mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 06:04:49 +01:00
3d default material
This commit is contained in:
22 changed files with 1435 additions and 60 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-05-01 15:54:59
// 2024-05-01 20:00:00
#region vertex format
@ -110,6 +110,11 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
static getCenter = function() { return new __vec3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); }
static getBBOX = function() { return new __bbox3D(size.multiplyVec(transform.scale).multiply(-0.5), size.multiplyVec(transform.scale).multiply(0.5)); }
#region params
defDrawParam = { wireframe: false };
defDrawParamW = { wireframe: true };
static submit = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { submitVertex(scene, shader); }
static submitUI = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { submitVertex(scene, shader); }
static submitSel = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { #region
@ -120,7 +125,7 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
static submitShader = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) {}
static submitShadow = function(scene = {}, object = noone) {}
static submitVertex = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { #region
static submitVertex = function(scene = {}, shader = noone, param = defDrawParam) { #region
var _shader = sh_d3d_default;
switch(VF) {
@ -171,8 +176,6 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
vertex_submit(VB[i], render_type, _tex);
} else
vertex_submit(VB[i], render_type, _tex);
// print($"Submit vertex ({scene}) [{VB[i]}: {vertex_get_buffer_size(VB[i])}]");
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-05-01 15:51:30
// 2024-05-01 19:56:01
#region vertex format
@ -110,6 +110,11 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
static getCenter = function() { return new __vec3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); }
static getBBOX = function() { return new __bbox3D(size.multiplyVec(transform.scale).multiply(-0.5), size.multiplyVec(transform.scale).multiply(0.5)); }
#region params
defDrawParam = { wireframe: false };
defDrawParamW = { wireframe: true };
static submit = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { submitVertex(scene, shader); }
static submitUI = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { submitVertex(scene, shader); }
static submitSel = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { #region
@ -120,7 +125,7 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
static submitShader = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) {}
static submitShadow = function(scene = {}, object = noone) {}
static submitVertex = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { #region
static submitVertex = function(scene = {}, shader = noone, param = defDrawParam) { #region
var _shader = sh_d3d_default;
switch(VF) {
@ -171,8 +176,6 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
vertex_submit(VB[i], render_type, _tex);
} else
vertex_submit(VB[i], render_type, _tex);
// print($"Submit vertex ({scene}) [{VB[i]}: {vertex_get_buffer_size(VB[i])}]");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
// 2024-05-01 20:34:59
#region global preview camera
function set3DGlobalPreview() {
var d3_view_camera = new __3dCamera();
d3_view_camera.setViewSize(2, 2);
d3_view_camera.setFocusAngle(135, 45, 8);
d3_view_camera.position.set(d3d_PolarToCart(0, 0, 0, d3_view_camera.focus_angle_x, d3_view_camera.focus_angle_y, d3_view_camera.focus_dist));
d3_view_camera.projection = CAMERA_PROJECTION.orthograph;
D3D_GLOBAL_PREVIEW = new __3dScene(d3_view_camera, "Global node preview");
D3D_GLOBAL_PREVIEW.apply_transform = true;
D3D_GLOBAL_PREVIEW.defer_normal = false;
var d3_scene_light0 = new __3dLightDirectional();
d3_scene_light0.transform.position.set(-1, -2, 3);
d3_scene_light0.color = $AAAAAA;
var d3_scene_light1 = new __3dLightDirectional();
d3_scene_light1.transform.position.set(1, 2, 3);
d3_scene_light1.color = $FFFFFF;
D3D_GLOBAL_PREVIEW.lightAmbient = $404040;
#macro D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT if(!is_struct(object)) return; matrix_stack_clear(); if(apply_transform) custom_transform.submitMatrix();
#macro D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT if(apply_transform) custom_transform.clearMatrix();
function __3dScene(camera, name = "New scene") constructor {
self.camera = camera;
self.name = name;
apply_transform = false;
custom_transform = new __transform();
lightAmbient = c_black;
lightDir_max = 16;
lightDir_shadow_max = 4;
lightPnt_max = 16;
lightPnt_shadow_max = 4;
cull_mode = cull_noculling;
enviroment_map = noone;
gammaCorrection = true;
draw_background = false;
defer_normal = true;
defer_normal_radius = 0;
show_normal = false;
ssao_enabled = false;
ssao_sample = 32;
ssao_radius = 0.1;
ssao_bias = 0.1;
ssao_strength = 1.;
static reset = function() { #region
lightDir_count = 0;
lightDir_direction = [];
lightDir_color = [];
lightDir_intensity = [];
lightDir_shadow_count = 0;
lightDir_shadow = [];
lightDir_shadowMap = [];
lightDir_viewMat = [];
lightDir_projMat = [];
lightDir_shadowBias = [];
lightPnt_count = 0;
lightPnt_position = [];
lightPnt_color = [];
lightPnt_intensity = [];
lightPnt_radius = [];
lightPnt_shadow_count = 0;
lightPnt_shadow = [];
lightPnt_shadowMap = [];
lightPnt_viewMat = [];
lightPnt_projMat = [];
lightPnt_shadowBias = [];
} reset(); #endregion
static submit = function(object, shader = noone) { D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT object.submit (self, shader); D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT }
static submitUI = function(object, shader = noone) { D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT object.submitUI (self, shader); D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT }
static submitSel = function(object, shader = noone) { D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT object.submitSel (self, shader); D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT }
static submitShader = function(object, shader = noone) { D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT object.submitShader (self, shader); D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT }
static deferPass = function(object, w, h, deferData = noone) { #region
if(deferData == noone) deferData = {
geometry_data: [ noone, noone, noone ],
ssao : noone,
geometryPass(deferData, object, w, h);
return deferData;
} #endregion
static renderBackground = function(w, h, surf = noone) { #region
surf = surface_verify(surf, w, h);
surface_set_shader(surf, sh_d3d_background);
shader_set_color("light_ambient", lightAmbient);
shader_set_f("cameraPosition", camera.position.toArray());
shader_set_i("env_use_mapping", is_surface(enviroment_map) );
shader_set_surface("env_map", enviroment_map );
shader_set_dim("env_map_dimension", enviroment_map );
var _s = (camera.view_near + camera.view_far) / 2;
