function Node_Particle(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_VFX_Spawner_Base(_x, _y, _group) constructor { name = "Particle"; use_cache =; onSurfaceSize = function() { return getInputData(input_len, DEF_SURF); }; inputs[3] = nodeValue_Area("Spawn area", self, DEF_AREA_REF, { onSurfaceSize } ) .rejectArray() .setUnitRef(onSurfaceSize, VALUE_UNIT.reference); inputs[input_len + 0] = nodeValue_Vector("Output dimension", self, DEF_SURF); inputs[input_len + 1] = nodeValue_Bool("Round position", self, true, "Round position to the closest integer value to avoid jittering."); inputs[input_len + 2] = nodeValue_Enum_Scroll("Blend mode", self, 0 , [ "Normal", "Alpha", "Additive" ]); inputs[input_len + 3] = nodeValue_Surface("Background", self); inputs[input_len + 4] = nodeValue_Enum_Button("Render Type", self, PARTICLE_RENDER_TYPE.surface , [ "Surface", "Line" ]); inputs[input_len + 5] = nodeValue_Int("Line life", self, 4 ); outputs[0] = nodeValue_Output("Surface out", self, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone); for(var i = input_len, n = array_length(inputs); i < n; i++) inputs[i].rejectArray(); attribute_surface_depth(); attribute_interpolation(); array_insert( input_display_list, 0, ["Output", true], input_len + 3, input_len + 0); array_push( input_display_list, input_len + 1, input_len + 2); array_insert_before( input_display_list, 21, [ input_len + 4, input_len + 5 ]); def_surface = -1; curr_dimension = [ 0, 0 ]; render_amount = 0; insp2UpdateTooltip = "Clear cache"; insp2UpdateIcon = [ THEME.cache, 0, COLORS._main_icon ]; static onInspector2Update = function() { clearCache(); } static onValueUpdate = function(index = 0) { if(index == input_len + 0) { var _dim = getInputData(input_len + 0); var _outSurf = outputs[0].getValue(); _outSurf = surface_verify(_outSurf, array_safe_get_fast(_dim, 0, 1), array_safe_get_fast(_dim, 1, 1), attrDepth()); outputs[0].setValue(_outSurf); } if(PROJECT.animator.is_playing) PROJECT.animator.firstFrame(); } static reLoop = function() { var _loop = getInputData(21); var _type = getInputData(input_len + 4); if(!_loop) return; for(var i = 0; i < TOTAL_FRAMES; i++) { runVFX(i, _type); updateParticleForward(); } seed = getInputData(32); } static onStep = function() { var _dim = getInputData(input_len + 0); var _typ = getInputData(input_len + 4); inputs[input_len + 5].setVisible(_typ == PARTICLE_RENDER_TYPE.line); if(curr_dimension[0] != _dim[0] || curr_dimension[1] != _dim[1]) { clearCache(); curr_dimension[0] = _dim[0]; curr_dimension[1] = _dim[1]; } } static onUpdate = function(frame = CURRENT_FRAME) { var _inSurf = getInputData(0); var _dim = getInputData(input_len + 0); var _bg = getInputData(input_len + 3); var _outSurf = outputs[0].getValue(); if(is_surface(_bg)) _dim = surface_get_dimension(_bg) _outSurf = surface_verify(_outSurf, _dim[0], _dim[1], attrDepth()); render_amount = 0; outputs[0].setValue(_outSurf); if(IS_FIRST_FRAME) { reset(); if(IS_PLAYING) reLoop(); } if(IS_PLAYING) runVFX(frame); } function render(_time = CURRENT_FRAME) { var _dim = inputs[input_len + 0].getValue(_time); var _exact = inputs[input_len + 1].getValue(_time); var _blend = inputs[input_len + 2].getValue(_time); var _bg = inputs[input_len + 3].getValue(_time); var _type = inputs[input_len + 4].getValue(_time); var _llife = inputs[input_len + 5].getValue(_time); var _outSurf = outputs[0].getValue(); if(is_surface(_bg)) _dim = surface_get_dimension(_bg) surface_set_shader(_outSurf, _type == PARTICLE_RENDER_TYPE.surface? sh_sample : noone); if(is_surface(_bg)) draw_surface_safe(_bg); switch(_blend) { case PARTICLE_BLEND_MODE.normal: BLEND_NORMAL; break; case PARTICLE_BLEND_MODE.alpha: BLEND_ALPHA; break; case PARTICLE_BLEND_MODE.additive: BLEND_ADD; break; } if(_type == PARTICLE_RENDER_TYPE.surface) shader_set_interpolation(_outSurf); for(var i = 0; i < attributes.part_amount; i++) { parts[i].render_type = _type; parts[i].line_draw = _llife; if(parts[i].active || _type) parts[i].draw(_exact, _dim[0], _dim[1]); } surface_reset_shader(); if(PROJECT.animator.is_playing) cacheCurrentFrame(_outSurf); } }