function SVGElement(svgObj = noone) constructor { parent = svgObj; x = 0; y = 0; width = 1; height = 1; fill = undefined; fill_opacity = undefined; stroke = undefined; stroke_width = undefined; static setAttr = function(attr) { var box = struct_try_get(attr, "viewBox", ""); var ww = struct_try_get(attr, "width", ""); var hh = struct_try_get(attr, "height", ""); box = string_splice(box, " "); var bx = toNumber(array_safe_get(box, 0, 0)); var by = toNumber(array_safe_get(box, 1, 0)); var bw = toNumber(array_safe_get(box, 2, 1)); var bh = toNumber(array_safe_get(box, 3, 1)); width = toNumber(ww); height = toNumber(hh); if(string_pos("%", ww)) width *= bw / 100; if(string_pos("%", hh)) height *= bh / 100; fill = struct_try_get(attr, "fill", undefined); stroke = struct_try_get(attr, "stroke", undefined); stroke_width = struct_try_get(attr, "stroke-width", undefined); if(is_string(fill)) fill = color_from_rgb(string_replace_all(fill, "#", "")); if(is_string(stroke)) stroke = color_from_rgb(string_replace_all(stroke, "#", "")); shapeAttr(attr); return self; } static shapeAttr = function(attr) {} static draw = function(scale = 1) {} static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) {} } function SVG(svgObj = noone) : SVGElement(svgObj) constructor { bbox = [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]; fill = c_black; fill_opacity = 1; contents = []; static mapX = function(px) { return lerp_invert(px, bbox[0], bbox[0] + bbox[2]) * width; } static mapY = function(py) { return lerp_invert(py, bbox[1], bbox[1] + bbox[3]) * height; } static getSurface = function(scale = 1) { return surface_create(width * scale, height * scale); } static draw = function(scale = 1) { if(!is_undefined(fill)) draw_set_color(fill); if(!is_undefined(fill_opacity)) draw_set_alpha(fill_opacity); for (var i = 0, n = array_length(contents); i < n; i++) contents[i].draw(scale); } static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { for (var i = 0, n = array_length(contents); i < n; i++) contents[i].drawOverlay(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny); } } function SVG_path(svgObj = noone) : SVGElement(svgObj) constructor { segments = []; shapes = []; static setTris = function() { shapes = []; var ox, oy, nx, ny, x0, y0, x1, y1; for (var i = 0, n = array_length(segments); i < n; i++) { var _seg = segments[i]; var _p = array_create(array_length(_seg)); for (var j = 0, m = array_length(_seg); j < m; j++) _p[j] = new __vec2(_seg[j][0], _seg[j][1]); var _pTri = polygon_triangulate(_p); var _ctri = []; for (var j = 0, m = array_length(_seg); j < m; j++) { var _s = _seg[j]; nx = _s[0]; ny = _s[1]; if(j) { if(array_length(_s) == 4) { x0 = _s[2]; y0 = _s[3]; array_push(_ctri, [ ox, oy, x0, y0, nx, ny ]); } } ox = nx; oy = ny; } _pTri[3] = _ctri; shapes[i] = _pTri; // print($"{i}: {array_length(_pTri[0])} - {_pTri[2]}"); } } static bezierCubicApprox = function(anchors, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { var _len = point_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) + point_distance(x2, y2, x3, y3) + point_distance(x3, y3, x4, y4); var _smp = ceil(_len / 12); var _stp = 1 / _smp; var _p; for(var i = 0; i < _smp; i++) { _p = eval_bezier((i + 1) * _stp, x1, y1, x4, y4, x2, y2, x3, y3); array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_p[0]), parent.mapY(_p[1]) ]); } } static arcToBezier = function(anchors, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _rx, _ry, _a, _fa, _fs) { // var