matrix_set(matrix_world, matrix_build(camera.position.x, camera.position.y, camera.position.z, 0, 0, 0, _s, _s, _s));
vertex_submit(global.SKY_SPHERE.VB[0], pr_trianglelist, -1);
matrix_set(matrix_world, matrix_build_identity());
return surf;
} #endregion
static geometryPass = function(deferData, object, w = 512, h = 512) { #region
deferData.geometry_data[0] = surface_verify(deferData.geometry_data[0], w, h, OS == os_macosx? surface_rgba8unorm : surface_rgba32float);
deferData.geometry_data[1] = surface_verify(deferData.geometry_data[1], w, h, OS == os_macosx? surface_rgba8unorm : surface_rgba32float);
deferData.geometry_data[2] = surface_verify(deferData.geometry_data[2], w, h, OS == os_macosx? surface_rgba8unorm : surface_rgba32float);
surface_set_target_ext(0, deferData.geometry_data[0]);
surface_set_target_ext(1, deferData.geometry_data[1]);
surface_set_target_ext(2, deferData.geometry_data[2]);
shader_set_f("planeNear", camera.view_near);
shader_set_f("planeFar", camera.view_far);
shader_set_i("use_8bit", OS == os_macosx);
submit(object, sh_d3d_geometry);
if(defer_normal_radius) {
var _normal_blurred = surface_create_size(deferData.geometry_data[2], OS == os_macosx? surface_rgba8unorm : surface_rgba32float);
surface_set_shader(_normal_blurred, sh_d3d_normal_blur);
shader_set_f("radius", defer_normal_radius);
shader_set_i("use_8bit", OS == os_macosx);
shader_set_dim("dimension", deferData.geometry_data[2]);
deferData.geometry_data[2] = _normal_blurred;
} #endregion
static ssaoPass = function(deferData) { #region
if(!ssao_enabled) return;
var _sw = surface_get_width_safe(deferData.geometry_data[0]);
var _sh = surface_get_height_safe(deferData.geometry_data[0]);
var _ssao_surf = surface_create(_sw, _sh);
surface_set_shader(_ssao_surf, sh_d3d_ssao);
shader_set_surface("vPosition", deferData.geometry_data[0]);
shader_set_surface("vNormal", deferData.geometry_data[2]);
shader_set_f("radius", ssao_radius);
shader_set_f("bias", ssao_bias);
shader_set_f("strength", ssao_strength * 2);
shader_set_f("projMatrix", camera.getCombinedMatrix());
shader_set_f("cameraPosition", camera.position.toArray());
draw_sprite_stretched(s_fx_pixel, 0, 0, 0, _sw, _sh);
deferData.ssao = surface_verify(deferData.ssao, _sw, _sh);
surface_set_shader(deferData.ssao, sh_d3d_ssao_blur);
shader_set_f("dimension", _sw, _sh);
shader_set_surface("vNormal", deferData.geometry_data[2]);
} #endregion
static apply = function(deferData = noone) { #region
shader_set_i("use_8bit", OS == os_macosx);
#region ---- background ----
shader_set_f("light_ambient", colToVec4(lightAmbient));
shader_set_i("env_use_mapping", is_surface(enviroment_map) );
shader_set_surface("env_map", enviroment_map, false, true );
shader_set_dim("env_map_dimension", enviroment_map );
if(deferData != noone) shader_set_surface("ao_map", deferData.ssao );
shader_set_i("light_dir_count", lightDir_count); #region
if(lightDir_count) {
shader_set_f("light_dir_direction", lightDir_direction);
shader_set_f("light_dir_color", lightDir_color);
shader_set_f("light_dir_intensity", lightDir_intensity);
shader_set_i("light_dir_shadow_active", lightDir_shadow);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(lightDir_shadowMap); i < n; i++ ) {
var _sid = shader_set_surface($"light_dir_shadowmap_{i}", lightDir_shadowMap[i], true);
gpu_set_tex_repeat_ext(_sid, false);
shader_set_f("light_dir_view", lightDir_viewMat);
shader_set_f("light_dir_proj", lightDir_projMat);
shader_set_f("light_dir_shadow_bias", lightDir_shadowBias);
} #endregion
shader_set_i("light_pnt_count", lightPnt_count); #region
if(lightPnt_count) {
shader_set_f("light_pnt_position", lightPnt_position);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_color", lightPnt_color);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_intensity", lightPnt_intensity);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_radius", lightPnt_radius);
shader_set_i("light_pnt_shadow_active", lightPnt_shadow);
if(OS == os_windows) {
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(lightPnt_shadowMap); i < n; i++ ) {
var _sid = shader_set_surface($"light_pnt_shadowmap_{i}", lightPnt_shadowMap[i], true, true);
gpu_set_tex_repeat_ext(_sid, false);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_view", lightPnt_viewMat);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_proj", lightPnt_projMat);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_shadow_bias", lightPnt_shadowBias);
} #endregion
if(OS == os_windows && defer_normal && deferData != noone && array_length(deferData.geometry_data) > 2) {
shader_set_i("mat_defer_normal", 1);
shader_set_surface("mat_normal_map", deferData.geometry_data[2]);
} else
shader_set_i("mat_defer_normal", 0);
#region ---- camera ----
shader_set_f("cameraPosition", camera.position.toArray());
shader_set_i("gammaCorrection", gammaCorrection);
shader_set_f("planeNear", camera.view_near);
shader_set_f("planeFar", camera.view_far );
shader_set_f("viewProjMat", camera.getCombinedMatrix() );
//print($"Submitting scene with {lightDir_count} dir, {lightPnt_count} pnt lights.");
} #endregion
static addLightDirectional = function(light) { #region
if(lightDir_count >= lightDir_max) {
noti_warning("Direction light limit exceeded");
return self;
array_append(lightDir_direction, [ light.transform.position.x, light.transform.position.y, light.transform.position.z ]);
array_append(lightDir_color, colToVec4(light.color));
array_push(lightDir_intensity, light.intensity);
array_push(lightDir_shadow, light.shadow_active);
if(light.shadow_active) {
if(lightDir_shadow_count < lightDir_shadow_max) {
array_push(lightDir_shadowMap, light.shadow_map);
} else
noti_warning("Direction light shadow caster limit exceeded");
array_append(lightDir_viewMat, light.shadow_map_view);
array_append(lightDir_projMat, light.shadow_map_proj);
array_push(lightDir_shadowBias, light.shadow_bias);
return self;
} #endregion
static addLightPoint = function(light) { #region
if(lightPnt_count >= lightPnt_max) {
noti_warning("Point light limit exceeded");
return self;
array_append(lightPnt_position, [ light.transform.position.x, light.transform.position.y, light.transform.position.z ]);
array_append(lightPnt_color, colToVec4(light.color));
array_push(lightPnt_intensity, light.intensity);
array_push(lightPnt_radius, light.radius);
array_push(lightPnt_shadow, OS == os_windows && light.shadow_active);
if(light.shadow_active) {
if(lightPnt_shadow_count < lightPnt_shadow_max) {
array_push(lightPnt_shadowMap, light.shadow_map);
} else
noti_warning("Point light shadow caster limit exceeded");
array_append(lightPnt_viewMat, light.shadow_map_view);
array_append(lightPnt_projMat, light.shadow_map_proj);
array_push(lightPnt_shadowBias, light.shadow_bias);
return self;
} #endregion
static toString = function() { #region
return $"[3D Scene] {name}";
} #endregion
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
// 2024-05-01 20:17:56
#region global preview camera
function set3DGlobalPreview() {
var d3_view_camera = new __3dCamera();
