function Node_Canvas(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor { name = "Canvas"; color = COLORS.node_blend_canvas; inputs[| 0] = nodeValue("Dimension", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, DEF_SURF ) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.vector); inputs[| 1] = nodeValue("Color", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.color, c_white ); inputs[| 2] = nodeValue("Brush size", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 1 ) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider, { range: [1, 32, 1] }); inputs[| 3] = nodeValue("Fill threshold", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, 0.) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider); inputs[| 4] = nodeValue("Fill type", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 0) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_scroll, ["4 connect", "8 connect", "Entire canvas"]); inputs[| 5] = nodeValue("Draw preview overlay", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, true); inputs[| 6] = nodeValue("Brush", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone) .setVisible(true, false); inputs[| 7] = nodeValue("Surface amount", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.integer, 1); inputs[| 8] = nodeValue("Background", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.surface, -1); inputs[| 9] = nodeValue("Background alpha", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, 1.) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider); inputs[| 10] = nodeValue("Render background", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, true); inputs[| 11] = nodeValue("Alpha", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, 1 ) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider); inputs[| 12] = nodeValue("Frames animation", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, false ); inputs[| 13] = nodeValue("Animation speed", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, 1 ); inputs[| 14] = nodeValue("Use background dimension", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, true ); inputs[| 15] = nodeValue("Brush distance", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, [ 1, 1 ] ) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.range, { linked : true }); inputs[| 16] = nodeValue("Rotate brush by direction", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, false ); inputs[| 17] = nodeValue("Random direction", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.rotation_random); outputs[| 0] = nodeValue("Surface out", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.output, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone); frame_renderer_x = 0; frame_renderer_x_to = 0; frame_renderer_x_max = 0; frame_renderer_content = surface_create(1, 1); frame_renderer = new Inspector_Custom_Renderer(function(_x, _y, _w, _m, _hover, _focus) { #region var _h = 64; _y += 8; var _cnt_hover = false; draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.button, 0, _x, _y, _w, _h); if(_hover && frame_renderer.parent != noone && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], _x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h)) { frame_renderer.parent.scroll_lock = true; _cnt_hover = _hover; } var _ww = _w - 4 - 40; var _hh = _h - 4 - 4; var _x0 = _x + 4; var _y0 = _y + 4; var _x1 = _x0 + _ww; var _y1 = _y0 + _hh; draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.ui_panel_bg, 1, _x0, _y0, _ww, _hh); frame_renderer_x_max = 0; frame_renderer_content = surface_verify(frame_renderer_content, _ww, _hh); surface_set_shader(frame_renderer_content); var _msx = _m[0] - _x0; var _msy = _m[1] - _y0; var _fr_h = _hh - 8; var _fr_w = _fr_h; var _fr_x = 8 - frame_renderer_x; var _fr_y = 4; var surfs = output_surface; var _del = noone; for( var i = 0, n = attributes.frames; i < n; i++ ) { var _surf = surfs[i]; if(!is_surface(_surf)) continue; var _sw = surface_get_width(_surf); var _sh = surface_get_height(_surf); var _ss = min(_fr_w / _sw, _fr_h / _sh); var _sx = _fr_x; var _sy = _fr_y + _fr_h / 2 - _sh * _ss / 2; draw_surface_ext(_surf, _sx, _sy, _ss, _ss, 0, c_white, 0.75); draw_set_color(i == preview_index? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS.panel_toolbar_outline); draw_rectangle(_sx, _sy, _sx + _sw * _ss, _sy + _sh * _ss, true); var _del_x = _sx + _sw * _ss - 8; var _del_y = _sy + 8; var _del_a = 0; if(_hover) { if(point_in_circle(_msx, _msy, _del_x, _del_y, 8)) { _del_a = 1; if(mouse_press(mb_left, _focus)) _del = i; } else if(point_in_rectangle(_msx, _msy, _sx, _sy, _sx + _sw * _ss, _sy + _sh * _ss)) { if(mouse_press(mb_left, _focus)) preview_index = i; } } draw_sprite(THEME.close_16, _del_a, _del_x, _del_y); _fr_x += _sw * _ss + 8; frame_renderer_x_max += _sw * _ss + 8; } if(_del > noone) removeFrame(_del); surface_reset_shader(); draw_surface(frame_renderer_content, _x0, _y0); frame_renderer_x_max = max(0, frame_renderer_x_max - 200); frame_renderer_x = lerp_float(frame_renderer_x, frame_renderer_x_to, 3); if(_cnt_hover) { if(mouse_wheel_down()) frame_renderer_x_to = clamp(frame_renderer_x_to + 80, 0, frame_renderer_x_max); if(mouse_wheel_up()) frame_renderer_x_to = clamp(frame_renderer_x_to - 80, 0, frame_renderer_x_max); } var _bs = 32; var _bx = _x1 + ui(20) - _bs / 2; var _by = _y + _h / 2 - _bs / 2; if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, _bx, _by, _bs, _bs, _m, _focus, _hover,, THEME.add,, COLORS._main_value_positive) == 2) { attributes.frames++; refreshFrames(); update(); } return 8 + _h; }); #endregion input_display_list = [ ["Output", false], 0, frame_renderer, 12, 13, ["Brush", true], 6, 15, 17, 16, ["Background", true, 10], 8, 14, 9, ]; #region ++++ data ++++ attributes.frames = 1; attribute_surface_depth(); attributes.dimension = [ 1, 1 ]; output_surface = [ surface_create_empty(1, 1) ]; canvas_surface = [ surface_create_empty(1, 1) ]; canvas_buffer = [ buffer_create(1 * 1 * 4, buffer_fixed, 2) ]; drawing_surface = surface_create_empty(1, 1); _drawing_surface = surface_create_empty(1, 1); surface_w = 1; surface_h = 1; prev_surface = surface_create_empty(1, 1); preview_draw_surface = surface_create_empty(1, 1); _preview_draw_surface = surface_create_empty(1, 1); is_selecting = false; is_selected = false; is_select_drag = false; selection_surface = surface_create_empty(1, 1); selection_mask = surface_create_empty(1, 1); selection_position = [ 0, 0 ]; selection_sx = 0; selection_sy = 0; selection_mx = 0; selection_my = 0; mouse_cur_x = 0; mouse_cur_y = 0; mouse_pre_x = 0; mouse_pre_y = 0; mouse_pre_draw_x = undefined; mouse_pre_draw_y = undefined; mouse_pre_dir_x = undefined; mouse_pre_dir_y = undefined; mouse_holding = false; brush_sizing = false; brush_sizing_s = 0; brush_sizing_mx = 0; brush_sizing_my = 0; brush_sizing_dx = 0; brush_sizing_dy = 0; brush_surface = noone; brush_size = 1; brush_dist_min = 1; brush_dist_max = 1; brush_direction = 0; brush_rand_dir = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; brush_seed = irandom_range(100000, 999999); brush_next_dist = 0; draw_stack = ds_list_create(); #endregion #region ++++ tools ++++ tool_attribute.color = cola(c_white); = [ true, true, true, true ]; tool_channel_edit = new checkBoxGroup(THEME.tools_canvas_channel, function(ind, val) {[ind] = val; }); tool_settings = [ [ "Channel", tool_channel_edit, "channel", tool_attribute ] ]; tool_attribute.size = 1; tool_size_edit = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, function(val) { tool_attribute.size = max(1, round(val)); }).setSlidable(0.1, true, [ 1, 999999 ]) .setFont(f_p3) .setSideButton(button(function() { dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Node_Canvas_Pressure(self), mouse_mx, mouse_my, { anchor: | ANCHOR.left }) }) .setIcon(THEME.pen_pressure, 0, COLORS._main_icon)); tool_size = [ "Size", tool_size_edit, "size", tool_attribute ]; tool_attribute.pressure = false; tool_attribute.pressure_size = [ 1, 1 ]; tool_attribute.thres = 0; tool_thrs_edit = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, function(val) { tool_attribute.thres = clamp(val, 0, 1); }).setSlidable(0.01, false, [ 0, 1 ]).setFont(f_p3); tool_thrs = [ "Threshold", tool_thrs_edit, "thres", tool_attribute ]; tool_attribute.fill8 = false; tool_fil8_edit = new checkBox(function() { tool_attribute.fill8 = !tool_attribute.fill8; }); tool_fil8 = [ "Diagonal", tool_fil8_edit, "fill8", tool_attribute ]; tools = [ new NodeTool( "Selection", [ THEME.canvas_tools_selection_rectangle, THEME.canvas_tools_selection_circle ]), new NodeTool( "Pencil", THEME.canvas_tools_pencil) .setSetting(tool_size), new NodeTool( "Eraser", THEME.canvas_tools_eraser) .setSetting(tool_size), new NodeTool( "Rectangle", [ THEME.canvas_tools_rect, THEME.canvas_tools_rect_fill ]) .setSetting(tool_size), new NodeTool( "Ellipse", [ THEME.canvas_tools_ellip, THEME.canvas_tools_ellip_fill ]) .setSetting(tool_size), new NodeTool( "Fill", THEME.canvas_tools_bucket) .setSetting(tool_thrs) .setSetting(tool_fil8), ]; #endregion function setToolColor(color) { tool_attribute.color = color; } static drawTools = function(_mx, _my, xx, yy, tool_size, hover, focus) { #region var _sx0 = xx - tool_size / 2; var _sx1 = xx + tool_size / 2; var hh = ui(8); yy += ui(4); draw_set_color(COLORS._main_icon_dark); draw_line_round(_sx0 + ui(8), yy, _sx1 - ui(8), yy, 2); yy += ui(4); var _cx = _sx0 + ui(8); var _cw = tool_size - ui(16); var _ch = ui(12); var _pd = ui(5); yy += ui(8); hh += ui(8); drawColor(tool_attribute.color, _cx, yy, _cw, _cw); draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.palette_selecting, 0, _cx - _pd, yy - _pd, _cw + _pd * 2, _cw + _pd * 2, c_white, 1); if(point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, _cx, yy, _cx + _cw, yy + _ch) && mouse_press(mb_left, focus)) colorSelectorCall(tool_attribute.color, setToolColor); yy += _cw + ui(8); hh += _cw + ui(8); var _sel = noone; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(DEF_PALETTE); i < n; i++ ) { var _c = DEF_PALETTE[i]; var ii = 0; if(i == 0) ii = 4; if(i == n - 1) ii = 5; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.palette_mask, ii, _cx, yy, _cw, _ch, _c, 1); if(_c == tool_attribute.color) _sel = [ _cx, yy ]; if(hover && point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, _cx, yy, _cx + _cw, yy + _ch)) { if(mouse_click(mb_left, focus)) tool_attribute.color = _c; } yy += _ch; hh += _ch; } if(_sel != noone) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.palette_selecting, 0, _sel[0] - _pd, _sel[1] - _pd, _cw + _pd * 2, _ch + _pd * 2, c_white, 1); return hh + ui(4); } #endregion function removeFrame(index = 0) { #region if(attributes.frames <= 1) return; if(preview_index == attributes.frames) preview_index--; attributes.frames--; array_delete(canvas_surface, index, 1); array_delete(canvas_buffer, index, 1); update(); } #endregion function refreshFrames() { #region var fr = attributes.frames; if(array_length(canvas_surface) < fr) { for( var i = array_length(canvas_surface); i < fr; i++ ) { canvas_surface[i] = surface_create_empty(1, 1); } } else array_resize(canvas_surface, fr); if(array_length(canvas_buffer) < fr) { for( var i = array_length(canvas_buffer); i < fr; i++ ) { canvas_buffer[i] = buffer_create(1 * 1 * 4, buffer_fixed, 2); } } else array_resize(canvas_buffer, fr); } #endregion function getCanvasSurface(index = preview_index) { INLINE return array_safe_get(canvas_surface, index); } function setCanvasSurface(surface, index = preview_index) { INLINE canvas_surface[index] = surface; } function storeAction() { #region var action = recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.custom, function(data) { is_selected = false; var _canvas = surface_clone(getCanvasSurface(data.index)); if(is_surface(data.surface)) setCanvasSurface(surface_clone(data.surface), data.index); surface_store_buffer(data.index); surface_free(data.surface); data.surface = _canvas; data.index = preview_index; }, { surface: surface_clone(getCanvasSurface()), tooltip: "Modify canvas", index: preview_index }); action.clear_action = function(data) { surface_free_safe(data.surface); }; } #endregion function apply_surfaces() { #region for( var i = 0; i < attributes.frames; i++ ) apply_surface(i); } #endregion function apply_surface(index = preview_index) { #region var _dim = attributes.dimension; var cDep = attrDepth(); var _canvas_surface = getCanvasSurface(index); //print($"Applying surface {index} - {_canvas_surface} [{is_surface(_canvas_surface)}]"); if(!is_surface(_canvas_surface)) { // recover surface //print($"recovering surface from buffer {random(1)}"); setCanvasSurface(surface_create_from_buffer(_dim[0], _dim[1], canvas_buffer[index]), index); } else if(surface_get_width_safe(_canvas_surface) != _dim[0] || surface_get_height_safe(_canvas_surface) != _dim[1]) { // resize surface var _cbuff = array_safe_get(canvas_buffer, index); if(buffer_exists(_cbuff)) buffer_delete(_cbuff); canvas_buffer[index] = buffer_create(_dim[0] * _dim[1] * 4, buffer_fixed, 4); setCanvasSurface(surface_size_to(_canvas_surface, _dim[0], _dim[1]), index); } drawing_surface = surface_verify(drawing_surface, _dim[0], _dim[1], cDep); surface_clear(drawing_surface); } #endregion function surface_store_buffers(index = preview_index) { #region for( var i = 0; i < attributes.frames; i++ ) surface_store_buffer(i); } #endregion function surface_store_buffer(index = preview_index) { #region if(index >= attributes.frames) return; buffer_delete(canvas_buffer[index]); var _canvas_surface = getCanvasSurface(index); surface_w = surface_get_width_safe(_canvas_surface); surface_h = surface_get_height_safe(_canvas_surface); canvas_buffer[index] = buffer_create(surface_w * surface_h * 4, buffer_fixed, 4); buffer_get_surface(canvas_buffer[index], _canvas_surface, 0); triggerRender(); apply_surface(index); } #endregion function apply_draw_surface() { #region var _alp = _color_get_alpha(tool_attribute.color); storeAction(); surface_set_target(getCanvasSurface()); BLEND_ALPHA if(isUsingTool("Eraser")) { gpu_set_blendmode(bm_subtract); if([3]) gpu_set_colorwriteenable(false, false, false, true); } draw_surface_ext_safe(drawing_surface, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, c_white, _alp); gpu_set_colorwriteenable([0],[1],[2],[3]); surface_reset_target(); surface_clear(drawing_surface); BLEND_NORMAL; surface_store_buffer(); } #endregion