x1p = (_x1 - _x2) / 2 * dcos(_a) + (_y1 - _y2) / 2 * dsin(_a); // var y1p = (_x1 - _x2) / 2 * (-dsin(_a)) + (_y1 - _y2) / 2 * dcos(_a); // var _rr = sqrt((_rx * _rx * _ry * _ry - _rx * _rx * y1p * y1p - _ry * _ry * x1p * x1p) / (_rx * _rx * y1p * y1p + _ry * _ry * x1p * x1p)); // // if(_fa == _fs) _rr *= -1; // var _cxp = _rr * _rx * y1p / _ry; // var _cyp = -_rr * _ry * x1p / _rx; // var _cx = _cxp * dcos(_a) + _cyp * (-dsin(_a)) + (_x1 + _x2) / 2; // var _cy = _cxp * dsin(_a) + _cyp * dcos(_a) + (_y1 + _y2) / 2; // var _a1 = point_direction(_cx, _cy, _x1, _y1); // var _a2 = point_direction(_cx, _cy, _x2, _y2); // var _dif = angle_difference(_a1, _a2); // // if(!_fs && _dif > 0) _dif -= 360; // // if( _fs && _dif < 0) _dif += 360; // var _ang = _a1 + _dif / 2; // var _px = dcos(_ang) * _rx; // var _py = dsin(_ang) * _ry; // var _p = point_rotate(_px, _py, 0, 0, _a); // array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_cx + _p[0]), parent.mapY(_cy + _p[1]) ]); array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_x2), parent.mapY(_y2) ]); // var _stp = abs(_dif) * (_rx + _ry) / 360; // for(var i = 1; i <= _stp; i++) { // var _ang = lerp_angle_linear(_a1, _a2, i / _stp); // var _px = dcos(_ang) * _rx; // var _py = dsin(_ang) * _ry; // var _p = point_rotate(_px, _py, 0, 0, _a); // array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_cx + _p[0]), parent.mapY(_cy + _p[1]) ]); // } } static shapeAttr = function(attr) { var def = struct_try_get(attr, "d", ""); var _mode = ""; var _len = string_length(def); var _ind = 1; var _val = ""; var _par = []; var _oa = ord("a"), _oz = ord("z"); var _oA = ord("A"), _oZ = ord("Z"); var _o0 = ord("0"), _o9 = ord("9"); var _om = ord("-"); var _od = ord("."); var _os = ord(" "); var _oc = ord(","); var _sx = 0, _sy = 0; var _tx = 0, _ty = 0; var _cx = 0, _cy = 0; segments = []; var anchors = []; // print("========================================================================="); // print(def); repeat(_len) { var _chr = string_char_at(def, _ind); var _chrn = _ind < _len? ord(string_char_at(def, _ind + 1)) : 0; var _och = ord(_chr); var _eval = false; _ind++; if((_och >= _oa && _och <= _oz) || (_och >= _oA && _och <= _oZ)) { if(_chr == "Z" || _chr == "z") { array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_sx), parent.mapY(_sy) ]); if(!array_empty(anchors)) array_push(segments, anchors); anchors = []; } else if(_chr == "M" || _chr == "m") { if(!array_empty(anchors)) array_push(segments, anchors); anchors = []; } _mode = _chr; _val = ""; } else if((_och >= _o0 && _och <= _o9) || _och == _od || _och == _om) { _val += _chr; } if(_och == _os || _och == _oc || _chrn == _om || (_chrn >= _oa && _chrn <= _oz) || (_chrn >= _oA && _chrn <= _oZ)) { if(_val != "") array_push(_par, real(_val)); _val = ""; _eval = true; } if(_eval) { // print($"Eval [{_mode}]: ({anchors}) - {_par}"); switch(_mode) { case "M" : //Move to absolute if(array_length(_par) >= 2) { _tx = _par[0]; _ty = _par[1]; _sx = _tx; _sy = _ty; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty) ]); _par = []; } break; case "m" : //Move to relative if(array_length(_par) >= 2) { _tx += _par[0]; _ty += _par[1]; _sx = _tx; _sy = _ty; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty) ]); _par = []; } break; case "L" : //Line to absolute if(array_length(_par) >= 2) { _tx = _par[0]; _ty = _par[1]; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty) ]); _par = []; } break; case "l" : //Line to