d3_view_camera.setViewSize(2, 2);
d3_view_camera.setFocusAngle(135, 45, 8);
d3_view_camera.position.set(d3d_PolarToCart(0, 0, 0, d3_view_camera.focus_angle_x, d3_view_camera.focus_angle_y, d3_view_camera.focus_dist));
d3_view_camera.projection = CAMERA_PROJECTION.orthograph;
D3D_GLOBAL_PREVIEW = new __3dScene(d3_view_camera, "Global node preview");
D3D_GLOBAL_PREVIEW.apply_transform = true;
D3D_GLOBAL_PREVIEW.defer_normal = false;
var d3_scene_light0 = new __3dLightDirectional();
d3_scene_light0.transform.position.set(-1, -2, 3);
d3_scene_light0.color = $AAAAAA;
var d3_scene_light1 = new __3dLightDirectional();
d3_scene_light1.transform.position.set(1, 2, 3);
d3_scene_light1.color = $FFFFFF;
D3D_GLOBAL_PREVIEW.lightAmbient = $404040;
#macro D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT if(!is_struct(object)) return; matrix_stack_clear(); if(apply_transform) custom_transform.submitMatrix();
#macro D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT if(apply_transform) custom_transform.clearMatrix();
function __3dScene(camera, name = "New scene") constructor {
self.camera = camera;
self.name = name;
apply_transform = false;
custom_transform = new __transform();
lightAmbient = c_black;
lightDir_max = 16;
lightDir_shadow_max = 4;
lightPnt_max = 16;
lightPnt_shadow_max = 4;
cull_mode = cull_noculling;
enviroment_map = noone;
gammaCorrection = true;
draw_background = false;
defer_normal = true;
defer_normal_radius = 0;
show_normal = false;
ssao_enabled = false;
ssao_sample = 32;
ssao_radius = 0.1;
ssao_bias = 0.1;
ssao_strength = 1.;
static reset = function() { #region
lightDir_count = 0;
lightDir_direction = [];
lightDir_color = [];
lightDir_intensity = [];
lightDir_shadow_count = 0;
lightDir_shadow = [];
lightDir_shadowMap = [];
lightDir_viewMat = [];
lightDir_projMat = [];
lightDir_shadowBias = [];
lightPnt_count = 0;
lightPnt_position = [];
lightPnt_color = [];
lightPnt_intensity = [];
lightPnt_radius = [];
lightPnt_shadow_count = 0;
lightPnt_shadow = [];
lightPnt_shadowMap = [];
lightPnt_viewMat = [];
lightPnt_projMat = [];
lightPnt_shadowBias = [];
} reset(); #endregion
static submit = function(object, shader = noone) { D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT object.submit (self, shader); D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT }
static submitUI = function(object, shader = noone) { D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT object.submitUI (self, shader); D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT }
static submitSel = function(object, shader = noone) { D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT object.submitSel (self, shader); D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT }
static submitShader = function(object, shader = noone) { D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT object.submitShader (self, shader); D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT }
static deferPass = function(object, w, h, deferData = noone) { #region
if(deferData == noone) deferData = {
geometry_data: [ noone, noone, noone ],
ssao : noone,
geometryPass(deferData, object, w, h);
return deferData;
} #endregion
static renderBackground = function(w, h, surf = noone) { #region
surf = surface_verify(surf, w, h);
surface_set_shader(surf, sh_d3d_background);
shader_set_color("light_ambient", lightAmbient);
shader_set_f("cameraPosition", camera.position.toArray());
shader_set_i("env_use_mapping", is_surface(enviroment_map) );
shader_set_surface("env_map", enviroment_map );
shader_set_dim("env_map_dimension", enviroment_map );
var _s = (camera.view_near + camera.view_far) / 2;
matrix_set(matrix_world, matrix_build(camera.position.x, camera.position.y, camera.position.z, 0, 0, 0, _s, _s, _s));
vertex_submit(global.SKY_SPHERE.VB[0], pr_trianglelist, -1);
matrix_set(matrix_world, matrix_build_identity());
return surf;
} #endregion
static geometryPass = function(deferData, object, w = 512, h = 512) { #region
deferData.geometry_data[0] = surface_verify(deferData.geometry_data[0], w, h, OS == os_macosx? surface_rgba8unorm : surface_rgba32float);
deferData.geometry_data[1] = surface_verify(deferData.geometry_data[1], w, h, OS == os_macosx? surface_rgba8unorm : surface_rgba32float);
deferData.geometry_data[2] = surface_verify(deferData.geometry_data[2], w, h, OS == os_macosx? surface_rgba8unorm : surface_rgba32float);
surface_set_target_ext(0, deferData.geometry_data[0]);
surface_set_target_ext(1, deferData.geometry_data[1]);
surface_set_target_ext(2, deferData.geometry_data[2]);
shader_set_f("planeNear", camera.view_near);
shader_set_f("planeFar", camera.view_far);
shader_set_i("use_8bit", OS == os_macosx);
submit(object, sh_d3d_geometry);
if(defer_normal_radius) {
var _normal_blurred = surface_create_size(deferData.geometry_data[2], OS == os_macosx? surface_rgba8unorm : surface_rgba32float);
surface_set_shader(_normal_blurred, sh_d3d_normal_blur);
shader_set_f("radius", defer_normal_radius);
shader_set_i("use_8bit", OS == os_macosx);
shader_set_dim("dimension", deferData.geometry_data[2]);
deferData.geometry_data[2] = _normal_blurred;
} #endregion
static ssaoPass = function(deferData) { #region
if(!ssao_enabled) return;
var _sw = surface_get_width_safe(deferData.geometry_data[0]);
var _sh = surface_get_height_safe(deferData.geometry_data[0]);
var _ssao_surf = surface_create(_sw, _sh);
surface_set_shader(_ssao_surf, sh_d3d_ssao);
shader_set_surface("vPosition", deferData.geometry_data[0]);
shader_set_surface("vNormal", deferData.geometry_data[2]);
shader_set_f("radius", ssao_radius);
shader_set_f("bias", ssao_bias);
shader_set_f("strength", ssao_strength * 2);
shader_set_f("projMatrix", camera.getCombinedMatrix());
shader_set_f("cameraPosition", camera.position.toArray());
draw_sprite_stretched(s_fx_pixel, 0, 0, 0, _sw, _sh);
deferData.ssao = surface_verify(deferData.ssao, _sw, _sh);
surface_set_shader(deferData.ssao, sh_d3d_ssao_blur);
shader_set_f("dimension", _sw, _sh);
shader_set_surface("vNormal", deferData.geometry_data[2]);
} #endregion
static apply = function(deferData = noone) { #region
shader_set_i("use_8bit", OS == os_macosx);
#region ---- background ----
shader_set_f("light_ambient", colToVec4(lightAmbient));
shader_set_i("env_use_mapping", is_surface(enviroment_map) );
shader_set_surface("env_map", enviroment_map, false, true );
shader_set_dim("env_map_dimension", enviroment_map );
if(deferData != noone) shader_set_surface("ao_map", deferData.ssao );
shader_set_i("light_dir_count", lightDir_count); #region
if(lightDir_count) {
shader_set_f("light_dir_direction", lightDir_direction);
shader_set_f("light_dir_color", lightDir_color);
shader_set_f("light_dir_intensity", lightDir_intensity);
shader_set_i("light_dir_shadow_active", lightDir_shadow);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(lightDir_shadowMap); i < n; i++ ) {
var _sid = shader_set_surface($"light_dir_shadowmap_{i}", lightDir_shadowMap[i], true);
gpu_set_tex_repeat_ext(_sid, false);