function draw_point_size(_x, _y, _draw = false) { #region if(brush_surface == noone) { if(brush_size <= 1) draw_point(_x, _y); else if(brush_size == 2) { draw_point(_x, _y); draw_point(_x + 1, _y); draw_point(_x, _y + 1); draw_point(_x + 1, _y + 1); } else if(brush_size == 3) { draw_point(_x, _y); draw_point(_x - 1, _y); draw_point(_x, _y - 1); draw_point(_x + 1, _y); draw_point(_x, _y + 1); } else draw_circle_prec(_x, _y, brush_size / 2, 0); } else { var _sw = surface_get_width_safe(brush_surface); var _sh = surface_get_height_safe(brush_surface); var _r = brush_direction + angle_random_eval(brush_rand_dir, brush_seed); var _p = point_rotate(-_sw / 2, -_sh / 2, 0, 0, _r); draw_surface_ext_safe(brush_surface, _x + _p[0], _y + _p[1], 1, 1, _r, draw_get_color(), draw_get_alpha()); if(_draw) brush_seed = irandom_range(100000, 999999); } } #endregion function draw_line_size(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1, _draw = false) { #region if(brush_size == 1 && brush_surface == noone) { if(_x1 > _x0) _x0--; if(_y1 > _y0) _y0--; if(_y1 < _y0) _y1--; if(_x1 < _x0) _x1--; draw_line(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1); } else { var diss = point_distance(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1); var dirr = point_direction(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1); var st_x = lengthdir_x(1, dirr); var st_y = lengthdir_y(1, dirr); var _i = _draw? brush_next_dist : 0; var _dst = diss; if(_i < diss) { while(_i < diss) { var _px = _x0 + st_x * _i; var _py = _y0 + st_y * _i; draw_point_size(_px, _py, _draw); brush_next_dist = random_range(brush_dist_min, brush_dist_max); _i += brush_next_dist; _dst -= brush_next_dist; } brush_next_dist -= _dst; } else brush_next_dist -= diss; if(brush_dist_min == brush_dist_max && brush_dist_min == 1) draw_point_size(_x1, _y1, _draw); } } #endregion function draw_rect_size(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1, _fill) { #region if(_x0 == _x1 && _y0 == _y1) { draw_point_size(_x0, _y0); return; } else if(_x0 == _x1) { draw_point_size(_x0, _y0); draw_point_size(_x1, _y1); draw_line_size(_x0, _y0, _x0, _y1); return; } else if(_y0 == _y1) { draw_point_size(_x0, _y0); draw_point_size(_x1, _y1); draw_line_size(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y0); return; } var _min_x = min(_x0, _x1); var _max_x = max(_x0, _x1); var _min_y = min(_y0, _y1); var _may_y = max(_y0, _y1); if(_fill) { draw_rectangle(_min_x, _min_y, _max_x, _may_y, 0); } else if(brush_size == 1 && brush_surface == noone) draw_rectangle(_min_x + 1, _min_y + 1, _max_x - 1, _may_y - 1, 1); else { draw_line_size(_min_x, _min_y, _max_x, _min_y); draw_line_size(_min_x, _min_y, _min_x, _may_y); draw_line_size(_max_x, _may_y, _max_x, _min_y); draw_line_size(_max_x, _may_y, _min_x, _may_y); } } #endregion function draw_ellp_size(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1, _fill) { #region if(_x0 == _x1 && _y0 == _y1) { draw_point_size(_x0, _y0); return; } else if(_x0 == _x1) { draw_point_size(_x0, _y0); draw_point_size(_x1, _y1); draw_line_size(_x0, _y0, _x0, _y1); return; } else if(_y0 == _y1) { draw_point_size(_x0, _y0); draw_point_size(_x1, _y1); draw_line_size(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y0); return; } var _min_x = min(_x0, _x1) - 1; var _max_x = max(_x0, _x1); var _min_y = min(_y0, _y1) - 1; var _max_y = max(_y0, _y1); if(_fill) { draw_ellipse(_min_x, _min_y, _max_x, _max_y, 0); } else { var samp = 64; var cx = (_min_x + _max_x) / 2; var cy = (_min_y + _max_y) / 2; var rx = abs(_x0 - _x1) / 2; var ry = abs(_y0 - _y1) / 2; var ox, oy, nx, ny; for( var i = 0; i <= samp; i++ ) { nx = cx + lengthdir_x(rx, 360 / samp * i); ny = cy + lengthdir_y(ry, 360 / samp * i); if(i) draw_line_size(ox, oy, nx, ny); ox = nx; oy = ny; } } } #endregion function get_color_buffer(_x, _y) { #region var _cbuffer = canvas_buffer[preview_index]; var pos = (surface_w * _y + _x) * 4; if(pos >= buffer_get_size(_cbuffer)) { print("Error buffer overflow " + string(pos) + "/" + string(buffer_get_size(_cbuffer))); return 0; } buffer_seek(_cbuffer, buffer_seek_start, pos); var c = buffer_read(_cbuffer, buffer_u32); return c; } #endregion function ff_fillable(colorBase, colorFill, _x, _y, _thres) { #region var d = color_diff(colorBase, get_color_buffer(_x, _y), true, true); return d <= _thres && d != colorFill; } #endregion function flood_fill_scanline(_x, _y, _surf, _thres, _corner = false) { #region var colorFill = draw_get_color() + (255 << 24); var colorBase = get_color_buffer(_x, _y); if(colorFill == colorBase) return; //Clicking on