// 2024-04-30 10:46:07 #region funtion calls function __fnInit_Graph() { __registerFunction("graph_add_node", panel_graph_add_node); __registerFunction("graph_focus_content", panel_graph_focus_content); __registerFunction("graph_preview_focus", panel_graph_preview_focus); __registerFunction("graph_preview_window", panel_graph_preview_window); __registerFunction("graph_import_image", panel_graph_import_image); __registerFunction("graph_import_image_array", panel_graph_import_image_array); __registerFunction("graph_add_number", panel_graph_add_number); __registerFunction("graph_add_vec2", panel_graph_add_vec2); __registerFunction("graph_add_vec3", panel_graph_add_vec3); __registerFunction("graph_add_vec4", panel_graph_add_vec4); __registerFunction("graph_add_display", panel_graph_add_display); __registerFunction("graph_add_transform", panel_graph_add_transform); __registerFunction("graph_select_all", panel_graph_select_all); __registerFunction("graph_toggle_grid", panel_graph_toggle_grid); __registerFunction("graph_toggle_preview", panel_graph_toggle_preview); __registerFunction("graph_toggle_render", panel_graph_toggle_render); __registerFunction("graph_export", panel_graph_export); __registerFunction("graph_blend", panel_graph_blend); __registerFunction("graph_compose", panel_graph_compose); __registerFunction("graph_array", panel_graph_array); __registerFunction("graph_group", panel_graph_group); __registerFunction("graph_ungroup", panel_graph_ungroup); __registerFunction("graph_canvas", panel_graph_canvas); __registerFunction("graph_canvas_blend", panel_graph_canvas_blend); __registerFunction("graph_frame", panel_graph_frame); __registerFunction("graph_delete_break", panel_graph_delete_break); __registerFunction("graph_delete_merge", panel_graph_delete_merge); __registerFunction("graph_duplicate", panel_graph_duplicate); __registerFunction("graph_copy", panel_graph_copy); __registerFunction("graph_paste", panel_graph_paste); __registerFunction("graph_pan", panel_graph_pan); __registerFunction("graph_zoom", panel_graph_zoom); } function panel_graph_add_node() { CALL("graph_add_node"); PANEL_GRAPH.callAddDialog(); } function panel_graph_focus_content() { CALL("graph_focus_content"); PANEL_GRAPH.fullView(); } function panel_graph_preview_focus() { CALL("graph_preview_focus"); PANEL_GRAPH.setCurrentPreview(); } function panel_graph_preview_window() { CALL("graph_preview_window"); PANEL_GRAPH.create_preview_window(PANEL_GRAPH.getFocusingNode()); } function panel_graph_import_image() { CALL("graph_import_image"); PANEL_GRAPH.createNodeHotkey("Node_Image"); } function panel_graph_import_image_array() { CALL("graph_import_image_array"); PANEL_GRAPH.createNodeHotkey("Node_Image_Sequence"); } function panel_graph_add_number() { CALL("graph_add_number"); PANEL_GRAPH.createNodeHotkey("Node_Number"); } function panel_graph_add_vec2() { CALL("graph_add_vec2"); PANEL_GRAPH.createNodeHotkey("Node_Vector2"); } function panel_graph_add_vec3() { CALL("graph_add_vec3"); PANEL_GRAPH.createNodeHotkey("Node_Vector3"); } function panel_graph_add_vec4() { CALL("graph_add_vec4"); PANEL_GRAPH.createNodeHotkey("Node_Vector4"); } function panel_graph_add_display() { CALL("graph_add_disp"); PANEL_GRAPH.createNodeHotkey("Node_Display_Text"); } function panel_graph_add_transform() { CALL("graph_add_transform"); PANEL_GRAPH.doTransform(); } function panel_graph_select_all() { CALL("graph_select_all"); PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_selecting = ds_list_to_array(PANEL_GRAPH.nodes_list); } function panel_graph_toggle_grid() { CALL("graph_toggle_grid"); PANEL_GRAPH.display_parameter.show_grid = !PANEL_GRAPH.display_parameter.show_grid; } function panel_graph_toggle_preview() { CALL("graph_toggle_preview"); PANEL_GRAPH.setTriggerPreview(); } function panel_graph_toggle_parameter() { CALL("graph_toggle_parameter"); PANEL_GRAPH.setTriggerParameter(); } function panel_graph_toggle_render() { CALL("graph_toggle_render"); PANEL_GRAPH.setTriggerRender(); } function panel_graph_export() { CALL("graph_export"); PANEL_GRAPH.setCurrentExport(); } function panel_graph_blend() { CALL("graph_blend"); PANEL_GRAPH.doBlend(); } function panel_graph_compose() { CALL("graph_compose"); PANEL_GRAPH.doCompose(); } function panel_graph_array() { CALL("graph_array"); PANEL_GRAPH.doArray(); } function panel_graph_group() { CALL("graph_group"); PANEL_GRAPH.doGroup(); } function panel_graph_ungroup() { CALL("graph_ungroup"); PANEL_GRAPH.doUngroup(); } function panel_graph_canvas() { CALL("graph_canvas"); PANEL_GRAPH.setCurrentCanvas(); } function panel_graph_canvas_blend() { CALL("graph_canvas_blend"); PANEL_GRAPH.setCurrentCanvasBlend(); } function panel_graph_frame() { CALL("graph_frame"); PANEL_GRAPH.doFrame(); } function panel_graph_delete_break() { CALL("graph_delete_break"); PANEL_GRAPH.doDelete(false); } function panel_graph_delete_merge() { CALL("graph_delete_merge"); PANEL_GRAPH.doDelete(true); } function panel_graph_duplicate() { CALL("graph_duplicate"); PANEL_GRAPH.doDuplicate(); } function panel_graph_copy() { CALL("graph_copy"); PANEL_GRAPH.doCopy(); } function panel_graph_paste() { CALL("graph_paste"); PANEL_GRAPH.doPaste(); } function panel_graph_pan() { CALL("graph_pan"); PANEL_GRAPH.graph_dragging_key = true; } function panel_graph_zoom() { CALL("graph_zoom"); PANEL_GRAPH.graph_zooming_key = true; } #endregion function connectionParameter() constructor { #region log = false; active = true; x = 0; y = 0; s = 0; mx = 0; my = 0; aa = 0; bg = 0; minx = 0; miny = 0; maxx = 0; maxy = 0; max_layer = 0; highlight = 0; cur_layer = 1; static setPos = function(_x, _y, _s, _mx, _my) { self.x = _x; self.y = _y; self.s = _s; self.mx = _mx; self.my = _my; } static setBoundary = function(_minx, _miny, _maxx, _maxy) { self.minx = _minx; self.miny = _miny; self.maxx = _maxx; self.maxy = _maxy; } static setProp = function(_max_layer, _highlight) { self.max_layer = _max_layer; self.highlight = _highlight; } static setDraw = function(_aa, _bg = c_black) { self.aa = _aa; self.bg = _bg; } } #endregion function Panel_Graph(project = PROJECT) : PanelContent() constructor { title = __txt("Graph"); title_raw = ""; context_str = "Graph"; icon = THEME.panel_graph_icon; static setProject = function(project) { self.project = project; nodes_list = project.nodes; } setProject(project); #region ---- display ---- display_parameter = { show_grid : true, show_dimension : true, show_compute : true, avoid_label : true, preview_scale : 100, highlight : false, } connection_param = new connectionParameter(); bg_color = c_black; #endregion #region ---- position ---- scale = [ 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.33, 0.50, 0.65, 0.80, 1, 1.2, 1.35, 1.5, 2.0]; graph_s = 1; graph_s_to = graph_s; graph_dragging_key = false; graph_zooming_key = false; graph_draggable= true; graph_dragging = false; graph_drag_mx = 0; graph_drag_my = 0; graph_drag_sx = 0; graph_drag_sy = 0; graph_zooming = false; graph_zoom_mx = 0; graph_zoom_my = 0; graph_zoom_m = 0; graph_zoom_s = 0; drag_key = PREFERENCES.pan_mouse_key; drag_locking = false; #endregion #region ---- mouse ---- mouse_graph_x = 0; mouse_graph_y = 0; mouse_grid_x = 0; mouse_grid_y = 0; mouse_on_graph = false; node_bg_hovering = false; #endregion #region ---- nodes ---- node_context = ds_list_create(); node_dragging = noone; node_drag_mx = 0; node_drag_my = 0; node_drag_sx = 0; node_drag_sy = 0; node_drag_ox = 0; node_drag_oy = 0; selection_block = 0; nodes_selecting = []; nodes_selecting_jun = []; nodes_select_drag = 0; nodes_select_frame = 0; nodes_select_mx = 0; nodes_select_my = 0; nodes_junction_d = noone; nodes_junction_dx = 0; nodes_junction_dy = 0; node_hovering = noone; node_hover = noone; junction_hovering = noone; junction_hover_direct = noone; add_node_draw_junc = false; add_node_draw_x_fix = 0; add_node_draw_y_fix = 0; add_node_draw_x = 0; add_node_draw_y = 0; connection_aa = 2; connection_surface = surface_create(1, 1); connection_surface_aa = surface_create(1, 1); connection_draw_mouse = noone; connection_draw_target = noone; value_focus = noone; value_dragging = noone; value_draggings = []; frame_hovering = noone; _frame_hovering = noone; #endregion #region ---- minimap ---- minimap_show = false; minimap_w = ui(160); minimap_h = ui(160); minimap_surface = -1; minimap_panning = false; minimap_dragging = false; minimap_drag_sx = 0; minimap_drag_sy = 0; minimap_drag_mx = 0; minimap_drag_my = 0; #endregion #region ---- context frame ---- context_framing = false; context_frame_progress = 0; context_frame_direct = 0; context_frame_sx = 0; context_frame_ex = 0; context_frame_sy = 0; context_frame_ey = 0; #endregion toolbar_height = ui(40); function toCenterNode(_list = nodes_list) { #region if(!project.active) return; if(ds_list_empty(_list)) { graph_x = round(w / 2 / graph_s); graph_y = round(h / 2 / graph_s); return; } var minx = 99999; var maxx = -99999; var miny = 99999; var maxy = -99999; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_list); i++) { var _node = _list[| i]; if(!is_struct(_node) || !is_instanceof(_node, Node) || !