    "tooltip":"Filter array using condition.",
    "name":"Filter Array",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Preserve border"
        "name":"Use alpha"
    "tooltip":"Remove pixel that are close to the border of the image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Strand Update",
    "tooltip":"Load a single image from your computer.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Tile color"
        "name":"Gap color"
          "Colored tile",
          "Height map",
          "Texture grid",
          "Texture sample"
        "name":"Render type"
    "tooltip":"Generate hexagonal grid pattern.",
    "name":"Hexagonal Grid",
        "name":"Surface out"
          "Regular polygon",
        "name":"Inner radius"
        "name":"Anti alising"
        "name":"Angle range"
        "name":"Corner radius"
        "name":"Shape color"
        "name":"Background color"
        "name":"Start radius"
        "name":"Shape path"
    "tooltip":"Draw simple shapes using signed distance field.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Sample frequency"
        "name":"Base Color"
        "name":"Graph Thickness"
        "name":"Background color"
          "Bar chart",
        "name":"Value Offset"
        "name":"Color Over Sample"
        "name":"Trim mode"
        "name":"Window Size"
        "name":"Window Offset"
        "name":"Bar Width"
        "name":"Rounded Bar"
        "name":"Flip Value"
        "name":"Color Over Value"
        "name":"Value range"
    "tooltip":"Plot graph or bar chart from array of number.",
    "name":"Bar \/ Graph",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Strand Length Adjust",
    "tooltip":"Save data to .json file.",
    "name":"JSON File Out",
        "name":"Surface in"
          "Line asymmetric",
        "name":"Light shape"
        "name":"Sweep end"
          "Invert quadratic",
        "tooltip":"Control how light fade out over distance.",
        "name":"Radial banding"
        "name":"Radial start"
        "name":"Radial band ratio"
    "tooltip":"Apply different shaped light on the image.",
    "name":"2D Light",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Light only"
    "name":"Rigidbody Override",
    "tooltip":"Create group that iterate to each member in an array.",
    "name":"Loop Array",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Amount of grid subdivision. Higher number means more grid, detail.",
        "name":"Spring Force"
        "tooltip":"Include diagonal link to prevent drastic grid deformation.",
        "name":"Diagonal Link"
        "tooltip":"Link length preservation, setting it to 1 will prevent any stretching, contraction.",
        "name":"Link Strength"
        "name":"Full Mesh"
        "name":"Mesh Type"
    "tooltip":"Wrap image by converting it to mesh, and using control points.",
    "name":"Mesh Warp",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Mesh data"
        "name":"Surface In"
          "Channel value",
        "name":"Output Type"
        "name":"Keep Alpha"
    "tooltip":"Extract RGBA channel on an image, each channel becomes its own image.",
    "name":"RGBA Extract",
        "name":"Output scale"
          "x function",
          "y function",
        "name":"Equation type"
        "name":"0 function"
        "name":"1 function"
        "name":"Input scale"
        "name":"Input shift"
    "name":"Path plot",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Filled connected pixel given position and color.",
    "name":"Flood Fill",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Normal map"
        "name":"Normal intensity"
        "name":"Light position"
        "name":"Light range"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Light type"
    "tooltip":"Light up the image using normal mapping.",
    "name":"Normal Light",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Texture sample"
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "name":"Hexagonal Noise",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
        "name":"Zoom mode"
        "name":"Blur mask"
    "tooltip":"Blur image by zooming in\/out from a mid point.",
    "name":"Zoom Blur",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Generate layers"
        "name":"Current tag"
        "name":"Use cel dimension"
    "tooltip":"Load Aseprite file with support for layers, tags.",
    "name":"ASE File In",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Convert image to polar coordinate.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"VFX Variable",
        "name":"Max life"
    "tooltip":"Create group for hair simulation.",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Strength map"
        "name":"Color over lifetime"
        "name":"Alpha over lifetime"
        "name":"Random blending"
    "tooltip":"Displace each pixel of the image randomly.",
    "name":"Pixel Cloud",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Create image from gradient.",
    "name":"Draw Gradient",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Use palette"
        "name":"Posterize alpha"
    "tooltip":"Reduce and remap color to match a palette.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Get Character",
    "name":"Strand Gravity",
        "name":"Hide Background"
        "name":"Name location"
        "name":"Function name"
        "name":"Output dimension"
        "name":"Lua code"
        "name":"Execution thread"
        "name":"Execute on frame"
    "name":"Lua Surface",
        "name":"Execution thread"
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Output dimension"
        "name":"Relative anchor"
        "name":"Render Mode"
        "tooltip":"Make the surface rotates to follow its movement.",
        "name":"Rotate by velocity"
          "Same as input",
          "Relative to input",
        "name":"Output dimension type"
        "tooltip":"Round position to the closest integer value to avoid jittering.",
        "name":"Round position"
    "tooltip":"Move, rotate, and scale image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
          "Single image",
          "Image sequence",
        "name":"Template guides"
        "name":"Frame optimization"
        "name":"Color merge"
        "name":"Sequence begin"
        "name":"Frame range"
          "Default (PNG32)"
    "tooltip":"Export image, image array to file, image sequence, animation.",
        "name":"Loop exit"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Sort pixel by brightness in horizontal, or vertial axis.",
    "name":"Pixel Sort",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Load .txt in as text.",
    "name":"Text File In",
        "name":"Surface from"
        "name":"Surface to"
        "name":"Morph amount"
    "tooltip":"Morph pixel bewteen two surfaces.",
    "name":"Morph Surface",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Array in"
    "name":"Shuffle Array",
        "name":"Shuffled array"
          "Sub header",
        "name":"Line width"
    "tooltip":"Display text on the graph.",
    "name":"Display Text",
    "name":"Pixel Builder",
        "name":"Surface Out"
    "name":"Array Set",
        "name":"Particle sprite"
        "tooltip":"Frames delay between each particle spawn.",
        "name":"Spawn delay"
        "tooltip":"Amount of particle spawn in that frame.",
        "name":"Spawn amount"
        "name":"Spawn area"
        "name":"Spawn distribution"
        "name":"Spawn direction"
        "name":"Rotational speed"
        "name":"Spawn scale"
        "name":"Scale over time"
        "name":"Color over lifetime"
        "name":"Alpha over time"
        "tooltip":"Make the particle rotates to follow its movement.",
        "name":"Rotate by direction"
        "name":"Spawn type"
        "name":"Spawn size"
        "name":"Spawn velocity"
        "name":"Direction wiggle"
        "tooltip":"Whether to select image from an array in order, at random, or treat array as animation.",
        "name":"Surface array"
        "name":"Animation speed"
        "name":"Boundary data"
