/// @description init

#region data
	draggable = false;
	title = "Add node";
	node_target_x	  = 0;
	node_target_y	  = 0;
	node_target_x_raw = 0;
	node_target_y_raw = 0;
	node_called		  = noone;
	junction_hovering = noone;
	dialog_w = PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_w;
	dialog_h = PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_h;
	destroy_on_click_out = true;
	node_selecting = 0;
	node_focusing  = -1;
	node_show_connectable = true;
	node_tooltip   = noone;
	node_tooltip_x = 0;
	node_tooltip_y = 0;
	anchor = ANCHOR.left | ANCHOR.top;
	node_menu_selecting = noone;
	display_grid_size    = ui(64);
	display_grid_size_to = display_grid_size;
	display_list_size    = ui(28);
	display_list_size_to = display_list_size;
	right_free = !mouse_click(mb_right);
	is_global  = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext() == noone;
	tooltip_surface  = -1;
	content_hoverable = true;
	canvas = false;
	#region ---- category ----
		category = NODE_CATEGORY;
		switch(instanceof(context)) {
			case "Node_Pixel_Builder" : category = NODE_PB_CATEGORY;  break;
			case "Node_DynaSurf" :      category = NODE_PCX_CATEGORY; break;
		var maxLen = 0;
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(category); i++) {
			var cat  = category[| i];
			if(array_length(cat.filter) && !array_exists(cat.filter, instanceof(context)))
			var name = __txt(cat.name);
			maxLen   = max(maxLen, string_width(name));
		category_width = maxLen + ui(56);
	function isTop() { return true; }
	function trigger_favourite() {
		if(node_menu_selecting == noone) return;
		var _node = node_menu_selecting.node;
		if(struct_exists(global.FAV_NODES, _node))	struct_remove(global.FAV_NODES, _node);
		else										global.FAV_NODES[$ _node] = 1;
	registerFunction("Add Node", "Trigger Favourite",	"",	   MOD_KEY.none,	trigger_favourite);
	function rightClick(node) {
		if(!is_instanceof(node, NodeObject)) return;
		node_menu_selecting = node;
		var fav  = struct_exists(global.FAV_NODES, node.node);
		var menu = [
			menuItem(fav? __txtx("add_node_remove_favourite", "Remove from favourite") : __txtx("add_node_add_favourite", "Add to favourite"), trigger_favourite, THEME.star)
		menuCall("add_node_window_menu", menu, 0, 0, fa_left);
	function filtered(node) {
		if(!node_show_connectable) return true;
		if(node_called == noone && junction_hovering == noone) return true;
		if(!struct_has(node, "node")) return true;
		if(!struct_has(global.NODE_GUIDE, node.node)) return true;
		if(is_instanceof(node, NodeObject)) {
			if(node.is_patreon_extra && !IS_PATREON) return true;
			if(is_global && !node.show_in_global)    return true;
		var io = global.NODE_GUIDE[$ node.node];
		if(node_called) {
			var call_in = node_called.connect_type == CONNECT_TYPE.input;
			var ar = call_in? io.outputs : io.inputs;
			var typ = node_called.type;
			for( var i = 0, n = array_length(ar); i < n; i++ ) {
				if(!ar[i].visible) continue;
				var _in = call_in? node_called.type : ar[i].type;
				var _ot = call_in? ar[i].type : node_called.type;
				if(typeCompatible(_in, _ot, false)) return true;
			return false;
		} else if(junction_hovering) {
			var to = junction_hovering.type;
			var fr = junction_hovering.value_from.type;
			for( var i = 0, n = array_length(io.inputs); i < n; i++ ) {
				var _in = fr;
				var _ot = io.inputs[i].type;
				if(!io.inputs[i].visible) continue;
				if(typeCompatible(_in, _ot, false)) return true;
			for( var i = 0, n = array_length(io.outputs); i < n; i++ ) {
				var _in = io.outputs[i].type;
				var _ot = to;
				if(typeCompatible(_in, _ot, false)) return true;
			return false;
		return false;
	function buildNode(_node, _param = {}) {
		if(!_node) return;
		if(canvas) {
			UNDO_HOLDING = true;
			context.nodeTool = new canvas_tool_node(context, _node).init();
			UNDO_HOLDING = false;
		if(is_instanceof(_node, AddNodeItem)) {
		var _new_node = noone;
		var _inputs   = [];
		var _outputs  = [];