_node.active) continue; minx = min(_node.x - 32, minx); maxx = max(_node.x + _node.w + 32, maxx); miny = min(_node.y - 32, miny); maxy = max(_node.y + _node.h + 32, maxy); } graph_x = w / 2 / graph_s - (minx + maxx) / 2; graph_y = (h - toolbar_height) / 2 / graph_s - (miny + maxy) / 2; graph_x = round(graph_x); graph_y = round(graph_y); } #endregion function initSize() { toCenterNode(); } initSize(); #region ++++ hotkeys ++++ addHotkey("Graph", "Add node", "A", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_add_node); addHotkey("Graph", "Focus content", "F", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_focus_content); addHotkey("Graph", "Preview focusing node", "P", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_preview_focus); addHotkey("Graph", "Preview window", "P", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_preview_window); addHotkey("Graph", "Import image", "I", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_import_image); addHotkey("Graph", "Import image array", "I", MOD_KEY.shift, panel_graph_import_image_array); addHotkey("Graph", "Add number", "1", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_add_number); addHotkey("Graph", "Add vector2", "2", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_add_vec2); addHotkey("Graph", "Add vector3", "3", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_add_vec3); addHotkey("Graph", "Add vector4", "4", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_add_vec4); addHotkey("Graph", "Add display", "D", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_add_display); addHotkey("Graph", "Transform node", "T", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_add_transform); addHotkey("Graph", "Select all", "A", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_select_all); addHotkey("Graph", "Toggle grid", "G", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_toggle_grid); addHotkey("Graph", "Toggle preview", "H", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_toggle_preview); addHotkey("Graph", "Toggle render", "R", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_toggle_render); addHotkey("Graph", "Toggle parameters", "M", MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_toggle_parameter); if(!DEMO) addHotkey("Graph", "Export", "E", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_export); addHotkey("Graph", "Blend", "B", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_blend); addHotkey("Graph", "Compose", "B", MOD_KEY.ctrl | MOD_KEY.shift, panel_graph_compose); addHotkey("Graph", "Array", "A", MOD_KEY.ctrl | MOD_KEY.shift, panel_graph_array); addHotkey("Graph", "Group", "G", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_group); addHotkey("Graph", "Ungroup", "G", MOD_KEY.ctrl | MOD_KEY.shift, panel_graph_ungroup); addHotkey("Graph", "Canvas", "C", MOD_KEY.ctrl | MOD_KEY.shift, panel_graph_canvas); addHotkey("Graph", "Canvas blend", "C", MOD_KEY.ctrl | MOD_KEY.alt, panel_graph_canvas_blend); addHotkey("Graph", "Frame", "F", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_frame); addHotkey("Graph", "Delete (break)", vk_delete, MOD_KEY.shift, panel_graph_delete_break); addHotkey("Graph", "Delete (merge)", vk_delete, MOD_KEY.none, panel_graph_delete_merge); addHotkey("Graph", "Duplicate", "D", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_duplicate); addHotkey("Graph", "Copy", "C", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_copy); addHotkey("Graph", "Paste", "V", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_paste); addHotkey("Graph", "Pan", "", MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_pan); addHotkey("Graph", "Zoom", "", MOD_KEY.alt | MOD_KEY.ctrl, panel_graph_zoom); #endregion #region ++++ toolbars ++++ tooltip_center = new tooltipHotkey(__txtx("panel_graph_center_to_nodes", "Center to nodes"), "Graph", "Focus content"); toolbars = [ [ THEME.icon_preview_export, function() { return 0; }, function() { return __txtx("panel_graph_export_image", "Export graph as image"); }, function() { dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Graph_Export_Image(self)); } ], [ THEME.icon_center_canvas, function() { return 0; }, function() { return tooltip_center; }, function() { toCenterNode(); } ], [ THEME.icon_minimap, function() { return minimap_show; }, function() { return minimap_show? __txtx("panel_graph_minimap_enabled", "Minimap enabled") : __txtx("panel_graph_minimap_disabled", "Minimap disabled"); }, function() { minimap_show = !minimap_show; } ], [ THEME.icon_curve_connection, function() { return PREFERENCES.curve_connection_line; }, function() { return __txtx("panel_graph_connection_line", "Connection render settings"); }, function(param) { dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Graph_Connection_Setting(), param.x, param.y, { anchor: ANCHOR.bottom | ANCHOR.left }); } ], [ THEME.icon_grid_setting, function() { return 0; }, function() { return __txtx("grid_title", "Grid settings"); }, function(param) { dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Graph_Grid_Setting(), param.x, param.y, { anchor: ANCHOR.bottom | ANCHOR.left }); } ], [ THEME.icon_visibility, function() { return 0; }, function() { return __txtx("graph_visibility_title", "Visibility settings"); }, function(param) { dialogPanelCall(new Panel_Graph_View_Setting(display_parameter), param.x, param.y, { anchor: ANCHOR.bottom | ANCHOR.left }); } ], ]; #endregion #region ++++ node setters ++++ function setCurrentPreview(_node = getFocusingNode()) { #region if(!_node) return; PANEL_PREVIEW.setNodePreview(_node); } #endregion function setCurrentExport(_node = getFocusingNode()) { #region if(DEMO) return; if(!_node) return; var _outp = -1; var _path = -1; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_node.outputs); i++ ) { if(_node.outputs[| i].type == VALUE_TYPE.path) _path = _node.outputs[| i]; if(_node.outputs[| i].type == VALUE_TYPE.surface && _outp == -1) _outp = _node.outputs[| i]; } if(_outp == -1) return; var _export = nodeBuild("Node_Export", _node.x + _node.w + 64, _node.y); if(_path != -1) _export.inputs[| 1].setFrom(_path); _export.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_outp); } #endregion function setCurrentCanvas(_node = getFocusingNode()) { #region if(!_node) return; var _outp = -1; var surf = -1; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_node.outputs); i++ ) { if(_node.outputs[| i].type != VALUE_TYPE.surface) continue; _outp = _node.outputs[| i]; surf = _outp.getValue(); break; } if(_outp == -1) return; if(!is_array(surf)) surf = [ surf ]; var _canvas = nodeBuild("Node_Canvas", _node.x + _node.w + 64, _node.y); var _dim = surface_get_dimension(surf[0]); _canvas.attributes.dimension = _dim; _canvas.attributes.frames = array_length(surf); _canvas.canvas_surface = surface_array_clone(surf); _canvas.inputs[| 0].setValue(_dim); _canvas.apply_surfaces(); } #endregion function setTriggerPreview() { #region __temp_show = false; array_foreach(nodes_selecting, function(node, index) { if(index == 0) __temp_show = !node.previewable; node.previewable = __temp_show; node.refreshNodeDisplay(); }); } #endregion function setTriggerParameter() { #region __temp_show = false; array_foreach(nodes_selecting, function(node, index) { if(index == 0) __temp_show = !node.show_parameter; node.show_parameter = __temp_show; node.refreshNodeDisplay(); }); } #endregion function setTriggerRender() { #region __temp_active = false; array_foreach(nodes_selecting, function(node, index) { if(index == 0) __temp_active = !node.renderActive; node.renderActive = __temp_active; }); } #endregion function setCurrentCanvasBlend(_node = getFocusingNode()) { #region if(!_node) return; var _outp = -1; var surf = -1; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_node.outputs); i++ ) { if(_node.outputs[| i].type == VALUE_TYPE.surface) { _outp = _node.outputs[| i]; var _val = _node.outputs[| i].getValue(); if(is_array(_val)) surf = _val[_node.preview_index]; else surf = _val; break; } } if(_outp == -1) return; var _canvas = nodeBuild("Node_Canvas", _node.x, _node.y + _node.h + 64); _canvas.inputs[| 0].setValue([surface_get_width_safe(surf), surface_get_height_safe(surf)]); _canvas.inputs[| 5].setValue(true); var _blend = new Node_Blend(_node.x + _node.w + 64, _node.y, getCurrentContext()); _blend.