global.loop_nodes = [ "Node_Iterate", "Node_Iterate_Each" ]; function Node(_x, _y, _group = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) : __Node_Base(_x, _y) constructor { #region ---- main & active ---- active = true; renderActive = true; node_id = UUID_generate(); group = _group; manual_deletable = true; destroy_when_upgroup = false; ds_list_add(PANEL_GRAPH.getNodeList(_group), self); active_index = -1; active_range = [ 0, PROJECT.animator.frames_total - 1 ]; #endregion static resetInternalName = function() { #region var str = string_replace_all(name, " ", "_"); str = string_replace_all(str, "/", ""); str = string_replace_all(str, "-", ""); internalName = str + string(irandom_range(10000, 99999)); PROJECT.nodeNameMap[? internalName] = self; } #endregion if(!LOADING && !APPENDING) { #region recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.node_added, self); PROJECT.nodeMap[? node_id] = self; PROJECT.modified = true; //print($"Adding node {node_id} to {PROJECT.path} [{ds_map_size(PROJECT.nodeMap)}]"); run_in(1, function() { if(display_name != "") return; resetInternalName(); display_name = name; //__txt_node_name(instanceof(self), name); }); } #endregion #region ---- display ---- color = c_white; icon = noone; bg_spr = THEME.node_bg; bg_sel_spr = THEME.node_active; name = ""; display_name = ""; internalName = ""; tooltip = ""; x = _x; y = _y; w = 128; h = 128; min_h = 0; draw_padding = 4; auto_height = true; display_parameter = {}; draw_name = true; draggable = true; draw_graph_culled = false; badgePreview = 0; badgeInspect = 0; active_draw_index = -1; draw_droppable = false; junction_draw_pad_y = 32; #endregion #region ---- junctions ---- inputs = ds_list_create(); outputs = ds_list_create(); inputMap = ds_map_create(); outputMap = ds_map_create(); input_display_list = -1; output_display_list = -1; inspector_display_list = -1; is_dynamic_output = false; inspectInput1 = nodeValue("Toggle execution", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.action, false).setVisible(true, true); inspectInput2 = nodeValue("Toggle execution", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.action, false).setVisible(true, true); insp1UpdateTooltip = __txtx("panel_inspector_execute", "Execute node"); insp1UpdateIcon = [ THEME.sequence_control, 1, COLORS._main_value_positive ]; insp2UpdateTooltip = __txtx("panel_inspector_execute", "Execute node"); insp2UpdateIcon = [ THEME.sequence_control, 1, COLORS._main_value_positive ]; updateAction = nodeValue("Update", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.action, false).setVisible(true, true); is_dynamic_input = false; auto_input = false; input_display_len = 0; input_fix_len = 0; data_length = 1; #endregion #region --- attributes ---- attributes = {}; attributeEditors = []; #endregion #region ---- preview ---- show_input_name = false; show_output_name = false; inspecting = false; previewing = 0; preview_surface = noone; preview_amount = 0; previewable = true; preview_speed = 0; preview_index = 0; preview_channel = 0; preview_alpha = 1; preview_x = 0; preview_y = 0; preview_mx = 0; preview_my = 0; #endregion #region ---- rendering ---- rendered = false; update_on_frame = false; render_time = 0; auto_render_time = true; updated = false; use_cache = false; clearCacheOnChange = true; cached_output = []; cache_result = []; temp_surface = []; #endregion #region ---- timeline ---- anim_priority = ds_map_size(PROJECT.nodeMap); anim_show = true; dopesheet_color = COLORS.panel_animation_dope_blend_default; dopesheet_y = 0; #endregion #region ---- notification ---- value_validation = array_create(3); error_noti_update = noone; error_update_enabled = false; manual_updated = false; #endregion #region ---- tools ---- tools = -1; isTool = false; tool_settings = []; tool_attribute = {}; #endregion #region ---- 3d ---- is_3D = false; #endregion on_dragdrop_file = -1; static createNewInput = noone; static initTooltip = function() { #region var type_self/*:string*/ = instanceof(self); if(!struct_has(global.NODE_GUIDE, type_self)) return; var _n = global.NODE_GUIDE[$ type_self]; var _ins = _n.inputs; var _ots = _n.outputs; var amo = min(ds_list_size(inputs), array_length(_ins)); for( var i = 0; i < amo; i++ ) { inputs[| i].name = _ins[i].name; inputs[| i].tooltip = _ins[i].tooltip; } var amo = min(ds_list_size(outputs), array_length(_ots)); for( var i = 0; i < amo; i++ ) { outputs[| i].name = _ots[i].name; outputs[| i].tooltip = _ots[i].tooltip; } } #endregion run_in(1, initTooltip); static resetDefault = function() { #region var folder = instanceof(self); if(!ds_map_exists(global.PRESETS_MAP, folder)) return; var pres = global.PRESETS_MAP[? folder]; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(pres); i < n; i++ ) { var preset = pres[i]; if( != "_default") continue; deserialize(preset.content, true, true); applyDeserialize(true); } doUpdate(); } #endregion if(!APPENDING && !LOADING) run_in(1, method(self, resetDefault)); static getInputJunctionIndex = function(index) { #region if(input_display_list == -1) return index; var jun_list_arr = input_display_list[index]; if(is_array(jun_list_arr)) return noone; if(is_struct(jun_list_arr)) return noone; return jun_list_arr; } #endregion static getOutputJunctionIndex = function(index) { #region if(output_display_list == -1) return index; return output_display_list[index]; } #endregion static setHeight = function() { #region var _hi = ui(junction_draw_pad_y); var _ho = ui(junction_draw_pad_y); for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) if(inputs[| i].isVisible()) _hi += 24; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) if(outputs[| i].isVisible()) _ho += 24; h = max(min_h, (preview_surface && previewable)? 