		if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject)) {
			_new_node = _node.build(node_target_x, node_target_y,, _param);
			if(!_new_node) return;
			if(category == NODE_CATEGORY && _node.show_in_recent) {
				array_remove(global.RECENT_NODES, _node.node);
				array_insert(global.RECENT_NODES, 0, _node.node);
				if(array_length(global.RECENT_NODES) > PREFERENCES.node_recents_amount)
			if(is_instanceof(context, Node_Collection_Inline))
			for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_new_node.inputs); i < n; i++ ) 
				array_push(_inputs, _new_node.inputs[i]);
				array_push(_inputs, _new_node.dummy_input);
			for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_new_node.outputs); i < n; i++ ) 
				array_push(_outputs, _new_node.outputs[i]);
		} else if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeAction)) {  // NOT IMPLEMENTED
			_node.build(node_target_x, node_target_y,, _param);
		} else {
			var _new_list = APPEND(_node.path);
			if(_new_list == noone) return;
			var tx = 99999;
			var ty = 99999;
			for( var i = 0; i < array_length(_new_list); i++ ) {
				tx = min(tx, _new_list[i].x);
				ty = min(tx, _new_list[i].y);
				if(is_instanceof(context, Node_Collection_Inline) && !is_instanceof(_new_list[i], Node_Collection_Inline))
			var shx = tx - node_target_x;
			var shy = ty - node_target_y;
			for( var i = 0; i < array_length(_new_list); i++ ) {
				_new_list[i].x -= shx;
				_new_list[i].y -= shy;
			for( var i = 0; i < array_length(_new_list); i++ ) {
				var _in = _new_list[i].inputs;
				for( var j = 0; j < array_length(_in); j++ ) {
					if(_in[j].value_from == noone)
						array_push(_inputs, _in[j]);
				var _ot = _new_list[i].outputs;
				for( var j = 0; j < array_length(_ot); j++ ) {
						array_push(_outputs, _ot[j]);
		//try to connect
		if(node_called != noone) { //dragging from junction
			var _call_input = node_called.connect_type == CONNECT_TYPE.input;
			var _junc_list  = _call_input? _outputs : _inputs;
			for(var i = 0; i < array_length(_junc_list); i++) {
				var _target = _junc_list[i]; 
				if(!_target.auto_connect) continue;
				if(_call_input && node_called.isConnectableStrict(_junc_list[i]) == 1) {
					_new_node.x -= _new_node.w;
				if(!_call_input && _junc_list[i].isConnectableStrict(node_called) == 1) {
		} else if(junction_hovering != noone) { //right click on junction
			var to   = junction_hovering;
			var from = junction_hovering.value_from;
			for( var i = 0; i < array_length(_inputs); i++ ) {
				var _in = _inputs[i];
				if(_in.auto_connect && _in.isConnectableStrict(from)) {
			for( var i = 0; i < array_length(_outputs); i++ ) {
				var _ot = _outputs[i];
				if(to.isConnectableStrict(_ot)) {
			if(_new_node) {
				var _fx = from.node.x, _fy = from.node.y;
				var _tx =   to.node.x, _ty =   to.node.y;
				var _ny = node_target_y_raw;
				if(_tx > _fx) {
					var _rt = abs((_ny - _fy) / (_ty - _fy));
						 if(_rt < 0.3) _new_node.y = _fy;
					else if(_rt > 0.7) {
						_new_node.y = _ty;
						// _new_node.x = min(_new_node.x, _tx - _new_node.w - 32);
	catagory_pane = new scrollPane(category_width, dialog_h - ui(66), function(_y, _m) {
		draw_clear_alpha(COLORS._main_text, 0);
		var ww = category_width - ui(32);
		var hh = 0;
		var hg = ui(28);
		var start = category == NODE_CATEGORY? -2 : 0;
		for(var i = start; i < ds_list_size(category); i++) {
			var name  = "";
			     if(i == -2) name = "All";
			else if(i == -1) name = "New";
			else {
				var cat = category[| i];
				name    = cat.name;
				if(array_length(cat.filter)) {
					if(!array_exists(cat.filter, instanceof(context))) {
						if(ADD_NODE_PAGE == i) 
				if(cat.color != noone) {
					draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, _y + hh, ww, hg, merge_color(c_white, cat.color, 0.5), 1);
			var _hov = false;
			if(sHOVER && catagory_pane.hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, _y + hh, ww, _y + hh + hg - 1)) {
				catagory_pane.hover_content = true;
				draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 0, 0, _y + hh, ww, hg, CDEF.main_white, 1);
				_hov = true;
				if(i != ADD_NODE_PAGE && mouse_click(mb_left, sFOCUS)) {
					content_pane.scroll_y		= 0;
					content_pane.scroll_y_raw	= 0;
					content_pane.scroll_y_to	= 0;
			var cc = COLORS._main_text_inner;
			switch(name) {
				case "All" : 
				case "New" : 
				case "Favourites" : 
				case "Action" : 
				case "Custom" : 
				case "Extra" : 
					cc = merge_color(COLORS._main_text_inner, COLORS._main_text_sub, 0.75);
			if(i == ADD_NODE_PAGE) draw_set_text(f_p0b, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text_accent);
			else				   draw_set_text(f_p0,  fa_left, fa_center, cc);
			var _is_extra = name == "Extra";
			name = __txt(name);
			var _tx = ui(8);
			var _ty = _y + hh + hg / 2;
			draw_text(_tx, _ty, name);
			if(_is_extra) {
				var _cx = _tx + string_width(name) + ui(4);
				var _cy = _ty - string_height(name) / 2 + ui(6);
				gpu_set_colorwriteenable(1, 1, 1, 0);
				draw_sprite_ext(s_patreon_supporter, 0, _cx, _cy, 1, 1, 0, _hov? COLORS._main_icon_dark : COLORS.panel_bg_clear, 1);
				gpu_set_colorwriteenable(1, 1, 1, 1);
				draw_sprite_ext(s_patreon_supporter, 1, _cx, _cy, 1, 1, 0, i == ADD_NODE_PAGE? COLORS._main_text_accent : cc, 1);
			hh += hg;
		return hh;
	content_pane = new scrollPane(dialog_w - category_width - ui(8), dialog_h - ui(66), function(_y, _m) {
		draw_clear_alpha(c_white, 0);
		var _hover = sHOVER && content_pane.hover;
		var _list  = node_list;
		var ww = content_pane.surface_w;
		var hh = 0;
		if(ADD_NODE_PAGE == -2) {
			_list = ds_list_create();
			for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(category); i++) {
				var cat = category[| i];			
				if(array_length(cat.filter) && !array_exists(cat.filter, instanceof(context)))
				for( var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(cat.list); j++ )
					ds_list_add(_list, cat.list[| j]);
		} else if(ADD_NODE_PAGE == -1) {
			_list = NEW_NODES;
		} else if(ADD_NODE_PAGE == NODE_PAGE_DEFAULT && category == NODE_CATEGORY) {
			_list = ds_list_create();
			var sug = [];
			if(node_called != noone) {
				array_append(sug, nodeReleatedQuery(
					node_called.connect_type == CONNECT_TYPE.input? "connectTo" : "connectFrom", 
			array_append(sug, nodeReleatedQuery("context", instanceof(context)));
			if(!array_empty(sug)) {
				ds_list_add(_list, "Related");
				for( var i = 0, n = array_length(sug); i < n; i++ ) {
					var k = array_safe_get_fast(sug, i);
					if(k == 0) continue;
					if(ds_map_exists(ALL_NODES, k))
						ds_list_add(_list, ALL_NODES[? k]);
			ds_list_add(_list, "Favourites");
			var _favs = struct_get_names(global.FAV_NODES);
			for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_favs); i < n; i++ ) {
				var _nodeIndex = _favs[i];
				if(!ds_map_exists(ALL_NODES, _nodeIndex)) continue;
				var _node = ALL_NODES[? _nodeIndex];
					ds_list_add(_list, _node);
			ds_list_add(_list, "Recents");
			for( var i = 0, n = array_length(global.RECENT_NODES); i < n; i++ ) {
				var _nodeIndex = global.RECENT_NODES[i];
				if(!ds_map_exists(ALL_NODES, _nodeIndex)) continue;
				var _node = ALL_NODES[? _nodeIndex];
					ds_list_add(_list, _node);
		if(_list == noone) {
			return 0;
		var node_count    = ds_list_size(_list);
		var group_labels  = [];
		var _hoverContent = _hover;
		if(!content_hoverable) _hoverContent = false;
		content_hoverable = true;
		if(PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_view == 0) { // grid
			var grid_size  = display_grid_size;
			var grid_width = grid_size * 1.25;
			var grid_space = ui(12);
			var col        = floor(ww / (grid_width + grid_space));
			var row        = ceil(node_count / col);
			var yy         = _y + grid_space;
			var curr_height = 0;
			var cProg = 0;
			hh += grid_space;
			grid_width   = round(ww - grid_space) / col - grid_space;
			for(var index = 0; index < node_count; index++) {
				var _node = _list[| index];
