function MeshedSurface() constructor { surface = noone; points = []; tris = []; links = []; controls = []; static clone = function() { var n = new MeshedSurface(); n.surface = surface; n.controls = controls; p = array_create_ext(array_length(points), function(i) /*=>*/ { return is(points[i], MeshedPoint)? points[i].clone() : points[i]; }); n.points = p; var l = array_create_ext(array_length(links), function(i) /*=>*/ {return links[i].clone(p)}); n.links = l; var t = array_create_ext(array_length(tris), function(i) /*=>*/ {return tris[i].clone(p)}); n.tris = t; return n; } } function MeshedPoint(index, _x, _y) constructor { self.index = index; x = _x; y = _y; xp = x; yp = y; ndx = 0; ndy = 0; sx = x; sy = y; pin = false; u = 0; v = 0; drx = 0; dry = 0; weight = 0; color = c_white; controlWeights = []; static reset = function(_mesh_data) { x = sx; y = sy; xp = x; yp = y; var dist = 0; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_mesh_data.controls); i < n; i++ ) { var c = _mesh_data.controls[i]; var d = point_distance(x, y, c[], c[]); controlWeights[i] = 1 / d; dist += 1 / d; } for( var i = 0, n = array_length(controlWeights); i < n; i++ ) controlWeights[i] /= dist; } static draw = function(_x, _y, _s) { draw_set_circle_precision(4); if(pin) { draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); draw_circle_prec(_x + x * _s, _y + y * _s, 3, false); } else { draw_set_color(COLORS.node_overlay_gizmo_inactive); draw_circle_prec(_x + x * _s, _y + y * _s, 2, false); } } static mapTexture = function(ww, hh) { u = x / ww; v = y / hh; } static move = function(dx, dy) { if(pin) return; x += dx; y += dy; } static planMove = function(dx, dy) { if(pin) return; ndx += dx; ndy += dy; } static stepMove = function(rat) { if(pin) return; move(ndx * rat, ndy * rat); } static clearMove = function(rat) { if(pin) return; ndx = 0; ndy = 0; } static setPin = function(pin) { = pin; } static equal = function(point) { return x == point.x && y == point.y; } static clone = function() { var p = new MeshedPoint(index, x, y); p.u = u; p.v = v; return p; } } function MeshedLink(_p0, _p1, _k = 1) constructor { p0 = _p0; p1 = _p1; k = _k; len = point_distance(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); static resolve = function(strength = 1) { INLINE var _len = point_distance(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); var _dir = point_direction(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); var _slen = lerp(_len, len, strength); var f = k * (_len - _slen); var dx = lengthdir_x(f, _dir); var dy = lengthdir_y(f, _dir); p0.move( dx / 2, dy / 2); p1.move(-dx / 2, -dy / 2); } static draw = function(_x, _y, _s) { INLINE draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); draw_line(_x + p0.x * _s, _y + p0.y * _s, _x + p1.x * _s, _y + p1.y * _s); } static clone = function(pointArr) { var _p0 = pointArr[p0.index]; var _p1 = pointArr[p1.index]; return new MeshedLink(_p0, _p1, k); } } function MeshedTriangle(_p0, _p1, _p2) constructor { p0 = _p0; p1 = _p1; p2 = _p2; static reset = function(_mesh_data) { INLINE p0.reset(_mesh_data); p1.reset(_mesh_data); p2.reset(_mesh_data); } static initSurface = function(surf) { INLINE p0.mapTexture(surface_get_width_safe(surf), surface_get_height_safe(surf)); p1.mapTexture(surface_get_width_safe(surf), surface_get_height_safe(surf)); p2.mapTexture(surface_get_width_safe(surf), surface_get_height_safe(surf)); } static drawSurface = function(surf) { INLINE