the same color as the fill color var _alp = _color_get_alpha(tool_attribute.color); draw_set_alpha(_alp); var x1, y1, x_start; var spanAbove, spanBelow; var thr = _thres * _thres; var queue = ds_queue_create(); ds_queue_enqueue(queue, [_x, _y]); while(!ds_queue_empty(queue)) { var pos = ds_queue_dequeue(queue); x1 = pos[0]; y1 = pos[1]; var colorCurr = get_color_buffer(x1, y1); //print($"Searching {x1}, {y1}: {colorCurr}"); if(colorCurr == colorFill) continue; //Color in queue is already filled while(x1 > 0 && ff_fillable(colorBase, colorFill, x1 - 1, y1, thr)) //Move to the leftmost connected pixel in the same row. x1--; x_start = x1; spanAbove = false; spanBelow = false; while(x1 < surface_w && ff_fillable(colorBase, colorFill, x1, y1, thr)) { draw_point(x1, y1); var _cbuffer = canvas_buffer[preview_index]; buffer_seek(_cbuffer, buffer_seek_start, (surface_w * y1 + x1) * 4); buffer_write(_cbuffer, buffer_u32, colorFill); //print($"> Filling {x1}, {y1}: {get_color_buffer(x1, y1)}"); if(y1 > 0) { if(_corner && x1 > 0 && ff_fillable(colorBase, colorFill, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, thr)) //Check top left pixel ds_queue_enqueue(queue, [x1 - 1, y1 - 1]); if(ff_fillable(colorBase, colorFill, x1, y1 - 1, thr)) //Check top pixel ds_queue_enqueue(queue, [x1, y1 - 1]); } if(y1 < surface_h - 1) { if(_corner && x1 > 0 && ff_fillable(colorBase, colorFill, x1 - 1, y1 + 1, thr)) //Check bottom left pixel ds_queue_enqueue(queue, [x1 - 1, y1 + 1]); if(ff_fillable(colorBase, colorFill, x1, y1 + 1, thr)) //Check bottom pixel ds_queue_enqueue(queue, [x1, y1 + 1]); } if(_corner && x1 < surface_w - 1) { if(y1 > 0 && ff_fillable(colorBase, colorFill, x1 + 1, y1 - 1, thr)) //Check top right pixel ds_queue_enqueue(queue, [x1 + 1, y1 - 1]); if(y1 < surface_h - 1 && ff_fillable(colorBase, colorFill, x1 + 1, y1 + 1, thr)) //Check bottom right pixel ds_queue_enqueue(queue, [x1 + 1, y1 + 1]); } x1++; } } draw_set_alpha(1); } #endregion function canvas_fill(_x, _y, _surf, _thres) { #region var _alp = _color_get_alpha(tool_attribute.color); var w = surface_get_width_safe(_surf); var h = surface_get_height_safe(_surf); var _c1 = get_color_buffer(_x, _y); var thr = _thres * _thres; draw_set_alpha(_alp); for( var i = 0; i < w; i++ ) { for( var j = 0; j < h; j++ ) { if(i == _x && j == _y) { draw_point(i, j); continue; } var _c2 = get_color_buffer(i, j); if(color_diff(_c1, _c2, true) <= thr) draw_point(i, j); } } draw_set_alpha(1); } #endregion static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { #region if(instance_exists(o_dialog_color_picker)) return; mouse_cur_x = round((_mx - _x) / _s - 0.5); mouse_cur_y = round((_my - _y) / _s - 0.5); var _dim = attributes.dimension; var _col = tool_attribute.color; var _siz = tool_attribute.size; var _thr = tool_attribute.thres; var _fill_type = tool_attribute.fill8; var _prev = getInputData(5); var _brushSurf = getInputData(6); var _brushDist = getInputData(15); var _brushRotD = getInputData(16); var _brushRotR = getInputData(17); if(PEN_USE && tool_attribute.pressure) brush_size = round(lerp(tool_attribute.pressure_size[0], tool_attribute.pressure_size[1], power(PEN_PRESSURE / 1024, 2))); else brush_size = _siz; brush_dist_min = max(1, _brushDist[0]); brush_dist_max = max(1, _brushDist[1]); brush_surface = is_surface(_brushSurf)? _brushSurf : noone; if(!_brushRotD) brush_direction = 0; else if(mouse_pre_dir_x == undefined) { mouse_pre_dir_x = _mx; mouse_pre_dir_y = _my; } else if(point_distance(mouse_pre_dir_x, mouse_pre_dir_y, _mx, _my) > _s) { brush_direction = point_direction(mouse_pre_dir_x, mouse_pre_dir_y, _mx, _my); mouse_pre_dir_x = _mx; mouse_pre_dir_y = _my; } brush_rand_dir = _brushRotR; #region color selector if(active && key_mod_press(ALT)) { var dialog = instance_create(0, 0, o_dialog_color_picker); dialog.onApply = setToolColor; dialog.def_c = _col; } #endregion var _canvas_surface = getCanvasSurface(); if(!surface_exists(_canvas_surface)) return; var _surf_w = surface_get_width_safe(_canvas_surface); var _surf_h = surface_get_height_safe(_canvas_surface); #region drawing surface review _drawing_surface = surface_verify(_drawing_surface, _surf_w, _surf_h); surface_set_target(_drawing_surface); DRAW_CLEAR draw_surface_safe(drawing_surface); surface_reset_target(); #endregion if(!isUsingTool("Selection") && is_surface(selection_surface)) { #region var pos_x = selection_position[0]; var pos_y = selection_position[1]; surface_set_target(_canvas_surface); BLEND_ALPHA draw_surface_safe(selection_surface, pos_x, pos_y); BLEND_NORMAL surface_reset_target(); surface_store_buffer(); surface_free(selection_surface); } #endregion draw_set_color(_col); if(!isUsingTool("Selection")) gpu_set_colorwriteenable([0],[1],[2],[3]); if(isUsingTool("Selection")) { #region