				if(is_undefined(_node)) continue;
				if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject)) {
					if(_node.is_patreon_extra && !IS_PATREON) continue;
					if(is_global && !_node.show_in_global)    continue;
				if(is_string(_node)) {
					hh += curr_height;
					yy += curr_height;
					cProg = 0;
					curr_height = 0;
					array_push(group_labels, { y: yy, text: __txt(_node) });
					hh += ui(24 + 12);
					yy += ui(24 + 12);
				if(!filtered(_node)) continue;
				var _nx   = grid_space + (grid_width + grid_space) * cProg;
				var _boxx = _nx + (grid_width - grid_size) / 2;
				var cc    = c_white;
					 if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject))	cc = c_white;
				else if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeAction))	cc = COLORS.add_node_blend_action;
				else if(is_instanceof(_node, AddNodeItem))	cc = COLORS.add_node_blend_generic;
				else										cc = COLORS.dialog_add_node_collection;
				if(!struct_try_get(_node, "hide_bg", false)) {
					draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg, 0, _boxx, yy, grid_size, grid_size, cc, 1);
				if(_hoverContent && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _nx, yy, _nx + grid_width, yy + grid_size)) {
					content_pane.hover_content = true;
					draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg, 1, _boxx, yy, grid_size, grid_size, COLORS._main_accent, 1);
					if(mouse_release(mb_left, sFOCUS))
					else if(mouse_release(mb_right, right_free && sFOCUS))
				if(_node.getTooltip() != "" || _node.tooltip_spr != noone) {
					if(_hoverContent && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _boxx, yy, _boxx + ui(16), yy + ui(16))) {
						content_pane.hover_content = true;
						draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.info, 0, _boxx + ui(8), yy + ui(8), 0.7, COLORS._main_icon, 1.0);
						node_tooltip   = _node;
						node_tooltip_x = content_pane.x + _nx;
						node_tooltip_y = content_pane.y + yy;
					} else 
						draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.info, 0, _boxx + ui(8), yy + ui(8), 0.7, COLORS._main_icon, 0.5);
				if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject)) {
					_node.drawGrid(_boxx, yy, _m[0], _m[1], grid_size);
				} else {
					var spr_x = _boxx + grid_size / 2;
					var spr_y = yy + grid_size / 2;
					if(variable_struct_exists(_node, "getSpr")) _node.getSpr();
						draw_sprite_ui_uniform(_node.spr, 0, spr_x, spr_y, 0.5);
					if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeAction) && !struct_try_get(_node, "hide_bg", false))
						draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.play_action, 0, _boxx + grid_size - 16, yy + grid_size - 16, 1, COLORS.add_node_blend_action);
				var _name = _node.getName();
				draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_top, COLORS._main_text);
				draw_text_ext_add(_boxx + grid_size / 2, yy + grid_size + 4, _name, -1, grid_width);
				var name_height = string_height_ext(_name, -1, grid_width - 4) + 8;
				curr_height = max(curr_height, grid_size + grid_space + name_height);
				if(++cProg >= col) {
					hh += curr_height;
					yy += curr_height;
					cProg = 0;
					curr_height = 0;
			if(PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_grouping) {
				var len = array_length(group_labels);
				if(len) {
					draw_rectangle(0, 0, ww, ui(36), false);
					content_hoverable &= !point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, 0, ww, ui(36));
				for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
					var lb = group_labels[i];
					var _yy = max(lb.y, i == len - 1? ui(8) : min(ui(8), group_labels[i + 1].y - ui(32)));
					draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.s_box_r5_clr, 0, ui(16), _yy, ww - ui(32), ui(24), c_white, 0.3);
					draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, CDEF.main_ltgrey);
					draw_text_add(ui(16 + 16), _yy + ui(12), lb.text);
			hh += curr_height;
			yy += curr_height;