          "Ping pong",
        "name":"On animation end"
        "name":"Random blend"
        "tooltip":"Make particle move away from the spawn center.",
        "name":"Directed from center"
        "name":"Distribution map"
        "name":"Gravity direction"
        "tooltip":"Apply randomized 1, -1 multiplier to the turning speed.",
        "name":"Turn both directions"
        "name":"Turn scale with speed"
        "name":"Collide ground"
        "name":"Ground offset"
        "name":"Bounce amount"
        "tooltip":"Apply horizontal friction once particle stop bouncing.",
        "name":"Bounce friction"
        "name":"Position wiggle"
        "name":"Rotation wiggle"
        "name":"Scale wiggle"
        "name":"Spawn trigger"
        "tooltip":"How often the 'on step' event is triggered.\nWith 1 being trigger every frame, 2 means triggered once every 2 frames.",
        "name":"Step interval"
        "name":"On create"
        "name":"On step"
        "name":"On destroy"
        "name":"Color mode"
        "name":"Color R range"
        "name":"Color G range"
        "name":"Color B range"
    "tooltip":"Generate simplex noise, similiar to perlin noise with better fidelity but non-tilable.",
    "name":"Simplex Noise",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Apply Mask"
        "name":"Bevel 1"
        "name":"Bevel 2"
        "name":"Material dissipation type"
        "name":"Material dissipation"
        "name":"Velocity dissipation type"
        "name":"Velocity dissipation"
        "name":"Material intertia"
        "name":"Initial pressure"
        "name":"Material Maccormack weight"
        "name":"Velocity Maccormack weight"
    "tooltip":"Create group for fluid simulation.",
        "name":"Bind data"
        "name":"Bone transform"
        "name":"Bone scale"
    "name":"Armature Bind",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Atlas data"
        "name":"Bind data"
        "name":"Particle sprite"
        "tooltip":"Frames delay between each particle spawn.",
        "name":"Spawn delay"
        "tooltip":"Amount of particle spawn in that frame.",
        "name":"Spawn amount"
        "name":"Spawn area"
        "name":"Spawn distribution"
        "name":"Spawn direction"
        "name":"Rotational speed"
        "name":"Spawn scale"
        "name":"Scale over time"
        "name":"Color over lifetime"
        "name":"Alpha over time"
        "tooltip":"Make the particle rotates to follow its movement.",
        "name":"Rotate by direction"
        "name":"Spawn type"
        "name":"Spawn size"
        "name":"Spawn velocity"
        "name":"Direction wiggle"
        "tooltip":"Whether to select image from an array in order, at random, or treat array as animation.",
        "name":"Surface array"
        "name":"Animation speed"
        "name":"Boundary data"
          "Ping pong",
        "name":"On animation end"
        "name":"Random blend"
        "tooltip":"Make particle move away from the spawn center.",
        "name":"Directed from center"
        "name":"Distribution map"
        "name":"Gravity direction"
        "tooltip":"Apply randomized 1, -1 multiplier to the turning speed.",
        "name":"Turn both directions"
        "name":"Turn scale with speed"
        "name":"Collide ground"
        "name":"Ground offset"
        "name":"Bounce amount"
        "tooltip":"Apply horizontal friction once particle stop bouncing.",
        "name":"Bounce friction"
        "name":"Position wiggle"
        "name":"Rotation wiggle"
        "name":"Scale wiggle"
        "name":"Output dimension"
        "tooltip":"Round position to the closest integer value to avoid jittering.",
        "name":"Round position"
        "name":"Blend mode"
    "tooltip":"Generate particle effect.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Render dimension"
        "name":"Round position"
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Array Find",
        "name":"Apply Mask"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Apply shadow behind the image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Array Shift",
    "tooltip":"Put 2D image on a plane in 3D space.",
    "name":"3D Plane",
        "name":"Turbulence frequency"
        "name":"Turbulence detail"
    "name":"Strand Force Apply",
    "tooltip":"Render image atlas to a surface.",
    "name":"Draw Atlas",
        "name":"Horizontal Slices"
        "name":"Vertical Slices"
        "name":"Smooth Normal"
    "name":"3D UV Sphere",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Top left"
        "name":"Top right"
        "name":"Bottom left"
        "name":"Bottom right"
    "tooltip":"Warp image by freely moving the corners.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Palette in"
          "Hue (HSV)",
          "Saturation (SHV)",
          "Value (VHS)",
          "Red (RGB)",
          "Green (GBR)",
          "Blue (BRG)",
        "tooltip":"Compose sorting algorithm using string.\r\n    - RGB: Red\/Green\/Blur channel\r\n    - HSV: Hue\/Saturation\/Value\r\n    - L:   Brightness\r\n    - Use small letter for ascending, capital letter for descending order.",
        "name":"Sort Order"
    "name":"Sort Palette",
        "name":"Sorted palette"
        "name":"Point 1"
        "name":"Point 2"
    "name":"Cross product 3D",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Amount of color in a palette.",
        "name":"Max colors"
        "tooltip":"Random seed to be used to initialize K-mean algorithm.",
          "All colors"
    "tooltip":"Extract palette from an image.",
    "name":"Palette Extract",
        "name":"Anti-Aliasing "
        "name":"Character range"
        "name":"Fixed dimension"
        "name":"Horizontal alignment"
        "name":"Vertical alignment"
        "name":"Output dimension"
    "tooltip":"Draw text on an image.",
    "name":"Draw Text",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Apply Mask"
        "tooltip":"Position to sample a color from the gradient.",
        "name":"Focus area"
          "Repeat X",
          "Repeat Y"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
        "name":"Fix background"
        "name":"Depth of Field"
        "name":"Focal distance"
        "name":"Focal range"
    "tooltip":"Create camera that crop image to fix dimension with control of position, zoom. Also can be use to create parallax effect.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Render scale"
        "name":"Light direction"
        "name":"Light height"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Scale view with dimension"
    "tooltip":"Combine multiple 3D object to a single scene,",
    "name":"3D Combine",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D objects"
        "name":"Normal pass"
    "tooltip":"Save array as .csv file.",
    "name":"CSV File Out",
    "tooltip":"Get palatte and array of key positions from gradient.",
    "name":"Gradient Data",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Any pixel with less alpha (more transparent) than this will be removed.",
    "tooltip":"Remove pixel with low alpha value.",
    "name":"Alpha Cutoff",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Remap animation to a new framerate.",
    "name":"Rate Remap",
          "Rotation range",
          "Slider range",
          "Vector range",
          "Enum button",
          "Menu scroll"
        "name":"Display type"
          "File Path",
          "3D object",
          "Rigidbody Object",
          "Fluid Domain",
        "name":"Input type"
        "name":"Enum label"
        "name":"Vector size"
        "name":"Display preview gizmo"
        "name":"Button Label"
        "name":"Loop entrance"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Flip image horizontally or vertically.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
    "name":"Add Collider",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Apply glow to the border of the image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Bone name"
        "name":"Sample point"
