function Panel_Graph() : PanelContent() constructor {
	context_str = "Graph";
	scale			= [ 0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 0.65, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.35, 1.5];
	graph_s_index	= 5;
	graph_s			= ui(scale[graph_s_index]);
	graph_s_to		= graph_s;
	graph_line_s	= 32;
	grid_opacity	= 0.5;
	function toOrigin() {
		graph_x = round(w / 2 / graph_s);
		graph_y = round(h / 2 / graph_s);
	function initSize() {
	graph_dragging = false;
	graph_drag_mx  = 0;
	graph_drag_my  = 0;
	graph_drag_sx  = 0;
	graph_drag_sy  = 0;
	mouse_graph_x = 0;
	mouse_graph_y = 0;
	mouse_grid_x = 0;
	mouse_grid_y = 0;
	mouse_on_graph = false;
	nodes_list = NODES;
	node_context = ds_list_create();
	node_dragging = noone;
	node_drag_mx  = 0;
	node_drag_my  = 0;
	node_drag_sx  = 0;
	node_drag_sy  = 0;
	node_drag_ox  = 0;
	node_drag_oy  = 0;
	node_drag_snap = true;
	selection_block		= 0;
	nodes_select_list	= ds_list_create();
	nodes_select_drag   = false;
	nodes_select_mx     = 0;
	nodes_select_my     = 0;
	node_hovering		= noone;
	node_hover			= noone;
	node_focus			= noone;
	junction_hovering = noone;
	value_focus    = noone;
	value_dragging = noone;
	show_grid = true;
	drag_key  = mb_middle;
	minimap_show = false;
	minimap_w = ui(160);
	minimap_h = ui(160);
	minimap_surface = -1;
	minimap_panning  = false;
	minimap_dragging = false;
	minimap_drag_sx = 0;
	minimap_drag_sy = 0;
	minimap_drag_mx = 0;
	minimap_drag_my = 0;
	drag_locking = false;
	toolbar_height = ui(40);
	toolbars = [
			function() { return 0;  },
			function() { return "Center to nodes" }, 
			function() { toCenterNode(); } 
			function() { return minimap_show;  },
			function() { return minimap_show? "Minimap enabled" : "Minimap disabled" }, 
			function() { minimap_show = !minimap_show; } 
			function() { return PREF_MAP[? "curve_connection_line"];  },
			function() { 
				switch(PREF_MAP[? "curve_connection_line"]) {
					case 0 : return "Straight connection line";
					case 1 : return "Curve connection line";
					case 2 : return "Elbow connection line";
			function() { PREF_MAP[? "curve_connection_line"] = (PREF_MAP[? "curve_connection_line"] + 1) % 3; } 
			function() { return 0; },
			function() { return "Grid setting" }, 
			function(param) { 
				var gs = dialogCall(o_dialog_graph_grid, param.x, param.y); 
				gs.anchor = ANCHOR.bottom | ANCHOR.left;
	addHotkey("Graph", "Add node",			    "A", MOD_KEY.none,	function() { callAddDialog(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Focus content",			"F", MOD_KEY.none,	function() { fullView(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Preview focusing node",	"P", MOD_KEY.none,	function() { setCurrentPreview(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Import image",			"I", MOD_KEY.none,	function() { nodeBuild("Image", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Import image array",	"I", MOD_KEY.shift,	function() { nodeBuild("Image array", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Add number",			"1", MOD_KEY.none,	function() { nodeBuild("Number",  mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Add vector2",			"2", MOD_KEY.none,	function() { nodeBuild("Vector2", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Add vector3",			"3", MOD_KEY.none,	function() { nodeBuild("Vector3", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Add vector4",			"4", MOD_KEY.none,	function() { nodeBuild("Vector4", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y); });
	static addNodeTransform = function() {
		if(ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list)) {
			if(node_focus != noone && !ds_list_empty(node_focus.outputs)) {
				var _o = node_focus.outputs[| 0];
				if(_o.type == VALUE_TYPE.surface) {
					var tr = nodeBuild("Transform", node_focus.x + node_focus.w + 64, node_focus.y);
					tr.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_o);
		} else {
			for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++ ) {	
				var node = nodes_select_list[| i];
