global.PATREON_VERIFY_CODE = undefined; function Panel_Patreon() : PanelContent() constructor { w = ui(480); h = ui(264); title = "Connect to Patreon"; resizable = false; auto_pin = true; mail = ""; code = ""; result = ""; result_color = COLORS._main_text; page = 0; tb_email = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(_email) { mail = _email; }); tb_code = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(_code) { code = _code; }); mail_checking = false; function mailCallback(response) { mail_checking = false; if (response[? "status"] != 200) { result = "Request error"; result_color = COLORS._main_value_negative; return; } var val = response[? "value"]; var map = json_try_parse(val); var keys = struct_get_names(map); if(array_empty(keys)) { result = "Patreon email not found"; result_color = COLORS._main_value_negative; return; } var key = keys[0]; var member = map[$ key]; var stat = string_replace_all(string_lower(member.status), " ", "_"); if(string_pos("active", stat) > 0) { var _mail =; var _code = patreon_generate_activation_key(_mail); //yea we doing this on client now. global.PATREON_VERIFY_CODE = _code; var _map = ds_map_create(); _map[? "Api-Token"] = patreon_get_email_token(); _map[? "Content-Type"] = "application/json"; var _body = { from: { email: "", name: "Pixel Composer" }, to: [ { email: _mail } ], template_uuid: "82b77e89-0343-4a20-a63d-063f4f8dcdfe", template_variables: { verification_code: _code } }; http_request("", "POST", _map, json_stringify(_body)); page = 1; result = "Verification code has been send to your email."; result_color = COLORS._main_value_positive; } else { result = "Patreon membership not active"; result_color = COLORS._main_value_negative; } } function drawContent(panel) { draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 1); var _yy = 16; draw_sprite(s_patreon_banner, 0, w / 2, _yy); _yy += 100 + 16; if(IS_PATREON) { var _y = (_yy + h) / 2; draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_center, fa_bottom, COLORS._main_value_positive); draw_text(w / 2, _y - 16, "Patreon verified, thank you for supporting Pixel Composer.\nRestart to enable extra contents."); var _bw = 200; var _bh = TEXTBOX_HEIGHT + ui(8); var _bx = w / 2 - _bw / 2; if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_def, _bx, _y, _bw, _bh, [ mx, my ], pHOVER, pFOCUS) == 2) { var path = DIRECTORY + "patreon"; file_delete(path); IS_PATREON = false; } draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text); draw_text(_bx + _bw / 2, _y + _bh / 2, "Remove verification"); return; } var _bw = 100; var _bh = TEXTBOX_HEIGHT; var _bx = w / 2 - _bw / 2; switch(page) { case 0 : draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_inner); draw_text(w / 2, _yy, "Enter your Patreon email:"); tb_email.setInteract(!mail_checking); tb_email.setFocusHover(pFOCUS, pHOVER); _yy += line_get_height(); var _tb_param = new widgetParam(16, _yy, w - 32, TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, mail,, [ mx, my ]); tb_email.drawParam(_tb_param); _yy += TEXTBOX_HEIGHT + 12; if(!mail_checking) { if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_def, _bx, _yy, _bw, _bh, [ mx, my ], pHOVER, pFOCUS) == 2) { patreon_email_check(mail, mailCallback); mail_checking = true; result = ""; } draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text); draw_text(_bx + _bw / 2, _yy + _bh / 2, "Submit"); } else draw_sprite_ext(THEME.loading_s, 0, w / 2, _yy + _bh / 2, 1, 1, current_time, COLORS._main_icon, 1); break; case 1 : draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_inner); draw_text(w / 2, _yy, "Enter verification code:"); tb_code.setInteract(true); tb_code.setFocusHover(pFOCUS, pHOVER); _yy += line_get_height(); var _tb_param = new widgetParam(16, _yy, w - 32, TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, code,, [ mx, my ]); tb_code.drawParam(_tb_param); _yy += TEXTBOX_HEIGHT + 12; if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_def, _bx, _yy, _bw, _bh, [ mx, my ], pHOVER, pFOCUS) == 2) { if(code == global.PATREON_VERIFY_CODE) { result = "Patreon verified, thank you for suporting Pixel Composer!"; result_color = COLORS._main_value_positive; patreon_create_verification_code($"pxc_legacy"); IS_PATREON = true; } else { result = "Incorrect code."; result_color = COLORS._main_value_negative; } } draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text); draw_text(_bx + _bw / 2, _yy + _bh / 2, "Submit"); break; } _yy += _bh + 4; draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_center, fa_top, result_color); draw_text(w / 2, _yy, result); } }