draw_set_color(c_white); draw_set_alpha(1); draw_primitive_begin_texture(pr_trianglelist, surface_get_texture(surf)); draw_vertex_texture(p0.x, p0.y, p0.u, p0.v); draw_vertex_texture(p1.x, p1.y, p1.u, p1.v); draw_vertex_texture(p2.x, p2.y, p2.u, p2.v); draw_primitive_end(); } static drawPoints = function(_x, _y, _s) { INLINE p0.draw(_x, _y, _s); p1.draw(_x, _y, _s); p2.draw(_x, _y, _s); } static contain = function(p) { INLINE return p == p0 || p == p1 || p == p2; } static clone = function(pointArr) { var _p0 = pointArr[p0.index]; var _p1 = pointArr[p1.index]; var _p2 = pointArr[p2.index]; return new MeshedTriangle(_p0, _p1, _p2); } } function Node_Mesh_Warp(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_Processor(_x, _y, _group) constructor { name = "Mesh Warp"; attributes.mesh_bound = []; points = []; mesh_data = new MeshedSurface(); is_convex = true; hover = -1; anchor_dragging = -1; anchor_drag_sx = -1; anchor_drag_sy = -1; anchor_drag_mx = -1; anchor_drag_my = -1; newInput(0, nodeValue_Surface("Surface in", self)); newInput(1, nodeValue_Int("Sample", self, 8, "Amount of grid subdivision. Higher number means more grid, detail.")) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider, { range: [ 2, 32, 0.1 ] }); newInput(2, nodeValue_Float("Spring Force", self, 0.5)) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider); newInput(3, nodeValue_Trigger("Mesh", self, false )) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.button, { name: "Generate", UI : true, onClick: function() /*=>*/ {return Mesh_build()} }); newInput(4, nodeValue_Bool("Diagonal Link", self, false, "Include diagonal link to prevent drastic grid deformation.")); newInput(5, nodeValue_Bool("Active", self, true)); active_index = 5; newInput(6, nodeValue_Float("Link Strength", self, 0, "Link length preservation, setting it to 1 will prevent any stretching, contraction.")) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider); newInput(7, nodeValue_Bool("Full Mesh", self, false)); newInput(8, nodeValue_Enum_Scroll("Mesh Type", self, 0, [ new scrollItem("Grid", s_node_mesh_type, 0), new scrollItem("Custom", s_node_mesh_type, 1), ] )); newInput(9, nodeValueSeed(self)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newOutput(0, nodeValue_Output("Surface out", self, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone)); newOutput(1, nodeValue_Output("Mesh data", self, VALUE_TYPE.mesh, mesh_data)); input_display_list = [ 5, ["Mesh", false], 0, 8, 9, 1, 7, 3, ["Link", false], 4, 6, ["Control points", false], ]; control_index = array_length(inputs); function createControl() { var index = array_length(inputs); newInput(index, nodeValue_Float("Control point", self, [ PUPPET_FORCE_MODE.move, 16, 16, 8, 0, 8, 8 ])) .setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.puppet_control) array_push(input_display_list, index); return inputs[index]; } attribute_surface_depth(); attribute_interpolation(); input_display_index = array_length(input_display_list); #region ============ attributes & tools ============ array_push(attributeEditors, "Warp"); attributes.iteration = 4; array_push(attributeEditors, ["Iteration", function() { return attributes.iteration; }, new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, function(val) { attributes.iteration = val; triggerRender(); })]); tools = []; tools_edit = [ new NodeTool( "Edit control point", THEME.control_add ), new NodeTool( "Pin mesh", THEME.control_pin ), ]; tools_mesh = [ tools_edit[0], tools_edit[1], new NodeTool( "Mesh edit", THEME.mesh_tool_edit ), new