    "name":"Armature Sample",
    "name":"Interpret Number",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Render scale"
          "Same as input",
          "Relative to input"
        "name":"Output dimension"
        "name":"Constant dimension"
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Texture scale"
        "name":"Texture shift"
        "name":"Normal axis"
    "tooltip":"Put 2D image on a plane in 3D space.",
    "name":"3D Plane",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D scene"
        "name":"3D vertex"
    "name":"Array Composite",
    "name":"Random Shape",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
          "Largest, same size",
        "tooltip":"Cropping mode for dealing with image array.",
        "tooltip":"Add padding back after crop.",
    "tooltip":"Crop out empty pixel pixel from the image.",
    "name":"Crop Content",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "tooltip":"Set to progress to use ratio, where 0 means no change and 1 means the entire length of the text.",
    "name":"Trim Text",
        "name":"Base shape"
        "name":"Stack amount"
        "name":"Stack shift"
        "name":"Stack blend"
        "tooltip":"Alpha value for the last copy.",
        "name":"Alpha end"
        "tooltip":"Make each copy move the original image.",
        "name":"Move base"
          "Inner pixel"
        "name":"Highlight color"
        "name":"Highlight alpha"
    "tooltip":"Create sprite stack either from repeating a single image or stacking different images using array.",
    "name":"Sprite Stack",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Preprocess Function"
    "tooltip":"Perform fourier transform on number array.",
        "name":"Base Image"
        "name":"Target Image"
        "name":"Replacement Image"
        "tooltip":"How similiar the color need to be in order to be count as matched.",
        "name":"Color Threshold"
        "name":"Draw Base Image"
        "name":"Fast Mode"
        "tooltip":"How many pixel need to me matched to replace with replacement image.",
        "name":"Pixel Threshold"
          "Match index",
        "name":"Array mode"
    "name":"Replace Image",
        "name":"Surface Out"
    "tooltip":"Display text to notification.",
        "name":"Material Bottom"
        "name":"Material Side"
        "name":"Smooth Side"
    "name":"3D Cone",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Height map"
        "name":"Always update"
    "tooltip":"Extrude 2D image into 3D object.",
    "name":"Surface Extrude",
          "True frame",
          "False to True",
          "True to False",
          "Value changed"
        "name":"Trigger condition"
    "name":"Boolean Trigger",
    "name":"Reverse Path",
        "name":"Light Position"
        "name":"Soft light radius"
        "name":"Light density"
        "name":"Light type"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Light radius"
        "name":"Render solid"
        "tooltip":"If checked, background color will be used as shadow caster.",
        "name":"Use BG color"
        "name":"BG threshold"
        "name":"Light intensity"
          "Invert quadratic",
        "tooltip":"Control how light fade out over distance.",
        "name":"Ambient occlusion"
        "name":"Ambient occlusion strength"
    "tooltip":"Apply light that create shadow using shadow mask.",
    "name":"Cast Shadow",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Light mask"
          "Sprite array"
        "name":"Sprite set"
        "tooltip":"Number of frames until next sprite. Can be seen as (Step - 1) frame skip.",
        "name":"Frame step"
        "name":"Packing type"
        "name":"Grid column"
        "tooltip":"Starting\/ending frames, set end to 0 to default to last frame.",
    "tooltip":"Create spritesheet from image array or animation.",
    "name":"Render Spritesheet",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Atlas Data"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Color pre"
        "name":"Color post"
        "tooltip":"Render current frame on top of all frames.",
        "name":"On top"
    "name":"Onion Skin",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Draw Domain"
        "name":"Auto Update"
    "name":"Render Domain",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Effect area"
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Color mode"
        "name":"Color R range"
        "name":"Color G range"
        "name":"Color B range"
    "tooltip":"Generate white noise.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "tooltip":"Skew image horizontally, or vertically.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Smooth Normal"
    "name":"3D Icosphere",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Keep the selected colors and remove the rest.",
    "tooltip":"Remove color that match a palette.",
    "name":"Remove Color",
        "name":"Surface out"
          "XY Shift",
          "Direction + Distance"
    "name":"Translate Point",
        "name":"JSON string"
    "name":"Parse JSON",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Color to be replaced.",
        "name":"Palette from"
        "tooltip":"Palette to be replaced to.",
        "name":"Palette to"
        "tooltip":"Set pixel that doesn't match any color in 'palette from' to black.",
        "name":"Set others to black"
        "name":"Multiply alpha"
        "tooltip":"Completely override pixel with new color instead of blending between it.",
        "name":"Hard replace"
    "tooltip":"Replace color that match one palette with another palette.",
    "name":"Replace Palette",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Spread array"
    "name":"Array Remove",
        "tooltip":"Amount of polygon in X and Y axis.",
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Render rotation"
        "name":"Render scale"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Light direction"
        "name":"Light height"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Scale view with dimension"
    "name":"3D Sphere",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D scene"
        "name":"Normal pass"
        "name":"3D vertex"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Wrap image to fit area value (x, y, w, h).",
    "name":"Area Warp",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Create VFX group, which generate particles that can be manipulated using different force nodes.",
        "name":"Check value"
          "Not equal",
          "Less or equal",
          "Greater or equal"
        "name":"Compare to"
          "Number compare",
          "Text compare"
        "name":"Eval mode"
        "name":"Text 1"
        "name":"Text 2"
    "tooltip":"Given a condition, output one value if true, another value is false.",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Invert color.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
        "tooltip":"Replace all color while keeping the alpha. Used to\nfix grey outline when bluring transparent pixel.",
        "name":"Override color"
    "tooltip":"Blur image smoothly.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Array Reverse",
        "name":"Base from"
        "name":"Base to"
    "name":"Convert Base",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Average color of every pixels in the image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Use mask dimension"
    "tooltip":"Create image of a single color.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Convert color image to black and white.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Combine 4 image in to one. Each image use to control HSVA channel.",
    "name":"HSV Combine",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Strand Break",
    "tooltip":"Move gradients keys.",
    "name":"Gradient Shift",
    "name":"Armature Create",
        "tooltip":"Character that used to split text,\nleave blank to create character array.",
    "name":"Split Text",
        "name":"Normal Map"
        "name":"Normal Strength"