				if(ds_list_empty(node.outputs)) continue;
				var _o = node.outputs[| 0];
				if(_o.type == VALUE_TYPE.surface) {
					var tr = nodeBuild("Transform", node.x + node.w + 64, node.y);
					tr.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_o);
	addNodeTransform = method(self, addNodeTransform);
	addHotkey("Graph", "Transform node",		"T", MOD_KEY.ctrl,	addNodeTransform);
	addHotkey("Graph", "Select all",	"A", MOD_KEY.ctrl,	function() { 
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
			ds_list_add(nodes_select_list, nodes_list[| i]);	
	addHotkey("Graph", "Toggle grid",	"G", MOD_KEY.none,		function() { show_grid = !show_grid; });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Export",	"E", MOD_KEY.ctrl,	function() { setCurrentExport(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Blend",		"B", MOD_KEY.ctrl,	function() { doBlend(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Compose",	"B", MOD_KEY.ctrl | MOD_KEY.shift,	function() { doCompose(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Group",		"G", MOD_KEY.ctrl,					function() { doGroup(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Ungroup",	"G", MOD_KEY.ctrl | MOD_KEY.shift,	function() { doUngroup(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Loop",		"L", MOD_KEY.ctrl,					function() { doLoop(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Canvas",		"C", MOD_KEY.ctrl | MOD_KEY.shift,		function() { setCurrentCanvas(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Canvas blend",	"C", MOD_KEY.ctrl | MOD_KEY.alt,		function() { setCurrentCanvasBlend(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Frame",		"F", MOD_KEY.ctrl,					function() { doFrame(); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Delete (break)",	vk_delete, MOD_KEY.shift,	function() { doDelete(false); });
	addHotkey("Graph", "Delete (merge)",	vk_delete, MOD_KEY.none,	function() { doDelete(true); });
	function stepBegin() {
		var gr_x = graph_x * graph_s;		var gr_y = graph_y * graph_s;
		var m_x  = (mx - gr_x) / graph_s;
		var m_y  = (my - gr_y) / graph_s;
		mouse_graph_x = m_x;
		mouse_graph_y = m_y;
		mouse_grid_x = round(m_x / graph_line_s) * graph_line_s;
		mouse_grid_y = round(m_y / graph_line_s) * graph_line_s;
	function toCenterNode() {
		if(ds_list_empty(nodes_list)) {
		var minx =  99999;
		var maxx = -99999;
		var miny =  99999;
		var maxy = -99999;
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
			var n = nodes_list[| i];
			minx = min(n.x - 32, minx);
			maxx = max(n.x + n.w + 32, maxx);
			miny = min(n.y - 32, miny);
			maxy = max(n.y + n.h + 32, maxy);
		graph_x = round(w / 2 / graph_s - (minx + maxx) / 2);
		graph_y = round((h - toolbar_height) / 2 / graph_s - (miny + maxy) / 2);
	function dragGraph() {
		if(graph_dragging) {
			var dx = mx - graph_drag_mx; 
			var dy = my - graph_drag_my;
			graph_drag_mx = mx;
			graph_drag_my = my;
			graph_x += dx / graph_s;
			graph_y += dy / graph_s;
				graph_dragging = false;
		if(mouse_on_graph && pFOCUS) {
			var _doDragging = false;
			if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_middle)) {
				_doDragging = true;
				drag_key = mb_middle;
			} else if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left) && keyboard_check(vk_control)) {
				_doDragging = true;
				drag_key = mb_left;
			if(_doDragging) {
				graph_dragging = true;	
				graph_drag_mx  = mx;
				graph_drag_my  = my;
				graph_drag_sx  = graph_x;
				graph_drag_sy  = graph_y;
		if(mouse_on_graph && pHOVER) {
			var _s = graph_s;
			if(mouse_wheel_down()) {
				graph_s_index = max(0, graph_s_index - 1);
				graph_s_to = ui(scale[graph_s_index]);
			if(mouse_wheel_up()) {
				graph_s_index = min(array_length(scale) - 1, graph_s_index + 1);
				graph_s_to = ui(scale[graph_s_index]);
			graph_s = lerp_float(graph_s, graph_s_to, 3);
			if(_s != graph_s) {
				var mb_x = (mx - graph_x * _s) / _s;
				var ma_x = (mx - graph_x * graph_s) / graph_s;
				var md_x = ma_x - mb_x;
				graph_x += md_x;
				var mb_y = (my - graph_y * _s) / _s;
