enum AREA_SHAPE { rectangle, elipse } enum AREA_MODE { area, padding, two_point, } enum AREA_INDEX { center_x, center_y, half_w, half_h, shape } #macro DEF_AREA [ DEF_SURF_W / 2, DEF_SURF_H / 2, DEF_SURF_W / 2, DEF_SURF_H / 2, AREA_SHAPE.rectangle, AREA_MODE.area ] #macro DEF_AREA_REF [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, AREA_SHAPE.rectangle, AREA_MODE.area ] function areaBox(_onModify, _unit = noone) : widget() constructor { onModify = _onModify; unit = _unit; onSurfaceSize = -1; link_value = false; current_data = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; adjust_shape = true; mode = AREA_MODE.area; tooltip = new tooltipSelector("Area type", [ __txtx("widget_area_center_Span", "Center + Span"), __txtx("widget_area_padding", "Padding"), __txtx("widget_area_two_points", "Two points"), ]); onModifySingle[0] = function(val) { #region var v = toNumber(val); var m = onModify(v, 0); if(mode == AREA_MODE.area || mode == AREA_MODE.two_point || !link_value) return m; m |= onModify(v, 1); m |= onModify(v, 2); m |= onModify(v, 3); return m; } #endregion onModifySingle[1] = function(val) { #region var v = toNumber(val); var m = onModify(v, 1); if(mode == AREA_MODE.area || mode == AREA_MODE.two_point || !link_value) return m; m |= onModify(v, 0); m |= onModify(v, 2); m |= onModify(v, 3); return m; } #endregion onModifySingle[2] = function(val) { #region var v = toNumber(val); var m = onModify(v, 2); if(mode == AREA_MODE.area || mode == AREA_MODE.two_point || !link_value) return m; m |= onModify(v, 0); m |= onModify(v, 1); m |= onModify(v, 3); return m; } #endregion onModifySingle[3] = function(val) { #region var v = toNumber(val); var m = onModify(v, 3); if(mode == AREA_MODE.area || mode == AREA_MODE.two_point || !link_value) return m; m |= onModify(v, 0); m |= onModify(v, 1); m |= onModify(v, 2); return m; } #endregion for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { #region tb[i] = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, onModifySingle[i]); tb[i].slidable = true; tb[i].hide = true; } #endregion static setSlideSpeed = function(speed) { #region for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) tb[i].setSlidable(speed); } #endregion static setInteract = function(interactable = noone) { #region self.interactable = interactable; for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) tb[i].interactable = interactable; } #endregion static register = function(parent = noone) { #region switch(mode) { case AREA_MODE.two_point : case AREA_MODE.area : for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) tb[i].register(parent); break; case AREA_MODE.padding : tb[1].register(parent); tb[2].register(parent); tb[0].register(parent); tb[3].register(parent); break; } if(unit != noone && unit.reference != noone) unit.triggerButton.register(parent); } #endregion static isHovering = function() { #region for( var i = 0, n = array_length(tb); i < n; i++ ) if(tb[i].isHovering()) return true; return false; } #endregion static drawParam = function(params) { #region setParam(params); for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) tb[i].setParam(params); return draw(params.x, params.y, params.w, params.h, params.data, params.display_data, params.m); } #endregion static draw = function(_x, _y, _w, _h, _data, _display_data, _m) { #region x = _x; y = _y; w = _w; h = _h * 2 + ui(4); mode = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 5); onSurfaceSize = struct_try_get(_display_data, "onSurfaceSize", -1); useShape = struct_try_get(_display_data, "useShape", true); var _bs = min(_h, ui(32)); var _bx = _x; var _by = _y + _h / 2 - _bs / 2; var _bact = adjust_shape && active; var _bhov = adjust_shape && hover; var _bind = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 4); if(_w - _bs > ui(100) && onSurfaceSize != -1) { tooltip.index = mode; if(unit != noone && unit.reference != noone) { var _bx = _x + _w - _bs; var _by = _y + h / 2 - _bs / 2; unit.triggerButton.setFocusHover(active, hover); unit.draw(_bx, _by, _bs, _bs, _m); _w -= _bs + ui(4); } var _bx = _x + _w - _bs; var _by = _y + _h / 2 - _bs / 2; if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, _bx, _by, _bs, _bs, _m, active, hover, tooltip, THEME.inspector_area_type, mode) == 2) { #region switch(mode) { case AREA_MODE.area : //area to padding var cx = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 0); var cy = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 1); var sw = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 2); var sh = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 3); var ss = unit.mode == VALUE_UNIT.reference? [ 1, 1 ] : onSurfaceSize(); onModify(ss[0] - (cx + sw), 0); onModify(cy - sh, 1); onModify(cx - sw, 2); onModify(ss[1] - (cy + sh), 3); break; case AREA_MODE.padding : //padding to two points var r = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 0); var t = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 