128 : 0, _hi, _ho); } #endregion onSetDisplayName = noone; static setDisplayName = function(_name) { #region display_name = _name; internalName = string_replace_all(display_name, " ", "_"); refreshNodeMap(); if(onSetDisplayName != noone) onSetDisplayName(); return self; } #endregion static setIsDynamicInput = function(_data_length = 1, _auto_input = true) { #region is_dynamic_input = true; auto_input = _auto_input; input_display_len = input_display_list == -1? 0 : array_length(input_display_list); input_fix_len = ds_list_size(inputs); data_length = _data_length; } #endregion static getOutput = function(junc = noone) { #region for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) { if(!outputs[| i].visible) continue; if(junc != noone && !junc.isConnectable(outputs[| i], true)) continue; return outputs[| i]; } return noone; } #endregion static getInput = function(junc = noone) { #region for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) { if(!inputs[| i].visible) continue; if(inputs[| i].value_from != noone) continue; if(junc != noone && !inputs[| i].isConnectable(junc, true)) continue; return inputs[| i]; } return noone; } #endregion static getFullName = function() { #region return display_name == ""? name : "[" + name + "] " + display_name; } #endregion static addInput = function(junctionFrom) { #region var targ = getInput(junctionFrom); if(targ == noone) return; targ.setFrom(junctionFrom); } #endregion static isAnimated = function() { #region for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) { if(inputs[| i].isAnimated()) return true; } return false; } #endregion static isInLoop = function() { #region return array_exists(global.loop_nodes, instanceof(group)); } #endregion static move = function(_x, _y) { #region if(x == _x && y == _y) return; x = _x; y = _y; if(!LOADING) PROJECT.modified = true; } #endregion #region ++++ inspector update ++++ static inspector1Update = function() { if(error_update_enabled && error_noti_update != noone) noti_remove(error_noti_update); error_noti_update = noone; onInspector1Update(); } static onInspector1Update = noone; static hasInspector1Update = function() { return onInspector1Update != noone; } static inspector2Update = function() { onInspector2Update(); } static onInspector2Update = noone; static hasInspector2Update = function() { return onInspector2Update != noone; } #endregion static stepBegin = function() { #region if(use_cache) cacheArrayCheck(); var willUpdate = false; if(PROJECT.animator.frame_progress) { if(update_on_frame) willUpdate = true; if(isAnimated()) willUpdate = true; if(willUpdate) { setRenderStatus(false); UPDATE |= RENDER_TYPE.partial; } } if(auto_height) setHeight(); doStepBegin(); if(hasInspector1Update()) = insp1UpdateTooltip; if(hasInspector2Update()) = insp2UpdateTooltip; } #endregion static doStepBegin = function() {} static triggerCheck = function() { _triggerCheck(); } static _triggerCheck = function() { #region for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) { if(inputs[| i].type != VALUE_TYPE.trigger) continue; if(!is_instanceof(inputs[| i].editWidget, buttonClass)) continue; var trig = inputs[| i].getValue(); if(trig) { inputs[| i].editWidget.onClick(); inputs[| i].setValue(false); } } if(hasInspector1Update()) { var trig = inspectInput1.getValue(); if(trig) { onInspector1Update(); inspectInput1.setValue(false); } } if(hasInspector2Update()) { var trig = inspectInput2.getValue(); if(trig) { onInspector2Update(); inspectInput2.setValue(false); } } } #endregion static step = function() {} static focusStep = function() {} static inspectorStep = function() {} static doUpdate = function() { #region if(SAFE_MODE) return; if(NODE_EXTRACT) return; var sBase = surface_get_target(); LOG_BLOCK_START(); LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render, $">>>>>>>>>> DoUpdate called from {internalName} <<<<<<<<<<"); try { var t = get_timer(); if(!is_instanceof(self, Node_Collection)) setRenderStatus(true); update(); ///UPDATE if(!is_instanceof(self, Node_Collection)) render_time = get_timer() - t; } catch(exception) { var sCurr = surface_get_target(); while(surface_get_target() != sBase) surface_reset_target(); log_warning("RENDER", exception_print(exception), self); } if(!use_cache && PROJECT.onion_skin) { for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) { if(outputs[| i].type != VALUE_TYPE.surface) continue; cacheCurrentFrame(outputs[| i].getValue()); break; } } if(hasInspector1Update()) { var trigger = inspectInput1.getValue(); if(trigger) onInspector1Update(); } if(hasInspector2Update()) { var trigger = inspectInput2.getValue(); if(trigger) onInspector2Update(); } LOG_BLOCK_END(); } #endregion static valueUpdate = function(index) { #region