				var ma_y = (my - graph_y * graph_s) / graph_s;
				var md_y = ma_y - mb_y;
				graph_y += md_y;
		graph_x = round(graph_x);
		graph_y = round(graph_y);
	function drawGrid() {
		var gr_x  = graph_x * graph_s;
		var gr_y  = graph_y * graph_s;
		var gr_ls = graph_line_s * graph_s;
		var xx = -gr_ls, xs = safe_mod(gr_x, gr_ls);
		var yy = -gr_ls, ys = safe_mod(gr_y, gr_ls);
		draw_set_alpha(grid_opacity * (graph_s >= 1? 1 : 0.5));
		while(xx < w + gr_ls) {
			draw_line(xx + xs, 0, xx + xs, h);
			if(xx + xs - gr_x == 0) {
				draw_line_width(xx + xs, 0, xx + xs, h, 3);
			xx += gr_ls;
		while(yy < h + gr_ls) {
			draw_line(0, yy + ys, w, yy + ys);
			if(yy + ys - gr_y == 0) {
				draw_line_width(0, yy + ys, w, yy + ys, 3);
			yy += gr_ls;
	function drawNodes() {
		if(selection_block-- > 0) return;
		var gr_x = graph_x * graph_s;
		var gr_y = graph_y * graph_s;
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
			nodes_list[| i].preDraw(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s);
		#region draw frame
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
				if(instanceof(nodes_list[| i]) != "Node_Frame") continue;
				nodes_list[| i].drawNode(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s);
		#region hover
			node_hovering = noone;
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
				var n = nodes_list[| i];
				if(n.pointIn(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s))
					node_hovering = n;	
		if(mouse_on_graph && pFOCUS) {
			if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left) && !keyboard_check(vk_control)) {
				if(keyboard_check(vk_shift)) {
					if(ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list) && node_focus) 
						ds_list_add(nodes_select_list, node_focus);
					if(node_focus != node_hovering)
						ds_list_add(nodes_select_list, node_hovering);
				} else {
					node_focus = node_hovering;	
					if(node_focus) {
						if(instanceof(node_focus) == "Node_Frame") {
							var fx0 = (node_focus.x + graph_x) * graph_s;
							var fy0 = (node_focus.y + graph_y) * graph_s;
							var fx1 = fx0 + node_focus.w * graph_s;
							var fy1 = fy0 + node_focus.h * graph_s;
							for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
								var _node = nodes_list[| i];
								if(instanceof(_node) == "Node_Frame") continue;
								var _x = (_node.x + graph_x) * graph_s;
								var _y = (_node.y + graph_y) * graph_s;
								var _w = _node.w * graph_s;
								var _h = _node.h * graph_s;
								if(rectangle_inside_rectangle(fx0, fy0, fx1, fy1, _x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h))
									ds_list_add(nodes_select_list, _node);	
							ds_list_add(nodes_select_list, node_focus);	
						} else if(node_focus.previewable && DOUBLE_CLICK) {
						} else {
							var hover_selected = false;	
							for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++ ) {
								if(nodes_select_list[| i] == node_focus) {
									hover_selected = true;
					} else {
			if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_right)) {
				node_hover = node_hovering;	
				if(node_hover) {
					var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_menubox, mouse_mx + 8, mouse_my + 8);
					var menu = [];
						[ "Send to preview", function() {
						[ "Send to export", function() {
						}, ["Graph", "Export"] ]);
						[ "Delete and merge connection", function() {
						}, ["Graph", "Delete (merge)"] ]);
						[ "Delete and cut connection", function() {
						}, ["Graph", "Delete (break)"] ]);
					array_push(menu, -1);
					array_push(menu, [ "Add transform", addNodeTransform, ["Graph", "Transform node"] ]);
					array_push(menu, [ "Canvas",
						function(_x, _y, _depth) { 
							var dia = instance_create_depth(_x - 4, _y, _depth - 1, o_dialog_menubox);
								[ "Copy to canvas", function() {
								}, ["Graph", "Canvas"] ],
								[ "Overlay canvas", function() {
								}, ["Graph", "Canvas blend"] ]
							return dia;
						}, ">"
					if(!ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list)) {
