mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:14:49 +01:00
852 lines
25 KiB
852 lines
25 KiB
function Node_Line(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_Processor(_x, _y, _group) constructor {
name = "Draw Line";
newInput(0, nodeValue_Dimension(self));
newInput(1, nodeValue_Bool("Background", self, false));
newInput(2, nodeValue_Int("Segment", self, 1))
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider, { range: [1, 32, 0.1] });
newInput(3, nodeValue_Vec2("Width", self, [ 2, 2 ]));
newInput(4, nodeValue_Float("Wiggle", self, 0))
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider, { range: [0, 16, 0.01] });
newInput(5, nodeValue_Float("Random seed", self, 0));
newInput(6, nodeValue_Rotation("Rotation", self, 0));
newInput(7, nodeValue_PathNode("Path", self, noone, "Draw line along path."))
.setVisible(true, true);
newInput(8, nodeValue_Slider_Range("Range", self, [0, 1]))
.setTooltip("Range of the path to draw.");
newInput(9, nodeValue_Float("Shift", self, 0));
newInput(10, nodeValue_Gradient("Color over length", self, new gradientObject(cola(c_white))));
newInput(11, nodeValue_Curve("Width over length", self, CURVE_DEF_11));
newInput(12, nodeValue_Bool("Span width over path", self, false, "Apply the full 'width over length' to the trimmed path."));
newInput(13, nodeValue_Enum_Button("End cap", self, 0, [ new scrollItem("None", s_node_line_cap, 0),
new scrollItem("Round", s_node_line_cap, 1),
new scrollItem("Tri", s_node_line_cap, 2), ]));
newInput(14, nodeValue_Int("Round segment", self, 8))
.setDisplay(VALUE_DISPLAY.slider, { range: [2, 32, 0.1] });
newInput(15, nodeValue_Bool("Span color over path", self, false, "Apply the full 'color over length' to the trimmed path."));
newInput(16, nodeValue_Bool("Width pass", self, false));
newInput(17, nodeValue_Bool("1px mode", self, false, "Render pixel perfect 1px line."));
newInput(18, nodeValue_Surface("Texture", self));
newInput(19, nodeValue_Bool("Fix length", self, false, "Fix length of each segment instead of segment count."));
newInput(20, nodeValue_Float("Segment length", self, 4));
newInput(21, nodeValue_Vec2("Texture position", self, [ 0, 0 ]));
newInput(22, nodeValue_Rotation("Texture Rotation", self, 0));
newInput(23, nodeValue_Vec2("Texture scale", self, [ 1, 1 ]));
newInput(24, nodeValue_Gradient("Random Blend", self, new gradientObject(cola(c_white))));
newInput(25, nodeValue_Bool("Invert", self, false ));
newInput(26, nodeValue_Bool("Clamp range", self, false ));
newInput(27, nodeValue_Enum_Scroll("Data Type", self, 1, [ "None", "Path", "Segments", "Two points" ]));
newInput(28, nodeValue_Vector("Segments", self, [[]]))
newInput(29, nodeValue_Bool("Scale texture to length", self, true ));
newInput(30, nodeValue_Bool("Use Path Bounding box", self, false ));
newInput(31, nodeValue_Padding("Padding", self, [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]))
