs[| index];
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.list_insert, inputs, [ inputs[| index], index, $"add path anchor point {index}" ]);
return inputs[| index];
static onValueUpdate = function(index = 0) { #region
if(index == 2) {
var type = getInputData(2);
if(type == 0) inputs[| 0].setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider);
else if(type == 1) inputs[| 0].setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY._default);
} #endregion
static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) {
static drawOverlay3D = function(active, params, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny, _panel) {
var ansize = ds_list_size(inputs) - input_fix_len;
var edited = false;
var _qinv = new BBMOD_Quaternion().FromAxisAngle(new BBMOD_Vec3(1, 0, 0), 90);
var _camera = params.camera;
var _qview = new BBMOD_Quaternion().FromEuler(_camera.focus_angle_y, -_camera.focus_angle_x, 0);
var ray = _camera.viewPointToWorldRay(_mx, _my);
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EDIT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(drag_point > -1) {
var mAdj = d3d_intersect_ray_plane(ray, drag_plane);
var dx = drag_point_sx + mAdj.x - drag_point_mx;
var dy = drag_point_sy + mAdj.y - drag_point_my;
var dz = drag_point_sz + mAdj.z - drag_point_mz;
if(drag_type < 2) { // move points
var inp = inputs[| input_fix_len + drag_point];
var anc = array_clone(inp.getValue());
if(drag_type != 0 && key_mod_down(SHIFT))
anc[_ANCHOR3.ind] = !anc[_ANCHOR3.ind];
if(drag_type == 0) { //drag anchor point
anc[_ANCHOR3.x] = dx;
anc[_ANCHOR3.y] = dy;
anc[_ANCHOR3.z] = dz;
if(key_mod_press(CTRL)) {
anc[_ANCHOR3.x] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.x]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.y] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.y]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.z] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.z]);
} else if(drag_type == 1) { //drag control 1
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1x] = dx - anc[_ANCHOR3.x];
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1y] = dy - anc[_ANCHOR3.y];
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1z] = dz - anc[_ANCHOR3.z];
if(!anc[_ANCHOR3.ind]) {
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2x] = -anc[_ANCHOR3.c1x];
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2y] = -anc[_ANCHOR3.c1y];
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2z] = -anc[_ANCHOR3.c1z];
if(key_mod_press(CTRL)) {
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1x] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c1x]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1y] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c1y]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1z] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c1z]);
if(!anc[_ANCHOR3.ind]) {
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2x] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c2x]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2y] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c2y]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2z] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c2z]);
} else if(drag_type == -1) { //drag control 2
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2x] = dx - anc[_ANCHOR3.x];
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2y] = dy - anc[_ANCHOR3.y];
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2z] = dz - anc[_ANCHOR3.z];
if(!anc[_ANCHOR3.ind]) {
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1x] = -anc[_ANCHOR3.c2x];