shader_set_f("light_dir_view", lightDir_viewMat);
shader_set_f("light_dir_proj", lightDir_projMat);
shader_set_f("light_dir_shadow_bias", lightDir_shadowBias);
} #endregion
shader_set_i("light_pnt_count", lightPnt_count); #region
if(lightPnt_count) {
shader_set_f("light_pnt_position", lightPnt_position);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_color", lightPnt_color);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_intensity", lightPnt_intensity);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_radius", lightPnt_radius);
shader_set_i("light_pnt_shadow_active", lightPnt_shadow);
if(OS == os_windows) {
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(lightPnt_shadowMap); i < n; i++ ) {
var _sid = shader_set_surface($"light_pnt_shadowmap_{i}", lightPnt_shadowMap[i], true, true);
gpu_set_tex_repeat_ext(_sid, false);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_view", lightPnt_viewMat);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_proj", lightPnt_projMat);
shader_set_f("light_pnt_shadow_bias", lightPnt_shadowBias);
} #endregion
if(OS == os_windows && defer_normal && deferData != noone && array_length(deferData.geometry_data) > 2) {
shader_set_i("mat_defer_normal", 1);
shader_set_surface("mat_normal_map", deferData.geometry_data[2]);
} else
shader_set_i("mat_defer_normal", 0);
#region ---- camera ----
shader_set_f("cameraPosition", camera.position.toArray());
shader_set_i("gammaCorrection", gammaCorrection);
shader_set_f("planeNear", camera.view_near);
shader_set_f("planeFar", camera.view_far );
shader_set_f("viewProjMat", camera.getCombinedMatrix() );
//print($"Submitting scene with {lightDir_count} dir, {lightPnt_count} pnt lights.");
} #endregion
static addLightDirectional = function(light) { #region
if(lightDir_count >= lightDir_max) {
noti_warning("Direction light limit exceeded");
return self;
array_append(lightDir_direction, [ light.transform.position.x, light.transform.position.y, light.transform.position.z ]);
array_append(lightDir_color, colToVec4(light.color));
array_push(lightDir_intensity, light.intensity);
array_push(lightDir_shadow, light.shadow_active);
if(light.shadow_active) {
if(lightDir_shadow_count < lightDir_shadow_max) {
array_push(lightDir_shadowMap, light.shadow_map);
} else
noti_warning("Direction light shadow caster limit exceeded");
array_append(lightDir_viewMat, light.shadow_map_view);
array_append(lightDir_projMat, light.shadow_map_proj);
array_push(lightDir_shadowBias, light.shadow_bias);
return self;
} #endregion
static addLightPoint = function(light) { #region
if(lightPnt_count >= lightPnt_max) {
noti_warning("Point light limit exceeded");
return self;
array_append(lightPnt_position, [ light.transform.position.x, light.transform.position.y, light.transform.position.z ]);
array_append(lightPnt_color, colToVec4(light.color));
array_push(lightPnt_intensity, light.intensity);
array_push(lightPnt_radius, light.radius);
array_push(lightPnt_shadow, OS == os_windows && light.shadow_active);
if(light.shadow_active) {
if(lightPnt_shadow_count < lightPnt_shadow_max) {
array_push(lightPnt_shadowMap, light.shadow_map);
} else
noti_warning("Point light shadow caster limit exceeded");
array_append(lightPnt_viewMat, light.shadow_map_view);
array_append(lightPnt_projMat, light.shadow_map_proj);
array_push(lightPnt_shadowBias, light.shadow_bias);
return self;
} #endregion
static toString = function() { #region
return $"[3D Scene] {name}";
} #endregion
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// 2024-05-01 20:07:20
function MTLmaterial(name) constructor {
self.name = name;
self.refc = 0;
self.diff = c_white;
self.spec = 0;
self.refc_path = "";
self.diff_path = "";
self.spec_path = "";
function str_strip_nr(str) {
str = string_replace_all(str, "\n", "");
str = string_replace_all(str, "\r", "");
str = string_replace_all(str, "\\", "/");
return str;
function readMtl(path) {
if(!file_exists_empty(path)) return [];
var mat = [];
var cur_mat = noone;
var file = file_text_open_read(path);
while(!file_text_eof(file)) {
var l = file_text_readln(file);
l = string_trim(l);
var sep = string_splice(l, " ");
if(array_length(sep) == 0 || sep[0] == "") continue;
switch(sep[0]) {
case "newmtl" :
cur_mat = new MTLmaterial(str_strip_nr(sep[1]));
array_push(mat, cur_mat);
case "Ka" : cur_mat.refc = colorFromRGBArray([sep[1], sep[2], sep[3]]); break;
case "Kd" : cur_mat.diff = colorFromRGBArray([sep[1], sep[2], sep[3]]); break;
case "Ks" : cur_mat.spec = colorFromRGBArray([sep[1], sep[2], sep[3]]); break;
case "map_Ka": cur_mat.refc_path = filename_dir(path) + "/" + str_strip_nr(sep[1]); break;
case "map_Kd": cur_mat.diff_path = filename_dir(path) + "/" + str_strip_nr(sep[1]); break;
case "map_Ks": cur_mat.spec_path = filename_dir(path) + "/" + str_strip_nr(sep[1]); break;
return mat;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-05-01 15:53:22
// 2024-05-01 20:10:28
function Node_create_3D_Obj(_x, _y, _group = noone) { #region
var path = "";
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ function Node_3D_Mesh_Obj(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D_Mesh(_x, _y, _group)
materialNames = [ "Material" ];
materialIndex = [ 0 ];
materials = [ new MTLmaterial("Material") ];
if(array_length(materialNames)) {
if(obj_raw.use_material) {
var _dir = filename_dir(current_path);
var _pathMtl = string_copy(current_path, 1, string_length(current_path) - 4) + ".mtl";
if(obj_raw.mtl_path != "") _pathMtl = _dir + "/" + obj_raw.mtl_path;
@ -181,8 +181,6 @@ function Node_3D_Mesh_Obj(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D_Mesh(_x, _y, _group)
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(materialNames); i++)
outputs[| 0].setValue(object);
} #endregion
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-05-01 15:53:20
// 2024-05-01 20:07:23
function Node_create_3D_Obj(_x, _y, _group = noone) { #region
var path = "";
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ function Node_3D_Mesh_Obj(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D_Mesh(_x, _y, _group)
materialNames = [ "Material" ];
materialIndex = [ 0 ];
materials = [ new MTLmaterial("Material") ];
if(array_length(materialNames)) {
if(obj_raw.use_material) {
var _dir = filename_dir(current_path);
var _pathMtl = string_copy(current_path, 1, string_length(current_path) - 4) + ".mtl";
if(obj_raw.mtl_path != "") _pathMtl = _dir + "/" + obj_raw.mtl_path;
@ -181,8 +181,6 @@ function Node_3D_Mesh_Obj(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D_Mesh(_x, _y, _group)
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(materialNames); i++)
outputs[| 0].setValue(object);
} #endregion
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-05-01 19:28:09
// 2024-05-01 19:40:14
#region ---- global names ----
global.junctionEndName = [ "Hold", "Loop", "Ping pong", "Wrap" ];
@ -2014,7 +2014,6 @@ function NodeValue(_name, _node, _connect, _type, _value, _tooltip = "") constru
var _eval = new BBMOD_Quaternion(_qval[0], _qval[1], _qval[2], _qval[3]).ToEuler(true);
