enum KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE { move, ease_in, ease_out, ease_both } function Panel_Animation() : PanelContent() constructor { title = __txt("Animation"); context_str = "Animation"; icon = THEME.panel_animation; #region ---- dimension ---- timeline_h = ui(28); min_w = ui(40); min_h = ui(48); tool_width = ui(224); #endregion static initSize = function() { #region timeline_w = w - tool_width - ui(80); timeline_surface = surface_create_valid(timeline_w, timeline_h); timeline_mask = surface_create_valid(timeline_w, timeline_h); dope_sheet_w = w - tool_width; dope_sheet_h = h - timeline_h - ui(20); dope_sheet_surface = surface_create_valid(dope_sheet_w, 1); dope_sheet_mask = surface_create_valid(dope_sheet_w, 1); } #endregion initSize(); #region ---- position ---- dope_sheet_y = 0; dope_sheet_y_to = 0; dope_sheet_y_max = 0; is_scrolling = false; dopesheet_dragging = noone; dopesheet_drag_mx = 0; dope_sheet_node_padding = ui(2); #endregion ds_name_surface = surface_create_valid(tool_width - ui(16), 1); #region ---- timeline ---- timeline_scubbing = false; timeline_scub_st = 0; timeline_scale = 20; timeline_separate = 5; timeline_sep_line = 1; _scrub_frame = -1; timeline_shift = 0; timeline_shift_to = 0; timeline_dragging = false; timeline_drag_sx = 0; timeline_drag_sy = 0; timeline_drag_mx = 0; timeline_drag_my = 0; timeline_draggable = true; timeline_stretch = 0; timeline_stretch_sx = 0; timeline_stretch_mx = 0; timeline_show_time = -1; timeline_preview = noone; #endregion #region ---- keyframes ---- keyframe_dragging = noone; keyframe_drag_type = -1; keyframe_dragout = false; keyframe_drag_mx = 0; keyframe_drag_my = 0; keyframe_selecting = []; keyframe_boxable = true; keyframe_boxing = false; keyframe_box_sx = -1; keyframe_box_sy = -1; #endregion #region ---- values ---- value_hovering = noone; value_focusing = noone; #endregion #region ---- display ---- show_node_outside_context = true; #endregion #region ---- nodes ---- node_ordering = noone; node_name_type = 0; #endregion #region ---- stagger ---- stagger_mode = 0; stagger_index = 0; #endregion #region ---- tools ---- tool_width_drag = false; tool_width_start = 0; tool_width_mx = 0; #endregion anim_properties = ds_list_create(); on_end_dragging_anim = noone; onion_dragging = noone; prev_cache = array_create(PROJECT.animator.frames_total); copy_clipboard = ds_list_create(); #region ++++ control_buttons ++++ control_buttons = [ [ function() { return __txt("Stop"); }, function() { return 4; }, function() { return PROJECT.animator.is_playing? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS._main_icon; }, function() { PROJECT.animator.stop(); } ], [ function() { return PROJECT.animator.is_playing? __txt("Pause") : __txt("Play"); }, function() { return !PROJECT.animator.is_playing; }, function() { return PROJECT.animator.is_playing? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS._main_icon; }, function() { if(PROJECT.animator.is_playing) PROJECT.animator.pause(); else PROJECT.animator.resume(); } ], [ function() { return __txtx("panel_animation_go_to_first_frame", "Go to first frame"); }, function() { return 3; }, function() { return COLORS._main_icon; }, function() { PROJECT.animator.setFrame(0); } ], [ function() { return __txtx("panel_animation_go_to_last_frame", "Go to last frame"); }, function() { return 2; }, function() { return COLORS._main_icon; }, function() { PROJECT.animator.setFrame(PROJECT.animator.frames_total - 1); } ], [ function() { return __txtx("panel_animation_previous_frame", "Previous frame"); }, function() { return 5; }, function() { return COLORS._main_icon; }, function() { PROJECT.animator.setFrame(PROJECT.animator.real_frame - 1); } ], [ function() { return __txtx("panel_animation_next_frame", "Next frame"); }, function() { return 6; }, function() { return COLORS._main_icon; }, function() { PROJECT.animator.setFrame(PROJECT.animator.real_frame + 1); } ], ]; #endregion #region ++++ hotkeys ++++ addHotkey("", "Play/Pause", vk_space, MOD_KEY.none, function() { if(PROJECT.animator.is_playing) PROJECT.animator.pause() else PROJECT.animator.play(); }); addHotkey("", "Resume/Pause", vk_space, MOD_KEY.shift, function() { if(PROJECT.animator.is_playing) PROJECT.animator.pause() else PROJECT.animator.resume(); }); addHotkey("", "First frame", vk_home, MOD_KEY.none, function() { PROJECT.animator.setFrame(0); }); addHotkey("", "Last frame", vk_end, MOD_KEY.none, function() { PROJECT.animator.setFrame(PROJECT.animator.frames_total - 1); }); addHotkey("", "Next frame", vk_right, MOD_KEY.none, function() { PROJECT.animator.setFrame(min(PROJECT.animator.real_frame + 1, PROJECT.animator.frames_total - 1)); }); addHotkey("", "Previous frame", vk_left, MOD_KEY.none, function() { PROJECT.animator.setFrame(max(PROJECT.animator.real_frame - 1, 0)); }); addHotkey("Animation", "Delete keys", vk_delete, MOD_KEY.none, function() { PANEL_ANIMATION.deleteKeys(); }); addHotkey("Animation", "Duplicate", "D", MOD_KEY.ctrl, function() { PANEL_ANIMATION.doDuplicate(); }); addHotkey("Animation", "Copy", "C", MOD_KEY.ctrl, function() { PANEL_ANIMATION.doCopy(); }); addHotkey("Animation", "Paste", "V", MOD_KEY.ctrl, function() { PANEL_ANIMATION.doPaste(PANEL_ANIMATION.value_focusing); }); #endregion function deleteKeys() { #region for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.anim.removeKey(k); } keyframe_selecting = []; updatePropertyList(); } #endregion function alignKeys(halign = fa_left) { #region if(array_empty(keyframe_selecting)) return; var tt = 0; switch(halign) { case fa_left : tt = 9999; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) tt = min(tt, keyframe_selecting[i].time); break; case fa_center : tt = 0; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) tt += keyframe_selecting[i].time; tt = round(tt / array_length(keyframe_selecting)); break; case fa_right : tt = -9999; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) tt = max(tt, keyframe_selecting[i].time); break; } for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.anim.setKeyTime(k, tt); } } #endregion function arrangeKeys() { #region var l = []; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) { var node = anim_properties[| i]; if(!show_node_outside_context && node.group != PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) continue; for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(node.inputs); j++ ) { var prop = node.inputs[| j]; if(!prop.is_anim) continue; if(prop.sep_axis) { for(var k = 0; k < array_length(prop.animators); k++ ) for(var m = 0; m < ds_list_size(prop.animators[k].values); m++) { var keyframe = prop.animators[k].values[| m]; if(array_exists(keyframe_selecting, keyframe)) array_append(l, keyframe); } } else { for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(prop.animator.values); k++) { var keyframe = prop.animator.values[| k]; if(array_exists(keyframe_selecting, keyframe)) array_append(l, keyframe); } } } } keyframe_selecting = l; } #endregion function staggerKeys(_index, _stag) { #region var t = keyframe_selecting[_index].time; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; var _t = t + abs(i - _index) * _stag; k.anim.setKeyTime(k, _t); } } #endregion #region ++++ keyframe_menu ++++ keyframe_menu = [ menuItem(__txtx("panel_animation_lock_y", "Lock/Unlock Y easing"), function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_y_lock = !k.ease_y_lock; } }), menuItemGroup(__txtx("panel_animation_ease_in", "Ease in"), [ [ [THEME.timeline_ease, 0], function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_in_type = CURVE_TYPE.linear; k.ease_in = [0, 1]; } }, __txtx("panel_animation_ease_linear", "Linear") ], [ [THEME.timeline_ease, 1], function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_in_type = CURVE_TYPE.bezier; k.ease_in = [1, 1]; } }, __txtx("panel_animation_ease_smooth", "Smooth") ], [ [THEME.timeline_ease, 2], function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_in_type = CURVE_TYPE.bezier; k.ease_in = [1, 2]; } }, __txtx("panel_animation_ease_overshoot", "Overshoot") ], [ [THEME.timeline_ease, 3], function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_in_type = CURVE_TYPE.bezier; k.ease_in = [0, 0]; } }, __txtx("panel_animation_ease_sharp", "Sharp") ], [ [THEME.timeline_ease, 4], function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_in_type = CURVE_TYPE.cut; k.ease_in = [0, 0]; } }, __txtx("panel_animation_ease_hold", "Hold") ], ]), menuItemGroup(__txtx("panel_animation_ease_out", "Ease out"), [ [ [THEME.timeline_ease, 0], function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_out_type = CURVE_TYPE.linear; k.ease_out = [0, 0]; } }, __txtx("panel_animation_ease_linear", "Linear") ], [ [THEME.timeline_ease, 1], function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_out_type = CURVE_TYPE.bezier; k.ease_out = [1, 0]; } }, __txtx("panel_animation_ease_smooth", "Smooth") ], [ [THEME.timeline_ease, 2], function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_out_type = CURVE_TYPE.bezier; k.ease_out = [1, -1]; } }, __txtx("panel_animation_ease_overshoot", "Overshoot") ], [ [THEME.timeline_ease, 3], function() { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_out_type = CURVE_TYPE.bezier; k.ease_out = [0, 1]; } }, __txtx("panel_animation_ease_sharp", "Sharp") ], ]), -1, menuItemGroup(__txt("Align"), [ [ [THEME.object_halign, 0], function() { alignKeys(fa_left); } ], [ [THEME.object_halign, 1], function() { alignKeys(fa_center); } ], [ [THEME.object_halign, 2], function() { alignKeys(fa_right); } ], ]), menuItem(__txtx("panel_animation_stagger", "Stagger"), function() { stagger_mode = 1; }), -1, menuItem(__txt("Delete"), function() { deleteKeys(); }, noone, [ "Animation", "Delete keys" ]), menuItem(__txt("Duplicate"), function() { doDuplicate(); }, THEME.duplicate, [ "Animation", "Duplicate" ]), menuItem(__txt("Copy"), function() { doCopy(); }, THEME.copy, [ "Animation", "Copy" ]), menuItem(__txt("Paste"), function() { doPaste(value_focusing); }, THEME.paste, [ "Animation", "Paste" ]), ]; keyframe_menu_empty = [ menuItem(__txt("Paste"), function() { doPaste(value_focusing); }, THEME.paste, [ "Animation", "Paste" ]), ]; #endregion function onFocusBegin() { PANEL_ANIMATION = self; } function onResize() { #region initSize(); if(w - tool_width > 1) { if(is_surface(timeline_mask) && surface_exists(timeline_mask)) surface_size_to(timeline_mask, timeline_w, timeline_h); else timeline_mask = surface_create_valid(timeline_w, timeline_h); if(is_surface(timeline_surface) && surface_exists(timeline_surface)) surface_size_to(timeline_surface, timeline_w, timeline_h); else timeline_surface = surface_create_valid(timeline_w, timeline_h); } dope_sheet_w = timeline_w; dope_sheet_h = h - timeline_h - ui(24); if(dope_sheet_h > ui(8)) { dope_sheet_mask = surface_verify(dope_sheet_mask, dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h); dope_sheet_surface = surface_verify(dope_sheet_surface, dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h); ds_name_surface = surface_verify(ds_name_surface, tool_width - ui(0), dope_sheet_h); } resetTimelineMask(); } #endregion function resetTimelineMask() { #region if(!surface_exists(timeline_mask)) timeline_mask = surface_create_valid(timeline_w, timeline_h); surface_set_target(timeline_mask); draw_clear(c_black); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_subtract); draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, 0, timeline_w, timeline_h); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_normal); surface_reset_target(); if(dope_sheet_h > 8) { if(!surface_exists(dope_sheet_mask)) dope_sheet_mask = surface_create_valid(dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h); surface_set_target(dope_sheet_mask); draw_clear(c_black); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_subtract); draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, 0, dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_normal); surface_reset_target(); } } #endregion resetTimelineMask(); function updatePropertyNode(pr, _node) { #region var is_anim = false; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_node.inputs); j++) { var jun = _node.inputs[| j]; is_anim |= jun.is_anim && jun.value_from == noone; } if(!is_anim) return; ds_priority_add(pr, _node, _node.anim_priority); } #endregion function updatePropertyList() { #region ds_list_destroy(anim_properties); var amo = ds_map_size(PROJECT.nodeMap); var k = ds_map_find_first(PROJECT.nodeMap); var pr = ds_priority_create(); updatePropertyNode(pr, PROJECT.globalNode); repeat(amo) { var _node = PROJECT.nodeMap[? k]; k = ds_map_find_next(PROJECT.nodeMap, k); if(!_node.active) continue; updatePropertyNode(pr, _node); } anim_properties = ds_priority_to_list(pr); ds_priority_destroy(pr); } #endregion function drawTimeline() { #region //draw summary var bar_x = tool_width + ui(16); var bar_y = h - timeline_h - ui(10); var bar_w = timeline_w; var bar_h = timeline_h; var bar_total_w = PROJECT.animator.frames_total * ui(timeline_scale); var inspecting = PANEL_INSPECTOR.getInspecting(); resetTimelineMask(); timeline_surface = surface_verify(timeline_surface, timeline_w, timeline_h); surface_set_target(timeline_surface); draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 0); #region bg draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, 0, 0, bar_w, bar_h); var __w = timeline_shift + PROJECT.animator.frames_total * ui(timeline_scale) + PANEL_PAD; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 2, 0, 0, min(__w, timeline_w), bar_h, COLORS.panel_animation_timeline_blend, 1); if(inspecting) inspecting.drawAnimationTimeline(timeline_shift, bar_w, bar_h, timeline_scale); for(var i = timeline_separate; i <= PROJECT.animator.frames_total; i += timeline_separate) { var bar_line_x = i * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_animation_frame_divider); draw_line(bar_line_x, ui(12), bar_line_x, bar_h - PANEL_PAD); draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_bottom, COLORS._main_text_sub); draw_text_add(bar_line_x, ui(16), string(i)); } var bar_line_x = (PROJECT.animator.current_frame + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var cc = PROJECT.animator.is_playing? COLORS._main_value_positive : COLORS._main_accent; draw_set_color(cc); draw_line(bar_line_x, ui(12), bar_line_x, bar_h - PANEL_PAD); draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_bottom, cc); draw_text_add(bar_line_x, ui(16), string(PROJECT.animator.current_frame + 1)); #endregion #region cache if(inspecting && inspecting.use_cache) { for(var i = 0; i < PROJECT.animator.frames_total; i++) { if(i >= array_length(inspecting.cache_result)) break; var x0 = (i + 0) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var x1 = (i + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; draw_set_color(inspecting.cacheExist(i)? c_lime : c_red); draw_set_alpha(0.5); draw_rectangle(x0, bar_h - ui(4), x1, bar_h, false); draw_set_alpha(1); } } #endregion #region summary \\\ Set X for keyframe var index = 0, key_y = timeline_h / 2; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) { var node = anim_properties[| i]; if(!show_node_outside_context && node.group != PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) continue; for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(node.inputs); j++ ) { var prop = node.inputs[| j]; if(prop.sep_axis) { for(var a = 0; a < array_length(prop.animators); a++) for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(prop.animators[a].values); k++) { var t = (prop.animators[a].values[| k].time + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; prop.animators[a].values[| k].dopesheet_x = t; var ind = prop.animators[a].values[| k].ease_in_type == CURVE_TYPE.cut? 4 : 1; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_keyframe, ind, t, key_y, 1, COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_hide); } } else { for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(prop.animator.values); k++) { var t = (prop.animator.values[| k].time + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; prop.animator.values[| k].dopesheet_x = t; var ind = prop.animator.values[| k].ease_in_type == CURVE_TYPE.cut? 4 : 1; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_keyframe, ind, t, key_y, 1, COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_hide); } } } } #endregion #region pan zoom timeline_shift = lerp_float(timeline_shift, timeline_shift_to, 4); if(timeline_scubbing) { var rfrm = (mx - bar_x - timeline_shift) / ui(timeline_scale) - 1; PROJECT.animator.setFrame(clamp(rfrm, 0, PROJECT.animator.frames_total - 1)); timeline_show_time = PROJECT.animator.current_frame; if(timeline_show_time != _scrub_frame) { _scrub_frame = timeline_show_time; } if(mouse_release(mb_left)) timeline_scubbing = false; } if(timeline_dragging) { timeline_shift_to = clamp(timeline_drag_sx + mx - timeline_drag_mx, -max(bar_total_w - bar_w + 32, 0), 0); timeline_shift = timeline_shift_to; dope_sheet_y_to = clamp(timeline_drag_sy + my - timeline_drag_my, -dope_sheet_y_max, 0); if(mouse_release(mb_middle)) timeline_dragging = false; } if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, bar_x, 16, bar_x + bar_w, bar_y - 8)) { var sca = timeline_scale; if(mouse_wheel_down()) timeline_scale = max(timeline_scale - 1 * SCROLL_SPEED, 1); if(mouse_wheel_up()) timeline_scale = min(timeline_scale + 1 * SCROLL_SPEED, 24); timeline_separate = 5; timeline_sep_line = 1; if(timeline_scale <= 1) { timeline_separate = 50; timeline_sep_line = 10; } else if(timeline_scale <= 3) { timeline_separate = 20; timeline_sep_line = 5; } else if(timeline_scale <= 10) { timeline_separate = 10; timeline_sep_line = 2; } if(sca != timeline_scale) { var mfb = (mx - bar_x - timeline_shift) / ui(timeline_scale); var mfa = (mx - bar_x - timeline_shift) / ui(sca); timeline_shift_to = clamp(timeline_shift_to - (mfa - mfb) * timeline_scale, -max(bar_total_w - bar_w + 32, 0), 0); timeline_shift = timeline_shift_to; } if(mouse_press(mb_middle, pFOCUS)) { timeline_dragging = true; timeline_drag_sx = timeline_shift; timeline_drag_sy = dope_sheet_y_to; timeline_drag_mx = mx; timeline_drag_my = my; } } if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, bar_x, bar_y, bar_x + min(timeline_w, timeline_shift + bar_total_w), bar_y + bar_h)) { //preview if(mouse_wheel_down()) timeline_shift_to = clamp(timeline_shift_to - 64 * SCROLL_SPEED, -max(bar_total_w - bar_w + 32, 0), 0); if(mouse_wheel_up()) timeline_shift_to = clamp(timeline_shift_to + 64 * SCROLL_SPEED, -max(bar_total_w - bar_w + 32, 0), 0); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { timeline_scubbing = true; timeline_scub_st = PROJECT.animator.current_frame; _scrub_frame = timeline_scub_st; } } if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, bar_x, 8, bar_x + min(timeline_w, timeline_shift + bar_total_w), 8 + 16)) { //top bar if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS) && timeline_draggable) { timeline_scubbing = true; timeline_scub_st = PROJECT.animator.current_frame; _scrub_frame = timeline_scub_st; } } timeline_draggable = true; #endregion gpu_set_blendmode(bm_subtract); draw_surface_safe(timeline_mask, 0, 0); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_normal); surface_reset_target(); draw_surface_safe(timeline_surface, bar_x, bar_y); } #endregion function drawDopesheetLine(animator, key_y, msx, msy, _gy_val_min = 999999, _gy_val_max = -999999) { #region var bar_total_w = PROJECT.animator.frames_total * ui(timeline_scale); var bar_show_w = timeline_shift + bar_total_w; var hovering = noone; var _gy_top = key_y + ui(16); var _gy_bottom = _gy_top + animator.prop.graph_h - ui(8); var amo = ds_list_size(animator.values); for(var k = 0; k < amo; k++) { var key_val = animator.values[| k].value; if(is_array(key_val)) { for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key_val); ki++ ) { _gy_val_min = min(_gy_val_min, key_val[ki]); _gy_val_max = max(_gy_val_max, key_val[ki]); } } else { _gy_val_min = min(_gy_val_min, key_val); _gy_val_max = max(_gy_val_max, key_val); } } var valArray = is_array(animator.values[| 0].value); var ox = 0, oy = valArray? [] : noone, nx = 0, ny = noone, oly = 0, nly = 0; for(var k = 0; k < amo - 1; k++) { var key = animator.values[| k]; var t = key.dopesheet_x; var key_next = animator.values[| k + 1]; var dx = key_next.time - key.time; if(key.ease_out_type == CURVE_TYPE.linear && key_next.ease_in_type == CURVE_TYPE.linear) { //linear draw nx = (key_next.time + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; if(valArray) { for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key.value); ki++ ) { draw_set_color(COLORS.axis[ki]); ny[ki] = value_map(key.value[ki], _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); if(array_length(oy) > ki) draw_line(t, oy[ki], t, ny[ki]); oy[ki] = ny[ki]; ny[ki] = value_map(key_next.value[ki], _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); draw_line(t, oy[ki], nx, ny[ki]); oy[ki] = ny[ki]; } } else { draw_set_color(animator.prop.sep_axis? COLORS.axis[animator.index] : COLORS.panel_animation_graph_line); ny = value_map(key.value, _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); if(oy != noone) draw_line(t, oy, t, ny); oy = ny; ny = value_map(key_next.value, _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); draw_line(t, oy, nx, ny); oy = ny; } ox = nx; } else { //bezier easing var _step = 1 / dx; for( var _r = 0; _r <= 1; _r += _step ) { nx = t + _r * dx * ui(timeline_scale); nly = animator.interpolate(key, key_next, _r); if(valArray) { for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key.value); ki++ ) { draw_set_color(COLORS.axis[ki]); ny[ki] = value_map(lerp(key.value[ki], key_next.value[ki], nly), _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); if(array_length(oy) > ki) draw_line(ox, oy[ki], nx, ny[ki]); oy[ki] = ny[ki]; } } else { draw_set_color(animator.prop.sep_axis? COLORS.axis[animator.index] : COLORS.panel_animation_graph_line); ny = value_map(lerp(key.value, key_next.value, nly), _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); if(oy != noone) draw_line(ox, oy, nx, ny); oy = ny; } ox = nx; oly = nly; } } } if(animator.prop.show_graph && ds_list_size(animator.values) > 0) { if(ds_list_size(animator.values) == 1) { //draw graph before and after var key_first = animator.values[| 0]; if(valArray) { for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key_first.value); ki++ ) { draw_set_color(COLORS.axis[ki]); sy = value_map(key_first.value[ki], _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); draw_line(0, sy, bar_show_w, sy); } } else { draw_set_color(animator.prop.sep_axis? COLORS.axis[animator.index] : COLORS.panel_animation_graph_line); sy = value_map(key_first.value, _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); draw_line(0, sy, bar_show_w, sy); } } else { //draw graph before and after var key_first = animator.values[| 0]; var t_first = (key_first.time + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var sy; if(valArray) { for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key_first.value); ki++ ) { draw_set_color(COLORS.axis[ki]); sy = value_map(key_first.value[ki], _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); draw_line(0, sy, t_first, sy); } } else { draw_set_color(animator.prop.sep_axis? COLORS.axis[animator.index] : COLORS.panel_animation_graph_line); sy = value_map(key_first.value, _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); draw_line(0, sy, t_first, sy); } var key_last = animator.values[| ds_list_size(animator.values) - 1]; var t_last = (key_last.time + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; if(key_last.time < PROJECT.animator.frames_total) { if(valArray) { for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key_last.value); ki++ ) { draw_set_color(COLORS.axis[ki]); ny[ki] = value_map(key_last.value[ki], _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); draw_line(t_last, oy[ki], t_last, ny[ki]); draw_line(t_last, oy[ki], bar_show_w, oy[ki]); } } else { draw_set_color(animator.prop.sep_axis? COLORS.axis[animator.index] : COLORS.panel_animation_graph_line); ny = value_map(key_last.value, _gy_val_min, _gy_val_max, _gy_bottom, _gy_top); draw_line(t_last, oy, t_last, ny); draw_line(t_last, ny, bar_show_w, ny); } } } } } #endregion function drawDopesheetGraph(prop, key_y, msx, msy) { #region var bar_total_w = PROJECT.animator.frames_total * ui(timeline_scale); var bar_show_w = timeline_shift + bar_total_w; var _gy_top = key_y + ui(16); var _gy_bottom = _gy_top + prop.graph_h - ui(8); if(prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.color) { var amo = ds_list_size(prop.animator.values); var _prevKey = prop.animator.values[| 0]; draw_set_color(_prevKey.value); draw_rectangle(0, _gy_top, _prevKey.dopesheet_x, _gy_bottom, 0); var ox, nx, oc, nc; for(var k = 0; k < amo - 1; k++) { var key = prop.animator.values[| k]; var key_next = prop.animator.values[| k + 1]; var dx = key_next.time - key.time; var _step = 1 / dx; for( var _r = 0; _r <= 1; _r += _step ) { nx = key.dopesheet_x + _r * dx * ui(timeline_scale); var lrp = prop.animator.interpolate(key, key_next, _r); nc = merge_color(key.value, key_next.value, lrp); if(_r > 0) draw_rectangle_color(ox, _gy_top, nx, _gy_bottom, oc, nc, nc, oc, 0); ox = nx; oc = nc; } } key_next = prop.animator.values[| ds_list_size(prop.animator.values) - 1]; if(key_next.time < PROJECT.animator.frames_total) { draw_set_color(key_next.value); draw_rectangle(key_next.dopesheet_x, _gy_top, bar_show_w, _gy_bottom, 0); } return; } if(prop.sep_axis) { var _min = 999999; var _max = -999999; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(prop.animators); i < n; i++ ) { var animator = prop.animators[i]; for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(animator.values); k++) { var key_val = animator.values[| k].value; if(is_array(key_val)) { for( var ki = 0; ki < array_length(key_val); ki++ ) { _min = min(_min, key_val[ki]); _max = max(_max, key_val[ki]); } } else { _min = min(_min, key_val); _max = max(_max, key_val); } } } for( var i = 0, n = array_length(prop.animators); i < n; i++ ) drawDopesheetLine(prop.animators[i], key_y, msx, msy, _min, _max); } else drawDopesheetLine(prop.animator, key_y, msx, msy); } #endregion function drawDopesheetAnimatorKeysBG(animator, msx, msy) { #region var prop_dope_y = animator.dopesheet_y; var key_hover = noone; var key_list = animator.values; if((animator.prop.on_end == KEYFRAME_END.loop || animator.prop.on_end == KEYFRAME_END.ping) && ds_list_size(key_list) > 1) { var keyframe_s = animator.prop.loop_range == -1? key_list[| 0].time : key_list[| ds_list_size(key_list) - 1 - animator.prop.loop_range].time; var keyframe_e = key_list[| ds_list_size(key_list) - 1].time; var ks_x = (keyframe_s + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var ke_x = (keyframe_e + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_animation_loop_line); draw_set_alpha(0.2); draw_line_width(ks_x, prop_dope_y - 1, ke_x, prop_dope_y - 1, 4); draw_set_alpha(1); } for( var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(key_list); k++ ) { //draw easing var key = key_list[| k]; var t = key.dopesheet_x; if(key.ease_in_type == CURVE_TYPE.bezier) { draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_ease_line); var _tx = t - key.ease_in[0] * ui(timeline_scale) * 2; draw_line_width(_tx, prop_dope_y - 1, t, prop_dope_y - 1, 2); if(pHOVER && point_in_circle(msx, msy, _tx, prop_dope_y, ui(6))) { key_hover = key; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_keyframe, key.ease_y_lock? 2 : 5, _tx, prop_dope_y, 1, COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_selected); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { keyframe_dragging = animator.values[| k]; keyframe_drag_type = KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_in; } } else draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_keyframe, key.ease_y_lock? 2 : 5, _tx, prop_dope_y, 1, COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_unselected); } if(key.ease_out_type == CURVE_TYPE.bezier) { draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_ease_line); var _tx = t + key.ease_out[0] * ui(timeline_scale) * 2; draw_line_width(t, prop_dope_y - 1, _tx, prop_dope_y - 1, 2); if(pHOVER && point_in_circle(msx, msy, _tx, prop_dope_y, ui(6))) { key_hover = key; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_keyframe, key.ease_y_lock? 3 : 5, _tx, prop_dope_y, 1, COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_selected); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { keyframe_dragging = animator.values[| k]; keyframe_drag_type = KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_out; } } else draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_keyframe, key.ease_y_lock? 3 : 5, _tx, prop_dope_y, 1, COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_unselected); } } return key_hover; } #endregion function drawDopesheetAnimatorKeys(_node, animator, msx, msy) { #region var prop_y = animator.dopesheet_y; var key_hover = noone; var node_y = _node.dopesheet_y + dope_sheet_node_padding; var anim_set = true; for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(animator.values); k++) { var keyframe = animator.values[| k]; var t = keyframe.dopesheet_x; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_keyframe, 0, t, node_y, 1, COLORS._main_icon); if(!_node.anim_show) continue; var cc = COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_unselected; if(on_end_dragging_anim == animator.prop && msx < t && anim_set) { if(k == 0) animator.prop.loop_range = -1; else animator.prop.loop_range = ds_list_size(animator.values) - k; anim_set = false; } if(pHOVER && point_in_circle(msx, msy, t, prop_y, ui(8))) { cc = COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_selected; key_hover = keyframe; if(pFOCUS) { if(DOUBLE_CLICK) { keyframe_dragging = keyframe; keyframe_drag_type = KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_both; keyframe_dragout = false; keyframe_drag_mx = mx; keyframe_drag_my = my; } else if(mouse_press(mb_left)) { keyframe_dragging = keyframe; keyframe_drag_type = KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.move; keyframe_drag_mx = mx; keyframe_drag_my = my; keyframe_drag_my = my; } } } if(stagger_mode == 1 && array_exists(keyframe_selecting, keyframe)) cc = key_hover == keyframe? COLORS.panel_animation_keyframe_selected : COLORS._main_accent; var ind = 1; if(keyframe.ease_in_type == CURVE_TYPE.cut) ind = 4; if(keyframe.anim.prop.type == VALUE_TYPE.trigger) ind = 4; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_keyframe, ind, t, prop_y, 1, cc); if(array_exists(keyframe_selecting, keyframe)) draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_keyframe_selecting, ind != 1, t, prop_y, 1, COLORS._main_accent); if(keyframe_boxing) { var box_x0 = min(keyframe_box_sx, msx); var box_x1 = max(keyframe_box_sx, msx); var box_y0 = min(keyframe_box_sy, msy); var box_y1 = max(keyframe_box_sy, msy); if(pHOVER && !point_in_rectangle(t, prop_y, box_x0, box_y0, box_x1, box_y1) && array_exists(keyframe_selecting, keyframe)) array_remove(keyframe_selecting, keyframe); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(t, prop_y, box_x0, box_y0, box_x1, box_y1) && !array_exists(keyframe_selecting, keyframe)) array_push(keyframe_selecting, keyframe); } } return key_hover; } #endregion function drawDopesheetLabelAnimator(_node, animator, msx, msy) { #region var aa = _node.group == PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()? 