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1y] = -anc[_ANCHOR3.c2y];
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1z] = -anc[_ANCHOR3.c2z];
if(key_mod_press(CTRL)) {
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2x] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c2x]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2y] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c2y]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.c2z] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c2z]);
if(!anc[_ANCHOR3.ind]) {
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1x] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c1x]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1y] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c1y]);
anc[_ANCHOR3.c1z] = round(anc[_ANCHOR3.c1z]);
edited = true;
if(edited) UNDO_HOLDING = true;
if(mouse_release(mb_left)) {
drag_point = -1;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DRAW PATH ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var _line_hover = -1;
var anchor_hover = -1;
var hover_type = 0;
var minx = 99999, miny = 99999, minz = 99999;
var maxx = -99999, maxy = -99999, maxz = -99999;
if(!array_empty(anchors)) {
draw_set_color(isUsingTool(0)? COLORS._main_icon : COLORS._main_accent);
var _v3 = new __vec3();
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(segments); i < n; i++ ) {
var _seg = segments[i];
var _px = 0, _py = 0, _pz = 0;
var _ox = 0, _oy = 0;
var _nx = 0, _ny = 0;
var p = 0;
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(_seg); j < m; j += 3 ) {
_v3.x = _seg[j + 0];
_v3.y = _seg[j + 1];
_v3.z = _seg[j + 2];
var _posView = _camera.worldPointToViewPoint(_v3);
_nx = _posView.x;
_ny = _posView.y;
minx = min(minx, _nx); miny = min(miny, _ny);
maxx = max(maxx, _nx); maxy = max(maxy, _ny);
if(j) {
if((key_mod_press(CTRL) || isUsingTool(1)) && distance_to_line(_mx, _my, _ox, _oy, _nx, _ny) < 4)
_line_hover = i;
draw_line_width(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny, 1 + 2 * (line_hover == i));
_ox = _nx;
_oy = _ny;
for(var i = 0; i < ansize; i++) {
var _a = anchors[i];
_v3.x = _a[0];
_v3.y = _a[1];
_v3.z = _a[2];
_posView = _camera.worldPointToViewPoint(_v3);
var xx = _posView.x;
var yy = _posView.y;
var cont = false;
var _ax0 = 0, _ay0 = 0;
var _ax1 = 0, _ay1 = 0;
if(array_length(_a) < 6) continue;
if(_a[2] != 0 || _a[3] != 0 || _a[4] != 0 || _a[5] != 0) {
_v3.x = _a[0] + _a[3];
_v3.y = _a[1] + _a[4];
_v3.z = _a[2] + _a[5];
_posView = _camera.worldPointToViewPoint(_v3);
_ax0 = _posView.x;
_ay0 = _posView.y;
_v3.x = _a[0] + _a[6];
_v3.y = _a[1] + _a[7];
_v3.z = _a[2] + _a[8];
_posView = _camera.worldPointToViewPoint(_v3);
_ax1 = _posView.x;
_ay1 = _posView.y;
cont = true;
draw_line(_ax0, _ay0, xx, yy);
draw_line(_ax1, _ay1, xx, yy);
draw_sprite_colored(THEME.anchor_selector, 2, _ax0, _ay0);
draw_sprite_colored(THEME.anchor_selector, 2, _ax1, _ay1);
draw_sprite_colored(THEME.anchor_selector, 0, xx, yy);
draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_bottom, COLORS._main_accent);
draw_text(xx + ui(4), yy - ui(4), inputs[| input_fix_len + i].name);
if(drag_point == i) {
draw_sprite_colored(THEME.anchor_selector, 1, xx, yy);
} else if(point_in_circle(_mx, _my, xx, yy, 8)) {
draw_sprite_colored(THEME.anchor_selector, 1, xx, yy);
anchor_hover = i;
hover_type = 0;
} else if(cont && point_in_circle(_mx, _my, _ax0, _ay0, 8)) {
draw_sprite_colored(THEME.anchor_selector, 0, _ax0, _ay0);
anchor_hover = i;
hover_type = 1;
} else if(cont && point_in_circle(_mx, _my, _ax1, _ay1, 8)) {
draw_sprite_colored(THEME.anchor_selector, 0, _ax1, _ay1);
anchor_hover = i;
hover_type = -1;