return setValueDirect(_qval);
return setValueDirect(val, index);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-05-01 19:27:29
// 2024-05-01 19:40:13
#region ---- global names ----
global.junctionEndName = [ "Hold", "Loop", "Ping pong", "Wrap" ];
@ -2014,7 +2014,6 @@ function NodeValue(_name, _node, _connect, _type, _value, _tooltip = "") constru
var _eval = new BBMOD_Quaternion(_qval[0], _qval[1], _qval[2], _qval[3]).ToEuler(true);
return setValueDirect(_qval);
return setValueDirect(val, index);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-05-01 13:45:32
// 2024-05-01 20:05:32
function readObj_init(_scale = 1) {
obj_reading = true;
obj_read_progress = 0;
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ function readObj_init(_scale = 1) {
matIndex = [];
tris = [];
mtlPath = "";
use_normal = true;
use_material = false;
use_normal = true;
v = ds_list_create();
vt = ds_list_create();
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ function readObj_file() {
case "usemtl" :
use_material = true;
var mname = "";
for( var i = 1; i < array_length(sep); i++ )
mname += (i == 1? "" : " ") + sep[i];
@ -286,6 +288,7 @@ function readObj_buff() {
vertex_groups: VBS,
object_counts: _vblen,
use_material: use_material,
materials: mats,
material_index: matIndex,
use_normal: use_normal,
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-05-01 13:44:23
// 2024-05-01 20:05:28
function readObj_init(_scale = 1) {
obj_reading = true;
obj_read_progress = 0;
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ function readObj_init(_scale = 1) {
matIndex = [];
tris = [];
mtlPath = "";
use_normal = true;
use_material = false;
use_normal = true;
v = ds_list_create();
vt = ds_list_create();
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ function readObj_file() {
case "usemtl" :
use_material = true;
var mname = "";
for( var i = 1; i < array_length(sep); i++ )
mname += (i == 1? "" : " ") + sep[i];
@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ function readObj_cent() {
_bmax[2] - _bmin[2],
var sc = 1;
//var span = max(abs(_size.x), abs(_size.y), abs(_size.z));
@ -286,6 +288,7 @@ function readObj_buff() {
vertex_groups: VBS,
object_counts: _vblen,
use_material: use_material,
materials: mats,
material_index: matIndex,
use_normal: use_normal,
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-04-30 13:07:08
// 2024-05-01 19:40:08
#region funtion calls
function __fnInit_Inspector() {
__registerFunction("inspector_copy_prop", panel_inspector_copy_prop);
@ -754,9 +754,8 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
#region color picker
if(key_mod_press(ALT) && color_picker_index) {
// if(key_mod_press(ALT) && color_picker_index)
// pickers[picker_index].editWidget.onColorPick();
if(MESSAGE != noone && MESSAGE.type == "Color") {
var inp = array_safe_get_fast(pickers, picker_index, 0);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// 2024-04-30 13:07:07
// 2024-05-01 19:39:33
#region funtion calls
function __fnInit_Inspector() {
__registerFunction("inspector_copy_prop", panel_inspector_copy_prop);
@ -754,9 +754,8 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
#region color picker
if(key_mod_press(ALT) && color_picker_index) {
// if(key_mod_press(ALT) && color_picker_index)
// pickers[picker_index].editWidget.onColorPick();
if(MESSAGE != noone && MESSAGE.type == "Color") {
var inp = array_safe_get_fast(pickers, picker_index, 0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
// 2024-05-01 20:25:29
// PC3D rendering shader
varying vec2 v_vTexcoord;
varying vec4 v_vColour;
varying vec3 v_vNormal;
varying vec4 v_worldPosition;
varying vec3 v_viewPosition;
varying float v_cameraDistance;
#define PI 3.14159265359
#define TAU 6.28318530718
uniform int use_8bit;
#region ---- light ----
uniform vec4 light_ambient;
uniform float shadowBias;
#define LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT 16
uniform int light_dir_count;
uniform vec3 light_dir_direction[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform vec4 light_dir_color[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform float light_dir_intensity[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform mat4 light_dir_view[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform mat4 light_dir_proj[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform int light_dir_shadow_active[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform float light_dir_shadow_bias[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform sampler2D light_dir_shadowmap_0;
uniform sampler2D light_dir_shadowmap_1;
//uniform sampler2D light_dir_shadowmap_2;
//uniform sampler2D light_dir_shadowmap_3;
#define LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT 16
uniform int light_pnt_count;
uniform vec3 light_pnt_position[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform vec4 light_pnt_color[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform float light_pnt_intensity[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform float light_pnt_radius[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform mat4 light_pnt_view[96];
uniform mat4 light_pnt_proj[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform int light_pnt_shadow_active[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform float light_pnt_shadow_bias[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform sampler2D light_pnt_shadowmap_0;
uniform sampler2D light_pnt_shadowmap_1;
//uniform sampler2D light_pnt_shadowmap_2;
//uniform sampler2D light_pnt_shadowmap_3;
#region ---- material ----
vec4 mat_baseColor;
uniform float mat_diffuse;
uniform float mat_specular;
uniform float mat_shine;
uniform int mat_metalic;
uniform float mat_reflective;
uniform int mat_defer_normal;
uniform float mat_normal_strength;
uniform sampler2D mat_normal_map;
uniform int mat_flip;
#region ---- rendering ----
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform int gammaCorrection;
uniform int env_use_mapping;
uniform sampler2D env_map;
uniform vec2 env_map_dimension;
uniform mat4 viewProjMat;
#region ++++ mapping ++++
vec2 equirectangularUv(vec3 dir) {
vec3 n = normalize(dir);
return vec2((atan(n.x, n.y) / TAU) + 0.5, 1. - acos(n.z) / PI);
float unormToFloat(vec3 v) {
v *= 256.;
return (v.r * 65536. + v.g * 256. + v.b) / (65536.);
#region ++++ matrix ++++
float matrixGet(mat4 matrix, int index) {
if(index < 0 || index > 15) return 0.;
int _x = int(floor(float(index) / 4.));
int _y = int(mod(float(index), 4.));
return matrix[_x][_y];
mat4 matrixSet(mat4 matrix, int index, float value) {
if(index < 0 || index > 15) return matrix;
int _x = int(floor(float(index) / 4.));
int _y = int(mod(float(index), 4.));
matrix[_x][_y] = value;
return matrix;
#region ++++ shadow sampler ++++
float sampleDirShadowMap(int index, vec2 position) {
vec4 d;
if(index == 0) d = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_0, position);
else if(index == 1) d = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_1, position);
