function Node_create_Image_Animated(_x, _y, _group = noone) { var path = ""; if(NODE_NEW_MANUAL) { path = get_open_filenames_compat("image|*.png;*.jpg", ""); key_release(); if(path == "") return noone; } var node = new Node_Image_Animated(_x, _y, _group); node.skipDefault(); var paths = string_splice(path, "\n"); node.inputs[0].setValue(paths); if(NODE_NEW_MANUAL) node.doUpdate(); return node; } function Node_create_Image_Animated_path(_x, _y, _path) { var node = new Node_Image_Animated(_x, _y, PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()); node.skipDefault(); node.inputs[0].setValue(_path); node.doUpdate(); return node; } enum ANIMATION_END { loop, ping, hold, hide } function Node_Image_Animated(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor { name = "Animation"; spr = []; color = COLORS.node_blend_input; setAlwaysTimeline(new timelineItemNode_Image_Animated(self)); update_on_frame = true; newInput(0, nodeValue_Path("Path", self, [])) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.path_array, { filter: ["image|*.png;*.jpg", ""] }); newInput(1, nodeValue_Padding("Padding", self, [0, 0, 0, 0])) .rejectArray(); newInput(2, nodeValue_Bool("Stretch frame", self, false, "Stretch animation speed to match project length.")) .rejectArray(); newInput(3, nodeValue_Float("Animation speed", self, 1)) .rejectArray(); newInput(4, nodeValue_Enum_Scroll("Loop modes", self, 0, ["Loop", "Ping pong", "Hold last frame", "Hide"])) .rejectArray(); newInput(5, nodeValue_Trigger("Set animation length to match", self, false )) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.button, { name: "Match length", UI : true, onClick: function() /*=>*/ { if(array_empty(spr)) return; TOTAL_FRAMES = array_length(spr); } }); newInput(6, nodeValue_Bool("Custom frame order", self, false)); newInput(7, nodeValue_Int("Frame", self, 0)); newInput(8, nodeValue_Enum_Scroll("Canvas size", self, 2, [ "First", "Minimum", "Maximum" ])) .rejectArray(); newOutput(0, nodeValue_Output("Surface out", self, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone)); input_display_list = [ ["Image", false], 0, 1, 8, ["Animation", false], 5, 4, 2, 3, ["Custom Frame Order", false, 6], 7, ]; attribute_surface_depth(); path_current = []; edit_time = 0; attributes.file_checker = true; array_push(attributeEditors, [ "File Watcher", function() /*=>*/ {return attributes.file_checker}, new checkBox(function() /*=>*/ { attributes.file_checker = !attributes.file_checker; }) ]); on_drop_file = function(_path) { if(directory_exists(_path)) { with(dialogCall(o_dialog_drag_folder, WIN_W / 2, WIN_H / 2)) { dir_paths = _path; target = other; } return true; } var paths = paths_to_array_ext(_path); inputs[0].setValue(paths); if(updatePaths(paths)) { doUpdate(); return true; } return false; } function updatePaths(paths = path_current) { if(!is_array(paths) && ds_exists(paths, ds_type_list)) paths = ds_list_to_array(paths); for(var i = 0; i < array_length(spr); i++) { if(spr[i] && sprite_exists(spr[i])) sprite_delete(spr[i]); } spr = []; path_current = []; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(paths); i < n; i++ ) { var _path = path_get(paths[i]); if(_path == -1) continue; array_push(path_current, _path); if(file_exists_empty(_path)) setDisplayName(filename_name_only(_path)); var ext = string_lower(filename_ext(_path)); switch(ext) { case ".png" : case ".jpg" : case ".jpeg" : var _real_path = sprite_path_check_depth(_path); var _spr = sprite_add(_real_path, 1, false, false, 0, 0); if(_spr == -1) { var _txt = $"Image node: File not a valid image."; logNode(_txt); noti_warning(_txt); return false; } edit_time = max(edit_time, file_get_modify_s(_path)); array_push(spr, _spr); break; } } return true; } setTrigger(1, __txt("Refresh"), [ THEME.refresh_icon, 1, COLORS._main_value_positive ], function() /*=>*/ { updatePaths(path_get(getInputData(0))); triggerRender(); }); static step = function() { var str = getInputData(2); var _cus = getInputData(6); inputs[2].setVisible(!