			if(sHOVER && key_mod_press(CTRL)) {
				if(mouse_wheel_down()) display_grid_size_to = clamp(display_grid_size_to - ui(8), ui(32), ui(128));
				if(mouse_wheel_up())   display_grid_size_to = clamp(display_grid_size_to + ui(8), ui(32), ui(128));
			display_grid_size = lerp_float(display_grid_size, display_grid_size_to, 3);
		} else if(PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_view == 1) { // list
			var list_width  = ww;
			var list_height = display_list_size;
			var yy          = _y + list_height / 2;
			var bg_ind	    = 0;
			hh += list_height;
			for(var i = 0; i < node_count; i++) {
				var _node = _list[| i];
				if(is_undefined(_node)) continue;
				if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject)) {
					if(_node.is_patreon_extra && !IS_PATREON) continue;
					if(is_global && !_node.show_in_global)    continue;
				if(is_string(_node)) {
					hh += ui(8);
					yy += ui(8);
					array_push(group_labels, {
						y: yy,
						text: __txt(_node)
					hh += ui(32);
					yy += ui(32);
				if(!filtered(_node)) continue;
				if(++bg_ind % 2) {
					draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg, 0, ui(16), yy, list_width - ui(32), list_height, c_white, 0.1);
				if(_hoverContent && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, list_width, yy + list_height - 1)) {
					content_pane.hover_content = true;
					if(_node.getTooltip() != "" || _node.tooltip_spr != noone) {
						node_tooltip   = _node;
						node_tooltip_x = content_pane.x + ui(16);
						node_tooltip_y = content_pane.y + yy
					draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg, 1, ui(16), yy, list_width - ui(32), list_height, COLORS._main_accent, 1);
					if(mouse_release(mb_left, sFOCUS))
					else if(mouse_release(mb_right, right_free && sFOCUS))
				var tx = list_height + ui(52);
				if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject)) {
					tx = _node.drawList(0, yy, _m[0], _m[1], list_height);
				} else {
					var spr_x = list_height / 2 + ui(44);
					var spr_y = yy + list_height / 2;
					if(variable_struct_exists(_node, "getSpr")) _node.getSpr();
					if(sprite_exists(_node.spr)) {
						var ss = (list_height - ui(8)) / max(sprite_get_width(_node.spr), sprite_get_height(_node.spr));
						draw_sprite_ext(_node.spr, 0, spr_x, spr_y, ss, ss, 0, c_white, 1);
					if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeAction) && !struct_try_get(_node, "hide_bg", false))
						draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.play_action, 0, spr_x + list_height / 2 - 8, spr_y + list_height / 2 - 8, 0.5, COLORS.add_node_blend_action);
					draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
					draw_text_add(tx, yy + list_height / 2, _node.getName());
				yy += list_height;
				hh += list_height;
			if(PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_grouping) {
				var len = array_length(group_labels);
				if(len) {
					draw_rectangle(0, 0, ww, ui(36), false);
					content_hoverable &= !point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, 0, ww, ui(36));
				for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
					var lb = group_labels[i];
					var _yy = max(lb.y, i == len - 1? ui(8) : min(ui(8), group_labels[i + 1].y - ui(32)));
					draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.s_box_r5_clr, 0, ui(16), _yy, ww - ui(32), ui(24), c_white, 0.3);
					draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, CDEF.main_ltgrey);
					draw_text_add(ui(16 + 16), _yy + ui(12), lb.text);
			if(sHOVER && key_mod_press(CTRL)) {
				if(mouse_wheel_down()) display_list_size_to = clamp(display_list_size_to - ui(4), ui(16), ui(64));
				if(mouse_wheel_up())   display_list_size_to = clamp(display_list_size_to + ui(4), ui(16), ui(64));
				display_list_size = lerp_float(display_list_size, display_list_size_to, 3);
		if(ADD_NODE_PAGE == -2) 
		return hh;
	function setPage(pageIndex) {
		ADD_NODE_PAGE	= min(pageIndex, ds_list_size(category) - 1);