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_outp); _blend.inputs[| 1].setFrom(_canvas.outputs[| 0]); } #endregion #endregion #region ++++ context menu ++++ menu_sent_to_preview = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_send_to_preview", "Send to preview"), function() { setCurrentPreview(node_hover); }); menu_send_to_window = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_preview_window", "Send to preview window"), function() { create_preview_window(node_hover); }, noone, ["Graph", "Preview window"]); menu_sent_to_inspector = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_inspector_panel", "Send to new inspector"), function() { var pan = panelAdd("Panel_Inspector", true); pan.destroy_on_click_out = false; pan.content.setInspecting(node_hover); pan.content.locked = true; }); menu_send_export = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_send_to_export", "Send to export"), function() { setCurrentExport(node_hover); }, noone, ["Graph", "Export"]); menu_toggle_preview = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_toggle_preview", "Toggle node preview"), function() { setTriggerPreview(); }, noone, ["Graph", "Toggle preview"]); menu_toggle_render = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_toggle_render", "Toggle node render"), function() { setTriggerRender(); }, noone, ["Graph", "Toggle render"]); menu_toggle_param = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_toggle_parameter", "Toggle node parameters"),function() { setTriggerParameter(); }, noone, ["Graph", "Toggle parameters"]); menu_open_group = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_enter_group", "Open group"), function() { PANEL_GRAPH.addContext(node_hover); }, THEME.group); function openGroupTab(group) { var graph = new Panel_Graph(project); panel.setContent(graph, true); for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(node_context); i++ ) graph.addContext(node_context[| i]); graph.addContext(group); setFocus(panel); } menu_open_group_tab = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_enter_group_new_tab", "Open group in new tab"), function() { openGroupTab(node_hover); }, THEME.group); menu_group_ungroup = menuItem(__txt("Ungroup"), function() { doUngroup(); }, THEME.group, ["Graph", "Ungroup"]); menu_group_tool = menuItem(__txt("Set as group tool"), function() { node_hover.setTool(!node_hover.isTool); }); menu_node_delete_merge = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_delete_and_merge_connection", "Delete and merge connection"), function() { doDelete(true); }, THEME.cross, ["Graph", "Delete (merge)"]); menu_node_delete_cut = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_delete_and_cut_connection", "Delete and cut connection"), function() { doDelete(false); }, THEME.cross, ["Graph", "Delete (break)"]); menu_node_duplicate = menuItem(__txt("Duplicate"), function() { doDuplicate(); }, THEME.duplicate, ["Graph", "Duplicate"]); menu_node_copy = menuItem(__txt("Copy"), function() { doCopy(); }, THEME.copy, ["Graph", "Copy"]); menu_node_transform = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_add_transform", "Add transform"), function() { doTransform(); }, noone, ["Graph", "Transform node"]); menu_node_canvas = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_canvas", "Canvas"), function(_dat) { return submenuCall(_dat, [ menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_copy_to_canvas", "Copy to canvas"), function() { setCurrentCanvas(node_hover); }, noone, ["Graph", "Canvas"]), menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_overlay_canvas", "Overlay canvas"), function() { setCurrentCanvasBlend(node_hover); }, noone, ["Graph", "Canvas blend"]) ]); }).setIsShelf(); menu_nodes_align = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_align_nodes", "Align nodes"), function(_dat) { return submenuCall(_dat, [ menuItemGroup(__txtx("horizontal", "Horizontal"), [ [ [THEME.inspector_surface_halign, 0], function() { node_halign(nodes_selecting, fa_left); } ], [ [THEME.inspector_surface_halign, 1], function() { node_halign(nodes_selecting, fa_center); } ], [ [THEME.inspector_surface_halign, 2], function() { node_halign(nodes_selecting, fa_right); } ], ]), menuItemGroup(__txtx("vertical", "Vertical"), [ [ [THEME.inspector_surface_valign, 0], function() { node_valign(nodes_selecting, fa_top); } ], [ [THEME.inspector_surface_valign, 1], function() { node_valign(nodes_selecting, fa_middle); } ], [ [THEME.inspector_surface_valign, 2], function() { node_valign(nodes_selecting, fa_bottom); } ], ]), menuItemGroup(__txtx("distribute", "Distribute"), [ [ [THEME.obj_distribute_h, 0], function() { node_hdistribute(nodes_selecting); } ], [ [THEME.obj_distribute_v, 0], function() { node_vdistribute(nodes_selecting); } ], ]), ]); }).setIsShelf(); menu_nodes_blend = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_blend_nodes", "Blend nodes"), function() { doBlend(); }, noone, ["Graph", "Blend"]); menu_nodes_compose = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_compose_nodes", "Compose nodes"), function() { doCompose(); }, noone, ["Graph", "Compose"]); menu_nodes_array = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_array_from_nodes", "Array from nodes"), function() { doArray(); }, noone, ["Graph", "Array"]); menu_nodes_group = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_group_nodes", "Group nodes"), function() { doGroup(); }, THEME.group, ["Graph", "Group"]); menu_nodes_frame = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_frame_nodes", "Frame nodes"), function() { doFrame(); }, noone, ["Graph", "Frame"]); menu_node_copy_prop = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_copy_prop", "Copy all properties"), function() { doCopyProp(); }); menu_node_paste_prop = menuItem(__txtx("panel_graph_paste_prop", "Paste all properties"), function() { doPasteProp(); }); #region node color function setSelectingNodeColor(color) { __temp_color = color; if(node_hover) node_hover.attributes.color = __temp_color; array_foreach(nodes_selecting, function(node) { node.attributes.color = __temp_color; }); } var _clrs = COLORS.labels; var _item = array_create(array_length(_clrs)); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_clrs); i < n; i++ ) { _item[i] = [ [ THEME.timeline_color, i > 0, _clrs[i] ], function(_data) { setSelectingNodeColor(_data.color); }, "", { color: i == 0? -1 : _clrs[i] } ]; } array_push(_item, [ [ THEME.timeline_color, 2 ], function(_data) { colorSelectorCall(node_hover? node_hover.attributes.color : c_white, setSelectingNodeColor); } ]); menu_node_color = menuItemGroup(__txt("Node Color"), _item); menu_node_color.spacing = ui(24); #endregion #region junction color __junction_hovering = noone; function setSelectingJuncColor(color) { if(__junction_hovering == noone) return; __junction_hovering.setColor(color); for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++) { var _node = nodes_selecting[i]; for( var j = 0, m = ds_list_size(_node.inputs); j < m; j++ ) { var _input = _node.inputs[| j]; if(_input.isLeaf()) continue; _input.setColor(color); } } } var _clrs = COLORS.labels; var _item = array_create(array_length(_clrs)); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_clrs); i < n; i++ ) { _item[i] = [ [ THEME.timeline_color, i > 0, _clrs[i] ], function(_data) { setSelectingJuncColor(_data.color); }, "", { color: i == 0? -1 : _clrs[i] } ]; } array_push(_item, [ [ THEME.timeline_color, 2 ], function(_data) { colorSelectorCall(__junction_hovering? __junction_hovering.color : c_white, setSelectingJuncColor); } ]); menu_junc_color = menuItemGroup(__txt("Connection Color"), _item); menu_junc_color.spacing = ui(24); #endregion #endregion function getFocusingNode() { INLINE return array_empty(nodes_selecting)? noone : nodes_selecting[0]; } function getCurrentContext() { #region if(ds_list_empty(node_context)) return noone; return node_context[| ds_list_size(node_context) - 1]; } #endregion function getNodeList(cont = getCurrentContext()) { #region return cont == noone? project.nodes : cont.getNodeList(); } #endregion function onFocusBegin() { #region PANEL_GRAPH = self; PROJECT = project; nodes_select_drag = 0; } #endregion function stepBegin() { #region var gr_x = graph_x * graph_s; var gr_y = graph_y * graph_s; var m_x = (mx - gr_x) / graph_s; var m_y = (my - gr_y) / graph_s; mouse_graph_x = m_x; mouse_graph_y = m_y; mouse_grid_x = round(m_x / project.graphGrid.size) * project.graphGrid.size; mouse_grid_y = round(m_y / project.graphGrid.size) * project.graphGrid.size; setTitle(); } #endregion function focusNode(_node) { #region if(_node == noone) { nodes_selecting = []; return; } nodes_selecting = [ _node ]; fullView(); } #endregion function fullView() { #region INLINE var _l = ds_list_create_from_array(nodes_selecting); toCenterNode(array_empty(nodes_selecting)? nodes_list : _l); ds_list_destroy(_l); graph_s_to = 1; } #endregion function dragGraph() { #region if(graph_dragging) { if(!MOUSE_WRAPPING) { var dx = mx - graph_drag_mx; var dy = my - graph_drag_my; graph_x += dx / graph_s; graph_y += dy / graph_s; } graph_drag_mx = mx; graph_drag_my = my; setMouseWrap(); if(mouse_release(drag_key)) graph_dragging = false; } if(graph_zooming) { if(!MOUSE_WRAPPING) { var dy = -(my - graph_zoom_m) / 200; var _s = graph_s; graph_s_to = clamp(graph_s_to * (1 + dy), scale[0], scale[array_length(scale) - 1]); graph_s = graph_s_to; if(_s != graph_s) { var mb_x = (graph_zoom_mx - graph_x * _s) / _s; var ma_x = (graph_zoom_mx - graph_x * graph_s) / graph_s; var md_x = ma_x - mb_x; graph_x += md_x; var mb_y = (graph_zoom_my - graph_y * _s) / _s; var ma_y = (graph_zoom_my - graph_y * graph_s) / graph_s; var md_y = ma_y - mb_y; graph_y += md_y; } } graph_zoom_m = my; setMouseWrap(); if(mouse_release(drag_key)) graph_zooming = false; } if(mouse_on_graph && pFOCUS && graph_draggable) { var _doDragging = false; var _doZooming = false; if(mouse_press(PREFERENCES.pan_mouse_key)) { _doDragging = true; drag_key = PREFERENCES.pan_mouse_key; } else if(mouse_press(mb_left) && graph_dragging_key) { _doDragging = true; drag_key = mb_left; } else if(mouse_press(mb_left) && graph_zooming_key) { _doZooming = true; drag_key = mb_left; } if(_doDragging) { graph_dragging = true; graph_drag_mx = mx; graph_drag_my = my; graph_drag_sx = graph_x; graph_drag_sy = graph_y; } if(_doZooming) { graph_zooming = true; graph_zoom_mx = mx; graph_zoom_my = my; graph_zoom_m = my; graph_zoom_s = graph_s; } } if(mouse_on_graph && pHOVER && graph_draggable) { var _s = graph_s; if(mouse_wheel_down() && !key_mod_press_any()) { //zoom out for( var i = 1, n = array_length(scale); i < n; i++ ) { if(scale[i - 1] < graph_s_to && graph_s_to <= scale[i]) { graph_s_to = scale[i - 1]; break; } } } if(mouse_wheel_up() && !key_mod_press_any()) { // zoom in for( var i = 1, n = array_length(scale); i < n; i++ ) { if(scale[i - 1] <= graph_s_to && graph_s_to < scale[i]) { graph_s_to = scale[i]; break; } } } graph_s = lerp_float(graph_s, graph_s_to, PREFERENCES.graph_zoom_smoooth); if(_s != graph_s) { var mb_x = (mx - graph_x * _s) / _s; var ma_x = (mx - graph_x * graph_s) / graph_s; var md_x = ma_x - mb_x; graph_x += md_x; var mb_y = (my - graph_y * _s) / _s; var ma_y = (my - graph_y * graph_s) / graph_s; var md_y = ma_y - mb_y; graph_y += md_y; } } graph_draggable = true; graph_x = round(graph_x); graph_y = round(graph_y); } #endregion function drawGrid() { #region if(!display_parameter.show_grid) return; var gls = project.graphGrid.size; while(gls * graph_s < 8) gls *= 5; var gr_x = graph_x * graph_s; var gr_y = graph_y * graph_s; var gr_ls = gls * graph_s; var xx = -gr_ls, xs = safe_mod(gr_x, gr_ls); var yy = -gr_ls, ys = safe_mod(gr_y, gr_ls); draw_set_color(project.graphGrid.color); var aa = 0.5; if(graph_s < 0.25) aa = 0.3; var oa = project.graphGrid.opacity; var ori = project.graphGrid.show_origin; var hig = project.graphGrid.highlight; while(xx < w + gr_ls) { draw_set_alpha( oa * aa * (1 + (round((xx + xs - gr_x) / gr_ls) % hig == 0) * 2) ); draw_line(xx + xs, 0, xx + xs, h); if(ori && xx + xs - gr_x == 0) draw_line_width(xx + xs, 0, xx + xs, h, 3); xx += gr_ls; } while(yy < h + gr_ls) { draw_set_alpha( oa * aa * (1 + (round((yy + ys - gr_y) / gr_ls) % hig == 0) * 2) ); draw_line(0, yy + ys, w, yy + ys); if(ori && yy + ys - gr_y == 0) draw_line_width(0, yy + ys, w, yy + ys, 3); yy += gr_ls; } draw_set_alpha(1); } #endregion function drawBasePreview() { #region var gr_x = graph_x * graph_s; var gr_y = graph_y * graph_s; var _hov = false; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { var h = nodes_list[| i].drawPreviewBackground(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s); _hov |= h; } return _hov; } #endregion function drawNodes() { #region if(selection_block-- > 0) return; display_parameter.highlight = !array_empty(nodes_selecting) && ( (PREFERENCES.connection_line_highlight == 1 && key_mod_press(ALT)) || PREFERENCES.connection_line_highlight == 2 ); var gr_x = graph_x * graph_s; var gr_y = graph_y * graph_s; var log = false; var t = get_timer(); printIf(log, "============ Draw start ============"); _frame_hovering = frame_hovering; frame_hovering = noone; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { nodes_list[| i].cullCheck(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s, -32, -32, w + 32, h + 64); nodes_list[| i].preDraw(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s, gr_x, gr_y); } printIf(log, $"Predraw time: {get_timer() - t}"); t = get_timer(); #region draw frame for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { if(nodes_list[| i].drawNodeBG(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s, display_parameter)) frame_hovering = nodes_list[| i]; } #endregion printIf(log, $"Frame draw time: {get_timer() - t}"); t = get_timer(); #region hover node_hovering = noone; if(pHOVER) for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { var _node = nodes_list[| i]; _node.branch_drawing = false; if(_node.pointIn(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s)) node_hovering = _node; } if(node_hovering != noone) _HOVERING_ELEMENT = node_hovering; if(node_hovering != noone && pFOCUS && DOUBLE_CLICK && struct_has(node_hovering, "onDoubleClick")) { if(node_hovering.onDoubleClick(self)) { DOUBLE_CLICK = false; node_hovering = noone; } } if(node_hovering) node_hovering.onDrawHover(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s); #endregion printIf(log, $"Hover time: {get_timer() - t}"); t = get_timer(); #region ++++++++++++ interaction ++++++++++++ if(mouse_on_graph && pHOVER) { #region select if(NODE_DROPPER_TARGET != noone && node_hovering) { node_hovering.draw_droppable = true; if(mouse_press(mb_left, NODE_DROPPER_TARGET_CAN)) { NODE_DROPPER_TARGET.expression += node_hovering.internalName; NODE_DROPPER_TARGET.expressionUpdate(); } } else if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { if(key_mod_press(SHIFT)) { if(node_hovering) { if(array_exists(nodes_selecting, node_hovering)) array_remove(nodes_selecting, node_hovering); else array_push(nodes_selecting, node_hovering); } else nodes_selecting = []; } else if(value_focus || node_hovering == noone) { nodes_selecting = []; if(DOUBLE_CLICK && !PANEL_INSPECTOR.locked) PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting = noone; } else { if(is_instanceof(node_hovering, Node_Frame)) { var fx0 = (node_hovering.x + graph_x) * graph_s; var fy0 = (node_hovering.y + graph_y) * graph_s; var fx1 = fx0 + node_hovering.w * graph_s; var fy1 = fy0 + node_hovering.h * graph_s; nodes_selecting = [ node_hovering ]; if(!key_mod_press(CTRL)) for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { //select content var _node = nodes_list[| i]; if(_node == node_hovering) continue; if(!_node.selectable) continue; var _x = (_node.x + graph_x) * graph_s; var _y = (_node.y + graph_y) * graph_s; var _w = _node.w * graph_s; var _h = _node.h * graph_s; if(_w && _h && rectangle_inside_rectangle(fx0, fy0, fx1, fy1, _x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h)) array_push_unique(nodes_selecting, _node); } } else if(DOUBLE_CLICK) { PANEL_PREVIEW.setNodePreview(node_hovering); if(PREFERENCES.inspector_focus_on_double_click) { if(PANEL_INSPECTOR.panel && struct_has(PANEL_INSPECTOR.panel, "switchContent")) PANEL_INSPECTOR.panel.switchContent(PANEL_INSPECTOR); } } else { var hover_selected = false; for( var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++ ) { if(nodes_selecting[i] != node_hovering) continue; hover_selected = true; break; } if(!hover_selected) nodes_selecting = [ node_hovering ]; } if(WIDGET_CURRENT) WIDGET_CURRENT.deactivate(); array_foreach(nodes_selecting, function(node) { bringNodeToFront(node); }); } } #endregion if(mouse_press(mb_right, pFOCUS)) { #region node_hover = node_hovering; if(value_focus) { __junction_hovering = value_focus; var menu = [ menu_junc_color ]; if(value_focus.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.output) { var sep = false; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(value_focus.value_to); i < n; i++ ) { if(!sep) { array_push(menu, -1); sep = true; } var _to = value_focus.value_to[i]; array_push(menu, menuItem($"[{_to.node.display_name}] {_to.getName()}", function(data) { data.params.juncTo.removeFrom(); }, THEME.cross,,, { juncTo: _to })); } for( var i = 0, n = array_length(value_focus.value_to_loop); i < n; i++ ) { if(!sep) { array_push(menu, -1); sep = true; } var _to = value_focus.value_to_loop[i]; array_push(menu, menuItem($"[{_to.junc_in.node.display_name}] {_to.junc_in.getName()}", function(data) { data.params.juncTo.destroy(); }, _to.icon_24,,, { juncTo: _to })); } } else { var sep = false; if(value_focus.value_from) { if(!sep) { array_push(menu, -1); sep = true; } var _jun = value_focus.value_from; array_push(menu, menuItem($"[{_jun.node.display_name}] {_jun.getName()}", function(data) { __junction_hovering.removeFrom(); }, THEME.cross)); } if(value_focus.value_from_loop) { if(!sep) { array_push(menu, -1); sep = true; } var _jun = value_focus.value_from_loop.junc_out; array_push(menu, menuItem($"[{_jun.node.display_name}] {_jun.getName()}", function(data) { __junction_hovering.removeFromLoop(); }, value_focus.value_from_loop.icon_24)); } } menuCall("graph_node_selected_menu",,, menu); } else if(node_hover && node_hover.draggable) { var menu = []; array_push(menu, menu_node_color, -1, menu_sent_to_preview, menu_send_to_window, menu_sent_to_inspector); if(!DEMO) array_push(menu, menu_send_export); array_push(menu, -1, menu_toggle_preview, menu_toggle_render, menu_toggle_param); if(is_instanceof(node_hover, Node_Collection)) array_push(menu, -1, menu_open_group, menu_open_group_tab, menu_group_ungroup); if(node_hover.group != noone) array_push(menu, menu_group_tool); array_push(menu, -1, menu_node_delete_merge, menu_node_delete_cut, menu_node_duplicate, menu_node_copy); if(array_empty(nodes_selecting)) array_push(menu, menu_node_copy_prop, menu_node_paste_prop); array_push(menu, -1, menu_node_transform, menu_node_canvas); if(array_empty(nodes_selecting) >= 