// FIXME: Temporary fix! precision highp float; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Defines // // Maximum number of point lights #define MAX_PUNCTUAL_LIGHTS 8 // Number of samples used when computing shadows #define SHADOWMAP_SAMPLE_COUNT 12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Varyings // varying vec3 v_vVertex; varying vec4 v_vColor; varying vec2 v_vTexCoord; varying mat3 v_mTBN; varying vec4 v_vPosition; varying vec4 v_vPosShadowmap; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Uniforms // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Material // Material index // uniform float bbmod_MaterialIndex; // RGB: Base color, A: Opacity #define bbmod_BaseOpacity gm_BaseTexture // RGBA uniform vec4 bbmod_BaseOpacityMultiplier; // If 1.0 then the material uses roughness uniform float bbmod_IsRoughness; // If 1.0 then the material uses metallic workflow uniform float bbmod_IsMetallic; // RGB: Tangent-space normal, A: Smoothness or roughness uniform sampler2D bbmod_NormalW; // RGB: specular color / R: Metallic, G: ambient occlusion uniform sampler2D bbmod_Material; // RGB: Subsurface color, A: Intensity uniform sampler2D bbmod_Subsurface; // RGBA: RGBM encoded emissive color uniform sampler2D bbmod_Emissive; // Pixels with alpha less than this value will be discarded uniform float bbmod_AlphaTest; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Camera // Camera's position in world space uniform vec3 bbmod_CamPos; // Distance to the far clipping plane uniform float bbmod_ZFar; // Camera's exposure value uniform float bbmod_Exposure; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Soft particles // G-buffer surface. uniform sampler2D bbmod_GBuffer; // Distance over which the particle smoothly dissappears when getting closer to // geometry rendered in the depth buffer. uniform float bbmod_SoftDistance; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fog // The color of the fog uniform vec4 bbmod_FogColor; // Maximum fog intensity uniform float bbmod_FogIntensity; // Distance at which the fog starts uniform float bbmod_FogStart; // 1.0 / (fogEnd - fogStart) uniform float bbmod_FogRcpRange; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ambient light // RGBM encoded ambient light color on the upper hemisphere. uniform vec4 bbmod_LightAmbientUp; // RGBM encoded ambient light color on the lower hemisphere. uniform vec4 bbmod_LightAmbientDown; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Directional light // Direction of the directional light uniform vec3 bbmod_LightDirectionalDir; // RGBM encoded color of the directional light uniform vec4 bbmod_LightDirectionalColor; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Includes // struct Material { vec3 Base; float Opacity; vec3 Normal; float Metallic; float Roughness; vec3 Specular; float Smoothness; float SpecularPower; float AO; vec3 Emissive; vec4 Subsurface; vec3 Lightmap; }; Material CreateMaterial(mat3 TBN) { Material m; m.Base = vec3(1.0); m.Opacity = 1.0; m.Normal = normalize(TBN * vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); m.Metallic = 0.0; m.Roughness = 1.0; m.Specular = vec3(0.0); m.Smoothness = 0.0; m.SpecularPower = 1.0; m.AO = 1.0; m.Emissive = vec3(0.0); m.Subsurface = vec4(0.0); m.Lightmap = vec3(0.0); return m; } #define F0_DEFAULT vec3(0.04) #define X_GAMMA 2.2 /// @desc Converts gamma space color to linear space. vec3 xGammaToLinear(vec3 rgb) { return pow(rgb, vec3(X_GAMMA)); } /// @desc Converts linear space color to gamma space. vec3 xLinearToGamma(vec3 rgb) { return pow(rgb, vec3(1.0 / X_GAMMA)); } /// @desc Gets color's luminance. float xLuminance(vec3 rgb) { return (0.2126 * rgb.r + 0.7152 * rgb.g + 0.0722 * rgb.b); } /// @note Input color should be in gamma space. /// @source https://graphicrants.blogspot.cz/2009/04/rgbm-color-encoding.html vec4 xEncodeRGBM(vec3 color) { vec4 rgbm; color *= 1.0 / 6.0; rgbm.a = clamp(max(max(color.r, color.g), max(color.b, 0.000001)), 0.0, 1.0); rgbm.a = ceil(rgbm.a * 255.0) / 255.0; rgbm.rgb = color / rgbm.a; return rgbm; } /// @source https://graphicrants.blogspot.cz/2009/04/rgbm-color-encoding.html vec3 xDecodeRGBM(vec4 rgbm) { return 6.0 * rgbm.rgb * rgbm.a; } /// @desc Unpacks material from textures. /// @param texBaseOpacity RGB: base color, A: opacity /// @param isRoughness /// @param texNormalW /// @param isMetallic /// @param texMaterial /// @param texSubsurface RGB: subsurface color, A: intensity /// @param texEmissive RGBA: RGBM encoded emissive color /// @param texLightmap RGBA: RGBM encoded lightmap /// @param uvLightmap Lightmap texture coordinates /// @param TBN Tangent-bitangent-normal matrix /// @param uv Texture coordinates Material UnpackMaterial( sampler2D texBaseOpacity, float isRoughness, sampler2D texNormalW, float isMetallic, sampler2D texMaterial, sampler2D texSubsurface, sampler2D texEmissive, mat3 TBN, vec2 uv) { Material m = CreateMaterial(TBN); // Base color and opacity vec4 baseOpacity = texture2D(texBaseOpacity, uv ); m.Base = xGammaToLinear(baseOpacity.rgb); m.Opacity = baseOpacity.a; // Normal vector and smoothness/roughness vec4 normalW = texture2D(texNormalW, uv ); m.Normal = normalize(TBN * (normalW.