		node_list		= pageIndex < 0? noone : category[| ADD_NODE_PAGE].list;
	if(PREFERENCES.add_node_remember) {
		content_pane.scroll_y_raw = ADD_NODE_SCROLL;
		content_pane.scroll_y_to  = ADD_NODE_SCROLL;
	} else 

#region resize
	dialog_resizable = true;
	dialog_w_min = ui(320);
	dialog_h_min = ui(320);
	dialog_w_max = ui(960);
	dialog_h_max = ui(800);
	onResize = function() {
		catagory_pane.resize(category_width, dialog_h - ui(66));
		content_pane.resize(dialog_w - category_width - ui(8), dialog_h - ui(66));
		search_pane.resize(dialog_w - ui(36), dialog_h - ui(66));
		PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_w = dialog_w;
		PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_h = dialog_h;

#region search
	search_string		= "";
	search_list			= ds_list_create();
	tb_search				= new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(str) /*=>*/ { search_string = string(str); searchNodes(); });
	tb_search.align			= fa_left;
	tb_search.auto_update	= true;
	WIDGET_CURRENT			= tb_search;
	function searchNodes() { 
		var pr_list = ds_priority_create();
		var search_lower = string_lower(search_string);
		var search_map	 = ds_map_create();
		for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(category); i++) {
			var cat = category[| i];
			if(!struct_has(cat, "list"))
			if(array_length(cat.filter) && !array_exists(cat.filter, instanceof(context)))
			var _content = cat.list;
			for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_content); j++) {
				var _node = _content[| j];

				if(is_string(_node))					continue;
				if(ds_map_exists(search_map, _node))	continue;
				if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject)) {
					if(_node.is_patreon_extra && !IS_PATREON) continue;
					if(is_global && !_node.show_in_global)    continue;
					if(_node.deprecated)					  continue;
				var match = string_partial_match(string_lower(_node.getName()), search_lower);
				var param = "";
				for( var k = 0; k < array_length(_node.tags); k++ ) {
					var mat = string_partial_match(_node.tags[k], search_lower) - 10;
					if(mat > match) {
						match = mat;
						param = _node.tags[k];
				if(match == -9999) continue;
				ds_priority_add(pr_list, [ _node, param ], match);
				search_map[? _node] = 1;
		searchCollection(pr_list, search_string, false);
			ds_list_add(search_list, ds_priority_delete_max(pr_list));
	search_pane = new scrollPane(dialog_w - ui(36), dialog_h - ui(66), function(_y, _m) {
		draw_clear_alpha(c_white, 0);
		var equation = string_char_at(search_string, 0) == "=";
		var amo		 = ds_list_size(search_list);
		var hh		 = 0;
		var _hover	 = sHOVER && search_pane.hover;
		var grid_size  = ui(64);
		var grid_width = ui(80);
		var grid_space = ui(16);
		var highlight  = PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_search_high;
		if(equation) {
			var eq = string_replace(search_string, "=", "");
			draw_set_text(f_h5, fa_center, fa_bottom, COLORS._main_text_sub);
			draw_text_line(search_pane.w / 2, search_pane.h / 2 - ui(8), 
				__txtx("add_node_create_equation", "Create equation") + ": " + eq, -1, search_pane.w - ui(32));
			draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_center, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_sub);
			draw_text_add(round(search_pane.w / 2), round(search_pane.h / 2 - ui(4)), 
				__txtx("add_node_equation_enter", "Press Enter to create equation node."));
				buildNode(ALL_NODES[? "Node_Equation"], { query: eq } );
			return hh;
		if(PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_view == 0) { // grid
			var cc;
			var col    = floor(search_pane.surface_w / (grid_width + grid_space));
			var yy     = _y + grid_space;
			var index  = 0;
			var name_height = 0;
			grid_width = round(search_pane.surface_w - grid_space) / col - grid_space;
			hh += (grid_space + grid_size) * 2;
			for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) {
				var s_res  = search_list[| i];
				var _node  = noone;
				var _param = {};