if(is_selected) { if(!is_surface(selection_surface)) { is_selected = false; } else { if(is_select_drag) { var px = selection_sx + (mouse_cur_x - selection_mx); var py = selection_sy + (mouse_cur_y - selection_my); selection_position[0] = px; selection_position[1] = py; if(mouse_release(mb_left)) is_select_drag = false; } if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) { var pos_x = selection_position[0]; var pos_y = selection_position[1]; var sel_w = surface_get_width_safe(selection_surface); var sel_h = surface_get_height_safe(selection_surface); if(point_in_rectangle(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + sel_w, pos_y + sel_h)) { is_select_drag = true; selection_sx = pos_x; selection_sy = pos_y; selection_mx = mouse_cur_x; selection_my = mouse_cur_y; } else { is_selected = false; surface_set_target(_canvas_surface); BLEND_ALPHA draw_surface_safe(selection_surface, pos_x, pos_y); BLEND_NORMAL surface_reset_target(); surface_store_buffer(); surface_free(selection_surface); } } } } if(!is_selected) { if(is_selecting) { var sel_x0 = min(selection_sx, mouse_cur_x); var sel_y0 = min(selection_sy, mouse_cur_y); var sel_x1 = max(selection_sx, mouse_cur_x); var sel_y1 = max(selection_sy, mouse_cur_y); var sel_w = sel_x1 - sel_x0 + 1; var sel_h = sel_y1 - sel_y0 + 1; selection_mask = surface_verify(selection_mask, sel_w, sel_h); surface_set_target(selection_mask); DRAW_CLEAR draw_set_color(c_white); if(isUsingTool("Selection", 0)) draw_rectangle(0, 0, sel_w, sel_h, false); else if(isUsingTool("Selection", 1)) draw_ellipse(0, 0, sel_w - 1, sel_h - 1, false); surface_reset_target(); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) { is_selecting = false; if(sel_x0 != sel_x1 && sel_y0 != sel_y1) { is_selected = true; selection_surface = surface_create(sel_w, sel_h); surface_set_target(selection_surface); DRAW_CLEAR draw_surface_safe(_canvas_surface, -sel_x0, -sel_y0); BLEND_MULTIPLY draw_surface_safe(selection_mask, 0, 0); BLEND_NORMAL surface_reset_target(); storeAction(); surface_set_target(_canvas_surface); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_subtract); draw_surface_safe(selection_surface, sel_x0, sel_y0); gpu_set_blendmode(bm_normal); surface_reset_target(); surface_store_buffer(); selection_position = [ sel_x0, sel_y0 ]; } } } else { if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) { is_selecting = true; selection_sx = mouse_cur_x; selection_sy = mouse_cur_y; surface_free_safe(selection_mask); } } } #endregion } else if(isUsingTool("Pencil") || isUsingTool("Eraser")) { #region if(mouse_pre_draw_x != undefined && mouse_pre_draw_y != undefined && key_mod_press(SHIFT) && key_mod_press(CTRL)) { var aa = point_direction(mouse_pre_draw_x, mouse_pre_draw_y, mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y); var dd = point_distance(mouse_pre_draw_x, mouse_pre_draw_y, mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y); var _a = round(aa / 45) * 45; dd = dd * cos(degtorad(_a - aa)); mouse_cur_x = mouse_pre_draw_x + lengthdir_x(dd, _a); mouse_cur_y = mouse_pre_draw_y + lengthdir_y(dd, _a); } if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) { brush_next_dist = 0; drawing_surface = surface_verify(drawing_surface, _dim[0], _dim[1], attrDepth()); surface_set_shader(drawing_surface, noone); draw_point_size(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, true); surface_reset_shader(); mouse_holding = true; if(mouse_pre_draw_x != undefined && mouse_pre_draw_y != undefined && key_mod_press(SHIFT)) { ///////////////// shift line surface_set_shader(drawing_surface, noone, true, BLEND.alpha); brush_next_dist = 0; draw_line_size(mouse_pre_draw_x, mouse_pre_draw_y, mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, true); surface_reset_shader(); mouse_holding = false; apply_draw_surface(); } mouse_pre_draw_x = mouse_cur_x; mouse_pre_draw_y = mouse_cur_y; } if(mouse_holding) { var _move = mouse_pre_draw_x != mouse_cur_x || mouse_pre_draw_y != mouse_cur_y; var _1stp = brush_dist_min == brush_dist_max && brush_dist_min == 1; if(_move || !