						array_push(menu, -1);
							[ "Blend nodes", function() { 
							}, ["Graph", "Blend"] ]);
							[ "Compose nodes", function() { 
							}, ["Graph", "Compose"] ]);
							[ "Group nodes", function() { 
							}, ["Graph", "Group"] ]);	
							[ "Frame nodes", function() { 
							}, ["Graph", "Frame"] ]);	
					} else if(variable_struct_exists(node_hover, "nodes")) {
							[ "Ungroup", function() { 
							}, ["Graph", "Ungroup"] ]);		
					dia.setMenu( menu );
				} else {
		if(node_hovering && node_hovering.on_dragdrop_file != -1) {
			node_hovering.drawActive(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s, 1);	
		if(node_focus) {
			node_focus.drawActive(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s);
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
			var _node = nodes_select_list[| i];
			_node.drawActive(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s);
		var hov = noone;
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
			var _hov = nodes_list[| i].drawConnections(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s);
			if(_hov != noone) hov = _hov;
		junction_hovering = hov;
		value_focus = noone;
		#region draw node
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
				var n = nodes_list[| i];
				if(instanceof(n) == "Node_Frame") continue;
				var val = n.drawNode(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s);
				if(val) value_focus = val;
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
				nodes_list[| i].drawBadge(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s);	
				nodes_list[| i].drawJunctionNames(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s);	
		#region dragging
			if(node_dragging) {
				node_focus = node_dragging;
				for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
					var _node = nodes_list[| i];
					if(_node.pointIn(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s) && variable_struct_exists(_node, "nodes")) {
						var _recur = false;
						if(ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) == 0) {
							if(_node == node_dragging) _recur = true;	
						} else {
							for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); j++) {
								var _n = nodes_select_list[| j];
								if(_node == _n) _recur = true;
						if(!_recur) {
							_node.drawActive(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s, 1);
							if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left) && !keyboard_check(vk_control)) {
								if(ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) == 0) {
								} else {
									for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); j++) {
										_node.add(nodes_select_list[| j]);
									for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); j++) {
										nodes_select_list[| j].checkConnectGroup();
				if(ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) == 0) {
					var nx = node_drag_sx + (mouse_graph_x - node_drag_mx);
					var ny = node_drag_sy + (mouse_graph_y - node_drag_my);
					if(!keyboard_check(vk_control) && node_drag_snap) {
						nx = round(nx / graph_line_s) * graph_line_s;
						ny = round(ny / graph_line_s) * graph_line_s;
					node_dragging.move(nx, ny);
					if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left) && !keyboard_check(vk_control)) {
						if(nx != node_drag_sx || ny != node_drag_sy) {
							recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, node_dragging, [ node_drag_sx, "x" ]);
							recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, node_dragging, [ node_drag_sy, "y" ]);
				} else {
					var nx = node_drag_sx + (mouse_graph_x - node_drag_mx);
					var ny = node_drag_sy + (mouse_graph_y - node_drag_my);
					if(!keyboard_check(vk_control) && node_drag_snap) {
						nx = round(nx / graph_line_s) * graph_line_s;
						ny = round(ny / graph_line_s) * graph_line_s;
					if(node_drag_ox == -1 || node_drag_oy == -1) {
						node_drag_ox = nx;
						node_drag_oy = ny;
					} else if(nx != node_drag_ox || ny != node_drag_oy) {