				var _query = "";
				if(is_array(s_res)) {
					_node        = s_res[0];
					_param.query = s_res[1];
					_query       = s_res[1];
				} else
					_node = s_res;
				var _nx   = grid_space + (grid_width + grid_space) * index;
				var _boxx = _nx + (grid_width - grid_size) / 2;
				var _drw = yy > -grid_size && yy < search_pane.h;
				if(_drw) {
						 if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject))	cc = c_white;
					else if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeAction))	cc = COLORS.add_node_blend_action;
					else if(is_instanceof(_node, AddNodeItem))	cc = COLORS.add_node_blend_generic;
					else										cc = COLORS.dialog_add_node_collection;
					if(!struct_try_get(_node, "hide_bg", false)) {
						draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg, 0, _boxx, yy, grid_size, grid_size, cc, 1);
					if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _nx, yy, _nx + grid_size, yy + grid_size)) {
						search_pane.hover_content = true;
						node_selecting = i;
						if(mouse_release(mb_left, sFOCUS))
							buildNode(_node, _param);
						else if(struct_has(_node, "node") && mouse_release(mb_right, right_free && sFOCUS))
					if(node_selecting == i) {
						draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg, 1, _boxx, yy, grid_size, grid_size, COLORS._main_accent, 1);
							buildNode(_node, _param);
					if(struct_has(_node, "tooltip") && (_node.getTooltip() != "" || _node.tooltip_spr != noone)) {
						if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _boxx, yy, _boxx + ui(16), yy + ui(16))) {
							search_pane.hover_content = true;
							draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.info, 0, _boxx + ui(8), yy + ui(8), 0.7, COLORS._main_icon, 1.0);
							node_tooltip   = _node;
							node_tooltip_x = search_pane.x + _nx;
							node_tooltip_y = search_pane.y + yy
						} else 
							draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.info, 0, _boxx + ui(8), yy + ui(8), 0.7, COLORS._main_icon, 0.5);
					if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject)) {
						_node.drawGrid(_boxx, yy, _m[0], _m[1], grid_size, _param);
					} else {
						if(variable_struct_exists(_node, "getSpr")) _node.getSpr();
						if(sprite_exists(_node.spr)) {
							var _si = current_time * PREFERENCES.collection_preview_speed /  3000;
							var _sw = sprite_get_width(_node.spr);
							var _sh = sprite_get_height(_node.spr);
							var _ss = ui(32) / max(_sw, _sh);
							var _sox = sprite_get_xoffset(_node.spr);
							var _soy = sprite_get_yoffset(_node.spr);
							var _sx = _boxx + grid_size / 2;
							var _sy = yy + grid_size / 2;
							_sx += _sw * _ss / 2 - _sox * _ss;
							_sy += _sh * _ss / 2 - _soy * _ss;
							draw_sprite_ext(_node.spr, _si, _sx, _sy, _ss, _ss, 0, c_white, 1);
						if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeAction) && !struct_try_get(_node, "hide_bg", false))
							draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.play_action, 0, _boxx + grid_size - 16, yy + grid_size - 16, 1, COLORS.add_node_blend_action);
				var _name = _node.getName();
				var _showQuery = _query != "";
				draw_set_font(_showQuery? f_p3 : f_p2);
				var _nmh = string_height_ext(_name, -1, grid_width);
				var _nmy = yy + grid_size + 4;
				var _drw = _nmy > -grid_size && _nmy < search_pane.h;
				if(_showQuery) {
					_query = string_title(_query);
					draw_set_text(f_p3, fa_center, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_sub);
					if(_drw) draw_text_ext_add(_boxx + grid_size / 2, _nmy, _name, -1, grid_width); 
					_nmy += _nmh - ui(2);
					draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_top, COLORS._main_text);
					var _qhh = string_height_ext(_query, -1, grid_width);
					if(_drw) {
						if(highlight) _qhh = draw_text_match_ext(_boxx + grid_size / 2, _nmy, _query, grid_width, search_string); 
						else                 draw_text_ext(      _boxx + grid_size / 2, _nmy, _query, -1, grid_width); 
