function Panel_Menu() : PanelContent() constructor { title = __txt("Menu"); auto_pin = true; noti_flash = 0; noti_flash_color = COLORS._main_accent; noti_icon = noone; noti_icon_show = 0; noti_icon_time = 0; vertical_break = ui(240); version_name_copy = 0; var _right = PREFERENCES.panel_menu_right_control; if(_right) action_buttons = ["exit", "maximize", "minimize", "fullscreen"]; else action_buttons = ["exit", "minimize", "maximize", "fullscreen"]; #region file menu_file_nondemo = [ menuItem(__txt("New"), function() { NEW(); }, THEME.new_file, ["", "New file"]), menuItem(__txt("Open") + "...", function() { LOAD(); }, THEME.noti_icon_file_load, ["", "Open"]) .setShiftMenu(menuItem(__txt("Open in safe mode") + "...", function() { LOAD(true); }, THEME.noti_icon_file_load)), menuItem(__txt("Save"), function() { SAVE(); },, ["", "Save"]), menuItem(__txt("Save as") + "...", function() { SAVE_AS(); },, ["", "Save as"]), menuItem(__txt("Save all"), function() { SAVE_ALL(); }, THEME.icon_save_all, ["", "Save all"]), menuItem(__txt("Recent files"), function(_dat) { var arr = []; for(var i = 0; i < min(10, ds_list_size(RECENT_FILES)); i++) { var _rec = RECENT_FILES[| i]; array_push(arr, menuItem(_rec, function(_dat) { LOAD_PATH(; })); } return submenuCall(_dat, arr); }).setIsShelf(), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_auto_save_folder", "Open autosave folder"), function() { shellOpenExplorer(DIRECTORY + "autosave"); }, THEME.save_auto), menuItem(__txt("Import"), function(_dat) { var arr = [ menuItem(__txt("Portable project (.zip)") + "...", function() { __IMPORT_ZIP(); }), ]; return submenuCall(_dat, arr); }).setIsShelf(), menuItem(__txt("Export"), function(_dat) { var arr = [ menuItem(__txt("Portable project (.zip)") + "...", function() { exportPortable(PROJECT); }), ]; return submenuCall(_dat, arr); }).setIsShelf(), -1, ]; menu_file = [ menuItem(__txt("Preferences") + "...", function() { dialogCall(o_dialog_preference); }, THEME.gear), menuItem(__txt("Splash screen"), function() { dialogCall(o_dialog_splash); }), -1, menuItem(__txt("Addons"), function(_dat) { var arr = [ menuItem(__txt("Addons") + "...", function() { dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Addon()); }), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_addons_key", "Key displayer"), function() { if(instance_exists(addon_key_displayer)) { instance_destroy(addon_key_displayer); return; } instance_create_depth(0, 0, 0, addon_key_displayer); }), -1 ]; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(ADDONS); i < n; i++ ) { var _dir = ADDONS[i].name; array_push(arr, menuItem(_dir, function(_dat) { addonTrigger(; } )); } return submenuCall(_dat, arr); }, THEME.addon_icon ).setIsShelf(), -1, menuItem(__txt("Fullscreen"), function() { winMan_setFullscreen(!window_is_fullscreen); },, ["", "Fullscreen"]), menuItem(__txt("Close current project"), function() { PANEL_GRAPH.close(); },, [ "", "Close file" ]), menuItem(__txt("Close all projects"), function() { for( var i = array_length(PROJECTS) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) closeProject(PROJECTS[i]); },, [ "", "Close all" ]), menuItem(__txt("Close program"), function() { window_close(); },, [ "", "Close program" ]), ]; if(!DEMO) menu_file = array_append(menu_file_nondemo, menu_file); #endregion #region help menu_help = [ menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_help_video", "Tutorial videos"), function() { url_open(""); },, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_help_wiki", "Community Wiki"), function() { url_open(""); },, -1, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_local_directory", "Open local directory"), function() { shellOpenExplorer(DIRECTORY); }, THEME.folder), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_autosave_directory", "Open autosave directory"), function() { shellOpenExplorer(DIRECTORY + "autosave/"); }, THEME.folder), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_reset_default", "Reset default collection, assets"), function() { zip_unzip("data/", DIRECTORY + "Collections"); zip_unzip("data/", DIRECTORY + "Assets"); }), -1, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_connect_patreon", "Connect to Patreon"), function() { dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Patreon()); }, THEME.patreon), ]; #endregion #region //////// MENU //////// menus = [ [ __txt("File"), menu_file ], [ __txt("Edit"), [ menuItem(__txt("Undo"), function() { UNDO(); }, THEME.undo, ["", "Undo"]), menuItem(__txt("Redo"), function() { REDO(); }, THEME.redo, ["", "Redo"]), menuItem(__txt("History"), function() { dialogPanelCall(new Panel_History()); }), ]], [ __txt("Preview"), [ menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_center_preview", "Center preview"), function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.do_fullView = true; }, THEME.icon_center_canvas, ["Preview", "Focus content"]), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_save_current_preview_as", "Save current preview as..."), function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.saveCurrentFrame(); }, noone, ["Preview", "Save current frame"]), menuItemGroup(__txtx("panel_menu_preview_background", "Preview background"), [ [ s_menu_transparent, function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.canvas_bg = -1; } ], [ s_menu_white, function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.canvas_bg = c_white; } ], [ s_menu_black, function() { PANEL_PREVIEW.canvas_bg = c_black; } ], ]), ]], [ __txt("Animation"), [ menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_animation_setting", "Animation setting..."), function() { var dia = dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Animation_Setting()); dia.anchor = ANCHOR.none; }, THEME.animation_setting), -1, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_animation_scaler", "Animation scaler..."), function() { dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Animation_Scaler()); }, THEME.animation_timing), ]], [ __txt("Rendering"), [ menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_render_all_nodes", "Render all nodes"), function() { RENDER_ALL_REORDER }, [ THEME.sequence_control, 1 ], ["", "Render all"]), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_execute_exports", "Execute all export nodes"), function() { var key = ds_map_find_first(PROJECT.nodeMap); repeat(ds_map_size(PROJECT.nodeMap)) { var node = PROJECT.nodeMap[? key]; key = ds_map_find_next(PROJECT.nodeMap, key); if(! continue; if(instanceof(node) != "Node_Export") continue; node.doInspectorAction(); } }), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_export_render_all", "Render disabled node when export"), function() { PREFERENCES.render_all_export = !PREFERENCES.render_all_export; },,, function() { return PREFERENCES.render_all_export; } ), ]], [ __txt("Panels"), [ menuItem(__txt("Workspace"), function(_dat) { var arr = [], lays = []; var f = file_find_first(DIRECTORY + "layouts/*", 0); while(f != "") { array_push(lays, filename_name_only(f)); f = file_find_next(); } array_push(arr, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_save_layout", "Save layout"), function() { var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_file_name, mouse_mx + ui(8), mouse_my + ui(8)); = PREFERENCES.panel_layout_file; dia.onModify = function(name) { var cont = panelSerialize(); json_save_struct(DIRECTORY + "layouts/" + name + ".json", cont); }; })); array_push(arr, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_reset_layout", "Reset layout"), function() { resetPanel(); },, [ "", "Reset layout" ])); array_push(arr, -1); for(var i = 0; i < array_length(lays); i++) { array_push(arr, menuItem(lays[i], function(_dat) { PREFERENCES.panel_layout_file =; PREF_SAVE(); setPanel(); },,, function(item) { return == PREFERENCES.panel_layout_file; } )); } return submenuCall(_dat, arr); }).setIsShelf(), -1, menuItem(__txt("Collections"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Collection", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Collection") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Graph"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Graph", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Graph") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Preview"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Preview", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Preview") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Inspector"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Inspector", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Inspector") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Workspace"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Workspace", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Workspace") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Animation"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Animation", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Animation") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Notifications"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Notification", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Notification") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txtx("panel_globalvar", "Global