line_hover = _line_hover;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TOOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(anchor_hover != -1) { // no tool, dragging existing point
var _a = array_clone(getInputData(input_fix_len + anchor_hover));
if(isUsingTool(2) && hover_type == 0) {
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.cursor_path_anchor, 0, _mx + 16, _my + 16);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) {
if(_a[3] != 0 || _a[4] != 0 || _a[5] != 0 || _a[6] != 0 || _a[7] != 0 || _a[8] != 0) {
_a[3] = 0; _a[4] = 0; _a[5] = 0;
_a[6] = 0; _a[7] = 0; _a[8] = 0;
_a[9] = false;
inputs[| input_fix_len + anchor_hover].setValue(_a);
} else {
_a[3] = -8; _a[4] = 0; _a[5] = 0;
_a[6] = 8; _a[7] = 0; _a[8] = 0;
_a[9] = false;
drag_point = anchor_hover;
drag_type = 1;
drag_plane_origin = new __vec3(_a[0], _a[1], _a[2]);
drag_plane_normal = ray.direction.multiply(-1)._normalize();
drag_plane = new __plane(drag_plane_origin, drag_plane_normal);
var mAdj = d3d_intersect_ray_plane(ray, drag_plane);
drag_point_mx = mAdj.x;
drag_point_my = mAdj.y;
drag_point_mz = mAdj.z;
drag_point_sx = _a[0];
drag_point_sy = _a[1];
drag_point_sz = _a[2];
} else if(hover_type == 0 && key_mod_press(SHIFT)) { //remove
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.cursor_path_remove, 0, _mx + 16, _my + 16);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) {
var _indx = input_fix_len + anchor_hover;
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.list_delete, inputs, [ inputs[| _indx], _indx, "remove path anchor point" ]);
ds_list_delete(inputs, _indx);
} else {
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.cursor_path_move, 0, _mx + 16, _my + 16);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) {
if(isUsingTool(2)) {
_a[_ANCHOR3.ind] = true;
inputs[| input_fix_len + anchor_hover].setValue(_a);
drag_point = anchor_hover;
drag_type = hover_type;
drag_plane_origin = new __vec3(_a[0], _a[1], _a[2]);
drag_plane_normal = ray.direction.multiply(-1)._normalize();
drag_plane = new __plane(drag_plane_origin, drag_plane_normal);
var mAdj = d3d_intersect_ray_plane(ray, drag_plane);
drag_point_mx = mAdj.x;
drag_point_my = mAdj.y;
drag_point_mz = mAdj.z;
drag_point_sx = _a[0];
drag_point_sy = _a[1];
drag_point_sz = _a[2];
if(hover_type == 1) {
drag_point_sx = _a[0] + _a[3];
drag_point_sy = _a[1] + _a[4];
drag_point_sz = _a[2] + _a[5];
} else if(hover_type == -1) {
drag_point_sx = _a[0] + _a[6];
drag_point_sy = _a[1] + _a[7];
drag_point_sz = _a[2] + _a[8];
} else if(key_mod_press(CTRL) || isUsingTool(1)) { // anchor edit
draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.cursor_path_add, 0, _mx + 16, _my + 16);
if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) {
drag_plane_origin = new __vec3();
drag_plane_normal = ray.direction.multiply(-1)._normalize();
drag_plane = new __plane(drag_plane_origin, drag_plane_normal);
var mAdj = d3d_intersect_ray_plane(ray, drag_plane);
var ind = ds_list_size(inputs);
var anc = createNewInput(mAdj.x, mAdj.y, mAdj.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
if(_line_hover == -1) {
drag_point = ds_list_size(inputs) - input_fix_len - 1;
} else {
ds_list_remove(inputs, anc);
ds_list_insert(inputs, input_fix_len + _line_hover + 1, anc);
drag_point = _line_hover + 1;
ind = input_fix_len + _line_hover + 1;
recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.list_insert, inputs, [ inputs[| ind], ind, $"add path anchor point {ind}" ]);
drag_type = -1;
drag_point_mx = mAdj.x;
drag_point_my = mAdj.y;
drag_point_mz = mAdj.z;
drag_point_sx = mAdj.x;
drag_point_sy = mAdj.y;
drag_point_sz = mAdj.z;
static updateLength = function() { #region