_1stp) { surface_set_shader(drawing_surface, noone, false, BLEND.alpha); if(_1stp) draw_point_size(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, true); draw_line_size(mouse_pre_draw_x, mouse_pre_draw_y, mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, true); surface_reset_shader(); } mouse_pre_draw_x = mouse_cur_x; mouse_pre_draw_y = mouse_cur_y; if(mouse_release(mb_left)) { mouse_holding = false; apply_draw_surface(); } } BLEND_NORMAL; mouse_pre_x = mouse_cur_x; mouse_pre_y = mouse_cur_y; if(brush_sizing) { var s = brush_sizing_s + (_mx - brush_sizing_mx) / 16; s = max(1, s); tool_attribute.size = s; if(mouse_release(mb_right)) brush_sizing = false; } else if(mouse_press(mb_right, active) && key_mod_press(SHIFT) && brush_surface == noone) { brush_sizing = true; brush_sizing_s = _siz; brush_sizing_mx = _mx; brush_sizing_my = _my; brush_sizing_dx = mouse_cur_x; brush_sizing_dy = mouse_cur_y; } #endregion } else if(isUsingTool("Rectangle") || isUsingTool("Ellipse")) { #region if(mouse_holding && key_mod_press(SHIFT)) { var ww = mouse_cur_x - mouse_pre_x; var hh = mouse_cur_y - mouse_pre_y; var ss = max(abs(ww), abs(hh)); mouse_cur_x = mouse_pre_x + ss * sign(ww); mouse_cur_y = mouse_pre_y + ss * sign(hh); } if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) { mouse_pre_x = mouse_cur_x; mouse_pre_y = mouse_cur_y; mouse_holding = true; } if(mouse_holding) { drawing_surface = surface_verify(drawing_surface, _dim[0], _dim[1], attrDepth()); surface_set_shader(drawing_surface, noone); if(isUsingTool("Rectangle")) draw_rect_size(mouse_pre_x, mouse_pre_y, mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, isUsingTool("Rectangle", 1)); else if(isUsingTool("Ellipse")) draw_ellp_size(mouse_pre_x, mouse_pre_y, mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, isUsingTool("Ellipse", 1)); surface_reset_shader(); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) { apply_draw_surface(); mouse_holding = false; } } if(brush_sizing) { var s = brush_sizing_s + (_mx - brush_sizing_mx) / 16; s = max(1, s); inputs[| 2].setValue(s); if(mouse_release(mb_right)) brush_sizing = false; } else if(mouse_press(mb_right, active) && key_mod_press(SHIFT) && brush_surface == noone) { brush_sizing = true; brush_sizing_s = brush_size; brush_sizing_mx = _mx; brush_sizing_my = _my; brush_sizing_dx = mouse_cur_x; brush_sizing_dy = mouse_cur_y; } #endregion } else if(isUsingTool("Fill") || (DRAGGING && DRAGGING.type == "Color")) { #region var fill = DRAGGING? mouse_release(mb_left, active) : mouse_press(mb_left, active); if(fill && point_in_rectangle(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, 0, 0, _surf_w - 1, _surf_h - 1)) { storeAction(); surface_set_target(_canvas_surface); if(DRAGGING) draw_set_color(; switch(_fill_type) { case 0 : flood_fill_scanline(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, _canvas_surface, _thr, false); break; case 1 : flood_fill_scanline(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, _canvas_surface, _thr, true); break; case 2 : canvas_fill(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, _canvas_surface, _thr); break; } surface_store_buffer(); surface_reset_target(); } #endregion } draw_set_alpha(1); gpu_set_colorwriteenable(true, true, true, true); #region preview var _bg = getInputData(8); var _bga = getInputData(9); var _bgr = getInputData(10); var _alp = _color_get_alpha(_col); var __s = surface_get_target(); prev_surface = surface_verify(prev_surface, _dim[0], _dim[1]); preview_draw_surface = surface_verify(preview_draw_surface, _dim[0], _dim[1]); _preview_draw_surface = surface_verify(_preview_draw_surface, surface_get_width_safe(__s), surface_get_height_safe(__s)); surface_set_shader(preview_draw_surface, noone,, BLEND.alpha); draw_surface_safe(_drawing_surface, 0, 0); draw_set_color(_col); if(isUsingTool("Selection")) { if(is_selected) draw_surface_safe(selection_surface, selection_position[0], selection_position[1]); else if(is_selecting) { var sel_x0 = min(selection_sx, mouse_cur_x); var sel_y0 = min(selection_sy, mouse_cur_y); draw_surface_safe(selection_mask, sel_x0, sel_y0); } } else if(isUsingTool("Pencil") || isUsingTool("Eraser")) { if(isUsingTool("Eraser")) draw_set_color(c_white); if(brush_sizing) { draw_point_size(brush_sizing_dx, brush_sizing_dy); } else { if(mouse_pre_draw_x != undefined && mouse_pre_draw_y != undefined && key_mod_press(SHIFT)) draw_line_size(mouse_pre_draw_x, mouse_pre_draw_y, mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y); else draw_point_size(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y); } } else if(isUsingTool("Rectangle")) { if(brush_sizing) draw_point_size(brush_sizing_dx, brush_sizing_dy); else if(mouse_holding) draw_rect_size(mouse_pre_x, mouse_pre_y, mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, isUsingTool("Rectangle", 1)); else draw_point_size(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y); } else if(isUsingTool("Ellipse")) { if(brush_sizing) draw_point_size(brush_sizing_dx, brush_sizing_dy); else if(mouse_holding) draw_ellp_size(mouse_pre_x, mouse_pre_y, mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y, isUsingTool("Ellipse", 1)); else draw_point_size(mouse_cur_x, mouse_cur_y); } surface_reset_shader(); if((active || mouse_holding) && isUsingTool()) { if(isUsingTool("Selection")) { if(is_selected) { var pos_x = _x + selection_position[0] * _s; var pos_y = _y + selection_position[1] * _s; var sel_w = surface_get_width_safe(selection_surface) * _s; var sel_h = surface_get_height_safe(selection_surface) * _s; draw_set_color(c_white); draw_rectangle_dashed(pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + sel_w, pos_y + sel_h, true, 4); draw_surface_ext_safe(selection_surface, pos_x, pos_y, _s, _s, 0, c_white, 1); } } else { gpu_set_colorwriteenable([0],[1],[2],[3]); draw_surface_ext_safe(preview_draw_surface, _x, _y, _s, _s, 0, isUsingTool("Eraser")? c_red : c_white, isUsingTool("Eraser")? 