    "name":"3D Material",
        "name":"Color 1"
        "name":"Color 2"
    "tooltip":"Generate zigzag pattern.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Color from"
        "name":"Color to"
    "name":"Mix Color",
        "name":"Falloff distance"
        "name":"Effect Vector"
        "name":"Rotate particle"
        "name":"Scale particle"
        "name":"Attraction force"
    "name":"Loop amount",
        "name":"File Path"
        "tooltip":"Flip UV axis, can be use to fix some texture mapping error.",
        "name":"Flip UV"
    "tooltip":"Load .obj file from your computer as a 3D object.",
    "name":"3D Object",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Draw Domain"
        "name":"Auto Update"
    "name":"Render Domain",
        "name":"Value out"
        "name":"Falloff distance"
        "name":"Effect Vector"
        "name":"Rotate particle"
        "name":"Scale particle"
        "name":"Random color"
    "name":"Strand Render Texture",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "tooltip":"Smoothly blend between each stripe.",
        "name":"Random color"
        "name":"Color 1"
        "name":"Color 2"
    "tooltip":"Generate stripe pattern.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Override color"
        "tooltip":"Skip empty and black shape.",
        "name":"Ignore blank"
    "tooltip":"Separate disconnected pixel each into an image in an image array.",
    "name":"Separate Shape",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "tooltip":"Apply 2D bevel on the image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Sort Output",
        "name":"Convert to number"
    "tooltip":"Load .csv as text, number array.",
    "name":"CSV File In",
    "name":"Array Get",
        "name":"Data type"
    "tooltip":"Create websocket server to send data to the network.",
    "name":"Websocket Sender",
        "name":"Starting position"
        "name":"Starting rule"
        "tooltip":"Replace symbol of the last generated rule, for example a=F to replace all a with F. Use comma to separate different replacements.",
        "name":"End replacement"
        "name":"Starting angle"
    "name":"L system",
        "name":"Layer Shift"
        "name":"Horizontal alignment"
        "name":"Vertical alignment"
        "name":"pBox Inset"
        "name":"pBox Frame"
        "name":"Canvas size"
          "Padding \/ Crop",
        "name":"Sizing method"
    "tooltip":"Load multiple images from your computer as array.",
    "name":"Image Array",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Create smooth random value.",
    "name":"To Text",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Store current animation. Cache persisted between save.",
        "name":"Cache surface"
        "name":"Text array"
    "name":"Join Text",
    "tooltip":"Sort array using node graph.",
    "name":"Sort Array",
        "name":"Main texture"
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Render rotation"
        "name":"Render scale"
        "name":"Textures per face"
        "name":"Textures 0"
        "name":"Textures 1"
        "name":"Textures 2"
        "name":"Textures 3"
        "name":"Textures 4"
        "name":"Textures 5"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Light direction"
        "name":"Light height"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Scale view with dimension"
    "name":"3D Cube",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D scene"
        "name":"Normal pass"
        "name":"3D vertex"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Reflect the image along a reflection line.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Mirror mask"
    "name":"RegEx Replace",
        "name":"Physics activated"
    "name":"Activate Physics",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Attempt to remove single pixel corner from the image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "tooltip":"Apply convolution operation on each pixel using a custom 3x3 kernel.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Render scale"
        "name":"Light direction"
        "name":"Light height"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"3D object"
        "tooltip":"Amount of copies to be generated.",
        "name":"Repeat position"
        "name":"Repeat rotation"
        "name":"Repeat scale"
        "name":"Repeat pattern"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Scale view with dimension"
    "tooltip":"Repeat 3D object multiple times.",
    "name":"3D Repeat",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D objects"
        "name":"Normal pass"
    "tooltip":"Scale path to fit a given area.",
    "name":"Remap Path",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "name":"Palette Shift",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "tooltip":"Expand the image around a mid point.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Angle Shift"
        "name":"Angle Split"
        "name":"Dissolve Scale"
        "name":"Apply Mask"
        "name":"Palette in"
        "name":"Palette from"
        "name":"Palette to"
    "name":"Palette Replace",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Convert alpha value into solid greyscale.",
    "name":"Alpha to Grey",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Create websocket server to receive data from the network.",
    "name":"Websocket Receiver",
        "name":"Receive data"
    "name":"Rigidbody Variable",
        "name":"Center of mass"
        "name":"Point array"
        "tooltip":"If set to true, will draw a single path from one point to another. If not set will treat each pair of points as an individual line.",
    "tooltip":"Create path from array of vec2 points.",
    "name":"Path Builder",
        "name":"Apply Mask"
    "name":"VFX Override",
    "name":"Armature Pose",
        "name":"Color mode"
        "name":"Color R range"
        "name":"Color G range"
        "name":"Color B range"
    "tooltip":"Generate perlin noise.",
    "name":"Perlin Noise",
        "name":"Surface out"
          "Ping Pong"
    "name":"Array Get",
    "tooltip":"Create buffer from surface.",
    "name":"Buffer from Surface",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Sprite size"
        "name":"Animation speed"
        "tooltip":"Automatically set amount based on sprite size.",
        "name":"Auto fill"
        "name":"Sync animation"
        "name":"Filter empty output"
        "name":"Filtered Pixel"
        "name":"Filtered Color"
    "tooltip":"Cut up spritesheet into animation or image array.",
    "name":"Splice Spritesheet",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Atlas Data"
    "name":"Logic Opr",
    "tooltip":"Move path along its normal.",
    "name":"Shift Path",
        "name":"Apply Mask"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Displace map"
        "tooltip":"Vector to displace pixel by.",
        "tooltip":"Brightness value to be use as a basis for 'no displacement'.",
        "name":"Mid value"
        "tooltip":"Use color data set extra information.\r\n    - Ignore: Don't use color data.\r\n    - Vector: Use red as X displacement, green as Y displacement.\r\n    - Angle: Use red as angle, green as distance.",
        "name":"Color data"
        "tooltip":"If not set, then strength value is multiplied directly to the displacement.\r\nIf set, then strength value control how many times the effect applies on itself.",
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "tooltip":"Distort image using another image as a map.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "tooltip":"Sample position from path.",
        "name":"Path progress"
          "Entire line",
        "name":"Progress mode"
        "name":"Round anchor"
        "name":"Position out"
        "name":"Path data"
    "name":"Array Convolute",
        "name":"Surface in"
          "Scale to fit"
        "name":"Target dimension"
    "tooltip":"Simple node for scaling image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Affect by force"