						var dx = nx - node_drag_ox;
						var dy = ny - node_drag_oy;
						for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
							var _node = nodes_select_list[| i];
							_node.move(_node.x + dx, _node.y + dy);
						node_drag_ox = nx;
						node_drag_oy = ny;
				if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left)) {
					node_dragging = noone;
		if(mouse_on_graph && pFOCUS) {
			if(node_focus && value_focus == noone) {
				if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left) && !keyboard_check(vk_control)) {
					node_dragging = node_focus;
					node_drag_mx  = mouse_graph_x;
					node_drag_my  = mouse_graph_y;
					node_drag_sx  = node_focus.x;
					node_drag_sy  = node_focus.y;
					node_drag_ox  = -1;
					node_drag_oy  = -1;
				if(keyboard_check_pressed(vk_f5)) {
			if(DOUBLE_CLICK && junction_hovering != noone) {
				var _mx = round(mouse_graph_x / graph_line_s) * graph_line_s;
				var _my = round(mouse_graph_y / graph_line_s) * graph_line_s;
				var _pin = Node_create_Pin(_mx, _my);
				_pin.inputs[| 0].setFrom(junction_hovering.value_from);
				junction_hovering.setFrom(_pin.outputs[| 0]);
		#region draw selection frame
			if(nodes_select_drag) {
				if(point_distance(nodes_select_mx, nodes_select_my, mx, my) > 16) {
					draw_rectangle(nodes_select_mx, nodes_select_my, mx, my, true);
					draw_rectangle(nodes_select_mx, nodes_select_my, mx, my, false);
					for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
						var _node = nodes_list[| i];
						if(instanceof(_node) == "Node_Frame") continue;
						var _x = (_node.x + graph_x) * graph_s;
						var _y = (_node.y + graph_y) * graph_s;
						var _w = _node.w * graph_s;
						var _h = _node.h * graph_s;
						if(rectangle_in_rectangle(_x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h, nodes_select_mx, nodes_select_my, mx, my))
							ds_list_add(nodes_select_list, _node);	
					nodes_select_drag = false;
			if(mouse_on_graph && pFOCUS && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left) && !keyboard_check(vk_control)) {
				if(!node_focus && !value_focus && !drag_locking) {
					nodes_select_drag = true;
					nodes_select_mx = mx;
					nodes_select_my = my;
				drag_locking = false;
	function doBlend() {
		if(ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list)) return;
		if(ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) != 2) return;
		var cx = 0;
		var cy = 0;
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
			var _node = nodes_select_list[| i];
			cx = max(cx, _node.x);
			cy += _node.y;
		cx = cx + 160;
		cy = round(cy / ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) / 32) * 32;
		var _blend = Node_create_Blend(cx, cy);
		var index = 0;
		for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++ ) {
			var _node = nodes_select_list[| i];
			if(ds_list_size(_node.outputs) == 0) continue;
			if(_node.outputs[| 0].type == VALUE_TYPE.surface) {
				_blend.inputs[| index].setFrom(_node.outputs[| 0]);
	function doCompose() {
		if(ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list)) return;
		var cx = -99999;
		var cy = 0;
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
			var _node = nodes_select_list[| i];
			cx = max(cx, _node.x);
			cy += _node.y;
		cx = cx + 160;
		cy = round(cy / ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) / 32) * 32;
		var _compose = Node_create_Composite(cx, cy);
		for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++ ) {
			var _node = nodes_select_list[| i];
			if(ds_list_size(_node.outputs) == 0) continue;
			if(_node.outputs[| 0].type == VALUE_TYPE.surface) {
				_compose.addFrom(_node.outputs[| 0]);
	function doGroup() {
		if(ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list) && node_focus != noone)
			ds_list_add(nodes_select_list, node_focus);
		node_focus = noone;
		if(!ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list)) {
			var cx = 0;
			var cy = 0;
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
				var _node = nodes_select_list[| i];
