function _log_template() { return string(current_year) + "/" + string(current_month) + "/" + string(current_day) + " " + string(current_hour) + ":" + string(current_minute) + ":" + string(current_second) + " > "; } function __log(title, str, fname = "log.txt") { var path = DIRECTORY + fname; var f = file_text_open_append(path); var t = _log_template(); file_text_write_string(f, string(title) + t + string(str) + "\n"); file_text_close(f); show_debug_message(str); } function log_message(title, str, icon = s_noti_icon_log) { __log("[MESSAGE] ", string(title) + ": " + string(str)); noti_status(string(title) + ": " + string(str), icon); } function log_warning(title, str) { __log("[WARNING] ", string(title) + ": " + string(str)); noti_warning(string(title) + ": " + string(str)); } function log_crash(str) { __log("[ERROR] ", string(str)); noti_error(string(str)); } function log_newline() { var path = DIRECTORY + "log.txt"; var f = file_text_open_append(path); file_text_writeln(f); file_text_close(f); } function log_clear() { var path = DIRECTORY + "log.txt"; if(file_exists(path)) file_delete(path); } /* exception_unhandled_handler(function(ex) { var tt = "\n-------------------------- OH NO --------------------------\n\n"; tt += ex.longMessage; tt += "\n-------------------------- STACK TRACE --------------------------\n\n"; for( var i = 0; i < array_length(ex.stacktrace); i++ ) { tt += ex.stacktrace[i] + "\n"; } tt += "\n---------------------------- :( ----------------------------\n"; log_crash(tt); log_message("SESSION", "Ended with error"); var tt = "\n-------------------------- OH NO --------------------------\n\n"; tt += ex.longMessage; tt += "\n---------------------------- :( ----------------------------\n"; tt += "\nError message saved to clipboard"; tt += "\n\nVisit crash log from " + string(DIRECTORY + "log.txt") + " for more information"; show_error(tt, true); clipboard_set_text(tt); return 0; });