boundary = new BoundingBox();
segments = [];
lengths = [];
lengthAccs = [];
lengthTotal = 0;
var _index = 0;
var sample = PREFERENCES.path_resolution;
var ansize = ds_list_size(inputs) - input_fix_len;
if(ansize < 2) return;
var con = path_loop? ansize : ansize - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < con; i++) {
var _a0 = anchors[(i + 0) % ansize];
var _a1 = anchors[(i + 1) % ansize];
var l = 0;
var _ox = 0, _oy = 0, _oz = 0;
var _nx = 0, _ny = 0, _nz = 0;
var p = 0;
var sg = array_create((sample + 1) * 3);
for(var j = 0; j <= sample; j++) {
var _t = j / sample;
if(_a0[6] == 0 && _a0[7] == 0 && _a0[8] == 0 && _a1[3] == 0 && _a1[4] == 0 && _a1[5] == 0) {
_nx = lerp(_a0[0], _a1[0], _t);
_ny = lerp(_a0[1], _a1[1], _t);
_nz = lerp(_a0[2], _a1[2], _t);
} else {
_nx = eval_bezier_n(_t, _a0[0], _a1[0], _a0[0] + _a0[6], _a1[0] + _a1[3]);
_ny = eval_bezier_n(_t, _a0[1], _a1[1], _a0[1] + _a0[7], _a1[1] + _a1[4]);
_nz = eval_bezier_n(_t, _a0[2], _a1[2], _a0[2] + _a0[8], _a1[2] + _a1[5]);
sg[j * 3 + 0] = _nx;
sg[j * 3 + 1] = _ny;
sg[j * 3 + 2] = _nz;
boundary.addPoint(_nx, _ny, _nz);
if(j) l += point_distance_3d(_nx, _ny, _nz, _ox, _oy, _oz);
_ox = _nx;
_oy = _ny;
segments[i] = sg;
lengths[i] = l;
lengthTotal += l;
lengthAccs[i] = lengthTotal;
// var minx = boundary.minx - 8, miny = boundary.miny - 8;
// var maxx = boundary.maxx + 8, maxy = boundary.maxy + 8;
// var rngx = maxx - minx, rngy = maxy - miny;
// var prev_s = 128;
// var _surf = surface_create(prev_s, prev_s);
// _surf = surface_verify(_surf, prev_s, prev_s);
// surface_set_target(_surf);
// var ox, oy, nx, ny;
// draw_set_color(c_white);
// for (var i = 0, n = array_length(segments); i < n; i++) {
// var segment = segments[i];
// for (var j = 0, m = array_length(segment); j < m; j += 2) {
// nx = (segment[j + 0] - minx) / rngx * prev_s;
// ny = (segment[j + 1] - miny) / rngy * prev_s;
// if(j) draw_line_round(ox, oy, nx, ny, 4);
// ox = nx;
// oy = ny;
// }
// }
// draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent);
// for (var i = 0, n = array_length(anchors); i < n; i++) {
// var _a0 = anchors[i];
// draw_circle((_a0[0] - minx) / rngx * prev_s, (_a0[1] - miny) / rngy * prev_s, 8, false);
// }
// surface_reset_target();
// path_preview_surface = surface_verify(path_preview_surface, prev_s, prev_s);
// surface_set_shader(path_preview_surface, sh_FXAA);
// shader_set_f("dimension", prev_s, prev_s);
// shader_set_f("cornerDis", 0.5);
// shader_set_f("mixAmo", 1);
// draw_surface(_surf, 0, 0);
// surface_reset_shader();
// surface_free(_surf);
} #endregion
static getLineCount = function() { return 1; }
static getSegmentCount = function() { return array_length(lengths); }
static getBoundary = function() { return boundary; }
static getLength = function() { return lengthTotal; }
static getAccuLength = function() { return lengthAccs; }
static getPointDistance = function(_dist, _ind = 0, out = undefined) { #region
if(out == undefined) out = new __vec3(); else { out.x = 0; out.y = 0; out.z = 0; }
if(array_empty(lengths)) return out;
var _cKey = _dist;
if(ds_map_exists(cached_pos, _cKey)) {
var _p = cached_pos[? _cKey];
out.x = _p.x;
out.y = _p.y;
out.z = _p.z;
return out;
var loop = getInputData(1);
if(loop) _dist = safe_mod(_dist, lengthTotal, MOD_NEG.wrap);
var ansize = ds_list_size(inputs) - input_fix_len;
if(ansize == 0) return out;
var _a0, _a1;
for(var i = 0; i < ansize; i++) {
_a0 = anchors[(i + 0) % ansize];
_a1 = anchors[(i + 1) % ansize];
if(_dist > lengths[i]) {
_dist -= lengths[i];
var _t = _dist / lengths[i];
if(_a0[6] == 0 && _a0[7] == 0 && _a0[8] == 0 && _a1[3] == 0 && _a1[4] == 0 && _a1[5] == 0) {