if(error_update_enabled && error_noti_update == noone) error_noti_update = noti_error(getFullName() + " node require manual execution.",, self); onValueUpdate(index); } #endregion static onValueUpdate = function(index = 0) {} static onValueFromUpdate = function(index) {} static triggerRender = function() { #region LOG_BLOCK_START(); LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render, $"Trigger render for {internalName}"); setRenderStatus(false); UPDATE |= RENDER_TYPE.partial; if(is_instanceof(group, Node_Collection) && group.reset_all_child) { group.resetRender(); } else { resetRender(); var nodes = getNextNodesRaw(); for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes); i++) nodes[i].triggerRender(); } LOG_BLOCK_END(); } #endregion static resetRender = function() { setRenderStatus(false); } static isRenderActive = function() { return renderActive || (PREF_MAP[? "render_all_export"] && PROJECT.animator.rendering); } static isRenderable = function(log = false) { #region //Check if every input is ready (updated) if(!active) return false; if(!isRenderActive()) return false; //if(group && struct_has(group, "iterationStatus") && group.iterationStatus() == ITERATION_STATUS.complete) return false; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(inputs); j++) { var _in = inputs[| j]; if( _in.type == VALUE_TYPE.node) continue; var val_from = _in.value_from; if( val_from == noone) continue; if(! continue; if(!val_from.node.isRenderActive()) continue; if!(val_from.node.rendered || val_from.node.update_on_frame) { LOG_LINE_IF(global.FLAG.render, $"Node {internalName} is not renderable because input {val_from.node.internalName} is not rendered ({val_from.node.rendered})"); return false; } } return true; } #endregion static getNextNodesRaw = function() { return getNextNodes(); } static getNextNodes = function() { #region var nodes = []; var nodeNames = []; LOG_BLOCK_START(); LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render, $"→→→→→ Call get next node from: {internalName}"); LOG_BLOCK_START(); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { var _ot = outputs[| i]; if(!_ot.forward) continue; var _tos = _ot.getJunctionTo(); for( var j = 0; j < array_length(_tos); j++ ) { var _to = _tos[j]; array_push(nodes, _to.node); array_push(nodeNames, _to.node.internalName); //LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render, $"→→ Check output: {} connect to node {_to.node.internalName}"); } } LOG_IF(global.FLAG.render, $"→→ Push {nodeNames} to stack."); LOG_BLOCK_END(); LOG_BLOCK_END(); return nodes; } #endregion static isTerminal = function() { #region for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) { var _to = outputs[| i].getJunctionTo(); if(array_length(_to)) return false; } return true; } #endregion static onInspect = function() {} static setRenderStatus = function(result) { #region LOG_LINE_IF(global.FLAG.render, $"Set render status for {internalName} : {result}"); rendered = result; } #endregion static pointIn = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) { #region var xx = x * _s + _x; var yy = y * _s + _y; return point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, xx, yy, xx + w * _s, yy + h * _s); } #endregion static cullCheck = function(_x, _y, _s, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) { #region var x0 = x * _s + _x; var y0 = y * _s + _y; var x1 = (x + w) * _s + _x; var y1 = (y + h) * _s + _y; draw_graph_culled = !rectangle_in_rectangle(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, x0, y0, x1, y1); } #endregion static preDraw = function(_x, _y, _s) { #region var xx = x * _s + _x; var yy = y * _s + _y; var jun; var inspCount = hasInspector1Update() + hasInspector2Update(); var ind = 1; if(hasInspector1Update()) { inspectInput1.x = xx + w * _s * ind / (inspCount + 1); inspectInput1.y = yy; ind++; } if(hasInspector2Update()) { inspectInput2.x = xx + w * _s * ind / (inspCount + 1); inspectInput2.y = yy; ind++; } var inamo = input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(inputs) : array_length(input_display_list); var _in = yy + ui(junction_draw_pad_y) * _s; for(var i = 0; i < inamo; i++) { var idx = getInputJunctionIndex(i); if(idx == noone) continue; jun = ds_list_get(inputs, idx, noone); if(jun == noone || is_undefined(jun)) continue; jun.x = xx; jun.y = _in; _in += 24 * _s * jun.isVisible(); } var outamo = output_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(outputs) : array_length(output_display_list); xx = xx + w * _s; _in = yy + ui(junction_draw_pad_y) * _s; for(var i = 0; i < outamo; i++) { var idx = getOutputJunctionIndex(i); jun = outputs[| idx]; jun.x = xx; jun.y = _in; _in += 24 * _s * jun.isVisible(); } } #endregion static drawNodeBase = function(xx, yy, _s) { #region if(draw_graph_culled) return; if(!active) return; var aa = 0.25 + 0.5 * renderActive; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(bg_spr, 0, xx, yy, w * _s, h * _s, color, aa); } #endregion static drawGetBbox = function(xx, yy, _s) { #region var pad_label = draw_name && display_parameter.avoid_label; var _w = w; var _h = h; _w *= display_parameter.preview_scale / 100 * _s; _h *= display_parameter.preview_scale / 100 * _s; _w -= draw_padding * 2; _h -= draw_padding * 2 + 20 * pad_label; var _xc = xx + w * _s / 2; var _yc = yy + (h * _s + 20 * pad_label) / 2; var x0 = _xc - _w / 2; var x1 = _xc + _w / 2; var y0 = _yc - _h / 2; var y1 = _yc + _h / 2; return BBOX().fromPoints(x0, y0, x1, y1); } #endregion static drawNodeName = function(xx, yy, _s) { #region if(draw_graph_culled) return; if(!active) return; draw_name = false; var _name = display_name == ""? name : display_name; if(_name == "") return; if(_s < 0.75) return; draw_name = true; var aa = 0.25 + 0.5 * renderActive; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg_name, 0, xx, yy, w * _s, ui(20), color, aa); var cc = COLORS._main_text; if(PREF_MAP[? "node_show_render_status"] && !rendered) cc = isRenderable()? COLORS._main_value_positive : COLORS._main_value_negative; draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_center, cc); if(hasInspector1Update()) icon = THEME.refresh_s; var ts = clamp(power(_s, 0.5), 0.5, 1); var aa = 0.5 + 0.5 * renderActive; draw_set_alpha(aa); if(icon && _s > 0.75) { draw_sprite_ui_uniform(icon, 0, xx + ui(12), yy + ui(10),,, aa); draw_text_cut(xx + ui(24), yy + ui(10), _name, w * _s - ui(24), ts); } else draw_text_cut(xx + ui(8), yy + ui(10), _name, w * _s - ui(8), ts); draw_set_alpha(1); } #endregion static drawJunctions = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) { #region if(!active) return; var hover = noone; var amo = input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(inputs) : array_length(input_display_list); var jun; for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { var ind = getInputJunctionIndex(i); if(ind == noone) continue; jun = ds_list_get(inputs, ind, noone); if(jun == noone || is_undefined(jun)) continue; if(jun.drawJunction(_s, _mx, _my)) hover = jun; } for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { jun = outputs[| i]; if(jun.drawJunction(_s, _mx, _my)) hover = jun; } if(hasInspector1Update() && inspectInput1.drawJunction(_s, _mx, _my)) hover = inspectInput1; if(hasInspector2Update() && inspectInput2.drawJunction(_s, _mx, _my)) hover = inspectInput2; return hover; } #endregion static drawJunctionNames = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) { #region if(draw_graph_culled) return; if(!active) return; var amo = input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(inputs) : array_length(input_display_list); var jun; var xx = x * _s + _x; var yy = y * _s + _y; show_input_name = PANEL_GRAPH.pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, xx - 8 * _s, yy + 20 * _s, xx + 8 * _s, yy + h * _s); show_output_name = PANEL_GRAPH.pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, xx + (w - 8) * _s, yy + 20 * _s, xx + (w + 8) * _s, yy + h * _s); if(show_input_name) { for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { var ind = getInputJunctionIndex(i); if(ind == noone) continue; if(!inputs[| ind]) continue; inputs[| ind].drawNameBG(_s); } for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { var ind = getInputJunctionIndex(i); if(ind == noone) continue; if(!inputs[| ind]) continue; inputs[| ind].drawName(_s, _mx, _my); } } if(show_output_name) { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) outputs[| i].drawNameBG(_s); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) outputs[| i].drawName(_s, _mx, _my); } if(hasInspector1Update() && PANEL_GRAPH.pHOVER && point_in_circle(_mx, _my, inspectInput1.x, inspectInput1.y, 10)) { inspectInput1.drawNameBG(_s); inspectInput1.drawName(_s, _mx, _my); } if(hasInspector2Update() && PANEL_GRAPH.pHOVER && point_in_circle(_mx, _my, inspectInput2.x, inspectInput2.y, 10)) { inspectInput2.drawNameBG(_s); inspectInput2.drawName(_s, _mx, _my); } } #endregion static drawConnections = function(params = {}) { #region if(!active) return; var hovering = noone; var drawLineIndex = 1; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { var jun = outputs[| i]; var connected = false; for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.value_to); j++ ) { if(jun.value_to[| j].value_from == jun) connected = true; } if(connected) { jun.drawLineIndex = drawLineIndex; drawLineIndex += 0.5; } } var st = 0; if(hasInspector1Update()) st = -1; if(hasInspector2Update()) st = -2; var _inputs = []; var drawLineIndex = 1; for(var i = st; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) { var jun; if(i == -1) jun = inspectInput1; else if(i == -2) jun = inspectInput2; else jun = inputs[| i]; if(jun.value_from == noone) continue; if(! continue; if(!jun.isVisible()) continue; if(i >= 0) array_push(_inputs, jun); } var len = array_length(_inputs); for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) _inputs[i].drawLineIndex = 1 + (i > len / 2? (len - 1 - i) : i) * 0.5; for(var i = st; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) { var jun; if(i == -1) jun = inspectInput1; else if(i == -2) jun = inspectInput2; else jun = inputs[| i]; var hov = jun.drawConnections(params); if(hov) hovering = hov; } return hovering; } #endregion static getGraphPreviewSurface = function() { #region var _node = outputs[| preview_channel]; switch(_node.type) { case VALUE_TYPE.surface : case VALUE_TYPE.dynaSurface : return _node.getValue(); } return noone; } #endregion