global.loop_nodes = [ "Node_Iterate", "Node_Iterate_Each" ]; function Node(_x, _y, _group = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) constructor { active = true; node_id = generateUUID(); group = _group; destroy_when_upgroup = false; ds_list_add(PANEL_GRAPH.getNodeList(_group), self); color = c_white; icon = noone; bg_spr = THEME.node_bg; bg_sel_spr = THEME.node_active; anim_priority = ds_map_size(NODE_MAP); if(!LOADING && !APPENDING) { recordAction(ACTION_TYPE.node_added, self); NODE_MAP[? node_id] = self; } MODIFIED = true; name = ""; display_name = ""; x = _x; y = _y; w = 128; h = 128; min_h = 0; auto_height = true; draw_name = true; input_display_list = -1; output_display_list = -1; inspector_display_list = -1; is_dynamic_output = false; inputs = ds_list_create(); outputs = ds_list_create(); attributes = ds_map_create(); show_input_name = false; show_output_name = false; always_output = false; inspecting = false; previewing = 0; preview_surface = noone; preview_amount = 0; previewable = true; preview_speed = 0; preview_index = 0; preview_channel = 0; preview_alpha = 1; preview_x = 0; preview_y = 0; rendered = false; update_on_frame = false; render_time = 0; use_cache = false; cached_output = []; cache_result = []; tools = -1; on_dragdrop_file = -1; anim_show = true; value_validation = array_create(3); error_noti_update = noone; error_update_enabled = false; manual_updated = false; manual_deletable = true; static resetDefault = function() { var folder = instanceof(self); if(!ds_map_exists(global.PRESETS_MAP, folder)) return; var pres = global.PRESETS_MAP[? folder]; for( var i = 0; i < array_length(pres); i++ ) { var preset = pres[i]; if( != "_default") continue; deserialize(preset.content, true, true); applyDeserialize(true); } doUpdate(); } run_in(1, method(self, resetDefault)); static getInputJunctionIndex = function(index) { if(input_display_list == -1) return index; var jun_list_arr = input_display_list[index]; if(is_array(jun_list_arr)) return noone; if(is_struct(jun_list_arr)) return noone; return jun_list_arr; } static getOutputJunctionIndex = function(index) { if(output_display_list == -1) return index; return output_display_list[index]; } static setHeight = function() { var _hi = ui(32); var _ho = ui(32); for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) { if(inputs[| i].isVisible()) _hi += 24; } for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) { if(outputs[| i].isVisible()) _ho += 24; } h = max(min_h, (preview_surface && previewable)? 128 : 0, _hi, _ho); } static getOutput = function(junc = noone) { for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) { if(!outputs[| i].visible) continue; if(junc != noone && !junc.isConnectable(outputs[| i], true)) continue; return outputs[| i]; } return noone; } static getInput = function(junc = noone) { for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) { if(!inputs[| i].visible) continue; if(inputs[| i].value_from != noone) continue; if(junc != noone && !inputs[| i].isConnectable(junc, true)) continue; return inputs[| i]; } return noone; } static getFullName = function() { return display_name == ""? name : "[" + name + "] " + display_name; } static addInput = function(junctionFrom) { var targ = getInput(junctionFrom); if(targ == noone) return; targ.setFrom(junctionFrom); } static isAnimated = function() { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) { if(inputs[| i].isAnimated()) return true; } return false; } static isInLoop = function() { return array_exists(global.loop_nodes, instanceof(group)); } static move = function(_x, _y) { x = _x; y = _y; MODIFIED = true; } inspUpdateTooltip = get_text("panel_inspector_execute", "Execute node"); inspUpdateIcon = [ THEME.sequence_control, 1, COLORS._main_value_positive ]; static inspectorUpdate = function() { if(error_update_enabled && error_noti_update != noone) noti_remove(error_noti_update); error_noti_update = noone; onInspectorUpdate(); } static onInspectorUpdate = noone; static hasInspectorUpdate = function() { return onInspectorUpdate != noone; } insp2UpdateTooltip = get_text("panel_inspector_execute", "Execute node"); insp2UpdateIcon = [ THEME.sequence_control, 1, COLORS._main_value_positive ]; static