2) array_push(menu, -1, menu_nodes_align, menu_nodes_blend, menu_nodes_compose, menu_nodes_array, menu_nodes_group, menu_nodes_frame); menuCall("graph_node_selected_multiple_menu",,, menu ); } else if(node_hover == noone) { var menu = []; __junction_hovering = junction_hovering; if(junction_hovering != noone) array_push(menu, menu_junc_color, -1); array_push(menu, menuItem(__txt("Copy"), function() { doCopy(); }, THEME.copy, ["Graph", "Copy"]).setActive(array_length(nodes_selecting))); array_push(menu, menuItem(__txt("Paste"), function() { doPaste(); }, THEME.paste, ["Graph", "Paste"]).setActive(clipboard_get_text() != "")); if(junction_hovering != noone) { array_push(menu, -1); if(is_instanceof(junction_hovering, Node_Feedback_Inline)) { var _jun = junction_hovering.junc_out; array_push(menu, menuItem($"[{_jun.node.display_name}] {_jun.getName()}", function(data) { __junction_hovering.destroy(); }, THEME.feedback)); } else { var _jun = junction_hovering.value_from; array_push(menu, menuItem($"[{_jun.node.display_name}] {_jun.getName()}", function(data) { __junction_hovering.removeFrom(); }, THEME.cross)); } } var ctx = is_instanceof(frame_hovering, Node_Collection_Inline)? frame_hovering : getCurrentContext(); var _diaAdd = callAddDialog(ctx); var _dia = menuCall("graph_node_selected_menu", o_dialog_add_node.dialog_x - ui(8), o_dialog_add_node.dialog_y + ui(4), menu, fa_right ); _dia.passthrough = true; setFocus(_diaAdd, "Dialog"); } } #endregion if(is_instanceof(frame_hovering, Node_Collection_Inline) && DOUBLE_CLICK && array_empty(nodes_selecting)) { #region nodes_selecting = [ frame_hovering ]; } #endregion } #endregion printIf(log, $"Node selection time: {get_timer() - t}"); t = get_timer(); #region draw active for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++) { var _node = nodes_selecting[i]; if(!_node) continue; _node.drawActive(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s); } #endregion printIf(log, $"Draw active: {get_timer() - t}"); t = get_timer(); #region draw connections var aa = floor(min(8192 / w, 8192 / h, PREFERENCES.connection_line_aa)); connection_surface = surface_verify(connection_surface, w * aa, h * aa); connection_surface_aa = surface_verify(connection_surface_aa, w, h); surface_set_target(connection_surface); DRAW_CLEAR var hov = noone; var hoverable = !bool(node_dragging) && pHOVER; var param = connection_param; param.active = hoverable; param.setPos(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s, mx, my); param.setBoundary(-64, -64, w + 64, h + 64); param.setProp(ds_list_size(nodes_list), display_parameter.highlight); param.setDraw(aa, bg_color); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { param.cur_layer = i + 1; var _hov = nodes_list[| i].drawConnections(param); if(_hov != noone && is_struct(_hov)) hov = _hov; } if(value_dragging && connection_draw_mouse != noone) { var _cmx = connection_draw_mouse[0]; var _cmy = connection_draw_mouse[1]; var _cmt = connection_draw_target; if(array_empty(value_draggings)) value_dragging.drawConnectionMouse(param, _cmx, _cmy, _cmt); else { var _stIndex = array_find(value_draggings, value_dragging); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(value_draggings); i < n; i++ ) { var _dmx = _cmx; var _dmy = value_draggings[i].connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.output? _cmy + (i - _stIndex) * 24 * graph_s : _cmy; value_draggings[i].drawConnectionMouse(param, _dmx, _dmy, _cmt); } } } surface_reset_target(); gpu_set_texfilter(true); surface_set_shader(connection_surface_aa, sh_downsample); shader_set_f("down", aa); shader_set_dim("dimension", connection_surface); draw_surface(connection_surface, 0, 0); surface_reset_shader(); gpu_set_texfilter(false); BLEND_ALPHA_MULP draw_surface(connection_surface_aa, 0, 0); BLEND_NORMAL junction_hovering = node_hovering == noone? hov : noone; value_focus = noone; #endregion printIf(log, $"Draw connection: {get_timer() - t}"); t = get_timer(); #region draw node var t = get_timer(); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) nodes_list[| i].onDrawNodeBehind(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { var _node = nodes_list[| i]; if(is_instanceof(_node, Node_Frame)) continue; try { var val = _node.drawNode(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s, display_parameter); if(val) { value_focus = val; if(key_mod_press(SHIFT)) TOOLTIP = [ val.getValue(), val.type ]; } } catch(e) { log_warning("NODE DRAW", exception_print(e)); } } for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) nodes_list[| i].drawBadge(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s); if(PANEL_INSPECTOR && PANEL_INSPECTOR.prop_hover != noone) value_focus = PANEL_INSPECTOR.prop_hover; #endregion printIf(log, $"Draw node: {get_timer() - t}"); t = get_timer(); #region dragging if(mouse_press(mb_left)) node_dragging = noone; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) nodes_list[| i].groupCheck(gr_x, gr_y, graph_s, mx, my); if(node_dragging && !key_mod_press(ALT)) { var nx = node_drag_sx + (mouse_graph_x - node_drag_mx); var ny = node_drag_sy + (mouse_graph_y - node_drag_my); if(!key_mod_press(CTRL) && project.graphGrid.snap) { nx = round(nx / project.graphGrid.size) * project.graphGrid.size; ny = round(ny / project.graphGrid.size) * project.graphGrid.size; } if(node_drag_ox == -1 || node_drag_oy == -1) { node_drag_ox = nx; node_drag_oy = ny; } else if(nx != node_drag_ox || ny != node_drag_oy) { var dx = nx - node_drag_ox; var dy = ny - node_drag_oy; for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++) { var _node = nodes_selecting[i]; var _nx = _node.x + dx; var _ny = _node.y + dy; if(!key_mod_press(CTRL) && project.graphGrid.snap) { _nx = round(_nx / project.graphGrid.size) * project.graphGrid.size; _ny = round(_ny / project.graphGrid.size) * project.graphGrid.size; } _node.move(_nx, _ny, graph_s); } node_drag_ox = nx; node_drag_oy = ny; } if(mouse_release(mb_left) && (nx != node_drag_sx || ny != node_drag_sy)) { var shfx = node_drag_sx - nx; var shfy = node_drag_sy - ny; UNDO_HOLDING = false; for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++) { var _n = nodes_selecting[i]; if(_n == noone) continue; recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, _n, [ _n.x + shfx, "x", "node x position" ]); recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.var_modify, _n, [ _n.y + shfy, "y", "node y position" ]); } } } if(mouse_release(mb_left)) node_dragging = noone; #endregion printIf(log, $"Drag node time : {get_timer() - t}"); t = get_timer(); if(mouse_on_graph && pFOCUS) { #region var _node = getFocusingNode(); if(_node && _node.draggable && value_focus == noone) { if(mouse_press(mb_left) && !key_mod_press(ALT)) { node_dragging = _node; node_drag_mx = mouse_graph_x; node_drag_my = mouse_graph_y; node_drag_sx = _node.x; node_drag_sy = _node.y; node_drag_ox = -1; node_drag_oy = -1; } } if(DOUBLE_CLICK && junction_hovering != noone) { var _mx = round(mouse_graph_x / project.graphGrid.size) * project.graphGrid.size; var _my = round(mouse_graph_y / project.graphGrid.size) * project.graphGrid.size; var _pin = nodeBuild("Node_Pin", _mx, _my); _pin.inputs[| 0].setFrom(junction_hovering.value_from); junction_hovering.setFrom(_pin.outputs[| 0]); } } #endregion #region draw selection frame if(nodes_select_drag) { if(point_distance(nodes_select_mx, nodes_select_my, mx, my) > 16) nodes_select_drag = 2; if(nodes_select_drag == 2) { draw_sprite_stretched_points_clamp(THEME.ui_selection, 0, nodes_select_mx, nodes_select_my, mx, my, COLORS._main_accent); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { var _node = nodes_list[| i]; if(!_node.selectable) continue; if(is_instanceof(_node, Node_Frame) && !nodes_select_frame) continue; var _x = (_node.x + graph_x) * graph_s; var _y = (_node.y + graph_y) * graph_s; var _w = _node.w * graph_s; var _h = _node.h * graph_s; var _sel = _w && _h && rectangle_in_rectangle(_x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h, nodes_select_mx, nodes_select_my, mx, my); if(!array_exists(nodes_selecting, _node) && _sel) array_push(nodes_selecting, _node); if(array_exists(nodes_selecting, _node) && !_sel) array_remove(nodes_selecting, _node); } } if(mouse_release(mb_left)) nodes_select_drag = 0; } if(nodes_junction_d != noone) { var shx = nodes_junction_dx + (mx - nodes_select_mx) / graph_s; var shy = nodes_junction_dy + (my - nodes_select_my) / graph_s; shx = value_snap(shx, key_mod_press(CTRL)? 1 : 4); shy = value_snap(shy, key_mod_press(CTRL)? 1 : 4); nodes_junction_d.draw_line_shift_x = shx; nodes_junction_d.draw_line_shift_y = shy; if(mouse_release(mb_left)) nodes_junction_d = noone; } if(mouse_on_graph && !node_bg_hovering && mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS) && !graph_dragging_key && !graph_zooming_key) { if(is_instanceof(junction_hovering, NodeValue) && junction_hovering.draw_line_shift_hover) { nodes_select_mx = mx; nodes_select_my = my; nodes_junction_d = junction_hovering; nodes_junction_dx = junction_hovering.draw_line_shift_x; nodes_junction_dy = junction_hovering.draw_line_shift_y; } else if(array_empty(nodes_selecting) && !value_focus && !drag_locking) { nodes_select_drag = 1; nodes_select_frame = frame_hovering == noone; nodes_select_mx = mx; nodes_select_my = my; } drag_locking = false; } #endregion printIf(log, $"Draw selection frame : {get_timer() - t}"); t = get_timer(); } #endregion function drawJunctionConnect() { #region if(value_dragging) { var xx = value_dragging.x; var yy = value_dragging.y; var _mx = mx; var _my = my; var target = noone; if(value_focus && value_focus != value_dragging && value_focus.connect_type != value_dragging.connect_type) target = value_focus; if(key_mod_press(CTRL) && node_hovering != noone) { if(value_dragging.