1 : 0.9; var tx = tool_width; var ty = animator.dopesheet_y - 1; #region keyframe control tx = tool_width - ui(20 + 16 * 3); if(buttonInstant(noone, tx - ui(6), ty - ui(6), ui(12), ui(12), [msx, msy], pFOCUS, pHOVER, "", THEME.prop_keyframe, 0, [COLORS._main_icon, COLORS._main_icon_on_inner]) == 2) { var _t = -1; for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(animator.values); k++) { var _key = animator.values[| k]; if(_key.time < PROJECT.animator.current_frame) _t = _key.time; } if(_t > -1) PROJECT.animator.setFrame(_t); } tx = tool_width - ui(20 + 16 * 1); if(buttonInstant(noone, tx - ui(6), ty - ui(6), ui(12), ui(12), [msx, msy], pFOCUS, pHOVER, "", THEME.prop_keyframe, 2, [COLORS._main_icon, COLORS._main_icon_on_inner]) == 2) { for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(animator.values); k++) { var _key = animator.values[| k]; if(_key.time > PROJECT.animator.current_frame) { PROJECT.animator.setFrame(_key.time); break; } } } #endregion #region add keyframe tx = tool_width - ui(20 + 16 * 2); if(buttonInstant(noone, tx - ui(6), ty - ui(6), ui(12), ui(12), [msx, msy], pFOCUS, pHOVER, "", THEME.prop_keyframe, 1, [COLORS._main_accent, COLORS._main_icon_on_inner]) == 2) { var _add = false; for(var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(animator.values); k++) { var _key = animator.values[| k]; if(_key.time == PROJECT.animator.current_frame) { if(ds_list_size(animator.values) > 1) ds_list_delete(animator.values, k); _add = true; break; } else if(_key.time > PROJECT.animator.current_frame) { ds_list_insert(animator.values, k, new valueKey(PROJECT.animator.current_frame, animator.getValue(), animator)); _add = true; break; } } if(!_add) ds_list_add(animator.values, new valueKey(PROJECT.animator.current_frame, animator.getValue(, false), animator)); } #endregion if(isGraphable(animator.prop)) { tx = tool_width - ui(16); if(pHOVER && point_in_circle(msx, msy, tx, ty, ui(8))) { draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_graph, 1, tx, ty, 1, COLORS._main_icon_on_inner, 1); TOOLTIP = __txtx("panel_animation_show_graph", "Show graph"); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) animator.prop.show_graph = !animator.prop.show_graph; } else draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_graph, 1, tx, ty, 1, animator.prop.show_graph? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS._main_icon); } tx = tool_width - ui(20 + 16 * 4.5); if(pHOVER && point_in_circle(msx, msy, tx, ty, ui(6))) { draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.prop_on_end, animator.prop.on_end, tx, ty, 1, COLORS._main_icon_on_inner, 1); TOOLTIP = __txtx("panel_animation_looping_mode", "Looping mode") + ": " + global.junctionEndName[animator.prop.on_end]; if(mouse_release(mb_left, pFOCUS)) animator.prop.on_end = safe_mod(animator.prop.on_end + 1, sprite_get_number(THEME.prop_on_end)); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) on_end_dragging_anim = animator.prop; } else draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.prop_on_end, animator.prop.on_end, tx, ty, 1, on_end_dragging_anim == animator.prop? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS._main_icon); if(pHOVER && point_in_circle(msx, msy, ui(22), ty - 1, ui(10))) { draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_clock, 1, ui(22), ty - 1, 1, COLORS._main_icon_on_inner, 1); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { animator.prop.setAnim(!animator.prop.is_anim); updatePropertyList(); } } else draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.timeline_clock, 1, ui(22), ty - 1, 1, COLORS._main_icon); var hov = pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, 0, ty - ui(8), w, ty + ui(8)); if(hov) { value_hovering = animator.prop; if(mouse_click(mb_left, pFOCUS)) value_focusing = animator.prop; } var cc = animator.prop.sep_axis? COLORS.axis[animator.index] : COLORS._main_text_inner; if(hov) cc = COLORS._main_text_accent; draw_set_color(cc); draw_set_alpha(aa); draw_text_add(ui(32), ty - 2, animator.getName()); draw_set_alpha(1); } #endregion function drawDopesheetLabel() { #region surface_set_target(ds_name_surface); draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 0); var msx = mx - ui(8); var msy = my - ui(8); var lable_w = tool_width; var _node = noone; var _node_y = 0; draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center); var hovering = noone; var hoverIndex = 0; value_hovering = noone; if(mouse_click(mb_left, pFOCUS)) value_focusing = noone; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) { _node = anim_properties[| i]; var _inContext = _node == PROJECT.globalNode || _node.group == PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext(); var aa = _inContext? 1 : 0.9; var _node_y = _node.dopesheet_y; if(!show_node_outside_context && !_inContext) continue; var _node_y_start = _node_y; _node_y += dope_sheet_node_padding; if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, ui(20), _node_y - ui(10), lable_w, _node_y + ui(10))) { draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_label_bg, 0, 0, _node_y - ui(10), lable_w, ui(20), COLORS.panel_animation_dope_bg_hover, aa); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) node_ordering = _node; } else draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_label_bg, 0, 0, _node_y - ui(10), lable_w, ui(20), COLORS.panel_animation_dope_bg, aa); if(_node == PANEL_INSPECTOR.getInspecting()) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_active, 0, 0, _node_y - ui(10), lable_w, ui(20), COLORS._main_accent, 1); var tx = tool_width - ui(10); if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, tx - ui(8), _node_y - ui(8), ui(16), ui(16), [msx, msy], pFOCUS, pHOVER, __txtx("panel_animation_goto", "Go to node"), THEME.animate_node_go, 0, COLORS._main_icon) == 2) { graphFocusNode(_node); } if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, 0, _node_y - ui(10), ui(20), _node_y + ui(10))) { draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.arrow, _node.anim_show? 3 : 0, ui(10), _node_y, 1, COLORS._main_icon_light, 1); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) _node.anim_show = !_node.anim_show; } else draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.arrow, _node.anim_show? 3 : 0, ui(10), _node_y, 1, COLORS._main_icon, 0.75); draw_set_font(f_p3); var nodeName = $"[{_node.name}] "; var tw = string_width(nodeName); draw_set_color(node_ordering == _node? COLORS._main_text_accent : COLORS._main_text); var txx = ui(20); if(node_name_type == 0 || node_name_type == 1 || _node.display_name == "") { draw_set_alpha(0.4); draw_text_add(txx, _node_y - ui(2), nodeName); txx += tw; } draw_set_font(f_p2); if(node_name_type == 0 || node_name_type == 2) { draw_set_alpha(0.9); draw_text_add(txx, _node_y - ui(2), _node.display_name); } draw_set_alpha(1); if(!_node.anim_show) { if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, 0, _node_y_start, lable_w, _node_y + ui(22))) hovering = _node; continue; } var ty = 0; for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_node.inputs); j++ ) { var prop = _node.inputs[| j]; if(!prop.is_anim) continue; if(prop.sep_axis) { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(prop.animators); i < n; i++ ) { drawDopesheetLabelAnimator(_node, prop.animators[i], msx, msy); ty = prop.animators[i].dopesheet_y - 1; } } else { drawDopesheetLabelAnimator(_node, prop.animator, msx, msy); ty = prop.animator.dopesheet_y - 1; } } //end prop loop if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, 0, _node_y_start, lable_w, ty)) hovering = _node; } //end node loop if(hovering == noone && _node != noone) hovering = _node; if(hovering != noone && node_ordering != noone) { hoverIndex = hovering.anim_priority; rearrange_priority(node_ordering, hoverIndex); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) node_ordering = noone; } surface_reset_target(); } #endregion function drawDopesheet() { #region var bar_x = tool_width + ui(16); var bar_y = h - timeline_h - ui(10); var bar_w = timeline_w; var bar_h = timeline_h; var bar_total_w = PROJECT.animator.frames_total * ui(timeline_scale); if(!is_surface(dope_sheet_surface) || !surface_exists(dope_sheet_surface)) dope_sheet_surface = surface_create_valid(dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h); if(!is_surface(ds_name_surface) || !surface_exists(ds_name_surface)) ds_name_surface = surface_create_valid(dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h); #region scroll dope_sheet_y = lerp_float(dope_sheet_y, dope_sheet_y_to, 4); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, ui(8), ui(8), bar_x, ui(8) + dope_sheet_h)) { if(mouse_wheel_down()) dope_sheet_y_to = clamp(dope_sheet_y_to - ui(32) * SCROLL_SPEED, -dope_sheet_y_max, 