				cx += _node.x;
				cy += _node.y;
			cx = round(cx / ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) / 32) * 32;
			cy = round(cy / ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) / 32) * 32;
			var _group = Node_create_Group(cx, cy);
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
				_group.add(nodes_select_list[| i]);
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
				nodes_select_list[| i].checkConnectGroup();
	function doUngroup() {
		if(node_focus && variable_struct_exists(node_focus, "nodes")) {
			while(!ds_list_empty(node_focus.nodes)) {
				node_focus.remove(node_focus.nodes[| 0]); 
	function doLoop() {
		if(ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list) && node_focus != noone)
			ds_list_add(nodes_select_list, node_focus);
		if(!ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list)) {
			var cx = 0;
			var cy = 0;
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
				var _node = nodes_select_list[| i];
				cx += _node.x;
				cy += _node.y;
			cx = round(cx / ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) / 32) * 32;
			cy = round(cy / ds_list_size(nodes_select_list) / 32) * 32;
			var _group = Node_create_Iterate(cx, cy);
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
				_group.add(nodes_select_list[| i]);
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
				nodes_select_list[| i].checkConnectGroup("loop");
	function doFrame() {
		var x0 = 999999, y0 = 999999, x1 = -999999, y1 = -999999;
		if(ds_list_empty(nodes_select_list)) {
			if(node_focus != noone) {
				x0 = node_focus.x;
				y0 = node_focus.y;
				x1 = node_focus.x + node_focus.w;
				y1 = node_focus.y + node_focus.h;
			} else
		} else {
			for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++ )  {
				var n = nodes_select_list[| i];
				x0 = min(x0, n.x);
				y0 = min(y0, n.y);
				x1 = max(x1, n.x + n.w);
				y1 = max(y1, n.y + n.h);
		x0 -= 64;
		y0 -= 64;
		x1 += 64;
		y1 += 64;
		var f = Node_create_Frame(x0, y0);
		f.inputs[| 0].setValue([x1 - x0, y1 - y0]);
	function doDelete(_merge = false) {
		if(node_focus != noone)
			nodeDelete(node_focus, _merge);
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_select_list); i++) {
			nodeDelete(nodes_select_list[| i], _merge);
	function setCurrentPreview(_node = node_focus) {
		if(!_node) return;
	function setCurrentExport(_node = node_focus) {
		if(!_node) return;
		var _outp = -1;
		var _path = -1;
		for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_node.outputs); i++ ) {
			if(_node.outputs[| i].type == VALUE_TYPE.path)
				_path = _node.outputs[| i];
			if(_node.outputs[| i].type == VALUE_TYPE.surface && _outp == -1)
				_outp = _node.outputs[| i];
		if(_outp == -1) return;
		var _export;
		if(_path == -1)
			_export = nodeBuild("Export", _node.x + _node.w + 64, _node.y);
		else {
			_export = new Node_Export(_node.x + _node.w + 64, _node.y);
			_export.inputs[| 1].setFrom(_path);
			ds_list_add(PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_list, _export);
		_export.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_outp);
	function setCurrentCanvas(_node = node_focus) {
		if(!_node) return;
		var _outp = -1;
		var surf = -1;
		for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_node.outputs); i++ ) {
			if(_node.outputs[| i].type == VALUE_TYPE.surface) {
				_outp = _node.outputs[| i];
				var _val = _node.outputs[| i].getValue();
					surf  = _val[_node.preview_index];
					surf  = _val;
		if(_outp == -1) return;
		var _canvas = nodeBuild("Canvas", _node.x + _node.w + 64, _node.y);
		_canvas.inputs[| 0].setValue([surface_get_width(surf), surface_get_height(surf)]);
		var _surf = surface_clone(surf);
		_canvas.outputs[| 0].setValue(_surf);
	function setCurrentCanvasBlend(_node = node_focus) {
		if(!_node) return;
		var _outp = -1;
		var surf = -1;
		for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_node.outputs); i++ ) {
			if(_node.outputs[| i].type == VALUE_TYPE.surface) {
				_outp = _node.outputs[| i];