        "name":"Contact friction"
        "name":"Air resistance"
        "name":"Rotation resistance"
        "name":"Start position"
        "tooltip":"Make object spawn when start.",
        "name":"Generate mesh"
        "name":"Mesh expansion"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Fill Color"
    "tooltip":"Fill connected pixel with the same color.",
    "name":"Region Fill",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Texture sample"
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "name":"Triangular Noise",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Point 1"
        "name":"Point 2"
    "name":"Cross product 2D",
    "name":"To Number",
        "name":"Falloff distance"
        "name":"Effect Vector"
        "name":"Rotate particle"
        "name":"Scale particle"
        "name":"Center 1"
        "name":"Color 1"
        "name":"Center 2"
        "name":"Color 2"
        "name":"Center 3"
        "name":"Color 3"
        "name":"Center 4"
        "name":"Color 4"
        "name":"Use palette"
        "name":"Falloff 1"
        "name":"Falloff 2"
        "name":"Falloff 3"
        "name":"Falloff 4"
    "tooltip":"Create image from 4 color points.",
    "name":"4 Points Gradient",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Material dissipation type"
        "name":"Material dissipation"
        "name":"Velocity dissipation type"
        "name":"Velocity dissipation"
        "name":"Material intertia"
        "name":"Initial pressure"
        "name":"Material Maccormack weight"
        "name":"Velocity Maccormack weight"
    "name":"Fluid Domain",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Set animation length to gif"
        "name":"Output as array"
          "Ping pong",
          "Hold last frame",
        "name":"Loop modes"
        "name":"Start frame"
        "name":"Custom frame order"
        "name":"Animation speed"
    "tooltip":"Load animated .gif from your computer.",
    "name":"Image GIF",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Surface Height",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Frame index to start caching, set to -1 to start at the first frame.",
        "name":"Start frame"
        "tooltip":"Frame index to stop caching (inclusive), set to -1 to stop at the last frame.",
        "name":"Stop frame"
        "tooltip":"Cache every N frames, set to 1 to cache every frame.",
    "tooltip":"Store current animation as array.  Cache persisted between save.",
    "name":"Cache Array",
        "name":"Cache array"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Replace transparent pixel with the closet non-transparent pixel.",
    "name":"Pixel Expand",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Loop index"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Round out sharp corner of the image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Text Length",
          "Rotation range",
          "Slider range",
          "Vector range",
          "Enum button",
          "Menu scroll"
        "name":"Display type"
          "File Path",
          "3D object",
          "Rigidbody Object",
          "Fluid Domain",
        "name":"Input type"
        "name":"Enum label"
        "name":"Vector size"
        "name":"Display preview gizmo"
        "name":"Button Label"
        "name":"Feedback loop"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Brightness different to be blur together.",
    "tooltip":"Blur only pixel of a similiar color.",
    "name":"Contrast Blur",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Palette from"
        "name":"Palette to"
    "name":"Replace Colors",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Output dimension"
        "tooltip":"Round position to the closest integer value to avoid jittering.",
        "name":"Round position"
        "name":"Blend mode"
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "tooltip":"Blur image by rotating aroung a mid point.",
    "name":"Radial Blur",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Bloom blur radius.",
        "tooltip":"How bright a pixel should be to start blooming.",
        "tooltip":"Blend intensity.",
        "name":"Bloom mask"
    "tooltip":"Apply bloom effect, bluring and brighten the bright part of the image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Value in"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Adjust brightness of an image by changing its brightness range.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "tooltip":"Stretch animation speed to match project length.",
        "name":"Stretch frame"
        "name":"Animation speed"
          "Ping pong",
          "Hold last frame",
        "name":"Loop modes"
        "name":"Set animation length to match"
        "name":"Custom frame order"
    "tooltip":"Load multiple images from your computer as animation.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Struct Get",
        "name":"CSV string"
        "name":"Skip line"
    "name":"Parse CSV",
    "tooltip":"Evaluate string of equation. With an option for setting variables.",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Include diagonal pixel in normal calculation, which leads to smoother output.",
    "tooltip":"Create normal map using greyscale value as height.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Render rotation"
        "name":"Render scale"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Light direction"
        "name":"Light height"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Textures base"
        "name":"Textures side"
        "name":"Scale view with dimension"
    "name":"3D Cone",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D scene"
        "name":"Normal pass"
        "name":"3D vertex"
    "name":"Array Set",
    "name":"Armature Path",
    "name":"Mesh Transform",
          "Choice 1",
          "Choice 2"
          "Choice 1",
          "Choice 2"
    "name":"Widget Test",
    "name":"Surface Width",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Fluid brush"
        "name":"Inherit velocity"
        "name":"Expand velocity mask"
    "name":"Add Fluid",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Spawn area"
        "name":"Spawn type"
        "name":"Spawn delay"
        "name":"Spawn amount"
        "name":"Spawn frame"
    "name":"Object Spawner",
        "name":"Layer Shift"
          "Space Between",
          "Space Around",
        "name":"pBox Content"
        "name":"pBox Space"
    "tooltip":"Create array of numbers by setting start, end and step length.",
    "name":"Array Range",
        "name":"Custom positions"
        "tooltip":"Array of number indicating color position (0 - 1).",
    "tooltip":"Create gradient from palette.",
    "name":"Palette to Gradient",
        "name":"Label size"
        "name":"Blend label"
    "tooltip":"Create frame surrounding nodes.",
        "name":"Cast Shadow"
        "name":"Shadow Map Size"
        "name":"Shadow Bias"
    "name":"Point Light",
    "tooltip":"Create group that reuse output as input repeatedly in one frame.",
    "tooltip":"Create group that reuse output from last frame to the current one.",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Fill method"
        "name":"Fill color"
          "Pad out",
          "Pad to size"
        "name":"Pad mode"
        "name":"Target dimension"
        "name":"Horizontal alignment"
        "name":"Vertical alignment"
    "tooltip":"Make image bigger by adding space in 4 directions.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Clipping Distance"
        "name":"Ambient Light"
        "name":"Show Background"
        "name":"Backface Culling"
        "name":"Orthographic Scale"
          "Position + Rotation",
          "Position + Lookat",
          "Lookat + Rotation"
        "name":"Postioning Mode"
        "name":"Lookat Position"
        "name":"Horizontal Angle"
        "name":"Vertical Angle"
        "name":"Gamma Adjust"
        "name":"Environment Texture"
        "name":"Ambient Occlusion"