relative if(array_length(_par) >= 2) { _tx += _par[0]; _ty += _par[1]; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty) ]); _par = []; } break; case "H" : //Line to horizontal absolute if(array_length(_par) >= 1) { _tx = _par[0]; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty) ]); _par = []; } break; case "h" : //Line to horizontal relative if(array_length(_par) >= 1) { _tx += _par[0]; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty) ]); _par = []; } break; case "V" : //Line to vertical absolute if(array_length(_par) >= 1) { _ty = _par[0]; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty) ]); _par = []; } break; case "v" : //Line to vertical relative if(array_length(_par) >= 1) { _ty += _par[0]; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty) ]); _par = []; } break; case "C" : //Cubic bezier absolute if(array_length(_par) >= 6) { var _x0 = _tx; var _y0 = _ty; var _x1 = _par[0]; var _y1 = _par[1]; var _x2 = _par[2]; var _y2 = _par[3]; _tx = _par[4]; _ty = _par[5]; _cx = _x2 - _tx; _cy = _y2 - _ty; bezierCubicApprox(anchors, _x0, _y0, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _tx, _ty); // array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), // parent.mapY(_ty), // parent.mapX(_x1), // parent.mapY(_y1), // parent.mapX(_x2), // parent.mapY(_y2) ]); _par = []; } break; case "c" : //Cubic bezier relative if(array_length(_par) >= 6) { var _x0 = _tx; var _y0 = _ty; var _x1 = _tx + _par[0]; var _y1 = _ty + _par[1]; var _x2 = _tx + _par[2]; var _y2 = _ty + _par[3]; _tx = _tx + _par[4]; _ty = _ty + _par[5]; _cx = _x2 - _tx; _cy = _y2 - _ty; bezierCubicApprox(anchors, _x0, _y0, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _tx, _ty); // array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), // parent.mapY(_ty), // parent.mapX(_x1), // parent.mapY(_y1), // parent.mapX(_x2), // parent.mapY(_y2) ]); _par = []; } break; case "S" : //Smooth cubic bezier absolute if(array_length(_par) >= 4) { var _x1 = _tx + _cx; var _y1 = _ty + _cy; var _x2 = _par[0]; var _y2 = _par[1]; _tx = _par[2]; _ty = _par[3]; _cx = _x2 - _tx; _cy = _y2 - _ty; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty), parent.mapX(_x1), parent.mapY(_y1), parent.mapX(_x2), parent.mapY(_y2) ]); _par = []; } break; case "s" : //Smooth cubic bezier relative if(array_length(_par) >= 4) { var _x1 = _tx + _cx; var _y1 = _ty + _cy; var _x2 = _tx + _par[0]; var _y2 = _ty + _par[1]; _tx = _tx + _par[2]; _ty = _ty + _par[3]; _cx = _x2 - _tx; _cy = _y2 - _ty; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty), parent.mapX(_x1), parent.mapY(_y1), parent.mapX(_x2), parent.mapY(_y2) ]); _par = []; } break; case "Q" : //Quadratic bezier absolute if(array_length(_par) >= 4) { var _x1 = _par[0]; var _y1 = _par[1]; _tx = _par[2]; _ty = _par[3]; _cx = _tx - _x1; _cy = _ty - _y1; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty), parent.mapX(_x1), parent.mapY(_y1) ]); _par = []; } break; case "q" : //Quadratic bezier relative if(array_length(_par) >= 4) { var _x1 = _tx + _par[0]; var _y1 = _ty + _par[1]; _tx = _tx + _par[2]; _ty = _ty + _par[3]; _cx = _tx - _x1; _cy = _ty - _y1; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty), parent.mapX(_x1), parent.mapY(_y1) ]); _par = []; } break; case "T" : //Smooth quadratic bezier absolute if(array_length(_par) >= 2) { var _x1 = _tx + _cx; var _y1 = _ty + _cy; _tx = _par[0]; _ty = _par[1]; _cx = _tx - _x1; _cy = _ty - _y1; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty), parent.mapX(_x1), parent.mapY(_y1) ]); _par = []; } break; case "t" : //Smooth quadratic bezier relative if(array_length(_par) >= 2) { var _x1 = _tx + _cx; var _y1 = _ty + _cy; _tx = _tx + _par[0]; _ty = _ty + _par[1]; _cx = _tx - _x1; _cy = _ty - _y1; array_push(anchors, [ parent.mapX(_tx), parent.mapY(_ty), parent.mapX(_x1), parent.mapY(_y1) ]); _par = []; } break; case "A" : //Elliptical arc if(array_length(_par) >= 7) { var _x0 = _tx; var _y0 = _ty; var _rx = _par[0]; var _ry = _par[1]; var _a = _par[2]; var _la = _par[3]; var _sw = _par[4]; _tx = _par[5]; _ty = _par[6]; arcToBezier(anchors, _x0, _y0, _tx, _ty, _rx, _ry, _a, _la, _sw); _par = []; noti_warning("SVG 2.0 feature detected [Elliptical arc] : Reimport file to SVG 1.1 to prevent draw error.") } break; case "a" : //Elliptical arc if(array_length(_par) >= 7) { var _x0 = _tx; var _y0 = _ty; var _rx = _par[0]; var _ry = _par[1]; var _a = _par[2]; var _la = _par[3]; var _sw = _par[4]; _tx += _par[5]; _ty += _par[6]; arcToBezier(anchors, _x0, _y0, _tx, _ty, _rx, _ry, _a, _la, _sw); _par = []; noti_warning("SVG 2.0 feature detected [Elliptical arc] : Reimport file to SVG 1.1 to prevent draw error.") } break; } } } setTris(); return self; } static draw = function(scale = 1) { if(!is_undefined(fill)) draw_set_color(fill); if(!is_undefined(fill_opacity)) draw_set_alpha(fill_opacity); var _temp = [ parent.getSurface(scale), parent.getSurface(scale), ]; var _sw = surface_get_width_safe(_temp[0]); var _sh = surface_get_height_safe(_temp[0]); surface_clear(_temp[0]); surface_clear(_temp[1]); var _surf = parent.getSurface(scale); for (var i = 0, n = array_length(shapes); i < n; i++) { var shp = shapes[i]; var _tri = shp[0]; var _sid = shp[2]; var _ctr = shp[3]; surface_set_target(_surf); DRAW_CLEAR BLEND_OVERRIDE draw_primitive_begin(pr_trianglelist); for (var j = 0, m = array_length(_tri); j < m; j++) { draw_vertex(_tri[j][0].x * scale, _tri[j][0].y * scale); draw_vertex(_tri[j][1].x * scale, _tri[j][1].y * scale); draw_vertex(_tri[j][2].x * scale, _tri[j][2].y * scale); } draw_primitive_end(); shader_set(sh_svg_curve_quad); draw_primitive_begin(pr_trianglelist); for (var j = 0, m = array_length(_ctr); j < m; j++) { if(array_length(_ctr[j]) == 6) { draw_vertex_texture(_ctr[j][0] * scale, _ctr[j][1] * scale, 0.0, 0); draw_vertex_texture(_ctr[j][2] * scale, _ctr[j][3] * scale, 0.5, 0); draw_vertex_texture(_ctr[j][4] * scale, _ctr[j][5] * scale, 1.0, 1); } } draw_primitive_end(); shader_reset(); BLEND_NORMAL surface_reset_target(); surface_set_shader(_temp[i % 2], sh_svg_fill); shader_set_surface("bg", _temp[!(i % 2)]); shader_set_surface("fg", _surf); draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_fx_pixel, 0, 0, 0, _sw, _sh, draw_get_color(), draw_get_alpha()); surface_reset_shader(); } draw_surface(_temp[!(i % 2)], 0, 0); surface_free(_surf); surface_free(_temp[0]); surface_free(_temp[1]); } static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { for (var i = 0, n = array_length(segments); i < n; i++) { var _seg = segments[i]; var _ox, _oy, _nx, _ny; draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); for (var j = 0, m = array_length(_seg); j < m; j++) { var _pnt = _seg[j]; _nx = _pnt[0]; _ny = _pnt[1]; _nx = _x + _nx * _s; _ny = _y + _ny * _s; if(j) draw_line(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny); draw_circle(_nx, _ny, 4, false); if(array_length(_pnt) >= 4) { var _nx1 = _pnt[2]; var _ny1 = _pnt[3]; _nx1 = _x + _nx1 * _s; _ny1 = _y + _ny1 * _s; draw_circle(_nx1, _ny1, 4, true); } if(array_length(_pnt) >= 6) { var _nx1 = _pnt[4]; var _ny1 = _pnt[5]; _nx1 = _x + _nx1 * _s; _ny1 = _y + _ny1 * _s; draw_circle(_nx1, _ny1, 4, true); } _ox = _nx; _oy = _ny; } } } } function SVG_rect(svgObj = noone) : SVGElement(svgObj) constructor { static shapeAttr = function(attr) { x = struct_try_get(attr, "x", 0); y = struct_try_get(attr, "y", 0); width = struct_try_get(attr, "width", 0); height = struct_try_get(attr, "height", 0); } static draw = function(scale = 1) { if(!is_undefined(fill)) draw_set_color(fill); if(!is_undefined(fill_opacity)) draw_set_alpha(fill_opacity); var _x = x * scale; var _y = y * scale; var _w = width * scale; var _h = height * scale; draw_rectangle(_x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h, false); if(is_undefined(stroke) || is_undefined(stroke_width)) return; if(!is_undefined(stroke)) draw_set_color(stroke); if(is_undefined(stroke_width) || stroke_width == 1) draw_rectangle(_x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h, true); else draw_rectangle_border(_x, _y, _x + _w, _y + _h, stroke_width); } static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { var _ox = _x + x * _s; var _oy = _y + y * _s; var _ow = width * _s; var _oh = height * _s; draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); draw_rectangle(_ox, _oy, _ox + _ow, _oy + _oh, true); } } function SVG_circle(svgObj = noone) : SVGElement(svgObj) constructor { cx = 0; cy = 0; r = 0; static shapeAttr = function(attr) { cx = struct_try_get(attr, "cx", 0); cy = struct_try_get(attr, "cy", 0); r = struct_try_get(attr, "r", 0); } static draw = function(scale = 1) { if(!is_undefined(fill)) draw_set_color(fill); if(!is_undefined(fill_opacity)) draw_set_alpha(fill_opacity); var _cx = cx * scale; var _cy = cy * scale; var _r = r * scale; draw_circle(_cx, _cy, _r, false); if(is_undefined(stroke) || is_undefined(stroke_width)) return; if(!is_undefined(stroke)) draw_set_color(stroke); if(is_undefined(stroke_width) || stroke_width == 1) draw_circle(_cx, _cy, _r, true); else draw_circle_border(_cx, _cy, _r, stroke_width); } static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { var _ox = _x + cx * _s; var _oy = _y + cy * _s; var _or = r * _s; draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); draw_circle(_ox, _oy, _or, true); } } function SVG_ellipse(svgObj = noone) : SVGElement(svgObj) constructor { cx = 0; cy = 0; rx = 0; ry = 0; static shapeAttr = function(attr) { cx = struct_try_get(attr, "cx", 0); cy = struct_try_get(attr, "cy", 0); rx = struct_try_get(attr, "rx", 0); ry = struct_try_get(attr, "ry", 0); } static draw = function(scale = 1) { if(!is_undefined(fill)) draw_set_color(fill); if(!is_undefined(fill_opacity)) draw_set_alpha(fill_opacity); var _cx = cx * scale; var _cy = cy * scale; var _rx = rx * scale; var _ry = ry * scale; draw_ellipse(_cx - _rx, _cy - _ry, _cx + _rx, _cy + _ry, false); if(is_undefined(stroke) || is_undefined(stroke_width)) return; if(!is_undefined(stroke)) draw_set_color(stroke); if(is_undefined(stroke_width) || stroke_width == 1) draw_ellipse(_cx - _rx, _cy - _ry, _cx + _rx, _cy + _ry, true); else draw_ellipse_border(_cx - _rx, _cy - _ry, _cx + _rx, _cy + _ry, stroke_width); } static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { var _ox = _x + cx * _s; var _oy = _y + cy * _s; var _rx = rx * _s; var _ry = ry * _s; draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); draw_ellipse(_ox - _rx, _oy - _ry, _ox + _rx, _oy + _ry, true); } } function SVG_line(svgObj = noone) : SVGElement(svgObj) constructor { x0 = 0; y0 = 0; x1 = 0; y1 = 0; static shapeAttr = function(attr) { x0 = struct_try_get(attr, "x0", 0); y0 = struct_try_get(attr, "y0", 0); x1 = struct_try_get(attr, "x1", 0); y1 = struct_try_get(attr, "y1", 0); } static draw = function(scale = 1) { if(!is_undefined(stroke)) draw_set_color(stroke); if(is_undefined(stroke) && is_undefined(stroke_width)) return; var _x0 = x0 * scale; var _y0 = y0 * scale; var _x1 = x1 * scale; var _y1 = y1 * scale; if(is_undefined(stroke_width) || stroke_width == 1) draw_line(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1); else draw_line_width(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1, stroke_width); } static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { var _x0 = _x + x0 * _s; var _y0 = _y + y0 * _s; var _x1 = _x + x1 * _s; var _y1 = _y + y1 * _s; draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); draw_line(_x0, _y0, _x1, _y1); } } function SVG_polyline(svgObj = noone) : SVGElement(svgObj) constructor { points = []; static shapeAttr = function(attr) { points = struct_try_get(attr, "points", []); } static draw = function(scale = 1) { if(!is_undefined(stroke)) draw_set_color(stroke); if(is_undefined(stroke) && is_undefined(stroke_width)) return; var _ox, _oy, _nx, _ny; for (var i = 0, n = floor(array_length(points) / 2); i < n; i++) { _nx = points[i * 2 + 0] * scale; _ny = points[i * 2 + 1] * scale; if(i) { if(is_undefined(stroke_width) || stroke_width == 1) draw_line(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny); else draw_line_width(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny, stroke_width); } _ox = _nx; _oy = _ny; } } static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); var _ox, _oy, _nx, _ny; for (var i = 0, n = floor(array_length(points) / 2); i < n; i++) { _nx = _x + points[i * 2 + 0] * _s; _ny = _y + points[i * 2 + 1] * _s; if(i) { if(is_undefined(stroke_width) || stroke_width == 1) draw_line(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny); else draw_line_width(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny, stroke_width); } _ox = _nx; _oy = _ny; } } } function SVG_polygon(svgObj = noone) : SVGElement(svgObj) constructor { points = []; static shapeAttr = function(attr) { points = struct_try_get(attr, "points", []); } static draw = function(scale = 1) { if(!is_undefined(stroke)) draw_set_color(stroke); if(is_undefined(stroke) && is_undefined(stroke_width)) return; var _ox, _oy, _nx, _ny; for (var i = 0, n = floor(array_length(points) / 2); i < n; i++) { _nx = points[i * 2 + 0] * scale; _ny = points[i * 2 + 1] * scale; if(i) { if(is_undefined(stroke_width) || stroke_width == 1) draw_line(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny); else draw_line_width(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny, stroke_width); } _ox = _nx; _oy = _ny; } } static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) { draw_set_color(COLORS._main_accent); var _ox, _oy, _nx, _ny; for (var i = 0, n = floor(array_length(points) / 2); i < n; i++) { _nx = _x + points[i * 2 + 0] * _s; _ny = _y + points[i * 2 + 1] * _s; if(i) { if(is_undefined(stroke_width) || stroke_width == 1) draw_line(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny); else draw_line_width(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny, stroke_width); } _ox = _nx; _oy = _ny; } } }