inspector2Update = function() { onInspectorSecondaryUpdate(); } static onInspector2Update = noone; static hasInspector2Update = function() { return onInspector2Update != noone; } static stepBegin = function() { if(use_cache) cacheArrayCheck(); var willUpdate = false; if(always_output) { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { if(outputs[| i].type != VALUE_TYPE.surface) continue; var val = outputs[| i].getValue(); if(is_array(val)) { for(var j = 0; j < array_length(val); j++) { var _surf = val[j]; if(is_surface(_surf) && _surf != DEF_SURFACE) continue; willUpdate = true; } } else if(!is_surface(val) || val == DEF_SURFACE) willUpdate = true; } } if(ANIMATOR.frame_progress) { if(update_on_frame) willUpdate = true; if(isAnimated()) willUpdate = true; } if(willUpdate) { setRenderStatus(false); UPDATE |= RENDER_TYPE.partial; } if(auto_height) setHeight(); doStepBegin(); } static doStepBegin = function() {} static step = function() {} static focusStep = function() {} static doUpdate = function() { if(SAFE_MODE) return; var sBase = surface_get_target(); try { var t = get_timer(); update(); setRenderStatus(true); render_time = get_timer() - t; } catch(exception) { var sCurr = surface_get_target(); while(surface_get_target() != sBase) surface_reset_target(); log_warning("RENDER", "Render error " + exception_print(exception), self); } } static valueUpdate = function(index) { if(error_update_enabled && error_noti_update == noone) error_noti_update = noti_error(getFullName() + " node require manual execution.",, self); onValueUpdate(index); } static onValueUpdate = function(index = 0) {} static onValueFromUpdate = function(index) {} static isUpdateReady = function() { //if(rendered) return false; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(inputs); j++) { var _in = inputs[| j]; if(_in.value_from == noone) continue; if (!_in.value_from.node.rendered) return false; } return true; } static update = function(frame = ANIMATOR.current_frame) {} static triggerRender = function() { setRenderStatus(false); UPDATE |= RENDER_TYPE.partial; cache_result[0] = false; //ds_queue_enqueue(RENDER_QUEUE, self); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { var jun = outputs[| i]; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.value_to); j++) { var _to = jun.value_to[| j]; if(_to.value_from != jun) continue; _to.node.triggerRender(); } } } static onInspect = function() {} static setRenderStatus = function(result) { rendered = result; if(!result && group != -1) group.setRenderStatus(result); } static pointIn = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) { var xx = x * _s + _x; var yy = y * _s + _y; return point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, xx, yy, xx + w * _s, yy + h * _s); } static preDraw = function(_x, _y, _s) { var xx = x * _s + _x; var yy = y * _s + _y; var jun; var inamo = input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(inputs) : array_length(input_display_list); var _in = yy + ui(32) * _s; for(var i = 0; i < inamo; i++) { var idx = getInputJunctionIndex(i); if(idx == noone) continue; jun = ds_list_get(inputs, idx, noone); if(jun == noone || is_undefined(jun)) continue; jun.x = xx; jun.y = _in; _in += 24 * _s * jun.isVisible(); } var outamo = output_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(outputs) : array_length(output_display_list); xx = xx + w * _s; _in = yy + ui(32) * _s; for(var i = 0; i < outamo; i++) { var idx = getOutputJunctionIndex(i); jun = outputs[| idx]; jun.x = xx; jun.y = _in; _in += 24 * _s * jun.isVisible(); } } static drawNodeBase = function(xx, yy, _s) { if(!active) return; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(bg_spr, 0, xx, yy, w * _s, h * _s, color, 0.75); } static drawGetBbox = function(xx, yy, _s) { var x0 = xx + 8 * _s; var x1 = xx + (w - 8) * _s; var y0 = yy + 20 * draw_name + 8 * _s; var y1 = yy + (h - 8) * _s; return { x0: x0, x1 : x1, y0: y0, y1 : y1, xc: (x0 + x1) / 2, yc: (y0 + y1) / 2, w: x1 - x0, h: y1 - y0 }; } static drawNodeName = function(xx, yy, _s) { if(!active) return; draw_name = false; var _name = display_name == ""? name : display_name; if(_name == "") return; if(_s < 0.75) return; draw_name = true; draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_bg_name, 