				var _val = _node.outputs[| i].getValue();
					surf  = _val[_node.preview_index];
					surf  = _val;
		if(_outp == -1) return;
		var _canvas = nodeBuild("Canvas", _node.x, _node.y + _node.h + 64);
		_canvas.inputs[| 0].setValue([surface_get_width(surf), surface_get_height(surf)]);
		_canvas.inputs[| 5].setValue(true);
		var _blend = Node_create_Blend(_node.x + _node.w + 64, _node.y);
		_blend.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_outp);
		_blend.inputs[| 1].setFrom(_canvas.outputs[| 0]);
	function drawJunctionConnect() {
		if(value_dragging) {
			var xx = value_dragging.x;
			var yy = value_dragging.y;
			switch(PREF_MAP[? "curve_connection_line"]) {
				case 0 : draw_line(xx, yy, mx, my); break;
				case 1 : draw_line_curve(xx, yy, mx, my); break;
				case 2 : draw_line_elbow(xx, yy, mx, my); break;
			if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left)) {
				if(value_focus && value_focus != value_dragging) {
					if(value_focus.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.input)
				} else {
					if(value_dragging.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.input)
					if(value_focus != value_dragging) {
						with(dialogCall(o_dialog_add_node, mouse_mx + 8, mouse_my + 8)) {	
							node_target_x = other.mouse_grid_x;
							node_target_y = other.mouse_grid_y;
							node_called   = other.value_dragging;
							alarm[0] = 1;
				value_dragging = noone;
		} else {
			if(value_focus) {
				if(pFOCUS && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left) && !keyboard_check(vk_control)) {
					value_dragging = value_focus;
	function callAddDialog() {
		with(dialogCall(o_dialog_add_node, mouse_mx + 8, mouse_my + 8)) {	
			node_target_x = other.mouse_grid_x;
			node_target_y = other.mouse_grid_y;
			junction_hovering = other.junction_hovering;
			alarm[0] = 1;
	function drawContext() {
		draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, c_ui_blue_ltgrey);
		var xx = ui(16), tt, tw, th;
		var bh  = toolbar_height - ui(12);
		var tbh = h - toolbar_height / 2;
		for(var i = -1; i < ds_list_size(node_context); i++) {
			if(i == -1) {
				tt = "Global";
			} else {
				var _cnt = node_context[| i];
				tt =;
			tw = string_width(tt);
			th = string_height(tt);
			if(i < ds_list_size(node_context) - 1) {
				if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide_fill, xx - ui(6), tbh - bh / 2, tw + ui(12), bh, [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER) == 2) {
					node_hover		= noone;
					node_focus		= noone;
					PANEL_PREVIEW.preview_node[0] = noone;
					PANEL_PREVIEW.preview_node[1] = noone;
					if(i == -1) {
						nodes_list = NODES;
					} else {
						for(var j = ds_list_size(node_context) - 1; j > i; j--)
							ds_list_delete(node_context, j);
						nodes_list = node_context[| i].nodes;	
				draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_arrow_16, 0, xx + tw + ui(16), tbh, 1, c_ui_blue_grey);
			draw_set_alpha(i < ds_list_size(node_context) - 1? 0.5 : 1);
			draw_text(xx, tbh - 2, tt);
			xx += tw;
			xx += ui(32);
	function drawToolBar() {
		toolbar_height = ui(40);
		var ty = h - toolbar_height;
		if(point_in_rectangle(mx, my, 0, ty, w, h))
			mouse_on_graph = false;
		draw_rectangle(0, ty, w, h, false);
		draw_line(0, ty, w, ty);
		var tbx = w - toolbar_height / 2;
		var tby = ty + toolbar_height / 2;
		for( var i = 0; i < array_length(toolbars); i++ ) {
			var tb = toolbars[i];
			var tbSpr = tb[0];
			var tbInd = tb[1]();
			var tbTooltip = tb[2]();
			var b = buttonInstant(s_button_hide, tbx - ui(14), tby - ui(14), ui(28), ui(28), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, tbTooltip, tbSpr, tbInd);
			if(b == 2) tb[3]( { x: x + tbx - ui(14), y: y + tby - ui(14) } );
			tbx -= ui(32);
		draw_line_width(tbx + ui(12), tby - toolbar_height / 2 + ui(8), tbx + ui(12), tby + toolbar_height / 2 - ui(8), 2);
	function drawMinimap() {
		var mx1 = w - ui(8);
		var my1 = h - toolbar_height - ui(8);
		var mx0 = mx1 - minimap_w;
		var my0 = my1 - minimap_h;
		minimap_w = min(minimap_w, w - ui(16));
