function Node_Path_Builder(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor { name = "Path Builder"; previewable = false; w = 96; inputs[| 0] = nodeValue("Point array", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.float, []) .setVisible(true, true) .setArrayDepth(2); inputs[| 1] = nodeValue("Connected", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.input, VALUE_TYPE.boolean, false, "If set to true, will draw a single path from one point to another. If not set will treat each pair of points as an individual line."); outputs[| 0] = nodeValue("Path", self, JUNCTION_CONNECT.output, VALUE_TYPE.pathnode, self); static getLineCount = function() { var _lines = inputs[| 0].getValue(); var _conn = inputs[| 1].getValue(); return _conn? 1 : floor(array_length(_lines) / 2); } static getBoundary = function() { var boundary = new BoundingBox(); var _lines = inputs[| 0].getValue(); for( var i = 0; i < array_length(_lines); i++ ) boundary.addPoint(_lines[i][0], _lines[i][1]); return boundary; } static getPointRatio = function(_rat, _ind = 0) { var _lines = inputs[| 0].getValue(); var _conn = inputs[| 1].getValue(); var _p0, _p1; var _x, _y; if(_conn) { var _st = _rat * (array_length(_lines) - 1); _p0 = array_safe_get(_lines, floor(_st) + 0,, ARRAY_OVERFLOW._default); _p1 = array_safe_get(_lines, floor(_st) + 1,, ARRAY_OVERFLOW._default); if(!is_array(_p0)) return new Point(); if(!is_array(_p1)) return new Point(); _x = lerp(_p0[0], _p1[0], frac(_st)); _y = lerp(_p0[1], _p1[1], frac(_st)); return new Point( _x, _y ); } else { _p0 = array_safe_get(_lines, _ind * 2 + 0,, ARRAY_OVERFLOW._default); _p1 = array_safe_get(_lines, _ind * 2 + 1,, ARRAY_OVERFLOW._default); if(!is_array(_p0)) return new Point(); if(!is_array(_p1)) return new Point(); _x = lerp(_p0[0], _p1[0], _rat); _y = lerp(_p0[1], _p1[1], _rat); return new Point( _x, _y ); } } function update() { var _lines = inputs[| 0].getValue(); var _conn = inputs[| 1].getValue(); outputs[| 0].setValue(self); } static onDrawNode = function(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s, _hover, _focus) { var bbox = drawGetBbox(xx, yy, _s); draw_sprite_fit(s_node_path_builder, 0, bbox.xc, bbox.yc, bbox.w, bbox.h); } }