        "name":"AO Radius"
        "name":"AO Bias"
        "name":"AO Strength"
        "name":"Round Normal"
    "name":"3D Camera",
        "name":"Layer Shift"
          "Fix Left",
          "Fix Right"
        "name":"Fix width"
        "name":"pBox Left"
        "name":"pBox Right"
    "tooltip":"Create group for rigidbody simulation.",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Highlight Color"
        "name":"Blend mode"
        "name":"Fill mode"
        "name":"Output dimension"
        "name":"Constant dimension"
        "name":"Preserve alpha"
        "name":"Horizontal Align"
        "name":"Vertical Align"
    "tooltip":"Blend 2 images using different blendmodes.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"RigidSim Global",
        "name":"Tile color"
        "name":"Gap color"
          "Colored tile",
          "Height map",
          "Texture grid",
          "Texture sample"
        "name":"Render type"
    "tooltip":"Generate triangular grid pattern.",
    "name":"Triangular Grid",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Default value"
    "tooltip":"Given an index, output value base on index matching.",
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Render scale"
        "name":"Light direction"
        "name":"Light height"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"3D vertex"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Scale view with dimension"
        "name":"Displacement map"
    "name":"3D Displace",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D scene"
        "name":"Normal pass"
        "name":"3D vertex"
          "Frame count",
          "Animation progress"
        "tooltip":"Counting mode\r\n    - Frame count: Count value up\/down per frame.\r\n    - Animation progress: Count from 0 (first frame) to 1 (last frame). ",
    "tooltip":"Output current frame as frame index, or animation progress (0 - 1).",
    "name":"Frame Index",
        "name":"Texture sample"
        "name":"Shift axis"
        "name":"Color mode"
        "name":"Color R range"
        "name":"Color G range"
        "name":"Color B range"
    "name":"Grid Noise",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Path Array",
        "name":"Path array"
    "name":"Atlas Get",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Displacement map where red retermine the X position, and green determine the Y position.",
        "name":"RG Map"
          "RG Map"
    "tooltip":"Remap image using texture map. Where red channel control x position and green channel control y position.",
    "name":"Texture Remap",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Convert color image to greyscale.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Craete pin to organize your connection. Can be create by double clicking on a connection line.",
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Render scale"
        "name":"Light direction"
        "name":"Light height"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"3D object"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Scale view with dimension"
    "name":"3D Transform",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D scene"
        "name":"Normal pass"
        "name":"Thickness over length"
        "name":"Random color"
        "name":"Color over length"
        "tooltip":"Render extra strands between the real strands.",
    "name":"Strand Render",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Highlight Area"
        "name":"Light Color"
        "name":"Shadow Color"
        "name":"Roughness Scale"
        "name":"Spread array"
        "name":"Apply Mask"
          "Per Corner"
        "name":"Corner Radius"
        "name":"Corner Radius"
        "name":"Cut Corner"
    "name":"Round Rectangle",
        "name":"Path 1"
        "name":"Path 2"
    "tooltip":"Blend between 2 paths.",
    "name":"Blend Path",
    "tooltip":"Execute shell script.",
    "name":"Execute Shell",
        "name":"Default Value"
    "name":"Fn Variable",
        "name":"Trim range"
          "Rotation range",
          "Slider range",
          "Vector range",
          "Enum button",
          "Menu scroll"
        "name":"Display type"
          "File Path",
          "3D object",
          "Rigidbody Object",
          "Fluid Domain",
        "name":"Input type"
        "name":"Enum label"
        "name":"Vector size"
        "name":"Display preview gizmo"
        "name":"Button Label"
        "name":"Surface in"
          "Direct Data",
          "Full image + Tile"
        "tooltip":"Rotate each copy to face the spawn center.",
        "name":"Point at center"
        "name":"Uniform scaling"
        "name":"Random blend"
        "name":"Distribution map"
        "name":"Distribution data"
          "Spread output",
        "tooltip":"What to do when input array of surface.\r\n- Spread: Create Array of output each scattering single surface.\r\n- Mixed: Create single output scattering multiple images.",
        "name":"Multiply alpha"
        "tooltip":"Apply the third value in each data point (if exist) on given properties.",
        "name":"Use value"
        "name":"Blend mode"
        "name":"Rotate along path"
        "name":"Path Shift"
        "name":"Scatter Distance"
    "tooltip":"Scatter image randomly multiple times.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Atlas data"
        "name":"Dissolve Scale"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Filling modes"
    "tooltip":"Cut image into 3x3 parts, and scale\/repeat only the middle part.",
    "name":"Nine Slice",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Scale image using scale2x, scale3x algorithm.",
    "name":"Scale Algorithm",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Save text as a .txt file.",
    "name":"Text File Out",
        "name":"Apply Mask"
        "name":"Reset to center"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Max distance"
    "tooltip":"Create signed distance field using jump flooding algorithm.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Trim Path",
    "name":"RegEx Match",
        "name":"Value in"
    "tooltip":"Get data (rgb, hsv, brightness) from color.",
    "name":"Color Data",
    "name":"RegEx Search",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Apply chromatic aberration effect to the image.",
    "name":"Chromatic Aberration",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"3D Scene",
        "name":"Layer Shift"
        "name":"Value in"
    "tooltip":"Create tunnel for sending value based on key matching.",
    "name":"Tunnel In",
    "name":"Array Length",
        "name":"Surface in"
          "Ping Pong",
    "tooltip":"Convert array of images into animation.",
    "name":"Array to Anim",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"ASE data"
        "name":"Use cel dimension"
    "name":"ASE Layer",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Max life"
    "tooltip":"Remap image using texture as time map. Where brighter pixel means using pixel from an older frame.",
    "name":"Time Remap",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Array in"
    "name":"Sort Number",
        "name":"Sorted array"
        "name":"Sorted index"
        "name":"Color 1"
        "name":"Color 2"
    "tooltip":"Genearte checkerboard pattern.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Keep extension"
    "name":"Separate File Path",
        "name":"File Name"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Create bokeh effect. Blur lighter color in a lens-like manner.",
    "name":"Lens Blur",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Falloff distance"
        "name":"Effect Vector"
        "name":"Rotate particle"
        "name":"Scale particle"
          "Channel value"
        "name":"Sampling type"
    "tooltip":"Combine 4 image in to one. Each image use to control RGBA channel.",
    "name":"RGBA Combine",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Text A"
        "name":"Text B"
    "name":"Combine Text",
    "tooltip":"Display image on the graph.",
