// feather ignore all /// @func BBMOD_DualQuaternion([_x, _y, _z, _w, _dx, _dy, _dz, _dw]) /// /// @desc A dual quaternion. /// /// @param {Real} [_x] The first component of the real part of the dual /// quaternion. Defaults to 0. /// @param {Real} [_y] The second component of the real part of the dual /// quaternion. Defaults to 0. /// @param {Real} [_z] The third component of the real part of the dual /// quaternion. Defaults to 0. /// @param {Real} [_w] The fourth component of the real part of the dual /// quaternion. Defaults to 1. /// @param {Real} [_dx] The first component of the dual part of the dual /// quaternion. Defaults to 0. /// @param {Real} [_dy] The second component of the dual part of the dual /// quaternion. Defaults to 0. /// @param {Real} [_dz] The third component of the dual part of the dual /// quaternion. Defaults to 0. /// @param {Real} [_dw] The fourth component of the dual part of the dual /// quaternion. Defaults to 0. /// /// @note If you leave all the arguments to their default values, an identity /// dual quaternion is created. function BBMOD_DualQuaternion( _x=0.0, _y=0.0, _z=0.0, _w=1.0, _dx=0.0, _dy=0.0, _dz=0.0, _dw=0.0) constructor { /// @var {Struct.BBMOD_Quaternion} The real part of the dual quaternion. Real = new BBMOD_Quaternion(_x, _y, _z, _w); /// @var {Struct.BBMOD_Quaternion} The dual part of the dual quaternion. Dual = new BBMOD_Quaternion(_dx, _dy, _dz, _dw); /// @func Add(_dq) /// /// @desc Adds dual quaternions and returns the result as a new dual /// quaternion. /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} _dq The other dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Add = function (_dq) { INLINE return new BBMOD_DualQuaternion() .FromRealDual( Real.Add(_dq.Real), Dual.Add(_dq.Dual)); }; /// @func Clone() /// /// @desc Creates a clone of the dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Clone = function () { INLINE var _dq = new BBMOD_DualQuaternion(); _dq.Real = Real; _dq.Dual = Dual; return _dq; }; /// @func Conjugate() /// /// @desc Conjugates the dual quaternion and returns the result as a new /// dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Conjugate = function () { INLINE return new BBMOD_DualQuaternion() .FromRealDual( Real.Conjugate(), Dual.Conjugate()); }; /// @func Copy(_dq) /// /// @desc Copies components of the dual quaternion into other dual /// quaternion. /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} _dest The destination dual /// quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} Returns `self`. static Copy = function (_dest) { INLINE _dest.Real = Real; _dest.Dual = Dual; return self; }; /// @func Dot(_dq) /// /// @desc Computes a dot product of two dual quaternions. /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} _dq The other dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Real} The dot product of the dual quaternions. static Dot = function (_dq) { INLINE return Real.Dot(_dq.Real); }; /// @func Exp() /// /// @desc Computes an exponential map of the dual quaternion and returns /// the result as a new dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Exp = function () { INLINE var _real = Real.Exp(); return new BBMOD_DualQuaternion() .FromRealDual( _real, _real.Mul(Dual)); }; /// @func FromArray(_array[, _index]) /// /// @desc Loads dual quaternion components `(rX, rY, rZ, rW, dX, dY, dZ, dW)` /// from an array. /// /// @param {Array<Real>} _array The array to read the dual quaternion /// components from. /// @param {Real} [_index] The index to start reading the dual quaternion /// components from. Defaults to 0. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} Returns `self`. static FromArray = function (_array, _index=0) { INLINE Real = Real.FromArray(_array, _index); Dual = Dual.FromArray(_array, _index + 4); return self; }; /// @func FromBuffer(_buffer, _type) /// /// @desc Loads dual quaternion components `(rX, rY, rZ, rW, dX, dY, dZ, dW)` /// from a buffer. /// /// @param {Id.Buffer} _buffer The buffer to read the dual quaternion /// components from. /// /// @param {Constant.BufferDataType} [_type] The type of each component. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} Returns `self`. static FromBuffer = function (_buffer, _type) { INLINE Real = Real.FromBuffer(_buffer, _type); Dual = Dual.FromBuffer(_buffer, _type); return self; }; /// @func FromRealDual(_real, _dual) /// /// @desc Initializes the dual quaternion using real and dual part. /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Quaternion} _real The real part of the dual /// quaternion. /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Quaternion} _dual The dual part of the dual /// quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} Returns `self`. static FromRealDual = function (_real, _dual) { INLINE Real = _real.Normalize(); Dual = _dual; return self; }; /// @func FromTranslationRotation(_t, _r) /// /// @desc Initializes the dual quaternion from translation and rotation /// (quaternion). /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} _t The translation. /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Quaternion} _r The rotation. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} Returns `self`. static FromTranslationRotation = function (_t, _r) { INLINE Real = _r.Normalize(); //Dual = new BBMOD_Quaternion(_t.X, _t.Y, _t.Z, 0).Mul(Real).Scale(0.5); var _realX = Real.X; var _realY = Real.Y; var _realZ = Real.Z; var _realW = Real.W; var _tX = _t.X; var _tY = _t.Y; var _tZ = _t.Z; // var _tW = 0; Dual.X = (_tY * _realZ - _tZ * _realY /*+ _tW * _realX*/ + _tX * _realW) * 0.5; Dual.Y = (_tZ * _realX - _tX * _realZ /*+ _tW * _realY*/ + _tY * _realW) * 0.5; Dual.Z = (_tX * _realY - _tY * _realX /*+ _tW * _realZ*/ + _tZ * _realW) * 0.5; Dual.W = (/*_tW * _realW*/ - _tX * _realX - _tY * _realY - _tZ * _realZ) * 0.5; return self; }; /// @func GetRotation() /// /// @desc Extracts rotation (quaternion) from dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Quaternion} The created quaternion. static GetRotation = function () { INLINE return Real.Clone(); }; /// @func GetTranslation() /// /// @desc Extracts translation (vec3) from dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} The created vector. static GetTranslation = function () { INLINE // Dual.Scale(2.0) var _q10 = Dual.X * 2.0; var _q11 = Dual.Y * 2.0; var _q12 = Dual.Z * 2.0; var _q13 = Dual.W * 2.0; // Real.Conjugate() var _q20 = -Real.X; var _q21 = -Real.Y; var _q22 = -Real.Z; var _q23 = Real.W; //return Dual.Scale(2.0).Mul(Real.Conjugate()); return new BBMOD_Vec3( _q13 * _q20 + _q10 * _q23 + _q11 * _q22 - _q12 * _q21, _q13 * _q21 + _q11 * _q23 + _q12 * _q20 - _q10 * _q22, _q13 * _q22 + _q12 * _q23 + _q10 * _q21 - _q11 * _q20 ); }; /// @func Log() /// /// @desc Computes the logarithm map of the dual quaternion and returns the /// result as a new dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Log = function () { INLINE var _scale = 1.0 / Real.Length(); return new BBMOD_DualQuaternion() .FromRealDual( Real.Log(), Real.Conjugate().Mul(Dual).Scale(_scale * _scale)); }; /// @func Mul(_dq) /// /// @desc Multiplies two dual quaternions and returns the result as a new /// dual quaternion. /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} _dq The other dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Mul = function (_dq) { INLINE var _dq1r0 = Real.X; var _dq1r1 = Real.Y; var _dq1r2 = Real.Z; var _dq1r3 = Real.W; var _dq1d0 = Dual.X; var _dq1d1 = Dual.Y; var _dq1d2 = Dual.Z; var _dq1d3 = Dual.W; var _dq2r0 = _dq.Real.X; var _dq2r1 = _dq.Real.Y; var _dq2r2 = _dq.Real.Z; var _dq2r3 = _dq.Real.W; var _dq2d0 = _dq.Dual.X; var _dq2d1 = _dq.Dual.Y; var _dq2d2 = _dq.Dual.Z; var _dq2d3 = _dq.Dual.W; var _res = new BBMOD_DualQuaternion(); _res.Real.X = (_dq2r3 * _dq1r0 + _dq2r0 * _dq1r3 + _dq2r1 * _dq1r2 - _dq2r2 * _dq1r1); _res.Real.Y = (_dq2r3 * _dq1r1 + _dq2r1 * _dq1r3 + _dq2r2 * _dq1r0 - _dq2r0 * _dq1r2); _res.Real.Z = (_dq2r3 * _dq1r2 + _dq2r2 * _dq1r3 + _dq2r0 * _dq1r1 - _dq2r1 * _dq1r0); _res.Real.W = (_dq2r3 * _dq1r3 - _dq2r0 * _dq1r0 - _dq2r1 * _dq1r1 - _dq2r2 * _dq1r2); _res.Dual.X = (_dq2d3 * _dq1r0 + _dq2d0 * _dq1r3 + _dq2d1 * _dq1r2 - _dq2d2 * _dq1r1) + (_dq2r3 * _dq1d0 + _dq2r0 * _dq1d3 + _dq2r1 * _dq1d2 - _dq2r2 * _dq1d1); _res.Dual.Y = (_dq2d3 * _dq1r1 + _dq2d1 * _dq1r3 + _dq2d2 * _dq1r0 - _dq2d0 * _dq1r2) + (_dq2r3 * _dq1d1 + _dq2r1 * _dq1d3 + _dq2r2 * _dq1d0 - _dq2r0 * _dq1d2); _res.Dual.Z = (_dq2d3 * _dq1r2 + _dq2d2 * _dq1r3 + _dq2d0 * _dq1r1 - _dq2d1 * _dq1r0) + (_dq2r3 * _dq1d2 + _dq2r2 * _dq1d3 + _dq2r0 * _dq1d1 - _dq2r1 * _dq1d0); _res.Dual.W = (_dq2d3 * _dq1r3 - _dq2d0 * _dq1r0 - _dq2d1 * _dq1r1 - _dq2d2 * _dq1r2) + (_dq2r3 * _dq1d3 - _dq2r0 * _dq1d0 - _dq2r1 * _dq1d1 - _dq2r2 * _dq1d2); return _res; }; /// @func Normalize() /// /// @desc Normalizes the dual quaternion and returns the result as a new /// dual quaternion. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Normalize = function () { INLINE var _dq = Clone(); var _mag = Real.Dot(Real); if (_mag > math_get_epsilon()) { _dq.Real = _dq.Real.Scale(1.0 / _mag); _dq.Dual = _dq.Dual.Scale(1.0 / _mag); } return _dq; }; /// @func Pow(_p) /// /// @desc Computes the power of the dual quaternion raised to a real number /// and returns the result as a new dual quaternion. /// /// @param {Real} _p The power value. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Pow = function (_p) { INLINE return Log().Scale(_p).Exp(); }; /// @func Rotate(_v) /// /// @desc Rotates a vector using the dual quaternion and returns the result /// as a new vector. /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} _v The vector to rotate. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} The created vector. static Rotate = function (_v) { INLINE return Real.Rotate(_v); }; /// @func Scale(_s) /// /// @desc Scales each component of the dual quaternion by a real value and /// returns the result as a new dual quaternion. /// /// @param {Real} _s The value to scale the dual quaternion by. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Scale = function (_s) { INLINE var _dq = new BBMOD_DualQuaternion(); _dq.Real = Real.Scale(_s); _dq.Dual = Dual.Scale(_s); return _dq; }; /// @func Sclerp(_dq, _s) /// /// @desc Computes a screw linear interpolation of two dual quaternions /// and returns the result as a new dual quaternion. /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} _dq The other dual quaternion. /// @param {Real} _s The interpolation factor. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} The created dual quaternion. static Sclerp = function (_dq, _s) { INLINE return _dq.Mul(Conjugate()).Pow(_s).Mul(self).Normalize(); }; /// @func ToArray([_array[, _index]]) /// /// @desc Writes components `(rX, rY, rZ, rW, dX, dY, dZ, dW)` of the dual /// quaternion into an array. /// /// @param {Array<Real>} [_array] The destination array. If not defined, a /// new one is created. /// /// @param {Real} [_index] The index to start writing to. Defaults to 0. /// /// @return {Array<Real>} Returns the destination array. static ToArray = function (_array=undefined, _index=0) { INLINE _array ??= array_create(8, 0.0); Real.ToArray(_array, _index); Dual.ToArray(_array, _index + 4); return _array; }; /// @func ToBuffer(_buffer, _type) /// /// @desc Writes components `(rX, rY, rZ, rW, dX, dY, dZ, dW)` of the dual /// quaternion into a buffer. /// /// @param {Id.Buffer} _buffer The destination buffer. /// @param {Constant.BufferDataType} _type The type of each component. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_DualQuaternion} Returns `self`. static ToBuffer = function (_buffer, _type) { INLINE Real.ToBuffer(_buffer, _type); Dual.ToBuffer(_buffer, _type); return self; }; /// @func ToMatrix([_dest[, _index]]) /// /// @desc Converts dual quaternion into a matrix. /// /// @param {Array<Real>} [_dest] The destination array. If not specified, /// a new one is created. /// @param {Real} [_index] The starting index in the destination array. /// Defaults to 0. /// /// @return {Array<Real>} Returns the destination array. static ToMatrix = function (_dest=undefined, _index=0) { INLINE _dest ??= array_create(16, 0.0); // Rotation Real.ToMatrix(_dest, _index); _dest[@ _index + 3] = 0.0; _dest[@ _index + 7] = 0.0; _dest[@ _index + 11] = 0.0; // Translation var _translation = GetTranslation(); _dest[@ _index + 12] = _translation.X; _dest[@ _index + 13] = _translation.Y; _dest[@ _index + 14] = _translation.Z; _dest[@ _index + 15] = 1.0; return _dest; }; /// @func Transform(_v) /// /// @desc Translates and rotates a vector using the dual quaternion /// and returns the result as a new vector. /// /// @param {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} _v The vector to transform. /// /// @return {Struct.BBMOD_Vec3} The created vector. static Transform = function (_v) { INLINE return GetTranslation().Add(Real.Rotate(_v)); }; } /// @func __bbmod_dual_quaternion_array_multiply(_dq1, _dq1Index, _dq2, _dq2Index, _dest, _destIndex) /// /// @desc Multiplies two dual quaternions stored in arrays and writes the result /// into the destination array. /// /// @param {Array<Real>} _dq1 An array containing the first dual quaternion. /// @param {Real} _dq1Index The starting index of the first dual quaternion. /// @param {Array<Real>} _dq2 An array containing the second dual quaternion. /// @param {Real} _dq2Index The starting index of the second dual quaternion. /// @param {Array<Real>} _dest The destination array. /// @param {Real} _destIndex The index to start writing to within the /// destination array. /// /// @note The arguments can overlap, as the input values are stored into local /// variables before the multiplication. /// /// @private function __bbmod_dual_quaternion_array_multiply( _dq1, _dq1Index, _dq2, _dq2Index, _dest, _destIndex) { INLINE var _dq1r0 = _dq1[_dq1Index + 0]; var _dq1r1 = _dq1[_dq1Index + 1]; var _dq1r2 = _dq1[_dq1Index + 2]; var _dq1r3 = _dq1[_dq1Index + 3]; var _dq1d0 = _dq1[_dq1Index + 4]; var _dq1d1 = _dq1[_dq1Index + 5]; var _dq1d2 = _dq1[_dq1Index + 6]; var _dq1d3 = _dq1[_dq1Index + 7]; var _dq2r0 = _dq2[_dq2Index + 0]; var _dq2r1 = _dq2[_dq2Index + 1]; var _dq2r2 = _dq2[_dq2Index + 2]; var _dq2r3 = _dq2[_dq2Index + 3]; var _dq2d0 = _dq2[_dq2Index + 4]; var _dq2d1 = _dq2[_dq2Index + 5]; var _dq2d2 = _dq2[_dq2Index + 6]; var _dq2d3 = _dq2[_dq2Index + 7]; _dest[@ _destIndex + 0] = (_dq2r3 * _dq1r0 + _dq2r0 * _dq1r3 + _dq2r1 * _dq1r2 - _dq2r2 * _dq1r1); _dest[@ _destIndex + 1] = (_dq2r3 * _dq1r1 + _dq2r1 * _dq1r3 + _dq2r2 * _dq1r0 - _dq2r0 * _dq1r2); _dest[@ _destIndex + 2] = (_dq2r3 * _dq1r2 + _dq2r2 * _dq1r3 + _dq2r0 * _dq1r1 - _dq2r1 * _dq1r0); _dest[@ _destIndex + 3] = (_dq2r3 * _dq1r3 - _dq2r0 * _dq1r0 - _dq2r1 * _dq1r1 - _dq2r2 * _dq1r2); _dest[@ _destIndex + 4] = (_dq2d3 * _dq1r0 + _dq2d0 * _dq1r3 + _dq2d1 * _dq1r2 - _dq2d2 * _dq1r1) + (_dq2r3 * _dq1d0 + _dq2r0 * _dq1d3 + _dq2r1 * _dq1d2 - _dq2r2 * _dq1d1); _dest[@ _destIndex + 5] = (_dq2d3 * _dq1r1 + _dq2d1 * _dq1r3 + _dq2d2 * _dq1r0 - _dq2d0 * _dq1r2) + (_dq2r3 * _dq1d1 + _dq2r1 * _dq1d3 + _dq2r2 * _dq1d0 - _dq2r0 * _dq1d2); _dest[@ _destIndex + 6] = (_dq2d3 * _dq1r2 + _dq2d2 * _dq1r3 + _dq2d0 * _dq1r1 - _dq2d1 * _dq1r0) + (_dq2r3 * _dq1d2 + _dq2r2 * _dq1d3 + _dq2r0 * _dq1d1 - _dq2r1 * _dq1d0); _dest[@ _destIndex + 7] = (_dq2d3 * _dq1r3 - _dq2d0 * _dq1r0 - _dq2d1 * _dq1r1 - _dq2d2 * _dq1r2) + (_dq2r3 * _dq1d3 - _dq2r0 * _dq1d0 - _dq2r1 * _dq1d1 - _dq2r2 * _dq1d2); }