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.input) { target = node_hovering.getOutput(value_dragging); if(target != noone) node_hovering.active_draw_index = 1; } else { target = node_hovering.getInput(value_dragging); if(target != noone) node_hovering.active_draw_index = 1; } } var _mmx = target != noone? target.x : _mx; var _mmy = target != noone? target.y : _my; connection_draw_mouse = [ _mmx, _mmy ]; connection_draw_target = target; value_dragging.drawJunction(graph_s, value_dragging.x, value_dragging.y); if(target) target.drawJunction(graph_s, target.x, target.y); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) { // CONNECT junction var _connect = [ 0, noone, noone ]; if(PANEL_INSPECTOR && PANEL_INSPECTOR.attribute_hovering != noone) { PANEL_INSPECTOR.attribute_hovering(value_dragging); } else if(target != noone) { var _addInput = false; if(target.isLeaf() && target.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.input && target.node.auto_input) _addInput = true; if(value_dragging.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.input) { if(array_empty(value_draggings)) { _connect = [ value_dragging.setFrom(target), value_dragging, target ]; } else { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(value_draggings); i < n; i++ ) value_draggings[i].setFrom(target); } } else if(_addInput && !array_empty(value_draggings)) { for( var i = 0, n = array_length(value_draggings); i < n; i++ ) target.node.addInput(value_draggings[i]); } else { _connect = [ target.setFrom(value_dragging), target, value_dragging ]; } } else { if(value_dragging.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.input) value_dragging.removeFrom(); value_dragging.node.triggerRender(); if(value_focus != value_dragging) { var ctx = is_instanceof(frame_hovering, Node_Collection_Inline)? frame_hovering : getCurrentContext(); with(dialogCall(o_dialog_add_node, mouse_mx + 8, mouse_my + 8, { context: ctx })) { node_target_x = other.mouse_grid_x; node_target_y = other.mouse_grid_y; node_called = other.value_dragging; alarm[0] = 1; } } } value_dragging = noone; connection_draw_mouse = noone; if(_connect[0] == -9) { if(_connect[1].value_from_loop != noone) _connect[1].value_from_loop.destroy(); var menu = [ menuItem("Feedback", function(data) { var junc_in = data.params.junc_in; var junc_out = data.params.junc_out; var feed = nodeBuild("Node_Feedback_Inline", 0, 0); feed.attributes.junc_in = [ junc_in .node.node_id, junc_in .index ]; feed.attributes.junc_out = [ junc_out.node.node_id, junc_out.index ]; feed.scanJunc(); }, THEME.feedback_24,,, { junc_in : _connect[1], junc_out : _connect[2] }), menuItem("Loop", function(data) { var junc_in = data.params.junc_in; var junc_out = data.params.junc_out; var feed = nodeBuild("Node_Iterate_Inline", 0, 0); feed.attributes.junc_in = [ junc_in .node.node_id, junc_in .index ]; feed.attributes.junc_out = [ junc_out.node.node_id, junc_out.index ]; feed.scanJunc(); }, THEME.loop_24,,, { junc_in : _connect[1], junc_out : _connect[2] }), ]; menuCall(,,, menu); } } } else if(value_focus && mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS) && !key_mod_press(ALT)) { value_dragging = value_focus; value_draggings = []; if(value_dragging.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.output) { if(key_mod_press(CTRL)) { var _to = value_dragging.getJunctionTo(); if(array_length(_to)) { value_dragging = _to[0]; value_draggings = array_create(array_length(_to)); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_to); i < n; i++ ) { value_draggings[i] = _to[i]; _to[i].removeFrom(); } } } else if(array_exists(nodes_selecting_jun, value_dragging.node)) { var _jlist = ds_priority_create(); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(nodes_selecting_jun); i < n; i++ ) { var _node = nodes_selecting_jun[i]; if(_node == value_focus.node) { ds_priority_add(_jlist, value_focus, value_focus.y); } else { for( var j = 0, m = ds_list_size(_node.outputs); j < m; j++ ) { var _junction = _node.outputs[| j]; if(!_junction.visible) continue; if(value_bit(_junction.type) & value_bit(value_dragging.type) == 0) continue; ds_priority_add(_jlist, _junction, _junction.y); break; } } } while(!ds_priority_empty(_jlist)) array_push(value_draggings, ds_priority_delete_min(_jlist)); ds_priority_destroy(_jlist); } } else { if(key_mod_press(CTRL) && value_dragging.value_from) { var fr = value_dragging.value_from; value_dragging.removeFrom(); value_dragging = fr; } } } nodes_selecting_jun = array_clone(nodes_selecting, 1); #region draw junction name var gr_x = graph_x * graph_s; var gr_y = graph_y * graph_s; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) nodes_list[| i].drawJunctionNames(gr_x, gr_y, mx, my, graph_s); #endregion } #endregion function callAddDialog(ctx = getCurrentContext()) { #region var _dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_add_node, mouse_mx + 8, mouse_my + 8, { context: ctx }); with(_dia) { node_target_x = other.mouse_grid_x; node_target_y = other.mouse_grid_y; junction_hovering = other.junction_hovering; resetPosition(); alarm[0] = 1; } return _dia; } #endregion function drawContext() { #region draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center); var xx = ui(16), tt, tw, th; var bh = toolbar_height - ui(12); var tbh = h - toolbar_height / 2; for(var i = -1; i < ds_list_size(node_context); i++) { if(i == -1) { tt = __txt("Global"); } else { var _cnt = node_context[| i]; tt = _cnt.renamed? _cnt.display_name : _cnt.name; } tw = string_width(tt); th = string_height(tt); if(i < ds_list_size(node_context) - 1) { if(buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide_fill, xx - ui(6), tbh - bh / 2, tw + ui(12), bh, [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER) == 2) { node_hover = noone; nodes_selecting = []; PANEL_PREVIEW.resetNodePreview(); setContextFrame(true, node_context[| i + 1]); var _nodeFocus = node_context[| i + 1]; if(i == -1) resetContext(); else { for(var j = ds_list_size(node_context) - 1; j > i; j--) ds_list_delete(node_context, j); nodes_list = node_context[| i].getNodeList(); } nodes_selecting = [ _nodeFocus ]; var _l = ds_list_create_from_array(nodes_selecting) toCenterNode(_l); ds_list_destroy(_l); break; } draw_sprite_ui_uniform(THEME.arrow, 0, xx + tw + ui(16), tbh, 1, COLORS._main_icon); } draw_set_color(COLORS._main_text); draw_set_alpha(i < ds_list_size(node_context) - 1? 0.33 : 1); draw_text(xx, tbh - 2, tt); draw_set_alpha(1); xx += tw; xx += ui(32); } } #endregion function drawToolBar() { #region toolbar_height = ui(40); var ty = h - toolbar_height; if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, 0, ty, w, h)) mouse_on_graph = false; draw_sprite_stretched(THEME.toolbar, 0, 0, ty, w, h); drawContext(); var tbx = w - toolbar_height / 2; var tby = ty + toolbar_height / 2; for( var i = 0, n = array_length(toolbars); i < n; i++ ) { var tb = toolbars[i]; var tbSpr = tb[0]; var tbInd = tb[1](); var tbTooltip = tb[2](); var b = buttonInstant(THEME.button_hide, tbx - ui(14), tby - ui(14), ui(28), ui(28), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, tbTooltip, tbSpr, tbInd); if(b == 2) tb[3]( { x: x + tbx - ui(14), y: y + tby - ui(14) } ); tbx -= ui(32); } draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_toolbar_separator); draw_line_width(tbx + ui(12), tby - toolbar_height / 2 + ui(8), tbx + ui(12), tby + toolbar_height / 2 - ui(8), 2); } #endregion function drawMinimap() { #region if(!minimap_show) return; var mx1 = w - ui(8); var my1 = h - toolbar_height - ui(8); var mx0 = mx1 - minimap_w; var my0 = my1 - minimap_h; minimap_w = min(minimap_w, w - ui(16)); minimap_h = min(minimap_h, h - ui(16) - toolbar_height); var mini_hover = false; if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, mx0, my0, mx1, my1)) { mouse_on_graph = false; mini_hover = true; } var hover = mini_hover && !point_in_rectangle(mx, my, mx0, my0, mx0 + ui(16), my0 + ui(16)) && !minimap_dragging; if(!is_surface(minimap_surface) || surface_get_width_safe(minimap_surface) != minimap_w || surface_get_height_safe(minimap_surface) != minimap_h) { minimap_surface = surface_create_valid(minimap_w, minimap_h); } surface_set_target(minimap_surface); draw_clear_alpha(COLORS.panel_bg_clear_inner, 0.75); if(!ds_list_empty(nodes_list)) { var minx = 99999; var maxx = -99999; var miny = 99999; var maxy = -99999; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { var _node = nodes_list[| i]; minx = min(_node.x - 32, minx); maxx = max(_node.x + _node.w + 32, maxx); miny = min(_node.y - 32, miny); maxy = max(_node.y + _node.h + 