Variables"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Globalvar", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Globalvar") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Nodes"), function(_dat) { return submenuCall(_dat, [ menuItem(__txt("Align"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Node_Align", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Node_Align") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Nodes"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Nodes", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Nodes") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Tunnels"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Tunnels", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Tunnels") != noone; } ), ]); } ).setIsShelf(), menuItem(__txt("Color"), function(_dat) { return submenuCall(_dat, [ menuItem(__txt("Color"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Color", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Color") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Palettes"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Palette", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Palette") != noone; } ), menuItem(__txt("Gradients"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Gradient", true) },,, function() { return findPanel("Panel_Gradient") != noone; } ), ]); } ).setIsShelf(), ]], [ __txt("Help"), menu_help ], ]; #endregion if(TESTING) { #region array_push(menus, [ __txt("Dev"), [ menuItem(__txtx("panel_debug_console", "Debug console"), function() { panelAdd("Panel_Console", true) }), menuItem(__txtx("panel_debug_overlay", "Debug overlay"), function() { show_debug_overlay(true); }), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_tester", "Tester"), function() { var dia = dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Test()); dia.destroy_on_click_out = false; }), -1, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_test_load_all", "Load all current collections"), function() { __test_load_current_collections(); }), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_test_update_all", "Update all current collections"), function() { __test_update_current_collections(); }), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_test_add_meta", "Add metadata to current collections"), function() { __test_metadata_current_collections(); }), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_test_update_sam", "Update sample projects"), function() { __test_update_sample_projects(); }), -1, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_test_load_nodes", "Load all nodes"), function() { __test_load_all_nodes(); }), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_test_gen_guide", "Generate node guide"), function() { var dia = dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Node_Data_Gen()); dia.destroy_on_click_out = false; }), menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_test_gen_theme", "Generate theme object"), function() { __test_generate_theme(); }), -1, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_test_crash", "Force crash"), function() { print(1 + "a"); }), -1, menuItem(__txt("Misc."), function(_dat) { return submenuCall(_dat, [ menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_node_credit", "Node credit dialog"), function() { var dia = dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Node_Cost()); }), ]); } ).setIsShelf(), ]]); } #endregion menu_help_steam = array_clone(menu_help); array_push(menu_help_steam, -1, menuItem(__txtx("panel_menu_steam_workshop", "Steam Workshop"), function() { steam_activate_overlay_browser(""); }, THEME.steam) ); function onFocusBegin() { PANEL_MENU = self; } function setNotiIcon(icon) { #region noti_icon = icon; noti_icon_time = 90; } #endregion function undoUpdate() { #region