1); var l = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 2); var b = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 3); var ss = unit.mode == VALUE_UNIT.reference? [ 1, 1 ] : onSurfaceSize(); onModify(l, 0); onModify(t, 1); onModify(ss[0] - r, 2); onModify(ss[1] - b, 3); break; case AREA_MODE.two_point : //twp points to area var x0 = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 0); var y0 = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 1); var x1 = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 2); var y1 = array_safe_get_fast(_data, 3); onModify( (x0 + x1) / 2, 0); onModify( (y0 + y1) / 2, 1); onModify(abs(x0 - x1) / 2, 2); onModify(abs(y0 - y1) / 2, 3); break; } onModify((mode + 1) % 3, 5); } #endregion var _bx = _x + _w - _bs; var _by = _y + _h + ui(4) + _h / 2 - _bs / 2; var _btxt = __txtx("widget_area_fill_surface", "Fill surface"); if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, _bx, _by, _bs, _bs, _m, active, hover, _btxt, THEME.fill, 0) == 2) { #region var cnvt = unit != noone && unit.mode == VALUE_UNIT.reference; switch(mode) { case AREA_MODE.area : var ss = onSurfaceSize(); onModify(cnvt? 0.5 : ss[0] / 2, 0); onModify(cnvt? 0.5 : ss[1] / 2, 1); onModify(cnvt? 0.5 : ss[0] / 2, 2); onModify(cnvt? 0.5 : ss[1] / 2, 3); break; case AREA_MODE.padding : var ss = onSurfaceSize(); onModify(0, 0); onModify(0, 1); onModify(0, 2); onModify(0, 3); break; case AREA_MODE.two_point : var ss = onSurfaceSize(); onModify(0, 0); onModify(0, 1); onModify(cnvt? 1 : ss[0], 2); onModify(cnvt? 1 : ss[1], 3); break; } } #endregion _w -= _bs + ui(4); } if(_w - _bs > ui(100)) { #region var _bx = _x; var _by = _y + _h / 2 - _bs / 2; if(useShape && !is_array(_bind) && buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, _bx, _by, _bs, _bs, _m, _bact, _bhov,, THEME.inspector_area, _bind) == 2) { var val = (array_safe_get_fast(_data, 4) + 1) % 2; onModify(val, 4); } if(mode == AREA_MODE.padding) { var cc = link_value? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS._main_icon; var _btxt = __txt("Link values"); var _bby = useShape? _by + _h + ui(4) : _y + h / 2 - _bs / 2; if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, _bx, _bby, _bs, _bs, _m, active, hover, _btxt, THEME.value_link, link_value, cc) == 2) link_value = !link_value; } if(useShape || mode == AREA_MODE.padding) { _w -= _bs + ui(4); _x +=_bs + ui(4); } } #endregion draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.textbox, 3, _x, _y, _w, _h, c_white, 1); draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.textbox, 0, _x, _y, _w, _h, c_white, 0.5 + 0.5 * interactable); draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.textbox, 3, _x, _y + _h + ui(4), _w, _h, c_white, 1); draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.textbox, 0, _x, _y + _h + ui(4), _w, _h, c_white, 0.5 + 0.5 * interactable); for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) tb[i].setFocusHover(active, hover); current_data = _data; var tb_w = _w / 2; var tb_h = _h; if(mode == AREA_MODE.area) { #region var tb_x0 = _x; var tb_y0 = _y; var tb_x1 = _x + tb_w; var tb_y1 = _y + _h + ui(4); tb[0].label = "x"; tb[1].label = "y"; tb[2].label = "w"; tb[3].label = "h"; tb[0].draw(tb_x0, tb_y0, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 0), _m); tb[1].draw(tb_x1, tb_y0, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 1), _m); tb[2].draw(tb_x0, tb_y1, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 2), _m); tb[3].draw(tb_x1, tb_y1, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 3), _m); #endregion } else if(mode == AREA_MODE.padding) { #region var tb_lx = _x; var tb_ly = _y; var tb_rx = _x + tb_w; var tb_ry = _y; var tb_tx = _x; var tb_ty = _y + _h + ui(4); var tb_bx = _x + tb_w; var tb_by = _y + _h + ui(4); tb[2].label = "l"; tb[0].label = "r"; tb[1].label = "t"; tb[3].label = "b"; tb[2].draw(tb_lx, tb_ly, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 2), _m); tb[0].draw(tb_rx, tb_ry, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 0), _m); tb[1].draw(tb_tx, tb_ty, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 1), _m); tb[3].draw(tb_bx, tb_by, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 3), _m); #endregion } else if(mode == AREA_MODE.two_point) { #region var tb_x0 = _x; var tb_y0 = _y; var tb_x1 = _x + tb_w; var tb_y1 = _y + _h + ui(4); tb[0].label = "x0"; tb[1].label = "y0"; tb[2].label = "x1"; tb[3].label = "y1"; tb[0].draw(tb_x0, tb_y0, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 0), _m); tb[1].draw(tb_x1, tb_y0, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 1), _m); tb[2].draw(tb_x0, tb_y1, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 2), _m); tb[3].draw(tb_x1, tb_y1, tb_w, tb_h, array_safe_get_fast(_data, 3), _m); #endregion } resetFocus(); return h; } #endregion static clone = function() { #region var cln = new areaBox(onModify, unit); return cln; } #endregion }