32, maxy); } var cx = (minx + maxx) / 2; var cy = (miny + maxy) / 2; var spw = maxx - minx; var sph = maxy - miny; var ss = min(minimap_w / spw, minimap_h / sph); draw_set_alpha(0.4); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(nodes_list); i++) { var _node = nodes_list[| i]; var nx = minimap_w / 2 + (_node.x - cx) * ss; var ny = minimap_h / 2 + (_node.y - cy) * ss; var nw = _node.w * ss; var nh = _node.h * ss; draw_set_color(_node.getColor()); draw_roundrect_ext(nx, ny, nx + nw, ny + nh, THEME_VALUE.minimap_corner_radius, THEME_VALUE.minimap_corner_radius, false); } draw_set_alpha(1); var gx = minimap_w / 2 - (graph_x + cx) * ss; var gy = minimap_h / 2 - (graph_y + cy) * ss; var gw = w / graph_s * ss; var gh = h / graph_s * ss; draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_graph_minimap_focus); draw_rectangle(gx, gy, gx + gw, gy + gh, 1); if(minimap_panning) { graph_x = -((mx - mx0 - gw / 2) - minimap_w / 2) / ss - cx; graph_y = -((my - my0 - gh / 2) - minimap_h / 2) / ss - cy; graph_x = round(graph_x); graph_y = round(graph_y); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) minimap_panning = false; } if(mouse_click(mb_left, hover)) minimap_panning = true; } surface_reset_target(); draw_surface_ext_safe(minimap_surface, mx0, my0, 1, 1, 0, c_white, 0.5 + 0.35 * hover); draw_set_color(COLORS.panel_graph_minimap_outline); draw_rectangle(mx0, my0, mx1 - 1, my1 - 1, true); if(minimap_dragging) { mouse_on_graph = false; var sw = minimap_drag_sx + minimap_drag_mx - mx; var sh = minimap_drag_sy + minimap_drag_my - my; minimap_w = max(ui(64), sw); minimap_h = max(ui(64), sh); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) minimap_dragging = false; } if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(mx, my, mx0, my0, mx0 + ui(16), my0 + ui(16))) { draw_sprite_ui(THEME.node_resize, 0, mx0 + ui(2), my0 + ui(2), 0.5, 0.5, 180, c_white, 0.75); if(mouse_press(mb_left, pFOCUS)) { minimap_dragging = true; minimap_drag_sx = minimap_w; minimap_drag_sy = minimap_h; minimap_drag_mx = mx; minimap_drag_my = my; } } else draw_sprite_ui(THEME.node_resize, 0, mx0 + ui(2), my0 + ui(2), 0.5, 0.5, 180, c_white, 0.3); } #endregion function drawContextFrame() { #region if(!context_framing) return; context_frame_progress = lerp_float(context_frame_progress, 1, 5); if(context_frame_progress == 1) context_framing = false; var _fr_x0 = 0, _fr_y0 = 0; var _fr_x1 = w, _fr_y1 = h; var _to_x0 = context_frame_sx; var _to_y0 = context_frame_sy; var _to_x1 = context_frame_ex; var _to_y1 = context_frame_ey; var prog = context_frame_direct? context_frame_progress : 1 - context_frame_progress; var frm_x0 = lerp(_fr_x0, _to_x0, prog); var frm_y0 = lerp(_fr_y0, _to_y0, prog); var frm_x1 = lerp(_fr_x1, _to_x1, prog); var frm_y1 = lerp(_fr_y1, _to_y1, prog); draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); draw_set_alpha(0.5); draw_roundrect_ext(frm_x0, frm_y0, frm_x1, frm_y1, THEME_VALUE.panel_corner_radius, THEME_VALUE.panel_corner_radius, true); draw_set_alpha(1); } #endregion function resetContext() { #region ds_list_clear(node_context); nodes_list = project.nodes; toCenterNode(); } #endregion function addContext(node) { #region var _node = node.getNodeBase(); setContextFrame(false, _node); nodes_list = _node.nodes; ds_list_add(node_context, _node); node_dragging = noone; nodes_selecting = []; selection_block = 1; toCenterNode(); } #endregion function setContextFrame(dirr, node) { #region context_framing = true; context_frame_direct = dirr; context_frame_progress = 0; context_frame_sx = w / 2 - 8; context_frame_sy = h / 2 - 8; context_frame_ex = context_frame_sx + 16; context_frame_ey = context_frame_sy + 16; } #endregion function setTitle() { #region title = title_raw + (project.modified? "*" : ""); } #endregion function drawContent(panel) { #region >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MAIN DRAW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if(!project.active) return; if(project.path == "") title_raw = "New project"; else title_raw = filename_name_only(project.path); dragGraph(); var context = getCurrentContext(); if(context != noone) title_raw += " > " + (context.renamed? context.display_name : context.name); bg_color = context == noone? COLORS.panel_bg_clear : merge_color(COLORS.panel_bg_clear, context.getColor(), 0.05); draw_clear(bg_color); node_bg_hovering = drawBasePreview(); drawGrid(); draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_right, fa_top, COLORS._main_text_sub); draw_text(w - ui(8), ui(8), $"x{graph_s_to}"); drawNodes(); drawJunctionConnect(); drawContextFrame(); mouse_on_graph = true; drawToolBar(); drawMinimap(); if(pFOCUS) array_foreach(nodes_selecting, function(node) { node.focusStep(); }); if(UPDATE == RENDER_TYPE.full) draw_text(w - ui(8), ui(28), __txtx("panel_graph_rendering", "Rendering") + "..."); else if(UPDATE == RENDER_TYPE.partial) draw_text(w - ui(8), ui(28), __txtx("panel_graph_rendering_partial", "Rendering partial") + "..."); if(DRAGGING && pHOVER) { #region file dropping if(node_hovering && node_hovering.droppable(DRAGGING)) { node_hovering.draw_droppable = true; if(mouse_release(mb_left)) node_hovering.onDrop(DRAGGING); } else { draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.ui_panel_active, 0, 2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, COLORS._main_value_positive, 1); if(mouse_release(mb_left)) checkDropItem(); } } #endregion graph_dragging_key = false; graph_zooming_key = false; if(LIVE_UPDATE) { draw_set_text(f_p0b, fa_right, fa_bottom, COLORS._main_value_negative); draw_text(w - 8, h - toolbar_height, "Live Update"); } } #endregion #region ++++++++++++++++ node manipulation ++++++++++++++++ function createNodeHotkey(_node) { #region var node = nodeBuild(_node, mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y); if(value_dragging) { if(value_dragging.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.output) { if(node.input_display_list != -1) { for (var i = 0, n = array_length(node.input_display_list); i < n; i++) { if(!is_real(node.input_display_list[i])) continue; if(node.inputs[| node.input_display_list[i]].setFrom(value_dragging)) break; } } else { for (var i = 0, n = ds_list_size(node.inputs); i < n; i++) if(node.inputs[| i].setFrom(value_dragging)) break; } } else if(value_dragging.connect_type == JUNCTION_CONNECT.input) { for (var i = 0, n = ds_list_size(node.outputs); i < n; i++) if(value_dragging.setFrom(node.outputs[| i])) break; } value_dragging = noone; } } #endregion function doTransform() { #region for( var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++ ) { var node = nodes_selecting[i]; if(ds_list_empty(node.outputs)) continue; var _o = node.outputs[| 0]; if(_o.type == VALUE_TYPE.surface || _o.type == VALUE_TYPE.dynaSurface) { var tr = nodeBuild("Node_Transform", node.x + node.w + 64, node.y); tr.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_o); } } } #endregion function doDuplicate() { #region if(array_empty(nodes_selecting)) return; var _map = {}; var _pmap = {}; var _node = []; for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++) { var _n = nodes_selecting[i]; if(_n.inline_parent_object != "") _pmap[$ _n.inline_context.node_id] = _n.inline_parent_object; SAVE_NODE(_node, _n,,,, getCurrentContext()); } _map.nodes = _node; ds_map_clear(APPEND_MAP); ds_list_clear(APPEND_LIST); CLONING = true; var _pmap_keys = variable_struct_get_names(_pmap); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(_pmap_keys); i < n; i++ ) { var _pkey = _pmap_keys[i]; var _original = PROJECT.nodeMap[? _pkey]; var _nodeS = _pmap[$ _pkey]; CLONING_GROUP = _original; var _newGroup = nodeBuild(_nodeS, _original.x, _original.y); APPEND_MAP[? _pkey] = _newGroup; } APPEND_LIST = __APPEND_MAP(_map,, APPEND_LIST); recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.collection_loaded, array_create_from_list(APPEND_LIST)); CLONING = false; if(ds_list_size(APPEND_LIST) == 0) return; for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++) { var _orignal = nodes_selecting[i]; if(!