out.x = lerp(_a0[0], _a1[0], _t);
out.y = lerp(_a0[1], _a1[1], _t);
out.z = lerp(_a0[2], _a1[2], _t);
} else {
out.x = eval_bezier_n(_t, _a0[0], _a1[0], _a0[0] + _a0[6], _a1[0] + _a1[3]);
out.y = eval_bezier_n(_t, _a0[1], _a1[1], _a0[1] + _a0[7], _a1[1] + _a1[4]);
out.z = eval_bezier_n(_t, _a0[2], _a1[2], _a0[2] + _a0[8], _a1[2] + _a1[5]);
cached_pos[? _cKey] = new __vec3(out.x, out.y, out.z);
return out;
return out;
} #endregion
static getPointRatio = function(_rat, _ind = 0, out = undefined) { #region
var pix = (path_loop? frac(_rat) : clamp(_rat, 0, 0.99)) * lengthTotal;
return getPointDistance(pix, _ind, out);
} #endregion
static getPointSegment = function(_rat) { #region
if(array_empty(lengths)) return new __vec3();
var loop = getInputData(1);
var ansize = ds_list_size(inputs) - input_fix_len;
if(_rat < 0) return new __vec3(anchors[0][0], anchors[0][1], anchors[0][2]);
_rat = safe_mod(_rat, ansize);
var _i0 = clamp(floor(_rat), 0, ansize - 1);
var _i1 = (_i0 + 1) % ansize;
var _t = frac(_rat);
if(_i1 >= ansize && !loop) return new __vec3(anchors[ansize - 1][0], anchors[ansize - 1][1], anchors[ansize - 1][2]);
var _a0 = anchors[_i0];
var _a1 = anchors[_i1];
var px, py, pz;
if(_a0[6] == 0 && _a0[7] == 0 && _a0[8] == 0 && _a1[3] == 0 && _a1[4] == 0 && _a1[5] == 0) {
px = lerp(_a0[0], _a1[0], _t);
py = lerp(_a0[1], _a1[1], _t);
pz = lerp(_a0[2], _a1[2], _t);
} else {
px = eval_bezier_n(_t, _a0[0], _a1[0], _a0[0] + _a0[6], _a1[0] + _a1[3]);
py = eval_bezier_n(_t, _a0[1], _a1[1], _a0[1] + _a0[7], _a1[1] + _a1[4]);
pz = eval_bezier_n(_t, _a0[2], _a1[2], _a0[2] + _a0[8], _a1[2] + _a1[5]);
return new __vec3(px, py, pz);
} #endregion
static update = function(frame = CURRENT_FRAME) { #region
var _rat = getInputData(0);
path_loop = getInputData(1);
var _typ = getInputData(2);
var _rnd = getInputData(3);
var _a = [];
for(var i = input_fix_len; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) {
var _val = getInputData(i);
var _anc = array_create(10, 0);
for(var j = 0; j < 10; j++)
_anc[j] = array_safe_get(_val, j);
if(_rnd) {
_anc[0] = round(_val[0]);
_anc[1] = round(_val[1]);
_anc[2] = round(_val[2]);
array_push(_a, _anc);
anchors = _a;
outputs[| 2].setValue(_a);
if(is_array(_rat)) {
var _out = array_create(array_length(_rat));
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_rat); i < n; i++ ) {
if(_typ == 0) _out[i] = getPointRatio(_rat[i]);
else if(_typ == 1) _out[i] = getPointSegment(_rat[i]);
outputs[| 0].setValue(_out);
} else {
var _out = [0, 0];
if(_typ == 0) _out = getPointRatio(_rat);
else if(_typ == 1) _out = getPointSegment(_rat);
outputs[| 0].setValue(_out.toArray());
} #endregion
static onDrawNode = function(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s, _hover, _focus) { #region
var bbox = drawGetBbox(xx, yy, _s);
// if(array_empty(segments)) {
draw_sprite_fit(s_node_path, 0, bbox.xc, bbox.yc, bbox.w, bbox.h);
// } else {
// gpu_set_tex_filter(true);
// draw_surface_bbox(path_preview_surface, bbox);
// gpu_set_tex_filter(false);
// }
} #endregion
static getPreviewObject = function() { return noone; }
static getPreviewObjects = function() { return []; }
static getPreviewObjectOutline = function() { return []; }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

View file

@ -674,6 +674,7 @@ function __initNodes() {
addNodeObject(d3d, "3D Cone", s_node_3d_cone, "Node_3D_Mesh_Cone", [1, Node_3D_Mesh_Cone]).setVersion(11510);
addNodeObject(d3d, "3D Terrain", s_node_3d_displace, "Node_3D_Mesh_Terrain", [1, Node_3D_Mesh_Terrain],, "Create 3D terrain from height map.").setVersion(11560);