    "name":"Display Image",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Feedback loop"
          "On top"
    "tooltip":"Place image next to each other linearly, or on top of each other.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Atlas data"
    "name":"Queue Domain",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Apply Mask"
    "name":"Array Length",
        "name":"Material Top"
        "name":"Material Bottom"
        "name":"Material Side"
        "name":"Smooth Side"
    "name":"3D Cylinder",
        "name":"Sync lenght"
    "tooltip":"Load wav audio file.",
    "name":"WAV File In",
        "name":"Sample rate"
        "name":"Duration (s)"
    "tooltip":"Load .json file using keys.",
    "name":"JSON File In",
        "name":"Force type"
        "tooltip":"Frame index to apply force.",
        "name":"Apply frame"
    "name":"Apply Force",
          "Ping pong"
    "tooltip":"Sample a 2D position from a path",
    "name":"Sample Path",
        "name":"Layer Shift"
        "name":"Fix Width"
        "name":"pBox Center"
        "name":"pBox Side"
        "name":"Surface in"
          "2 x 2 Bayer",
          "4 x 4 Bayer",
          "8 x 8 Bayer",
        "name":"Dither map"
        "name":"Contrast map"
    "tooltip":"Reduce color and use dithering to preserve original color.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Value in"
    "name":"Sort Input",
        "name":"Value in"
    "name":"Atlas Set",
        "name":"Surface in"
          "Neighbor max diff"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "tooltip":"Edge detect by applying Sobel, Prewitt, or Laplacian kernel.",
    "name":"Edge Detect",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Blend alpha"
        "name":"Input Type"
    "tooltip":"Adjust brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, value, alpha, and blend image with color.",
    "name":"Color Adjust",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Color out"
        "name":"Control point 1"
        "name":"Control point 2"
        "name":"Mirror control point"
    "name":"Path Anchor",
        "name":"Audio Data"
          "8 bit positive",
          "16 bit integer"
        "name":"Bit Depth"
        "name":"Remap Data"
        "name":"Data Range"
    "tooltip":"Save wav audio file.",
    "name":"WAV File Out",
        "name":"Spread array"
    "name":"Array Add",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Blend outline color with the original color.",
        "name":"Blend alpha"
        "name":"Anti alising"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
        "tooltip":"Shift outline inside, outside the shape.",
    "tooltip":"Add border to the image.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Vertex data"
        "tooltip":"Export location without '.obj' extension.",
        "name":"Export texture"
    "name":"3D Export",
    "tooltip":"Create surface from buffer.",
    "name":"Surface from Buffer",
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Render rotation"
        "name":"Render scale"
        "name":"Textures top"
        "name":"Textures bottom"
        "name":"Textures side"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Light direction"
        "name":"Light height"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Scale view with dimension"
    "name":"3D Cylinder",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D scene"
        "name":"Normal pass"
        "name":"3D vertex"
        "tooltip":"How many strands to generate.",
        "tooltip":"Length preservation, the higher the value the easier it is to stretch each segment.",
        "tooltip":"Angular stiffness, the higher the value the easier it is to bend each segment.",
        "tooltip":"The ability to keep its original shape.",
        "name":"Curl frequency"
        "tooltip":"Prevent strand reseting to apply manual modification. Unbaking will remove all changes.",
        "name":"Bake hair"
        "name":"View fix hair"
        "tooltip":"The force required to break strand from its root. Set to -1 to make strand infinitely strong.",
        "name":"Root strength"
    "name":"Strand Create",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
        "name":"Blur mask"
        "tooltip":"Replace all color while keeping the alpha. Used to\nfix grey outline when bluring transparent pixel.",
        "name":"Override color"
    "tooltip":"Blur image using simpler algorithm. Allowing for variable blur strength.",
    "name":"Simple Blur",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Max life"
        "tooltip":"Maximum distance to search for movement, set to -1 to search the entire image.",
        "name":"Max distance"
        "tooltip":"Make trail track pixels of the same color, instead of the closet pixels.",
        "name":"Match color"
        "tooltip":"Blend color between two pixel smoothly.",
        "name":"Blend color"
        "name":"Alpha over life"
    "tooltip":"Blend animation by filling in the pixel 'in-between' two or more frames.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Trail UV"
        "name":"Apply Mask"
    "tooltip":"Create color from HSV value.",
    "name":"HSV Color",
    "name":"Wave Path",
        "name":"Lua code"
          "On start",
          "Every frame"
        "name":"Run order"
        "name":"Execution thread"
    "name":"Lua Global",
        "name":"Execution thread"
        "name":"Radial scale"
        "name":"Radial shatter"
    "tooltip":"Generate voronoi pattern.",
    "name":"Cellular Noise",
        "name":"Surface out"
          "First surface",
          "Largest surface",
        "name":"Output dimension"
    "tooltip":"Combine multiple images with controllable position, rotation, scale.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Atlas data"
        "name":"Audio Data"
    "name":"Audio Volume",
        "name":"Falloff distance"
        "name":"Effect Vector"
        "name":"Rotate particle"
        "name":"Scale particle"
    "tooltip":"Create color from RGB value.",
    "name":"RGB Color",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "tooltip":"Twist the image around a mid point.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Extract HSVA channel on an image, each channel becomes its own image.",
    "name":"HSV Extract",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Blur image given a direction.",
    "name":"Directional Blur",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
          "Average (Blur)",
        "tooltip":"How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n    - Empty: Use empty pixel\n    - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n    - Repeat: Repeat texture.",
        "name":"Oversample mode"
    "tooltip":"Apply non-linear operation (minimum, maximum) on each pixel locally.",
    "name":"Local Analyze",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Repeat position"
        "name":"Repeat rotation"
        "name":"Scale multiply"
        "name":"Angle range"
        "name":"Start position"
        "name":"Scale over copy"
        "tooltip":"Make each copy follow along path.",
        "tooltip":"Range of the path to follow.",
        "name":"Path range"
        "name":"Path shift"
        "name":"Color over copy"
        "name":"Alpha over copy"
        "tooltip":"Whether to select image from an array in order, at random, pr spread or each image to one output.",
        "name":"Array select"
        "name":"Column shift"
        "name":"Animator midpoint"
        "name":"Animator range"
        "name":"Animator position"
        "name":"Animator rotation"
        "name":"Animator scale"
        "name":"Animator falloff"
        "tooltip":"Place each copy next to each other, taking surface dimension into account.",
        "name":"Animator blend"
        "name":"Animator alpha"
    "tooltip":"Repeat image multiple times linearly, or in grid pattern.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Degree angle"
        "name":"To integer"
        "name":"Point 1"
        "name":"Point 2"