0.2 : _alp); gpu_set_colorwriteenable(true, true, true, true); } surface_set_target(_preview_draw_surface); DRAW_CLEAR draw_surface_ext_safe(preview_draw_surface, _x, _y, _s, _s, 0, c_white, 1); surface_reset_target(); shader_set(sh_brush_outline); shader_set_f("dimension", surface_get_width_safe(_preview_draw_surface), surface_get_height_safe(_preview_draw_surface)); draw_surface_ext_safe(_preview_draw_surface, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, c_white, 1); shader_reset(); } #endregion var _x0 = _x; var _y0 = _y; var _x1 = _x0 + _dim[0] * _s; var _y1 = _y0 + _dim[1] * _s; draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_preview_surface_outline); draw_rectangle(_x0, _y0, _x1 - 1, _y1 - 1, true); previewing = 1; draw_set_alpha(1); } #endregion static step = function() { #region var fram = attributes.frames; var brush = getInputData(6); var anim = getInputData(12); var anims = getInputData(13); inputs[| 12].setVisible(fram > 1); inputs[| 13].setVisible(fram > 1 && anim); inputs[| 15].setVisible(is_surface(brush)); inputs[| 16].setVisible(is_surface(brush)); update_on_frame = fram > 1 && anim; if(update_on_frame) preview_index = safe_mod(CURRENT_FRAME * anims, fram); } #endregion static update = function(frame = CURRENT_FRAME) { #region var _dim = getInputData(0); var _bg = getInputData(8); var _bga = getInputData(9); var _bgr = getInputData(10); var _anim = getInputData(12); var _anims = getInputData(13); var _bgDim = getInputData(14); var cDep = attrDepth(); if(_bgDim && is_surface(_bg)) _dim = [ surface_get_width_safe(_bg), surface_get_height_safe(_bg) ]; attributes.dimension = _dim; apply_surfaces(); var _frames = attributes.frames; if(!is_array(output_surface)) output_surface = array_create(_frames); else if(array_length(output_surface) != _frames) array_resize(output_surface, _frames); if(_frames == 1) { var _canvas_surface = getCanvasSurface(0); output_surface[0] = surface_verify(output_surface[0], _dim[0], _dim[1], cDep); surface_set_shader(output_surface[0], noone,, BLEND.alpha); if(_bgr && is_surface(_bg)) draw_surface_stretched_ext(_bg, 0, 0, _dim[0], _dim[1], c_white, _bga); draw_surface_safe(_canvas_surface, 0, 0); surface_reset_shader(); outputs[| 0].setValue(output_surface[0]); } else { for( var i = 0; i < _frames; i++ ) { var _canvas_surface = getCanvasSurface(i); output_surface[i] = surface_verify(output_surface[i], _dim[0], _dim[1], cDep); surface_set_shader(output_surface[i], noone,, BLEND.alpha); if(_bgr && is_surface(_bg)) draw_surface_stretched_ext(_bg, 0, 0, _dim[0], _dim[1], c_white, _bga); draw_surface_safe(_canvas_surface, 0, 0); surface_reset_shader(); } if(_anim) { var _fr_index = safe_mod(CURRENT_FRAME * _anims, _frames); outputs[| 0].setValue(output_surface[_fr_index]); } else outputs[| 0].setValue(output_surface); } } #endregion static getPreviewValues = function() { return output_surface; } static doSerialize = function(_map) { #region surface_store_buffers(); var _buff = array_create(attributes.frames); for( var i = 0; i < attributes.frames; i++ ) { var comp = buffer_compress(canvas_buffer[i], 0, buffer_get_size(canvas_buffer[i])); _buff[i] = buffer_base64_encode(comp, 0, buffer_get_size(comp)); } _map.surfaces = _buff; } #endregion static doApplyDeserialize = function() { #region var _dim = struct_has(attributes, "dimension")? attributes.dimension : getInputData(0); if(!struct_has(load_map, "surfaces")) { if(struct_has(load_map, "surface")) { var buff = buffer_base64_decode(load_map.surface); canvas_buffer[0] = buffer_decompress(buff); canvas_surface[0] = surface_create_from_buffer(_dim[0], _dim[1], canvas_buffer[0]); } return; } canvas_buffer = array_create(array_length(load_map.surfaces)); canvas_surface = array_create(array_length(load_map.surfaces)); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(load_map.surfaces); i < n; i++ ) { var buff = buffer_base64_decode(load_map.surfaces[i]); canvas_buffer[i] = buffer_decompress(buff); canvas_surface[i] = surface_create_from_buffer(_dim[0], _dim[1], canvas_buffer[i]); } apply_surfaces(); } #endregion static onCleanUp = function() { #region surface_array_free(canvas_surface); } #endregion }