function Node_Audio_Window(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
	name = "Audio Window";
	newInput(0, nodeValue_AudioBit("Audio data", self, noone))
		.setVisible(true, true);
	newInput(1, nodeValue_Int("Width", self, 4096, "Amount of bits to extract."));
	newInput(2, nodeValue_Float("Location", self, 0))
		.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY._default, { unit: 0, side_button: button(function() { 
					inputs[2].display_data.unit = (inputs[2].display_data.unit + 1) % 3; 
					inputs[2].display_data.side_button.tooltip.index = inputs[2].display_data.unit; 
				}).setTooltip( new tooltipSelector("Unit", [ "Bit", "Second", "Progress" ]) ) 
				  .setIcon( THEME.unit_audio, [ function() { return inputs[2].display_data.unit; } ], COLORS._main_icon )
	newInput(3, nodeValue_Enum_Button("Cursor location", self,  1, [ "Start", "Middle", "End" ]));
	newInput(4, nodeValue_Int("Step", self, 16));
	newInput(5, nodeValue_Bool("Match timeline", self, true, "Set window cursor to match animation timeline."));
	newOutput(0, nodeValue_Output("Bit Array", self, VALUE_TYPE.float, []))
	input_display_list = [ 0, 
		["Window",	false], 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 
	preview_cr = 0;
	preview_st = 0;
	preview_ed = 0;
	static step = function() {
		var _anim = getInputData(5);
		update_on_frame = _anim;
	static update = function(frame = CURRENT_FRAME) {
		var _aud = getInputData(0);
		if(!is_instanceof(_aud, audioObject)) return;
		var _wid  = getInputData(1);
		var _loc  = getInputData(2);
		var _cloc = getInputData(3);
		var _stp  = getInputData(4);	_stp = max(1, _stp);
		var _anim = getInputData(5);
		var _unit = inputs[2].display_data.unit;
		var off = 0, st = 0, ed = 1, len = 1;
		var _ch = _aud.getChannel();
		if(_anim) off = frame / PROJECT.animator.framerate * _aud.sample;
		else {
			switch(_unit) {
				case 0 : off = _loc;								break;
				case 1 : off = _loc * _aud.sample;					break;
				case 2 : off = _loc * _aud.duration * _aud.sample;	break;
		switch(_cloc) {
			case 0 : st = off;					 break;
			case 1 : st = off - round(_wid / 2); break;
			case 2 : st = off - _wid;			 break;
		st = clamp(st, 0, _aud.packet - 1);
		ed = clamp(st + _wid, 0, _aud.packet - 1);
		st = clamp(ed - _wid, 0, _aud.packet - 1);
		len = (ed - st) / _stp;
		preview_cr = off / _aud.packet;
		preview_st = st / _aud.packet;
		preview_ed = ed / _aud.packet;
		var res = array_create(_ch);
		var dat = _aud.getData();
		for( var i = 0; i < _ch; i++ ) {
			var _dat = dat[i];
			var _ind = 0;
			res[i] = array_create(len);
			for(var j = st; j < ed; j += _stp)
				res[i][_ind++] = _dat[j];
	static onDrawNode = function(xx, yy, _mx, _my, _s, _hover, _focus) { #region
		var _aud = getInputData(0);
		if(!is_instanceof(_aud, audioObject)) return;
		var bbox = drawGetBbox(xx, yy, _s);
		var surf = _aud.checkPreview(320, 128);
		if(!is_surface(surf)) return;
		var sw = surface_get_width_safe(surf);
		var sh = surface_get_height_safe(surf);
		var ss = min(bbox.w / sw, bbox.h / sh);
		var dx = bbox.xc - sw * ss / 2;
		var dy = bbox.yc - sh * ss / 2;
		draw_surface_ext_safe(surf, dx, dy, ss, ss,,, 0.50);
		var st = clamp(preview_st, 0, 1) * sw;
		var ed = clamp(preview_ed, 0, 1) * sw;
		var cr = clamp(preview_cr, 0, 1) * sw;
		draw_surface_part_ext_safe(surf, st, 0, ed - st, sh, dx + st * ss, dy, ss, ss,, COLORS._main_accent);
		draw_line(dx + cr * ss, bbox.yc - 16 * _s, dx + cr * ss, bbox.yc + 16 * _s);
	} #endregion