0, xx, yy, w * _s, ui(20), color, 0.75); var cc = COLORS._main_text; if(PREF_MAP[? "node_show_render_status"] && !rendered) cc = isUpdateReady()? COLORS._main_value_positive : COLORS._main_value_negative; draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_center, cc); if(hasInspectorUpdate()) icon = THEME.refresh_s; var ts = clamp(power(_s, 0.5), 0.5, 1); if(icon && _s > 0.75) { draw_sprite_ui_uniform(icon, 0, xx + ui(12), yy + ui(10)); draw_text_cut(xx + ui(24), yy + ui(10), _name, w * _s - ui(24), ts); } else draw_text_cut(xx + ui(8), yy + ui(10), _name, w * _s - ui(8), ts); } static drawJunctions = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) { if(!active) return; var hover = noone; var amo = input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(inputs) : array_length(input_display_list); var jun; for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { var ind = getInputJunctionIndex(i); if(ind == noone) continue; jun = ds_list_get(inputs, ind, noone); if(jun == noone || is_undefined(jun)) continue; if(jun.drawJunction(_s, _mx, _my)) hover = jun; } for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { jun = outputs[| i]; if(jun.drawJunction(_s, _mx, _my)) hover = jun; } return hover; } static drawJunctionNames = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) { if(!active) return; var amo = input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(inputs) : array_length(input_display_list); var jun; var xx = x * _s + _x; var yy = y * _s + _y; show_input_name = point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, xx - 8 * _s, yy + 20 * _s, xx + 8 * _s, yy + h * _s); show_output_name = point_in_rectangle(_mx, _my, xx + (w - 8) * _s, yy + 20 * _s, xx + (w + 8) * _s, yy + h * _s); if(show_input_name) { for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { var ind = getInputJunctionIndex(i); if(ind == noone) continue; inputs[| ind].drawNameBG(_s); } for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { var ind = getInputJunctionIndex(i); if(ind == noone) continue; inputs[| ind].drawName(_s, _mx, _my); } } if(show_output_name) { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { outputs[| i].drawNameBG(_s); } for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { outputs[| i].drawName(_s, _mx, _my); } } } static drawConnections = function(_x, _y, _s, mx, my, _active) { if(!active) return; var hovering = noone; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) { var jun = inputs[| i]; var jx = jun.x; var jy = jun.y; if(jun.value_from == noone) continue; if(! continue; if(!jun.isVisible()) continue; var frx = jun.value_from.x; var fry = jun.value_from.y; var c0 = value_color(jun.value_from.type); var c1 = value_color(jun.type); var hover = false; var th = max(1, PREF_MAP[? "connection_line_width"] * _s); switch(PREF_MAP[? "curve_connection_line"]) { case 0 : hover = distance_to_line(mx, my, jx, jy, frx, fry) < 6; break; case 1 : hover = distance_to_curve(mx, my, jx, jy, frx, fry) < 6; break; case 2 : var cx = (jx + frx) / 2; hover = distance_to_line(mx, my, jx, jy, cx, jy) < 6; hover |= distance_to_line(mx, my, cx, jy, cx, fry) < 6; hover |= distance_to_line(mx, my, cx, fry, frx, fry) < 6; break; } if(_active && hover) hovering = jun; if(_active && PANEL_GRAPH.junction_hovering == jun || (instance_exists(o_dialog_add_node) && o_dialog_add_node.junction_hovering == jun)) th *= 2; var ty = LINE_STYLE.solid; if(jun.type == VALUE_TYPE.node) ty = LINE_STYLE.dashed; switch(PREF_MAP[? "curve_connection_line"]) { case 0 : if(ty == LINE_STYLE.solid) draw_line_width_color(jx, jy, frx, fry, th, c1, c0); else draw_line_dashed_color(jx, jy, frx, fry, th, c1, c0, 12 * _s); break; case 1 : draw_line_curve_color(jx, jy, frx, fry, th, c0, c1, ty); break; case 2 : draw_line_elbow_color(jx, jy, frx, fry, th, c0, c1, ty); break; } } return hovering; } static drawPreview = function(xx, yy, _s) { if(!active) return; var _node = outputs[| preview_channel]; if(_node.type != VALUE_TYPE.surface) return; var surf = _node.getValue(); preview_amount = 0; if(is_array(surf)) { if(array_length(surf) == 0) return; preview_amount = array_length(surf); if(preview_speed != 0) { preview_index += preview_speed; if(preview_index <= 0) preview_index = array_length(surf) - 1; } if(floor(preview_index) > array_length(surf) - 1) preview_index = 0; surf = surf[preview_index]; } preview_surface = is_surface(surf)? surf : noone; if(!is_surface(surf)) return; var pw = surface_get_width(surf); var ph = surface_get_height(surf); var ps = min((w * _s - 8) / pw, (h * _s - 8) / ph); var px = xx + w * _s / 2 - pw * ps / 2; var py = yy + h * _s / 2 - ph * ps / 2; draw_surface_ext_safe(surf, px, py, ps, ps, 0, c_white, 1); } static getNodeDimension = function() { if(!is_surface(preview_surface)) { if(ds_list_size(outputs)) return array_shape(outputs[| 0].getValue()); return ""; } var pw = surface_get_width(preview_surface); var ph = surface_get_height(preview_surface); var txt = string(pw) + " x " + string(ph) + " px"; if(preview_amount) txt = string(preview_amount) + " x " + txt; return txt; } static drawDimension = function(xx, yy, _s) { if(!active) return; if(_s * w < 64) return; draw_set_text(_s >= 1? f_p1 : f_p2, fa_center, fa_top, COLORS.panel_graph_node_dimension); var tx = xx + w * _s / 2; var ty = yy + (h + 4) * _s; if(PANEL_GRAPH.show_dimension) { var txt = "[" + string(getNodeDimension()) + "]"; draw_text(round(tx), round(ty), txt); ty += line_height() * 0.8; } if(PANEL_GRAPH.show_compute) { var rt, unit; if(render_time < 1000) { rt = round(render_time / 10) * 10; unit = "us"; draw_set_color(COLORS.speed[2]); } else if(render_time < 1000000) { rt = string_format(render_time / 1000, -1, 2); unit = "ms"; draw_set_color(COLORS.speed[1]); } else { rt = string_format(render_time / 1000000, -1, 2); unit = "s"; draw_set_color(COLORS.speed[0]); } draw_text(round(tx), round(ty), string(rt) + " " + unit); } } static drawNode = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) { if(!active) return; if(group != PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) return; var xx = x * _s + _x; var yy = y * _s + _y; if(value_validation[VALIDATION.error] || error_noti_update != noone) draw_sprite_stretched_ext(THEME.node_glow, 0, xx - 9, yy - 9, w * _s + 18, h * _s + 18, COLORS._main_value_negative, 1); drawNodeBase(xx, yy, _s); if(previewable && ds_list_size(outputs) > 0) { if(preview_channel >= ds_list_size(outputs)) preview_channel = 0; drawPreview(xx, yy, _s); } drawDimension(xx, yy, _s); onDrawNode(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s); drawNodeName(xx, yy, _s); if(active_draw_index > -1) { draw_sprite_stretched_ext(bg_sel_spr, 0, xx, yy, round(w * _s), round(h * _s), active_draw_index > 1? COLORS.node_border_file_drop : COLORS._main_accent, 1); active_draw_index = -1; } return drawJunctions(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s); } static onDrawNodeBehind = function(_x, _y, _mx, _my, _s) {} static onDrawNode = function(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s) {} static drawBadge = function(_x, _y, _s) { if(!active) return; var xx = x * _s + _x + w * _s; var yy = y * _s + _y; if(previewing) { draw_sprite(THEME.node_state, 0, xx, yy); xx -= max(32 * _s, 16); } if(inspecting) { draw_sprite(THEME.node_state, 1, xx, yy); } inspecting = false; previewing = 0; } active_draw_index = -1; static drawActive = function(_x, _y, _s, ind = 0) { active_draw_index = ind; } static drawOverlay = function(active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) {} static getPreviewValue = function() { if(preview_channel > ds_list_size(outputs)) return noone; return outputs[| preview_channel]; } static enable = function() { active = true; } static disable = function() { active = false; } static destroy = function(_merge = false) { if(!active) return; disable(); if(PANEL_GRAPH.node_hover == self) PANEL_GRAPH.node_hover = noone; if(PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus == self) PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus = noone; if(PANEL_PREVIEW.preview_node[0] == self) PANEL_PREVIEW.preview_node[0] = noone; if(PANEL_PREVIEW.preview_node[1] == self) PANEL_PREVIEW.preview_node[1] = noone; if(PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting == self) PANEL_INSPECTOR.inspecting = noone; PANEL_ANIMATION.updatePropertyList(); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { var jun = outputs[| i]; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.value_to); j++) { var _vt = jun.value_to[| j]; if(_vt.value_from == noone) break; if(_vt.value_from.node != self) break; _vt.removeFrom(false); if(!