function Inspector_Custom_Renderer(draw) constructor { h = 64; self.draw = draw; } function Panel_Inspector() : PanelContent() constructor { context_str = "Inspector"; inspecting = noone; top_bar_h = ui(64); prop_hover = noone; prop_selecting = noone; function initSize() { content_w = w - ui(32); content_h = h - top_bar_h - ui(24); } initSize(); keyframe_dragging = noone; keyframe_drag_st = 0; min_w = ui(160); lineBreak = true; tb_node_name = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.text, function(txt) { if(inspecting) = txt; }) addHotkey("Inspector", "Copy property", "C", MOD_KEY.ctrl, function() { propSelectCopy(); }); addHotkey("Inspector", "Paste property", "V", MOD_KEY.ctrl, function() { propSelectPaste(); }); function onResize() { content_w = w - ui(32); content_h = h - top_bar_h - ui(24); contentPane.resize(content_w, content_h); } contentPane = new scrollPane(content_w, content_h, function(_y, _m) { var con_w = contentPane.surface_w; draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0); if(pFOCUS) if(point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, 0, con_w, content_h) && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) prop_selecting = noone; if(inspecting == noone) return 0; inspecting.inspecting = true; prop_hover = noone; var jun; var amo = inspecting.input_display_list == -1? ds_list_size(inspecting.inputs) : array_length(inspecting.input_display_list); var hh = ui(8); for(var i = 0; i < amo; i++) { var xc = con_w / 2; var yy = hh + _y; if(inspecting.input_display_list == -1) { jun = inspecting.inputs[| i]; } else { var jun_disp = inspecting.input_display_list[i]; if(is_array(jun_disp)) { var txt = jun_disp[0]; var coll = jun_disp[1]; if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 0, yy, con_w, yy + ui(32))) { draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_node_name, 0, 0, yy, con_w, ui(32), c_ui_blue_white, 1); if(pFOCUS && mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) { jun_disp[@ 1] = !coll; } } else draw_sprite_stretched_ext(s_node_name, 0, 0, yy, con_w, ui(32), c_ui_blue_ltgrey, 1); draw_sprite_ui(s_arrow_16, 0, ui(16), yy + ui(32) / 2, 1, 1, -90 + coll * 90, c_ui_blue_ltgrey, 1); draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, c_ui_blue_white); draw_text(ui(32), yy + ui(32) / 2, txt); hh += ui(32 + 8); if(coll) { var j = i + 1; while(j < amo) { var j_jun = inspecting.input_display_list[j]; if(is_array(j_jun)) break; else j++; } i = j - 1; continue; } continue; } else if(is_struct(jun_disp) && instanceof(jun_disp) == "Inspector_Custom_Renderer") { var hov = pHOVER; var foc = pFOCUS; jun_disp.draw(ui(6), yy, con_w - ui(12), _m, hov, foc); hh += jun_disp.h + ui(20); continue; } jun = inspecting.inputs[| inspecting.input_display_list[i]]; } if(!jun.show_in_inspector || jun.type == VALUE_TYPE.object) continue; var lb_h = line_height(f_p0) + ui(8); var lb_y = yy + lb_h / 2; var butx = ui(16); var index = jun.value_from == noone? jun.animator.is_anim : 2; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_animate_clock, index, butx, lb_y, 1, c_white, 0.8); if(pHOVER && point_in_circle(_m[0], _m[1], butx, lb_y, ui(10))) { draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_animate_clock, index, butx, lb_y, 1, c_white, 1); TOOLTIP = "Toggle animation"; if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) { if(jun.value_from != noone) jun.removeFrom(); else jun.animator.is_anim = !jun.animator.is_anim; PANEL_ANIMATION.updatePropertyList(); } } butx += ui(20); index = jun.visible; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_junc_visible, index, butx, lb_y, 1, c_white, 0.8); if(pHOVER && point_in_circle(_m[0], _m[1], butx, lb_y, ui(10))) { draw_sprite_ui_uniform(s_junc_visible, index, butx, lb_y, 1, c_white, 1); TOOLTIP = "Visibility"; if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) { jun.visible = !jun.visible; } } draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, c_white); draw_text(ui(56), lb_y - ui(2),; var lb_w = string_width( + ui(32); #region anim if(lineBreak && jun.animator.is_anim) { var bx = w - ui(64); var by = lb_y; if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx - ui(12), by - ui(12), ui(24), ui(24), _m, pFOCUS, pHOVER, "", s_prop_keyframe, 2) == 2) { for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.animator.values); j++) { var _key = jun.animator.values[| j]; if(_key.time > ANIMATOR.current_frame) { ANIMATOR.real_frame = _key.time; ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = true; break; } } } bx -= ui(26); var cc = c_ui_blue_grey; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.animator.values); j++) { if(jun.animator.values[| j].time == ANIMATOR.current_frame) { cc = c_ui_orange; break; } } if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx - ui(12), by - ui(12), ui(24), ui(24), _m, pFOCUS, pHOVER, cc == c_ui_blue_grey? "Add keyframe" : "Remove keyframe", s_prop_keyframe, 1, cc) == 2) { var _add = false; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.animator.values); j++) { var _key = jun.animator.values[| j]; if(_key.time == ANIMATOR.current_frame) { if(ds_list_size(jun.animator.values) > 1) ds_list_delete(jun.animator.values, j); _add = true; break; } else if(_key.time > ANIMATOR.current_frame) { ds_list_insert(jun.animator.values, j, new valueKey(ANIMATOR.current_frame, jun.getValue(), jun.animator)); _add = true; break; } } if(!_add) ds_list_add(jun.animator.values, new valueKey(ANIMATOR.current_frame, jun.getValue(), jun.animator)); } bx -= ui(26); if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx - ui(12), by - ui(12), ui(24), ui(24), _m, pFOCUS, pHOVER, "", s_prop_keyframe, 0) == 2) { var _t = -1; for(var j = 0; j < ds_list_size(jun.animator.values); j++) { var _key = jun.animator.values[| j]; if(_key.time < ANIMATOR.current_frame) { _t = _key.time; } } if(_t > -1) ANIMATOR.real_frame = _t; ANIMATOR.is_scrubing = true; } var lhf = lb_h / 2 - 4; draw_set_color(c_ui_blue_dkgrey); draw_line(bx - ui(20), by - lhf, bx - ui(20), by + lhf); draw_set_color(c_ui_blue_dkgrey); draw_line(bx - ui(20), by - lhf, bx - ui(20), by + lhf); bx -= ui(26 + 12); if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx - ui(12), by - ui(12), ui(24), ui(24), _m, pFOCUS, pHOVER, "Looping mode " + ON_END_NAME[jun.on_end], s_prop_on_end, jun.on_end) == 2) jun.on_end = safe_mod(jun.on_end + 1, sprite_get_number(s_prop_on_end)); } #endregion //TODO: Fix padding to be consistant to every widget var _hsx = ui(32); var _hsy = yy + lb_h; var padd = ui(8); var labelWidth = max(lb_w, min(ui(80) + w * 0.2, ui(200))); var editBoxW = w - ui(80) - !lineBreak * labelWidth; var editBoxH = lineBreak? TEXTBOX_HEIGHT : lb_h; var editBoxX = ui(32) + !lineBreak * labelWidth; var editBoxY = lineBreak? _hsy : yy; var widH = lineBreak? editBoxH : 0; if(jun.editWidget) { = pFOCUS; jun.editWidget.hover = pHOVER; switch(jun.display_type) { case VALUE_DISPLAY.button : jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, _m); break; default : switch(jun.type) { case VALUE_TYPE.float : case VALUE_TYPE.integer : switch(jun.display_type) { case VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_button : case VALUE_DISPLAY._default : case VALUE_DISPLAY.range : case VALUE_DISPLAY.vector : jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m); break; case VALUE_DISPLAY.vector_range : jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m); break; case VALUE_DISPLAY.enum_scroll : jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.display_data[jun.showValue()], _m, ui(16) + x, top_bar_h + y); break; case VALUE_DISPLAY.padding : jun.editWidget.draw(xc, _hsy + ui(32), jun.showValue(), jun.modifier, _m); widH = ui(192); break; case VALUE_DISPLAY.rotation : case VALUE_DISPLAY.rotation_range : jun.editWidget.draw(xc, _hsy, jun.showValue(), _m); widH = ui(96); break; case VALUE_DISPLAY.slider : case VALUE_DISPLAY.slider_range : jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m); break; case VALUE_DISPLAY.area : jun.editWidget.draw(xc, _hsy + ui(40), jun.showValue(), _m); widH = ui(204); break; case VALUE_DISPLAY.puppet_control : widH = jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, jun.showValue(), _m, ui(16) + x, top_bar_h + y); break; } break; case VALUE_TYPE.boolean : editBoxX = lineBreak? editBoxX : (labelWidth + con_w) / 2; jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, jun.showValue(), _m, editBoxH); break; case VALUE_TYPE.color : switch(jun.display_type) { case VALUE_DISPLAY.gradient : jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), jun.extra_data, _m); break; default : jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m); break; } break; case VALUE_TYPE.path : var val = jun.showValue(), txt = ""; var pathExist = jun.value_validation == VALIDATION.pass; if(is_array(val)) txt = "[" + string(array_length(val)) + "] " + val[0]; else txt = val; jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, _m,, pathExist? c_white : c_ui_red); var icx = editBoxX + editBoxW - ui(16); var icy = editBoxY + editBoxH / 2; draw_sprite_ui_uniform(pathExist? s_button_path_icon : s_button_path_not_found_icon, 0, icx, icy, 1, c_white, 1); draw_set_text(f_p0, fa_left, fa_center, c_white); draw_text_cut(editBoxX + ui(8), editBoxY + editBoxH / 2, txt, editBoxW - ui(60)); if(!pathExist && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], icx - ui(17), icy - ui(17), icx + ui(17), icy + ui(17))) TOOLTIP = "File not exist"; break; case VALUE_TYPE.surface : editBoxH = ui(96); jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m, ui(16) + x, top_bar_h + y); widH = lineBreak? editBoxH : editBoxH - lb_h; break; case VALUE_TYPE.curve : editBoxH = ui(132); jun.editWidget.draw(ui(32), _hsy, w - ui(80), editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m); widH = editBoxH; break; case VALUE_TYPE.text : var _hh = jun.editWidget.draw(editBoxX, editBoxY, editBoxW, editBoxH, jun.showValue(), _m, jun.display_type); widH = _hh; break; } } } else if(jun.display_type == VALUE_DISPLAY.label) { draw_set_text(f_p1, fa_left, fa_top, c_ui_blue_ltgrey); draw_text(ui(32), _hsy, jun.display_data); widH = string_height(jun.display_data); } if(false) { var __hsy = yy; draw_set_alpha(0.5); draw_set_color(c_ui_blue_grey); draw_rectangle(ui(8), __hsy, contentPane.w - ui(16), __hsy + lb_h, 0); __hsy += lb_h; draw_set_color(c_ui_orange); draw_rectangle(ui(8), __hsy, contentPane.w - ui(16), __hsy + widH, 0); __hsy += widH; draw_set_color(c_ui_lime); draw_rectangle(ui(8), __hsy, contentPane.w - ui(16), __hsy + padd, 0); draw_set_alpha(1); } hh += lb_h + widH + padd; var _selY = yy - ui(0); var _selY1 = yy + lb_h + widH + ui(2); var _selH = _selY1 - _selY; if(prop_selecting == jun) draw_sprite_stretched(s_prop_selecting, 1, 4, _selY, contentPane.surface_w - ui(8), _selH); if(pHOVER && point_in_rectangle(_m[0], _m[1], 4, _selY, contentPane.surface_w - ui(4), _selY + _selH)) { draw_sprite_stretched(s_prop_selecting, 0, 4, _selY, contentPane.surface_w - ui(8), _selH); prop_hover = jun; if(pFOCUS) { if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)) prop_selecting = jun; if(mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_right)) { __dialog_junction = jun; var dia = dialogCall(o_dialog_menubox, mouse_mx, mouse_my); dia.setMenu( [ [ "Reset value", function() { __dialog_junction.setValue(__dialog_junction.def_val); }], [ __dialog_junction.animator.is_anim? "Remove animation" : "Add animation", function() { __dialog_junction.animator.is_anim = !__dialog_junction.animator.is_anim; PANEL_ANIMATION.updatePropertyList(); }], -1, [ "Copy", function() { clipboard_set_text(__dialog_junction.getShowString()); }, ["Inspector", "Copy property"]], [ "Paste", function() { __dialog_junction.setString(clipboard_get_text()); }, ["Inspector", "Paste property"]], ] ); } } } } return hh; }); function propSelectCopy() { if(!prop_selecting) return; clipboard_set_text(prop_selecting.getShowString()); } function propSelectPaste() { if(!prop_selecting) return; prop_selecting.setString(clipboard_get_text()); } function drawInspectingNode() { draw_set_text(f_h5, fa_center, fa_top, c_white); tb_node_name.font = f_h5; tb_node_name.hide = true; = pFOCUS; tb_node_name.hover = pHOVER; tb_node_name.align = fa_center; tb_node_name.draw(ui(64), ui(14), w - ui(128), ui(32),, [mx, my]); if(!inspecting.auto_update) { var bx = w - ui(44); var by = ui(12); if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, "Run node", s_sequence_control, 1) == 2) inspecting.doUpdate(); } if(inspecting.use_cache) { var bx = ui(8); var by = ui(12); if(buttonInstant(s_button_hide, bx, by, ui(32), ui(32), [mx, my], pFOCUS, pHOVER, "This node cache output for performance.\nClick to clear all cached frames in this node.", s_cache) = 2) inspecting.clearCache(); } } function drawContent(panel) { draw_clear_alpha(c_ui_blue_black, 0); lineBreak = w < PREF_MAP[? "inspector_line_break_width"]; draw_sprite_stretched(s_ui_panel_bg, 1, ui(8), top_bar_h - ui(8), w - ui(16), h - top_bar_h); if(inspecting) drawInspectingNode(); = pHOVER; contentPane.draw(ui(16), top_bar_h, mx - ui(16), my - top_bar_h); if(PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus && inspecting != PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus) { inspecting = PANEL_GRAPH.node_focus; if(inspecting != noone) inspecting.onInspect(); contentPane.scroll_y = 0; contentPane.scroll_y_to = 0; } } }