newInput(32, nodeValue_Vec2("Start Point", self, [ 0, 0.5 ]))
.setUnitRef(function(index) /*=>*/ {return getDimension(index)}, VALUE_UNIT.reference);
newInput(33, nodeValue_Vec2("End Point", self, [ 1, 0.5 ]))
.setUnitRef(function(index) /*=>*/ {return getDimension(index)}, VALUE_UNIT.reference);
newInput(34, nodeValue_Enum_Scroll("SSAA", self, 0, [ "None", "2x", "4x", "8x" ]));
newInput(35, nodeValue_Bool("Force Loop", self, false));
newInput(36, nodeValue_Bool("Apply Weight", self, true));
newInput(37, nodeValue_Gradient("Color Weight", self, new gradientObject(cola(c_white))));
newInput(38, nodeValue_Vec2("Color Range", self, [ 0, 1 ]));
input_display_list = [
["Output", true], 0, 1, 30, 31, 16,
["Line data", false], 27, 6, 7, 28, 32, 33, 35, 19, 2, 20,
["Width", false], 17, 3, 11, 12, 36,
["Line settings", false], 8, 25, 9, 26, 13, 14,
["Wiggle", false], 4, 5,
["Color", false], 10, 24, 15, 37, 38,
["Texture", false], 18, 21, 22, 23, 29,
["Render", false], 34,
newOutput(0, nodeValue_Output("Surface out", self, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone));
newOutput(1, nodeValue_Output("Width Pass", self, VALUE_TYPE.surface, noone));
lines = [];
line_data = [];
temp_surface = [ noone ];
widthMap = ds_map_create();
static drawOverlay = function(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny) {
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(lines); i < n; i++ ) {
var points = lines[i];
if(array_length(points) < 2) continue;
for( var j = 1; j < array_length(points); j++ ) {
var x0 = points[j - 1].x;
var y0 = points[j - 1].y;
var x1 = points[j].x;
var y1 = points[j].y;
x0 = _x + x0 * _s;
y0 = _y + y0 * _s;
x1 = _x + x1 * _s;
y1 = _y + y1 * _s;
draw_line(x0, y0, x1, y1);
var _dtype = getInputData(27);
var hv, _hov = false;
if(_dtype == 1) {
hv = inputs[7].drawOverlay(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny); _hov |= bool(hv);
} else if(_dtype == 3) {
hv = inputs[32].drawOverlay(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny); _hov |= bool(hv);
hv = inputs[33].drawOverlay(hover, active, _x, _y, _s, _mx, _my, _snx, _sny); _hov |= bool(hv);
return _hov;
static getTool = function() {
var _path = getInputData(7);
return is(_path, Node)? _path : self;
static step = function() {
var px = !getInputData(17);
var _tex = inputs[18].value_from != noone;
var _flen = getInputData(19);
inputs[ 3].setVisible(px);
inputs[13].setVisible(px && !_tex);
inputs[ 2].setVisible(!_flen);
inputs[20].setVisible( _flen);
var _pat = getInputData( 7);
var _dtype = getInputData(27);
var _segs = getInputData(28);
var _pbbox = getInputData(30);
inputs[ 6].setVisible(_dtype == 0);
inputs[ 7].setVisible(_dtype == 1, _dtype == 1);
inputs[28].setVisible(_dtype == 2, _dtype == 2);
inputs[30].setVisible( _dtype == 1 || _dtype == 2);
inputs[31].setVisible((_dtype == 1 || _dtype == 2) && _pbbox);
inputs[32].setVisible(_dtype == 3);
inputs[33].setVisible(_dtype == 3);