_cus); inputs[3].setVisible(!_cus && !str); inputs[4].setVisible(!_cus && !str); if(attributes.file_checker) for( var i = 0, n = array_length(path_current); i < n; i++ ) { if(file_get_modify_s(path_current[i]) > edit_time) { updatePaths(); triggerRender(); break; } } } static update = function(frame = CURRENT_FRAME) { insp2UpdateTooltip = attributes.cache_use? __txt("Remove Cache") : __txt("Cache"); insp2UpdateIcon[0] = attributes.cache_use? THEME.cache : THEME.cache_group; insp2UpdateIcon[2] = attributes.cache_use? c_white : COLORS._main_icon; var path = path_get(getInputData(0)); if(!array_equals(path_current, path)) updatePaths(path); var _sprs = attributes.cache_use? cache_spr : spr; if(array_length(_sprs) == 0) return; var _pad = getInputData(1); var _cus = getInputData(6); var _str = getInputData(2); var _end = getInputData(4); var _spd = _str? (TOTAL_FRAMES + 1) / array_length(_sprs) : 1 / getInputData(3); if(_spd == 0) _spd = 1; var _frame = _cus? getInputData(7) : floor(CURRENT_FRAME / _spd); var _len = array_length(_sprs); var _drw = true; var _siz = getInputData(8); var sw = sprite_get_width(_sprs[0]); var sh = sprite_get_height(_sprs[0]); if(_siz) { for( var i = 1, n = array_length(_sprs); i < n; i++ ) { var _sw = sprite_get_width(_sprs[i]); var _sh = sprite_get_height(_sprs[i]); if(_siz == 1) { sw = min(_sw, sw); sh = min(_sh, sh); } else if(_siz == 2) { sw = max(_sw, sw); sh = max(_sh, sh); } } } var ww = sw; var hh = sh; ww += _pad[0] + _pad[2]; hh += _pad[1] + _pad[3]; var surfs = outputs[0].getValue(); surfs = surface_verify(surfs, ww, hh, attrDepth()); outputs[0].setValue(surfs); switch(_end) { case ANIMATION_END.loop : _frame = safe_mod(_frame, _len); break; case : _frame = safe_mod(_frame, _len * 2 - 2); if(_frame >= _len) _frame = _len * 2 - 2 - _frame; break; case ANIMATION_END.hold : _frame = min(_frame, _len - 1); break; case ANIMATION_END.hide : if(_frame < 0 || _frame >= _len) _drw = false; break; } var _spr = array_safe_get_fast(_sprs, _frame, noone); if(_spr == noone) return; var curr_w = sprite_get_width(_spr); var curr_h = sprite_get_height(_spr); var curr_x = _pad[2] + (sw - curr_w) / 2; var curr_y = _pad[1] + (sh - curr_h) / 2; surface_set_shader(surfs); if(_drw) draw_sprite(_spr, 0, curr_x, curr_y); surface_reset_shader(); } ////- Cache attributes.cache_use = false; attributes.cache_data = ""; cache_spr = []; static cacheData = function() { attributes.cache_use = true; cache_spr = spr; attributes.cache_data = sprite_array_serialize(spr); triggerRender(); } static uncacheData = function() { attributes.cache_use = false; triggerRender(); } setTrigger(2, __txt("Cache"), [ THEME.cache_group, 0, COLORS._main_icon ], function() /*=>*/ { if(attributes.cache_use) uncacheData() else cacheData(); }); ////- Serialize static postDeserialize = function() { if(!attributes[$ "cache_use"] ?? 0) return; cache_spr = sprite_array_deserialize(attributes[$ "cache_data"] ?? ""); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function timelineItemNode_Image_Animated(node) : timelineItemNode(node) constructor { static drawDopesheet = function(_x, _y, _s, _msx, _msy) { if(!is_instanceof(node, Node_Image_Animated)) return; if(!node.attributes.show_timeline) return; var _sprs = node.spr; var _spr, _rx, _ry; for (var i = 0, n = array_length(_sprs); i < n; i++) { _spr = _sprs[i]; if(!sprite_exists(_spr)) continue; _rx = _x + (i + 1) * _s; _ry = h / 2 + _y; var _sw = sprite_get_width(_spr); var _sh = sprite_get_height(_spr); var _ss = h / max(_sw, _sh); draw_sprite_ext(_spr, 0, _rx - _sw * _ss / 2, _ry - _sh * _ss / 2, _ss, _ss, 0, c_white, .5); } } static drawDopesheetOver = function(_x, _y, _s, _msx, _msy, _hover, _focus) { if(!is_instanceof(node, Node_Image_Animated)) return; if(!node.attributes.show_timeline) return; drawDopesheetOutput(_x, _y, _s, _msx, _msy); } static onSerialize = function(_map) { _map.type = "timelineItemNode_Image_Animated"; } static dropPath = function(path) { if(!is_array(path)) path = [ path ]; inputs[0].setValue(path); } }