_orignal.clonable) continue; var _cloned = ds_map_try_get(APPEND_MAP, _orignal.node_id, ""); var _inline_ctx = _orignal.inline_context; if(_inline_ctx != noone && _cloned != "") { _inline_ctx = ds_map_try_get(APPEND_MAP, _inline_ctx.node_id, _inline_ctx); _inline_ctx.addNode(PROJECT.nodeMap[? _cloned]); } } var x0 = 99999999; var y0 = 99999999; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(APPEND_LIST); i++) { var _node = APPEND_LIST[| i]; x0 = min(x0, _node.x); y0 = min(y0, _node.y); } node_dragging = APPEND_LIST[| 0]; node_drag_mx = x0; node_drag_my = y0; node_drag_sx = x0; node_drag_sy = y0; node_drag_ox = x0; node_drag_oy = y0; nodes_selecting = array_create_from_list(APPEND_LIST); } #endregion function doInstance() { #region var node = getFocusingNode(); if(node == noone) return; if(node.instanceBase == noone) { node.isInstancer = true; CLONING = true; var _type = instanceof(node); var _node = nodeBuild(_type, x, y); CLONING = false; _node.setInstance(node); } var _nodeNew = _node.clone(); node_dragging = _nodeNew; node_drag_mx = _nodeNew.x; node_drag_my = _nodeNew.y; node_drag_sx = _nodeNew.x; node_drag_sy = _nodeNew.y; node_drag_ox = _nodeNew.x; node_drag_oy = _nodeNew.y; } #endregion function doCopy() { #region if(array_empty(nodes_selecting)) return; clipboard_set_text(""); var _map = {}; _map.nodes = []; for(var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++) SAVE_NODE(_map.nodes, nodes_selecting[i],,,, getCurrentContext()); clipboard_set_text(json_stringify_minify(_map)); } #endregion function doPaste() { #region var txt = clipboard_get_text(); var _map = json_try_parse(txt, noone); if(txt == "") return; if(is_struct(_map)) { ds_map_clear(APPEND_MAP); APPENDING = true; CLONING = true; var _app = __APPEND_MAP(_map); APPENDING = false; CLONING = false; if(_app == noone) return; if(ds_list_size(_app) == 0) { ds_list_destroy(_app); return; } var x0 = 99999999; var y0 = 99999999; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_app); i++) { var _node = _app[| i]; x0 = min(x0, _node.x); y0 = min(y0, _node.y); } node_dragging = _app[| 0]; node_drag_mx = x0; node_drag_my = y0; node_drag_sx = x0; node_drag_sy = y0; node_drag_ox = x0; node_drag_oy = y0; nodes_selecting = array_create_from_list(_app); return; } if(filename_ext(txt) == ".pxc") APPEND(txt); else if(filename_ext(txt) == ".pxcc") APPEND(txt); else if(filename_ext(txt) == ".png") { if(file_exists_empty(txt)) { Node_create_Image_path(0, 0, txt); return; } var path = TEMPDIR + "url_pasted_" + string(irandom_range(100000, 999999)) + ".png"; var img = http_get_file(txt, path); CLONING = true; var node = Node_create_Image(0, 0); CLONING = false; var args = [node, path]; global.FILE_LOAD_ASYNC[? img] = [ function(args) { args[0].inputs[| 0].setValue(args[1]); args[0].doUpdate(); }, args]; } } #endregion function doBlend() { #region if(array_length(nodes_selecting) != 2) return; var _n0 = nodes_selecting[0].y < nodes_selecting[1].y? nodes_selecting[0] : nodes_selecting[1]; var _n1 = nodes_selecting[0].y < nodes_selecting[1].y? nodes_selecting[1] : nodes_selecting[0]; if(_n0.outputs[| 0].type != VALUE_TYPE.surface || _n1.outputs[| 0].type != VALUE_TYPE.surface) return; var cx = max(_n0.x, _n1.x) + 160; var cy = round((_n0.y + _n1.y) / 2 / 32) * 32; var _blend = new Node_Blend(cx, cy, getCurrentContext()); _blend.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_n0.outputs[| 0]); _blend.inputs[| 1].setFrom(_n1.outputs[| 0]); nodes_selecting = []; } #endregion function doCompose() { #region if(array_empty(nodes_selecting)) return; var cx = nodes_selecting[0].x; var cy = 0; var pr = ds_priority_create(); var amo = array_length(nodes_selecting); var len = 0; for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { var _node = nodes_selecting[i]; if(ds_list_size(_node.outputs) == 0) continue; if(_node.outputs[| 0].type != VALUE_TYPE.surface) continue; cx = max(cx, _node.x); cy += _node.y; ds_priority_add(pr, _node, _node.y); len++; } cx = cx + 160; cy = round(cy / len / 32) * 32; var _compose = nodeBuild("Node_Composite", cx, cy); repeat(len) { var _node = ds_priority_delete_min(pr); _compose.addInput(_node.outputs[| 0]); } nodes_selecting = []; ds_priority_destroy(pr); } #endregion function doArray() { #region if(array_empty(nodes_selecting)) return; var cx = nodes_selecting[0].x; var cy = 0; var pr = ds_priority_create(); var amo = array_length(nodes_selecting); var len = 0; for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { var _node = nodes_selecting[i]; if(ds_list_size(_node.outputs) == 0) continue; cx = max(cx, _node.x); cy += _node.y; ds_priority_add(pr, _node, _node.y); len++; } cx = cx + 160; cy = round(cy / len / 32) * 32; var _array = nodeBuild("Node_Array", cx, cy); repeat(len) { var _node = ds_priority_delete_min(pr); _array.addInput(_node.outputs[| 0]); } nodes_selecting = []; ds_priority_destroy(pr); } #endregion function doGroup() { #region if(array_empty(nodes_selecting)) return; groupNodes(nodes_selecting); } #endregion function doUngroup() { #region var _node = getFocusingNode(); if(_node == noone) return; if(!is_instanceof(_node, Node_Collection) || !_node.ungroupable) return; upgroupNode(_node); } #endregion function doFrame() { #region var x0 = 999999, y0 = 999999, x1 = -999999, y1 = -999999; for( var i = 0; i < array_length(nodes_selecting); i++ ) { var _node = nodes_selecting[i]; x0 = min(x0, _node.x); y0 = min(y0, _node.y); x1 = max(x1, _node.x + _node.w); y1 = max(y1, _node.y + _node.h); } x0 -= 64; y0 -= 64; x1 += 64; y1 += 64; var f = new Node_Frame(x0, y0, getCurrentContext()); f.inputs[| 0].setValue([x1 - x0, y1 - y0]); } #endregion function doDelete(_merge = false) { #region __temp_merge = _merge; array_foreach(nodes_selecting, function(node) { if(node.manual_deletable) node.destroy(__temp_merge); }); nodes_selecting = []; } #endregion node_prop_clipboard = noone; function doCopyProp() { #region if(node_hover == noone) return; node_prop_clipboard = node_hover; } #endregion function doPasteProp() { #region if(node_hover == noone) return; if(node_prop_clipboard == noone) return; if(!node_prop_clipboard.active) return; if(instanceof(node_prop_clipboard) != instanceof(node_hover)) return; var _vals = []; for( var i = 0, n = ds_list_size(node_prop_clipboard.inputs); i < n; i++ ) { var _inp = node_prop_clipboard.inputs[| i]; _vals[i] = _inp.serialize(); } for( var i = 0, n = ds_list_size(node_hover.inputs); i < n; i++ ) { var _inp = node_hover.inputs[| i]; if(_inp.value_from != noone) continue; _inp.applyDeserialize(_vals[i]); } node_hover.clearInputCache(); RENDER_PARTIAL } #endregion #endregion function dropFile(path) { #region if(node_hovering && is_callable(node_hovering.on_drop_file)) return node_hovering.on_drop_file(path); return false; } #endregion static checkDropItem = function() { #region var node = noone; switch(DRAGGING.type) { case "Color": node = nodeBuild("Node_Color", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); node.inputs[| 0].setValue(DRAGGING.data); break; case "Palette": node = nodeBuild("Node_Palette", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); node.inputs[| 0].setValue(DRAGGING.data); break; case "Gradient": node = nodeBuild("Node_Gradient_Out", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); node.inputs[| 0].setValue(DRAGGING.data); break; case "Number": if(is_array(DRAGGING.data) && array_length(DRAGGING.data) <= 4) { switch(array_length(DRAGGING.data)) { case 2 : node = nodeBuild("Node_Vector2", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); break; case 3 : node = nodeBuild("Node_Vector3", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); break; case 4 : node = nodeBuild("Node_Vector4", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); break; } for( var i = 0, n = array_length(DRAGGING.data); i < n; i++ ) node.inputs[| i].setValue(DRAGGING.data[i]); } else { node = nodeBuild("Node_Number", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); node.inputs[| 0].setValue(DRAGGING.data); } break; case "Bool": node = nodeBuild("Node_Boolean", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); node.inputs[| 0].setValue(DRAGGING.data); break; case "Text": node = nodeBuild("Node_String", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); node.inputs[| 0].setValue(DRAGGING.data); break; case "Path": node = nodeBuild("Node_Path", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); break; case "Struct": node = nodeBuild("Node_Struct", mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, getCurrentContext()); break; case "Asset": var app = Node_create_Image_path(mouse_grid_x, mouse_grid_y, DRAGGING.data.path); break; case "Collection": var path = DRAGGING.data.path; nodes_selecting = []; var app = APPEND(DRAGGING.data.path, getCurrentContext()); if(!is_struct(app) && ds_exists(app, ds_type_list)) { var cx = 0; var cy = 0; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(app); i++ ) { cx += app[| i].x; cy += app[| i].y; } cx /= ds_list_size(app); cy /= ds_list_size(app); for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(app); i++ ) { app[| i].x = app[| i].x - cx + mouse_grid_x; app[| i].y = app[| i].y - cy + mouse_grid_y; } ds_list_destroy(app); } else { app.x = mouse_grid_x; app.y = mouse_grid_y; } break; case "Project": run_in(1, function(path) { LOAD_PATH(path); }, [ DRAGGING.data.path ]); break; } if(!key_mod_press(SHIFT) && node && struct_has(DRAGGING, "from") && DRAGGING.from.isLeaf()) { for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(node.outputs); i++ ) if(DRAGGING.from.setFrom(node.outputs[| i])) break; } } #endregion static bringNodeToFront = function(node) { #region if(!ds_list_exist(nodes_list, node)) return; ds_list_remove(nodes_list, node); ds_list_add(nodes_list, node); } #endregion static onFullScreen = function() { run_in(1, fullView); } function close() { #region var panels = findPanels("Panel_Graph"); for( var i = 0, n = array_length(panels); i < n; i++ ) { if(panels[i] == self) continue; if(panels[i].project == project) { panel.remove(self); return; } } if(!project.modified || project.readonly) { closeProject(project); return; } var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_save); dia.project = project; } #endregion }