static onValueUpdate = function(index = 0) {
if(index == 11) ds_map_clear(widthMap);
static processData = function(_outData, _data, _output_index, _array_index) {
#region data
var _dim = _data[0];
var _bg = _data[1];
var _seg = _data[2];
var _wid = _data[3];
var _wig = _data[4];
var _sed = _data[5];
var _ang = _data[6];
var _pat = _data[7];
var _ratio = _data[8];
var _shift = _data[9];
var _color = _data[10];
var _widc = _data[11];
var _widap = _data[12];
var _cap = _data[13];
var _capP = _data[14];
var _colP = _data[15];
var _colW = _data[16];
var _1px = _data[17];
var _text = _data[18];
var _fixL = _data[19];
var _segL = _data[20];
var _tex = _data[18];
var _texPos = _data[21];
var _texRot = _data[22];
var _texSca = _data[23];
var _colb = _data[24];
var _ratInv = _data[25];
var _clamp = _data[26];
var _dtype = _data[27];
var _segs = _data[28];
var _scaleTex = _data[29];
var _pbbox = _data[30];
var _ppadd = _data[31];
var _pnt0 = _data[32];
var _pnt1 = _data[33];
var _aa = power(2, _data[34]);
var _loop = _data[35];
var _wg2wid = _data[36];
var _wg2clr = _data[37];
var _wg2clrR = _data[38];
if(_dtype == 1 && _pat == noone)
_dtype = 0;
if(_dtype == 2 && (array_invalid(_segs) || array_invalid(_segs[0])))
_dtype = 0;
if(IS_FIRST_FRAME || inputs[11].is_anim)
var _surfDim = [ _dim[0], _dim[1] ];
var __debug_timer = get_timer();
var _rangeMin = min(_ratio[0], _ratio[1]);
var _rangeMax = max(_ratio[0], _ratio[1]);
if(_rangeMax == 1) _rangeMax = 0.99999;
var _rtStr = min(_rangeMin, _rangeMax);
var _rtMax = max(_rangeMin, _rangeMax);
var _useTex = is_surface(_text);
if(_useTex) { _cap = false; _1px = false; }
var _sedIndex = 0;
var p = new __vec2P();
var _pathData = [];
var minx = 999999, miny = 999999, maxx = -999999, maxy = -999999;
var _ox, _nx, _nx1, _oy, _ny, _ny1;
var _ow, _nw, _oa, _na, _oc, _nc, _owg, _nwg;
switch(_dtype) {
case 0 :
case 3 :
var x0, y0, x1, y1;
if(_dtype == 0) {
_ang = (_ang % 360 + 360) % 360;
var _0 = point_rectangle_overlap(_dim[0], _dim[1], (_ang + 180) % 360);
var _1 = point_rectangle_overlap(_dim[0], _dim[1], _ang);
x0 = _0[0];
y0 = _0[1];
x1 = _1[0];
y1 = _1[1];
} else if(_dtype == 3) {
x0 = _pnt0[0];
y0 = _pnt0[1];
x1 = _pnt1[0];
y1 = _pnt1[1];
var _l = point_distance(x0, y0, x1, y1);
var _d = point_direction(x0, y0, x1, y1);
var _od = _d, _nd = _d;
var ww = _rtMax / _seg;
var _total = _rtMax;
var _prog_curr = frac(_shift) - ww;
var _prog = _prog_curr + 1;
var _prog_total = 0;
var points = [];
while(_total > 0) {
if(_prog_curr >= 1) _prog_curr = 0;
else _prog_curr = min(_prog_curr + min(_total, ww), 1);
_prog_total += min(_total, ww);
_nx = x0 + lengthdir_x(_l * _prog_curr, _d);
_ny = y0 + lengthdir_y(_l * _prog_curr, _d);
var wgLen = random1D(_sed + _sedIndex, -_wig, _wig); _sedIndex++;
_nx += lengthdir_x(wgLen, _d + 90);
_ny += lengthdir_y(wgLen, _d + 90);
if(_prog_total > _rtStr) //prevent drawing point before range start.