_merge) continue; for( var k = 0; k < ds_list_size(inputs); k++ ) { if(inputs[| k].value_from == noone) continue; if(_vt.setFrom(inputs[| k].value_from)) break; } } ds_list_clear(jun.value_to); } onDestroy(); } static restore = function() { if(active) return; enable(); ds_list_add(group == -1? NODES : group.nodes, self); } static onValidate = function() { value_validation[VALIDATION.pass] = 0; value_validation[VALIDATION.warning] = 0; value_validation[VALIDATION.error] = 0; for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) { var jun = inputs[| i]; if(jun.value_validation) value_validation[jun.value_validation]++; } } static onDestroy = function() {} static isRenderable = function(trigger = false) { var _startNode = true; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(inputs); j++) { var _in = inputs[| j]; if(_in.type == VALUE_TYPE.node) continue; if(trigger) triggerRender(); if(_in.value_from != noone && !_in.value_from.node.rendered) _startNode = false; } return _startNode; } static getNextNodes = function() { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { var _ot = outputs[| i]; if(_ot.type == VALUE_TYPE.node) continue; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_ot.value_to); j++) { var _to = _ot.value_to[| j]; if(! || _to.value_from == noone) continue; if(_to.value_from.node != self) continue; _to.node.triggerRender(); if(_to.node.isUpdateReady()) { ds_queue_enqueue(RENDER_QUEUE, _to.node); printIf(global.RENDER_LOG, " > Push " + + " node to stack"); } else printIf(global.RENDER_LOG, " > Node " + + " not ready"); } } } static clearInputCache = function() { for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) inputs[| i].cache_value[0] = false; } static cacheArrayCheck = function() { if(array_length(cached_output) != ANIMATOR.frames_total + 1) array_resize(cached_output, ANIMATOR.frames_total + 1); if(array_length(cache_result) != ANIMATOR.frames_total + 1) array_resize(cache_result, ANIMATOR.frames_total + 1); } static cacheCurrentFrame = function(_frame) { cacheArrayCheck(); if(ANIMATOR.current_frame > ANIMATOR.frames_total) return; var _os = cached_output[ANIMATOR.current_frame]; if(is_surface(_os)) surface_copy_size(_os, _frame); else { _os = surface_clone(_frame); cached_output[ANIMATOR.current_frame] = _os; } array_safe_set(cache_result, ANIMATOR.current_frame, true); } static cacheExist = function(frame = ANIMATOR.current_frame) { if(frame >= array_length(cached_output)) return false; if(frame >= array_length(cache_result)) return false; if(!array_safe_get(cache_result, frame)) return false; return true; } static recoverCache = function(frame = ANIMATOR.current_frame) { if(!cacheExist(frame)) return false; var _s = cached_output[ANIMATOR.current_frame]; if(!is_surface(_s)) return false; var _outSurf = outputs[| 0].getValue(); if(is_surface(_outSurf)) surface_copy_size(_outSurf, _s); else { _outSurf = surface_clone(_s); outputs[| 0].setValue(_outSurf); } return true; } static clearCache = function() { if(array_length(cached_output) != ANIMATOR.frames_total + 1) array_resize(cached_output, ANIMATOR.frames_total + 1); for(var i = 0; i < array_length(cached_output); i++) { var _s = cached_output[i]; if(is_surface(_s)) surface_free(_s); cached_output[i] = 0; cache_result[i] = false; } } static checkConnectGroup = function(_type = "group") { var _y = y; var nodes = []; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) { var _in = inputs[| i]; if(_in.value_from == noone) continue; if( == group) continue; var input_node = noone; switch(_type) { case "group" : input_node = new Node_Group_Input(x - w - 64, _y, group); break; case "loop" : input_node = new Node_Iterator_Input(x - w - 64, _y, group); break; case "feedback" : input_node = new Node_Feedback_Input(x - w - 64, _y, group); break; } if(input_node == noone) continue; array_push(nodes, input_node); input_node.inputs[| 2].setValue(_in.type); input_node.inParent.setFrom(_in.value_from); input_node.onValueUpdate(0); _in.setFrom(input_node.outputs[| 0]); _y += 