function LOAD() { var path = get_open_filename("Pixel Composer project (.pxc)|*.pxc", ""); if(path == "") return; if(filename_ext(path) != ".json" && filename_ext(path) != ".pxc") return; gc_collect(); LOAD_PATH(path); ds_list_clear(STATUSES); ds_list_clear(WARNING); ds_list_clear(ERRORS); } function LOAD_PATH(path, readonly = false) { if(!file_exists(path)) { log_warning("LOAD", "File not found"); return false; } if(filename_ext(path) != ".json" && filename_ext(path) != ".pxc") { log_warning("LOAD", "File not a valid project"); return false; } nodeCleanUp(); clearPanel(); setPanel(); room_restart(); var temp_path = DIRECTORY + "\_temp"; if(file_exists(temp_path)) file_delete(temp_path); file_copy(path, temp_path); ALWAYS_FULL = false; LOADING = true; READONLY = readonly; SET_PATH(path); var file = file_text_open_read(temp_path); var load_str = ""; while(!file_text_eof(file)) { load_str += file_text_readln(file); } file_text_close(file); var _map = json_decode(load_str); if(ds_map_exists(_map, "version")) { var _v = _map[? "version"]; LOADING_VERSION = _v; if(_v != SAVEFILE_VERSION) { var warn = "File version mismatch : loading file verion " + string(_v) + " to Pixel Composer " + string(SAVEFILE_VERSION); log_warning("LOAD", warn); } } else { var warn = "File version mismatch : loading old format to Pixel Composer " + string(SAVEFILE_VERSION); log_warning("LOAD", warn); } nodeCleanUp(); var create_list = ds_list_create(); if(ds_map_exists(_map, "nodes")) { try { var _node_list = _map[? "nodes"]; for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(_node_list); i++) { var _node = nodeLoad(_node_list[| i]); if(_node) ds_list_add(create_list, _node); } } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD", exception_print(e)); } } try { if(ds_map_exists(_map, "animator")) { var _anim_map = _map[? "animator"]; ANIMATOR.frames_total = ds_map_try_get(_anim_map, "frames_total"); ANIMATOR.framerate = ds_map_try_get(_anim_map, "framerate"); } } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, animator", exception_print(e)); } try { if(ds_map_exists(_map, "graph")) { var _graph_map = _map[? "graph"]; PANEL_GRAPH.graph_x = ds_map_try_get(_graph_map, "graph_x"); PANEL_GRAPH.graph_y = ds_map_try_get(_graph_map, "graph_y"); } } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, graph", exception_print(e)); } ds_queue_clear(CONNECTION_CONFLICT); try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(create_list); i++) create_list[| i].loadGroup(); } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, group", exception_print(e)); } try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(create_list); i++) create_list[| i].postDeserialize(); } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, deserialize", exception_print(e)); } try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(create_list); i++) create_list[| i].applyDeserialize(); } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, apply deserialize", exception_print(e)); } try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(create_list); i++) create_list[| i].preConnect(); for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(create_list); i++) create_list[| i].connect(); } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, connect", exception_print(e)); } try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(create_list); i++) create_list[| i].doUpdate(); } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, update", exception_print(e)); } try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(create_list); i++) { if(create_list[| i].inspectorUpdate != noone) create_list[| i].inspectorUpdate(); } } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, update", exception_print(e)); } Render(); if(!ds_queue_empty(CONNECTION_CONFLICT)) { var pass = 0; try { while(++pass < 4 && !ds_queue_empty(CONNECTION_CONFLICT)) { var size = ds_queue_size(CONNECTION_CONFLICT); log_message("LOAD", "[Connect] " + string(size) + " Connection conflict(s) detected ( pass: " + string(pass) + " )"); repeat(size) ds_queue_dequeue(CONNECTION_CONFLICT).connect(); Render(); } if(!ds_queue_empty(CONNECTION_CONFLICT)) log_warning("LOAD", "Some connection(s) is unsolved. This may caused by render node not being update properly, or image path is broken."); } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, connect solver", exception_print(e)); } } try { for(var i = 0; i < ds_list_size(create_list); i++) create_list[| i].postConnect(); } catch(e) { log_warning("LOAD, connect", exception_print(e)); } UPDATE = RENDER_TYPE.full; LOADING = false; MODIFIED = false; PANEL_ANIMATION.updatePropertyList(); log_message("FILE", "load " + path, THEME.noti_icon_file_load); PANEL_MENU.setNotiIcon(THEME.noti_icon_file_load); ds_map_destroy(_map); return true; }