array_push(points, { x: _nx, y: _ny, prog: _prog_total / _rtMax, progCrop: _prog_curr, weight: 1 });
if(_prog_curr > _prog)
_total -= (_prog_curr - _prog);
_prog = _prog_curr;
_ox = _nx;
_oy = _ny;
lines = [ points ];
line_data = [ { length: 1 } ];
case 1 :
var lineLen = 1;
if(struct_has(_pat, "getLineCount")) lineLen = _pat.getLineCount();
if(struct_has(_pat, "getPathData")) _pathData = _pat.getPathData();
lines = array_verify(lines, lineLen);
var _lineAmo = 0;
if(_rtMax > 0)
for( var i = 0; i < lineLen; i++ ) {
var _useDistance = _fixL && struct_has(_pat, "getLength");
var _pathLength = _useDistance? _pat.getLength(i) : 1;
if(_pathLength == 0) continue;
var _pathStr = _rtStr;
var _pathEnd = _rtMax;
var _stepLen = min(_pathEnd, 1 / _seg); // Distance to move per step
if(_stepLen <= 0.00001) continue;
var _total = _pathEnd; // Length remaining
var _total_prev = _total; // Use to prevent infinite loop
var _freeze = 0; // Use to prevent infinite loop
var _prog_curr = _clamp? _shift : frac(_shift); // Pointer to the current position
var _prog_next = 0;
var _prog = _prog_curr + 1; // Record previous position to delete from _total
var _prog_total = 0; // Record the distance the pointer has moved so far
var points = [];
var pointAmo = 0;
var wght;
var _pathPng;
if(_useDistance) {
_pathStr *= _pathLength;
_pathEnd *= _pathLength;
_stepLen = min(_segL, _pathEnd);
_total *= _pathLength;
_total_prev = _total;
_prog_curr *= _pathLength;
var _segLength = struct_has(_pat, "getAccuLength")? _pat.getAccuLength(i) : [];
var _segLengthAmo = array_length(_segLength);
var _segIndex = 0;
var _segIndexPrev = 0;
while(_prog_curr > _segLength[_segIndex]) {
if(_segIndex == _segLengthAmo) {
_segIndex = 0;
// print($"===== {_prog_curr} / {_segLength} : {_segIndex} - {_pathLength} =====");
while(true) {
wght = 1;
_segIndexPrev = _segIndex;
if(_useDistance) {
var segmentLength = array_safe_get_fast(_segLength, _segIndex, _pathLength);
_prog_next = min(_prog_curr + _stepLen, _pathLength, segmentLength);
_pathPng = _ratInv? _pathLength - _prog_curr : _prog_curr;
//print($"{segmentLength}/{_pathLength} = {_prog_next}");
if(_prog_next == segmentLength) _segIndex++;
var _pp = _clamp? clamp(_pathPng, 0, _pathLength) : _pathPng;
// print($"_pp = {_pp}, total = {_total}");
p = _pat.getPointDistance(_pp, i, p);
wght = p[$ "weight"] ?? 1;
} else {
_prog_next = min(_prog_curr + _stepLen, 1); //Move forward _stepLen or _total (if less) stop at 1
_pathPng = _ratInv? 1 - _prog_curr : _prog_curr;
var _pp = _clamp? clamp(_pathPng, 0, 1) : _pathPng
p = _pat.getPointRatio(_pp, i, p);
wght = p[$ "weight"] ?? 1;
_nx = p.x;
_ny = p.y;
if(_total < _pathEnd) { //Do not wiggle the last point.
var _d = point_direction(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny);
_nx += lengthdir_x(random1D(_sed + _sedIndex, -_wig, _wig), _d + 90); _sedIndex++;
_ny += lengthdir_y(random1D(_sed + _sedIndex, -_wig, _wig), _d + 90); _sedIndex++;
if(_prog_total >= _pathStr) { //Do not add point before range start. Do this instead of starting at _rtStr to prevent wiggle.