//else if(index == 2) d = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_2, position);
//else if(index == 3) d = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_3, position);
if(use_8bit == 1)
return unormToFloat(d.rgb);
return d.r;
float samplePntShadowMap(int index, vec2 position, int side) {
float d = 0.;
position.x /= 2.;
if(side >= 3) {
position.x += 0.5;
side -= 3;
if(index == 0) d = texture2D(light_pnt_shadowmap_0, position)[side];
else if(index == 1) d = texture2D(light_pnt_shadowmap_1, position)[side];
//else if(index == 2) d = texture2D(light_pnt_shadowmap_2, position)[side];
//else if(index == 3) d = texture2D(light_pnt_shadowmap_3, position)[side];
return d;
#region ++++ Phong shading ++++
vec3 phongLight(vec3 normal, vec3 lightVec, vec3 viewVec, vec3 light) {
vec3 lightDir = normalize(lightVec);
vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewVec);
vec3 refcDir = reflect(-lightDir, normal);
float kD = 1., kS = 0.;
if(mat_diffuse + mat_specular != 0.) {
kD = mat_diffuse / (mat_diffuse + mat_specular);
kS = mat_specular / (mat_diffuse + mat_specular);
vec3 lLambert = max(0., dot(normal, lightDir)) * light;
float specular = pow(max(dot(viewDir, refcDir), 0.), max(0.001, mat_shine));
vec3 lSpecular = specular * light;
if(mat_metalic == 1) lSpecular *= mat_baseColor.rgb;
return kD * lLambert + kS * lSpecular;
void main() {
vec2 uv_coord = v_vTexcoord;
if(mat_flip == 1) uv_coord.y = -uv_coord.y;
mat_baseColor = texture2D( gm_BaseTexture, uv_coord );
mat_baseColor *= v_vColour;
vec4 final_color = mat_baseColor;
vec3 viewDirection = normalize(cameraPosition - v_worldPosition.xyz);
vec4 viewProjPos = viewProjMat * vec4(v_worldPosition.xyz, 1.);
viewProjPos /= viewProjPos.w;
viewProjPos = viewProjPos * 0.5 + 0.5;
#region ++++ normal ++++
vec3 _norm = v_vNormal;
if(mat_defer_normal == 1)
_norm = texture2D(mat_normal_map, viewProjPos.xy).rgb;
vec3 normal = normalize(_norm);
#region ++++ environment ++++
if(env_use_mapping == 1 && mat_reflective > 0.) {
vec3 reflectDir = reflect(viewDirection, normal);
float refRad = mix(16., 0., mat_reflective);
vec2 tx = 1. / env_map_dimension;
vec2 reflect_sample_pos = equirectangularUv(reflectDir);
vec4 env_sampled = vec4(0.);
float weight = 0.;
for(float i = -refRad; i <= refRad; i++)
for(float j = -refRad; j <= refRad; j++) {
vec2 _map_pos = reflect_sample_pos + vec2(i, j) * tx;
if(_map_pos.y < 0.) _map_pos.y = -_map_pos.y;
else if(_map_pos.y > 1.) _map_pos.y = 1. - (_map_pos.y - 1.);
vec4 _samp = texture2D(env_map, _map_pos);
env_sampled += _samp;
weight += _samp.a;
env_sampled /= weight;
env_sampled.a = 1.;
vec4 env_effect = mat_metalic == 1? env_sampled * final_color : env_sampled;
env_effect = 1. - ( mat_reflective * ( 1. - env_effect ));
final_color *= env_effect;
#region ++++ light ++++
int shadow_map_index = 0;
vec3 light_effect = light_ambient.rgb;
float val = 0.;
#region ++++ directional ++++
float light_map_depth;
float lightDistance;
float shadow_culled;
shadow_map_index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < light_dir_count; i++) {
vec3 lightVector = normalize(light_dir_direction[i]);
if(light_dir_shadow_active[i] == 1) { //use shadow
vec4 cameraSpace = light_dir_view[i] * v_worldPosition;
vec4 screenSpace = light_dir_proj[i] * cameraSpace;
float v_lightDistance = screenSpace.z / screenSpace.w;
vec2 lightMapPosition = (screenSpace.xy / screenSpace.w * 0.5) + 0.5;
if(lightMapPosition.x >= 0. && lightMapPosition.x <= 1. && lightMapPosition.y >= 0. && lightMapPosition.y <= 1.) {
light_map_depth = sampleDirShadowMap(shadow_map_index, lightMapPosition);
//gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_0, lightMapPosition);
lightDistance = v_lightDistance;
float shadowFactor = dot(normal, lightVector);
float bias = mix(light_dir_shadow_bias[i], 0., shadowFactor);
if(lightDistance > light_map_depth + bias)
vec3 light_phong = phongLight(normal, lightVector, viewDirection, light_dir_color[i].rgb);
light_effect += light_phong * light_dir_intensity[i];
#region ++++ point ++++
float light_distance;
float light_attenuation;
shadow_map_index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < light_pnt_count; i++) {
vec3 lightVector = normalize(light_pnt_position[i] - v_worldPosition.xyz);
light_distance = length(lightVector);
if(light_distance > light_pnt_radius[i])
if(light_pnt_shadow_active[i] == 1) { //use shadow
vec3 dirAbs = abs(lightVector);
int side = dirAbs.x > dirAbs.y ?
(dirAbs.x > dirAbs.z ? 0 : 2) :
(dirAbs.y > dirAbs.z ? 1 : 2);
side *= 2;
if(side == 0 && lightVector.x > 0.) side += 1;
else if(side == 2 && lightVector.y > 0.) side += 1;
else if(side == 4 && lightVector.z > 0.) side += 1;
vec4 cameraSpace = light_pnt_view[i * 6 + side] * v_worldPosition;
vec4 screenSpace = light_pnt_proj[i] * cameraSpace;
float v_lightDistance = screenSpace.z / screenSpace.w;
vec2 lightMapPosition = (screenSpace.xy / screenSpace.w * 0.5) + 0.5;
if(lightMapPosition.x >= 0. && lightMapPosition.x <= 1. && lightMapPosition.y >= 0. && lightMapPosition.y <= 1.) {
float shadowFactor = dot(normal, lightVector);
float bias = mix(light_pnt_shadow_bias[i], 0., shadowFactor);
light_map_depth = samplePntShadowMap(shadow_map_index, lightMapPosition, side);
if(v_lightDistance > light_map_depth + bias)
light_attenuation = 1. - pow(light_distance / light_pnt_radius[i], 2.);
vec3 light_phong = phongLight(normal, lightVector, viewDirection, light_pnt_color[i].rgb * light_attenuation);
light_effect += light_phong * light_pnt_intensity[i];
light_effect = max(light_effect, 0.);
if(gammaCorrection == 1) {
light_effect.r = pow(light_effect.r, 1. / 2.2);
light_effect.g = pow(light_effect.g, 1. / 2.2);
light_effect.b = pow(light_effect.b, 1. / 2.2);
final_color.rgb *= light_effect;
if(final_color.a < 0.1) discard;
gl_FragData[0] = final_color;
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.5 + normal * 0.5, final_color.a);
gl_FragData[2] = vec4(vec3(1. - abs(v_cameraDistance)), final_color.a);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
// 2024-05-01 20:20:23
// PC3D rendering shader
varying vec2 v_vTexcoord;
varying vec4 v_vColour;
varying vec3 v_vNormal;
varying vec4 v_worldPosition;
varying vec3 v_viewPosition;
varying float v_cameraDistance;
#define PI 3.14159265359
#define TAU 6.28318530718
uniform int use_8bit;
#region ---- light ----
uniform vec4 light_ambient;
uniform float shadowBias;
#define LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT 16
uniform int light_dir_count;
uniform vec3 light_dir_direction[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform vec4 light_dir_color[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform float light_dir_intensity[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform mat4 light_dir_view[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform mat4 light_dir_proj[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform int light_dir_shadow_active[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform float light_dir_shadow_bias[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform sampler2D light_dir_shadowmap_0;