    "name":"Dot product",
        "name":"Random seed"
        "tooltip":"Draw line along path.",
        "tooltip":"Range of the path to draw.",
        "name":"Color over length"
        "name":"Width over length"
        "tooltip":"Apply the full 'width over length' to the trimmed path.",
        "name":"Span width over path"
        "name":"Round cap"
        "name":"Round segment"
        "tooltip":"Apply the full 'color over length' to the trimmed path.",
        "name":"Span color over path"
        "name":"Greyscale over width"
        "tooltip":"Render pixel perfect 1px line.",
        "name":"1px mode"
        "tooltip":"Fix length of each segment instead of segment count.",
        "name":"Fix length"
        "name":"Segment length"
        "name":"Texture position"
        "name":"Texture rotation"
        "name":"Texture scale"
    "tooltip":"Draw line on an image. Connect path data to it to draw line from path.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
    "name":"Update Domain",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Spread array"
    "name":"Array Insert",
        "name":"Layer Shift"
        "name":"Audio data"
        "tooltip":"Amount of bits to extract.",
        "name":"Cursor location"
        "tooltip":"Set window cursor to match animation timeline.",
        "name":"Match timeline"
    "tooltip":"Take a slice of an audio array based on the current frame.",
    "name":"Audio Window",
        "name":"Bit Array"
        "name":"Cast Shadow"
        "name":"Shadow Map Size"
        "name":"Shadow Map Scale"
        "name":"Shadow Bias"
    "name":"Directional Light",
        "name":"Starting Index"
    "name":"Array Copy",
        "name":"Falloff distance"
        "name":"Effect Vector"
        "name":"Rotate particle"
        "name":"Scale particle"
    "name":"Transform Array",
        "name":"Function name"
        "name":"Return type"
        "name":"Lua code"
        "name":"Execution thread"
        "name":"Execute on frame"
    "name":"Lua Compute",
        "name":"Execution thread"
        "name":"Return value"
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Attempt to remove orphan pixel.",
        "name":"Surface out"
          "Ear Clipping",
          "Convex Fan",
    "tooltip":"Create mesh from path.",
    "name":"Path to Mesh",
        "name":"Layer Shift"
    "name":"Divide Grid",
        "name":"Background color"
        "name":"Shape color"
        "name":"Inner radius"
        "name":"Teeth height"
        "name":"Teeth taper"
        "name":"Angle range"
        "name":"Round cap"
    "tooltip":"Draw simple shapes using triangles.",
    "name":"Polygon Shape",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Point area"
        "name":"Point distribution"
        "tooltip":"Amount of particle spawn in that frame.",
        "name":"Point amount"
        "name":"Distribution map"
        "tooltip":"Fix point position, and only select point in the area.",
        "name":"Fixed position"
        "name":"Reference dimension"
    "tooltip":"Generate array of vector 2 points for scattering.",
    "name":"Scatter Points",
    "name":"Array Zip",
        "name":"Material per side"
        "name":"Material Bottom"
        "name":"Material Left"
        "name":"Material Right"
        "name":"Material Back"
        "name":"Material Front"
    "name":"3D Cube",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Object position"
        "name":"Object rotation"
        "name":"Object scale"
        "name":"Render position"
        "name":"Render rotation"
        "name":"Render scale"
        "name":"Manual generate"
        "name":"Light direction"
        "name":"Light height"
        "name":"Light intensity"
        "name":"Light color"
        "name":"Ambient color"
        "name":"Height map"
        "name":"Always update"
        "name":"Field of view"
        "name":"Scale view with dimension"
    "tooltip":"Extrude 2D image into 3D object.",
    "name":"3D Extrude",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"3D scene"
        "name":"Normal pass"
        "name":"3D vertex"
          "Not equal",
          "Greater or equal",
          "Lesser or equal"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Gradient shift"
        "name":"Multiply alpha"
    "tooltip":"Map brightness of a pixel to a color from a gradient.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Brightness Threshold"
        "name":"Brightness Smoothness"
        "name":"Alpha Threshold"
        "name":"Alpha Smoothness"
    "tooltip":"Set a threshold where pixel darker will becomes black, and brighter to white. Also works with alpha.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Color from"
        "name":"Color to"
    "name":"Gradient Replace",
        "name":"Falloff distance"
        "name":"Effect Vector"
        "name":"Rotate particle"
        "name":"Scale particle"
        "name":"Turbulence scale"
        "name":"Object Mode"
        "name":"Starting Position"
        "name":"Starting Rotation"
        "name":"Starting Scale"
        "name":"Shift Position"
        "name":"Shift Rotation"
        "name":"Shift Scale"
    "name":"3D Repeat",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Mid point"
    "tooltip":"Isolate part of the image that falls in the selected brightness range.",
    "name":"Level Selector",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
    "name":"Apply Velocity",
        "name":"Fluid Domain"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Size of square around the position to sample and average pixel color.",
        "name":"Sampling size"
    "tooltip":"Sample color from an image.",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Adjust brightness of an image using curves.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Brush size"
        "name":"Fill threshold"
          "4 connect",
          "8 connect",
          "Entire canvas"
        "name":"Fill type"
        "name":"Draw preview overlay"
        "name":"Surface amount"
        "name":"Background alpha"
        "name":"Render background"
        "name":"Frames animation"
        "name":"Animation speed"
    "tooltip":"Draw on surface using brush, eraser, etc.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Surface in"
        "tooltip":"Replace output with solid color.",
        "name":"Replace color"
    "tooltip":"Convert greyscale to alpha value.",
    "name":"Grey to Alpha",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "tooltip":"Evaluate value from an animation curve.",
    "name":"Evaluate Curve",
        "name":"Surface in"
    "tooltip":"Crop out image to create smaller ones.",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Collision mesh"
    "name":"Strand Collision",
        "name":"Surface in"
        "name":"Search color"
    "tooltip":"Get the position of the first pixel with a given color.",
    "name":"Find pixel",
        "name":"Tile color"
        "name":"Gap color"
        "name":"Shift axis"
          "Colored tile",
          "Height map",
          "Texture grid",
          "Texture sample"
        "name":"Render type"
    "tooltip":"Generate grid pattern.",
        "name":"Surface out"
    "name":"Vector Split",
    "tooltip":"Receive value from tunnel in of the same key.",
    "name":"Tunnel Out",
        "name":"Value out"
          "Top left",
          "Best fit"
        "name":"Max width"
        "name":"Max height"
    "tooltip":"Combine array of images with different dimension using different algorithms.",
    "name":"Pack Sprites",
        "name":"Packed image"
        "name":"Atlas data"
    "tooltip":"Generate anisotropic noise.",
    "name":"Anisotropic Noise",
        "name":"Surface out"
        "name":"Base Texture"
    "name":"Transform Path",
        "name":"Loop exit"
        "name":"Toggle Play \/ Pause"
        "name":"Play From Beginning"
        "name":"Play once"
        "name":"Skip Frames"
        "name":"Skip Frames Count"
    "tooltip":"Control animation state with triggers.",
    "name":"Animation Control",