function APPEND(_path) { APPENDING = true; var log = false; if(_path == "") return; var _map = json_load(_path); if(_map == -1) { printlog("Decode error"); return } if(ds_map_exists(_map, "version")) { var _v = _map[? "version"]; if(_v != SAVEFILE_VERSION) { var warn = "File version mismatch : loading file verion " + string(_v) + " to Pixel Composer " + string(SAVEFILE_VERSION); log_warning("FILE", warn) } } else { var warn = "File version mismatch : loading old format to Pixel Composer " + string(SAVEFILE_VERSION); log_warning("FILE", warn) } var _node_list = _map[? "nodes"]; var appended_list = ds_list_create(); var node_create = ds_list_create(); ds_queue_clear(CONNECTION_CONFLICT); ds_map_clear(APPEND_MAP); var t = current_time; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_node_list); i++) { var _node = nodeLoad(_node_list[| i], true); if(_node) ds_list_add(appended_list, _node); } printlog("Load time: " + string(current_time - t)); t = current_time; try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(appended_list); i++) { var _node = appended_list[| i]; _node.loadGroup(); if( == PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) ds_list_add(node_create, _node); } } catch(e) { log_warning("APPEND, node", e.longMessage); } printlog("Load group time: " + string(current_time - t)); t = current_time; try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(appended_list); i++) appended_list[| i].postDeserialize(); } catch(e) { log_warning("APPEND, deserialize", e.longMessage); } printlog("Deserialize time: " + string(current_time - t)); t = current_time; try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(appended_list); i++) appended_list[| i].preConnect(); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(appended_list); i++) appended_list[| i].connect(); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(appended_list); i++) appended_list[| i].postConnect(); } catch(e) { log_warning("APPEND, connect", e.longMessage); } printlog("Connect time: " + string(current_time - t)); t = current_time; try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(appended_list); i++) appended_list[| i].doUpdate(); } catch(e) { log_warning("APPEND, update", e.longMessage); } printlog("Update time: " + string(current_time - t)); t = current_time; ds_list_destroy(appended_list); Render(true); if(!ds_queue_empty(CONNECTION_CONFLICT)) { var pass = 0; try { while(++pass < 3 && !ds_queue_empty(CONNECTION_CONFLICT)) { var size = ds_queue_size(CONNECTION_CONFLICT); log_message("APPEND", "[Connect] " + string(size) + " Connection conflict(s) detected ( pass: " + string(pass) + " )"); repeat(size) { var junc = ds_queue_dequeue(CONNECTION_CONFLICT); var res = junc.connect(true); log_message("APPEND", "[Connect] Reconnecting " + string( + " " + (res? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED")); } Render(true); } if(!ds_queue_empty(CONNECTION_CONFLICT)) log_warning("APPEND", "Some connection(s) is unresolved. This may caused by render node not being update properly, or image path is broken."); } catch(e) { log_warning("APPEND, Conflict solver error : ", e.longMessage); } } printlog("Conflict time: " + string(current_time - t)); t = current_time; APPENDING = false; PANEL_ANIMATION.updatePropertyList(); log_message("FILE", "append file " + _path, THEME.noti_icon_file_load); ds_map_destroy(_map); return node_create; } function GetAppendID(old_id) { if(ds_map_exists(APPEND_MAP, old_id)) return APPEND_MAP[? old_id]; return -1; }