NodeTool( "Mesh anchor remove", THEME.mesh_tool_delete ), ]; #endregion setTrigger(1, "Generate", [ THEME.refresh_icon, 1, COLORS._main_value_positive ], function() /*=>*/ {return Mesh_build()}); will_triangluate = false; static onValueFromUpdate = function(index) { if(LOADING || APPENDING) return; if(index == 0 && array_empty(mesh_data.tris)) Mesh_build(); } static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { var mx = (_mx - _x) / _s; var my = (_my - _y) / _s; var _type = getInputData(8); if(_type == 1 && (isUsingTool("Mesh edit") || isUsingTool("Mesh anchor remove"))) { var mesh = attributes.mesh_bound; var len = array_length(mesh); var _hover = -0.5, _side = 0; draw_set_color(is_convex? COLORS._main_accent : COLORS._main_value_negative); is_convex = true; for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var _px0 = mesh[safe_mod(i + 0, len)][0]; var _py0 = mesh[safe_mod(i + 0, len)][1]; var _px1 = mesh[safe_mod(i + 1, len)][0]; var _py1 = mesh[safe_mod(i + 1, len)][1]; var _px2 = mesh[safe_mod(i + 2, len)][0]; var _py2 = mesh[safe_mod(i + 2, len)][1]; var side = cross_product(_px0, _py0, _px1, _py1, _px2, _py2); if(_side != 0 && sign(_side) != sign(side)) is_convex = false; _side = side; var _dx0 = _x + _px0 * _s; var _dy0 = _y + _py0 * _s; var _dx1 = _x + _px1 * _s; var _dy1 = _y + _py1 * _s; draw_line_width(_dx0, _dy0, _dx1, _dy1, hover == i + 0.5? 4 : 2); if(isUsingTool("Mesh edit") && distance_to_line(_mx, _my, _dx0, _dy0, _dx1, _dy1) < 6) _hover = i + 0.5; } draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var _px = mesh[i][0]; var _py = mesh[i][1]; var _dx = _x + _px * _s; var _dy = _y + _py * _s; draw_circle_prec(_dx, _dy, hover == i? 6 : 4, false); if((isUsingTool("Mesh edit") || isUsingTool("Mesh anchor remove")) && point_distance(_dx, _dy, _mx, _my) < 6) _hover = i; } hover = _hover; if(anchor_dragging > -1) { var dx = anchor_drag_sx + (_mx - anchor_drag_mx) / _s; var dy = anchor_drag_sy + (_my - anchor_drag_my) / _s; dx = value_snap(dx, _snx); dy = value_snap(dy, _sny); attributes.mesh_bound[anchor_dragging][0] = dx; attributes.mesh_bound[anchor_dragging][1] = dy; Mesh_build(); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) anchor_dragging = -1; } if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) { if(frac(hover) == 0) { if(isUsingTool("Mesh edit")) { anchor_dragging = hover; anchor_drag_sx = mesh[hover][0]; anchor_drag_sy = mesh[hover][1]; anchor_drag_mx = _mx; anchor_drag_my = _my; } else if(isUsingTool("Mesh anchor remove")) { if(array_length(mesh) > 3) { array_delete(mesh, hover, 1); Mesh_build(); } } } else if(isUsingTool("Mesh edit")) { var ind = hover == -0.5? len : ceil(hover); array_insert(attributes.mesh_bound, ind, [ mx, my ]); anchor_dragging = ind; anchor_drag_sx = mx; anchor_drag_sy = my; anchor_drag_mx = _mx; anchor_drag_my = _my; } } } for(var i = 0; i < array_length(mesh_data.links); i++) mesh_data.links[i].draw(_x, _y, _s); for(var i = 0; i < array_length(mesh_data.tris); i++) mesh_data.tris[i].drawPoints(_x, _y, _s); var _hover = -1; for(var i = control_index; i < array_length(inputs); i++) { if(inputs[i].drawOverlay(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny)) _hover = i; } if(isUsingTool("Edit control point")) { if(key_mod_press(SHIFT)) draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.cursor_path_remove, 0, _mx + 16, _my + 16); else draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.cursor_path_add, 0, _mx + 16, _my + 16); if(mouse_press(mb_left, active)) { if(_hover == -1) { var i = createControl(); i.setValue( [ PUPPET_FORCE_MODE.move, value_snap(_mx - _x, _snx) / _s, value_snap(_my - _y, _sny) / _s, 0, 0, 8, 8 ] ); i.drag_type = 2; i.drag_sx = 0; i.drag_sy = 0; i.drag_mx = _mx; i.drag_my = _my; } else if(key_mod_press(SHIFT)) { array_delete(inputs, _hover, 1); array_delete(input_display_list, input_display_index + _hover - control_index, 1); } reset(); control(input_display_list); } } else if(isUsingTool("Pin mesh")) { draw_sprite_ui_uniform(key_mod_press(SHIFT)? THEME.cursor_path_remove : THEME.cursor_path_add, 0, _mx + 16, _my + 16); draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); var rad = 16; draw_circle_prec(_mx, _my, rad, true); var _xx = (_mx - _x) / _s; var _yy = (_my - _y) / _s; var _rr = rad / _s; if(mouse_click(mb_left, active)) { var _pin = !key_mod_press(SHIFT); for(var j = 0; j < array_length(mesh_data.tris); j++) { var t = mesh_data.tris[j]; if(point_in_circle(t.p0.x, t.p0.y, _xx, _yy, _rr)) t.p0.setPin(_pin); if(point_in_circle(t.p1.x, t.p1.y, _xx, _yy, _rr)) t.p1.setPin(_pin); if(point_in_circle(t.p2.x, t.p2.y, _xx, _yy, _rr)) t.p2.setPin(_pin); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static step = function() { var _type = getInputData(8); inputs[2].setVisible(_type == 0); inputs[4].setVisible(_type == 0); inputs[7].setVisible(_type == 0); if(_type == 0) tools = tools_edit; else if(_type == 1) tools = tools_mesh; } static reset = function() { for(var i = 0; i < array_length(mesh_data.tris); i++) mesh_data.tris[i].reset(mesh_data); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static Mesh_build_RegularTri = function(surf) { if(is_array(surf)) surf = array_safe_get_fast(surf, 0); if(!is_surface(surf)) return; if(!inputs[0].value_from) return; var sample = getInputData(1); var spring = getInputData(2); var diagon = getInputData(4); var fullmh = getInputData(7); var ww = surface_get_width_safe(surf); var hh = surface_get_height_safe(surf); var gw = ww / sample; var gh = hh / sample; var cont = noone; if(!fullmh) { // alpha filter cont = surface_create_valid(ww, hh); surface_set_target(cont); shader_set(sh_content_sampler); var uniform_dim = shader_get_uniform(sh_content_sampler, "dimension"); var uniform_sam = shader_get_uniform(sh_content_sampler, "sampler"); shader_set_uniform_f_array_safe(uniform_dim, [ww, hh]); shader_set_uniform_f_array_safe(uniform_sam, [gw, gh]); draw_surface_safe(surf); shader_reset(); surface_reset_target(); } var _sam = sample + 1; mesh_data.points = array_create(_sam * _sam); var ind = 0; for(var i = 0; i < _sam; i++) for(var j = 0; j < _sam; j++) { // mesh var fill = false; if(fullmh) { fill = true; } else { var _i = i * gh; var _j = j * gw; fill |= surface_get_pixel(cont, _j - 1, _i - 1); fill |= surface_get_pixel(cont, _j - 1, _i); fill |= surface_get_pixel(cont, _j - 1, _i + 1); fill |= surface_get_pixel(cont, _j, _i - 1); fill |= surface_get_pixel(cont, _j, _i); fill |= surface_get_pixel(cont, _j, _i + 1); fill |= surface_get_pixel(cont, _j + 1, _i - 1); fill |= surface_get_pixel(cont, _j + 1, _i); fill |= surface_get_pixel(cont, _j + 1, _i + 1); } if(!fill) continue; var px = min(j * gw, ww); var py = min(i * gh, hh); mesh_data.points[i * _sam + j] = new MeshedPoint(i * _sam + j, px, py); if(i == 0) continue; if(j && mesh_data.points[(i - 1) * _sam + j] != 0 && mesh_data.points[i * _sam + j - 1] != 0) array_push(mesh_data.tris, new MeshedTriangle(mesh_data.points[(i - 1) * _sam + j], mesh_data.points[i * _sam + j - 