points[pointAmo++] = {
x: _nx,
y: _ny,
prog: (_prog_total - _pathStr) / (_pathEnd - _pathStr),
progCrop: _prog_curr / _pathLength,
weight: wght,
minx = min(minx, _nx);
miny = min(miny, _ny);
maxx = max(maxx, _nx);
maxy = max(maxy, _ny);
if(_total <= 0) break;
if(_prog_next == _prog_curr && _segIndexPrev == _segIndex) { /*print("Terminate line not moving");*/ break; }
else if(_prog_next > _prog_curr) {
_prog_total += _prog_next - _prog_curr;
_total -= _prog_next - _prog_curr;
_stepLen = min(_stepLen, _total);
_prog_curr = _prog_next;
_ox = _nx;
_oy = _ny;
if(_total_prev == _total && _segIndexPrev == _segIndex && ++_freeze > 16) { /*print("Terminate line not moving");*/ break; }
_total_prev = _total;
if(_segIndex >= _segLengthAmo) { /*print("Terminate line finish last segment");*/ break; }
array_resize(points, pointAmo);
if(_loop) points[pointAmo] = points[0];
lines[_lineAmo] = points;
line_data[_lineAmo] = { length: _pathLength };
array_resize(lines, _lineAmo);
array_resize(line_data, _lineAmo);
if(_pbbox) _surfDim = [ max(1, maxx - minx + _ppadd[0] + _ppadd[2]), max(1, maxy - miny + _ppadd[1] + _ppadd[3]) ];
case 2 :
if(!is_array(_segs[0][0])) //spreaded single path
_segs = [ _segs ];
lines = array_create(array_length(_segs));
line_data = array_create(array_length(_segs));
for (var i = 0, n = array_length(_segs); i < n; i++) {
var _seg = _segs[i];
if(array_empty(_seg)) continue;
var m = array_length(_seg);
var _uselen = array_length(_seg[0]) >= 3;
var _lin = array_create(m);
var _l, _len = [ 0 ], _lenTotal = 0;
var ox = _seg[0][0], oy = _seg[0][1], nx, ny;
for (var j = 1; j < m; j++) {
nx = _seg[j][0];
ny = _seg[j][1];
_l = point_distance(ox, oy, nx, ny);
_len[j] = _l;
_lenTotal += _l;
ox = nx;
oy = ny;
if(_uselen) {
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++) {
_lin[j] = {
x : _seg[j][0],
y : _seg[j][1],
prog : _seg[j][2],
progCrop : _seg[j][2],
weight : 1,
} else {
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++) {
_lin[j] = {
x : _seg[j][0],
y : _seg[j][1],
prog : _len[j] / _lenTotal,
progCrop : _len[j] / _lenTotal,
weight : 1,
if(_loop) _lin[m] = _lin[0];
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++) {
minx = min(minx, _lin[j].x);
miny = min(miny, _lin[j].y);
maxx = max(maxx, _lin[j].x);
maxy = max(maxy, _lin[j].y);
lines[i] = _lin;
line_data[i] = { length: _lenTotal };
if(_pbbox) _surfDim = [ max(1, maxx - minx + _ppadd[0] + _ppadd[2]), max(1, maxy - miny + _ppadd[1] + _ppadd[3]) ];
////- Draw
var _colorPass = surface_verify(_outData[0], _surfDim[0], _surfDim[1], attrDepth());
var _widthPass = surface_verify(_outData[1], _surfDim[0], _surfDim[1], attrDepth());
var _padx = _pbbox * (_ppadd[2] - minx);
var _pady = _pbbox * (_ppadd[1] - miny);
var _wg2clrRng = _wg2clrR[1] - _wg2clrR[0];
temp_surface[0] = surface_verify(temp_surface[0], _surfDim[0] * _aa, _surfDim[1] * _aa, attrDepth());
var _cPassAA = temp_surface[0];
if(_bg) draw_clear_alpha(0, 1);
if(_useTex) {
var tex = surface_get_texture(_tex);
shader_set_2("position", _texPos);
shader_set_f("rotation", degtorad(_texRot));
