load_process = 0; load_step = 0; load_total = 0; create_list = []; if(struct_has(content, "version")) { var _v = content.version; PROJECT.version = _v; LOADING_VERSION = _v; if(PREFERENCES.notify_load_version && floor(_v) != floor(SAVE_VERSION)) { var warn = $"File version mismatch : loading file version {_v} to Pixel Composer {SAVE_VERSION}"; log_warning("LOAD", warn); } } else { var warn = $"File version mismatch : loading old format to Pixel Composer {SAVE_VERSION}"; log_warning("LOAD", warn); } printIf(log, $" > Load meta : {(get_timer() - t1) / 1000} ms"); t1 = get_timer(); load_process = 1; load_delay = 50_000; node_length = 0; load_noti = new notification(NOTI_TYPE.log, noti_status($"Loading {path}...")); load_noti.progress = 0; array_append(STATS_PROGRESS, load_noti); PROJECT.deserialize(content);