64; } for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++) { var _ou = outputs[| i]; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(_ou.value_to); j++) { var _to = _ou.value_to[| j]; if(_to.value_from != _ou) continue; if(! continue; if( == group) continue; var output_node = noone; switch(_type) { case "group" : output_node = new Node_Group_Output(x + w + 64, y, group); break; case "loop" : output_node = new Node_Iterator_Output(x + w + 64, y, group); break; case "feedback" : output_node = new Node_Feedback_Output(x + w + 64, y, group); break; } if(output_node == noone) continue; array_push(nodes, output_node); _to.setFrom(output_node.outParent); output_node.inputs[| 0].setFrom(_ou); } } return nodes; } static clone = function(target = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) { CLONING = true; var _type = instanceof(self); var _node = nodeBuild(_type, x, y, target); CLONING = false; if(!_node) return; var _nid = _node.node_id; _node.deserialize(serialize()); _node.postDeserialize(); _node.applyDeserialize(); _node.node_id = _nid; NODE_MAP[? node_id] = self; NODE_MAP[? _nid] = _node; PANEL_ANIMATION.updatePropertyList(); onClone(_node); return _node; } static onClone = function(target = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext()) {} static serialize = function(scale = false, preset = false) { var _map = ds_map_create(); if(!preset) { _map[? "id"] = node_id; _map[? "name"] = display_name; _map[? "x"] = x; _map[? "y"] = y; _map[? "type"] = instanceof(self); _map[? "group"] = group == -1? -1 : group.node_id; } ds_map_add_map(_map, "attri", attributeSerialize()); var _inputs = ds_list_create(); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) { ds_list_add(_inputs, inputs[| i].serialize(scale, preset)); ds_list_mark_as_map(_inputs, i); } ds_map_add_list(_map, "inputs", _inputs); doSerialize(_map); return _map; } static attributeSerialize = function() { var att = ds_map_create(); ds_map_override(att, attributes); return att; } static doSerialize = function(_map) {} load_scale = false; load_map = -1; static deserialize = function(_map, scale = false, preset = false) { load_map = _map; load_scale = scale; if(!preset) { if(APPENDING) APPEND_MAP[? load_map[? "id"]] = node_id; else node_id = ds_map_try_get(load_map, "id"); NODE_MAP[? node_id] = self; if(ds_map_exists(load_map, "name")) display_name = ds_map_try_get(load_map, "name", ""); _group = ds_map_try_get(load_map, "group"); x = ds_map_try_get(load_map, "x"); y = ds_map_try_get(load_map, "y"); } if(ds_map_exists(load_map, "attri")) attributeDeserialize(load_map[? "attri"]); if(!ds_map_exists(load_map, "inputs")) return; } static attributeDeserialize = function(attr) { ds_map_override(attributes, attr); } static postDeserialize = function() {} static applyDeserialize = function(preset = false) { var _inputs = load_map[? "inputs"]; var amo = min(ds_list_size(inputs), ds_list_size(_inputs)); printIf(TESTING, " > Applying deserialize to node " + name); for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) inputs[| i].applyDeserialize(_inputs[| i], load_scale, preset); printIf(TESTING, " > Applying deserialize to node " + name + " completed"); doApplyDeserialize(); } static doApplyDeserialize = function() {} static loadGroup = function() { if(_group == -1) { var c = PANEL_GRAPH.getCurrentContext(); if(c != -1) c.add(self); } else { if(APPENDING) _group = GetAppendID(_group); if(ds_map_exists(NODE_MAP, _group)) { NODE_MAP[? _group].add(self); } else { var txt = "Group load failed. Can't find node ID " + string(_group); log_warning("LOAD", txt); } } } static connect = function(log = false) { var connected = true; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++) { connected &= inputs[| i].connect(log); } if(!connected) ds_queue_enqueue(CONNECTION_CONFLICT, self); return connected; } static preConnect = function() {} static postConnect = function() {} static cleanUp = function() { for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(inputs); i++ ) { inputs[| i].cleanUp(); } for( var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(outputs); i++ ) { outputs[| i].cleanUp(); } ds_list_destroy(inputs); ds_list_destroy(outputs); ds_map_destroy(attributes); } }