shader_set_2("scale", _texSca);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(lines); i < n; i++ ) {
var points = lines[i];
if(array_length(points) < 2) continue;
random_set_seed(_sed + i);
var _ldata = line_data[i];
var _len = _ldata.length;
var _caps = [];
var pxs = [];
var dat = array_safe_get_fast(_pathData, i, noone);
if(_useTex && _scaleTex) shader_set_2("scale", [ _texSca[0] * _len, _texSca[1] ]);
if(_useTex) draw_primitive_begin_texture(pr_trianglestrip, tex);
else draw_primitive_begin(pr_trianglestrip);
var _col_base = dat == noone? _colb.eval(random(1)) : dat.color;
_ow = 1;
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(points); j < m; j++ ) {
var p0 = points[j];
var _nx = p0.x - 0.5 * _1px + _padx;
var _ny = p0.y - 0.5 * _1px + _pady;
var prog = p0.prog;
var prgc = p0.progCrop;
var _dir = j? point_direction(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny) : 0;
var widProg = value_snap_real(_widap? prog : prgc, 0.01);
_nw = random_range(_wid[0], _wid[1]);
if(!ds_map_exists(widthMap, widProg))
widthMap[? widProg] = eval_curve_x(_widc, widProg, 0.1);
_nw *= widthMap[? widProg];
if(_wg2wid) _nw *= p0.weight / 2;
_nc = _col_base;
_nc = colorMultiply(_nc, _color.eval(_colP? prog : prgc));
_nc = colorMultiply(_nc, _wg2clr.eval((p0.weight - _wg2clrR[0]) / _wg2clrRng));
if(_cap) {
if(j == 1) {
_d = _dir + 180;
_caps[0] = [ _oc, _ox, _oy, _ow / 2, _d - 90, _d ];
_caps[1] = [ _oc, _ox, _oy, _ow / 2, _d, _d + 90 ];
if(j == m - 1) {
_d = _dir;
_caps[2] = [ _nc, _nx, _ny, _nw / 2, _d - 90, _d ];
_caps[3] = [ _nc, _nx, _ny, _nw / 2, _d, _d + 90 ];
if(_1px) {
if(j) {
var dst = point_distance(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny);
if(dst <= 1 && i < m - 1) continue;
draw_line_color(_ox * _aa, _oy * _aa, _nx * _aa, _ny * _aa, _oc, _nc);
_ox = _nx;
_oy = _ny;
_oc = _nc;
} else {
if(j) {
var _nd0 = _dir;
var _nd1 = _nd0;
if(j < m - 1) {
var p2 = points[j + 1];
var _nnx = p2.x + _padx;
var _nny = p2.y + _pady;
_nd1 = point_direction(_nx, _ny, _nnx, _nny);
_nd = _nd0 + angle_difference(_nd1, _nd0) / 2;
} else
_nd = _nd0;
if(_useTex) {
var _len = m - 1;
var ox0 = _ox + lengthdir_x(_ow / 2, _od + 90);
var oy0 = _oy + lengthdir_y(_ow / 2, _od + 90);
var nx0 = _nx + lengthdir_x(_nw / 2, _nd + 90);
var ny0 = _ny + lengthdir_y(_nw / 2, _nd + 90);
var ox1 = _ox + lengthdir_x(_ow / 2, _od + 90 + 180);
var oy1 = _oy + lengthdir_y(_ow / 2, _od + 90 + 180);
var nx1 = _nx + lengthdir_x(_nw / 2, _nd + 90 + 180);
var ny1 = _ny + lengthdir_y(_nw / 2, _nd + 90 + 180);
draw_vertex_texture_color(ox0 * _aa, oy0 * _aa, 0, (j - 1) / _len, _oc, 1);
draw_vertex_texture_color(ox1 * _aa, oy1 * _aa, 1, (j - 1) / _len, _oc, 1);
draw_vertex_texture_color(nx0 * _aa, ny0 * _aa, 0, (j - 0) / _len, _nc, 1);
draw_vertex_texture_color(nx1 * _aa, ny1 * _aa, 1, (j - 0) / _len, _nc, 1);
} else
draw_line_width2_angle(_ox * _aa, _oy * _aa, _nx * _aa, _ny * _aa, _ow * _aa, _nw * _aa, _od + 90, _nd + 90, _oc, _nc);
} else {
var p1 = points[j + 1];
_nd = point_direction(_nx, _ny, p1.x + _padx, p1.y + _pady);
_ox = _nx;
_oy = _ny;
_od = _nd;
_ow = _nw;
_oc = _nc;