var txt; if(ds_stack_empty(UNDO_STACK)) { txt = __txt("Undo"); } else { var act = ds_stack_top(UNDO_STACK); if(array_length(act) > 1) txt = $"{__txt("Undo")} {array_length(act)} {__txt("Actions")}"; else txt = $"{__txt("Undo")} {act[0]}"; } menus[1][1][0].active = !ds_stack_empty(UNDO_STACK); menus[1][1][0].name = txt; if(ds_stack_empty(REDO_STACK)) { txt = __txt("Redo"); } else { var act = ds_stack_top(REDO_STACK); if(array_length(act) > 1) txt = $"{__txt("Redo")} {array_length(act)} {__txt("Actions")}"; else txt = $"{__txt("Redo")} {act[0]}"; } menus[1][1][1].active = !ds_stack_empty(REDO_STACK); menus[1][1][1].name = txt; } #endregion function drawContent(panel) { #region var _right = PREFERENCES.panel_menu_right_control; var _draggable = pFOCUS; draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 1); menus[6][1] = STEAM_ENABLED? menu_help_steam : menu_help; var hori = w > h; var xx = ui(40); var yy = ui(8); #region about icon if(hori) { if(PREFERENCES.panel_menu_right_control) xx = ui(24); else { xx = ui(140); draw_set_color(COLORS._main_icon_dark); draw_line_round(xx, ui(8), xx, h - ui(8), 3); } var bx = xx; if(!PREFERENCES.panel_menu_right_control) bx = w - ui(24); draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.icon_24, 0, bx, h / 2, 1, c_white); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, bx - ui(16), 0, bx + ui(16), ui(32))) { _draggable = false; if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) dialogCall(o_dialog_about); } } else { var bx = ui(20); var by = h - ui(20); draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.icon_24, 0, bx, by, 1, c_white); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, bx - ui(16), by - ui(16), bx + ui(16), by + ui(16))) { _draggable = false; if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) dialogCall(o_dialog_about); } } #endregion #region menu if(hori) { if(PREFERENCES.panel_menu_right_control) xx += ui(20); else xx += ui(8); yy = 0; } else { xx = ui(8); yy = w < vertical_break? ui(72) : ui(40); } var sx = xx; var xc, x0, x1, yc, y0, y1, _mx = xx; var row = 1, maxRow = ceil(h / ui(40)); var _ww = 0; for(var i = 0; i < array_length(menus) - 1; i++) { draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text); var ww = string_width(menus[i][0]) + ui(16 + 8); _ww += ww; if(_ww > w * 0.4 - sx) { row++; _ww = 0; } } row = min(row, maxRow); var _curRow = 0, currY; var _rowH = (h - ui(12)) / row; var _ww = 0; for(var i = 0; i < array_length(menus); i++) { draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text); var ww = string_width(menus[i][0]) + ui(16); var hh = line_get_height() + ui(8); if(hori) { xc = xx + ww / 2; x0 = xx; x1 = xx + ww; y0 = ui(6) + _rowH * _curRow; y1 = y0 + _rowH; yc = (y0 + y1) / 2; currY = yc; } else { xc = w / 2; yc = yy + hh / 2; x0 = ui(6); x1 = w - ui(6); y0 = yy; y1 = yy + hh; } if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, x0, y0, x1, y1)) { _draggable = false; draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.menu_button, 0, x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); if((mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) || instance_exists(o_dialog_menubox)) { if(hori) menuCall("main_" + menus[i][0] + "_menu", x + x0, y + y1, menus[i][1]); else menuCall("main_" + menus[i][0] + "_menu", x + x1, y + y0, menus[i][1]); } } draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text); draw_text_add(xc, yc, menus[i][0]); if(hori) { xx += ww + 8; _mx = max(_mx, xx); _ww += ww + 8; if(_ww > w * 0.6 - sx) { _curRow++; _ww = 0; xx = sx; } } else yy += hh + 8; } #endregion #region notification var warning_amo = ds_list_size(WARNING); var error_amo = ds_list_size(ERRORS); if(hori) { var nx0 = _mx + ui(24); var ny0 = h / 2; } else { var nx0 = ui(8); var ny0 = yy + ui(16); } draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center); var wr_w = ui(20) + ui(8) + string_width(string(warning_amo)); var er_w = ui(20) + ui(8) + string_width(string(error_amo)); if(noti_icon_time > 0) { noti_icon_show = lerp_float(noti_icon_show, 1, 4); noti_icon_time--; } else noti_icon_show = lerp_float(noti_icon_show, 0, 4); var nw = hori? ui(16) + wr_w + ui(16) + er_w + noti_icon_show * ui(32) : w - ui(16); var nh = ui(32); noti_flash = lerp_linear(noti_flash, 0, 0.02); var ev = animation_curve_eval(ac_flash, noti_flash); var cc = merge_color(c_white, noti_flash_color, ev); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, nx0, ny0 - nh / 2, nx0 + nw, ny0 + nh / 2)) { _draggable = false; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.menu_button, 0, nx0, ny0 - nh / 2, nw, nh, cc, 1); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { var dia = dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Notification(), nx0, ny0 + nh / 2 + ui(4)); dia.anchor = ANCHOR.left |; } TOOLTIP = $"{warning_amo} {__txt("Warnings")} {error_amo} {__txt("Errors")}"; } else draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, nx0, ny0 - nh / 2, nw, nh, cc, 1); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_add); draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.menu_button_mask, 0, nx0, ny0 - nh / 2, nw, nh, cc, ev / 2); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_normal); if(noti_icon_show > 0) draw_sprite_ui(noti_icon, 0, nx0 + nw - ui(16), ny0,,,,, noti_icon_show); draw_set_color(COLORS._main_text_inner); var wr_x = hori? nx0 + ui(8) : w / 2 - (wr_w + er_w + ui(16)) / 2; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.noti_icon_warning, warning_amo? 1 : 0, wr_x + ui(10), ny0); draw_text_int(wr_x + ui(28), ny0, warning_amo); wr_x += wr_w + ui(16); draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.noti_icon_error, error_amo? 1 : 0, wr_x + ui(10), ny0); draw_text_int(wr_x + ui(28), ny0, error_amo); if(hori) nx0 += nw + ui(8); else ny0 += nh + ui(8); #endregion #region addons var wh = ui(32); if(!hori) nx0 = ui(8); if(instance_exists(addon)) { draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text); var name = string(instance_number(addon)) + " "; var ww = hori? string_width(name) + ui(40) : w - ui(16); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, nx0, ny0 - wh / 2, nx0 + ww, ny0 + wh / 2)) { _draggable = false; TOOLTIP = __txt("Addons"); draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.menu_button, 1, nx0, ny0 - wh / 2, ww, wh); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Addon()); } else draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, nx0, ny0 - wh / 2, ww, wh); draw_text_int(nx0 + ui(8), ny0, name); draw_sprite_ui(THEME.addon_icon, 0, nx0 + ui(20) + string_width(name), ny0 + ui(1),,,, COLORS._main_icon); if(hori) nx0 += ww + ui(4); else ny0 += hh + ui(4); } #endregion var x1 = _right? w - ui(6) : ui(8 + 28); #region actions var bs = ui(28); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(action_buttons); i < n; i++ ) { var action = action_buttons[i]; switch(action) { case "exit": var b = buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide_fill, x1 - bs, ui(6), bs, bs, [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER,, THEME.window_exit, 0, COLORS._main_accent); if(b) _draggable = false; if(b == 2) window_close(); break; case "maximize": var win_max = window_is_maximized || window_is_fullscreen; if(OS == os_macosx) win_max = __win_is_maximized; var b = buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide_fill, x1 - bs, ui(6), bs, bs, [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER,, THEME.window_maximize, win_max, [ COLORS._main_icon, CDEF.lime ]); if(b) _draggable = false; if(b == 2) { if(OS == os_windows) { if(window_is_fullscreen) { winMan_setFullscreen(false); winMan_Unmaximize(); } else if(window_is_maximized) { winMan_Unmaximize(); DISPLAY_REFRESH } else { winMan_Maximize(); DISPLAY_REFRESH } } else if(OS == os_macosx) { if(__win_is_maximized) mac_window_minimize(); else mac_window_maximize(); } } break; case "minimize": var b = buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide_fill, x1 - bs, ui(6), bs, bs, [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER,, THEME.window_minimize, 0, [ COLORS._main_icon, CDEF.yellow ]); if(b) _draggable = false; if(b == -2) { if(OS == os_windows) winMan_Minimize(); else if(OS == os_macosx) mac_window_dock(); } break; case "fullscreen": var win_full = window_is_fullscreen; var b = buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide_fill, x1 - bs, ui(6), bs, bs, [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER,, THEME.window_fullscreen, win_full, [ COLORS._main_icon, CDEF.cyan ]); if(b) _draggable = false; if(b == 2) { if(OS == os_windows) winMan_setFullscreen(!win_full); else if(OS == os_macosx) { if(win_full) { winMan_setFullscreen(false); mac_window_minimize(); } else