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0)); if (isRoughness == 1.0) { m.Roughness = mix(0.1, 0.9, normalW.a); m.Smoothness = 1.0 - m.Roughness; } else { m.Smoothness = mix(0.1, 0.9, normalW.a); m.Roughness = 1.0 - m.Smoothness; } // Material properties vec4 materialProps = texture2D(texMaterial, uv ); if (isMetallic == 1.0) { m.Metallic = materialProps.r; m.AO = materialProps.g; m.Specular = mix(F0_DEFAULT, m.Base, m.Metallic); m.Base *= (1.0 - m.Metallic); } else { m.Specular = materialProps.rgb; m.SpecularPower = exp2(1.0 + (m.Smoothness * 10.0)); } // Subsurface (color and intensity) vec4 subsurface = texture2D(texSubsurface, uv); m.Subsurface = vec4(xGammaToLinear(subsurface.rgb).rgb, subsurface.a); // Emissive color m.Emissive = xGammaToLinear(xDecodeRGBM(texture2D(texEmissive, uv))); return m; } void Fog(float depth) { vec3 ambientUp = xGammaToLinear(bbmod_LightAmbientUp.rgb) * bbmod_LightAmbientUp.a; vec3 ambientDown = xGammaToLinear(bbmod_LightAmbientDown.rgb) * bbmod_LightAmbientDown.a; vec3 directionalLightColor = xGammaToLinear(bbmod_LightDirectionalColor.rgb) * bbmod_LightDirectionalColor.a; vec3 fogColor = xGammaToLinear(bbmod_FogColor.rgb) * (ambientUp + ambientDown + directionalLightColor); float fogStrength = clamp((depth - bbmod_FogStart) * bbmod_FogRcpRange, 0.0, 1.0) * bbmod_FogColor.a; gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(gl_FragColor.rgb, fogColor, fogStrength * bbmod_FogIntensity); } void Exposure() { gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(1.0) - exp(-gl_FragColor.rgb * bbmod_Exposure); } void GammaCorrect() { gl_FragColor.rgb = xLinearToGamma(gl_FragColor.rgb); } /// @param tanAspect (tanFovY*(screenWidth/screenHeight),-tanFovY), where /// tanFovY = dtan(fov*0.5) /// @param texCoord Sceen-space UV. /// @param depth Scene depth at texCoord. /// @return Point projected to view-space. vec3 xProject(vec2 tanAspect, vec2 texCoord, float depth) { return vec3(tanAspect * (texCoord * 2.0 - 1.0) * depth, depth); } /// @param p A point in clip space (transformed by projection matrix, but not /// normalized). /// @return P's UV coordinates on the screen. vec2 xUnproject(vec4 p) { vec2 uv = p.xy / p.w; uv = uv * 0.5 + 0.5; #if defined(_YY_HLSL11_) || defined(_YY_PSSL_) uv.y = 1.0 - uv.y; #endif return uv; } /// @param d Linearized depth to encode. /// @return Encoded depth. /// @source http://aras-p.info/blog/2009/07/30/encoding-floats-to-rgba-the-final/ vec3 xEncodeDepth(float d) { const float inv255 = 1.0 / 255.0; vec3 enc; enc.x = d; enc.y = d * 255.0; enc.z = enc.y * 255.0; enc = fract(enc); float temp = enc.z * inv255; enc.x -= enc.y * inv255; enc.y -= temp; enc.z -= temp; return enc; } /// @param c Encoded depth. /// @return Docoded linear depth. /// @source http://aras-p.info/blog/2009/07/30/encoding-floats-to-rgba-the-final/ float xDecodeDepth(vec3 c) { const float inv255 = 1.0 / 255.0; return c.x + (c.y * inv255) + (c.z * inv255 * inv255); } void UnlitShader(Material material, float depth) { gl_FragColor.rgb = material.Base; gl_FragColor.rgb += material.Emissive; gl_FragColor.a = material.Opacity; // Soft particles if (bbmod_SoftDistance > 0.0) { float sceneDepth = xDecodeDepth(texture2D(bbmod_GBuffer, xUnproject(v_vPosition)).rgb) * bbmod_ZFar; float softness = clamp((sceneDepth - v_vPosition.z) / bbmod_SoftDistance, 0.0, 1.0); gl_FragColor.a *= softness; } Fog(depth); Exposure(); GammaCorrect(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Main // void main() { Material material = UnpackMaterial( bbmod_BaseOpacity, bbmod_IsRoughness, bbmod_NormalW, bbmod_IsMetallic, bbmod_Material, bbmod_Subsurface, bbmod_Emissive, v_mTBN, v_vTexCoord); material.Base *= v_vColor.rgb; material.Opacity *= v_vColor.a; material.Base *= bbmod_BaseOpacityMultiplier.rgb; material.Opacity *= bbmod_BaseOpacityMultiplier.a; if (material.Opacity < bbmod_AlphaTest) { discard; } UnlitShader(material, v_vPosition.z); }