static drawPreview = function(xx, yy, _s) { #region if(draw_graph_culled) return; if(!active) return; var surf = getGraphPreviewSurface(); if(surf == noone) return; preview_amount = 0; if(is_array(surf)) { if(array_length(surf) == 0) return; preview_amount = array_length(surf); if(preview_speed != 0) { preview_index += preview_speed; if(preview_index <= 0) preview_index = array_length(surf) - 1; } if(floor(preview_index) > array_length(surf) - 1) preview_index = 0; surf = surf[preview_index]; } preview_surface = is_surface(surf)? surf : noone; if(preview_surface == noone) return; var bbox = drawGetBbox(xx, yy, _s); var aa = 0.5 + 0.5 * renderActive; draw_surface_bbox(preview_surface, bbox, c_white, aa); } #endregion static getNodeDimension = function(showFormat = true) { #region if(!is_surface(preview_surface)) { if(ds_list_size(outputs)) return "[" + array_shape(outputs[| 0].getValue()) + "]"; return ""; } var pw = surface_get_width_safe(preview_surface); var ph = surface_get_height_safe(preview_surface); var format = surface_get_format(preview_surface); var txt = "[" + string(pw) + " x " + string(ph) + " "; if(preview_amount) txt = string(preview_amount) + " x " + txt; switch(format) { case surface_rgba4unorm : txt += showFormat? "4RGBA" : "4R"; break; case surface_rgba8unorm : txt += showFormat? "8RGBA" : "8R"; break; case surface_rgba16float : txt += showFormat? "16RGBA" : "16R"; break; case surface_rgba32float : txt += showFormat? "32RGBA" : "32R"; break; case surface_r8unorm : txt += showFormat? "8BW" : "8B"; break; case surface_r16float : txt += showFormat? "16BW" : "16B"; break; case surface_r32float : txt += showFormat? "32BW" : "32B"; break; } txt += "]"; return txt; } #endregion static drawDimension = function(xx, yy, _s) { #region if(draw_graph_culled) return; if(!active) return; if(_s * w < 64) return; draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_top, COLORS.panel_graph_node_dimension); var tx = xx + w * _s / 2; var ty = yy + (h + 4) * _s - 2; if(display_parameter.show_dimension) { var txt = string(getNodeDimension(_s > 0.65)); draw_text(round(tx), round(ty), txt); ty += string_height(txt) - 2; } draw_set_font(f_p3); if(display_parameter.show_compute) { var rt, unit; if(render_time < 1000) { rt = round(render_time / 10) * 10; unit = "us"; draw_set_color(COLORS.speed[2]); } else if(render_time < 1000000) { rt = string_format(render_time / 1000, -1, 2); unit = "ms"; draw_set_color(COLORS.speed[1]); } else { rt = string_format(render_time / 1000000, -1, 2); unit = "s"; draw_set_color(COLORS.speed[0]); } draw_text(round(tx), round(ty), string(rt) + " " + unit); } } #endregion static drawNode = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s, display_parameter) { #region if(draw_graph_culled) return; if(!active) return; self.display_parameter = display_parameter; var xx = x * _s + _x; var yy = y * _s + _y; preview_mx = _mx; preview_my = _my; if(value_validation[VALIDATION.error] || error_noti_update != noone) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_glow, 0, xx - 9, yy - 9, w * _s + 18, h * _s + 18, COLORS._main_value_negative, 1); drawNodeBase(xx, yy, _s); if(previewable && ds_list_size(outputs)) { if(preview_channel >= ds_list_size(outputs)) preview_channel = 0; drawPreview(xx, yy, _s); } drawDimension(xx, yy, _s); onDrawNode(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s, PANEL_GRAPH.node_hovering == self, PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus == self); drawNodeName(xx, yy, _s); if(active_draw_index > -1) { draw_sprite_stretched_ext(bg_sel_spr, 0, xx, yy, round(w * _s), round(h * _s), active_draw_index > 1? COLORS.node_border_file_drop : COLORS._main_accent, 1); active_draw_index = -1; } if(draw_droppable) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_active, 0, xx, yy, w * _s, h * _s, COLORS._main_value_positive, 1); draw_droppable = false; return drawJunctions(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s); } #endregion static onDrawNodeBehind = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) {} static onDrawNode = function(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s, _hover = false, _focus = false) {} static onDrawHover = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) {} static drawBadge = function(_x, _y, _s) { #region if(!active) return; var xx = x * _s + _x + w * _s; var yy = y * _s + _y; badgePreview = lerp_float(badgePreview, !!previewing, 2); badgeInspect = lerp_float(badgeInspect, inspecting, 2); if(badgePreview > 0) { draw_sprite_ext(THEME.node_state, 0, xx, yy, badgePreview, badgePreview, 0, c_white, 1); xx -= 28 * badgePreview; } if(badgeInspect > 0) { draw_sprite_ext(THEME.node_state, 1, xx, yy, badgeInspect, badgeInspect, 0, c_white, 1); xx -= 28 * badgeInspect; } if(isTool) { draw_sprite_ext(THEME.node_state, 2, xx, yy, 1, 1, 0, c_white, 1); xx -= 28 * 2; } inspecting = false; previewing = 0; } #endregion static drawActive = function(_x, _y, _s, ind = 0) { active_draw_index = ind; } static drawOverlay = function(active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) {} static drawAnimationTimeline = function(_w, _h, _s) {} static enable = function() { active = true; } static disable = function() { active = false; } static destroy = function(_merge = false) { #region if(!active) return; disable(); if(PANEL_GRAPH.node_hover == self) PANEL_GRAPH.node_hover = noone; if(PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus == self) PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus = noone; if(PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting == self) PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting = noone; PANEL_PREVIEW.removeNodePreview(self); PANEL_ANIMATION.updatePropertyList(); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { var jun = outputs[| i]; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.value_to); j++) { var _vt = jun.value_to[| j]; if(_vt.value_from == noone) break; if(_vt.value_from.node != self) break; _vt.removeFrom(false); if(!_merge) continue; for( var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(inputs); k++ ) { if(inputs[| k].value_from == noone) continue; if(_vt.setFrom(inputs[| k].value_from)) break; } } ds_list_clear(jun.value_to); } for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) inputs[| i].destroy(); for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) outputs[| i].destroy(); onDestroy(); UPDATE |= RENDER_TYPE.full; } #endregion static restore = function() { #region if(active) return; enable(); ds_list_add(group == noone? PROJECT.nodes : group.getNodeList(), self); } #endregion static onValidate = function() { #region value_validation[VALIDATION.pass] = 0; value_validation[VALIDATION.warning] = 0; value_validation[VALIDATION.error] = 0; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) { var jun = inputs[| i]; if(jun.value_validation) value_validation[jun.value_validation]++; } } #endregion static onDestroy = function() {} static clearInputCache = function() { #region for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) inputs[| i].cache_value[0] = false; } #endregion static cacheArrayCheck = function() { #region if(array_length(cached_output) != PROJECT.animator.frames_total) array_resize(cached_output, PROJECT.animator.frames_total); if(array_length(cache_result) != PROJECT.animator.frames_total) array_resize(cache_result, PROJECT.animator.frames_total); } #endregion static cacheCurrentFrame = function(_frame) { #region cacheArrayCheck(); if(PROJECT.animator.current_frame < 0) return; if(PROJECT.animator.current_frame >= array_length(cached_output)) return; surface_array_free(cached_output[PROJECT.animator.current_frame]); cached_output[PROJECT.animator.current_frame] = surface_array_clone(_frame); array_safe_set(cache_result, PROJECT.animator.current_frame, true); return cached_output[PROJECT.animator.current_frame]; } #endregion static cacheExist = function(frame = PROJECT.animator.current_frame) { #region if(frame < 0) return false; if(frame >= array_length(cached_output)) return false; if(frame >= array_length(cache_result)) return false; if(!array_safe_get(cache_result, frame, false)) return false; var s = array_safe_get(cached_output, frame); return is_array(s) || surface_exists(s); } #endregion static getCacheFrame = function(frame = PROJECT.animator.current_frame) { #region if(frame < 0) return false; if(!cacheExist(frame)) return noone; var surf = array_safe_get(cached_output, frame); return surf; } #endregion static recoverCache = function(frame = PROJECT.animator.current_frame) { #region if(!cacheExist(frame)) return false; var _s = cached_output[PROJECT.animator.current_frame]; outputs[| 0].setValue(_s); return true; } #endregion static clearCache = function() { #region clearInputCache(); if(!clearCacheOnChange) return; if(!use_cache) return; if(!isRenderActive()) return; if(array_length(cached_output) != PROJECT.animator.frames_total) array_resize(cached_output, PROJECT.animator.frames_total); for(var i = 0; i < array_length(cached_output); i++) { var _s = cached_output[i]; if(is_surface(_s)) surface_free(_s); cached_output[i] = 0; cache_result[i] = false; } } #endregion static clearCacheForward = function() { _clearCacheForward(); } static _clearCacheForward = function() { #region if(!isRenderActive()) return; clearCache(); var arr = getNextNodesRaw(); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(arr); i < n; i++ ) arr[i]._clearCacheForward(); //for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) //for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(outputs[| i].value_to); j++ ) // outputs[| i].value_to[| j].node._clearCacheForward(); } #endregion static clearInputCache = function() { #region for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) inputs[| i].resetCache(); } #endregion static checkConnectGroup = function(_type = "group") { #region var _y = y; var nodes = []; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) { var _in = inputs[| i]; if(_in.value_from == noone) continue; if( == group) continue; var input_node = noone; switch(_type) { case "group" : input_node = new Node_Group_Input(x - w - 64, _y, group); break; case "loop" : input_node = new Node_Iterator_Input(x - w - 64, _y, group); break; case "feedback" : input_node = new Node_Feedback_Input(x - w - 64, _y, group); break; } if(input_node == noone) continue; array_push(nodes, input_node); input_node.inputs[| 