function __initTheme() { var root = DIRECTORY + "Themes"; if(!directory_exists(root)) directory_create(root); var _l = root + "/version"; if(file_exists(_l)) var res = json_load_struct(_l); json_save_struct(_l, { version: BUILD_NUMBER }); log_message("THEME", $"unzipping default theme to {root}."); zip_unzip("data/themes/", root); loadGraphic(PREFERENCES.theme); loadColor(PREFERENCES.theme); } function _sprite_path(rel, theme) { INLINE return $"{DIRECTORY}themes/{theme}/graphics/{string_replace_all(rel, "./", "")}"; } function _sprite_load_from_struct(str, theme, key) { INLINE var path = _sprite_path(str.path, theme); var s = sprite_add(path, str.subimages, false, true, str.xorigin, str.yorigin); if(str.slice) { var slice = sprite_nineslice_create(); slice.enabled = str.slice.enabled; slice.left = str.slice.left; slice.right = str.slice.right; =; slice.bottom = str.slice.bottom; if(struct_has(str.slice, "tilemode")) slice.tilemode = str.slice.tilemode; if(s >= 0) sprite_set_nineslice(s, slice); else log_message("THEME", $"Load sprite {path} failed."); } return s; } function __getGraphicList() { INLINE var path = _sprite_path("./graphics.json", "default"); var s = file_read_all(path); return json_try_parse(s); } function loadGraphic(theme = "default") { var sprDef = __getGraphicList(); var _metaP = $"{DIRECTORY}Themes/{theme}/meta.json"; if(!file_exists(_metaP)) noti_warning("Loading theme made for older version."); else { var _meta = json_load_struct(_metaP); if(_meta[$ "version"] < VERSION) noti_warning("Loading theme made for older version."); } var path = _sprite_path("./graphics.json", theme); print($"Loading theme {theme}"); if(!file_exists(path)) { print("Theme not defined at " + path + ", rollback to default theme."); return; } var s = file_read_all(path); var graphics = variable_struct_get_names(sprDef); var sprStr = json_try_parse(s); var str; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(graphics); i < n; i++ ) { var key = graphics[i]; //if(struct_has(THEME, key) && sprite_exists(THEME[$ key])) // sprite_delete(THEME[$ key]); if(struct_has(sprStr, key)) { str = sprStr[$ key]; THEME[$ key] = _sprite_load_from_struct(str, theme, key); } else { noti_status($"Graphic resource for {key} not found. Rollback to default directory."); str = sprDef[$ key]; THEME[$ key] = _sprite_load_from_struct(str, "default", key); } //print($"{key}: {THEME[$ key]} [{sprite_exists(THEME[$ key])}]"); } }