0); if(mouse_wheel_up()) dope_sheet_y_to = clamp(dope_sheet_y_to + ui(32) * SCROLL_SPEED, -dope_sheet_y_max, 0); } var scr_x = bar_x + dope_sheet_w + ui(4); var scr_y = ui(8); var scr_s = dope_sheet_h; var scr_prog = -dope_sheet_y / dope_sheet_y_max; var scr_size = dope_sheet_h / (dope_sheet_h + dope_sheet_y_max); var scr_scale_s = scr_s * scr_size; var scr_prog_s = scr_prog * (scr_s - scr_scale_s); var scr_w = ui(sprite_get_width(THEME.ui_scrollbar)); var scr_h = scr_s; var s_bar_w = ui(sprite_get_width(THEME.ui_scrollbar)); var s_bar_h = scr_scale_s; var s_bar_x = scr_x; var s_bar_y = scr_y + scr_prog_s; if(is_scrolling) { if(scr_s - scr_scale_s != 0) dope_sheet_y_to = clamp((my - scr_y - scr_scale_s / 2) / (scr_s - scr_scale_s), 0, 1) * -dope_sheet_y_max; if(mouse_release(mb_left)) is_scrolling = false; } if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, scr_x - ui(2), scr_y - ui(2), scr_x + scr_w + ui(2), scr_y + scr_h + ui(2))) { draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_scrollbar, 0, s_bar_x, s_bar_y, s_bar_w, s_bar_h, COLORS.scrollbar_hover, 1); if(mouse_click(mb_left, pFOCUS)) is_scrolling = true; } else { draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_scrollbar, 0, s_bar_x, s_bar_y, s_bar_w, s_bar_h, COLORS.scrollbar_idle, 1); } #endregion surface_set_target(dope_sheet_surface); draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 0); var msx = mx - bar_x; var msy = my - ui(8); #region bg \\\\ set X, Y for Node and Prop var bar_show_w = timeline_shift + bar_total_w; var _bg_w = min(bar_total_w + PANEL_PAD, bar_w); draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 2, 0, 0, _bg_w, dope_sheet_h, COLORS.panel_animation_timeline_blend, 1); dope_sheet_y_max = 0; var key_y = ui(32) + dope_sheet_y; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) { var _node = anim_properties[| i]; _node.dopesheet_y = key_y; if(!show_node_outside_context && _node.group != PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) continue; key_y += dope_sheet_node_padding; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_label_bg, 0, 0, key_y - ui(10), bar_show_w, ui(20), COLORS.panel_animation_node_bg, 1); key_y += ui(22); dope_sheet_y_max += ui(28); if(!_node.anim_show) continue; for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_node.inputs); j++ ) { var prop = _node.inputs[| j]; if(!prop.is_anim) continue; if(prop.sep_axis) { for( var k = 0; k < array_length(prop.animators); k++ ) { prop.animators[k].dopesheet_y = key_y; if(prop == value_focusing) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.menu_button_mask, 0, 0, key_y - ui(8), bar_show_w, ui(16), COLORS.panel_animation_graph_select, 1); else if(prop == value_hovering) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.menu_button_mask, 0, 0, key_y - ui(6), bar_show_w, ui(12), COLORS.panel_animation_graph_bg, 1); key_y += ui(18); dope_sheet_y_max += ui(18); } } else { prop.animator.dopesheet_y = key_y; if(prop == value_focusing) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.menu_button_mask, 0, 0, key_y - ui(8), bar_show_w, ui(16),COLORS.panel_animation_graph_select, 1); else if(prop == value_hovering) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.menu_button_mask, 0, 0, key_y - ui(6), bar_show_w, ui(12), COLORS.panel_animation_graph_bg, 1); key_y += ui(18); dope_sheet_y_max += ui(18); } if(prop.show_graph) { draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.menu_button_mask, 0, 0, key_y - ui(4), bar_show_w, prop.graph_h, COLORS.panel_animation_graph_bg, 1); key_y += prop.graph_h + ui(8); dope_sheet_y_max += prop.graph_h + ui(8); } } } dope_sheet_y_max = max(0, dope_sheet_y_max - dope_sheet_h + ui(48)); for(var i = timeline_sep_line; i <= PROJECT.animator.frames_total; i += timeline_sep_line) { var bar_line_x = i * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_animation_frame_divider); draw_set_alpha(i % timeline_separate == 0? 1 : 0.1); draw_line(bar_line_x, ui(16), bar_line_x, dope_sheet_h - PANEL_PAD); } draw_set_alpha(1); #endregion #region stretch var stx = timeline_shift + bar_total_w + ui(16); var sty = ui(10); if(timeline_stretch == 1) { var len = round((mx - bar_x - timeline_shift) / ui(timeline_scale)) - 2; len = max(1, len); TOOLTIP = __txtx("panel_animation_length", "Animation length") + " " + string(len); PROJECT.animator.frames_total = len; if(mouse_release(mb_left)) timeline_stretch = 0; draw_sprite_ui(THEME.animation_stretch, 0, stx, sty, 1, 1, 0, COLORS._main_accent, 1); } else if(timeline_stretch == 2) { var len = round((mx - bar_x - timeline_shift) / ui(timeline_scale)) - 2; len = max(1, len); TOOLTIP = __txtx("panel_animation_length", "Animation length") + " " + string(len); var _len = PROJECT.animator.frames_total; PROJECT.animator.frames_total = len; if(_len != len) { var key = ds_map_find_first(PROJECT.nodeMap); repeat(ds_map_size(PROJECT.nodeMap)) { var _node = PROJECT.nodeMap[? key]; key = ds_map_find_next(PROJECT.nodeMap, key); if(!_node || !_node.active) continue; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_node.inputs); i++) { var in = _node.inputs[| i]; if(!in.is_anim) continue; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(in.animator.values); j++) { var t = in.animator.values[| j]; t.time = t.ratio * (len - 1); } for( var k = 0; k < array_length(in.animators); k++ ) for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(in.animators[k].values); j++) { var t = in.animators[k].values[| j]; t.time = t.ratio * (len - 1); } } } } if(mouse_release(mb_left)) timeline_stretch = 0; draw_sprite_ui(THEME.animation_stretch, 1, stx, sty, 1, 1, 0, COLORS._main_accent, 1); } else { if(pHOVER && point_in_circle(msx, msy, stx, sty, sty)) { if(key_mod_press(CTRL)) { draw_sprite_ui(THEME.animation_stretch, 1, stx, sty, 1, 1, 0, COLORS._main_icon, 1); TOOLTIP = __txtx("panel_animation_stretch", "Stretch animation"); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { timeline_stretch = 2; timeline_stretch_mx = msx; timeline_stretch_sx = PROJECT.animator.frames_total; } } else { draw_sprite_ui(THEME.animation_stretch, 0, stx, sty, 1, 1, 0, COLORS._main_icon, 1); TOOLTIP = __txtx("panel_animation_adjust_length", "Adjust animation length"); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { timeline_stretch = 1; timeline_stretch_mx = msx; timeline_stretch_sx = PROJECT.animator.frames_total; } } } else draw_sprite_ui(THEME.animation_stretch, 0, stx, sty, 1, 1, 0, COLORS._main_icon, 0.5); } #endregion draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_top); #region drag key if(keyframe_dragging) { if(keyframe_drag_type == KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.move) { var tt = round((mx - bar_x - timeline_shift) / ui(timeline_scale)) - 1; tt = max(tt, 0); var sh = tt - keyframe_dragging.time; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; var kt = k.time + sh; k.anim.setKeyTime(k, kt, false); } timeline_show_time = floor(tt); if(mouse_release(mb_left) || mouse_press(mb_left)) { keyframe_dragging = noone; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.anim.setKeyTime(k, k.time); } } } else { var dx = abs((keyframe_dragging.time + 1) - (mx - bar_x - timeline_shift) / ui(timeline_scale)) / 2; dx = clamp(dx, 0, 1); if(dx > 0.2) keyframe_dragout = true; var dy = -(my - keyframe_drag_my) / 32; var _in = keyframe_dragging.ease_in; var _ot = keyframe_dragging.ease_out; switch(keyframe_drag_type) { case KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_in : for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_in_type = keyframe_dragout? CURVE_TYPE.bezier : CURVE_TYPE.linear; k.ease_in[0] = dx; if(!k.ease_y_lock) k.ease_in[1] = dy; } break; case KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_out : for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_out_type = keyframe_dragout? CURVE_TYPE.bezier : CURVE_TYPE.linear; k.ease_out[0] = dx; if(!k.ease_y_lock) k.ease_out[1] = dy; } break; case KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.ease_both : for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var k = keyframe_selecting[i]; k.ease_in_type = keyframe_dragout? CURVE_TYPE.bezier : CURVE_TYPE.linear; k.ease_out_type = keyframe_dragout? CURVE_TYPE.bezier : CURVE_TYPE.linear; k.ease_in[0] = dx; if(!k.ease_y_lock) k.ease_in[1] = dy; k.ease_out[0] = dx; if(!k.ease_y_lock) k.ease_out[1] = dy; } break; } if(mouse_release(mb_left)) { recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, keyframe_dragging, [_in, "ease_in"]); recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, keyframe_dragging, [_ot, "ease_out"]); keyframe_dragging = noone; } } } #endregion #region drag dopesheet //if(dopesheet_dragging != noone) { // var dx = floor((msx - dopesheet_drag_mx) / timeline_scale); // if(abs(dx) >= 1) { // switch(dopesheet_dragging[1]) { // case 0 : //move both // break; // case 1 : //move start // break; // case 2 : //move end // break; // } // dopesheet_drag_mx = msx; // } // if(mouse_release(mb_left)) // dopesheet_dragging = noone; //} #endregion #region on end dragging if(on_end_dragging_anim != noone) { if(mouse_release(mb_left)) on_end_dragging_anim = false; } #endregion #region draw graph, easing line var key_hover = noone; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) { var _node = anim_properties[| i]; if(!show_node_outside_context && _node.group != PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) continue; if(_node.active_index > -1) { var active_inp = _node.inputs[| _node.active_index]; var node_y = _node.dopesheet_y + ui(2); var ot = 0, ov = true; var x0 = 0, x1 = 0; for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(active_inp.animator.values); j++ ) { var k = active_inp.animator.values[| j]; var t = k.time; var v = k.value; if(t > ot && ov) { x0 = (ot + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; x1 = ( t + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var aa = 0.25; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.timeline_dopesheet_bg, 0, x0, node_y - ui(4), x1 - x0, ui(8), _node.dopesheet_color, aa); } ot = t; ov = v; } t = PROJECT.animator.frames_total - 1; if(t > ot && ov) { x0 = (ot + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; x1 = ( t + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var aa = 0.25; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.timeline_dopesheet_bg, 0, x0, node_y - ui(4), x1 - x0, ui(8), _node.dopesheet_color, aa); } } if(!_node.anim_show) continue; for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_node.inputs); j++ ) { var prop = _node.inputs[| j]; if(!prop.is_anim) continue; var _dy = prop.animator.dopesheet_y; if(prop.sep_axis) { for( var k = 0; k < array_length(prop.animators); k++ ) { var key = drawDopesheetAnimatorKeysBG(prop.animators[k], msx, msy); _dy = prop.animators[k].dopesheet_y; if(key != noone) key_hover = key; } } else { var key = drawDopesheetAnimatorKeysBG(prop.animator, msx, msy); if(key != noone) key_hover = key; } if(isGraphable(prop) && prop.show_graph) drawDopesheetGraph(prop, _dy, msx, msy); } } #endregion if(keyframe_boxing) { draw_sprite_stretched_points(THEME.ui_selection, 0, keyframe_box_sx, keyframe_box_sy, msx, msy); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) keyframe_boxing = false; } #region draw keys for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(anim_properties); i++ ) { var _node = anim_properties[| i]; if(!show_node_outside_context && _node.group != PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) continue; for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_node.inputs); j++ ) { var prop = _node.inputs[| j]; if(!prop.is_anim) continue; if(prop.sep_axis) { for( var k = 0; k < array_length(prop.animators); k++ ) { var key = drawDopesheetAnimatorKeys(_node, prop.animators[k], msx, msy); if(key != noone) key_hover = key; } } else { var key = drawDopesheetAnimatorKeys(_node, prop.animator, msx, msy); if(key != noone) key_hover = key; } } } #endregion if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(msx, msy, 0, ui(18), dope_sheet_w, dope_sheet_h)) { if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS) || mouse_press(mb_right, pFOCUS)) { if(key_hover == noone) { keyframe_selecting = []; } else { if(key_mod_press(SHIFT)) { if(array_exists(keyframe_selecting, key_hover)) array_remove(keyframe_selecting, key_hover); else array_push(keyframe_selecting, key_hover) } else { if(!array_exists(keyframe_selecting, key_hover)) keyframe_selecting = [ key_hover ]; } } } if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { if(stagger_mode == 1) { if(key_hover == noone || !array_exists(keyframe_selecting, key_hover)) stagger_mode = 0; else { arrangeKeys(); stagger_index = array_find(keyframe_selecting, key_hover); stagger_mode = 2; } } else if(stagger_mode == 2) { stagger_mode = 0; } else if(key_hover == noone && keyframe_boxable) { keyframe_boxing = true; keyframe_box_sx = msx; keyframe_box_sy = msy; } } keyframe_boxable = true; } if(mouse_press(mb_right, pFOCUS)) { if(array_empty(keyframe_selecting)) menuCall("animation_keyframe_empty_menu",,, keyframe_menu_empty); else menuCall("animation_keyframe_menu",,, keyframe_menu,, keyframe_selecting); } if(stagger_mode == 2) { var ts = keyframe_selecting[stagger_index].time; var tm = round((mx - bar_x - timeline_shift) / ui(timeline_scale)) - 1; tm = max(tm, 0); var stg = tm - ts; staggerKeys(stagger_index, stg); } #region overlay var ww = min(bar_show_w, bar_w - PANEL_PAD); var hh = ui(20); draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_animation_timeline_top); draw_rectangle(PANEL_PAD, PANEL_PAD, ww - 1, hh, false); for(var i = timeline_separate; i <= PROJECT.animator.frames_total; i += timeline_separate) { var bar_line_x = i * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_right, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_sub); draw_text_add(bar_line_x - ui(2), PANEL_PAD, string(i)); } if(PROJECT.onion_skin.enabled) { //ONION SKIN var rang = PROJECT.onion_skin.range; var colr = PROJECT.onion_skin.color; var fr = PROJECT.animator.current_frame + 1; var tx = fr * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var sx = (fr + rang[0]) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var ex = (fr + rang[1]) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var y0 = PANEL_PAD; var y1 = hh; var yc = (y0 + y1) / 2; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.timeline_onion_skin, 0, sx, y0, tx - sx, y1 - y0, colr[0], 1); draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.timeline_onion_skin, 1, tx, y0, ex - tx, y1 - y0, colr[1], 1); var _sx = (fr + rang[0]) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift - ui(8); var _ex = (fr + rang[1]) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift + ui(8); if(point_in_circle(msx, msy, _sx, yc, ui(8))) { draw_sprite_ext(THEME.arrow, 2, _sx, yc, 1, 1, 0, colr[0], 1); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) onion_dragging = 0; timeline_draggable = false; } else draw_sprite_ext(THEME.arrow, 2, _sx, yc, 1, 1, 0, colr[0], 0.5); if(point_in_circle(msx, msy, _ex, yc, ui(8))) { draw_sprite_ext(THEME.arrow, 0, _ex, yc, 1, 1, 0, colr[1], 1); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) onion_dragging = 1; timeline_draggable = false; } else draw_sprite_ext(THEME.arrow, 0, _ex, yc, 1, 1, 0, colr[1], 0.5); if(onion_dragging != noone) { if(onion_dragging == 0) { var mf = round((msx - timeline_shift + ui(8)) / ui(timeline_scale)) - fr; mf = min(mf, 0); if(PROJECT.onion_skin.range[0] != mf) { PROJECT.onion_skin.range[0] = mf; } } else if(onion_dragging == 1) { var mf = round((msx - timeline_shift - ui(8)) / ui(timeline_scale)) - fr; mf = max(mf, 0); if(PROJECT.onion_skin.range[1] != mf) { PROJECT.onion_skin.range[1] = mf; } } if(mouse_release(mb_left)) onion_dragging = noone; } } var bar_line_x = (PROJECT.animator.current_frame + 1) * ui(timeline_scale) + timeline_shift; var cc = PROJECT.animator.is_playing? COLORS._main_value_positive : COLORS._main_accent; draw_set_color(cc); draw_set_font(f_p2); draw_line(bar_line_x, PANEL_PAD, bar_line_x, dope_sheet_h); var cf = string(PROJECT.animator.current_frame + 1); var tx = string_width(cf) + ui(4); draw_rectangle(bar_line_x - tx, PANEL_PAD, bar_line_x, hh, false); draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_right, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_on_accent); draw_text_add(bar_line_x - ui(2), PANEL_PAD, cf); #endregion gpu_set_blendmode(bm_subtract); draw_surface_safe(dope_sheet_mask, 0, 0); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_normal); surface_reset_target(); drawDopesheetLabel(); draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, ui(8), ui(8), tool_width, dope_sheet_h); draw_surface_safe(ds_name_surface, ui(8), ui(8)); draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, bar_x, ui(8), bar_w, dope_sheet_h); //base BG draw_surface_safe(dope_sheet_surface, bar_x, ui(8)); draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg_cover, 1, bar_x, ui(8), bar_w, dope_sheet_h); } #endregion function drawAnimationControl() { #region var bx = ui(8); var by = h - ui(40); var mini = w < ui(348); if(mini) by = h - ui(40); var amo = array_length(control_buttons); var col = floor((w - ui(8)) / ui(36)); var row = ceil(amo / col); if(col < 1) return; for( var i = 0; i < row; i++ ) { var colAmo = min(amo - i * col, col); if(mini) bx = w / 2 - ui(36) * colAmo / 2; for( var j = 0; j < colAmo; j++ ) { var ind = i * col + j; if(ind >= amo) return; var but = control_buttons[ind]; var txt = but[0](); var ind = but[1](); var cc = but[2](); var fnc = but[3]; if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, txt, THEME.sequence_control, ind, cc) == 2) fnc(); bx += ui(36); } by -= ui(36); } if(mini) { var y0 = ui(8); var y1 = by + ui(36) - ui(8); var cy = (y0 + y1) / 2; if(y1 - y0 < 12) return; draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, ui(8), y0, w - ui(16), y1 - y0); var pw = w - ui(16); var px = ui(8) + pw * (PROJECT.animator.current_frame / PROJECT.animator.frames_total); draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); draw_line(px, y0, px, y1); if(point_in_rectangle(mx, my, ui(8), y0, w - ui(16), y1)) { if(mouse_click(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { var rfrm = (mx - ui(8)) / (w - ui(16)) * PROJECT.animator.frames_total; PROJECT.animator.setFrame(clamp(rfrm, 0, PROJECT.animator.frames_total - 1)); } } var txt = string(PROJECT.animator.current_frame + 1) + "/" + string(PROJECT.animator.frames_total); if(y1 - y0 < ui(40)) { draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub); draw_text_add(ui(16), cy, __txt("Frame")); draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_right, fa_center, PROJECT.animator.is_playing? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS._main_text_sub); draw_text_add(w - ui(16), cy, txt); } else { draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_center, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_sub); draw_text_add(w / 2, cy - ui(12), __txt("Frame")); draw_set_text(f_h5, fa_center, fa_center, PROJECT.animator.is_playing? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS._main_text_sub); draw_text_add(w / 2, cy + ui(6), txt); } return; } by += ui(36); bx = w - ui(44); if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, __txtx("panel_animation_animation_settings", "Animation settings"), THEME.animation_setting, 2) == 2) dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Animation_Setting(), x + bx + ui(32), y + by - ui(8), { anchor: ANCHOR.right | ANCHOR.bottom }); by -= ui(40); if(by < 8) return; if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, __txtx("panel_animation_scale_animation", "Scale animation"), THEME.animation_timing, 2) == 2) dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Animation_Scaler(), x + bx + ui(32), y + by - ui(8), { anchor: ANCHOR.right | ANCHOR.bottom }); if(by < ui(28)) return; by = ui(8); var txt = show_node_outside_context? __txtx("panel_animation_hide_node", "Hide node outside context") : __txtx("panel_animation_show_node", "Show node outside context"); if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(24), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, txt, THEME.junc_visible, show_node_outside_context) == 2) show_node_outside_context = !show_node_outside_context; by += ui(28); var txt = ""; switch(node_name_type) { case 0 : txt = __txtx("panel_animation_name_full", "Show full name"); break; case 1 : txt = __txtx("panel_animation_name_type", "Show node type"); break; case 2 : txt = __txtx("panel_animation_name_only", "Show node name"); break; } if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(24), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, txt, THEME.node_name_type, node_name_type) == 2) node_name_type = (node_name_type + 1) % 3; by += ui(28); txt = __txtx("panel_animation_keyframe_override", "Override Keyframe"); if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(24), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, txt, THEME.keyframe_override, global.FLAG.keyframe_override) == 2) global.FLAG.keyframe_override = !global.FLAG.keyframe_override; by += ui(28); txt = __txt("Onion skin"); if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(24), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, txt, THEME.onion_skin,, PROJECT.onion_skin.enabled? c_white : COLORS._main_icon) == 2) PROJECT.onion_skin.enabled = !PROJECT.onion_skin.enabled; } #endregion function drawContent(panel) { #region draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 0); if(!PROJECT.active) return; if(tool_width_drag) { CURSOR = cr_size_we; tool_width = tool_width_start + (mx - tool_width_mx); tool_width = clamp(tool_width, ui(224), w - ui(128)); onResize(); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) tool_width_drag = false; } if(w >= ui(348)) { drawTimeline(); if(dope_sheet_h > 8) { drawDopesheet(); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, tool_width + ui(10), ui(8), tool_width + ui(12), ui(8) + dope_sheet_h)) { CURSOR = cr_size_we; if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { tool_width_drag = true; tool_width_start = tool_width; tool_width_mx = mx; } } } } drawAnimationControl(); if(timeline_show_time > -1) { TOOLTIP = __txt("Frame") + " " + string(timeline_show_time + 1) + "/" + string(PROJECT.animator.frames_total); timeline_show_time = -1; } } #endregion function doDuplicate() { #region if(array_empty(keyframe_selecting)) return; var clones = []; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) { var cl = keyframe_selecting[i].cloneAnimator(,, false); if(cl == noone) continue; array_append(clones, cl); } keyframe_selecting = clones; keyframe_dragging = keyframe_selecting[0]; keyframe_drag_type = KEYFRAME_DRAG_TYPE.move; keyframe_drag_mx = mx; keyframe_drag_my = my; } #endregion function doCopy() { #region ds_list_clear(copy_clipboard); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(keyframe_selecting); i < n; i++ ) ds_list_add(copy_clipboard, keyframe_selecting[i]); } #endregion function doPaste(val = noone) { #region if(ds_list_empty(copy_clipboard)) return; var shf = 0; var minx = PROJECT.animator.frames_total + 2; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(copy_clipboard); i++ ) minx = min(minx, copy_clipboard[| i].time); shf = PROJECT.animator.current_frame - minx; var multiVal = false; var _val = noone; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(copy_clipboard); i++ ) { if(_val != noone && _val != copy_clipboard[| i].anim) { multiVal = true; break; } _val = copy_clipboard[| i].anim; } if(multiVal && val != noone) { var nodeTo = val.node; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(copy_clipboard); i++ ) { var propFrom = copy_clipboard[| i].anim.prop; var propTo = noone; for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(nodeTo.inputs); j++ ) { if(nodeTo.inputs[| j].name == propFrom.name) { propTo = nodeTo.inputs[| j].animator; copy_clipboard[| i].cloneAnimator(shf, propTo); break; } } } } else { for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(copy_clipboard); i++ ) copy_clipboard[| i].cloneAnimator(shf, (multiVal || val == noone)? noone : val.animator); } } #endregion }