function Node_Displace(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_Processor(_x, _y, _group) constructor { name = "Displace"; inputs[0] = nodeValue_Surface("Surface in", self); inputs[1] = nodeValue_Surface("Displace map", self); inputs[2] = nodeValue_Vector("Position", self, [ 1, 0 ] ) .setTooltip("Vector to displace pixel by.") .setUnitRef(function(index) { return getDimension(index); }); inputs[3] = nodeValue_Float("Strength", self, 1) .setMappable(15); inputs[4] = nodeValue_Float("Mid value", self, 0., "Brightness value to be use as a basis for 'no displacement'.") .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider); inputs[5] = nodeValue_Enum_Button("Mode", self, 0, [ "Linear", "Vector", "Angle", "Gradient" ]) .setTooltip(@"Use color data for extra information. - Linear: Displace along a single line (defined by the position value). - Vector: Use red as X displacement, green as Y displacement. - Angle: Use red as angle, green as distance. - Gradient: Displace down the brightness value defined by the Displace map."); inputs[6] = nodeValue_Bool("Iterate", self, false, @"If not set, then strength value is multiplied directly to the displacement. If set, then strength value control how many times the effect applies on itself."); inputs[7] = nodeValue_Enum_Scroll("Oversample mode", self, 0, [ "Empty", "Clamp", "Repeat" ]) .setTooltip("How to deal with pixel outside the surface.\n - Empty: Use empty pixel\n - Clamp: Repeat edge pixel\n - Repeat: Repeat texture."); inputs[8] = nodeValue_Surface("Mask", self); inputs[9] = nodeValue_Float("Mix", self, 1) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider); inputs[10] = nodeValue_Bool("Active", self, true); active_index = 10; inputs[11] = nodeValue_Enum_Scroll("Blend mode", self, 0, [ "Overwrite", "Min", "Max" ]); inputs[12] = nodeValue_Toggle("Channel", self, 0b1111, { data: array_create(4, THEME.inspector_channel) }); __init_mask_modifier(8); // inputs 13, 14 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inputs[15] = nodeValue_Surface("Strength map", self) .setVisible(false, false); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inputs[16] = nodeValue_Bool("Separate axis", self, false); inputs[17] = nodeValue_Surface("Displace map 2", self); input_display_list = [ 10, 12, ["Surfaces", true], 0, 8, 9, 13, 14, ["Strength", false], 1, 17, 3, 15, 4, ["Displacement", false], 5, 16, 2, ["Algorithm", true], 6, 11, ]; outputs[0] = nodeValue_Output("Surface out", self, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone); attribute_surface_depth(); attribute_oversample(); attribute_interpolation(); static step = function() { #region __step_mask_modifier(); inputs[3].mappableStep(); var _mode = getInputData(5); var _sep = getInputData(16); var _dsp2 = (_mode == 1 || _mode == 2) && _sep; inputs[ 2].setVisible(_mode == 0); inputs[16].setVisible(_mode == 1 || _mode == 2); inputs[17].setVisible(_dsp2, _dsp2); if(_mode == 1 && _sep) { inputs[ 1].setName("Displace X"); inputs[17].setName("Displace Y"); } else if(_mode == 2 && _sep) { inputs[ 1].setName("Displace angle"); inputs[17].setName("Displace amount"); } else { inputs[ 1].setName("Displace map"); } } #endregion static processData = function(_outSurf, _data, _output_index, _array_index) { #region var ww = surface_get_width_safe(_data[0]); var hh = surface_get_height_safe(_data[0]); var mw = surface_get_width_safe(_data[1]); var mh = surface_get_height_safe(_data[1]); surface_set_shader(_outSurf, sh_displace); shader_set_interpolation(_data[0]); shader_set_surface("map", _data[1]); shader_set_surface("map2", _data[17]); shader_set_f("dimension", [ww, hh]); shader_set_f("map_dimension", [mw, mh]); shader_set_f("displace", _data[ 2]); shader_set_f_map("strength", _data[ 3], _data[15], inputs[3]); shader_set_f("middle", _data[ 4]); shader_set_i("mode", _data[ 5]); shader_set_i("iterate", _data[ 6]); shader_set_i("blendMode", _data[11]); shader_set_i("sepAxis", _data[16]); draw_surface_safe(_data[0]); surface_reset_shader(); __process_mask_modifier(_data); _outSurf = mask_apply(_data[0], _outSurf, _data[8], _data[9]); _outSurf = channel_apply(_data[0], _outSurf, _data[12]); return _outSurf; } #endregion }