addNodeObject(d3d, "Surface Extrude", s_node_3d_extrude, "Node_3D_Mesh_Extrude", [1, Node_3D_Mesh_Extrude],, "Extrude 2D image into 3D object.").setVersion(11510);
addNodeObject(d3d, "Path Extrude", s_node_3d_path_extrude, "Node_3D_Mesh_Path_Extrude",[1, Node_3D_Mesh_Path_Extrude],, "Extrude path into 3D object.").setVersion(11750);
ds_list_add(d3d, "Light");
addNodeObject(d3d, "Directional Light", s_node_3d_light_directi, "Node_3D_Light_Directional", [1, Node_3D_Light_Directional],, "Create directional light directed at the origin point.").setVersion(11510);
@ -902,6 +903,7 @@ function __initNodes() {
addNodeObject(values, "Bake Path", s_node_path_bake, "Node_Path_Bake", [1, Node_Path_Bake]).setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(values, "Map Path", s_node_path_mapp, "Node_Path_Map", [1, Node_Path_Map]).setVersion(11640);
addNodeObject(values, "Scatter Path", s_node_path_scatter, "Node_Path_Scatter", [1, Node_Path_Scatter]).setVersion(11740);
addNodeObject(values, "3D Path", s_node_path_3d, "Node_Path_3D", [1, Node_Path_3D], [ "path 3d" ]).setVersion(11750);
ds_list_add(values, "Boolean");
addNodeObject(values, "Boolean", s_node_boolean, "Node_Boolean", [1, Node_Boolean]);
@ -1039,6 +1041,7 @@ function __initNodes() {
addNodeObject(node, "Monitor Capture", s_node_monitor_capture, "Node_Monitor_Capture", [1, Node_Monitor_Capture]);
addNodeObject(node, "GUI In", s_node_gui_in, "Node_Application_In", [1, Node_Application_In]);
addNodeObject(node, "GUI Out", s_node_gui_out, "Node_Application_Out", [1, Node_Application_Out]);
// addNodeObject(node, "DLL", s_node_gui_out, "Node_DLL", [1, Node_DLL]).setVersion(11750);
var actions = ds_list_create();

View file

@ -212,6 +212,11 @@ function Node_Transform(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_Processor(_x, _y, _group)
var _ww = ww;
var _hh = hh;
if(!is_surface(ins)) {
_outSurf = noone;
_outRes[0] = _outSurf;
_outRes[1] = [ ww, hh ];

View file

@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ function Panel_Addon() : PanelContent() constructor {
if(_addon.open) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 3, 0, by, ww, hh, COLORS._main_icon_light, 1);
var cc = hover? c_white : COLORS._main_icon_light;
draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 3, 0, by, ww, hg, cc, 1);
if(hover) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, by, ww, hg, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_hover, 1);
else draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.group_label, 0, 0, by, ww, hg, COLORS.panel_inspector_group_bg, 1);
draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
draw_text_add(ui(44), by + hg / 2, _addon.name);

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
function eval_bezier_x(t, x0, y0, x1, y1, cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1) { INLINE return power(1 - t, 3) * x0 + 3 * power(1 - t, 2) * (t) * cx0 + 3 * power(t, 2) * (1 - t) * cx1 + power(t, 3) * x1; }
function eval_bezier_y(t, x0, y0, x1, y1, cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1) { INLINE return power(1 - t, 3) * y0 + 3 * power(1 - t, 2) * (t) * cy0 + 3 * power(t, 2) * (1 - t) * cy1 + power(t, 3) * y1; }
function eval_bezier_n(t, x0, x1, cx0, cx1) { INLINE return power(1 - t, 3) * x0 + 3 * power(1 - t, 2) * (t) * cx0 + 3 * power(t, 2) * (1 - t) * cx1 + power(t, 3) * x1; }
function eval_bezier(t, x0, y0, x1, y1, cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1) {
var xx = power(1 - t, 3) * x0 + 3 * power(1 - t, 2) * (t) * cx0 + 3 * power(t, 2) * (1 - t) * cx1 + power(t, 3) * x1;
var yy = power(1 - t, 3) * y0 + 3 * power(1 - t, 2) * (t) * cy0 + 3 * power(t, 2) * (1 - t) * cy1 + power(t, 3) * y1;