		minimap_h = min(minimap_h, h - ui(16) - toolbar_height);
		if(point_in_rectangle(mx, my, mx0, my0, mx1, my1))
			mouse_on_graph = false;
		var hover = point_in_rectangle(mx, my, mx0, my0, mx1, my1) && !point_in_rectangle(mx, my, mx0, my0, mx0 + ui(16), my0 + ui(16)) && !minimap_dragging;
		if(!is_surface(minimap_surface) || surface_get_width(minimap_surface) != minimap_w || surface_get_height(minimap_surface) != minimap_h) {
			minimap_surface = surface_create_valid(minimap_w, minimap_h);
		draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_dkblack, 0.5);
		if(!ds_list_empty(nodes_list)) {
			var minx =  99999;
			var maxx = -99999;
			var miny =  99999;
			var maxy = -99999;
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
				var n = nodes_list[| i];
				minx = min(n.x - 32, minx);
				maxx = max(n.x + n.w + 32, maxx);
				miny = min(n.y - 32, miny);
				maxy = max(n.y + n.h + 32, maxy);
			var cx  = (minx + maxx) / 2;
			var cy  = (miny + maxy) / 2;
			var spw = maxx - minx;
			var sph = maxy - miny;
			var ss  = min(minimap_w / spw, minimap_h / sph);
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) {
				var n = nodes_list[| i];
				var nx = minimap_w / 2 + (n.x - cx) * ss;
				var ny = minimap_h / 2 + (n.y - cy) * ss;
				var nw = n.w * ss;
				var nh = n.h * ss;
				draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_node_bg_mini, 0, nx, ny, nw, nh, n.color, 1);
			var gx = minimap_w / 2 - (graph_x + cx) * ss;
			var gy = minimap_h / 2 - (graph_y + cy) * ss;
			var gw = w / graph_s * ss;
			var gh = h / graph_s * ss;
			draw_rectangle(gx, gy, gx + gw, gy + gh, 1);
			if(minimap_panning) {
				graph_x = -((mx - mx0 - gw / 2) - minimap_w / 2) / ss - cx;
				graph_y = -((my - my0 - gh / 2) - minimap_h / 2) / ss - cy;
					minimap_panning = false;
			if(hover && mouse_check_button(mb_left))
				minimap_panning = true;
		draw_surface_ext(minimap_surface, mx0, my0, 1, 1, 0, c_white, 0.75 + 0.25 * hover);
		draw_rectangle(mx0, my0, mx1 - 1, my1 - 1, true);
		if(minimap_dragging) {
			mouse_on_graph = false;
			var sw = minimap_drag_sx + minimap_drag_mx - mx;
			var sh = minimap_drag_sy + minimap_drag_my - my;
			minimap_w = max(ui(64), sw);
			minimap_h = max(ui(64), sh);
				minimap_dragging = false;
		if(point_in_rectangle(mx, my, mx0, my0, mx0 + ui(16), my0 + ui(16))) {
			draw_sprite_ui(s_node_resize, 0, mx0 + ui(2), my0 + ui(2), 1, 1, 180, c_white, 0.6);
			if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) {
				minimap_dragging = true;
				minimap_drag_sx = minimap_w;
				minimap_drag_sy = minimap_h;
				minimap_drag_mx = mx;
				minimap_drag_my = my;
		} else 
			draw_sprite_ui(s_node_resize, 0, mx0 + ui(2), my0 + ui(2), 1, 1, 180, c_white, 0.3);
	function addContext(node) {
		recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, self, [nodes_list, "nodes_list"]);
		recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.list_insert, node_context, [node, ds_list_size(node_context)]);
		nodes_list = node.nodes;
		ds_list_add(node_context, node);
		node_dragging = noone;
		selection_block = 1;
	function getCurrentContext() {
		if(ds_list_empty(node_context)) return -1;
		return node_context[| ds_list_size(node_context) - 1];
	function dropFile(path) {
		if(node_hovering && node_hovering.on_dragdrop_file != -1)
			return node_hovering.on_dragdrop_file(path);
		return false;
	function fullView() {
		if(node_focus) {
			graph_x = -(node_focus.x + node_focus.w / 2) + w / 2 / graph_s;
			graph_y = -(node_focus.y + node_focus.h / 2) + h / 2 / graph_s;
	function drawContent(panel) {
		if(show_grid) drawGrid();
		draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_right, fa_top, c_ui_blue_ltgrey);
		draw_text(w - ui(8), ui(8), "x" + string(graph_s_to));
		if(UPDATE == RENDER_TYPE.full)
			draw_text(w - ui(8), ui(28), "Rendering...");
		else if(UPDATE == RENDER_TYPE.full)
			draw_text(w - ui(8), ui(28), "Rendering partial...");
		mouse_on_graph = true;
		if(pFOCUS) {
			if(node_focus) node_focus.focusStep();