winMan_setFullscreen(true); } } break; } if(_right) x1 -= bs + ui(4); else x1 += bs + ui(4); } #endregion #region version var _xx1 = _right? x1 : w - ui(40); var txt = "v. " + string(VERSION_STRING); if(STEAM_ENABLED) txt += " Steam"; version_name_copy = lerp_float(version_name_copy, 0, 10); var tc = merge_color(COLORS._main_text_sub, COLORS._main_value_positive, min(1, version_name_copy)); var sc = merge_color(c_white, COLORS._main_value_positive, min(1, version_name_copy)); if(hori) { draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_center, fa_center, tc); var ww = string_width(txt) + ui(12); var _x0 = _xx1 - ww; var _y0 = ui(6); var _x1 = _xx1; var _y1 = h - ui(6); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, _x0, _y0, _x1, _y1)) { _draggable = false; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.button_hide_fill, 1, _x0, _y0, _x1 - _x0, _y1 - _y0, sc, 1); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) dialogCall(o_dialog_release_note); if(mouse_press(mb_right, pFOCUS)) { clipboard_set_text(VERSION_STRING); version_name_copy = 3; } } draw_text_int((_x0 + _x1) / 2, (_y0 + _y1) / 2, txt); } else { var _xx1 = ui(40); var y1 = h - ui(20); draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, tc); var ww = string_width(txt) + ui(12); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, _xx1, y1 - ui(16), _xx1 + ww, y1 + ui(16))) { _draggable = false; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.button_hide_fill, 1, _xx1, y1 - ui(16), ww, ui(32), sc, 1); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) dialogCall(o_dialog_release_note); if(mouse_press(mb_right, pFOCUS)) { clipboard_set_text(VERSION_STRING); version_name_copy = 3; } } draw_text_int(_xx1 + ui(6), y1, txt); } #endregion #region title var txt = ""; if(PROJECT.safeMode) txt += $"[{__txt("SAFE MODE")}] "; if(PROJECT.readonly) txt += $"[{__txt("READ ONLY")}] "; txt += PROJECT.path == ""? __txt("Untitled") : filename_name(PROJECT.path); if(PROJECT.modified) txt += "*"; txt += " - Pixel Composer"; if(DEMO) txt += " DEMO"; var tx0, tx1, tcx; var ty0, ty1; var tbx0, tby0; var maxW; if(hori) { tx0 = nx0; tx1 = w - ui(16); ty0 = 0; ty1 = h; tcx = (tx0 + tx1) / 2; } else { tx0 = ui(8); tx1 = w < vertical_break? w - ui(16) : w - ui(144); ty0 = w < vertical_break? ui(36) : ui(6); tcx = tx0; if(!_right && w >= vertical_break) { tx0 = x1 - bs; tx1 = w - ui(16); } } maxW = abs(tx0 - tx1); draw_set_font(f_p0b); var tc = string_cut(txt, maxW); var tw = string_width(tc) + ui(16); var th = ui(28); if(hori) { tbx0 = tcx - tw / 2; tby0 = ty1 / 2 - ui(14); } else { tbx0 = tx0; tby0 = ty0; } var _b = buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide_fill, tbx0, tby0, tw, th, [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER); var _hov = _b > 0; if(_b) _draggable = false; if(_b == 2) { _hov = true; var arr = []; var tip = []; for(var i = 0; i < min(10, ds_list_size(RECENT_FILES)); i++) { var _rec = RECENT_FILES[| i]; var _dat = RECENT_FILE_DATA[| i]; array_push(arr, menuItem(_rec, function(_dat) { LOAD_PATH(; })); array_push(tip, [ method(_dat, _dat.getThumbnail), VALUE_TYPE.surface ]); } var dia = hori? menuCall("title_recent_menu", x + tcx, y + h, arr, fa_center) : menuCall("title_recent_menu", x + w, y + tby0, arr); dia.tooltips = tip; } if(hori) { draw_set_text(f_p0b, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub); draw_text_int(tcx, (ty0 + ty1) / 2, tc); } else { draw_set_text(f_p0b, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub); draw_text_int(tx0 + ui(8), tby0 + th / 2, tc); } if(IS_PATREON && PREFERENCES.show_supporter_icon) { var _tw = string_width(tc); var _th = string_height(tc); var _cx, _cy; if(hori) { _cx = tcx + _tw / 2; _cy = (ty0 + ty1) / 2 - _th / 2; } else { _cx = tx0 + ui(8) + _tw; _cy = tby0 + th / 2 - _th / 2; } _cx += ui(2); _cy += ui(6); var _ib = COLORS._main_text_sub; if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, _cx - 12, _cy - 12, _cx + 12, _cy + 12)) { TOOLTIP = __txt("Supporter"); _ib = COLORS._main_accent; } draw_sprite_ext(s_patreon_supporter, 0, _cx, _cy, 1, 1, 0, _hov? COLORS._main_icon_dark : COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 1); draw_sprite_ext(s_patreon_supporter, 1, _cx, _cy, 1, 1, 0, _ib, 1); } #endregion #region drag if(mouse_press(mb_left, _draggable)) winMan_initDrag(0b10000); #endregion } #endregion }