uniform sampler2D light_dir_shadowmap_1;
//uniform sampler2D light_dir_shadowmap_2;
//uniform sampler2D light_dir_shadowmap_3;
#define LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT 16
uniform int light_pnt_count;
uniform vec3 light_pnt_position[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform vec4 light_pnt_color[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform float light_pnt_intensity[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform float light_pnt_radius[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform mat4 light_pnt_view[96];
uniform mat4 light_pnt_proj[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform int light_pnt_shadow_active[LIGHT_PNT_LIMIT];
uniform float light_pnt_shadow_bias[LIGHT_DIR_LIMIT];
uniform sampler2D light_pnt_shadowmap_0;
uniform sampler2D light_pnt_shadowmap_1;
//uniform sampler2D light_pnt_shadowmap_2;
//uniform sampler2D light_pnt_shadowmap_3;
#region ---- material ----
vec4 mat_baseColor;
uniform float mat_diffuse;
uniform float mat_specular;
uniform float mat_shine;
uniform int mat_metalic;
uniform float mat_reflective;
uniform int mat_defer_normal;
uniform float mat_normal_strength;
uniform sampler2D mat_normal_map;
uniform int mat_flip;
#region ---- rendering ----
uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
uniform int gammaCorrection;
uniform int env_use_mapping;
uniform sampler2D env_map;
uniform vec2 env_map_dimension;
uniform mat4 viewProjMat;
#region ++++ mapping ++++
vec2 equirectangularUv(vec3 dir) {
vec3 n = normalize(dir);
return vec2((atan(n.x, n.y) / TAU) + 0.5, 1. - acos(n.z) / PI);
float unormToFloat(vec3 v) {
v *= 256.;
return (v.r * 65536. + v.g * 256. + v.b) / (65536.);
#region ++++ matrix ++++
float matrixGet(mat4 matrix, int index) {
if(index < 0 || index > 15) return 0.;
int _x = int(floor(float(index) / 4.));
int _y = int(mod(float(index), 4.));
return matrix[_x][_y];
mat4 matrixSet(mat4 matrix, int index, float value) {
if(index < 0 || index > 15) return matrix;
int _x = int(floor(float(index) / 4.));
int _y = int(mod(float(index), 4.));
matrix[_x][_y] = value;
return matrix;
#region ++++ shadow sampler ++++
float sampleDirShadowMap(int index, vec2 position) {
vec4 d;
if(index == 0) d = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_0, position);
else if(index == 1) d = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_1, position);
//else if(index == 2) d = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_2, position);
//else if(index == 3) d = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_3, position);
if(use_8bit == 1)
return unormToFloat(d.rgb);
return d.r;
float samplePntShadowMap(int index, vec2 position, int side) {
float d = 0.;
position.x /= 2.;
if(side >= 3) {
position.x += 0.5;
side -= 3;
if(index == 0) d = texture2D(light_pnt_shadowmap_0, position)[side];
else if(index == 1) d = texture2D(light_pnt_shadowmap_1, position)[side];
//else if(index == 2) d = texture2D(light_pnt_shadowmap_2, position)[side];
//else if(index == 3) d = texture2D(light_pnt_shadowmap_3, position)[side];
return d;
#region ++++ Phong shading ++++
vec3 phongLight(vec3 normal, vec3 lightVec, vec3 viewVec, vec3 light) {
vec3 lightDir = normalize(lightVec);
vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewVec);
vec3 refcDir = reflect(-lightDir, normal);
float kD = 1., kS = 0.;
if(mat_diffuse + mat_specular != 0.) {
kD = mat_diffuse / (mat_diffuse + mat_specular);
kS = mat_specular / (mat_diffuse + mat_specular);
vec3 lLambert = max(0., dot(normal, lightDir)) * light;
float specular = pow(max(dot(viewDir, refcDir), 0.), max(0.001, mat_shine));
vec3 lSpecular = specular * light;
if(mat_metalic == 1) lSpecular *= mat_baseColor.rgb;
return kD * lLambert + kS * lSpecular;
void main() {
vec2 uv_coord = v_vTexcoord;
if(mat_flip == 1) uv_coord.y = -uv_coord.y;
mat_baseColor = texture2D( gm_BaseTexture, uv_coord );
mat_baseColor *= v_vColour;
vec4 final_color = mat_baseColor;
vec3 viewDirection = normalize(cameraPosition - v_worldPosition.xyz);
vec4 viewProjPos = viewProjMat * vec4(v_worldPosition.xyz, 1.);
viewProjPos /= viewProjPos.w;
viewProjPos = viewProjPos * 0.5 + 0.5;
#region ++++ normal ++++
vec3 _norm = v_vNormal;
if(mat_defer_normal == 1)
_norm = texture2D(mat_normal_map, viewProjPos.xy).rgb;
vec3 normal = normalize(_norm);
#region ++++ environment ++++
if(env_use_mapping == 1 && mat_reflective > 0.) {
vec3 reflectDir = reflect(viewDirection, normal);
float refRad = mix(16., 0., mat_reflective);
vec2 tx = 1. / env_map_dimension;
vec2 reflect_sample_pos = equirectangularUv(reflectDir);
vec4 env_sampled = vec4(0.);
float weight = 0.;
for(float i = -refRad; i <= refRad; i++)
for(float j = -refRad; j <= refRad; j++) {
vec2 _map_pos = reflect_sample_pos + vec2(i, j) * tx;
if(_map_pos.y < 0.) _map_pos.y = -_map_pos.y;
else if(_map_pos.y > 1.) _map_pos.y = 1. - (_map_pos.y - 1.);
vec4 _samp = texture2D(env_map, _map_pos);
env_sampled += _samp;
weight += _samp.a;
env_sampled /= weight;
env_sampled.a = 1.;
vec4 env_effect = mat_metalic == 1? env_sampled * final_color : env_sampled;
env_effect = 1. - ( mat_reflective * ( 1. - env_effect ));
final_color *= env_effect;
#region ++++ light ++++
int shadow_map_index = 0;
vec3 light_effect = light_ambient.rgb;
float val = 0.;
#region ++++ directional ++++
float light_map_depth;
float lightDistance;
float shadow_culled;
shadow_map_index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < light_dir_count; i++) {
vec3 lightVector = normalize(light_dir_direction[i]);
if(light_dir_shadow_active[i] == 1) { //use shadow
vec4 cameraSpace = light_dir_view[i] * v_worldPosition;
vec4 screenSpace = light_dir_proj[i] * cameraSpace;
float v_lightDistance = screenSpace.z / screenSpace.w;
vec2 lightMapPosition = (screenSpace.xy / screenSpace.w * 0.5) + 0.5;
if(lightMapPosition.x >= 0. && lightMapPosition.x <= 1. && lightMapPosition.y >= 0. && lightMapPosition.y <= 1.) {
light_map_depth = sampleDirShadowMap(shadow_map_index, lightMapPosition);
//gl_FragData[0] = texture2D(light_dir_shadowmap_0, lightMapPosition);
lightDistance = v_lightDistance;
float shadowFactor = dot(normal, lightVector);
float bias = mix(light_dir_shadow_bias[i], 0., shadowFactor);
if(lightDistance > light_map_depth + bias)
vec3 light_phong = phongLight(normal, lightVector, viewDirection, light_dir_color[i].rgb);
light_effect += light_phong * light_dir_intensity[i];
#region ++++ point ++++
float light_distance;
float light_attenuation;
shadow_map_index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < light_pnt_count; i++) {
vec3 lightVector = normalize(light_pnt_position[i] - v_worldPosition.xyz);
light_distance = length(lightVector);
if(light_distance > light_pnt_radius[i])
if(light_pnt_shadow_active[i] == 1) { //use shadow
vec3 dirAbs = abs(lightVector);
int side = dirAbs.x > dirAbs.y ?