1], mesh_data.points[i * _sam + j])); if(j < sample && mesh_data.points[(i - 1) * _sam + j] != 0 && mesh_data.points[(i - 1) * _sam + j + 1] != 0) array_push(mesh_data.tris, new MeshedTriangle(mesh_data.points[(i - 1) * _sam + j], mesh_data.points[(i - 1) * _sam + j + 1], mesh_data.points[i * _sam + j])); } for(var i = 0; i < _sam; i++) for(var j = 0; j < _sam; j++) { // diagonal var p0 = i && j? mesh_data.points[ (i - 1) * _sam + j - 1 ] : 0; var p1 = i? mesh_data.points[ (i - 1) * _sam + j ] : 0; var p2 = j? mesh_data.points[ (i ) * _sam + j - 1 ] : 0; var p3 = mesh_data.points[ (i ) * _sam + j ]; if(p3 && p1) array_push(mesh_data.links, new MeshedLink(p3, p1)); if(p3 && p2) array_push(mesh_data.links, new MeshedLink(p3, p2)); var d0 = p0 && p3; var d1 = p1 && p2; if(diagon || d0 ^ d1) { if(d0) array_push(mesh_data.links, new MeshedLink(p0, p3, spring)); if(d1) array_push(mesh_data.links, new MeshedLink(p1, p2, spring)); } } if(is_surface(cont)) surface_free(cont); } static Mesh_build_Triangulate = function(surf) { var sample = getInputData(1); var seed = getInputData(9); if(!inputs[0].value_from) return; if(is_array(surf)) surf = surf[0]; var ww = surface_get_width_safe(surf); var hh = surface_get_height_safe(surf); var _m = attributes.mesh_bound; if(array_length(_m) < 3) return; var _mb = array_length(_m); var ind = 0; var minX, maxX, minY, maxY; for (var i = 0; i < array_length(_m); i++) { var point = _m[i]; var _x = point[0]; var _y = point[1]; if (i == 0) { minX = _x; maxX = _x; minY = _y; maxY = _y; } else { minX = min(minX, _x); maxX = max(maxX, _x); minY = min(minY, _y); maxY = max(maxY, _y); } } var gw = ww / sample / 3; var gh = hh / sample / 3; random_set_seed(seed); var _p = []; for( var i = 0; i <= sample; i++ ) for( var j = 0; j <= sample; j++ ) { var px = lerp(minX, maxX, i / sample); var py = lerp(minY, maxY, j / sample); px += random_range(-gw, gw); py += random_range(-gh, gh); if(point_in_polygon(px, py, _m)) array_push(_p, [ px, py ]); } mesh_data.points = array_create(_mb + array_length(_p)); for( var i = 0, n = _mb; i < n; i++ ) mesh_data.points[i] = new MeshedPoint(i, _m[i][0], _m[i][1]); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_p); i < n; i++ ) mesh_data.points[_mb + i] = new MeshedPoint(_mb + i, _p[i][0], _p[i][1]); var _t = delaunay_triangulation(mesh_data.points); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_t); i < n; i++ ) { var t = _t[i]; array_push(mesh_data.tris, new MeshedTriangle(t[0], t[1], t[2])); array_push(mesh_data.links, new MeshedLink(t[0], t[1])); array_push(mesh_data.links, new MeshedLink(t[1], t[2])); array_push(mesh_data.links, new MeshedLink(t[2], t[0])); } } static Mesh_build = function(_render = true) { var _inSurf = getInputData(0); var _type = getInputData(8); points = []; mesh_data = new MeshedSurface(); switch(_type) { case 0 : Mesh_build_RegularTri(_inSurf); break; case 1 : Mesh_build_Triangulate(_inSurf); break; } for(var i = 0; i < array_length(mesh_data.tris); i++) mesh_data.tris[i].initSurface(is_array(_inSurf)? _inSurf[0] : _inSurf); if(_render) triggerRender(); if(loadPin != noone) { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(loadPin); i < n; i++ ) { var ind = loadPin[i]; if(ind < array_length(points)) points[ind].pin = true; } loadPin = noone; } } static control_affectPoint = function(c, p) { var mode = c[PUPPET_CONTROL.mode]; var cx = c[]; var cy = c[]; var fx = c[PUPPET_CONTROL.fx]; var fy = c[PUPPET_CONTROL.fy]; var cw = c[PUPPET_CONTROL.width]; var ch = c[PUPPET_CONTROL.height]; switch(mode) { case PUPPET_FORCE_MODE.move: var dis = point_distance(cx, cy, p.x, p.y); var inf = clamp(1 - dis / cw, 0, 1); inf = ease_cubic_inout(inf); p.planMove(fx * inf, fy * inf); break; case PUPPET_FORCE_MODE.wind: var lx0 = cx + lengthdir_x(1000, fy); var ly0 = cy + lengthdir_y(1000, fy); var lx1 = cx - lengthdir_x(1000, fy); var ly1 = cy - lengthdir_y(1000, fy); var dist = distance_to_line(p.x, p.y, lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1); var inf = clamp(1 - dist / cw, 0, 1); inf = ease_cubic_inout(inf); p.planMove(lengthdir_x(fx * inf, fy), lengthdir_y(fx * inf, fy)); break; } } static control = function() { var lStr = getInputData(6); for(var i = control_index, n = array_length(inputs); i < n; i++) { var c = getInputData(i); for( var j = 0, m = array_length(mesh_data.points); j < m; j++ ) { if(mesh_data.points[j] == 0) continue; control_affectPoint(c, mesh_data.points[j]); } } for( var i = 0, n = array_length(mesh_data.points); i < n; i++ ) { var _p = mesh_data.points[i]; if(_p == 0) continue; var _dx = 0; var _dy = 0; for( var j = 0, m = array_length(mesh_data.controls); j < m; j++ ) { var _c = mesh_data.controls[j]; _dx += _c[PUPPET_CONTROL.fx] * _p.controlWeights[j]; _dy += _c[PUPPET_CONTROL.fy] * _p.controlWeights[j]; } _p.planMove(_dx, _dy); } var it = attributes.iteration; var _rat = 1 / it; repeat(it) { for( var j = 0; j < array_length(mesh_data.points); j++ ) { if(mesh_data.points[j] == 0) continue; mesh_data.points[j].stepMove(_rat); } if(lStr > 0) repeat(it) { for(var i = 0; i < array_length(mesh_data.links); i++) mesh_data.links[i].resolve(lStr); } } for( var j = 0; j < array_length(mesh_data.points); j++ ) { if(mesh_data.points[j] == 0) continue; mesh_data.points[j].clearMove(); } } static processData = function(_outData, _data, _output_index, _array_index) { if(will_triangluate) { Mesh_build(false); will_triangluate = false; } var _outSurf = _outData[0]; var _inSurf = _data[0]; mesh_data.surface = inputs_data[0]; if(!is_surface(_inSurf)) return [ _outSurf, mesh_data ]; mesh_data.controls = []; for(var i = control_index; i < array_length(inputs); i++) { var c = getInputData(i); if(c[0] == PUPPET_FORCE_MODE.puppet) array_push(mesh_data.controls, c); } reset(); control(); var _sw = surface_get_width_safe(_inSurf); var _sh = surface_get_height_safe(_inSurf); _outSurf = surface_verify(_outSurf, _sw, _sh, attrDepth()); surface_set_shader(_outSurf); shader_set_interpolation(_outSurf); if(array_length(mesh_data.tris) == 0) { draw_surface_safe(_inSurf); } else { for(var i = 0; i < array_length(mesh_data.tris); i++) mesh_data.tris[i].drawSurface(_inSurf); } surface_reset_shader(); return [ _outSurf, mesh_data ]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static postDeserialize = function() { var _inputs = load_map.inputs; for(var i = control_index; i < array_length(_inputs); i++) { var inp = createControl(); inp.applyDeserialize(_inputs[i]); } } static attributeSerialize = function() { var att = {}; var pinList = []; for( var j = 0; j < array_length(mesh_data.points); j++ ) { var p = mesh_data.points[j]; if(p == 0) continue; if( array_push(pinList, p.index); } = pinList; att.mesh_bound = attributes.mesh_bound; return att; } loadPin = noone; static attributeDeserialize = function(attr) { struct_append(attributes, attr); if(struct_has(attr, "pin")) loadPin =; if(struct_has(attr, "mesh_bound")) attributes.mesh_bound = attr.mesh_bound; } static postLoad = function() { will_triangluate = true; } }