if(j % 120 == 0) {
if(_useTex) draw_primitive_begin_texture(pr_trianglestrip, tex);
else draw_primitive_begin(pr_trianglestrip);
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(_caps); j < m; j++ ) {
var _cps = _caps[j];
var _cpx = _cps[1] * _aa;
var _cpy = _cps[2] * _aa;
var _cpr = _cps[3] * _aa;
switch(_cap) {
case 1 : draw_circle_angle(_cpx, _cpy, _cpr, _cps[4], _cps[5], _capP); break;
case 2 :
var _x0 = _cpx + lengthdir_x(_cpr, _cps[4]);
var _y0 = _cpy + lengthdir_y(_cpr, _cps[4]);
var _x2 = _cpx + lengthdir_x(_cpr, _cps[5]);
var _y2 = _cpy + lengthdir_y(_cpr, _cps[5]);
draw_triangle(_cpx - 1, _cpy - 1, _x0 - 1, _y0 - 1, _x2 - 1, _y2 - 1, false);
if(_useTex) shader_reset();
surface_set_shader(_colorPass, sh_downsample, true, BLEND.over);
shader_set_dim("dimension", _cPassAA);
shader_set_f("down", _aa);
draw_surface(_cPassAA, 0, 0);
if(_colW && !_1px) {
if(_bg) draw_clear_alpha(0, 1);
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(lines); i < n; i++ ) {
var points = lines[i];
if(array_length(points) < 2) continue;
var _caps = [];
random_set_seed(_sed + i);
var pxs = [];
var dat = array_safe_get_fast(_pathData, i, noone);
var _col_base = dat == noone? _colb.eval(random(1)) : dat.color;
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(points); j < m; j++ ) {
var p0 = points[j];
var _nx = p0.x - 0.5 * _1px + _padx;
var _ny = p0.y - 0.5 * _1px + _pady;
var prog = p0.prog;
var prgc = p0.progCrop;
var _dir = j? point_direction(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny) : 0;
var widProg = value_snap_real(_widap? prog : prgc, 0.01);
_nw = random_range(_wid[0], _wid[1]);
if(!ds_map_exists(widthMap, widProg))
widthMap[? widProg] = eval_curve_x(_widc, widProg, 0.1);
_nw *= widthMap[? widProg];
_nw *= p0.weight;
if(_cap) {
if(j == 1) {
_d = _dir + 180;
_caps[0] = [ c_grey, _ox, _oy, _ow / 2, _d - 90, _d ];
_caps[1] = [ c_grey, _ox, _oy, _ow / 2, _d, _d + 90 ];
if(j == m - 1) {
_d = _dir;
_caps[2] = [ c_grey, _nx, _ny, _nw / 2, _d - 90, _d ];
_caps[3] = [ c_grey, _nx, _ny, _nw / 2, _d, _d + 90 ];
if(j) {
var _nd0 = _dir;
var _nd1 = _nd0;
if(j < m - 1) {
var p2 = points[j + 1];
var _nnx = p2.x + _padx;
var _nny = p2.y + _pady;
_nd1 = point_direction(_nx, _ny, _nnx, _nny);
_nd = _nd0 + angle_difference(_nd1, _nd0) / 2;
} else
_nd = _nd0;
draw_line_width2_angle_width(_ox, _oy, _nx, _ny, _ow, _nw, _od + 90, _nd + 90, c_white, c_white);
} else {
var p1 = points[j + 1];
_nd = point_direction(_nx, _ny, p1.x + _padx, p1.y + _pady);
_ox = _nx;
_oy = _ny;
_od = _nd;
_ow = _nw;
if(j % 120 == 0) {
for( var j = 0, m = array_length(_caps); j < m; j++ ) {
var _cps = _caps[j];
var _cpx = _cps[1];
var _cpy = _cps[2];
var _cpr = _cps[3];
switch(_cap) {
case 1 : draw_circle_angle(_cpx, _cpy, _cpr, _cps[4], _cps[5], _capP); break;
case 2 :
var _x0 = _cpx + lengthdir_x(_cpr, _cps[4]);
var _y0 = _cpy + lengthdir_y(_cpr, _cps[4]);
var _x2 = _cpx + lengthdir_x(_cpr, _cps[5]);
var _y2 = _cpy + lengthdir_y(_cpr, _cps[5]);
draw_triangle(_cpx - 1, _cpy - 1, _x0 - 1, _y0 - 1, _x2 - 1, _y2 - 1, false);
return [ _colorPass, _widthPass ];
} |