(dirAbs.x > dirAbs.z ? 0 : 2) :
(dirAbs.y > dirAbs.z ? 1 : 2);
side *= 2;
if(side == 0 && lightVector.x > 0.) side += 1;
else if(side == 2 && lightVector.y > 0.) side += 1;
else if(side == 4 && lightVector.z > 0.) side += 1;
vec4 cameraSpace = light_pnt_view[i * 6 + side] * v_worldPosition;
vec4 screenSpace = light_pnt_proj[i] * cameraSpace;
float v_lightDistance = screenSpace.z / screenSpace.w;
vec2 lightMapPosition = (screenSpace.xy / screenSpace.w * 0.5) + 0.5;
if(lightMapPosition.x >= 0. && lightMapPosition.x <= 1. && lightMapPosition.y >= 0. && lightMapPosition.y <= 1.) {
float shadowFactor = dot(normal, lightVector);
float bias = mix(light_pnt_shadow_bias[i], 0., shadowFactor);
light_map_depth = samplePntShadowMap(shadow_map_index, lightMapPosition, side);
if(v_lightDistance > light_map_depth + bias)
light_attenuation = 1. - pow(light_distance / light_pnt_radius[i], 2.);
vec3 light_phong = phongLight(normal, lightVector, viewDirection, light_pnt_color[i].rgb * light_attenuation);
light_effect += light_phong * light_pnt_intensity[i];
light_effect = max(light_effect, 0.);
if(gammaCorrection == 1) {
light_effect.r = pow(light_effect.r, 1. / 2.2);
light_effect.g = pow(light_effect.g, 1. / 2.2);
light_effect.b = pow(light_effect.b, 1. / 2.2);
final_color.rgb *= light_effect;
if(final_color.a < 0.1) discard;
gl_FragData[0] = final_color;
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.5 + normal * 0.5, final_color.a);
gl_FragData[2] = vec4(vec3(1. - abs(v_cameraDistance)), final_color.a);
@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
static getCenter = function() { return new __vec3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); }
static getBBOX = function() { return new __bbox3D(size.multiplyVec(transform.scale).multiply(-0.5), size.multiplyVec(transform.scale).multiply(0.5)); }
#region params
defDrawParam = { wireframe: false };
defDrawParamW = { wireframe: true };
static submit = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { submitVertex(scene, shader); }
static submitUI = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { submitVertex(scene, shader); }
static submitSel = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { #region
@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
static submitShader = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) {}
static submitShadow = function(scene = {}, object = noone) {}
static submitVertex = function(scene = {}, shader = noone) { #region
static submitVertex = function(scene = {}, shader = noone, param = defDrawParam) { #region
var _shader = sh_d3d_default;
switch(VF) {
@ -170,8 +175,6 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
vertex_submit(VB[i], render_type, _tex);
} else
vertex_submit(VB[i], render_type, _tex);
// print($"Submit vertex ({scene}) [{VB[i]}: {vertex_get_buffer_size(VB[i])}]");
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ function __3dScene(camera, name = "New scene") constructor {
lightDir_intensity = [];
lightDir_shadow_count = 0;
lightDir_shadow = [];
lightDir_shadowMap = [];
lightDir_viewMat = [];
lightDir_projMat = [];
lightDir_shadowBias = [];
lightDir_shadow = [];
lightDir_shadowMap = [];
lightDir_viewMat = [];
lightDir_projMat = [];
lightDir_shadowBias = [];
lightPnt_count = 0;
lightPnt_position = [];
lightPnt_color = [];
@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ function __3dScene(camera, name = "New scene") constructor {
lightPnt_radius = [];
lightPnt_shadow_count = 0;
lightPnt_shadow = [];
lightPnt_shadowMap = [];
lightPnt_viewMat = [];
lightPnt_projMat = [];
lightPnt_shadowBias = [];
lightPnt_shadow = [];
lightPnt_shadowMap = [];
lightPnt_viewMat = [];
lightPnt_projMat = [];
lightPnt_shadowBias = [];
} reset(); #endregion
static submit = function(object, shader = noone) { D3DSCENE_PRESUBMIT object.submit (self, shader); D3DSCENE_POSTSUBMIT }
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ function __3dScene(camera, name = "New scene") constructor {
surface_set_target_ext(0, deferData.geometry_data[0]);
surface_set_target_ext(1, deferData.geometry_data[1]);
surface_set_target_ext(2, deferData.geometry_data[2]);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
function MTLmaterial(name) constructor {
self.name = name;
self.refc = 0;
self.diff = 0;
self.diff = c_white;
self.spec = 0;
self.refc_path = "";
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ function Node_3D_Mesh_Obj(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D_Mesh(_x, _y, _group)
materialNames = [ "Material" ];
materialIndex = [ 0 ];
materials = [ new MTLmaterial("Material") ];
if(array_length(materialNames)) {
if(obj_raw.use_material) {
var _dir = filename_dir(current_path);
var _pathMtl = string_copy(current_path, 1, string_length(current_path) - 4) + ".mtl";
if(obj_raw.mtl_path != "") _pathMtl = _dir + "/" + obj_raw.mtl_path;
@ -180,8 +180,6 @@ function Node_3D_Mesh_Obj(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D_Mesh(_x, _y, _group)
for(var i = 0; i < array_length(materialNames); i++)
outputs[| 0].setValue(object);
} #endregion
@ -2013,7 +2013,6 @@ function NodeValue(_name, _node, _connect, _type, _value, _tooltip = "") constru
var _eval = new BBMOD_Quaternion(_qval[0], _qval[1], _qval[2], _qval[3]).ToEuler(true);
return setValueDirect(_qval);
return setValueDirect(val, index);
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ function readObj_init(_scale = 1) {
matIndex = [];
tris = [];
mtlPath = "";
use_normal = true;
use_material = false;
use_normal = true;
v = ds_list_create();
vt = ds_list_create();
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ function readObj_file() {
case "usemtl" :
use_material = true;
var mname = "";
for( var i = 1; i < array_length(sep); i++ )
mname += (i == 1? "" : " ") + sep[i];
@ -285,6 +287,7 @@ function readObj_buff() {
vertex_groups: VBS,
object_counts: _vblen,
use_material: use_material,
materials: mats,
material_index: matIndex,
use_normal: use_normal,
@ -753,9 +753,8 @@ function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor {
#region color picker
if(key_mod_press(ALT) && color_picker_index) {
// if(key_mod_press(ALT) && color_picker_index)
// pickers[picker_index].editWidget.onColorPick();
if(MESSAGE != noone && MESSAGE.type == "Color") {
var inp = array_safe_get_fast(pickers, picker_index, 0);
Add table
Reference in a new issue