/// @description init event_inherited(); #region data dialog_w = ui(500); dialog_h = ui(600); thank_h = dialog_h - ui(220); destroy_on_click_out = true; #endregion #region scroll credits = [ [ "The Book of Shaders", "Patricio Gonzalez Vivo & Jen Lowe" ], [ "Many noise and shape shaders", "Inigo Quilez" ], [ "Chromatic aberration shader", "jcant0n" ], [ "gif importer\nWindow commands\nExecute shell simple", "YellowAfterLife" ], ] sc_thank = new scrollPane(dialog_w - ui(64), thank_h, function(_y, _m) { var cx = (dialog_w - ui(64)) / 2; var _h = _y; var yy = _y; draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_grey, 0); draw_set_font(f_p2); draw_set_color(c_ui_blue_ltgrey); draw_text(cx, yy, "Special Thanks"); for( var i = 0; i < array_length(credits); i++ ) { yy += line_height(, 8); draw_set_font(f_p2); draw_set_color(c_ui_blue_grey); draw_text(cx, yy, credits[i][0]); yy += string_height(credits[i][0]); draw_set_font(f_p0b); draw_set_color(c_ui_blue_white); draw_text(cx, yy, credits[i][1]); yy += ui(8); } draw_set_font(f_p0); draw_set_color(c_ui_blue_ltgrey); yy += ui(40); draw_text_ext(cx, yy, "Made with GameMaker Studio 2, Abode Illustrator, Aseprite", -1, sc_thank.w - ui(16)); yy += ui(32); return yy - _h + ui(32); }) #endregion