					_nmy += _qhh;
					_nmh += _qhh;
				} else {
					draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_center, fa_top, COLORS._main_text);
					if(_drw) {
						if(highlight) _nmh = draw_text_match_ext(_boxx + grid_size / 2, _nmy, _name, grid_width, search_string);
						else                 draw_text_ext(      _boxx + grid_size / 2, _nmy, _name, -1, grid_width);
				name_height = max(name_height, _nmh);
				if(node_focusing == i)
					search_pane.scroll_y_to = -max(0, hh - search_pane.h);	
				if(++index >= col) {
					index = 0;
					var hght = grid_size + grid_space + name_height;
					name_height = 0;
					hh += hght;
					yy += hght;
		} else if(PREFERENCES.dialog_add_node_view == 1) { // list
			var list_width  = search_pane.surface_w;
			var list_height = ui(28);
			var sy = _y + list_height / 2;
			hh += list_height * (amo + 1);
			for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) {
				var s_res  = search_list[| i];
				var _node  = noone;
				var _param = {};
				var _query = "";
				var yy     = sy + list_height * i;
				if(yy < -list_height)  continue;
				if(yy > search_pane.h) break;
				_param.search_string = search_string;
				if(is_array(s_res)) {
					_node        = s_res[0];
					_param.query = s_res[1];
					_query       = s_res[1];
				} else
					_node = s_res;
				if(i % 2) {
					draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg, 0, ui(4), yy, list_width - ui(8), list_height, c_white, 0.2);
				if(_hover && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, list_width, yy + list_height - 1)) {
					search_pane.hover_content = true;
					if(struct_has(_node, "tooltip") && (_node.getTooltip() != "" || _node.tooltip_spr != noone)) {
						node_tooltip   = _node;
						node_tooltip_x = search_pane.x + 0;
						node_tooltip_y = search_pane.y + yy
					node_selecting = i;
					if(mouse_release(mb_left, sFOCUS))
						buildNode(_node, _param);
					else if(struct_has(_node, "node") && mouse_release(mb_right, right_free && sFOCUS))
				if(node_selecting == i) {
					draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg, 1, ui(4), yy, list_width - ui(8), list_height, COLORS._main_accent, 1);
						buildNode(_node, _param);
				if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeObject)) {
					_node.drawList(0, yy, _m[0], _m[1], list_height, _param);
				} else {
					if(variable_struct_exists(_node, "getSpr")) _node.getSpr();
					if(sprite_exists(_node.spr)) {
						var _si = current_time * PREFERENCES.collection_preview_speed / 3000;
						var _sw = sprite_get_width(_node.spr);
						var _sh = sprite_get_height(_node.spr);
						var _ss = (list_height - ui(8)) / max(_sw, _sh);
						var _sox = sprite_get_xoffset(_node.spr);
						var _soy = sprite_get_yoffset(_node.spr);
						var _sx = list_height / 2 + ui(32);
						var _sy = yy + list_height / 2;
						_sx += _sw * _ss / 2 - _sox * _ss;
						_sy += _sh * _ss / 2 - _soy * _ss;
						draw_sprite_ext(_node.spr, _si, _sx, _sy, _ss, _ss, 0, c_white, 1);
						if(is_instanceof(_node, NodeAction) && !struct_try_get(_node, "hide_bg", false))
							draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.play_action, 0, _sx + list_height / 2 - 8, _sy + list_height / 2 - 8, 0.5, COLORS.add_node_blend_action);
					draw_set_text(f_p2, fa_left, fa_center, COLORS._main_text);
					if(highlight) draw_text_match(list_height + ui(40), yy + list_height / 2, _node.getName(), search_string);
					else          draw_text(      list_height + ui(40), yy + list_height / 2, _node.getName());
				if(node_focusing == i) search_pane.scroll_y_to = -max(0, hh - search_pane.h);	
		node_focusing = -1;
		if(keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up)) {
			node_selecting = safe_mod(node_selecting - 1 + amo, amo);
			node_focusing = node_selecting;
		if(keyboard_check_pressed(vk_down)) {
			node_selecting = safe_mod(node_selecting + 1, amo);
			node_focusing = node_selecting;
		return hh;