2].setValue(_in.type); input_node.inParent.setFrom(_in.value_from); input_node.onValueUpdate(0); _in.setFrom(input_node.outputs[| 0]); _y += 64; } for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { var _ou = outputs[| i]; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_ou.value_to); j++) { var _to = _ou.value_to[| j]; if(_to.value_from != _ou) continue; if(! continue; if( == group) continue; var output_node = noone; switch(_type) { case "group" : output_node = new Node_Group_Output(x + w + 64, y, group); break; case "loop" : output_node = new Node_Iterator_Output(x + w + 64, y, group); break; case "feedback" : output_node = new Node_Feedback_Output(x + w + 64, y, group); break; } if(output_node == noone) continue; array_push(nodes, output_node); _to.setFrom(output_node.outParent); output_node.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_ou); } } return nodes; } #endregion static isNotUsingTool = function() { return PANEL_PREVIEW.tool_current == noone; } static isUsingTool = function(index = undefined, subtool = noone) { #region if(tools == -1) return false; var _tool = PANEL_PREVIEW.tool_current; if(_tool == noone) return false; if(index == undefined) return true; if(is_real(index) && _tool != tools[index]) return false; if(is_string(index) && _tool.getName(_tool.selecting) != index) return false; if(subtool == noone) return true; return _tool.selecting == subtool; } #endregion static clone = function(target = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) { #region CLONING = true; var _type = instanceof(self); var _node = nodeBuild(_type, x, y, target); CLONING = false; PROJECT.version = SAVE_VERSION; if(!_node) return; CLONING = true; var _nid = _node.node_id; _node.deserialize(serialize()); _node.postDeserialize(); _node.applyDeserialize(); _node.node_id = _nid; PROJECT.nodeMap[? node_id] = self; PROJECT.nodeMap[? _nid] = _node; PANEL_ANIMATION.updatePropertyList(); CLONING = false; onClone(_node, target); return _node; } #endregion static onClone = function(_NewNode, target = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) {} static droppable = function(dragObj) { #region for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) { if(dragObj.type == inputs[| i].drop_key) return true; } return false; } #endregion static onDrop = function(dragObj) { #region for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) { if(dragObj.type == inputs[| i].drop_key) { inputs[| i].setValue(; return; } } } #endregion static getPreviewValues = function() { #region if(preview_channel >= ds_list_size(outputs)) return noone; switch(outputs[| preview_channel].type) { case VALUE_TYPE.surface : case VALUE_TYPE.dynaSurface : break; default : return; } return outputs[| preview_channel].getValue(); } #endregion static getPreviewBoundingBox = function() { #region var _surf = getPreviewValues(); if(is_array(_surf)) _surf = array_safe_get(_surf, preview_index, noone); if(!is_surface(_surf)) return noone; return BBOX().fromWH(preview_x, preview_y, surface_get_width_safe(_surf), surface_get_height_safe(_surf)); } #endregion static getTool = function() { return self; } static getToolSettings = function() { return tool_settings; } static setTool = function(tool) { #region if(!tool) { isTool = false; return; } for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(group.nodes); i++ ) group.nodes[| i].isTool = false; isTool = true; } #endregion static serialize = function(scale = false, preset = false) { #region var _map = {}; //print(" > Serializing: " + name); if(!preset) { = node_id; _map.render = renderActive; = display_name; _map.iname = internalName; _map.x = x; _map.y = y; _map.type = instanceof(self); = group == noone? group : group.node_id; _map.preview = previewable; _map.tool = isTool; } _map.attri = attributeSerialize(); if(is_dynamic_input) { _map.input_fix_len = input_fix_len; _map.data_length = data_length; } var _inputs = []; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) array_push(_inputs, inputs[| i].serialize(scale, preset)); _map.inputs = _inputs; var _outputs = []; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) array_push(_outputs, outputs[| i].serialize(scale, preset)); _map.outputs = _outputs; var _trigger = []; array_push(_trigger, inspectInput1.serialize(scale, preset)); array_push(_trigger, inspectInput2.serialize(scale, preset)); _map.inspectInputs = _trigger; doSerialize(_map); processSerialize(_map); return _map; } #endregion static attributeSerialize = function() { return attributes; } static doSerialize = function(_map) {} static processSerialize = function(_map) {} load_scale = false; load_map = -1; static deserialize = function(_map, scale = false, preset = false) { #region load_map = _map; load_scale = scale; if(!preset) { if(APPENDING) APPEND_MAP[?] = node_id; else node_id =; PROJECT.nodeMap[? node_id] = self; //print($"D Adding node {node_id} to {PROJECT.path} [{ds_map_size(PROJECT.nodeMap)}]"); if(struct_has(load_map, "name")) setDisplayName(; internalName = struct_try_get(load_map, "iname", internalName); if(internalName == "") resetInternalName(); _group = struct_try_get(load_map, "group", noone); if(_group == -1) _group = noone; x = struct_try_get(load_map, "x"); y = struct_try_get(load_map, "y"); renderActive = struct_try_get(load_map, "render", true); previewable = struct_try_get(load_map, "preview", previewable); isTool = struct_try_get(load_map, "tool"); } if(struct_has(load_map, "attri")) attributeDeserialize(load_map.attri); if(is_dynamic_input) { inputBalance(); inputGenerate(); } processDeserialize(); if(preset) { postDeserialize(); applyDeserialize(); triggerRender(); } } #endregion static inputBalance = function() { #region //Cross version compatibility for dynamic input nodes if(!struct_has(load_map, "data_length")) return; var _input_fix_len = load_map.input_fix_len; var _data_length = load_map.data_length; //print($"Balancing IO: {input_fix_len} => {load_map.input_fix_len} : {data_length} => {load_map.data_length}"); //print($"IO size before: {array_length(load_map.inputs)}"); //for( var i = 0, n = array_length(load_map.inputs); i < n; i++ ) // print($"{i}: {load_map.inputs[i].name}"); var _dynamic_inputs = (array_length(load_map.inputs) - _input_fix_len) / _data_length; if(frac(_dynamic_inputs) != 0) { noti_warning("LOAD: Uneven dynamic input."); _dynamic_inputs = ceil(_dynamic_inputs); } if(_input_fix_len == input_fix_len && _data_length == data_length) return; var _pad_dyna = data_length - _data_length; for( var i = _dynamic_inputs; i >= 1; i-- ) { var _ind = _input_fix_len + i * _data_length; if(_pad_dyna > 0) repeat(_pad_dyna) array_insert(load_map.inputs, _ind, noone); else array_delete(load_map.inputs, _ind + _pad_dyna, -_pad_dyna); } var _pad_fix = input_fix_len - _input_fix_len; repeat(_pad_fix) array_insert(load_map.inputs, _input_fix_len, noone); //print($"IO size after: {array_length(load_map.inputs)}"); //for( var i = 0, n = array_length(load_map.inputs); i < n; i++ ) // print($"{i}: {load_map.inputs[i] == noone? "noone" : load_map.inputs[i].name}"); } #endregion static inputGenerate = function() { #region //Generate input for dynamic input nodes if(createNewInput == noone) return; var _dynamic_inputs = (array_length(load_map.inputs) - input_fix_len) / data_length; //print($"Node {name} create {_dynamic_inputs} inputs for data length {data_length}"); repeat(_dynamic_inputs) createNewInput(); } #endregion static attributeDeserialize = function(attr) { #region struct_override(attributes, attr); } #endregion static postDeserialize = function() {} static processDeserialize = function() {} static applyDeserialize = function(preset = false) { #region var _inputs = load_map.inputs; var amo = min(ds_list_size(inputs), array_length(_inputs)); for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { if(inputs[| i] == noone || _inputs[i] == noone) continue; inputs[| i].applyDeserialize(_inputs[i], load_scale, preset); } if(struct_has(load_map, "outputs")) { var _outputs = load_map.outputs; var amo = min(ds_list_size(outputs), array_length(_outputs)); for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { if(outputs[| i] == noone) continue; outputs[| i].applyDeserialize(_outputs[i], load_scale, preset); } } if(struct_has(load_map, "inspectInputs")) { var insInp = load_map.inspectInputs; inspectInput1.applyDeserialize(insInp[0], load_scale, preset); inspectInput2.applyDeserialize(insInp[1], load_scale, preset); } doApplyDeserialize(); } #endregion static doApplyDeserialize = function() {} static loadGroup = function(context = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) { #region if(_group == noone) { var c = context; if(c != noone) c.add(self); } else { if(APPENDING) _group = GetAppendID(_group); if(ds_map_exists(PROJECT.nodeMap, _group)) { if(struct_has(PROJECT.nodeMap[? _group], "add")) PROJECT.nodeMap[? _group].add(self); else { var txt = $"Group load failed. Node ID {_group} is not a group."; throw(txt); } } else { var txt = $"Group load failed. Can't find node ID {_group}"; throw(txt); } } } #endregion static connect = function(log = false) { #region var connected = true; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) connected &= inputs[| i].connect(log); if(struct_has(load_map, "inspectInputs")) { inspectInput1.connect(log); inspectInput2.connect(log); } if(!connected) ds_queue_enqueue(CONNECTION_CONFLICT, self); return connected; } #endregion static preConnect = function() {} static postConnect = function() {} static resetAnimation = function() {} static cleanUp = function() { #region for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) inputs[| i].cleanUp(); for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) outputs[| i].cleanUp(); ds_list_destroy(inputs); ds_list_destroy(outputs); ds_map_destroy(inputMap); ds_map_destroy(outputMap); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(temp_surface); i < n; i++ ) surface_free(temp_surface[i]); onCleanUp(); } #endregion static onCleanUp = function() {} // helper function static attrDepth = function() { #region if(struct_has(attributes, "color_depth")) { var form = attributes.color_depth; if(inputs[| 0].type == VALUE_TYPE.surface) form--; if(form >= 0) return array_safe_get(global.SURFACE_FORMAT, form, surface_rgba8unorm); } var _s = inputs[| 0].getValue(); while(is_array(_s) && array_length(_s)) _s = _s[0]; if(!is_surface(_s)) return surface_rgba8unorm; return surface_get_format(_s); } #endregion }